Wednesday, 19 March 2014

13 The Pure Organization: loud love Bat Master and Grand Master Chau Hoang.
Chih-love, self Vulture Vi, the Song Dynasty, they get in the house Qiantang. When he was seven, he left home to meet your affinity and seventeen were ordained. In dating tamed Ambassador to Move Khanh Pagoda.

7 - Contact Tong Tong loud Hangzhou Normal University Su Province
Chih-love, self Vulture Vi, the Song Dynasty, they get in the house Qiantang. When he was seven, he left home to meet your affinity and seventeen were ordained. In dating tamed Ambassador to Move Khanh Pagoda.
So dear Son di Lo's style, he created Amitabha Buddha you combine sen, founding Affairs. He then re-injected blood products behaviorally described in the Flower Adornment Sutra. He predestined renamed Union of Pure Happiness Social Affairs. Every part in social elites Buddhist concept is a hundred and twenty people. In addition, every other lay men and women to tens of thousands, are called behavioral disciples. In this State, the General Assembly Huong Van Dan to do manually.
Particularly monks increased, ambassadors are more than a thousand people have practice of reciting the Buddha. In the kingdom Wednesday, January 12, according to Master courses often recite the Buddha sitting cross-legged.
Moment, suddenly exclaimed that: "Bhagavan Amitabha has come." Then sit and chemistry, life expectancy is 62 years old. Tron time he passed, the ground mass that turns into pure gold color, so long as the old for the new finish. Disclaimer: Experience teaches: "Mind is pure pure Buddha realm".
Ambassador pure Buddhist concept prisoners, all must feel over charged. But because the net should not wait too intense for Western birth that affects the UE context is temporarily turned into golden color.
This is a scene evidence that land plants treasure in Pure gold is real, because "mind-All". Master fruition of all products at home usually.
8 - The Bat Ming Lien Tong Chau Hoang corpus Hangzhou Grand Master

Professor Chau wild, spontaneous Hue Lien Tri effects, the Ming Dynasty, the affective state they, in the land of Nhan Hoa in Hangzhou. Seventeen years he has been appointed as the teacher, the school is renowned audit. Her old neighbors, every day thousands of sentences Buddhist concept, often taken as the key. 's Spare free time to play, he asked the cause, she replied: "My husband and birth of money dedicated to Buddha, to the dead, not sick limbs, arms happily reports from people that died. Therefore I know the Buddhist concept of merit inconceivable! " Heard him moving, then the constant attention to the Pure Land method. Wrote four words: "Live big death" paste the wall where the first shot to remind commandments. In thirty-two years old, he left home, then go join the ranks interview merit list.
Finally, the study set out to direct the Mind Resonance teacher, taking questions "Who is Reciting the Buddha?". One day trips are suddenly awakened suddenly saved. make that verse: Two decades of questionable addition to the three thousand miles to meet any stars! Burning incense, cast size seems thin, Buddha, and the non-empty picture! Long Khanh fifth reign Ambassador begging across the top of each other is that the young scene u extremely elegant, warm sand in the religious settlement. In many tigers that mountain, he allowed spared, he carried out, from which the species is no longer tormented beast again. A few years later, having at long drought, residents around the island to pray martial am. He replied: "I only know Buddha, no other financial expenses".
People are still trying to appeal pleading. Master felt sincerity of the people, the workshop blurred am typing along the fields where Buddhist concept. His footsteps go, according to which heavy rain falls. Cast glass excited people, united together electrical temple construction. Increased they turn depend on the place, that place not long total length of forest scenes solemn purity. Zen Master but has shown muscle, but deem it necessary to force the poor weak degenerate time, who said much of the encounter but really very little reason. Because they want their profit and people, so tuck Pure guidelines, rapturous meditation vehemently denied.
Ministry of Amitabha Buddha Speaks Why do you fear the notable effects, both physical tolerance, including three photographers around the base, so as scholarly commentary shirt. On the front, the Sun ranks of Buddhist faith, but to spread the Pure Land, but still not turn away Zen Master who was chief from his initiation of the Lin Xiao Yan, the only propagate the Pure Land. So, the Zen school time is not satisfied. Mr. Lo Pan Tao, a Buddhist school, two phen write to ask clarifying corpus. He responded that two phen few paragraphs related to Pure, will be quoted later. Master pacifist and religious merit to support the net now, but ordained law, declare the liberating life pond.
