Thursday, 20 March 2014



TOh sounded like this:
A Buddhist-era chemical Property of water-protection at du, in the forest, forestry, gardens Wins Anathapindika[02].
Now Head fake Anathapindika[03] bring illness. Dummy Head at Anathapindika told the Messenger that:
"You go to the Buddha, because we're that wealthy girl 24-foot German Religious World asking for health, see the Eucharist had to be happy, healthy, not sickness, walking comfort, pneumatics may be normal? It says like this: ' Captain faked Anathapindika bowing ceremony, wealthy girl foot Buddha, visit Germany World Eucharistic Worship has to be happy, healthy, not sickness, walking comfort, pneumatics have been normal? ' Once you have that, because I visit Germany in world Religion and then go to the fake Religious Accommodation Chile take, because we're that wealthy girl 24-foot you ask Religious pundits view the Eucharist there are happy, healthy, not sickness, walking comfort, pneumatics may be normal? It says like this: ' Captain faked Anathapindika bowed under false Religious ceremony, wealthy girl Hostel Chile, visit the Eucharist had to be happy, healthy, not sickness, walking comfort, pneumatics may be normal? The White Sun Jia-Le Prince faked, head of Amnesty Anathapindika carrying disease very poor coverage, now came to critical feedback. Head fake Anathapindika with releases set to meet false Religious Accommodation Chile, but the body is too weak to force gas didn't come to mock Religious Accommodation Chile e. Protestant place of Worship, Property pundits Chile please, because your words, looking forward to the Head fake Anathapindika. ' "
Now, after the false teachings of well head of Anathapindika, instant messengers come to the Buddha, bow, wealthy girl 24-foot Buddha and then stood to one side, that:
"White World Religion, head bowed, wealthy girl Anathapindika imitation 24-foot Buddha, visit Germany World Eucharistic Worship has to be happy, healthy, not sickness, walking comfort, pneumatics may be normal?
In Germany The Sun told the Messenger that:
"Looking forward to Head fake Anathapindika an hedonistic enjoyment. Looking forward to the lettered, A-tu-la, Hopea-Tower-tie, La-suicide[04] and the strains are different, the body is an good pleasure ".
The time messengers heard the Buddha-like, remember, wealthy girl 24-foot Buddha, go around three laps, and then go to the fake Religious Accommodation Chile bowed, wealthy girl, married to sit aside and say:
"White Sun Jia-Le Prince faked, head of Amnesty Anathapindika bowed front legs before wealthy girl visiting fake Religious Scriptures have been happy, healthy, not sickness, walking comfort, pneumatics may be normal? The White Sun Jia-Le Prince faked, head of Amnesty Anathapindika carrying disease very poor coverage, now came to critical feedback. Head fake Anathapindika with releases set to meet false Religious Accommodation Chile, but the body is too weak, no gas to come to revere the Property false Chile e. Protestant place of Worship, Property pundits Chile please, because your words, looking forward to the Head fake Anathapindika ".
Fake E-ton Property silent Ballet successively accepted the invitation. The time, messengers know false Religious Accommodation Chile take silent Death, sailings from seats stood up, walked around three laps and then leave.
After the night was over, early, false Religious Accommodation Chile y's Death, hugging the Bowl goes to the fake Head Level Alone. Head fake Anathapindika see false Religious Accommodation Chile Prince from far behind to go to, like to sit up from the bed. Sun Jia-Le Prince faked Chief sees Amnesty Anathapindika wanted to sit up from the bed, raising barriers against that:
"This false Head, shalt not sit up. While other beds here, I will sit separately ".
Instant E-ton Property false sat up in bed, and then asked that:
"The Chief of counterfeiting today? Eating a lot less? The pain didn't subside enough to add? "
Head fake Anathapindika replied:
"My condition is very critical, nothing to eat. The pain only adding to rather than see diminished one bit. "
Fake E-ton Property that:
"This false Head shalt not afraid[5]. Why is that? As if a divine Lady, no achievement, then General network sabotage themselves will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. While today's fake Chief did not have any credit, that only the upper units. Because of her fake Head credit giveaways, kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by the upper credit will show results-da-ham or A-rank as Major had faked results of Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish because evil about environmentally destructive, then the overall network will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. While Major assumed there was no evil for which Minister whose goodness. Because fiction Head fake kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or because of good fiction will show results-da-ham or A-rank as major had faked results of Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish no environmentally destructive, then the multi-national joint network will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. The Chief also assumed no not multicultural. Because of his multicultural Minister supposedly kills the pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or due to multicultural show results-da-ham or A-rank as Major had faked results of Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people have the San network sabotage themselves, then the reference will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. Dummy Head with no longer San Hui saw that only countries. Hui's false by the chief pilot kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by Private pilot certificate will result and hue-da-ham or A fruit-fake Head because functions had resulted in Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people are evil, then the fuselage joint network sabotage will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. Also Chief author with no evil wisdom that only good intelligence. Because the Intelligence Chief he supposedly kills the pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or because her wisdom will show results-da-ham or A fruit-fake Head because functions had resulted in Tu-da-done.
