Friday 6 June 2014

Shinshu society today.

The significance of cultural and religious methods of Shinshu not only can satisfy the desire of modern humans in high levels but also have the ability to effectively treat the disease of society today. 1 . Shinshu fit society's fate today Shinshu for today's social problems are so many people in and outside the Buddhist interest. Shinshu acts as a central pillars of Buddhism and society now and in the future. There are mainly two reasons behind this: One is the legislative advocacy prophesied Buddha Buddhism to flourish effect Shinshu: In the "Statue of legal resolutions" and doing "The moon sets of organs," as well as many other Mahayana scriptures, bring the Dharma divided into three periods, namely: the legal, legal and legally statue. Each period are fully legal operation of its characteristics. In the copy: "The year 1000 was a period of legal precepts solidly; The statue measures 1,000 year period Nianfo is permanent " . During the said business during the Australia legally but have religious people, but rarely get any enlightened person, thinking only swayed to recite the Buddha's teachings which are get rid of samsara. " One segment of the Buddha prophesied indeed wisdom midnight black torch dispel all the darkness, the only true path we born good, that's the motivation for Shinshu flourished in this era. indicated he thought degenerate and Pure proposed method as early as the Tang Dynasty Master Dao Xuoc in China, he brought the teachings of Buddha are divided into 2 subjects Noble and Pure. From the Catholic perspective, the corresponding experiencing today has over 500 years of the first period degenerate, so the Noble should renounce subjects (based on self-certification period or foot) navigation satellites subjects (based on Pure Land Buddhism born human.) Following the idea that Ambassador Dao, is the great collection of notes about "the prayer ruling" . Master stated that: "Pure Land practice is the practice facilities are set up specifically to help sentient beings degenerate time exceed three horizontal planes, a Buddhist who" . Beings sunk, leaving this method is hard to cover out of the way of life and death. About after experiencing life, the Pure Land patriarchs rank as Master Vinh Minh, University Liench'ih Ambassador Ich Incidentally, Radical Enlightenment Master, Master Quang ... will inherit and promote simple ideas allocation executive director of the degenerate age that initiated the practice of Pure Land, a large Buddhist monks responded altitude. Nowadays trend Buddhist globalization increasingly deepening, Shinshu also be seen and save water mark around the world, from China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam ... to European and American countries, unions, associations, communal Buddhist concept flourished. Two is characteristic of modern society characterized by simple and straight off of Pure natural method adapt to each other, which indicates the Pure Land is both modern and epochal. Modern society is a society of engineering science and high technology market economy, have brought the material civilization of human society, information society, knowledge society rising up multifold. thing that impels people to increase the speed of modern cognitive skills, acquire the kind of modern knowledge to adapt and renovate the outside world. Trend of globalization, the market economy has changed the way of thinking of the whole society, it is pragmatic materialism, split into two extremes of wealth dramatically. Increasing population, natural resources to be exploited, depleted vandalism that makes it struggle for survival of human society becomes more intense ... The fact that such a challenge in the words propagate the Dhamma in modern times. So today want to practice in another student achievement and death is indeed a very difficult thing. Thus the Buddhist faith silver selecting a method to adapt and transform modern society, the connotation and characteristics of Shinshu consistent with that required of a modern society. teachings and religious method of Shinshu best fit fate of human society today. People today live and work with high-paced, fiercely competitive, there is no idle time for dharma practice, but practice methods of Shinshu very appropriate. If there are no more daily leisure time then just use the decimal method is the concept (just 5 minutes is sufficient.) The type, method very flexible nianfo not need ashrams, pneumatically help that at all anywhere, any time, any behavior, gestures were walking outside Buddhist concept can be without obstacles. Modern people preferred short simple, fast, and recite the Buddha's teachings full attributes. example you are facing a problem that must be given up, psychological confusion, then You take a deep breath and recite the Buddha's attention a few words, the spirit of peace, rational insight to handle the problem. If you encounter adversity, when anger can arise, you pay a few questions in mind, the Buddha can pitch extinguish the fire, the mind becomes peaceful when gently until death, if slope hearts recite Amitabha 10 anniversary anniversary or even 1 can also ask Amitabha to lead reborn ultimate bliss of Buddha. This demonstrates that the practice of Pure Land Buddhist concept of birth is very suitable method for consumer psychology of modern society: "Do not leave Buddhist law so that legal action, not leave that way so that certified dharma" . Shinshu shown the liberal spirit of Mahayana Buddhist thought, the more it suitable for the practice of laypeople; ie where the ceiling which made ​​Buddhist, secular turn into pure ashrams, Buddhist concept method to bring in all living life