Thursday, 6 March 2014

The path to true happiness.

Author: Dalai Lama

As human beings we are all fundamentally the same. All of us are living on this earth. Everybody has the same desire is to live happy and do not like suffering. All of us love and hope to see yourself lucky. Currently, in terms of development of the material life, we have to achieve a lot of things and every country on this planet are eyeing a perfect life and build a prosperous society more civilized.

Indeed, we have successfully acquire it. development, however, advances in material is not enough to bring happiness to people. The reason is simple, because humans are not machines and products, it is also the spiritual life. therefore we need to have something other than the external material world to be happy.
The most important thing in human life is love. Lack of   sex   trade, people can not have true happiness. If we want to have a life, a family, a neighbor and a country happier is the secret of success lies entirely in the mind people. Though the population of a billion people now living on this earth all become millionaires, but lack of inner peace, the people still can not get peace peace and lasting happiness.

Some people are rich, but we see them   often   not happy at all. The   feeling   affection, love and compassion are essential materials for human life. Centre helps more peaceful for our health. Obviously the material comforts, food and medicine also bring   healing   to the human body strong. But happy spirit is still the most important thing for our good health. Everybody interested in world peace. weapons or military power, in some cases and circumstances, sometimes time may bring temporary peace. , but in the long run the military conflict, hatred and suspicion can not help us get world peace and eternal true. Peaceful world only achievement through inner peace, listening, understanding and mutual respect of men. Speaking off, love and compassion is still the key and the secret of success lead to world peace.

Let us consider the case of a happy family. thing was basically built on love. success or failure in our lives largely depend on the environment and circumstances in which we are nurtured and raised. Children born in the family with love and care will be full of parents who succeed and achieve more happiness. In contrast, the baby's life can be ruined if it grows in the kicking Hui , mistreatment and lack of love of parents.
situation   injuries   stemming from and how we can help it growth and development? How long is the heart of human existence seeds of love exists. Though good and bad ideas, all come from the human mind, but the most powerful emotions in human life is still the heart loving. therefore the seeds of compassion is always the nature of capital available right from just born human.

When we are born, we are completely ignorant of ideology, ideology or religion, and all this after we thought. , but we love are needed at the moment 's. Indeed, a newborn baby just can not live without the love and care of mothers.
Therefore, love is very important dish and need   equipment   to feed you. The heart   of   compassion is not the passionate love of pleasure between male and female couple. compassion not only to express true feelings to love but also a sense of responsibility to share and help each other enthusiastically. Heart true compassion arises when we find someone who is suffering, that we find ways to save them from their misery was to be happy.

We often think that when we have compassion for the person who is in love by living close to familiar with her. That is when they are close friends, we think of them. When he no longer loves his stick or that we do not want to change them, close to where their compassion is terminated. This is not true compassion, which is just greedy. Persons with genuine compassion never distinguishes himself or preliminary relief is relative, friend or foe, that we only know that the guys that are difficulty, suffering and they also want to end her suffering to be happy like me.

Marriage and craving is not only the result of the love between two infatuated men and women, but two people have to learn and really sympathize with each other. When you know the temperament, bad habits as the health of someone you love, you can fully trust your partner and respect its future. And when you decide to marry the   person   to be married to each other. In addition   to   still have a sense of responsibility between two people. therefore sometimes married men and women want long and happy life, they must carefully consider all aspects mentioned above.
As human beings we have many special abilities and understanding mind. Those who see them as intelligent as   far   wide. Those   who   as rich as they are responsible for themselves and others.
Indeed, as human beings, we are responsible for not only helping others, but also to think about the welfare of the whole human race as well as the survival of this earth. If using intelligence capabilities and our job destruction in the happiness of man, that is a terrible disaster for human lives. We should use their knowledge and their talents to bring good jobs to build the welfare of all beings. I believe that those who use their intellect for selfish private interests, not thinking about the welfare of others, then this will inevitably grace hate regrets. I think both humans and animals are have perceptual knowledge. If we treat dogs and cats have love, we will dear to us. hate If we chase, we know and do not like. If we have the good life sympathy with the person who always wants it. cases where we have wronged, hurt others, they will also not respond well and cause sorrow for themselves, whether they are religious or not, rich or poor, intellectual or stupid ignorant. therefore love and compassion are essential for everyone because we all want to be happy, and do not like suffering.