"This false Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people have deviant views, then the fuselage joint network sabotage will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. Fake Head left no deviant comments that only the Chief Justice. By the Chief Justice's opinion Head fake kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by the Chief Justice's opinion will show results-da-ham or A fruit-fake Head because functions had resulted in Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people have deviant releases[6], then the fuselage joint network sabotage will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. While there was no wooden dummy Head lice that only Chief Justice releases. By the Chief Justice will then Head fake kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by the Chief Justice releases will show results-da-ham or A fruit-fake Head because functions had resulted in Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people have ruined the trunk railway network, then the prize will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. While there was no wooden dummy Head that only Chief Justice Award. By the Chief Justice's Chief of award pundits kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by the Chief Justice shall award show results-da-ham or A-rank as Major had faked results of Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people have deviant exit, then the fuselage joint network sabotage will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. Fake Head left no Ta bounce that only the Chief Justice. By the Chief Justice's discharge Head fake kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by the Chief Justice shall escape proof result Wednesday-da-ham or A-rank as Major had faked results of Tu-da-done.
"Fake Head shalt not fear. Why is that? As if a divine wife foolish people have ties to another, then the fuselage joint network sabotage will go straight to the wickedness of birth, to hell. Fake Head left no space, where only the Chief Justice position. By the Chief Justice's disposition of fake Chief kills pain suffering, engenders pleasure immensely; or by the Chief Justice position will show results-da-ham or A fruit-fake head because functions had resulted in Tu-da-done ".
Now Chief of Jia Anathapindika sailings are relieved, recovered as old[07], from where is sit up, compliment fake E-Ton Property that:
"Heal instead! Heal instead! Mr. sermon for patients, it's magic, it's Greek owners. Dear Sun Jia-Le Prince, while his Residence to hear the French Catholic finished goods--patients suffering terminate, again being extremely sensual. False Religion of the White House-Le Prince, now the disease has relieved it, recovered the same. False Religion of the White House staff memos, Chile has some work to do, to go to the United Kingdom, staying in the home of a fake Head[8]. At the time Chief author next morning there would donation of rice to Buddha and Bhikkhu-stilts. Then overnight, sunset glow, as Chief wrong the other fake descendants, slaves, messengers and progeny of: ' you get up early, which together set out procedural safeguards, the yellow pages '. The others are obedient, together with making kitchen nực, pitching machine that measures taken at the table with these tasty type. The Chief also faked a viewing himself high seat, dignified immeasurable.
"Dear Sun Jia Zi, Chile Accommodation after seeing that, the mainland think: ' today as Chief had faked the marriage procession or the strawberry Festival, or sometimes the monarch or the invites, but malls this page open, the rice party favors over so big? '
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, such thinking, the Federation Chief assuming there that:
"-Because the marriage or for visiting the bridal procession Festival of the monarch or the invites, but malls this page open, the rice party favors over so big?
"At the time the other fake Chief replied that:
"-I'm not because the marriage, sometimes the monarch or the invite, but I bought this page spread of rice, set the great countries, because this morning I'll nickname for the Buddha and sentient Bhikkhu-stilts.
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, because I had never heard the title of Buddha, so when you heard of body feathers sclera. I ask that:
"Dummy-head says, so what is Buddha?
In the meantime the other pseudo Chief "answered that:
"-He has not been heard? Tastes like lineage, abandon their lines Like, scrape off hair, jackets y ca-sa, with trust releases, absent from the UN family, the family lived, studied, chứùng upper primary education Primary Scalar result. Its known as the Buddha.
"I think that:
"Dummy-head just told them[9]. So what is the mass?
"Now the other fake Chief replied that:
"-Also a lot, have their lines and different tones, scrape off hair, jackets y ca-sa, with trust releases, absent from the UN family, living, to follow the Buddhist leader. It's called Them. The Buddha and sentient, I'm sometimes up to.
"White Crown Property, the Ballet author asked chief author that:
"-Germany World Religion now in place? I want to go visit.
"Now the other fake Chief replied that:
"-Germany World Religion is currently in the United Kingdom, in the forest, Garden of Ca-lan. He had wanted to, arbitrary.
