Pass key spot (sanketam vitinàmeti), i.e. based on the sentence, depending on the general condition of it that sequentially to distinguish among thieves.
According to SAC, SAC (Yathà rùpam nàmà'ti) is depending on the place. As the subject name, or a portion, or value a share or more than one section; called name. Why? A Ngật-seat-sa-table (kahàpana) divided into four parts. This is expressed in terms of things impure (enough value in it?). The value part is expressing pure land (not enough offense factor). More than one part is over a part of net or the impure animals. This is the gender factor is enough Three-la-dy Monday.
Home ground (pathabbyaràjan (pathavya) was the King of all mankind as Transfer-London-United Kingdom (Dìpa-cakkavattin), or a publicity as Ashoka (Asoka), such as the Lion King (Sìhalarajan), in one of his Comments-sa (Bimbisàra), the King of capitalism-anonymous (Pasenadi), in a marginal region is the King of the land on one side of a King. Is the owner of a hamlet, the two villages also called King.
Ðiển-France (Akkhadassa) means the enforcement of rules, depending on the light-heavy offense which kill or cut nose, dismemberment, Lord or Prince or King in small countries (add) have the right to act thereafter referred to as the King.
Killing is killing or flog sticks (to death).
Ðuổi go literally chased to other countries.
The enemy that is more or less of the thief. Such is the sentence on charges of identity theft. Magi said: following the serial-easy to understand that getting started is get. So said all six sentences. If taking part (in ma-BA-sa), (or character) values with a more part is stealing (Ba-la-dy).
Question:-Taking part have sinned, what value does the part or more than one section?
A: an pre-loss-because of the Bhikkhu on stilts in the future should be broadly the same.
Creatures in the soil and on the ground. Animals in the land were marked in the soil. This is in the law.
Shaman says: this place is kick-hard to understand, I will explain. The Museum is the digging and burying down then fill with soil or rocks, trees ... This is buried under the ground. If a Bhikkhu stilts said that I want to steal and carry away the items marked in the soil, by various means, all offences Ðột-sand dollars.
Q.-What is means?
A:-When going away, clothing go slowly up the road, which it thought: great, I can not get alone, so let's look at the same. Forth with such thoughts, Ðột-sand dollars. Sees meeting you, say: in that ... with treasures, I along with elders to go get. If other disagree and go, Ðột-sand dollars. If stated that where ... He has big precious supplies packaging lu, I want the same for elders. If they are, we split to make merit. Thanks for that, I am the same elders do not suffer deprivation. With these words as such are offences Ðột-sand dollars. After finding you, back hoe. If Yes, then go grab a sharp hoe to use, if there is no sharp hoe that arrive on stilts or other American Bhikkhu (to borrow).
The owner asked:-take the hoe to do?
A: use less.
Being charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
If you try to lie to get the tractor brought back the temple used to dig the Earth, breaking the Three-evening-topic. Get the explanation (mahàatthakathà) that is not so, that all offences Ðột-sand dollars. Why? Because that is the only means to steal. Magi said:--deliberately lying, breaking the Three-evening-topic.
This is a reasonable explanation.
If the tractor does not have rolling, as do officers that secures the tree is dead, it Ðột-cat-la, tight live tree, breaking the Three-evening-topic. There is a different explanation of close living tree breaking Ðột-sand dollars. Why? Because just the vehicle to thieves.
If you want to borrow the hoe that scared someone should do it yourself hoe to dig; because the search should iron, dead trees, which are violations of the three-evening-and Ðột-sand dollars. There is another interpretation that all offences Ðột-cat-la for creating vehicles to thieves. If there is no basket, wire basket to rip into the jungle, breaking the Three-evening-topic, as said before. Or with the idea of obtaining this to donate-Bao, lectures, give alms. When you take that says so then not guilty. When it comes to mind thief, breaking Ðột-sand dollars. If you want to go to the place of burial, the cutting of trees to make way, breaking the Three-evening-topic, if logging was dead, the Ðột-sand dollars.
For tree living in definitions is buried treasures were so long, now has vegetation growing above. If chopping trees, breaking Ðột-sand dollars. Magi said:-there are eight types of Ðột-sand dollars. Such is: 1-medium Ðột-cat-la; 2-General Ðột-cat-la; 3-critical of Ðột-cat-la; 4-non-cash Ðột-cat-la; 5-Bhikkhu-ny Ðột-cat-la; 6-Tri Ðột-cat-la; 7-Ðột-cat-la; 8-Van Ðột-sand dollars. (Pubbapayogadukkata; sahapayoga; anàmàsa; durùpacinna; natã; patissava; nati; vinaya).
Question: media-Ðột-cat-la?
A:-As thieves find accomplices and dao hammer, hoe to make the media the media is Ðột-sand dollars. If in Three-Yes-it violates the three-evening-theme, in Ðột-cat-la then it Ðột-sand dollars.
Plus general Ðột-cat-la means hammer knife chopping plants grow on possible buried treasures. In this, Part Three-the cardiaca-theme is a Ðột-sand dollars. Because just the vehicle to thieves.
No physical means with ten kinds of treasure, seven grain, types of weapons, the ruling was charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
Africa money meant for other types of oranges, bananas, coconuts, if here were guilty of Ðột-sand dollars.
Bhikkhu-ny means when qifu gangui in village on stilts into real Bhikkhu neighbors, the dust falls into the bowl, not the life left (cleaning the bowl?) that receives formal dining, the recipients were charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
Tri Ðột-cat-la means listening to others yet, know that not guilty, are charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
Transparency means being a legal French in ten white white, were charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
(Listen to) means that the Buddha Bhikkhu stilts: terminate action if not completed, be it Ðột-sand dollars. This is the general public Ðột-sand dollars. Why? As in law says that cutting live tree grows on that treasure trove, were charged with Ðột-sand dollars. But just as tightly, born of mind, and come back to mind as good as old. Because the cutting should be charged with Ðột-cat-la but thanks to repentance should escape the guilt. If not very good you, that make the undermining power to find treasure, too, was guilty of Ðột-sand dollars.
Next the land means land of death and a mighty heap aside, being charged with Ðột-sand dollars.
Money Ðột-cat-la destruction means users manual overload treasures but have yet to move, were Ðột-sand dollars. Before being charged with Ðột-cat-la land consolidation, then lay the animal charge Currency-spread-for example.
Magi said:-Crime Ðột-sand dollars and Currency-lan-this for example?
