Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The Eleventh Book
Question: If we count only up to three or four, then what's not good?
A:-If pressed hard, breath control, as in the barn have so many cows are crammed reclaimed pressed together, they will break the cage to come out. If counted ten, then his body relaxed as spacious stables. Extensive stables, the cow was raised with ease.
Question:-If the count to eight, nine, then what's not good?
A:-not make mistake but born of mind pause, or that I was meditating, so enchanting Centre births. With such a mistake, just give up. If counting the breath that clearly counts slowly from from each number, then as the first cereal, swung on to full then count one, then swung her to the part. If there is grass land then he picked up the discarded, when poured on full and count two (then swung), sequential swung that way till ten. Bhikkhu stilts Zazen count () on the breath as well.
If you count as shepherds to count cows. Ðếm like?
Shepherds have position, holding a whip, seated right on cage doors head used staff ... do (sakkaram khipitvà) (to the count) and recoiling crawling out. When crawling, sliding start counting one, two, three, four, five ... to ten children.
Why count? There are irregular at four concerts, the breath to be that whichever of the breath that count 1. 2.3. 4.5; When counting cows, farmers right down that counts, not counting cows is in or out the door. Thanks to track the number of counts that are given. Why? As the sail upstream Rapids (candasota), use the tree nest against one, two, three, four, five made the boat was stable (to go up). Breathe in breathe out too. Why? Center for such boats, breath into the nest trees as against, (boat) according to fluency Center (River), but are breathing in breathing out tame make the mind steady. If the breath into that heart into, as in tonic makes no full. If breathing out that according to the French, causing a huge being (dispersed). Due to the wide dispersion of mind should hardly be available. This exception, the Head Office's Center spot breath exposure (nose or the upper lip), then privileged. So the law says: do not count under the breath inside or outside.
So count ever stop? If the mind is no longer available but still unknown in breath, no need of counting anymore. Such was by means of the count which is option (an stay anniversary).
What's up ballooning? Know the breath out, no thanks to the counts that are still unknown and police stay on these three mantras (breathing out). If breathing out then start the navel, the middle is the heart, the end is the nose (Nàbhi àdi hadayam majjham hàsikà poriyosàham). If breathing in, then starting at the nose, between the heart and the navel is the end. If the mind follow the breath, the mind does not. Do not mind the heart oscillate. So in the law says: If the mind take the breath away, breathing on the inside and not outside in mind bodies have fluctuated. Due to fluctuations should not privileged. If you take the breath in and out. That should not be under the breath in and out in between and afterwards, only in the nose, hold on there and recorded the breath out. If give the count is noted in the order given. Like somebody crippled looks to hold the baby by placing the baby in the cradle hangs in the middle of the House, sit, shake the cradle back and that (he) still in one place and not move by hand. Bhikkhu stilts Zazen. Say: such as usher, no need to ask first to those out on, just ask when they come right out the door, don't ask where they come and pick the object, just know they have to. Bhikkhu stilts Zazen, too, need to know before and thought taken out on. So, you ask yourself to know.
Buddha:-who knows who was then French trio.
Three of France is:
A fancy, on.
Two, the media.
Three, is growth.
As large trees are placed firmly on the ground. Some want to split the tree, first consider the bark, then use the lines out, the mind is always dedicated to watch (it) saw blade tooth (in contact with the wood) and make it go straight the road rather than the cutting blades look back. A breath out, too. Thinking about moving meditation, with a perfect method as large trees firmly on the ground. A observe around the tree, such as the Center for smart thinking about meditation. Breath out on as well as saw blades. Center of attention on serrated blades, as noted on the tip. Bhikkhu stilts Zazen should understand this example, with meditation in the present, with the perfect doll's media to increase.
Q.-What is meditation?
A:-mind effort and precise achievement is meditation.
Q.-What is the method (payoga) perfect?
A:-The courageous and strong effort to objective except negativity and removal take advantage of thoughts.
Question:-what is reached to increase upper?
A: — by courageous and strong effort to objective except Fang Shi (samyojana).
Three French (General, breathing deeply, exhaling) not only by the accomplishment who are most consistent observation that must also thanks to know three French. And the mind does not fluctuate as thanks to the current meditation in French, complete method is then taken to the rose. When DAC is OK, so who then affix to A-na-ba-na then called accomplishments. Bhikkhu stilts would practice reciting A-na-ba-na then its time to do worldly brilliance as the moon out of the clouds.
In this meditation, there are new people do have good general appearance, someone thanks to shared-news which appears General.
General heal him? Bhikkhu stilts sitting on the ground or on the bed, there is stuff, that (feeling) the seat he is soft as cotton. Why? For the shared-news should make the body gently relaxed, and sequentially, breath out into the rough was extremely gentle mind, the body, as in mid-air. When breathing becomes subtle then like there is not. As the opening of the (sound) before the next big small. Bhikkhu stilts Zazen shared news. So in tremendous speaking law follows.
Magi said:-this book meditation is different from the other meditation. The other meditation before subtle later. Bhikkhu stilts to meditation this meditation that no general news book is clearly should not stand up which should rest assured sat upright and thinking. How does thinking? Knowing meditation does not clearly present, the Prime Minister should say: the breath in breath out of this nowhere place, with whom, no to. And who is in thai, no breath out, while diving in the water without breathing out, Chu Thien in the Longevity nor have the breath out, entered into the fourth meditation nor have the breath out, uncovered no breath out into thegender identity or turn colors, also have no breath in, kill also avail no breath.
After thinking that way then, self blame myself: you're the wisdom, neither are in the womb, not in water, not in the Sun shades and colors, not being on the plan to kill-take advantage of, not being in the Sun, Longevity is uncovered die, nor in the fourth meditation. You are breathing out on very subtle that can not know, pay attention. If the person has a long nose, then placed in the nostrils (nàsàputa). If the person has a short nose, then focus on my upper lip. So must hold in this position.
As in the saying: the Buddha Bhikkhu stilts, people forget, not the Visual attention are impossible to enter meditation A-na-ba-na. Not only in meditation A-na-ba-na that the meditation is different, too. If one moment Mindfulness Meditation will be seen. Meditation A-na-ba-na is very important. Headless Buddha, Buddha-Chi-Flange, A-la-Han (Buddhapahà) uses A notion of French-ba-na as a foundation and then to be privileged, as put to the net pole. That's why in this customized anniversary must be the same intellectual growth.
