Friday 6 June 2014

Buddha was a great teacher, an art of living, an engineer SOUL.
Buddha was a great teacher,
An engineer SOUL
These scholars typically have two ways to look at the task of a teacher. First, that the task of the teacher in space, suggest a clever pupil or promotion of development of student potential. As Saint Thomas advocates "intellectual capital is the product of intelligence and education is the growth of self-activity. So education is taught or not the reception but also gave rise to, elicit, guide, spirit cheer used under proper method to manipulate the innate ability of students. " Alternative view that the task of the teacher is to teach students knowledge systems, cultural values, attitudes, morals etc. ... As American scholar WGBagley education pedagogical research said: "A person teachers themselves are not capable of understanding the culture, but also use art techniques and methods of the system, bringing the cultural elite teach youth to help them reconcile effective " .
Two ways of looking at these two schools of thought, each school must accept a party, in the history of education has also argued a lot. The previous policy of education is a method of "putting out" who advocates education as a process of "reception". In fact these two interpretations which do not conflict with each other. Because prejudices and attachments for each person should be opposed. Buddha more than 2500 years ago has found that everyone has a lot of unrealized potential. To promote these capabilities, in addition to those factors by themselves efforts, yourself, there are educational assistance of outside circumstances.
External circumstances include: teacher guide good books, good friends (in Buddhist scriptures called "Compassion knowledge"), learning devices, etc. ... Even Buddha pupils are examples of saplings preschool. The teachers are gardeners. Each young tree itself can grow but can develop into different shapes. But they have beautiful shape, have bad, have lush, have withered. If you can master gardener to take care of it, usually watering, fertilizing it will grow fast and lush. In other words, fertilizer irrigation is a method and process to help young trees mature. Also, education is to bring the essence of knowledge imparted to students and suggestive of potential students is absolutely no conflict with each other but also complement each other (ie, educational methods "offer" and " reception ").
In the Lotus Herbal products Lures, Buddha brought radical, character, student preferences such as the grassy primary, middle and upper levels. The primary plants such as those of the lowest pupil, secondary vegetation such as the radical students have normal upper level plants such as the more intelligent the students. Buddha his example as a cloud, said the Buddha Dhamma is the rain. Because congenital inborn qualities and preferences of students who do not like someone, so Buddha used many different methods of education to lead the student to adapt, giving each student to grow in education Exercise in a good way. Buddha's teachings say that, because every student from different innate and inborn feeling each other but not the same for each person will vary. This is like the clouds after rain, all plants are watered elegant, flowers per plant depending on the needs of its absorption which preserves an appropriate amount of water [1] .
According to the Universal Group and Yue Lu Just write that book 1: After Prince Siddhartha left home and spent 12 years in practice, December 8, 31 years old, he freed all afflictions, witnessing the Buddha , achieve ultimate wisdom. After the Buddha attained enlightenment, he discovered all living beings have the ability to become a Buddha, but because of delusion and attachment to nature should not promote clarity, great potential and achieve intellectual perfection . And Buddha was thinking for 21 days, how to bring the truth he achieved teach beings and teaches how radical beings have slowly, giving them life and happiness achieve the highest wisdom [2] .
Since then the Buddha started preaching, education, beings not at rest during 49 years. D is increasingly crowded, more and more students and Buddha Dhamma discourse sorts. From the many scriptures of the Buddha we can see he was a great teacher: Because the Buddha can cure all diseases of body and mind of beings, always keeping people happy, safe communication, free from the suffering of birth and old age, disease and death. So in the Buddhist scriptures often called the Buddha's teachings as "French" [3] . So says the Buddha Dhamma nothing breaks well, and it can crush all defilements of beings, so often referred to in the scriptures as "Falun" [4] .
As the Buddha dharma cleverly manipulate the media to educate students but also to get rid of the wrong room or pupils, solve problems harass students, making students after receiving education achieves joy unparalleled peace, live a happy healthy life free of worries, doubts. So we honored Buddha is a "soul engineers" and "art house life" [5] .
Why we are honored Buddha House artistic life? There are two reasons: The first reason is based on the definition of "the arts" in educational psychology book (Educational Psychology) of the famous psychologist HCLingren Americans, said the so-called "home art "is the promotion of good relations between people communicate, and in the process of problem solving can customize improvise, depending where, at times, custom materials, custom man according to handled in a reasonable manner. The second reason is, we see that the life of every person is a body of material art. All who are good at bringing life can feel that his best chance to be passed on to others, he can be called "art house". For people to understand the truth of life, good life, each person's activities are a work of art.
The main reason for us to be honored Buddha Engineer soul: Addison educator says: "Education is honing spirituality, like art sculptures bring a large stone sculpture ornaments "(what sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul). And those feelings when we read the scriptures each other nor what a "sculpture". Because we understand that the Buddha help students develop a healthy mind and a healthy happy life peacefully, simultaneously connecting emotional sides, causing people to live together in harmony, love help mutual brave pursuit of truth, compassion all beings. If the Buddha is not a great soul Engineers can you do this?!
Buddha is not only a good teacher but also a great educator. Buddha is not only a good theoretical positions assumed direct power, but also is an exemplary educators themselves. Buddha is not the only sugar but also as a backend. Buddha is not only detecting a very acute observation that there is a build promotion personality development for students. Buddha not only taught as a culture, but also a mentor and best friend of humanity.
Buddha serious work, friendly sociable. Not only good at understanding people's mind, but also benefit the general enthusiasm. Buddha did not understand the principles of teaching, but also fully functional skills education to be effective. Buddha is not the focus and methods of teaching material object proper education but also emphasizes commenting educational evaluation. He not only taught the truth brought to his disciples, but also pointed out the potential forte and students. Oh! A great teacher, an art of living, an engineer soul!END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/6/2014.

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