Ðột-cat-la is not follow my Buddha. Ðột means storage batteries; Fang-la means do; collected means do evil. Improper action, dignity of the Bhikkhu stilts called Ðột-sand dollars. In law have the shelves:
You hear the meaning,
On the crime of Ðột-cat-la,
Also called a mistake,
The One-baht
As an introduction to do evil,
Or seal or manifest,
Called Ðột-cat-la,
You ask yourself to know.
On the crime of Ðột-cat-la,
Also called a mistake,
The One-baht
As an introduction to do evil,
Or seal or manifest,
Called Ðột-cat-la,
You ask yourself to know.
Currency-dá-lan (thullaccaya): Currency-lan means; dá means preventing the donation; After being an evil way. In the guilty must repent before the person, the greatest crime.
As in the law that says:
Listen to the meaning,
For collecting-lan-dá
The recipient of a kind as well,
In the crime of a kind person,
Crime is the biggest.
For collecting-lan-dá
The recipient of a kind as well,
In the crime of a kind person,
Crime is the biggest.
If you've got animals lay but then remorse, repentance with charges of Currency-spread-for example, when he was out.
Question:-in ten Ðột white-sand-la, Ðột-cat-la?
A:-not yet listed, has finished but not within the white Ðột-sand dollars. Once the white throat-ma is completed, do not remove, the throat-ma, not finishing first, depending on the post-ma without leaving dd, Pham Thu-lan-dá.
Obtaining from the old place, meaning the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts move things to another place though as the strand of hair, Pham Ba-la-dy. make a container of tilt bias aside is not offense. If leaving the old place, breaking the Three-la-dy. If the average, (ground) around the hold too tight, use three cylindrical tree to hang up, then remove peach lands in four sides and on the bottom, Pham Thu-lan-dá. If pluck off a tree, two trees is also collecting-dá-lan. Pluck off three cylinders, the average fell to the ground, breaking the Three-la-dy. using wire hanging vase onto the tree, then, just toss the average down, depending on the short wire also not yet committed, if open wire leaves the tree, Ba-la-dy. If no open strings that off the tree, also breaking the Ba-la-dy. on the bookmarks tree planting, root grows gravitates the whole vase, Bhikkhu stilts, fasten both roots, breaking the Three-evening-threads, Ðột-sand dollars. Broken tree roots, reveal, not being an offence. Clean up plant roots aside to get the average, moved from the trees about the hair shaft, Three-la-dy. Tree falling, exposed, soil movement pushed the average from the old place, no offense. Get out of the new position, Ba-la-dy. on average, the average should kick flip open, has not been found guilty, only breaking Ðột-sand dollars. Refractory cases, too big to move, bring things under to retrieve treasures valued part, Ba-la-dy. If in that hat, gold key, pull out the part and the other part was in Binh, Pham Thu-lan-dá. If the cuts took part, Ba-la-dy. If in the jar full of treasures, put your hands on obtaining, getting things out, just pull off the part and then fell back into, Currency-spread-for example. Providing figures out the average, Ba-la-dy. have the wizard retrieve that award left the bottom of the vase but not yet out of the mouth of the jar, Ba-la-dy.
Magi said:-for precepts to a variety of factors (the new offense). Take a piece of that guilty-la-dy as taking one valuable piece part, Pham Ba-la-dy. have other explanations, such as discrimination, nothing (precious drinking water packaging) weighs cannot take away the mouth mouth, drinking should not leave the average, breaking the Currency-spread-for example. Her mouth left, Pham Ba-la-dy. If-bamboo tube in the throat part (the value in ma-BA-sa) Pham Ba-la-dy. If suction shut mouth, the mouth and the tube has filled then stopped, users manual sealing a pipe heads, get out of the jar, Pham Ba-la-dy. If user y put in the vase to get butter, oil in the jar, the hands grab y leave commentsPham, Ba-la-dy.
There is a wizard entertainment that is not so, if drop y and Italian students, but should not yet retrieved, Pham Thu-lan-dá. If not, get out of the average, Ba-la-dy. after the drop in, the owner knows, reclaim by value, if returned, Currency-spread-for example. If not returned, Ba-la-dy.
Bhikkhu on stilts with no other people, bring the butter oil to pour into the jar. With the mind becomes angry, Bhikkhu stilts take place b no offense. If not angry but because greed provides other bypass, Bhikkhu stilts committed Three-la-dy. If not moved through the place that makes the average punctured, drains a portion of the oil out, breaking the Three-la-dy. If punching pierced tank for the meantime but soon oil freezes does not exude; then there was the Sun should exude a part, Pham Ba-la-dy. If punching the hole too big, buttery oil like glue flowing up non-stop, flowing over a section, see so regret should get left in peace, violations of Currency-spread-for example. If removing the outside part, Ba-la-dy. If moving the comments to the ice plant, wants to dump tilt, Pham Ba-la-dy. If the employer provides no possible flat, yet for avocado oil, avocado oil for. So, Bhikkhu stilts used trees, rocks on the average, determined to break.
See Bhikkhu stilts work the same, so when the average was hot, the average owner demanded compensation, though stilts Bhikkhu refunded all or not are violating Three-la-dy.
If a Bhikkhu stilts don't intend to break that brought the corpse or bowel removed in the jar, put at unregistered grievance Ðột-cat-la; time is up to date Currency-spread-for example. When left on, see employer compensation value, if not compensated, Pham Ba-la-dy. without the mind thief, just because of anger should vandalize or burned or dumped into the water, by all means make the employer no longer use anymore, Ðột-cat-la, should compensate the owner, otherwise the date 01-la-dy. If bringing catsoil, rocks, put them in the jar, pour water on to spill out, can't use ping anymore, they must claim back to the owner, if not compensated, is guilty as before.
Magi said:-Thread full of treasures in the ground, the following will talk about things on the ground.
Objects to the land is to the soil, on the Palace or on the top of the mountain. To the place where he or focus or disperse or stay in peace without trove, called objects to on the ground. Magi said:-first broad demonstration, will in General ... or take your hand, you ask yourself.
Butter, oil, honey, milk, peanuts, are part of that flow like water. Heavy objects, light, gold ring, Sedum, long fabric panels ... If the move from the old place with out hair strands, breaking the Three-la-dy. most of the above.