As may on very thin fabric panels must then use needle only very small. Kim such preferences, just like intelligence, unbroken link together, thanks to the two, not to forget the breath in and breath out. Such as the ploughing, when cows were tired and the plough also terrible drop for beef at rest. After his release, the bulls go into the forest. Break is over, the other back to look for cows but not looking under the footprint of cows, which go straight into the forest, where cattle often travel to drink and lie or sit waiting for the cows drink water is complete, use ground beef and poultry sticks continued recoiling it back to ploughing. Also, Bhikkhu stilts meditation on breathing in breathing out when too tired, then temporarily stopped and the rest, do not follow the breath out on that are only set (anniversary) at the muzzle, and counting the breath out with mindfulness as the rope (cow's nose column) and wisdom such as Rod and keep paying attention to the (possible) breath on.
If they do so then not long meditation General (nimitta) will be (back) and the body welcome as exposed to cotton, the body feels soft. Someone feel like touching the fabric, backdrop, urban planner who see as strong winds hit, someone saw as the stars, someone saw as Sedum, which sees as Pearl White swing right there people found as (tap) to United Counties fang set, someone seen as ropes, someone with the tough exposure, someone saw such fires, there are people who see as monkey, who saw such clouds, which he sees as Lotus, which sees such as wheels, there are people who see as a full moon.
Why? As in the saying: the Bhikkhu stilts gathered chanting but each saw different bodes. There are people that like mountains, like the River, such as the forest tree, but that with the start of the same.
Question:-With mountains, rivers and forests, where there is this difference?
A:-From the mind that thought. So the idea of each different person so born General. There's a breath out, there's a breath in, there's a general meditation (Nimittàranamana). If not consistent, nor is France A-na-ba-na (anapana-sati) and not the first meditation. If there are three legal achievement this meditation.
Bhikkhu stilts Zazen if there is such a general appearance should go, with teacher: see General conditions.
The teacher responded that the Prime Minister finds rather than say is General meditation but don't say there is General meditation.
After teaching, teachers say:--elders! I keep my mind more.
Magi said:-why teachers don't say it is not general practice or General meditation?
A:-If told he either specific tastes, this is the General meditation (the then) who favors Prize student (because the assumption should be abandoned); If talking is not the General meditation (the time) rot the mind. So don't say that only partially transparent, then teach meditation-General himself.
Old post racks:
Paste the mind where the French Consulate
Will appear more general,
If people have the wisdom,
Keep in mind the continued celebration
In the breath out,
Essential needs not disarray.
When General meditation appears, the slopes of the arrest, the negativity stop yourself unmoved. Thanks to this method is that both the head and become, or DAC, DAC, or record except for negativity, or due to the occurrence of the genus meditation that privileged documents (administrative access). We are a privileged local profile.
Question:-An stay on plan (an appointment) and sister (accessibility issue) is the same or different?
A:-ranging record-access to Executive-who is mature, go to an stay of mind (Bhavanga-old Grandmother-desktop, section: peace of mind here). An stay on plan-an appointment-is at the heart of this realm are both on mature no longer depends on You-tables-old. Two different this way.
If General meditation has clearly shown, due to consistently good or consistent General copied further development. As the King left Rotating Switch in thai, are loved by parents guardians, where warm air cool and use the appropriate food. If manual feeding is going to be a good result.
Bhikkhu stilts households maintained himself in General, too, if not for maintenance is then lost. Such households maintained?
A: in the stay of niche.
Two: commuter areas (qifu mumo carried).
Three: close people.
Four: proper food.
In: climate conditioning.
Six: Select majestically, standing, sitting, lying.
Seven: stay away from the noisy and most is eating.
Thanks to this, the seven were Cortland General meditation maintain stay shelters.
Sequentially, the General growth and we got it, the grounds are very pure, nhuyến need for the mind, if you wish, you can retain or unfocused, born or subduing the wedding Festival, or discharge the easy way, close to the Prime Minister himself and stay away from people who have privileged to General Chi meditation meditation and meditation information. For ten of this French people who stay safe smart, not indolence, so essential to practice, should think that I make an stay firmly in Her mind and put flush-tables-(owner) that run up to afferent (manadvàvajjanam uppajjati) head of a Marshall na and then kill, again run up four or five (4.5) beam-she-na (javana-speed).
This year include: 1-mind; 2-psychoanalysis (near-); 3-mind anyhow; 4-Intermediate Care; 5-Center.
If the middlemen in this center into four, then: 1-mind interaction approach; 2-mind options; 3-Intermediate Care; 4-center head. This Wednesday centers also known as TAM Thursday, there Friday and Saturday.
The previous exercise in mind, mind Thursday (an Office) is part of the SAC-. Thanks to this mind should kill in the genus (the strong) and arises in meditation (games, from, Hy, Lac, for the mind), ten full Gen. (characteristic) Nice all three (period) and the DAC first meditation, as recited in French bistro was destroyed and the second meditation, DAC, kill this General always the third meditation certification, came fourth. Training of mind and rise above.
Magi said:-It is said, if broadly, then take a look in The net-casting director (visuddhimagga).
Bhikkhu stilts have privileged meditation Wednesday, diplomatic recognition and make growth. If you want to reach the place completely true then the fourth meditation has five good things. One, the mind stay; two, to enter; , (the decision); four; manufacturing; last year, a suicide. Thanks for this year that reached the true place.
Bhikkhu stilts have gathered smoothly (this meditation) can start a survey with colors, or start with loads of character. Consistent colors and shades and cultivation increased with France Bhikkhu-BA-House-na (Vipassana, anniversary of). Rising up like?
Bhikkhu on stilts out of meditation Monday, still master of meditation (Jhànanga). After mastering this genus in meditation, the mind medicine into the four great races (Cattàibhutani) that a suicide relatives four. From meditation to this genus, starting with Africa (the mind). France, Africa (mind) which saw (Center). Start with the four great races that have colors plus the conscious mind is not good. If out of the plan and (again) breathe in breathe out the body and the mind is its people. As the pedestal tube by blacksmith's skin, thanks to the overall movement should have little wind on. Breathing in too, thanks to mind should breathe out on. Bhikkhu stilts found breathing out should be presented, see good care facility ... along with the best non-French. Thanks to clearly see your colors so again a Police Coast Guard personnel clearly makes a good serial after non-stop for three years.