His re-evaluation of hydraulic facilities, operating Du Score Export to relieve suffering u intelligent, writers spread closely, the regularization makes healing so much. Wanli forty-second year, the end of June, up from Special Master to the disciple and former mentor, said: "I'm going to go somewhere else!." Then he returned to the temple to set a public farewell tea party. People do not understand what the cause is. By the day of a July afternoon, he said to increase sugar: "Mai I will go". Over the following afternoon, tired sounding masters in loss from sitting cross-legged eyes closed. Buddhist monks, and lay practitioners who are entrenched in the Assembly to. He opened his eyes look people say: "should the true Buddha, do not do anything different, and do not destroy my orderly". Saying so, his hands toward the west Buddhist concept that died. Life is eighty-one years old. Accessories Questions and Answers (Brief extract)
Poetry question: Who has long kept this vile eastern pockets, for Confucian and Buddhist scriptures, did from bookworms forty years. Teachers often served with sage goods, cattle are also a pair of component aggregates. Division personnel violate this corpus, please send a few words to wish the main effect is the one where he improved knowledge. 1. In the three organs dharma, religious twelve parts, the ancient Buddha preached many things which nets an extensive samsara to customize parts salvaged the natural goodness of large and small fish landings Nirvana. But so great to include small talk, where one can celebrate that give more! Recently, I heard someone say, many lives of Buddha and not all the DC shop. And the Store is also Buddha, never wrong, but use of the application shop for teachers and affordable so wrong? Venerable hidden inside the unicameral show enlightened, he then revealed the Pure Land method.
This is also how the Buddhas, not comfortable enough to dislike. But his re-learn them all in a Amitabha that give off electronic fifteen for United, want a religious experience that left all three Pure Land organs twelve sectors. That's what this coward who does not want to hear! Currently though to degenerate time, but opens only human nature that no advantage padded base? As Thich Ton for Kassapa, legal Kondanna say this because of natural disasters and other Long Women say. Property occasional preaching of Buddha change, so round as the water rolled bare lake lots left, as if crucified hauling poles, trees keep breathing, how are benefits every natural goodness? We wish Venerable occasional sermon, to meet customers should benefit grounds for saying crest, so they no longer realize dung natural justice delayed making the eagle is like listening to swallow. So is it not very good very good it?
2. Flower Adornment Sutra is the TT Circuit Teachers, is king in the business. In the majority of Sao Di, brings back horror Venerable Da Hoa strictly comparable, the point was not satisfactory against them. Forums, there's even people that do take high opinion Pure Land, Flower Adornment suppressed, making the purple color of the mixed cycle! Mong Ton spice based Pure Land Pure Land said, with the United States strictly strictly speaking, do not belittle each other and do not abuse each other, are the true dharma circulation. Poetry response: To be sheet of clouds, said lay vast quantities to bring all beings in nature incorporated in the legal world TT Circuit. It is the prayer of Samantabhadra large, private devotion am so pleased!
1. According to Layman said I should take occasional teachers, which is a very good idea! But depending Want that led teaching, which is the birth of Buddhas. It did not do this vile man. As the old Sixth Patriarch at Jogye he did not inform the other teachings? And as the contoured own Son in Plot to open the White Lien Commune, including high levels increase, artist name, open only to prescribe the house? By the year as cardboard: Van Mon, French Label, Soto, The Threshold, Rinzai, but one source contracts, but a continuation of each other tones are wrong. The above is the competition for the tribe's own family subjects, which are probably of course, do not give in wonder! Master the ancient patriarchs were like, how much more is this blasphemy u guys? If not amount to imitate Buddha himself, said this is legal, then tomorrow take another approach to it dark no redundancy.
That said though that benefit people, do in fact misled people. Why is that? By Buddha Dharma King who is, for all legal entities in order. But civilians who usurped confess that the Son of Heaven dangerous thing, should not you hitting it? 2. Flower Adornment Sutra is correct Teachers TT Circuit, including countless subjects, for birth in the Pure Land is a subject of Huayan immeasurable. As this takes a Pure Land should do that on Strictly States, but not yet removed Flower Adornment Pure Land. Layman sure why I brought horror is born with Flower Adornment, do you have these guys put high opinion Pure Land, Flower Adornment suppressed. Please ask the opinion that where, as one notable effect? But I also brought unprecedented economic par with Di Da Hoa Nghiem. In my letter No. Why only say: "Flower Adornment Sutra Extreme Park, horror was a little part of members".