In animals, the fur is first, with six seats, that's mouth, tail, back, legs, wings, crests. Want to steal chickens where the air, when the birds like to fly, Bhikkhu on stilts standing right in front. See Bhikkhu stilts, chickens can't fly, landing stop, Bhikkhu stilts were Ðột-cat-la; put your hands touched the birds, too, was Ðột-cat-la; waggle are birds-lan-dá. If grabbed, pulled away with three-body-la-dy; pull the left the left or right, being Three-la-dy; on the bottom as well. If the birds descend on oneself or on the right hand of the Bhikkhu stilts, stilts, catching thieves with Bhikkhu put through her left hand, Ba-la-dy since leaving the old place. If it is not flying through it. Providing with the mind thief, initially, Currency-spread-for example; the second step, Ba-la-dy. If the bird on the ground, with the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts catch chickens of others, if catching a bird's body in two parts, but have yet to leave the ground, Pham Thu-lan-dá. If a full body turn the birds off the ground, Ba-la-dy.
The bird in the cage, with the thief took the cage out, according to that which is criminal. If the birds are eating in the garden, with the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts chased the birds out the door, with felony offense. With the mind thief, catch the bird thrown out of the garden, being breaking the Three-la-dy. If chickens in the village neighbors, Bhikkhu stilts with the mind thief, birds out of diamonds of villages, violations of Ba-la-dy. If the birds go, or go to the temple or to emptiness, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief wielding sticks, stones, tree bird thrown. If the dreaded bird flying into the jungle, on the roof or come back then the Bhikkhu stilts have yet been indicted. If the mind thief, deliberately chasing, catching the birds leave the ground when using the hair shaft, being Three-la-dy. so for those other kinds of birds, cases of violations or not it is the same with the birds.
For y, the y is upwind to the air, with the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts grabbed a part of y, Ðột-cat-la; take the medicine, Currency-spread-for example; leaving the old place, Ba-la-dy! for the crime, with the birds is no different. If aerial y falling, Bhikkhu stilts hand grabbed, Ðột-cat-la; leaving the old place, guilty.
Precious objects crashed, the object of someone else crashing but they do not know, of this to where you saw the stilts Bhikkhu from falling space should get with the mind thief, leave the ground until a strand of hair, Pham Ba-la-dy. For ca-sa crashed, also violates as before. All the talk about things on not falling down.
The objects to on the bed that can take or fail to take, where to date as on land. If a pallet bed (including animals) go from the old place, you get to know yourself. Ca-sa are hanging on. With the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts taken y are hanging on the price, leaving the old place, commit felony, not exposed to the ends that y leaving old place, also was charged, was shaken to the ends, too, was indicted. Bring both the price goes also were felonies. If ca-sa tied on y, waggle on either end, Pham Thu-lan-dá. Opens the deliver to violate Three-la-dy. If a Bhikkhu stilts using ca-sa forced the four corners to prevent dust, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief, an opening angle up to three corners, both violations of Currency-spread-for example; Open all four corners, Ph. d. Mar-la-dy. Ca-sa are stuck on the price, a price above head, a head hit the ground, pull one end leaving the price but the other end is not leaving the land-lan-dá. One end leaving the ground, but the other end has left the price, also collecting-lan-dá; If left both the price and the ground breaking the Ba-la-dy. If a Bhikkhu stilts used in pushing for medicine and other academic journals, hanging onto the pillar, Bhikkhu stilts with the mind thief get pushed down on his shoulders, but he regrets and put back on the pile, Pham Thu-lan-dá. If the mind thief back to start up and get out, breaking the Three-la-dy. If lifted off the piles, heavy objects crashing to the ground, breaking the Currency-spread-for example. If it picks up from the ground and carried away, Ba-la-dy.
Q.-What is piles?
A:-about a trửu, secures to the precipice, bent piles, piles made of ivory, the other pile types are.
If y of others hung on the tree, Bhikkhu stilts stole heavy offense, slight as for hanging on pegs. If y hung on fruit trees, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief shaking tree obtain y but when y has not dropped, see fruit born of mind should ever try to shake the make my drop, breaking a third-la-dy. If y and left are not falling, breaking the Currency-spread-for example. All the talk about theft of pendants.
Animals in the country. Starter is afraid of mark (Ràjabhaya), in water. Domestic arrivals unspoilt, first is brass. It has water, the first is the pond. If the water does not drain well, then freeze.
If a Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief, find obtaining in the country, where shallow water, for every step in the search, the Ðột-sand dollars. If do the means to find things in that deep water, breaking Ðột-sand dollars. When in water, first dive, if not yet to spot things that find snakes or large fish, turtles, the kind of animal cruelty should be scared flee is not guilty.
Magi said:-start is taking things to the next ... as before said, ask yourself to know.
It means that there are six possible to grasp objects, four sides and on the bottom.
In the pond, the first is the Lotus Flower thief picked on stilts. If a Bhikkhu, depending on the value much less guilty. If the breaking of lotus flowers that look or the motor is not yet definitive, Pham Ba-la-dy. If digging the soil to steal light bulbs look like the heavy Sin sen said in advance.
If the water got to the Junk category, Bhikkhu stilts with thieves, entice by the thought will come to him to get; When you pull the haven't left the country then it Currency-spread-for example; pulled out of the water by as long as the hair shaft, Ba-la-dy.
If the whole bunch to domestic, Bhikkhu stilts open bunch out theft, Currency-spread-for example; take the United States out of the bunch, Ba-la-dy.
Next place as said before, if the United States ever spat, not off the roots, Currency-lan-definitive, for example roots, Ba-la-dy.
If the pond no water, spit flower thief in the four sides, a severed roots date Currency-lan-dá, bring flowers out of place as worth much less guilty.
If the fish in the pond has a master, who with stilts Bhikkhu thief should drop the sentence, John grid, put out, the fish have yet to be arrested, Pham Ðột-cat-la; the fish ignored, Currency-spread-for example; fish out of water, Ba-la-dy; fish rocketed off the nets jumped its banks, Currency-spread-for example; Catch fish on the banks of the little big value depending on which convicted. For turtles, Ba-Ba.
Bhikkhu stilts wanted to catch fish in the big pond but theft should not be digging more ponds small and leads to fish; If the fish in the small pond, the Ðột-sand dollars. If the fish in the small pond, the fish are not running on the big pond, Pham Thu-lan-dá. If the fish is not yet out of small ponds also Collects-lan-dá. If the fish out of the ponds or ponds, depending on the value much less guilty. If the water in the pond is about to run out, the fish gathered together in one location, the someone else quit smoking for dead fish, Bhikkhu stilts not knowing that was removed should get, no offense. If you know the fish master that Bhikkhu stilts still stole, depending on the value that guilty. If the owner of the claim shall be reimbursed, if not then guilty. If the fish get fish is done, should not keep, Bhikkhu stilts steal, Pham Thu-lan-dá. Shaman says:-this lightweight heavy Crimes as stated in before, you ask yourself.