to perform "chemical Buddhist concept of living, cultural activities Buddhist concept" . So happy can become satisfactory. During the Flower Adornment Sutra, genius school pupils to visit the Thien knowledge with 53, of which only 4 are a part of, the rest are great laymen representing the world, and all strata of society profession, it proves not to worldly religious obstacles to dharma. Features simple and easygoing Shinshu is consistent with the nature of today's society. Nowadays scientific and technical material civilization developed at high speed, it makes environmental circumstances, lifestyle, ethics, humanities ... seriously degraded. Sakyamuni had prophesied: "After we entered Nirvana, to degenerate time, the canal gradually destroyed, people lie and cheat each other, racing each other to do the evil, burning time of year burning, in order gradually prevalent chronic pain " . This passage is a description of today's society, wants to put his birth and death, members of the Buddhist Pure Land takes practice. 2. Shinshu ecological situation of industrialization and globalization also brings material civilization, follow it as circumstances ecological environment pollution, seriously degraded. It is the consequences of industrialization that brought humanity unforeseen. The problem has become so severe, making the governments attention. Scientists have predicted: If humans continue to destroy the ecological situation as the current speed, the next 50 years will not have room for people to live on this earth. Thus a very serious issue in front of people put it: "we have only one Earth, we must do to live in peace with the planet?" . Want neutralize risk ecological degradation situation effectively, it is necessary to treat the root of chronic disease society today. In this respect, the Pure Land teachings can because people today that the proposed method useful: Pure cultural significance focused purify the human body and mind, for the reduction of waste material will bring existence for lives, brings spiritual liberation and spiritual, as well as perfect personality for human morality. At the premise "life goals" material sense enjoyment need to reach reasonable regulation. Viewpoint reduce material consumption, one side will alleviate the urgent rush of life, prevent crime prevention by launching greed, on the other hand will reduce the exploitation of natural resources, so that will be protected nature, human relationships set live in harmony with nature. toward all universal presence of organic natural, cultural Pure maintain the equal compassion. We did not destructive properties of their destiny to nourish themselves, but also to establish friendly relations of peaceful coexistence with the natural universe. Buddhism there are 3 types of mind: that is born from grace, grace from legal and ungainly word, are the same as homogeneous compassion. In that way from the coast is only able to calculate things the same way feel that arise from the center of the earth atmosphere (things). View all local agents, water is at the front of our age. "status data inadvertently encourage us to place" or "necessary beings during the Buddhist community" concept that is long pile of dung Shinshu. The notion that the concept "God's unified" concept of Confucianism or "God at the same address data base falls, everything falls homogeneous data" of Taoism is the corresponding homogeneous. mainstream point of view, the background Platform survival of humanity itself is the rational use of natural resources, and to have the renewable resources like forests, water resources rational use and protection of plant and animal resources you rare ... As for the sources of non-renewable resources such as minerals, oil, metal ... they must restrict exploitation, used when absolutely necessary and enhanced manufacturing, use artificial materials to instead. Through meaningful "medical alert the other two are not reported," the Pure Land, we see external circumstances natural and humanistic social circumstances (medical report) with the human body and mind (press chief ) the corresponding rules of another. Net net, the state of mind, state of mind thanks to the polluted. Compassionate mind, the purity of the Buddha's way feel the legal world, wind rain virtue flowers, land of pure gold. Friendly staff usually mind about the world (human - holidays - means - location - credit) serves to inspire the human realm peacefully happy; a concept lust, anger arises, the way feel hell realm forest for mountain training, volcanic caldron ... 3. Pure with world peace Since mankind so far, people on earth live in the shadow of war and fear. In 100 short years of the 20th century, the world has happened over 300 wars large and small, at the beginning of the 21st century has occurred a series of wars of aggression and terrorism. The modern weapon could crash and damage the growing mass. Currently the world number of weapons and ammunition is already more than 5,000 times the number of weapons used in the First World War two, in addition to nuclear weapons, biological weapons ... risk destroying the world. Facing the choice of survival and destruction, peoples, peace-loving nations of the world have exhorted supporters stance "World Peace" that so many schemes proposed to avoid the accident reduction go to war. There strategist once said: "Atoms can do to change the world but can not change the mode of thinking of humanity, so humanity must be directed to a world without war casualties" . Want War neutralize accident, it is essential to modification of human thinking, thinking method of bringing humanity is craving center, appropriation, and self hostile crowd out of black mud