Due to a good connection should forever born skeptic. After paragraph except the suspect (kankhà) and the Consulate General of three surveys (of colors is suffering, impermanence, egolessness), after the pubs come General Consulate the contentious removal. Thanks to consistent observation of birth should kill first saw the light and depart ten defilements of the Bhikkhu-BA-House-na (dasavipassanùpakilesa). After you depart (ten defilements above) are now arising about intelligence (patipadà-nàna, Executive Director tri comments). After crossing France arose, again clearly see France being destroyed (udayam pahàya bhangànupassanam patvà) and the notion succeeded each other. If this position two (vandalizing and destroying) arose, with regard to the three realms, b. (mind) boring (sabbasankhàresunibbindanto). And four such leaders self week, reaches the fruit A-la-Han. There are 19 one on suicide (ekùnavísatibhedassapacavekkhan ànànassa pariyatappatto sadevakassa lokassa aggadakkhineyyo hoti) unknown (France) came along, and it became the upper stage Irene endless paddy fields for the three realms including violations, ma, Sa, Ba-la-Mon.
This is the legal notion of breath in breath out. And finish the sentences explained four of part one (of four topical ideas about themselves).
Four sentences in the three remaining parts along with the other meditation is no different. So, I am going to lecture.
Buds are feeling about the wedding: (of the subject) I am (feeling) breathe in breathe out clearly with Hy. Investors can also sense the wedding due to two things. Such is the:
1-for the statue.
2-do not crush.
What is the sense of the wedding for one object? When the two practitioners with Hy. In this meditation, when you want to be (Shou) with wisdom, with one object, natural feeling Hy tho. So thanks to one audience that feeling life Hy.
What is thanks to not mesmerizing blur that feeling Hy tho? Two meditation are Hy, after importing and exporting this meditation, wisdom pubs, close Hy it (will be) annihilated the place of meditation, being its General (General Consulate) from being mesmerizing blur; Thanks to the non-fuzzy charm should reach to the feeling of the wedding.
In the Ba-features-t-Bhikkhu-BA (patisambhidà-infinity mind prizes) said Using the breath in breath out that reach for the mind. The mind is not disarray then know the formula. Thanks to know clearly that the awakening sense of the life the wedding. Thanks to the long and short breathing in breathing out thanks to that feeling, the feeling of being the removal of the body. Thanks to breathe in breathe out the achievements for the mind that knows. Thanks to this two that feeling arises.
By the peace of mind should be feeling Hy tho, thanks to unknown, thanks to the French Consulate, a reverse sweep do a steady mind, releases the mind holding the effort that arise knows, Centre of a steady focus know with wisdom, the need to know the unknown, the need to discharge the discharge, the need to closely monitor the number-number-the visible (practice) is clearly shown and brought to life the wedding feeling. So as to achieve the feeling of life the wedding. The following sentence the meaning is well under way. The three had other points as meditation is feeling lost in four meditation is sensation of mind (cittasànkhàrapatisamvedita-feeling seat)
Q.-What is the capital?
A:-Shou and ideas (vedanàdayo duve, khandhà) is the capital.
Feeling lost here belongs to the intelligent meditation Bhikkhu-BA-House-na. Tribe has two: one is lost in the fuselage; the two are lost in the mind. In infinity-shy-say: Kill the capital that is to stabilize the capital and kill it (olàrikam cittasankhàram passambhanto nirodhento attho ti) also known as intended only. If the prize is broadly speaking the bulbous, be self-study (yasankhàra). The wedding in the sentence (the wedding feeling) about longevity is in. If you choose to get lost in life experience. Both cases the feeling on the capital sentence (capital sense), including the idea of life and mind (sanna vedanà cetasika-life idea of mind). The two don't leave the mind, if you choose to take the seat, including life and thought. The four questions in this section are finished on a life experience, research it yourself.
My sense of the mind in four sentences in France Tuesday (reciting) of all four meditation.
Sense of the mind (citta-abhippamodaya) mean? The feeling mind Hy Hy Festival, Festival, wedding parties, very, I'm feeling the breathing out, breathing in. There are two sides to that, the wedding Festival and thanks to wisdom.
What is thanks to? Feeling the wedding and goes to two meditation and once, and then have the wedding, in a suicide who along with na Hy., etc. jubilation in mind and so the wedding Festival.
What is thanks to wisdom pubs, which entered two meditation? With Hy (change) under meditation (enter), and export, and thanks to that the wedding could be destroyed should always contact with meditation Hy (in philosophy). As such, wisdom pubs, Bhikkhu-Bowl-dormitories-na (vipassanàkkhana) always works with Hy rong each observation na is thanks to the wisdom that consistent with the wedding so, depending on the mind that would rejoice.
I breathe in breathe out with totally n. Thanks to meditation, the mind set is completely stable on one object, (either) after importing and exporting of meditation, practitioners who find meditation was by France in intellectual property a Bhikkhu-property Baghdad-na. The mind of a suicide due to consistent pass-na. The mind to run up in one's mind to close most na. And the mind is totally an head office in this wisdom.
"I feel (breathe in breathe out) with the mind liberation"
That is freed from impurities, escapist and recite (range and quarter finals) in the second meditation, escapist Hy in the third meditation, escapist and in the fourth meditation, freed sequentially. After (enter) and out of the meditation, clearly see removal from France in the intelligent meditation Bhikkhu-BA-na-XA. When practitioners see impermanence, the discharge of the French left, saw France as part of the discharge put idea of peanuts, see egolessness, then discharge up idea of falling, the mind is no longer involved. Do not immerse should consistently monitor glass, from where but a kill ideas, from birth to idea that a flush left (accept), from which the player accepted the mind is freed. So, in the law says: (a) the breath in breath out, the mind is freed. Above are (explain) the sentence Wednesday in the Café.
Of the four questions in the fourth part, the customary impermanence is the idea of impermanence, should know about pubs, impermanence, should know more about the Consulate constantly about impermanence.
Q: what is impermanent?
A:-In warm impermanence.
Question:-why warm impermanence?
A:-because French is being destroyed.
Q:-how to kill the Contentious
A:-French general change Is bad, because the French had transformed the birth (damaged) there is no general fixed in each observation na close na. This call is impermanent. Start is about identity. A good one is always best impermanence impermanence. A murder (of colors) is due to the four great races should have the breath to breath in, it is France, so called a impermanent.
(Thread) a glass of craving.
There are two types of kiosks is: a craving Cup, a goal except craving. Two, absolutely no craving.
Q.-What is the goal of excluding craving?
A:-The French defeat in each of the survey (survey na removal)
Q.-What is absolutely no longer craving?
A: absolutely-no longer craving is Nirvana.
Thanks to this two which reached the spot found; Thanks to find relief that saw France President ...
See the President's removal is a discharge. Thanks to the intelligent shop Bhikkhu-BA-na-drain that glass house afflictions, headed off to Nirvana.
So, this is the last section (explain) anniversary of the breath.