(All the talk about the animals in the water)
The boat is all the objects used to pass through the river even has a tie and can carry other items. In the boat people or might have, there is no impurities or other material objects as stated in advance. Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief would like to take a boat trailing away, thinking: I want to get on the boat but no contract you can go find them. And this makes the boats on stilts Bhikkhu guilty as stated in advance.
Open strings, if open that line (boat column) not to leave the place, Ðột-cat-la; communication leave room Currency-for example-and Ba-la-dy.
Magi said:-I'll say it clear, if water flows where boat column, open the line finished boat had departed from the old location, Currency-spread-for example; the boat departed from the old place, Ba-la-dy. If the boat in the water does not flow, before pulling the boat down, then open a new line (boat force), line break, Three-la-dy. If the boat above the ground, pull the boat out of the old place, Ba-la-dy. for two tree support boats, stealing away a tree, Currency-spread-for example; take both boat tree fell down, Three-la-dy. If the boat above the ground on stilts, with Bhikkhu, used wire racks on the car to pull away, Currency-spread-for example; the boat departed from the old place, untie, Ba-la-dy. Boat in the country are not required, with the mind thief Bhikkhu stilts onto the boat, want to direct the boat to the West but the wind blows the boat to the West, Currency-spread-for example; as the boat arrived and stole, Ba-la-dy. If regret or wind blowing up the boat turned back, back, should pay, not returning home, Ba-la-dy.
Off the boat.
The first was to ride a bicycle, contain such things, know magazine or not are as stated in advance. If lorries, Bhikkhu stilts used pots, cups of hot, Turkish ... has not left the airport, Currency-spread-for example; pods ... to leave the airport, Ba-la-dy. If heavy vehicles can't get should find ox to pull, when search, Ðột-cat-la, when are bulls, cows pull the car out for a step, fall-lan-dá; the bulls walked all four legs, Ba-la-dy. want to go south, crawling back towards the South West, the Currency-spread-for example; If the direction the bulls follow the old, Ba-la-dy. stolen cars are to on (into) the stronghold, not like the case of guilty as stole bags for bowls is pending.
(All the talk about airport)
Flight attendants are things like taking first team.
Magi said:-I will explain the meaning. Starter is the section from the hair pin (after ót) with the throat and up. To the object on the top teams are called. from hair pin (after ót) and back down the throat called the shoulder. If under the armpits and on the abdomen called vác, hug (by the place), the Ðột-sand dollars. In addition, as noted in the team section (of the people) on the head. If (carry in) places like shoulders, abdomen ... just like that. Order of the sentences in this paragraph.
(All the talk about the wrestling team)
The garden's flower garden, fruit and scented grasses. Bhikkhu stilts dig steal objects, guilty depending on the value of the number is much less. If the thieves stripped the bark taken in the garden, depending on the value much less guilty, left flowers as well. Forest Park dispute means Bhikkhu stilts trying to get the paintings of the forest garden. When new paintings, Ðột-cat-la; make garden owners suspected of being scared, Currency-spread-for example. If the owner of the garden born Italy withdrew (not anymore), Bhikkhu stilts (get) Three-la-dy. If the owner of the garden who haven't quit, Bhikkhu stilts have the idea of self-determination, vesting Ba-la-dy. If told, taking money out of disputes in order to win, the home remodeling ideas born losers, Bhikkhu stilts Ba-la-dy. If given (the other race on) in increasing judge, but try to treat my dealer, who judge the three-la-dy. If correct, the judge increased the file incorrectly, the receiver-dá-lan.
(All the talk about the garden jungle)
In the temple, the temple is to the animals, there are four possible object support as stated in advance. For property room, large and small made for four the increase, Bhikkhu stilts willing contested retrieved but failed because the room (this is) not a specific owner should not guilty. If the contender made home to a us or give to someone who steals with vesting stilts Bhikkhu, with Italy winning the lost, who steals the idea decided to take, no offense, as said before.
(End of part of the Temple)
In the paddy fields.
There are two types of paddy fields is the Phu-tables-na (pubbanna) and a-Polish-Susan (aparanna). Rich paddy fields-table-na is the paddy fields planting rice, high-salary type seventh. Field a-Polish-grown sugar cane, beans with Rice's elegant ... Bhikkhu stilts would steal enough rice, partly (value in ma-BA-sa) guilty. If rice had g t, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief, search, undue burden, the basket ... Tools to retrieve, Ðột-cat-la; swing hand hug (paddy), Currency-spread-for example. If cut off the part (stem) alive joined, not to leave the place, Currency-spread-for example; cut the attached, depending on the value much less guilty. If the thief took rice to make the rice, are looking for ways, Ðột-cat-la; Rice cut, emboss, retire, each being a Currency-spread-for example; got into the rice, leave on holder (itself), take off the ground, Ba-la-dy.
There are two types of paddy fields is the Phu-tables-na (pubbanna) and a-Polish-Susan (aparanna). Rich paddy fields-table-na is the paddy fields planting rice, high-salary type seventh. Field a-Polish-grown sugar cane, beans with Rice's elegant ... Bhikkhu stilts would steal enough rice, partly (value in ma-BA-sa) guilty. If rice had g t, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief, search, undue burden, the basket ... Tools to retrieve, Ðột-cat-la; swing hand hug (paddy), Currency-spread-for example. If cut off the part (stem) alive joined, not to leave the place, Currency-spread-for example; cut the attached, depending on the value much less guilty. If the thief took rice to make the rice, are looking for ways, Ðột-cat-la; Rice cut, emboss, retire, each being a Currency-spread-for example; got into the rice, leave on holder (itself), take off the ground, Ba-la-dy.
Bhikkhu stilts paintings rice field with others as stated in advance. Bhikkhu stilts (informally) steals his paddy field, though only by a strand of hair with your determination, Ba-la-dy. why? Because of the soil (is) deep to invaluable.
If a Bhikkhu stilts to ask them up that I took it. Boost a:-outset.
If a Bhikkhu stilts to ask them up that I took it. Boost a:-outset.
All sinned.
If the soil has two piles, one pile on stilts Bhikkhu, Currency-spread-for example; Pluck two piles, Ba-la-dy. If the soil has three piles, one pile on stilts Bhikkhu, Ðột-cat-la; the two piles, Currency-spread-for example; the three stakes, Ba-la-dy. If the soil has more spindles, Bhikkhu stilts spat a pile of two, are Ðột-sand dollars. The two last piles, pile extractions on stilts, the Bhikkhu-lan-dá; spit pile end, Ba-la-dy.