It is told horror belonging spent a portion of the Flower Adornment of law, have spent the Northeast called that? Besides, when it comes Hoa Nghiem, has said include Pure Land Pure Land and also inform the Flower Adornment. So who takes lessons from the United States strictly speaking, the dictionary says Pure Land Pure Land, was left without another companion. Chinese people today only know Bliss is strictly larger, but no clear moral Amida Buddha is Canada. Nagarjuna spread the Flower Adornment Sutra that prayer Sukhavati. Manjushri, Samantabhadra Buddhist Council aide Price Lo Na, named St. Tam Hoa Nghiem, also vow of Federal realms. Based Layman advises me because Pure Land Pure Land said, with the United States strictly speaking strictly.
Ask them Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Nagarjuna, who is the person? The Bodhisattva's birth anniversary for Pure Land Buddhism, the Pure Land or Flower Adornment house? The layman has long passed diameter Huayan, but contrary to Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Nagarjuna's what I do not understand it! In fact, I will lay with you heal the world in Flower Store. This old-fashioned back to invite laymen to do the same fraternity at Union. Hope lay at failure, I do not see that as outsiders. Poetry question: Venerable Then bring poetry classics of the meeting Venerable. Browse and find the kind words, it's very touching hearts condescension! But that has never shown before, please also have presented some points: 1. The Lotus Sutra, in the merit commendation life over lead: "If any woman will get this life over completely female body, birth of Bliss". Thus the Pure Land rebirth, affordable women's cause and effect of goodness? Again, Shurangama, in part recruit members for, Manjushri Buddhist mindfulness ruled his subjects could just as impermanent, arising and passing. So you think Venerable how?
2. Currencies, teacher, when scholars read to his two verses of meditation: "Duy has off road practice. Chant Amitabha Buddha" was shouted out, "Still round the old way, the concept of what? " Zen master told: "Just as before father fled away, wandering migrant, instead of suffering the Buddha Amitabha!" The words of an enlightened ranks say so, I not salty it? 3. Therefore knowledge level reached was told: "After suffering many lives need not practice with a concept of enlightened French unborn Rings". The location should be beyond school boxing Tam TT, no longer falls and falls head. Now the reborn into the Pure Land, or we are born, Bliss was born in the power seat, head, who also clearly distinguish scenes, where calling an end? 4. If it says "flowers bloom Buddha realized that the unborn." It all has to wait after reborn Amida newly found faith enlightened, reasonable delay is too far? 5. In the previous verse, I have advised the Venerable: "So based Pure Land Pure Land said, with the United States Adornment Sutra says," because he really has that manifested all the brain center.
Venerable left no note, the last audience of the conference where you land from Hangzhou to Suzhou, the demand always cooked food hangover. While in the same conversation, I mentioned to Lose, they are cool guns, doing lap! It is the fault of the teacher or of the disciples? Who macho impulse to natural gas quality, so now he has the app, open line basis, to preach is, why not enough of undergraduate work multiplication strategy, which only mimics the action of her old man fasting in the first village alleys? If the alert level is tomorrow smoothly to ask, will attempt nestled on the North Star, or Vi squeeze themselves into mountains Setting it? 6. Then the Venerable do you want with me and place the Pure Lotus, said other guys left shoulder spikes gold chase animals that run into the maze?
Did not heard: If metal is eagle champion, a new wing was unfurled high over cloud nine; photography horse's hooves were distilled spirit sentence glide out of thousands of miles. This class is no longer under layer that eating well does not have to bury themselves arbitrarily. The ancients said: "If you want to salvage things, to stand on mountaintops towering, go deep in the heart of deep seabed. As yet cozy rid of the closet where they have been used." Thus, dharma is the largest, not blasphemy. Expecting him to think again! Poetry replied conditioning Hue layperson, or perhaps magic words, reasoning measures coincide message, it is worthy of praise, worthy aspirations. But thieves think, "but deep compassion for me, but unfortunately has cost many words wasted!" If you want results to commend lay Zen, Pure Land inhibitor need not spend much to say.
Why not say, "Buddhas in my mouth to swallow three lives were lost everything. A Buddha was not established, no one is Amitabha?" Again why not say, "If people knew about, not great location feet underground. Was not an inch of land, where the Pure Land?" Only two words alone, enough of all things including photography layman would say. Now think if each and every enemy will meet, f unfair fight. If he does not answer, because religion is correlated, to not be silent. So please estimating manifested as follows:
1. Layman led the Lotus Sutra, says the Pure Land rebirth is the result of women. Then the Buddha of Long Women, as well as women's causal it? Leads Shurangama said doctors Manjushri Buddhist concept of impermanence is birth and death, not telecom. So why did you show enlightened Kondanna two hoteliers throughout TRAN can call impermanence, where perhaps after removal, it is not selected telecommunications law? If indeed: Buddha Guanyin high Strength failed him, why not listen to lay people know for example: "encounter of the Dragon" is the word of the east country bumpkin who was at Te water?