The anniversary of the breath (ànàpànasatisamàdhikathà nitthìtà).
Meanwhile, The Sun ... it is said of the German Religious teachings That was then: France celebrated the breath to the Bhikkhu on stilts. Inasmuch as the Bhikkhu stilts impure bars which together killed himself. Due to this, The German Religious gathering them up again and rebuke: Hey Bhikkhu stilts, how to help each other to commit suicide, again thanks to sa-Luk-Staff killed the Bhikkhu stilts ...
After the rebuke the Bhikkhu on stilts. As a Hybrid Three-la-di Tuesday: Bhikkhu stilts would kill people ... Start is the same as the Sami Bar-writer has both holy and divine should not be isolated and the Bhikkhu on stilts with statements: the foolish, helpless people (moghapurisa). After the defined in the basics of this world, then the more that started the (banned) praise of death and teach them to death.
Magi said:-I will presenting on the basics. So is the Buddha prepared to this end.
Bondage sex (patibaddhacitta) is education incurred gripped the mind.
Praising the dead as saying he was in life, many width. He did the merit should die are born natural.
SOAP making ... like say he did good business, the dead are born natural, no doubt.
Does not cause evil karma ... like say he non, don't lie, don't do any evil karma that he is sick, so hard to live. Because he has created career, if he dies out, there will be born in the sky, enjoyment in exercise.
Industry is encouraged to go to die.
Sick people because hearing words of Bhikkhu stilts she should commit suicide. The so called murder.
Know it was them, I would like to make them die with the determination not to hesitate any longer.
They are here only to humans in pregnancy until the death.
The original mind of man who loved life both literally (people).
This is just for the scene in education, should be called the original mind. Mind and three electric loads (the life, ideas, travel) together form the (thai).
SAC ca-la-la (kalarùpa) this is the first stage of a body.
The SAC ca-la-la, if the General male or female have 30 colors, General hoàng Division has 20.
Q.-What is SAC ca-la-la of men and women?
A:-When ca-la-la's new forms such as oil droplets throughout the top goat hairs.
Have the shelves:
As a very small oil droplets,
Throughout there is no residue
Ca-la-la, new
The colors also.
(The Human Body) begins with the very subtle (). Species of long-past two thousand years. Ca-la-la sequentially mature under that way until the elder's death. Meanwhile, called termination of a body.
For ca-la-la, use manual expertise to break into, or friction, or the use of drugs, with a variety of methods to make thai ca-la-la could not produce was then called.
Two ways. One was born in (the); the two were born in (the) ridiculous. In the good, (in the) myriad colors cannot be killed, born in (the) colors can be killed, brilliantly killed the invisible colors also are killed. Why? Because of the myriad good medicine just in lust.
Question: best kill-kill in the past, the present or the future?
A:-Yes post racks:
Past performance is not present
Supporting the future isn't so far
Colors in continuing being forever
Quit good past, future, retrieved brilliantly so far
Kill the current identity is.
Q.-What is present?
A:-is the (time) is not interrupted in a suicide.
Q: what is the na-?
A:-(time) newly born sailings.
Magi said:-If so then doesn't kill. Why? Because of the spontaneous and free, not subject to interruption (killing makes removal)
Q.-How do you know?
A:-currently in progress that the past has not been destroyed. As from the hot sun, the other goes in the House to sit still, the heat was lost and the cool rise continued unbroken. The mind also, arising from the past continues unbroken to the present, if the make (conscious mind) interrupted the kill. Because (in the present life) is to continue living in the future.
Magi said: must-know more about sentient, aware of the killing the lives of sentient beings, aware of how (to kill).
Q.-What is know about them?
A:-The eternal call each other with pretending to be a sentient but States only that breath is life.
Q.-What is known about the killing of life born?
A:-Do terminate the breath is life and not to live any longer.
Q.-how know how (to kill)?
A:-there are six ways (chappàyoga).
1-do it yourself (sàhatthika)
2-the person (ànattiya)
3-Throw, shoot ... (nissaggiya)
4-An (thàvara)
6-Use the force (Iddhimaya).
Q.-What is the self?
A: a-kill yourself.
Question:-what is covered?
A:-the others killed: did you kill so. ..
Throwing, shooting literally started with bow and arrow ... with the instrument to throw made deaths.
An position means putting spikes, spearhead, dig holes, poison etc. somewhere, if exposed, to be killed.
I have two kinds of art:
a) the A-tower-BA-ny-da (Àthabbanika).
b) number.
Question:-A-tower-BA-ny-da mean?
A:-the country the enemy or aggressors taking note (supposed to bind) to make the head, abdomen pain and cause other diseases cause death.
Number of means based on spells, (read) from ten, twenty to a hundred times (for them).
The force is to use mental powers as Long-United Kingdom, save dollars, yaksha, Sun, King of the people (Nàga, supanna, yakkha, deva, Ràjan) killed by eye look or bite, poisonous spray makes dies.
(Bird) Ca-saved dollars are likely to operate in the range of thirty games. Dragon, evening massage, Sun King, who according to the ability of their vehicles that (maybe) make them born dead.
Along with weapons: with things like the type of weapons until small knife, make them commit suicide. And stating that you were not in vain please die. (After the talks) who put the instruments himself as Maces of iron, stone, wood, wire, poison etc. next to the other and encouraged that when in life has created the merit should die to be born, enjoy the same pleasures Chu Tian nan da-remodeling in jewellery (Nandanavana-gardening hoan Hy), so why suffer in this life.
Or the people who jumped into the rapids. Rock Rapids is where the ridges there are chasms. Or teach people to go to hell.
Magi said:-teaching people to commit suicide, offence Three-la-di. This is only for murder cases, if other beings killed my Three-Yes-".
Why is Germany The Religion instituted full on this earth? As Bhikkhu on stilts in the future life of evil. The next sentence easier to understand.
If killed by the instruments such as poison, stab, slash ... but not dead right that died (due to the above reasons), this was also the Third crime stilts Bhikkhu-la-di.
I would say about four cases of goat (goat-elaka):
1-See goat sleeping in it, a Bhikkhu stilts thinks up to kill this goat. (Then) he goats go to bed else spot the goats that were there parents or A-la-Han arrives and hooded garb is asleep. Sees it as dark, Bhikkhu stilts not knowing then so are goats and used paper cutters. As the dead father, mother or A-la-the Han against charges of Ba-la-di. Because at first the mind kill goats but when slashing a knife down the idea that students either goats or someone, we must kill to death. So one person against criminal Ba-la-di.
A Bhikkhu stilts to sleep in goats in kill killer saying. (sleep) the murder was committed Three-la-di, not offense against law.