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, at the time I thought this:" looking forward to the move to quickly go to visit the White House to honor Buddha. false-Le Prince, now with the Center for releases, I want to visit the Buddha, so that at night are bright ideas, the other from fake Chief successively to go away, to stop the gate[10]. The time at the station, where gates had two guards, head guards a day then to passengers outside the city, not impede, the guards last night then for passengers in the city comes out nor do problems. Dear Sun Jia-Le Prince, the Property came like this: ' Night please don't light up at all. Why is that? As in at the gates of two guards; a disgruntled passenger minutes then head outside into the obstacle, doing nothing; a disgruntled passenger, then last night here come out nor do problems '. Dear Sun Jia-Le Prince, the Property passed into the door station can go out not long ago, the light disappears and it's dark yet again. The White Sun Jia-Le full body, Amnesty bristles raising sclera, the fear, I hope not to have people exposed to inhuman species interferences. Now, at the camp in the door into a Sun[11], from the United Kingdom, Lisa to XA Ca-lan-da, light radiate all over the place, and said that: ' this false Head, never fear. Why is that? I fuck former friends, his real name is Gas Security[12], at a young age we love each other. The Chief of this fake, Oldtimer, I come to revere the supposedly Great Items-hopea-bowed, wealthy girl, 24-foot then sitting to the side. The great false religious Items-hopea-sermon for me, advice, encouragement, wedding parties, achievements. After taking loads of vehicles to the sermon, advice, encouragement, and for me the wedding Festival achievements, he gives me three self-regulation, and given to five. The Chief of this theory, I do three self-life refuge and maintained in an environmentally destructive, so when the General network of birth to heaven of the four United Kingdom, lived in this city at the stops. Head fake please, hurry up, let's go to dummy Head indeed go better stand back.
"The Sun's article comes up shelves to suggest the following:
"Hundred horses, maidservant,
Hundreds of vehicles filled with treasure;
Not by the sixteen
A walk to Buddha.
The ultimate white elephant percent,
WINS Silver Gold Yen;
Not by the sixteen
A walk to Buddha.
Hundreds of beautiful female celebrities,
Wear a Sedum Corolla;
Not by the sixteen,
A walk to Buddha.
Transfer London United Kingdom regards
The most valuable jewellery;
Not by the sixteen,
A walk to Buddha.
"The Sun says that litigation is completed, it is recommended that:
"This false Head-go fast. The Chief of this fake, go faster. Indeed go better stand back.
"White Crown Property, the Ballet author thinks like this: ' the Buddha has sheltered the German grace embraces. France and Germany also grace the stilts-Bhikkhu embraces. Why is that, until we also ranks until '. False Religion of the White House, the E-PEAR due to light that goes to Lisa, Ca-lan. Then the night was not clear, The Sun from the Interior meditation comes out, in land to wait. False Religion of the White House-Le Prince, remotely I saw in Germany That a beautiful solemn Respect as the Moon among the stars, brilliant light, shining as the whole mountain gold, full of good generals, dread God removed vợi, the President of the static, nothing obscure, achievements to dwell, the static wear. You can see it right the wedding Festival sailings Buddha, wealthy girl watch ceremony at the base, and then working under him, according to the Chief of the French author that says the Court post visit asked that:
"The Sun slept, security
Entire night doing?
Like lice removal,
Because no previous infection.
Flush cups all vows,
Is an incredibly stable.
The mind except no heat
Sleep peacefully.
"Now Germany World Religion has just come to the end of the Sutra, the associated cover-mastermind-forums, sits the old urban planner. False Religion of the White House-Le Prince. At the time, the Buddha's feet ceremony, wealthy girl sitting to the side. In Germany The Religious sermon for children, advice, encouragement, and for his accomplishments, such as wedding parties, France's vassal state, before saying France waited for the Chief Justice, to people who listen to wedding parties. That is to say, French speaking countries, said Qian, birth cooking desire the birth stigma of suicide is, UE; endless praise is directed to Bach, vi-NET products. In Germany The Sun say the French as such for the heard, the Buddha knew the mind of mind, stuff, wedding parties, mind the need nhuyến, kham, mind, mind, mind, not the most professional mind not obscures, is likely the French public life mosaic, meaning things primarily that headless Buddha speaks out; The instant Respect said: Suffering, extermination, Directed to children. False Religion of the White House-Le Prince, as soon as I sit it has seen four Holy truths: Suffering, extermination, Directed. As well as fabrics dyed white into color, I like that, right on the spot are sitting saw four Holy truths: Suffering, extermination, Directed. Mr. Suen Property pundits Chile, having seen France, DAC, enlightened France NET, white, or, no longer revered, not by others, no longer hesitation, topped the result, is the fear for the Dhamma in Germany That Respect, stand up seat, wealthy girl from assumption is that Platinum Respect that:
"Bach (surname)-Wikipedia, The free minutes, the refuge of Buddha, Dharma, and Bhikkhu-stilts. Please pray That my acceptance for Honor-she-tắùc; starting today will free lifetime refuge, until the General network.