2. In terms of currencies, the teacher said, lay studied Zen, so do not know which is the Master Tong tied for the open minded acceptance, the outside word, according to documents the true self-understanding that died under such utterances? If indeed the ancient faith says: "Buddhist monks stamping on top of his head that goes Lot" is also true bike or what? The body in the bed at her style has thousands want to inhibit. Old-fashioned forty years ago and has been used to give words of how subliminal, powerful sentences hero proud. The next review shame, no longer dare to follow the old style, now thought to still blushing. As currencies, the angel said: "Just as before father fled away, instead of wandering migrant suffering Amitabha!" Please also used to translate the response: "Now the truth as I miss you, old country back, please replace Amitabha!" Try saying this to bring weight to his words Lord Proceedings, see party more or less severity, and how long distances?
3. In poetry and eloquence quoted said: "After suffering many lives need to practice, not by an enlightened conception the unborn legal entity". Ask: "Lay has seen the ring yet unborn France?" If they are, do not think I am the person or birth, the place of birth in the Pure Land. Why? Because the mind is the scene immediately, or who is born? Your mind is the scene, where is the place to be born? So not see power base, so although the unprecedented rebirth birth. These are the true foot unborn. If the clue is not born of the unborn, the cessation of the error, not so natural.
4. Layman said: If you wait for the new Buddha found enlightenment bloom unborn delay is far-fetched. He who does not know how to understand Zen: from love is a dream realized as long just awakened? The Buddha ngiem depending on the base, which was located in present life is nature. It is the lotus blossom at the moment. Someone new is reborn after nature. It is about long flowering. Because there are light and dark frugal, industrious elaborate overhead, so new bloom soon, what is most wrong concept for the delay it?
5. In verse also mentions some wild mountain monk in particular when they are asked to Lose economic facial swelling heart! Layman advised me to root it said Chinese Flower Adornment Sutra, talks to the Pure Land, the Pure Land. Now those who belong padded base line, the Pure Land should preach, why not lay sick for drug option, the argument for them to spend Lose? Layman told that I have the application open road legal, is to preach, but not enough of undergraduate work multiplication strategy. He never dare fashioned honor of the world, should not have the effect of word of undergraduate multiplication strategy. This temporarily hung over, no need to discuss.
But if the hand-in-class old man she is both rustic vegetarian, not to belittle the fact that the where, but the persistence of Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Ma Ming, Nagarjuna so! What colophon that the Bodhisattva, that the Patriarchs as Far Hue, Thien Dao, Thien Thai, Vinh Minh, friendly word knowledge era, the name of kindness every Buddha, according to the laity, as well as the rustic grade it? But if the peasant class was reborn Buddhist concept, will take over retrogression, where also cheaper contempt should see?
The old man she both vegetarian Buddhist concept of merit is also worth keeping them in accordance with their own rustic roots. User rating action also smart, eat drink, said Prajna expectations, early every day to find cottage Zen monks say how direct it? Sees her as the old man who was both the smooth agile is no need to ask the Big Dipper, in the mountains because, as higher spending far. They just put to bed in her throat, underwent court sitting on the eyes of her smooth nimble. Doing so costs? To temporarily close them eighty subjects where his mouth, closed his eyes knowing their reflection back at yourself then stop!
6. Layman advised that the birth anniversary of Buddha's Pure Land Bridge is crazy, chasing animals in the maze, the yellow left shoulder spikes, to obscure his humiliation. But the example does not even close. Please bring this old-fashioned replace another example: There is a genuine farmer sent cards to store the rich bourgeois, housing invited to visit his farm scene. People are heard laughing. Farmer sweeping the roads clean, to invite again. The rich bourgeois house doorman smiled and said: "Master rebuked multiplication times before he was unfortunately not very long. Mr. designated as thick-skinned or what?" He said to him: "I saw in the rich, rich man that has no mercy. Having rich but the poor outsider. Is not a rich man but expressed pride before.
Some people just keep warehouse, keeping the rich, but his claim to the rich. Besides being rich scenes as Kim Gu, U.S., where this was it? I am an old man in the field, peace enjoyed the fun should forget his inferior, but invite new mercy. Well since this error and would like to know itself! "Saying that laughed together breakup. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/3/2014.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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