Some people think that love and compassion are the qualities petal belongs to religion. speaking that is not true, but they are good should take action   now . And no one can not know, whether they are believers or not. goodness That is essential if we want to live happy and become the perfect citizen. terms of religion, if any direction that suits you, you should choose according to the   signal   's threshold. If   not   , then you want to give up it does not matter. But the important thing is that you should love because it is the moral foundation and basic human need.
Hanh   being   spiritual. Machine   equipment   can not provide, and we are also not buy happiness. Money and wealth only gives a somewhat human happiness, can not be completely happy. The order does not directly help the happiness we   are . Happiness   happiness   comes from the heart, not anyone can tell me. Tam per security is the best source of happiness. surroundings It depends. lives though we lack material comforts, mediocre education   or   career unsuccessful career does not matter, as long as our hearts It is peaceful.
Sharing love, give alms to the poor to help needy indigent is the fundamental secret of happiness for us. Try to become ethical people with altruistic soul, whether you are religious, political or merchants. perfection An individual can contribute positively to the well being of family and community.

Those born in the religion time and different place. I   think   that all faiths are helping people develop good character and eradicate the bad nature. Many of the world's great religions all communicate general a message of love and compassion, although expression has different teachings. All faiths teach people how to love, listen and forgive each other, as well as building and developing the good qualities in people. Through the centuries, millions of human beings has received numerous other benefits from the religious boundary. Unfortunately differing beliefs that conflict has caused hatred, terrorism and war. If the general understanding that the purpose of religion is to guide trains us to become honest ethical people, then we should respect all religions. Having two kinds of religion. A group I called theistic religions as God, Jewish, and Muslim India. religions who believe in a God. Another group consists of the non-theistic religions such as Buddhism and Jainism etc. .. They do not believe in God,   Christ   and the Almighty Creator. Buddhist   teachings   can not accept a theory of the immortal soul. This distinction between Buddhists and non-Buddhists. fundamental teaching of the Buddha is denying there is a soul or permanent self.

Buddhism was divided into two sects: Nguyen Thi or Mahayana and Theravada or Mahayana. The practice according to Nguyen Thi Buddhism aims to liberate themselves by practicing meditation and ng-processing rare Buddhist precepts. But the goal of Mahayana Buddhism, in addition to its high self-liberation, practitioners still practice six Paramita allowed to help all living beings be free from the cycle of birth and death, to finally reach fruition city Buddhism.
Basics of the practice of the cult of nonviolence. nonviolence Why is important? Because according to causes and conditions of birth, all existing things are interconnected with each other. Such life and happiness of every individual depends on the cause. Likewise, misery and unhappiness arises also from his many reasons. therefore, the foundation of Buddhism and the practice of nonviolence and human interdependent. Nonviolence has two cases : One is, if possible, you should save all beings, and two, if not possible, then at least you should never do harm to others.

The reason being is expressed causal difference depending follow different teachings. List from the interconnected means things are predestined shape. means that there is no creator, animals born with a cause, and this person's existence thanks to the previous, and every thus continue forever without beginning. Everything is changing this by causes and conditions. 's new born new results and the results back to staff to create more success. This is the progression of karmic justice.
example we learn the essence of the flower is, and if you look closely we see that it consists of natural flower form, so it is not real. This helps us to understand that when we call an object name, the object of so many small elements   to that success. If we ask, "Who am I?" then we will never find the "one "True to its separation from the body and his mind. If you go even deeper to learn the essence of the ultimate man, then we will not find an independently existing self. Usually we referred to both the body and mind are "the people." For example we sure that the body and mind of the Tibetans from Amdo city is "the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso". However, if the analysis to the end, then we will never find the real man of the Dalai Lama.

Similarly when we use the word "past", "present" and "future" to indicate time, we should know that the past is only memories, future estimates or idea upcoming programs. Moment of course present a new passion-even days, hours, minutes, seconds and a fraction of a second that is not current anymore. present moment Because both out, the drift past becomes the past, and then the future is not to be "current" no. If there is no "current" then we can not determine the "past" and "future." Because keep on elapsed time not a moment of rest stops.
If past and no future nor the present, because the present depends entirely on the past and future depends on the present. This is natural law of the universe. If not so, then there is no time.

When we call "time" of course it exists, but there is not a word, even abstract to show it. If the analysis ends, we really can not   find   that any object. According to   Buddhist   teachings, the true nature of the universe everything is "no." But, "not" here is not quite "there" at all. forming Because things are predestined. therefore not there is an independent public body that is born. Consequently Buddhist philosophy known as "no". I'm here and it's true, not a dream. place if I pinched the flesh, I feel hurt because I have the body. fingers I have hand with the index finger and clearly see them moving. Yet if analysis to the end, we did not find them. elsewhere, emptiness and interconnected as two sides of the same coin.