"White Crown Property, the pseudo instant Ballet pieced together the hands said:
"White World Religion, faith hope to honor the invitation of the US Property to water on stilts-Bhikkhu-guard to settle the rainy season.
"At the time in Germany That Suen asked me that:
"What's your name – he people's Property, water-guard called him?
"I replied that:
"-The name is Tu-reaches-Max[13]. Because I usually give those lonely, so the people of the country call guard-House is Anathapindika[14].
"Now Germany The Religion back to ask my thought:
"-In the country House-property room, he had guard?
"I responded that:
"-In the country House-property room has no child at all.
"Now Germany That Suen said that:
"-If the property has rooms, the Bhikkhu-stilts can be transactional, can reside.
"I answered:
"-Indeed, of the White World. So I'm going to construction property room to the master Bhikkhu-stilts can be transactional, and can reside in Dormitories-Defender. Looking forward to Germany The Religion for a number to help you.
"Now Germany That instant Respect Religious Property pundits wrong-l; make fake E-PEAR to Honor Property help[15].
"Now after hearing the Buddha taught, the ingenious mind, sailings from seats stood up, wealthy girl 24-Buddha, go around three laps and then leave.
"When the work to do in the United Kingdom the same child was complete, accommodation Crown Property to false Electronic Property water Ballet-Defender. But not on Property water-guard, not returns home that away to wander around outside to see where the best can go back on sale, no noisy, night then President static, no mosquitos nor flies, bugs, not cold, not hot, could build a room accommodation to Buddha and donation.
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, now I just see the garden of pupillary Wins[16] is good for daytime, not noisy, night then President static, no mosquitos nor flies, bugs, not cold, not hot. The instant I got to think like this: ' there is only this place is best to build the room accommodation to Buddha and popular donation '. False Religion of the White House at the time, the ballet into the Dormitory, but unregistered-home, soon to Win The Prince answered:
"-Dear pupil, he can sell the other gardens again for me?
"The time pupils said that:
"Dummy-head should know, I am not selling the garden.
"So the second and then three times, my dear:
"-Dear pupil, he can sell the other gardens again for me?
"The day pupils are also back for the second, the third time that:
"-I do not sell the garden. Only when memory memory[17] full cover.
"The Mainland said:
"This gentlemen, Fellow-decided pricing, only exchanging money.
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, who called it decided the price, people will say not yet decided prices, together with major litigation. And then take each other to the France family[18] Property water-protection to judgment about this. Then the praetor[19] Property water-protection Wins pupils that:
"This is pigment-you decided pricing, only the receipt of money.
"Dear Sun Jia Zi, instant child Ballet Dormitories into Dormitories, return home--for money, horses and elephants used vehicles to transport the lẫm offers, has exported to memory memory to spread all over the ground, but still not all over. False Religion of the White House, do you think Ballet like this: should come in any more inventory to bring this balance through seat, does not admit nor does it lack? The day that child protection sailings pupil Wins:
"This false Head-if any repent of this amount shall be returned, the garden returned to me.
"I told The Prince that:
"-Indeed I have no repentance; which I also think should be taken in any more inventory to carry through this residue is not excessive nor deficient.
"Now Winning pupil successively of thinking like this: ' in Germany The Religion must have been a lofty ranks, have large hựu German. The mass and the Bhikkhu-stilts also is very high at all, have great hựu German. Why is that? Because of that makes fake Chief competition set the donation, cheap wealth. Now perhaps this place right gate house construction to donation and popular Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts '. It Won successively the pupil with security that:
"This false Head-please don't export the money to pay the remaining land. Because right there I'll take off, take off the gates donation and popular Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts.
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, because from introspection should I agree to leave her seat for the Winning pupils.
"White Sun Jia-Le Prince's Residence, in the summer, I built the sixteen major buildings[20], sixty verse-hi[21]. False religious Accommodation Chile Blogs help your work. But the fake Religious Accommodation Chile Suicide theory to teacher turned sick people, a very magic, more than. The French song lesson turns the sick, the disease's disproportionate suffering sailings were reduced, again arising out the peace.