that night. For this problem, Shinshu culture there are effective measures possible. Exalted understand end beings industry realms of Sa She was always dictate anger and ignorance, which impels countless artifacts crime. The strong dominating the weak, competing against each other, devastating murder, devour not know each other to do good, to later suffer tribulation. They are born in this world despise weak strong fear, hatred against cruel tyranny ... do more evil. Foolish beings once sown evil human, natural hard to escape suffering which, when caught in injustice injustice lived plasma cells, while dead to fall into the three evil realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals. Rotation which, in this life other lives, not always possible to know to escape. Exalted found that using infinite compassion transmitted dharma is suffering beings want to be happy, we get taught human compassion, equality, justice center that material incentives to workers, taking modest heart patience to remove conflict resolution around the world. Fellow beings one can, themselves and the other not, the main advantage is its advantage, killing others is to kill yourself. therefore reasonable people to understand cause and effect, remove such evil healing is surely a good result, worry not peaceful galaxy. In the words of the Buddha: "The place to Buddhism, urban villages are imbued with grace instructive, lower natural harmony, eclipses in the morning, through the rain, no accidents arising epidemics, population prevalence countries security, weapons no longer have to use, people's devotion moral sense, just good hard work, in water there is no theft, no miscarriage of justice was strong, not weak dominating, people Please have contentment " . Maybe that ideal Pure cultures is very beneficial to the peacemakers in the world, it is also consistent with the ideal "catabolism of you" of our people. Government always take the principle of peace to foreign and domestic, it represents spiritual and cultural traditions of the people of Vietnam favored peace. Ideally, harmony, equality, compassion patience, charity Shinshu is effective remedy for treating social body each day are the evil forces, strengthening rights of infection. 4. Pure Land with building ethical humanist ethics is an indispensable element in the stable, and sustained social development. Moral status and level of civilized society have a close relationship with each other. Vietnam feudal cultural influences from Confucianism and Buddhism advocates should "used ethical governance" . So the moral of the traditional Vietnam has a long history of thousands of years, until now the traditional moral values ​​eroded instead pointlessly ethical dilemmas that occur before there was no . causes of the deterioration of ethics there are many, but the most fundamental thing is: People today do not believe cause and effect, cause and effect even ridiculed, for that is the real original guys, time New financial staff is evil, intelligent. Due to the type of mentality that dominates parts of a society without fear, intolerance is not anything that they do not dare. Despite being prohibited by law, but not punished limit how much. Additionally the market economy and material culture that motivates calculated greed and ego of the increasing human prosperity it each day, each hour destroyed, threatening levees weakened moral capital. Prior to that the fact that people must be aware that: If not restore ethical culture society today, not only in relation to the industrialization, modernization and international economic integration of Vietnam , but also related to the rise and fall, the country's survival. desolation of psychological upset the moral values ​​and standards, the concept of human society and relationships. To improve this situation, we must first proposed ideas "Good and evil nemesis causality" . In Pure classic example've understood: "The worldly beings do not know the good, after the disaster suffer punishment; There are the poor and beggars, lonely, dumb, blind, lisp, deaf, crippled, crazy ... are not private past life ethics, refused to heal. Then there are the noble, rich sage, bourgeois, location brave, talented ... both past life of Virtue, filial piety, faith healing which can accommodate. " After the specified cause and effect of the Buddha advised beings should keep healing world. Land practitioners of autonomy "Tinh Tam-being" which is: Cultivate worldly fortune to 4 events: Hieu their parents; worship him up; From not mind killing; and cultivate the ten wholesome. These crimes, acts of moral depravity largely outside the killing, robbery, lustful, lying cheat. If there are many people who practice the five precepts, friendly gathering, then released when social ethics will be fundamentally improved. Going One step is to Bodhi mind, Buddha, spirituality, the society we are Pure the world. So can understand and believe that causality is fundamental foundation indispensable to build social ethics, which is also Shinshu dedication to improving the world's leading center. Professor Dai Quang ever taught: "The main result is the saintly principles to the world, the world average value of the galaxy, the right age to escape the living beings" . Nowadays if you do not take causal urgent mission to save the country and the people, then the moral sublime ingenuity of the position is just false. pathetic words derived from infinite compassion of the word Buddhas, patriarchs is the lodestar for our rescue, recovery and vibrant culture of the traditional moral nation.  