Use the measuring line encroachment of land theft, put an end to the ground, Currency-spread-for example; put both ends, Ba-la-dy. If painted on the ground to determine the name (for herself), drawing a head, Currency-spread-for example; draw both ends (of the head), Ba-la-dy. If with the mind thief, tell this to my land. Hear that, landowners born fear losing their land, then on stilts spread-offense Bhikkhu-dá. Landowners have losers leave the land, Bhikkhu stilts committed Three-la-dy.
(Off the field)
Ðất is the home and garden, with trees and fenced walls or not, as made clear in the flower garden and rice fields.
(All about the Earth)
Village x m, in the law have said much and well. A-lan-the home of land features. Magi said:-also when unattended.
Question:-what is there server, unattended?
A: If the trees in the forest that does not purchase is taken should have called home. If the vegetation in the forest which is allowed no discretion chopping people asked is unattended. Bhikkhu stilts (steal) the things in a-lan-refined home, guilty as worth much less. Bhikkhu stilts picked up obtaining suffering throw away where A-lan-refined, not guilty. If A-lan-refined, there are trees and the animals, was in not long ago in one seizure, Bhikkhu stilts borrowed retrieved; then the owner, Bhikkhu stilts returned, took no offense. If a Bhikkhu stilts bring the value of things refined to A-lan-server, the keeper of the Garden: Who Let me take the trees and will pay according to the value.
If forest a:-so he go get arbitrary.
Bhikkhu stilts wrong people into the forest taking arbitrary, not guilty.
If forest owners who keep the forest that Bhikkhu stilts take trees, he don't claim to take according to the value (Exchange) but people still insist that Bhikkhu stilts to pay for them.
If the holder of the sleeping forest should not know, or away, Bhikkhu stilts into the Woods took, after which they returned and demanded according to value, Bhikkhu stilts to pay them.
If a Bhikkhu stilts into the Woods took over, being chased by tigers or aggressors, too scared to not pay, then it should be paid. If not paid, Bhikkhu stilts were guilty of much less value, depending on the plant.
If a Bhikkhu stilts into the forest, do not ask the holder of the forest, stole others, go out of the range of forest values, depending on many less guilty.
(Most of the A-lan-Susan)
The water contained in the lu and while lack of water. For the large ring filled with water, with the water thieves, Bhikkhu stilts of large or small drill to drill, the most recent drilling (up lu), Ðột-sand dollars. If the drill is not punctured lu, Pham Thu-lan-dá. Drill pierced (lu), get the water, the amount of water depending on the accused.
If lu young, Bhikkhu stilts inclined lu take water, guilty as worth much less.
If lu big mouth, use small pots put to scoop the water out, the convicted burglar portions as in oil at first.
A pond of people, who use stilts Bhikkhu thief steal drain peaches, if water flows through more than one part (the value in ma-BA-sa) Pham Ba-la-dy.
Use the media with the mind thief, Bhikkhu dig on stilts next to a pond of water meters, then suspended for want of pond collapsed missed due to possible dig this, or because of the children, or cattle cycle. If by this spot where the water flows out, Bhikkhu stilts derive, Pham Ba-la-dy.
If the pond has a big tree to collect water should be logging falls down on stilts Bhikkhu pond, trees do rampaging down miss next to the pond, where the water flows out, being an offence, depending on the value of the amount of water.
On either side of the pond have other people's countries, Bhikkhu stilts have two ponds, a water, a no. With Italy, digging ditches for the water on stilts Bhikkhu in his pond flows through the pond person filled to flow into the pond water, if not exhausted her State, depending on the value of water for which convicted. If the paddy fields of the Bhikkhu on stilts near the pond no water, wants to create conditions (for water) should dig the ditch from the pond to the rice field. It rained, the water from the pond flows into paddy fields, owner of the pond to insist upon the value of water, Bhikkhu stilts should pay them, if not charged, found guilty, depending on the value of water.
If several have the same pond, water for the rice field, Bhikkhu stilts with identity theft, prevents water of the person into the field themselves, if their plating is not dead, Pham thu-lan-dá; If the coating die, depending on the value that guilty.
(The thief)
Tooth grinding plants, as mentioned in the section on the grounds.
Magi said:-If they're hiring surge took trees rub the teeth that they have not given up, and let them remain creatures they are. If the previous pick up with the thief, the guilty depending on the value of things. If we increase the hiring of managers, Bhikkhu stilts would not actually increase know that obtaining the thief then convicted according to the value of things. If we increase the wrong sa di sequentially on December 15 took rub the teeth for them. Sa di pick good trees rise before his master prior to the increase. Bhikkhu stilts chooses the tree well with the mind thief, convicted depending on much less. If tooth grinding plants has increased consumer places available to you took no offense. You must know how to scrub trees.
A: If we increased their daily use of three trees to rub the teeth (for one) it should be customized under increase that took the three trees. If the meditation room and (go) listening should take five to six plants; run out then get more. Why not take more that just five to six plants? For the avoidance of blame of others.
(All the trees rub the teeth)
Wood for the tree Match-fit, the mango tree, vines outdoor finish, with the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts used hammers, strings. Wood or wire but also stick the shell, breaking the Currency-spread-for example; break off, breaking the Three-la-dy, cord end but also stick where the trees breaking the Three-la-dy. Stealing the tree, off more than once again stopped, if so where the tree fell to reimbursement depending on the value of the trees, not reimbursed, guilty. If you use poison sting on bark (for dead tree).
Most of the trees.
Chain burglary, thieves obtaining, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief, won again, he left himself a thief, but the other guys are strongly advised to take things and carried away, but not on stilts but still supplies Bhikkhu was accused Ba-la-dy. why? Because decisions taken by the Centre retrieved and left the old place. If the object is not removed, the Bhikkhu stilts trying to shock, not leave their hand, Currency-spread-for example; leave the hands they are breaking. With the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts Peel ring, engagement ring in hand, leaving them Three-la-dy, and stick where the hand, Currency-spread-for example. For animals in the legs as well.
With identity theft, Bhikkhu stilts trying to peel off her clothes, grabbed y, Ðột-cat-la; jerks get y, Pham Thu-lan-dá; y leave themselves Three-la-dy; When jerks y broke, guilty as worth much less.
With the mind thief, caught and both y they are wearing carried away, the first step in breaking the Currency-spread-for example; the second step of breaking the Three-la-dy. Burglary and y on people, they run, Bhikkhu stilts Pham Ðột-cat-la; they throw away the medicine underground, Bhikkhu stilts hand grab, Ðột-cat-la; move y, phạm Thu-lan-dá; y leaves the old, breaking the Three-la-dy. With the mind thief, caught both people and medicine, runners, Bhikkhu stilts not to chase up should say clear health back, I'll excuse. If they open your hand, Bhikkhu stilts Pham Ðột-cat-la, open medicine, Currency-spread-for example; y leave stems, Ba-la-dy.
