Sunday, 23 March 2014


No: 707 Chinese translation: Unknown, Frequency Three appendices time.                  Khanh Hoa Buddhist Pure.

I hear something like this:
One time the Buddha relics in Pi-water-glass, it's time for a meal at the Buddha for alms.
Then, in the Pi-health-Le-away cups have a name Pi-la-practice -na (the Dung military service) such as copper sun and frolicking maidens, the prince and the woman upstairs to play, sensual amorously in the same way. Then, the Buddha used Necessarily sound was then told Ananda:
- I know this person contingent sensual craving, seven days after the general network. As such, he will be separated from loved ones happy, to certain death. Ananda! If this person does not give pleasure, not ordained, when the public network can be hell.
At that time, the Buddha taught obedience, want to benefit this prince, Ananda should go to him. Prince Ananda heard in the procession went outside guess, with respect to home visiting Ananda sits. Ananda had seated the prince reverently starting center told Ananda:
- Do not make good friend here! Today, just in time, I met the Venerable overjoyed. If false religion can rejoice taught me about the teachings of the Buddha, help me be at peace.
extra visiting prince so three times. Prince Ananda want to get more benefits should not say silent. The little prince:
Pi-na-ni-a-sample-college-first, the benefit for all beings, there is nothing that implied hostility hate saying no? Not to mention that the third time. He is the holder of Dharma for the benefit of the world.
Ananda said grief:
- Listen here, after seven days you will die. If you are not enlightened in sensual pleasures, not ordained, the general network you into hell. Buddhism is the most essential location, right speech right view presentations were talking about you like that. For as the fire burned everything, are all not wrong. You should think carefully.
heard that Prince panic, grief, melancholy unhappiness said: "At the advice of Ananda me to leave, but I want to enjoy life pleasures additional 6 days, the 7th day I will retire from the decision itself ordained. " Ananda satisfied. By day 7 Pi-la-na-feared practice for Buddhist monastic life and death, the Buddha agreed immediately. Through a one night pre-date the religious na pure precepts and general networking. After the cremation is finished incense, cousin Ananda asked the Buddha Tien-na:
- Dear Exalted! Monks Pi-na-la-practice that is now common network of consciousness where born?
Exalted Buddha teacher of gods, mankind, the most used modern-set-position-range sound than the drums echoing thunder , than they sound amazing bird behavior-steering-frequency Ca-old. He took eight sound told Ananda:
- Ananda Hey! Monks practice-Pi-la-na was born in hell fear of death should have been discharged suffering sexual renunciation, in a world increasingly sustained discharge night left this world born of heaven Kings, as the Pi-sa Meditation in the North-kingdom. Active Life Fitness Center bohemian pleasures, involved with the sensual pleasures life can women, the 500-year-old general entertainment life, while Tien-na all common network born about 500 years old heaven-33 made ​​also to the full enjoyment contingent Exercise, most heavenly joy. Tien-na beautiful woman on the sky and can prolong life 1000 years old, born on the doomed prince Diem-Diem-made natural disasters, self-entitled bohemian life color, sound, smell, taste, touch heaven, sexual pleasure center optimism, expectancy 2 thousand years old heaven, the heaven born general network-capacity Where do Prince. Active Life Fitness Center relaxed when he saw education minister, boring self-interest, often speaking French, intellectual liberation. At the end heaven than life, chronic joint network 4 thousand years old born on Self-in-heaven as the God-King, enjoying life enough grains in sexual pleasure in women can, the 8 thousand turned extend lifespan . End of 8-year-old network of thousands of heavenly beings to Tha-turned-self in, as the God-King. 6 heaven, the pleasure in that year under the heavens can not compare. Born into it and then, in the evening a wonderful happy life so happy. When life care too sensual charm there, fully enjoy the pleasures of life a miracle win six thousand years old. Such happiness through 6 to 7 times in sexual heaven. Pi-la-na-practice one night by a day to meet 20 monastic life, not hell, hungry spirits, animals, usually natural born, kindness, nature blessed life. In the last human life born into the wealthy happy, asset rich, full foot protection. When was the last adult age, sickness grounds calamity fear birth, aging, illness, convenient electronic boring moments in life, ordained scrape off hair, body jacket for legal, diligent practice hard, keep 4 postures, often mindfulness, five-bar music, Suffering, No, No-self, understanding karmic law, the effect is Bich-chi Buddhist-monk-store empire, then his big halo to many gods, human beings born virtue and help the beings in succession to be freed.
Then Ananda join hands and white Buddha:
Dear Exalted! If any of the ordained and ordained him to shoulder all the merit is how much? If there persons who destroy other things, the monastic life what I tell? Please only tells visiting children Exalted be thorough.
Buddha said to
Ananda Hey! If he had lived to 100 years old to ask me this, then I also get infinite wisdom because he broadly in accordance with 100, except for eating now. The merit of this unspeakable, their constant natural birth, or in humans usually monarch, life happiness kindness, favor. If they help people ordained monk in this way, because stories help the monastic life which, though they are in mortal pleasures and enjoy. Whatever I have said enough to merit 100 years old that person is not the end. Thus, Ananda! He has chronic centenarians longevity to ask me, even when I lived in Nirvana, said this merit not ever.