mode of thinking of bringing humanity is craving center, appropriation, and self hostile crowd out dark mud. For this problem, Shinshu culture there are effective measures possible. Exalted understand end beings industry realms of Sa She was always dictate anger and ignorance, which impels countless artifacts crime. The strong dominating the weak, competing against each other, devastating murder, devour not know each other to do good, to later suffer tribulation. They are born in this world despise weak strong fear, hatred against cruel tyranny ... do more evil. Foolish beings once sown evil human, natural hard to escape suffering which, when caught in injustice injustice lived plasma cells, while dead to fall into the three evil realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals. Rotation which, in this life other lives, not always possible to know to escape. Exalted found that using infinite compassion transmitted dharma is suffering beings want to be happy, we get taught human compassion, equality, justice center that material incentives to workers, taking modest heart patience to remove conflict resolution around the world. Fellow beings one can, themselves and the other not, the main advantage is its advantage, killing others is to kill yourself. therefore reasonable people to understand cause and effect, remove such evil healing is surely a good result, worry not peaceful galaxy. In the words of the Buddha: "The place to Buddhism, urban villages are imbued with grace instructive, lower natural harmony, eclipses in the morning, through the rain, no accidents arising epidemics, population prevalence countries security, weapons no longer have to use, people's devotion moral sense, just good hard work, in water there is no theft, no miscarriage of justice was strong, not weak dominating, people Please have contentment " . Maybe that ideal Pure cultures is very beneficial to the peacemakers in the world, it is also consistent with the ideal "catabolism of you" of our people. Government always take the principle of peace to foreign and domestic, it represents spiritual and cultural traditions of the people of Vietnam favored peace. Ideally, harmony, equality, compassion patience, charity Shinshu is effective remedy for treating social body each day are the evil forces, strengthening rights of infection. 4. Pure Land with building ethical humanist ethics is an indispensable element in the stable, and sustained social development. Moral status and level of civilized society have a close relationship with each other. Vietnam feudal cultural influences from Confucianism and Buddhism advocates should "used ethical governance" . So the moral of the traditional Vietnam has a long history of thousands of years, until now the traditional moral values ​​eroded instead pointlessly ethical dilemmas that occur before there was no . causes of the deterioration of ethics there are many, but the most fundamental thing is: People today do not believe cause and effect, cause and effect even ridiculed, for that is the real original guys, time New financial staff is evil, intelligent. Due to the type of mentality that dominates parts of a society without fear, intolerance is not anything that they do not dare. Despite being prohibited by law, but not punished limit how much. Additionally the market economy and material culture that motivates calculated greed and ego of the increasing human prosperity it each day, each hour destroyed, threatening levees weakened moral capital. Prior to that the fact that people must be aware that: If not restore ethical culture society today, not only in relation to the industrialization, modernization and international economic integration of Vietnam , but also related to the rise and fall, the country's survival. desolation of psychological upset the moral values ​​and standards, the concept of human society and relationships. To improve this situation, we must first proposed ideas "Good and evil nemesis causality" . In Pure classic example've understood: "The worldly beings do not know the good, after the disaster suffer punishment; There are the poor and beggars, lonely, dumb, blind, lisp, deaf, crippled, crazy ... are not private past life ethics, refused to heal. Then there are the noble, rich sage, bourgeois, location brave, talented ... both past life of Virtue, filial piety, faith healing which can accommodate. " After the specified cause and effect of the Buddha advised beings should keep healing world. Land practitioners of autonomy "Tinh Tam-being" which is: Cultivate worldly fortune to 4 events: Hieu their parents; worship him up; From not mind killing; and cultivate the ten wholesome. These crimes, acts of moral depravity largely outside the killing, robbery, lustful, lying cheat. If there are many people who practice the five precepts, friendly gathering, then released when social ethics will be fundamentally improved. Going One step is to Bodhi mind, Buddha, spirituality, the society we are Pure the world. So can understand and believe that causality is fundamental foundation indispensable to build social ethics, which is also Shinshu dedication to improving the world's leading center. Professor Dai Quang ever taught: "The main result is the saintly principles to the world, the world average value of the galaxy, the right age to escape the living beings" . Nowadays if you do not take causal urgent mission to save the country and the people, then the moral sublime ingenuity of the position is just false. pathetic words derived from infinite compassion of the word Buddhas, patriarchs is the lodestar for our rescue, recovery and vibrant culture of the traditional moral nation. . mode of thinking of bringing humanity is craving center, appropriation, and self hostile crowd out dark mud. For this problem, Shinshu culture