With the mind thief arrested person y, who ran out the medicine underground, Bhikkhu stilts chased still follow but no time should come back; take y to leave the ground, Ba-la-dy.
With the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts deportations, the startled wife y run. The car does not catch up, who should return, find y on Earth, Bhikkhu stilts said that this person gave up medicine so I don't get to collect it but wanted to steal the person should commit Ðột-sand dollars. If the back told Bhikkhu stilts that don't take my medicine that Bhikkhu stilts remains retrieved, y left the ground, breaking the Three-la-dy. If people dispose of y to run, Bhikkhu should not be chased by the stilts upon return, see y on land should say y is my health and taken up the offense Ðột-sand dollars. There are other teachers to explain that no offense Ðột-cat-la as principal had quit.
(Most taken in chains)
Sender's character. The sender object to the Bhikkhu on stilts, then home to reclaim, Bhikkhu stilts says I don't get his figures submitted. Do lying on stilts Three ample-range Bhikkhu-threads, create means of identity theft should commit Ðột-sand dollars.
If a Bhikkhu stilts thinking that people send things to me but no one knew, so charged or not, Currency-spread-for example. If a Bhikkhu stilts make Italy hold of home, Italy, breaking the Three-la-dy.
If a Bhikkhu stilts says lets go bother them, they tried to file the return, on the contrary, I l y. Of holders Italy, Bhikkhu stilts taken this medicine, Pham Ba-la-dy.
The character is from, to reclaim, Bhikkhu stilts says charged but determined to keep taking, master of reasonable fear. Bhikkhu stilts are y Pham Ba-la-dy.
Sender's character, Bhikkhu on stilts with the mind thief move the object to another location, it Ðột-sand dollars. If taking things out to eat, things to ask, breaking the Ðột-cat-la, owner of things to ask which is not returned, the Ba-la-dy. If borrowed using the innocent.
See the other bowl of goodness, as the concentrate Bowl to the venerable, with burglary, Bhikkhu stilts his bad Bowl get taken to (venerable) in Exchange for a good Bowl, use the how to seduce Bhikkhu on stilts (with the bat) that make them all night (slept), sneaks up early to see the venerable and say that I'm about to go away. Bhikkhu on stilts, this General of the Bowl out there saying that the bowl and the bowl of me so, so. .. Venerable put bat to this location. The Bowl leaving the old place, Bhikkhu stilts committed Three-la-dy.
If when you take the Bowl off, going to give this theft is on stilts, Bhikkhu venerable says he is the one that took the bowl of Africa. Asks so, Bhikkhu stilts also fled fearful of this Three-la-dy.
With generosity, venerable took the bat, not guilty. If venerable Bhikkhu thoughts on stilts was running so let's steal the bowl, breaking the Three-la-dy. If darkness, the venerable retrieved his bat mistakenly gave the other thefts on stilts, stilts Bhikkhu Bhikkhu thief being sand-Ðột-la. If venerable took the wrong bat of Bhikkhu stilts steals that put this taste, Bhikkhu stilts thief being sand-Ðột crimes-la, venerable not guilty.
Bhikkhu stilts excuses with the mind thief, anoint venerable and dear that you are on stilts, Bhikkhu opt your bowl.
Venerable said that this room has no Bhikkhu stilts sick, you are thieves.
In the past, because arguing with Bhikkhu stilts along, venerable with the mind thief, taking eight of the Bhikkhu stilts rivals take for thieves, the same venerable Bhikkhu stilts thieves are breaking the Ba-la-dy.
If the mind thief, venerable took the bowl of the Bhikkhu stilts are not rivals, get to the bowl of the Bhikkhu stilts steals and gave it, venerable phạm Ba-la-dy.
With the mind thief, venerable took the bowl of the Bhikkhu stilts are not rivals, taking his Bowl insert for a Bhikkhu stilts, venerable and Bhikkhu stilts are committed Ðột-sand dollars.
If venerable brought things to young taste (dahara), say that we took him to the other end.
With the mind thief, the young animal Bird on stilts Bhikkhu as venerable comes there, sneaking away and take things over, the first step in breaking the fall-lan-second steps, for example breaking the Ba-la-dy.
Putting things for young poultry on stilts, venerable Bhikkhu to qifu gangui's village. With the mind, the thought that kids stilts Bhikkhu: tiny take the venerable, upon entering the village, and then away.
When the village is yet to come, each step is a Ðột-cat-la; step one foot on the platform about a foot outside the village, Currency-spread-for example. Two step off into warlord about villages, Ba-la-dy. If in the village then born the mind thief and comes out, commit, as well as on.
Venerable put y to the other village children on stilts Bhikkhu to dry dyed. Bhikkhu stilts young thief y carried away, at every step, a Ðột-cat-la; days out deal, Ba-la-dy. Sees the village bringing food or change output y are not major violations. Back home, y asked:-Y?
A:-Thread and eating out.
Home demanding value, Bhikkhu stilts are reimbursed, without reimbursement, Ba-la-dy.
With the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts trying to get y of the venerable to dry. If venerable awarded y for this medical leave, stilts Bhikkhu hand this venerable Bhikkhu stilts, Pham Ba-la-dy. If Bhikkhu stilts have the mind thief thought that bringing this to village communities, then we will take it, then as above. If y is Venice, venerable take y to signify false who want dry, Bhikkhu stilts young thief (want to get dry). Venerable said that like to dry this medicine?
A: the elders-oven in it.
Bhikkhu on stilts, this y to place, breaking the Ðột-cat-la; If given, the use of Currency-spread-for example; If not paid when venerable insist it violates Three-la-dy.
If venerable send blankets for home, with tộm so young their House on stilts Bhikkhu lie that venerable sai I take. If sent her husband, the husband put, post married his wife taken to send the couple put hand to the blanket, Bhikkhu stilts, are breaking the Ba-la-dy.
If the owner told participants that the venerable: I want to sometimes life master son and a donation of fabric. So, Bhikkhu stilts to tell young participants master: venerable wrong I pick the fabric, up to date will tho.