Buddha told Ananda:
- If there persons who sabotage other things ordained then he robbed genius warehouse wreak endless blessings, and destroyed 37 aid workers Bodhi Nirvana. If the person intends to renounce the destructive left to contemplate such a thing. Why, because I told them to hell, often blind eye, extreme unpleasantness. If animals do, they are born and congenital blindness. If born in Russia demons, also born blind from birth, suffering deprivation in three evil paths not know never freed. If the human being, conceived in the womb to be blind. He had lived a hundred years old would ask that sense, I still have the one hundred year old get endless intellectual interpretation can not all reported crimes. He was in prison often directed born blind. I do not know who this new never been freed. Why, because by destroying the monastic accomplished boundless merit. Due fortunate break to prevent such home person, so life countless crimes. If they are in a "glass intellect" This is pure goodness help them be freed so. If you see the pure precepts ordained religious head to liberation, destroying the renunciation of him, stop working, there is an affinity that was born blind, Nirvana is not seen by the monastic ruin . As no consistent causal-invented ... 12 would be freed. Due to the monastic break, ruin their intellectual eye to eye obscured his wisdom, from generation to generation born blind eye, not third-world that is so ordained that prevents people. Home people have seen the five-warm, 20 self-biased, folk, pastor-director, that's breaking the destructive ordained as chief-is, so are born blind, not see-directed district. Home people have seen all good practice, legal abode, was found pure Buddha dharma body, but pass others ordained to be born blind, can not see the Buddha dharma body. Because people have fully ordained monk physiognomy, filled seeds Phuoc Buddhist, and keeping pure world, should cause home people breaking the paragraphs in all goodness is hope. Because of sin destroyed the monastic grace, eternal blindness often. The cleverly observe monastic body and mind are all suffering and non-typically, no-self, no-net, which was down-home people, stop working, then as his eyes down, breaking eye I do not see that then-director Quartet, Quartet-anniversary-origin, the four-primary-needed, as-the-Four-sufficiency, Ngu-based, five-forces, Seven-sense-part, Bat-chief-directed, and provides a way to Nibbana, conditioned by such crimes are born blind, so not real, Infinite-General, Vo-purification work, aims to provide improved methods of Nirvana. Wise people know who is ordained to achievements such goodness, should not undermine that karmic goodness, so will not be guilty. Who destroyed the other thing is ordained monk right view, that provision shall forever into Nirvana, are born blind. If someone in a different realm of pure precepts ordained religious than 100 lives, the other people in the world-Yan-line value proposition presented one day a night, though the moment, it is 16 parts. But the world of other blessings only about 1 in 16 people ordained Yan-line-problem. Those who act crazy sister female sex, not lust, and resist being born to hate, I notice that incalculable. If you have the right thinking, monastic mind, there are others who destroy this monastic conversation not to their satisfaction, they reported that karmic guilt begins to grow hundreds of lives.
Ananda Buddhist transparency:
Dear Exalted! Pi-la-na-practice these seeds by virtue of birth place honor and enjoy the blessings life has lost because of past good deeds. Today only through merit-home one day enjoy a night life so many blessings.
Buddha told Ananda:
- He does not need karmic past observations, for a date night was a pure renunciation is good house, in 6 sex heavenly blessed life seven times back and forth. In 20 lives often suffer birth and death. In the last humans on earth enjoy the happiest scene, born in the wealthy. When age through adult, the weak base, the fear of suffering death to birth, aging, illness Pi-na-la-ordained practice the precepts of Buddha Bich-chi.
Buddha told Ananda:
I will say for example he listening skill. For as the heaven: East-waving-her-threads, South-matches-line-topic, Tay-tickle-da-ni, North-busy-knitting-Vietnam, the A-la-drought levels in 4 worlds was more like wheat grass jungle. If there is someone in it dedicated to 100 years of age offering the A-la-han things like this: clothes, food, water, medicine treatment, radiation, instruments Crouching; until after Nirvana them personally, to build a temple tower, all sorts of foot protection, lost his home flowers, chalky, said one, hang the bell kind treasures, scanning the water sprinkling incense, chant used the verses of praise, offerings then obtained merit. And whoever that because Nirvana ordained monastics, only one day merit a night, then this is 16 per merit, merit before only a part. Under such an affinity, good son should monastic world religious purity.
- Hey good son! Those who need merit, for goodness and self-initiation is not about preventing people ordained means he needs to help encourage their achievement.
when he, the public does not hear the Buddha who preached without boring walks of life. They monastic precepts, have attained the Tu-momentum-refundable, even attained the A-la-han, have sown the seeds of Bich-chi Buddhist, someone found the upper-center Countless Bodhi. People are excited to serve bowed out.


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