Yes, applying, the devil spirit to chen in place of goats in. kill say kill (the) this spot is it Currency-spread-for example, from being charged with five. If kill goats being convicted Three-Yes-". If the mind wants to kill the father, mother or A-la-Han then sequentially was against charges of Ba-la-di.
Knows his father is in the army's aim at the team's shoot, if the father was dead then it against charges of Ba-la-di. If the dead person is not my father, who was convicted Three-la-di.
The murder that they kill people, murder red shirts that they kill the white shirt, who said no were felonies (Ba-la-di), people killed were Three-la-di. If the wrong people (killed) say that having one kill yours, anyone who dies, the wrong person was Ba-la-di.
The command kill today, who gets killed on the day after. The command kill days later, people get killed in that day. The command kill in the morning, people killed killed in the afternoon. The killed were Three crime-la-di, the wrong escape felony. If the wrong person to kill whenever they kill the wrong man was convicted.
Wrong person that if people come here, just kill it. When the other has not yet come, the wrong person back there, who got word of undistinguished (who) should kill the wrong (wrong person) my Ba-la-di. While dying, but the wrong person being charged with Ðột-cat-la at the wrong (other people killed).
Bhikkhu stilts this wrong other stilts Bhikkhu (murder). Bhikkhu stilts received (again) think that we should kill people near the front. When the guillotine knives down to kill the right people (to kill), who killed the wrong person, and are both guilty. If killed because of wrong chain are committed as before stated, at the right time or not in time as well as in front.
If a Bhikkhu stilts on stilts on stilts Bhikkhu kill Bhikkhu wrong. When wrong, people were killed is not yet a prime leader but when about to kill then the certificate's results A-la-Han. The wrong people and kill all offences against charges of Ba-la-di.
Don't miss the out is, that is not important should not see (so) for being absent.
When the donation which has stilts Bhikkhu grudge among Bhikkhu stilts to attend, were you sitting in front of obscure should not know the situation he came, said growing up that person's name ... why not be the aggressors killed off, why not be snake bitten off, why not be a user that poison to kill off, I'm glad the guy is dead. Says the so called non-Office which said as England.
Absent that said no absence means Bhikkhu stilts to sit where the donation. Bhikkhu stilts recently was supposed to play there this stilts Bhikkhu. As Bhikkhu on stilts is gone (that Bhikkhu stilts there) don't know whether that is still present and transition tools Bhikkhu on stilts. This call is absence that comes as no absent.
(Ai) says the transition tools for they die as above, were charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
Magi said of commended the dead: Providing oneself out to praise means depending on the understanding of the other, or bringing knives, sticks, wire or poison ... or jump down the Rapids, with such a death, the dead will be physical, or are (rebirth) with extremely fortune, or be born to heaven. This is bringing out the body recommends, or (by) waving or shaking legs, or eyes.
Call up means to open their mouths to speak out the teachings encourage discretion so that they die.
When people know other people praise the dead, the people of praise was charged with Ðột-sand dollars. People who follow the advice of suicide were very painful but not dead, the other was charged with Currency-spread-for example. If the listener is killed then the praise being convicted Three-la-di.
If this person does not understand the praise (death) and another out should say I die to be born to heaven. And so she chooses death, somebody innocent compliment. If people praise for both people, who die, they also were charged with Three-la-di.
If the mind is not targeted at anyone whose only common praise (everyone) about the death, if someone that's died, was indicted Three-la-di.
If the wrong people come to praise promotes A death, saying they were guilty of Ðột-cat-la, to the place where the other person doing good (do that) suffer then suffer charges of Currency-spread-for example, the other being dead, the Third grievance-la-di.
Envoy to hear praise that die are born natural without telling the other, say kinship with friends. If any person so that death, the messengers were guilty of Ba-la-di, who taught grievance Ðột-sand dollars.
If the messengers heard was born Angel should commit suicide, who taught grievance Ðột-sand dollars. If write envoys carried away, Envoy did not know the contents of the message that the message recipients died, his sai Sin Mar-la-di, innocent Messenger.
If writing but not specific only to one, which makes the message recipient is dead, if the dead were fathers who kill it against charges of Ba-la-di.
If the mind kill self, fake the kind of books to praise the death, someone read this books, found in the dead praise is born, the other to follow the way of death in the Bible's guidance and was killed, the written grievance policy-la-di.
If the parents die written with inverse charges of Ba-la-di.
If later regret, burning books now (when not making anyone dead), only being charged with Ðột-cat-la (as written does business).
If many Bhikkhu stilts put together written Bible praise the dead, which have Reader he should die, the Bhikkhu stilts are guilty of Three-la-di, if making the parents die, the offense against charges of Ba-la-di.
If the written Scriptures praise the dead, there are people who steal human reading it that died, Bhikkhu stilts writing grievance-la-di.
If the slippery mud crashing (book) have picked up are books crashing and follow should be killed, Bhikkhu stilts compose my Third grievance-la-di.
Magi said:-will present the first of the killing lives.
Bhikkhu stilts would have intentionally killed, digging tunnels for someone to do A fall down dead, are digging the soil a crime Ðột-cat-la; If they crashed down to the basement bear the pain then it Currency-spread-for example; If they killed my Three-la-di; If someone falls down dead, Bhikkhu stilts there are innocent.
Make mine hurt everyone, anyone who dies, Bhikkhu stilts are Pham Ba-la-di. If making a parent's death, he committed Three crimes against stilts Bhikkhu-la-di.
If the deep cellar, who carried food supplies crashed in the tunnel but does not die right away, then ate the food sure to die (of hunger) was unable to escape. When they both fell into the tunnel, the tunnel had committed Three-la-di.
As the tunnel is expected to kill people, people do not come themselves fall into the pit and die, when digging my Ðột-sand dollars. There are people who fall into the tunnel's broken limbs but do not die right away and escape but then so's death, people do sinful cellar Ba-la-di. If they died for other reasons, then no offense.
Magi said:-the others do, not criminal offense as before said.
If you do catch the tunnel demons spirit, when just doing mine and when numbers crashed to suffer, who were charged with Ðột-cat-la, if death was charged with Currency-spread-for example. If the person and the beast fall in death, no offense. If later regret it, fills in the basement back that they harmed another reason people make tunnel not guilty.
If making these instruments to cause deaths, guilty not guilty as before said. If no, or making stew for other reasons that other people fall down, no offense.
If the gauge theory lecture, impermanence, the impure, the listener should not commit suicide.