Countries which host awarded the fabric for this position and then venerable learned should insist the fabrics. If not then violate Three-la-dy. If home construction along sometimes two Bhikkhu stilts settled after menopause lower, worship the two tails cloth, a bad one well and no surges when there are both. Then, venerable Bhikkhu wrong young pilot House on stilts take home fabrics. Putting fabric for home, young told stilts Bhikkhu that good sheet surges bad sheets, venerable surges Bhikkhu on stilts. After giving the fabric on, Bhikkhu stilts young to collectively into one place.
Venerable asked:-would give to me?
With the mind thief, Bhikkhu young stilts a:-this bad Plate. Venerable Bhikkhu, bad young stilts plates taken offense Currency-spread-for example. Bhikkhu stilts young good sheet leaving the old place, breaking the Three-la-dy.
If, when writing the letter up fabrics, with the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts older lied to write her name on the plate, then the venerable scored to get the fabrics, the Bhikkhu stilts young Currency-spread-for example. When young the other fabric panels on stilts Bhikkhu, Pham Ba-la-dy.
In the temple, saw former Bhikkhu stilts make ca-sa, think this is former Bhikkhu stilts so will look after our Bowl, Bhikkhu stilts silent guests leave. Then this bowl is lost, Bhikkhu stilts not compensation because of non-delivery. If it says sent but former Bhikkhu stilts don't understand the words of the Bhikkhu stilts on stilts customers thought that other customers Bhikkhu has accepted the invitation I sent. Then, if the bowl is missed, the Bhikkhu compensation not on stilts because of unknown words.
If when the other end sent the bowl, former Bhikkhu stilts that heals in place but after that lost Bowl must then reimburse the value to the other end, because there are getting sent.
Manage storage space Bowl, Bhikkhu stilts import of Bowl Bhikkhu stilts, forgot to close the depot, the bowl is lost then the Bhikkhu stilts to compensate. If the blast walls to the thief is not compensated.
The Bhikkhu stilts on stilts to keep that Bowl Bhikkhu with saying: this master! Please take the Bowl out early in the morning, we are slaves to keep.
People keep sleeping away the Bowl Bhikkhu stilts holding the bat inventory was not.
The Bhikkhu stilts on stilts that Bowl Bowl holder Bhikkhu sent Mike open repository should bring the bowl to in their rooms, missed the bowl they must compensate. If a Bhikkhu stilts holding the bat barn is open, not closed, then ill should not keep up the message. The Bowl loss is not compensated. Bhikkhu stilts holding the bat roost closed warehouses, the aggressors to call open. Bhikkhu stilts are not open so the aggressors say that we open the door will kill you. Bhikkhu stilts is also not opening, the aggressors use hammers to break up Bhikkhu stilts thoughts: If not open, I will die and lose the whole Bowl.
Therefore, Bhikkhu stilts open and aggressors took the bowl away then the Bhikkhu stilts not temple.
Bhikkhu stilts holding the keys for the repository Bowl store Bhikkhu on stilts. Bhikkhu stilts open stock burglary Bowl then. Bhikkhu stilts holding the stock to the shrine Bowl.
Venerable Bhikkhu told stilts holding the bat barn that I want to send a bowl so the same elders consider bowls in stock. If opened without closing the back, missed the bowl, they both have to pay.
Venerable human warehouses, Bhikkhu stilts considered treasures of Baghdad says: this user put people on here.
Venerable said:-do not copy.
If the loss of bat, venerable must compensate.
Arsenal increases, increase export of junk in stock up to Congress, one does not look after losing things, Bhikkhu stilts regarded stock compensation. If put outside in the nursing benefit, Bhikkhu stilts considered stock are received in two parts. Bhikkhu stilts Vedic leader still residing in the temple without in the room of increase, not to eat of the increase, the home laboratory of food, do it yourself in, not only do they raise false-na or Governor. If a Bhikkhu stilts thanks for reading, religion, sermon that was beneficial to themselves and to increase, increase was not wrong as Governor for the increase. When there is no room in a good Bowl, the y, so this taste good, is for more of the kinds of foods, fruit ...
If a Bhikkhu stilts used in medical, bowls of rose that view often lose things of increasing pay compensation. Boost wrong look of donation not Buddha declined, losing to compensate.
Do not pay tax for interest (sunkaghàta); tax evasion, theft of property tax passes, has touched on (animal) Ðột-cat-la, concealed Currency-spread-for example; pass the customs stations, Three-la-dy. With the mind thief, throw things out tax stations, Pham Ba-la-dy; fall inside the station, Currency-spread-for example; thrown out but the creature back into the station, the three tax-la-dy; the shaman has said violate Currency-spread-for example.
Do not pay tax for interest (sunkaghàta); tax evasion, theft of property tax passes, has touched on (animal) Ðột-cat-la, concealed Currency-spread-for example; pass the customs stations, Three-la-dy. With the mind thief, throw things out tax stations, Pham Ba-la-dy; fall inside the station, Currency-spread-for example; thrown out but the creature back into the station, the three tax-la-dy; the shaman has said violate Currency-spread-for example.
There are large trees, a head tax in the docking station, a head tax, with the station located outside the mind thief put things under the tree to come out of the station, yet beyond the tree, Currency-spread-for example; beyond the trees, Ba-la-dy.
Two people of the same tax, a compilation of hits, the other outside the station (to tax evasion), Currency-spread-for example; both pass the station, Ba-la-dy.
Providing cattle, horses, wrestling team via taxes, security tax recipients on stilts Bhikkhu that you make. Tax collectors forget currency, crosses out of the station, Bhikkhu stilts not guilty, guilty for having told the tariffs.
Bhikkhu stilts to tax, a tariff and filed, a deathly, Bhikkhu stilts don't pay tax, via, no offense.
Bhikkhu stilts bring supplies to the station, to pay tax, tax receiver says:-bauble does not need to pay tax.
Therefore, Bhikkhu stilts take things through the station, not guilty.
Bhikkhu stilts bring things to the tax receiver but they are gambling. Call three times but they did not respond, Bhikkhu stilts passing not guilty.
Providing supplies to the taxpayer, suddenly having ph i accident such as water, fire, the aggressors should they frightened run quarter-spread does not receive taxes, Bhikkhu stilts passing not guilty.
A tax station's outline also calculated according possible stone throwing. If a Bhikkhu stilts bring objects to outline world tax stations, passing through (in the fall) no offense.
Magi said:-I would like to clearly state (cases) who steals that innocent.
Q.-What is innocent?
A:-no server is innocent.
For their children lost their parents to the water sprinkle soy source and then told to go away, lost her parents, who received it on stilts Bhikkhu is innocent. The claims by others, Bhikkhu stilts carried away not guilty.