there are effective measures possible. Exalted understanding of their career ends realms Sa She was always born of greed, hatred and delusion inducement, urging that numerous artifacts crime. The strong dominating the weak, competing against each other, devastating murder, devour not know each other to do good, to later suffer tribulation. They are born in this world despise weak strong fear, hatred against cruel tyranny ... do more evil. Foolish beings once sown evil human, natural hard to escape suffering which, when caught in injustice injustice lived plasma cells, while dead to fall into the three evil realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals. Rotation which, in this life other lives, not always possible to know to get out of. Exalted found that using infinite compassion transmitted dharma is suffering beings want to be happy, I get to teach people compassion, equality, justice center that material incentives to workers, taking heart modest patience to remove conflict resolution around the world. Fellow beings one can, themselves and the other not, the main advantage is its advantage, killing others is to kill yourself. therefore reasonable people to understand cause and effect, remove such evil healing is surely a good result, worry not peaceful galaxy. In the words of the Buddha: "The place to Buddhism, urban villages are imbued with grace instructive, lower natural harmony, eclipses in the morning, through the rain, no accidents arising epidemics, population prevalence countries security, weapons no longer have to use, people's devotion moral sense, just good hard work, in water there is no theft, no miscarriage of justice was strong, not weak dominating, people Please have contentment " . Maybe that ideal Pure cultures is very beneficial to the peacemakers in the world, it is also consistent with the ideal "catabolism of you" of our people. Government always take the principle of peace to foreign and domestic, it represents spiritual and cultural traditions of the people of Vietnam favored peace. Ideally, harmony, equality, compassion patience, charity Shinshu is effective remedy for treating social body each day are the evil forces, strengthening rights of infection. 4. Pure Land with building ethical humanist ethics is an indispensable element in the stable, and sustained social development. Moral status and level of civilized society have a close relationship with each other. Vietnam feudal cultural influences from Confucianism and Buddhism advocates should "use ethical governance" . So the moral of the traditional Vietnam has a long history of thousands of years, until now the traditional moral values ​​eroded instead pointlessly ethical dilemmas that occur before there was no . causes of the deterioration of ethics there are many, but the most fundamental thing is: People today do not believe cause and effect, cause and effect even ridiculed, for that is the real original guys, time new account is rolled evil, intelligent. Due to the type of mentality that dominates parts of a society without fear, intolerance is not anything that they do not dare. Despite being prohibited by law, but not limited punitive how much. Additionally the market economy and material culture that motivates calculated greed and ego of the increasing prevalence of human it each day, each hour destroyed, threatening levees weakened moral capital. Prior to that the fact that people must be aware that: If not cultural restore morality to today's society, not only in relation to the industrialization, modernization and international economic integration of Vietnam , but also related to the rise and fall, the country's survival. desolation of psychological upset the moral values ​​and standards, the concept of human society and relationships. To improve this situation, we must first proposed ideas "Good and evil nemesis causality" . In Pure classic example've understood: "The worldly beings do not know the good, after the disaster suffered punishment; There are the poor and beggars, lonely, dumb, blind, lisp, deaf, crippled, crazy ... are not private past life ethics, refused to heal. Then there are the noble, wealthy philosopher, chief author, location brave, talented ... both past life of Virtue, filial piety, faith healing which can accommodate. " After the specified cause and effect of the Buddha advised beings should keep healing world. Land practitioners of autonomy "Tinh Tam-being" which is: Cultivate worldly fortune to 4 events: Hieu their parents; worship him up; From not mind killing; and cultivate the ten wholesome. These crimes, acts of moral depravity largely outside the killing, robbery, lustful, lying cheat. If there are many people who practice the five precepts, friendly gathering, then released when social ethics will be fundamentally improved. Going One step is to Bodhi mind, Buddha, spirituality, the society we are Pure the world. So can understand and believe that causality is fundamental foundation indispensable to build social ethics, which is also Shinshu dedication to improving the world's leading center. Professor Dai Quang ever taught: "The main result is the saintly principles to the world, the world average value of the galaxy, the right age to escape the living beings" . Nowadays if you do not take causal urgent mission to save the country and the people, then the moral sublime ingenuity of the position is just false. pathetic These words come from the immeasurable compassion text Buddhas, patriarchs is the lodestar for our rescue, recovery and vibrant culture of the traditional moral nation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/6/2014.

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