The section on the law broadly, and on human sex Tutty. If the action arises from the body with the mind or from the mouth to the heart then being charged, or the whole body, mind and mouth also were indicted. This is Leanne. User and password is available (the sentence against) heart damage should bear the agony.
Compassionate, means that a Bhikkhu stilts seriously ill, the Bhikkhu on stilts with compassionate care said:-him, elders hold the world fully, for fear of death should be subject to this. If you die, then why wouldn't God be born?
Listen to say so, with thoughts of the Bhikkhu reviewers on stilts I hold full circles, die certainly born, so that hunger disease stilts Bhikkhu. The Three are charged with compliments-la-di.
So, Bhikkhu stilts are intellectual visit Bhikkhu stilts disease, we recommend carefully praised the dead which can say: elders hold about full, also not so nostalgic stay of and the raiment, widgets, acquaintances, friends ... should only meditate on three jewels and recite himself impure, lived in the three realms should not rejoice over this indolenceshort or long life, though.
If hearing such compliments that Bhikkhu stilts disease death is due to hear the sermon that dies, Bhikkhu stilts said not guilty.
When you want to sit, the Bhikkhu stilts should set up new front seats and then sitting.
Magi said:-seats would have to put your hands on the new sat, the seat would not put the hands that are sitting?
A: If the unit has not spread is needed first hand. If (on the menu) with mattresses, wool felts, fur, you have to put your hands in front and sat. If a Bhikkhu stilts comes first, then the new owner pilot felt wool mattress cover, you do not need to put your hands.
If participants say it here Mage then the Bhikkhu stilts are sitting on that is not first hand.
If there were stilts on stilts Bhikkhu employee sitting Bhikkhu came after been sitting without having to place first hand.
Flake ice fishing (udukkhalavatthu) meaning the garden of Flake ice (the garden of stones or flake ice?)
No means no mind tried to kill.
The Flake ice meaning easily understood without explanation.
Export the old age (Buddhapabba-jitavatthu) has three sentences:
First sentence: I said to my father:-do not let them increase the wait, please go to mau mau. And he pushed to (make the father) ground that died. So innocent.
Second sentence: why are eager for his father's death? Because the heart increases, they rose to ask that?
A: is the son of the old man (Ma-hallaka).
Hear talk like that should be ashamed, the old man her father forced issue should fall to instant death. So were felonies.
Third sentence: the Right is being charged with Currency-spread-for example.
From here there are three sentences, understandable, without explanation.
In this section there are three real qifu gangui.
A: this authentic French grab qifu gangui stilts Bhikkhu do matter, so when Instant food divided by your school before, not killed (they die) so innocent.
From the venerable to the lower set. The other statements are easy to understand.
Second sentence: If real qifu gangui was food from the pagan, having pure delicious food too, don't get.
If it got no loan or ate that silently thrown away nor loaned to beast.
Who do try, breaking the Currency-spread-for example. Why? Because just like to try. If unknown (objects) to be dead but still keep to the felonies.
The next three sentences are easy to understand.
In lewd statements do disorder means throughout the seven consistently thinking how to tame his sexual mentality but does not eliminate, Bhikkhu stilts I was thinking that this precept full, maybe back to discharge about we should continue to complete suicide. Therefore, this unit ashore in the mountain States-beams-and jump down. Meanwhile, under the mountain someone chopping trees, Bhikkhu stilts falling, hitting and killing people are, because there is no mind should kill the innocent.
The Buddha Bhikkhu stilts: not to commit suicide, the suicide until the hunger strike are both guilty of Ðột-sand dollars.
If a Bhikkhu stilts, saw them rise and care for sick pets stilts Bhikkhu yourself too hard, thinking that it's just because the tribulations that come as a result.
If the love police shop lives no longer how long should not eat, not taking drugs anymore.
Have they (think) stilts Bhikkhu sick tribulations, we live it, we know it as area Director (see) in the hand. If you see that the hunger for her death.
Bhikkhu stilts would enter meditation to be a privileged direction should not go into the village, qifu mumo therefore no fasting (no food) then also.
In verse about rocks, Bhikkhu stilts are not rock, not just football that so for grass, trees, land, too.
If for the temple building towers, to dig out the rock was, until this page to room in (which break the ice).
After the meal (lunch) throw food out for the birds (eat).
If there are animals to want to hurt, so stone ground throw them away then.
The saying about fornicated, mean easy to understand.
Pregnant by adultery; Her husband was away, his wife fornicated with others should be pregnant. When the abortion, she came to axial drug stilts thai Bhikkhu.
My wife, understandably. According to this verse, the woman told Bhikkhu stilts that how break was pregnant?
Bhikkhu stilts a:-you squeeze on the thai character dies and is out.
According to Bhikkhu stilts are seized but she used to heat the shaft thai Bhikkhu should innocent on stilts.
Bhikkhu stilts that she said strangle yourself thanks to the others strangle, Bhikkhu stilts are innocent.
If a Bhikkhu stilts teaches people squeeze into thai for death they squeeze or told others to squeeze to the embryo dies, Bhikkhu stilts were felonies.
My girls don't you: all the women must be the life abortion then why is there? At the beginning of the life abortion if the woman would have to cause career criminal, they are born to the pregnant moments will be dead soon, should not have children. If the woman whose four air conditioner, not being promoted (thai instant death) or thai in having identical to eaters should die, so called non-con.
Bhikkhu stilts are not known as such should give medication to keep the fetus. She's taking her to the death. Bhikkhu stilts were guilty of Ðột-sand dollars. So, in the future the Bhikkhu stilts not physician. One physician was charged with Ðột-sand dollars. If doing drugs for the renunciation as Bhikkhu on stilts, stilts Bhikkhu ny, massage awareness ma na, sa di, sa di ny is innocent. Investors can make for you at the same school who have drugs available, they do not have medicines, for. If its not there then it could apply in the home laboratory. If there no drugs please, please stay home. Again, it is possible for the drug are: parents, foster parents, his net, you head-ba-la-sa.
Question:-You start-ba-la-sa?
A:-Friendly South Prince wanted to bridge the renunciation but no medicine Bowl, wanted to live in the temple.
If your parents are rich enough good medicine, the physician does not need to be concocted. If parents (other) in the United Kingdom, have the disease cannot not dispensing pharmacies (for them).
If the parents are poor white trash, when sick, depending on time should be included in the temple to take care of.
When clean, careful manner of physical contact. When eating is to manually insert for my father as sa di is no different. Hand washing, DAB the oil (for parents) are allowed to use his hands and brought up the disease.