People born in the House, buy, break. Born in the House that is older by the slaves in the House is born; buy is offering to Exchange objects, break is caused by soldiers. The law says that if a Bhikkhu stilts thief who is guilty. Just take them out, breaking the Ðột-cat-la; cuddle or bong they turn one foot off the ground, Pham Thu-lan-dá; turn both legs up, Ba-la-dy. Causes of terrorism to them goes by, crime is small; step one foot, Pham Thu-lan-dá; jump both feet, Ba-la-dy.
For the slaves, Bhikkhu stilts said-Who is miserable, why don't you go, if you go someplace else.
Listen to Bhikkhu stilts said, if slaves who just had to go, Bhikkhu stilts Pham Ðột-cat-la; step one foot away, Currency-spread-for example; step two feet, Ba-la-dy.
The home side had slaves, the Bhikkhu stilts to escape. Bhikkhu stilts directions were felonies. If slaves make Bhikkhu stilts run, Bhikkhu stilts says people run so will escape, Bhikkhu stilts are innocent.
Slaves go slowly, Bhikkhu stilts that goes so slow, you're going to get home.
Heard, slaves running fast, Bhikkhu stilts felony offense.
If the slaves fled to other countries, Bhikkhu stilts that you go through another country because you're going to find you.
Hear that, slaves soon escaped, Bhikkhu stilts guilty.
If a Bhikkhu stilts that thou here tribulations, there very happy.
Hear that, slaves escaped. Bhikkhu stilts not go so innocent.
Bhikkhu stilts said of there very happy with many roads, abundant food, who can follow me there.
Listen to say so, slaves themselves take the Bhikkhu on stilts. Bhikkhu stilts chased people, innocent. If going half way, encountering Tiger, Wolf, aggressors, Bhikkhu stilts to run under, not guilty.
(The identity of people.)
Types of foot as a snake ... has ... The false life snake do to viewers for a money or half the money.
When this person to solid sleep, Bhikkhu stilts thieves carried away, being guilty depending on the value.
Snakes in the basket, with the mind thief, Bhikkhu stilts take frog out the lure, or pulled out of the basket, being guilty depending on the value. Most species do not.
Species of the legs. The first is the devil and the devil, but then could not.
There are three types of birds. Sort by hair wings as the chicken, ... Leather-winged bat-like ... Bony wings like a bee. Bhikkhu stilts steal this species, guilty depending on the value as stated in advance.
The species are all kinds of animals such as elephants. Bhikkhu stilts bring strength caught stealing elephants, leaving the ground, the three-la-dy. If elephants are in cages, tied at the neck, abdomen or legs, Bhikkhu stilts open strings out of the old place; If no columns that stand out, or outside the chase out of the door, or driven out of the village of diamonds, if in that A-lan-Susan which expelled it is standing, if the papers getting stood up, according to the circumstances on which the elephants left the old place, breaking the Three-la-dy! for the four-legged types such as cow horses, donkey, camel ... well that way. If the bulls ... in the railings (prevent) half, grab railings made of diamonds, Bhikkhu stilts open strings sent out, as said before. Bhikkhu stilts name of cow, it sounds out and take out the crime as above. If slaughter sleep on land, cattle owners insist, Bhikkhu stilts are compensated, not often guilty.
(All the four-legged species)
They are many. Such as centipede, Millipede has a hundred feet. If a Bhikkhu stilts turn once to 99 feet, breaking the Currency-lan-dá, unfinished final leg up, convicted, depending on the value.
(All the species of many legs)
If made burglars, Bhikkhu stilts to the people to see where to, where the walls were breached and return to them. Listen to Bhikkhu stilts says, thieves do so and obtaining from the old location If multiple Bhikkhu stilts wrong a Bhikkhu stilts go, you all are guilty. If a Bhikkhu stilts ... go see the place has character, a Bhikkhu stilts says don't make him go let me go, then the Bhikkhu stilts he sinned; who is wrong and who suffer wrong, innocent. They forced a stilts on stilts Bhikkhu Bhikkhu go stole things and catch this stilts Bhikkhu watch. When the person they go to find things, Bhikkhu stilts holding the Italian-born thief, sneaking on selecting and obtaining good, being guilty depending on the value of things.
Many of these Bhikkhu stilts said that together we came to the village, the place to steal things. If we go, a person in obtaining, of the old leave room, all of which violate Three-la-dy.
In question said that thief with four case but three people were convicted and one was out, I would ask and he would think carefully. There are four Bhikkhu on stilts, a master and three game to steal six ma-BA-ca. teacher of the arcade that: you get a ma-BA-ca and we get three ma-BA-ca.
Ðệ first video tell the teacher that you take, you take one and told the other two were taken to a. The other two also told each other that way. The master thief three money, Currency-spread-for example, teach three Sami identity also violate Currency-spread-for example. Why? Self identity and the others stole the different crimes should be two Currency-spread-for example. The three disciples were felonies, since the other person steals in ma-BA-ca (master take, the two friends each one, plus the five-person room). Please think about this case to distinguish clearly the sense of the theft. Thinking clearly? He must distinguish the case where a type of to into one place, a kind of things to many places, many things to many places.
A type of order to a place as there is one person to five ma-BA-ca in the store. Thus, many Bhikkhu stilts wrong a Bhikkhu stilts to take away. The Bhikkhu this stilts were Ba-la-dy.
A person in the store and every where for a ma-BA-ca. Find so much wrong on stilts on stilts to Bhikkhu a Bhikkhu all five places to get (the ma-BA-ca), took place in the end Third offense-la-dy.
Many things to a place as different objects to a common place where common values are in ma-BA-ca or more. Many Bhikkhu stilts wrong a Bhikkhu stilts retrieved, Bhikkhu on stilts out of obtaining this place, the Bhikkhu stilts are guilty. Many kinds of things to many places, there are five who has a shop, many incorrectly on stilts on stilts Bhikkhu Bhikkhu to take, things finally leaving the old location, the Bhikkhu stilts are guilty.
(All of the retrieved)
Same date each other in hours that go, or bright, dark afternoon, today or tomorrow, this year or next year, keeping his appointments and no wrong time is committed or not committed as before said.
If not done correctly the Word command such as get the morning taking in the afternoon, the night took that back at the end of the night, taken in May has come, not on the Moon, moon took in this year again taking the following year, taking small crimes, people take it 01-la-dy. If taken right at the wrong timeboth were guilty.
If not done correctly the Word command such as get the morning taking in the afternoon, the night took that back at the end of the night, taken in May has come, not on the Moon, moon took in this year again taking the following year, taking small crimes, people take it 01-la-dy. If taken right at the wrong timeboth were guilty.
(Out of date)
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