Buddha taught his first Noble Truth: four truth of suffering, the origin of suffering, the ending of suffering and the path leading to liberation peace to end all suffering. taught him about the suffering that, because of the suffering caused, and we all do not want suffering. He taught us to identify the cause of pain and suffering in many different aspects.
purpose of targeting our happiness and it depends on the different causes and conditions. happiness can temporarily or permanently. Long-term happiness is more important, so the Buddha taught the truth Tuesday eradicate suffering, means to reach nirvana or complete bliss and liberation. He also taught legal subjects action to end the suffering.

Four Noble Truths consist of four explains the truth about happiness and suffering and the cause of her suffering amusing. purpose of human life is expecting happily. From the moment of birth, every one of us   we   have a right to be happy, and want to have lasting happiness, we must cultivate the development of the inner life and no one gave his or external factors responsible happy about it. Somehow we can apply the understanding of the Four Noble Truths in everyday life. Importantly, we first need to realize the mind   that   is what we know of. Many   people   mistakenly believe that our consciousness is a independent entity, separate from the body (physical) human. And so the mind does not exist because we can not find "the one "outside the body of this insubstantiality.

Buddhism does not accept a "self", or the soul often longer. However, by so mind depending on the physical body that exists so we'll call it the mind or the people that know. If consciousness entirely separate and unrelated to the body (physical) there would be no difference between human minds and animal. When the human brain stops working and if their minds did not exist, then how to explain reincarnation? The human mind is developed depending on the causes and conditions far or near, directly or indirectly.
instance when his mind is aware of the need to have a flower compel the other. First of all eyes. Without it though we are conscious of the flower or the flowers out front, we are not aware of it. In contrast, if only the eyes and the mind without the flowers, we did not notice it. But if there are flowers and good eye without brains, we can not identify the flower.

Perception or consciousness is a subtle power through which we can understand these things know. Tibetan called "Shepa" means "consciousness of something." So apart from the brain need additional support coast of fact than the new human consciousness and development activities. We can call it light during (clear light) or deep part of the consciousness of reality. Right now when our senses are used, but they still operate at the level of crude . the time we had a dream or a deep sleep, a few dormant senses, but our minds still exist. Doctors said that the patient had died, but their bodies remain in not spoiled in a day or two, and in some cases extending to several weeks. reasons because the mind remains active and continues to place the patient's body. In other words, consciousness has not departed from his body. Because mastering the mind in the body longer so their bodies are not perishable, even though the patient was completely dead.

I know there are at least ten or fifteen such cases have occurred in India over the past thirty years. particular case of teachers of my own, after doctors said he was dead true but he remained in a coma lasted thirteen days. Consequently, I believe that the consciousness of most health always exist. It may be temporary but permanent changes exist and never destroyed. So the mind is composed of two types: upland portion crude jig to assume human body to survive this temporary activity, but part of reality will not take forever. And on that basis that rebirth reincarnation.

The nature of consciousness is neutral or neutral. It can be influenced by nature good or evil nature. For example, people who have a temporary nature falsetto. When I was young I usually like, but never lasted long for the rest of the day. If the original human mind is totally evil when we stand courtyard , the anger that will last forever. , but the reality is not so, because this time we pitch, while others do not. Tam human origin is not necessarily entirely good evidence that it is always changing morning heal our minds and think about the ideal way to evil. therefore, Buddha consciousness of beings is neutral or neutral. Moreover, where is the dividing boundaries between good nature and evil nature? There is no absolute separation but only relatively. virtues such as compassion, love and wisdom to make a lasting happiness that human goodness. reasons because we realize that happiness peace is what everyone wishes to achieve. Practice good qualities that will help us transform into human happiness and more happiness. Therefore we call them goodness.

According to Buddha's teaching, the reason people do evil from hurting others is due to ignorance. Action ignorance or misconception of this, thanks to the practice of meditation we can develop wisdom, keep the body, speech and mind totally pure and so ignorance will be eradicated. All of us everyone is yearning desire to live happy. happiness or misery depends on the action   the   good or evil, good or bad on their own. Heart constant human capital original purity. Therefore we can practice to avoid doing evil that good works diligently. So people have the ability to overcome, to eliminate suffering. When we understand the causes of it (The Empire) is the second truth sermon "Four Noble Truths" which Buddha taught. Through Lens radical which is the cause of all suffering, human beings seek to end its paragraph (Kill Empire) Tuesday is the truth, and finally follow the path the Buddha taught not to escape suffering samsara and achieve to nirvana (True Path) is the fourth leg of the Four Noble Truths. When you understand the purpose of their deliverance, new people trying to avoid doing evil things. Want to achieve this in practice, we need to understand the meaning of suffering and relentless diligence with brave determination will eliminate that pain.