For pure land, hire someone to cut firewood crops, if they get sick but have yet to go home, Bhikkhu should grant stilts medicines. If they have to go home, Bhikkhu stilts should not be granted. If someone in good health only male Bhikkhu stilts to help their sick then the Bhikkhu stilts prescription. There are ten grades that Bhikkhu stilts are for smoking: UK, children, sister, sister, aunt, uncle, uncle, you 're, you're uncle (mother's brother). Those who had the drug then the Bhikkhu stilts concocted for, without the loan. Later on, if they pay back then good, do not pay the clerk demanded. So, can count to her children for seven years, Bhikkhu stilts can apply for their drugs, preparations for them without breaking the (falling-broken) causes the notorious at home (the box-tha-join).
If your sister-in-law or brother-in-law got sick, may said she and her sister, said they gave his sister-in-law or brother-in-law.
If no brother or sister, you can give me on the exterior (or disciple) and said ' Please take medicine for your parents.
If the father, mother of the venerable are sick and in the Temple of the disciples were also allowed to drug treatment for people.
If venerable no drugs that parents have better drugs. If venerable no student whose parents have better drugs.
If no monk disciples that parents have to do it yourself, then medication for parents: venerable disciples care as well.
If someone has the disease, or the enemy, or military personnel carrying weapons going into the temple (menace), Bhikkhu stilts would have bereaved relatives to ask bereaved relatives of drugs that for them. If there is no user, which has access to the best good guy would drug and they are fine.
If there are countries which increased their donation home as their parents, but when the home countries have increased their disease, not as drugs for them, or for drugs.
Then again, when the pilot server only asked that: German Australian ... sick, how treated preparations like?
Should this medication:-response then off sick.
If we increase the answer as well. If the countries which host asked Bhikkhu stilts that:-Yes! Your mother is sick, German University for prescription treatment then the Bhikkhu stilts not for prescription drugs. Bhikkhu stilts she should create the media ask the Germans next to that Bhikkhu stilts ... have the disease was treated with medication?
A: her elders-drugs ... then off sick.
Hear two Bhikkhu stilts say so then, that's the way owners caught for her parents.
If a Bhikkhu stilts said so then not guilty.
Meanwhile, the Queen She-Sa-BA (Vasa-bha-ràjan) was wrong a concubine to ask German University Ma-ha-Lon-Ma (Mahà Padumatthera). Out of this German silent but not created means by talking with Bhikkhu on stilts next to (about how this treatment).
Hear two Bhikkhu stilts ever, return women bow making such drugs and the Queen is out sick.
After all, the Queen made t-y and 300 coins (kahàpana-ca-capital-sa-desk) and a vase full of drugs, with raiment widgets offer placed before greater Germany and my wife that thanks to this drug (off sick) so donation greater Germany costs about flowers perfume.
The three-Month-Ma thoughts: Divisions in the part of the physician.
He received false religious with purity and donation.
Sorcerers say that:-such intelligence could make benefit for beings that I'm innocent. The action is so good.
If the white man y says that a visiting German University: Please set off the shelves for an (paritta) for people ... then the Bhikkhu stilts are not made.
If they say sometimes greater Germany that litigation the Court, shall be of safe bridge shelf.
(Then) Bhikkhu stilts should think that this medicine does not know white Dharma, if we don't pay attention, they unwillingly born evil thoughts, so that litigation racks attach to them.
Take the water line to net CAI gave them, if DIY NET CAI and water being charged with Ðột-cat-la (a bowl of water to sprinkle soy source in the home countries and security requirements the owner string columns under watering Bowl to the Bhikkhu stilts prayer-person room).
If the King or the home construction in villages have the disease, the wrong people visiting the temple to their uncle stilts Bhikkhu, chanting A-thát-na-da (Atànà-tiyasutta litany) for them.
Investors can also allow the sick people that say France or transmitted. If the contender said meet at put the monarch ..., home ... go dump of buried, sometimes you put away.
Bhikkhu stilts are not taken away (because of obey them) which must have thought that we should arrive to escort a suicide impermanence and that we shall be led outcomes.
If so then not guilty.
Assigned to guard food supplies, qifu gangui was allowed and not. Investors can also allow for parents that are not for others. Can give others an money to foster parents, were given to be taken, net release (desk-top-BA-la-sa pandupa-làsa). Bhikkhu stilts are for people, be given the aggressors stole to reclaim.
Question:-Putting for who needs to ask, give one need not ask?
A: If someone came to the temple, whether to give or enemy raiders, came to question them. If they require anything then allowed for the object itself. If your object is falling, right ladies before and they increase the harmony permits shall be included.
If evil guys have power (authority) to reclaim the obtaining, holding, who wanted to preserve the stay-origin (Temple) is arbitrary.
After they have increased their giving, not la responsible for yelling at him with words like: this is because you arbitrarily take things to wicked.
Why? Because they want to protect the temple.
Magi said: I will prove it. Now, create the lion island has water A-nậu-la-da (Anuràdhapura). In the country there are aggressors A-BA-da (abhaya) consists of 500 names. They gathered together occupied a place established forts and plundered the region surrounding the camp as long as a do-downloads.
The way the seat (separated) easier to understand. Being charged, he see a hidden in-da-ca (Khuddaka-nikàya).
Or elevated or downward, the Interior cross complex of six groups thấùy unit 17 stilts Bhikkhu Bhikkhu stilts only. A number within the Group (17) get the bowl of the kia and the six tastes and turn the other end up and throw down the ground and turn together to sit on (other). Therefore a Bhikkhu stilts (continental group) was killed.
Convicted as in law said.
Untreated demons: kill demon stomach rubbed; This massage Yes or deportations, Bhikkhu stilts chanting I told it to go but it does not follow. Bhikkhu stilts that if you don't obey, we will kill you.
The massage felt just don't quit. Therefore, Bhikkhu stilts used rice flour or clay moulding into the demon's stomach rubbed, and then praise Uncle broke limbs and limbs (demonic statue) of instant broke and the massage felt was killed. So Bhikkhu stilts guilty of Currency-spread-for example.
Not only for the massage felt, that kill God God-Like, too, was charged with Currency-spread-for example.
The massage felt wicked, have an massage evil reside in a Buddhist temple. Bhikkhu stilts are not known in the room she felt evil massage should make a Bhikkhu stilts into the room to her taste was in an OK (should be put to death for him) so innocent. If for evil mind that wrong number then enter the room to die was guilty, not dead then it Currency-spread-for example.
Does the massage felt wicked for which home to poisonous snakes Tiger Wolf.. also (see) as evil, sinful massage felt does not violate what as said above.The accident insurance, accident insurance, place for many American colonists, but went to the wrong person does know is innocent. If unknown (the situation which makes) the other dies, the wrong person to commit felony, not violate Revenue-lan-dá.