"White false Religious Accommodation Chile, now I no longer sick, and was an all right. Mong Ton Property in Chile author come his life ".
Now fake Death to honor the silent Ballet Dormitories. At the head of fake fake E-Ton America know Property was silent, accepted the invitation from the seat got up on his own, taking the water, bringing all things gastronomical, pure, abundant kinds of chewing and swallowing[22], manually clear the sớt, until the Sun is no enough. Dinner, cleanup and take water hand washing is finished, he spread a small seat, sitting to hear.
After the fake Head sat done, false Religious Accommodation Chile Death sermon for his advice, encouragement, wedding parties, achievements. After using the means of immeasurable, advice, encouragement, achievements are false, then Head for the wedding from the seat got up out of.
Now Germany is that Religion is the sermon for the immeasurable masses surrounding the previous next. From far behind Germany in world Religion see the fake Religious Accommodation Chile Death, raising the Bhikkhu-stilts that:
"Bhikkhu-Property on stilts-benefits-echo is the intelligent ventilation level, intellectual property, Government property, taking advantage of the intelligence, wisdom, deep wisdom, weak intellectual property, intellectual property, financial means, reaching Bhikkhu-Property on stilts-benefits-the ECHO has real accomplishments of Solomon[23]. Why is that? Because of the four-momentum of class-complete[24] we said a brief, then the Bhikkhu-Property on stilts-benefits-echo implemented the ten false Head to tell the class Level Alone.
Such a theory, the Buddha Bhikkhu-stilts heard Danny say Buddhist wedding Festival.


[1] the equivalent Pāli, m. 143. Ānathapiṇḍikovāda-sutta. Special room no. 125 (51.8), Falling For 49, "Extraordinary products, no. 8" (2, p. 819).
[02] Weiguo, Xa-Lam Wins, Anathapindika Member 舍 國 勝 衛 孤 給 園 林 獨 Sāvatthiyaṃ ārame Anāthapiṇḍikassa Jetavane Pali:..
[03] Head fake 給 者 長 Anathapindika 孤 獨; Pali, Ānathapiṇḍika, millionaire households has a Vihara in the forest forest Wins (Jetavana) donation to the Buddha.
[4] A-tu-la, Hopea-Tower-tie, La-犍, 惒 羅 修 阿 塔, 刹 羅. Pali: asura, gandhabba, rakkhasa.
[5] the following theory article content is not identical to the Pali equivalent.
[6] Ta Ta chi 志 邪, thinking, as opposed to the eight leaders thinking nine genera.
[7] A Pali, then when out of Sāriputta, head fake Anathapindika General network.
[8] from here down, the text equivalent is found in the Law Department of Pali.
[9] They 眾, increase (-), Pali: saṃgha.
[10] Han: The news Mon 門 息 城; Pali: Sivakadvāra.
[11] the Pali, led, a yaksha named Sīvaka.
[12] Suite 蜜 gas (密) 器.
[13] the Tu-reaches-multiple 須 達 多. Pali, VI. that led, after copy of saw Head fake, the Buddhas call name "Sudatta, come here, Sudattā", the event made him excited.
[14] Anathapindika 給 孤 獨. Pali: Anāthapiṇḍika.
[15] The contact details, Vinaya. Law of Pali and a Han Chinese.
[16] the Winning pupil 勝 童 子. Vin. ii. 154ff. Jetakomara, son of King Pasenadi (Tuesday-Wednesday-anonymously), later to be King Vidudabha brothers with his killing because refused join the fight rampage lines as you like. The other familiar sound session: da-Prince 陀 衹 太 子, So multi-逝 多.
[17] Both Vin. ii. led, also did not say what kind of money.
[18] the great Principality of assertive Chinese: 大 決 斷 處.
[20] the real estate dynasty Chinese: 大 屋, Pali: vihāra (property fine).
[21] Chinese:-hi 拘 絺, Pali: koṭṭhaka, just shed, room or enclosed rooms.
[22] the real Chinese: protein function 含 消 食 噉 pepper, foods need to bite, and the kind of entrapment to target.
[23] See cht. 14, no. 27.
[24] is probably four Key saves costs: 1/2, close friendly/comments van Chanh, 3/4, volitional agent/Like France as France, which he has endorsed the echo benefits-House-took the ten, as in: 1/2/3, gender, multicultural, 4/5, laboratory/Hui Shan Tue, 6/7, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice position, 8/ Chief Justice Award, 9/10, Chief Justice, the Chief Justice position. Only four "Enter store", A-30. Rep. 30, p. 843.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.(  TIMES ).

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