To achieve results, it is important that we should practice letting go. Firstly, we try to stay away from the sensual pleasures of this life, and the second is voluntarily renounce all craving passion in life later. example, when we think of the misery of birth, aging, illness, death and suffering now will fall into the realm of six paths as hell, hungry ghosts and animals etc. ... in life after birth, they we try to let go of the Practice or practice intends to release the cycle of birth and rebirth. Fulfilling the will to want to rid ourselves of the pleasures of desire in this life you need to think about the bliss and liberation in future lives. Alternatively you can prevent the abstention of evil by trying to do ten things fresh (Cross charity).

Want achievements merit practice, the qualities you need to have confidence in the ability of his own enlightenment. With the help of the body and mind of man, you can make and achievements everyone knows that if you try to practice diligently. Bodhisattva doctrine teaches that all beings have Buddha nature or the ability to practice Buddhism. This teaching of the Teacher Master has left to help us grow in confidence meticulous study of each individual to release samsara.

Some people, especially in the West have a lack of confidence which his virtues. thing I think that is very wrong and ear damage. they have this body with the mind and intellect. know if we rely on it used as a means to practice meditation, we can develop foot up his mind to become holy. virtue With time and patience, you'll achievements merit practice to transform our inner from bad to good and evil becomes good, so even though in real life or in direction, confidence is still very necessary virtue for us.
Moreover, compassion is also an important factor. It helps them we extend compassion to save all beings. With compassion, we can easily make friends with the human body, animals and insects. When we have our hearts altruism would have more friends property. contrast with evil mind, narrow-minded selfishness, the true practitioner will flee from us. Whatever others do not treat you well, but you are just happy with their warm, they will eventually replace Change your affection.
Moreover, the realization of the Buddha's teachings all living beings have Buddha nature or this world is born as a human being is an incredibly blessed life and impermanence will help us efforts of practice to look forward to liberation samsara.
Mentioning love, it consists of two types: selfish and benefit of others. Man, if only to love themselves, find themselves is more important than others and never act for the benefit of others, it is the selfish love, not bring happiness to anyone. In contrast, love is love, forgiveness benefits widely immense. compassion That word Bodhisattva want to save all beings.

With compassion, they often continuous action to help people not just for days or months, but in eternity, not in a lifetime, which is two or three millions of lives, countless lives . WordBodhisattva never bored or tired of being served save in the long run such infinite and it does not rot the mind when thinking about the number of many unspeakable beings that they need to save them. Without compassion large one can not act to save sentient beings, beings so extraordinary. desire of people have two kinds: good and bad. When we are selfish, only thinking about things in his own favor suffering harm to others, the desire for which, according to Buddha is an immoral act. In contrast, when we know the direction of his desire to help bring back the happiness of others and all beings is the desire that is a good action that people should try to make. Next, we need to think about life's impermanence. There are also two cases. First is the change that we can clearly recognize as a relative of a sudden we die or are killed because of unexpected accidents. The second change is subtle, slow in every moment that the naked eye does not perceive us. For example, a flower in front of me here is changing slowly in the last minute and then it faded, destroyed. Thanks to enlightened wisdom, we are aware of the nature of life is impermanent, so that our mind is always an amusing himself in every scene liberation front oil sump, change of life.

Now let's think, considering the body and our life. Buddhist standpoint, we will not have eternal happiness, as long as our thoughts, our words and our actions It also dominated, controlled by ignorance. If ignorance is not an end but then Nirvana and will not be freed. So we'll forever be samsara, up and down on the three woeful.
To put an end to suffering, attained Nirvana, reached the realm of complete peace and happiness according to Buddha teaching, we need to be diligent effort to practice, breaking ignorance, negativity cessation. In addition, we should also extend affection, practicing generosity, always thinking of peace, well-being and find ways to help all living beings transcend the ocean of suffering misfortune. , in other words, we have demonstrate Bodhi (Bodhicitta), operating Bodhisattva wishes to fruition towards enlightenment and became a Buddha.

When developing practice this precious Bodhi, is whether people follow religion, they have become holiness immense compassion, always wanted to help people in society from misery be happy. According to Buddhism, after we generate bodhicitta, the human heart becomes pure, the nature of evil will be eradicated to make way for the goodness arises. With a fresh mind, the practitioner will certainly be reborn in the realm of future happiness in life. In other words, it is the path that leads us to true happiness, true and eternal.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.7/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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