Kill the right people is the first sentence. A Bhikkhu on stilts along a Bhikkhu stilts that grudge. Bhikkhu stilts on stilts that Bhikkhu wants to kill this grudge, should think that we kill the other guys in the daytime, everybody knows, so expect a kill.
With such thinking, Bhikkhu stilts to consider accommodation (of the other) and then come back and when they came up to the Bhikkhu stilts enemies. While the other end is you. In the darkness, Bhikkhu stilts search and this doubt is the enemy should kill the other proper (the enemy) the felony offense.
Bhikkhu stilts that mistakenly killed people suspected man: accommodation of resentment had been vengeful stilts Bhikkhu many friends and sleeping in the dark spot. Bhikkhu stilts across the search and says that this is the enemy and kill the wrong person.
Having said this murder on stilts that Bhikkhu to kill the other, say that murder and kill the right people there. Killing people with such circumstances, are committing felonies.
The first sentence inhuman sentence: want to let the demons out, using competing Bhikkhu stilts (demons entry) Unfortunately it died, so innocent.
Question:-If you want to output the devil do?
A: a user leaves Da-la or silk column limbs to keep the sick leave, chanting La-da-na (Ratanasutta my three jewels) then tell it that you don't pester people hold about you, please go away.
Enacted by the sermon, saying that this is easy to understand.
Magi said:-The, there are different meanings for details. If when the tree fell but Bhikkhu stilts is not dead. In hand with holding a knife sharp, but this would rather die rather than stilts Bhikkhu logging excavating land to escape death. As if digging my logging Three-Yes-". Guilty of the three-evening-then called pass the teachings of Scripture (the French beyond the guilt). Therefore, people who have wisdom would rather die rather than a precept breaking the world to live. If someone else is digging up the tree to rescue his good escape. If that means you are. The media here as has the dead tree to dry, the Bhikkhu stilts used to trap trees (was) up is good.
If a Bhikkhu stilts crashed down the pit, Bhikkhu stilts are used ropes to pull up, otherwise, to be American or sa di tight for.
The fire, meaning, someone fires spread close to the temple. Because protecting the temple, Bhikkhu stilts is permitted to play grass, dig the soil to extinguish the fire, not guilty.
The fire burned, again meaning, if any thought I burned all of them born in the fire, that they would be killed, he suffered such crimes stilts Bhikkhu active inverse, Ba-la-di, Currency-spread-for example, Ba-Da-topics. If said: I just burned grass, breaking the Three-evening-topic; the others burned, the Ðột-cat-la; only fire protection stay. Why? Because the Buddha allows.
Sentence: buttermilk, sour milk and peanut milk is sour, the milk lost nine.
Question: – water bowl-Bhikkhu-la (suviraka)?
A:-first take (left) A-ma-la-ha-la-Lac district-Bhikkhu-Noah-Lac district (haritahàmalakavibhitaka).
Bangkok has seven categories, namely rice bran, orange pepper, fruits, meat, fish, cement, sugar, salt, honey nut, tie together, so that in its small jars or sealed cover, mud and above, for three to four years to wait it matures. At maturity it is like honey, use diseases as leprosy, leper. etc.
This medication when eating, need more fat, all other drugs not over drugs, very effectively. Bhikkhu stilts would sick when this medication allowed after lunch. If the disease is not allowed with the water for use.
(Most three-la-di Tuesday)
The Sun said the four emperors
Teach weight about Wednesday
Now please differentiate clearly
Known as Ba-la-di.
Then the Buddha Bhikkhu-dormitories-ly. This clearly has significance in advance, don't talk back. The following would say to these things not to mention.
Being white (American) control: or ploughing or forest gardening for the Bach y (and says): we will do all the work.
For those tasks, Bhikkhu stilts should not do that so people do in medical White said.
The Messenger: Messenger for secular, under France's Radio France in favor of holy man, also known as upper French workers, also known as France, also called France Nirvana. This is the client's Buddha, Buddha-Chi-Flange and A-la-Han.
Start is the work of this first meditation Bhikkhu Prime on stilts. The Bhikkhu stilts put together such calculations then told people There that Bach y Bhikkhu stilts called Buddha-Da-Lac district-gas-Ða testifying beginner meditation; Ðàm-infinity-Lac district-gas-almost all evidence of the second meditation; Rose-Old-Lac district-gas-Cpc certified tam meditation. And told the white man so until the fourth meditation, tam reached-location, smuggled A la dedicated Han Chinese. Though the white y have asked or not, the Bhikkhu stilts also flattered each other with them. Enacted by the people of the white medical donation, the beauty of the Bhikkhu stilts fresh fun and profit strength fullness. Because the Bhikkhu stilts is donation, be eating delicious dishes, the cavalier play, nor is Zazen. Thus, the beauty of them leap with fresh fun.
The river She-bridges, the Bhikkhu stilts settled on the river She-requested called Bhikkhu stilts Her River-Bridge.
Questions: ask the Buddha Bhikkhu stilts that: he resides in harmony at peace? Meaning that He ask the Bhikkhu stilts that body (with four genera and nine holes) may be tired?
After comforting, That Venerated harshly condemned the Bhikkhu stilts in Her River-Bridge that:-he acted exactly the kind of big bandits aggressors.
Human things, prohibit the Buddha Bhikkhu on stilts in the future should be free of such action. Thus, in the law that says: the Buddha Bhikkhu stilts that:-in the world there are five types of aggressors.
Many people gathered, from a two hundred people for up to five hundred cases of looting together cities, villages and hamlets, the wall cracked walls. This is the great robber aggressors in the world.
Also, there are crimes of Ðột-sand stilts Bhikkhu-la, Ba-Da-sequential and by which date Ba-la-di which received the donation, respect, praise, pieced together the hands of another's cult ceremony ... «Environment, this evil stilts Bhikkhu class up, coach and fellow convent to business benefit, benefit packages and extravagant meals, fat body, pneumatics fullness, together playing playing, or talking about the tasty food, or talk about the lewd, or discussing the riches of the country beyond the village neighbors, or talk about the garden with fresh tasty food, think everything, discussed with the words vulgar, Bohemian Center of Italy did not know overpower, taken to. (There 's) enjoyment of food, clothes, medicines, shelter, furniture blankets of the democracy trust brought donation alms, they're not Like foot works electronic back claiming to be Like Prince, no happy offense again claiming it. The enjoyment of the donation so called big Rob aggressors.

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