TOh sounded like this:
A Germany That Ton du at country Residence-Wai, Lam Wins in Garden of Anathapindika[02].
Now Germany That Suen told the Bhikkhu-stilts that:"If a Bhikkhu-stilts all seven French achievements are Hy peace in Holy Sage France[3], into contraband. Seven French what is it? It is know, know, know, know, know, Xue said they and the poor more people[4].
"How are called Bhikkhu-stilts to know French? Meaning Bhikkhu-stilts know Chief, ca speaker, Bay, shelf, multiply the charm, compose, a start-up, try novel, birth of that underworld, award, and novel means[5]. He is known on stilts-Bhikkhu. If a Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing French, the news did not know Chief, ca speaker, Bay, shelf, multiply the charm, compose, a start-up, try novel, birth of that underworld, award, and dogma. Bhikkhu-stilts like this is unknown. If a Bhikkhu-stilts fudge knows, that is known to the Chief Justice, ca speaker shelf, Gulf, tha, charm, compose, a start-up, test theory, being made, to be underworld, award, promotion and general sense. He is cited by the French know more stilts-Bhikkhu.
"How are called Bhikkhu-stilts know that? Meaning Bhikkhu-stilts knows the meaning of this doctrine or the other teachings, know this means that the other, the other thing that like this[6]. It's uses on stilts-Bhikkhu. If a Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing that IE Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing the meaning of the doctrine or the other teachings; don't know what this means is that the other thing, the other means like this. Bhikkhu-on stilts so as not to know the meaning. If a Bhikkhu-stilts fudge knows that, which is to know the meaning of this doctrine or the other teachings, said this means that other, know the other meaning like this. It is clear that manual on stilts-Bhikkhu.
"How are called Bhikkhu-stilts known as? That's when the Bhikkhu should stilts-tu low method, should tu high method would should discharge method tu[7]. Then when the Bhikkhu-stilts. If a Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing time i.e. do not know of any forecast should overhaul the low approach to the tu high method would should discharge method of seclusion. Bhikkhu-on stilts so as not to know the weather. If a Bhikkhu-stilts fudge knows, it's how to overhaul low method, should tu high method would should discharge method of seclusion. She knew the affidavit on stilts-Bhikkhu.
"What is Bhikkhu-stilts to know more? That's on stilts-Xue said Bhikkhu in the eating, drinking, walking, standing, sitting, lying, says power, silent, reduce sleep vacation, primary practice location. He is known on stilts-Xue Bhikkhu. If a Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing details of i.e. Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing Xue in the eating, drinking, walking, standing, sitting, lying, speak, silence, sleep, reduce bowel, primary practice location. Bhikkhu-on stilts so as not to know the details. If a Bhikkhu-stilts fudge the Xue Xue said, it is in the eating, drinking, walking, standing, sitting, lying, says power, silent, reduce sleep vacation, primary practice location. He is cited by the stilts-Bhikkhu Xue.
"What is Bhikkhu-stilts know yourself? Bhikkhu-self on stilts have the degree he trusts, about countries, intellectual property, home remedies, a-ham and the privileged[8]. Bhikkhu-on stilts so as to know himself. If a Bhikkhu-stilts don't know i.e. does not know I have the degree he trusts, sex, writer, pilot, intelligence, preventive measures, the function and the DAC. Bhikkhu-on stilts so as not to know her. If a Bhikkhu-stilts manual self aware, which is known to have the degree he trusts, about countries, intellectual property, home remedies, a-ham and the DAC. Bhikkhu-stilts is so politically aware.
"What is Bhikkhu-stilts know them? Bhikkhu-stilts-they know this is beneficial, this is it, this is them the renunciation, this is the Sa-keeper. In the us the time, we should take such a stand like that, sitting as such, say so, silent as well. Then they know the stilts-Bhikkhu. If a Bhikkhu-stilts not knowing them the IE not know this was we-society benefit, they are Criminals, they are Homeless, they are the Sa-keeper. In the us the time, we should take such a stand like that, sitting as such, say so, silent as well. Bhikkhu-on stilts so as not to know them. If a Bhikkhu-stilts cleverly know them, that is-they know this is beneficial, this is it, this is them the renunciation, this is the Sa-keeper. In the us the time, we should take such a stand like that, sitting as such, say so, silent as well. He is cited by stilts-we know Bhikkhu Assembly.
"What is worse than knowing the stilts-Bhikkhu of people[9]? It is a two-class there on stilts-Bhikkhu who: have no signal and[10], whose credit is over, the real signal strength is poor. The credit has a two-class: Often came to Bhikkhu-stilts and not often to see a Bhikkhu-stilts. People came to see Bhikkhu-stilts is over, people don't often see Bhikkhu-stilts is poor. People often see Bhikkhu-stilts have two grades: a and not feasts. Who has a glass is over; non-glass desk was the least. Who has a glass back two grades: ask and not ask. People have asked is, who doesn't ask is less. People have questioned my back two grades: for the mind to hear and not for the mind hears. Most people experience hearing Center is over, most people do not mind hearing is impaired. Most people experience hearing Center has two grades: heard tho maintained France and heard no Shou maintained. People heard the French maintained life is over, heard no Shou maintenance is poor. People heard the French had maintained a two-class life: France has a literal and non-literal number-listener. The French player has a literally is over, French listeners did not bar suicide means less. French listening class literal number two: know France, knowing that, towards France and things French, as French pros, practice just as France[11]; and do not know, do not know that, not to toward France and things French, as French pros and practice just like France. Who know, know that, towards France and things French, as French pros, practice just as France is over; who do not know, do not know the meaning, not to toward France and things French, not as French pros, don't practice just as France is lowly. The French know class, knowing that, towards France and things French, as French pros, practices such as France have two ranks: DIY benefits for themselves and also be beneficial to others, do the benefits for everyone, worldly spear, the mercy and favor, an good pleasure for the Sun and the people; and don't do benefits for herself and also doing benefits for the people, not the world trade bridge is no mercy and favor, an good pleasure for the Sun and the people. If someone would do a benefit, as well as the benefits to the people, to the benefit of everyone, worldly spear, the mercy and favor, an good and pleasure for the Sun. He is the most is larger, as above, is supreme, is above all, is you, is amazing between everyone else. Examples include dairy milk cows, from whose tribe, from Lac are born, people from birth are Shu, from Shu Bowl Bowl fine[12]. Crystal Bowl is large, hierarchical, as above, is supreme, is above all, is you, is wonderful for those types. Likewise, if people would do a benefit to everyone, worldly spear, the mercy and favor, an good pleasure to God who, in a two-class people as above stated, distinguished, was necessary, he is, is, is, is, is above all, is you, is amazing. Then tell the poor more stilts-Bhikkhu.
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