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There were twelve tha na so we see a static variable weather is getting to heaven Tu Quang Buddhist Music offerings are prophesies, they are just now dread gladness order that forces white Buddha: "O Buddha! There Super samadhi name all legal too. eighty Bodhisattva's right, the part where all the charm and pleasures are born without being unpleasant. Suppose in the hell suffering, are also being fun idea, or report where animal life animal direction press leading animal life also funny idea, or life in orbit hungry starving fun idea is born, or at the direction asura also being fun idea, or in human suffering was also born the idea of never being happy that the idea of suffering. Suppose Chun severed hand tightly, flip nose or ear luck cane cutting knife body dams, detention or prison, hanging upside down, slicing off flesh as stripped, tied column behavior meat, vegetarian pressed as bagasse crushing, trampling rush crushed as wipe, or heart burn as bright light as torch, for lion or tiger wolf tore eat, or pour water spicy vinegar water into the mouth nose, burning or burned or burning, or trampling elephant horse, hooks or eyes, or raised high striped stabbed or beheaded, all the ideas that are born happy .
Why is that?
Bodhisattvas that in the long night of self-propelled Bodhisattva vow, saying, If being real character for me alms, pray they are happy Nirvana, being in the place where I worship and alms offerings to respect reverently praise or decry banishment danhgiet rebuke, are voluntary for all pleasure and enlightenment Nirvana Supreme Bodhi.
Bodhisattva's achievements so heartless, so full now, and so the whole prayer, for all sentient beings are funny idea, often or always not to open my practice is over. Because that's karma be Samadhi Dhamma Circuit set win was very friendly. At the Bodhisattva Samadhi he does not suffer that much damage, nor was the drug binding. Must know this Bodhisattva is in order here: one is the self-life-in, two are being liberated, three is now in order, are four senses in self, in the self-report items in the results. This Bodhisattva if you want more than one Supreme Bodhi birth certificate, so where's samadhi power should immediately be certified. If you do not like the common form of Supreme Bodhi likely to stay away countless eons saving sentient beings. Why is that? Know that the Bodhisattva dwells often gurus Mahayana Bodhisattvas photography to cover all other Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattva species which aims to leave because of being born into should the species, the ultimate basis learning all the Bodhisattva of Wisdom secret life photography, fully knowing all the magic tricks vehicles are legal career ends. Thua compassionate Buddha, Bodhisattva word was law knows where all the best. "
They say the sky denatured shelves praise Buddha:
"We all denatured sky
Where the Dharma knows all
telescopes provided eyesore Nhon Master
calm as the basis cessation
Understand that it is offered
Muni who have birth and death through
this I praise the great Master
Or not being driven guided the
legal nature The minister did not end in
the same place does not have medical office
Tathagata knows the clever illusion
known as the virtual magician
who can understand spoken language site
example after the cave echoes
World Religious knowledge so cleverly
All worldly people find God
no life-beings no
mercy It is not no self
Dai observer all ideas
are clearly comprehend the idea of not
Bisexuality Exalted compassionate Additional
Hang usually not temporarily removed from
the world of God All The
example measurement location Tathagata knows
guru takes fate being said
it is from a large sheet cold-rolled
Knowing all living beings
and not beings life-author
Here Our previous sentence does not
leave room pure mind or
So where Buddha victory wisdom
worship Him who give offerings
in ten world In another
Find suffering is ultimately no
Tathagata sun in the sky incomparable
grace our words born from the heart
This is the teachings of Bhagavan
Now I understood Buddhism as well as
for the World So my solution
was upset offerings worth worshiping
beings did not also not suffering
So there is no salvation
except to be made best lap late
Ben is rejoicing with joy
so any investment Buddhist Conference
We are known as loss
So now I'm offering Buddhist
Prayer is unsurpassed location Tathagata
Buddha saw suffering in such species
is the Nirvana estate possible prime
rooftop where birth and death dispose
Use this worldly benefits of
No pain no species not being
Nirvana Nor medical office to
know whether such measures then
So now our offerings to
Buddha enough compassion and joy discharge
displacement often lectured beings
Which not see the beings
be deducted where four center immeasurable
There is one distraction that
also did not see any distraction to
Know the teachings of Buddha and
now that I'm offering great teacher
Supreme Officers departed relatives in the body
shop body attained finality impossible
nevertheless did not say concept
which says there is forgetfulness concept and
practice often said celestial concept
of mindfulness itself that is of the land
was donated savior
World Religious life consistent inability prime
nature can not breathe so
well the authors observe life where
the end does not have the character select Set
mindfulness practitioners and management's
inability to Rescue wings prime
We know this dharma
are Su Thien Nhon offering
interest and some concern the legal
nature impossibility The ends can elect
not see well again reciting the
district office and none of mindfulness
Buddhist concept of the mind attuned said
he had studied for deliverance
We know Buddhist Such
offerings are variable Tri chief
Tathagata can not see the legal
practitioner also feels there is no way
this Holy gathered concepts taught
Mindfulness is the pride that no
legal Talking with harmonious concept
Want liberated should practice
the Dharma We know such
offerings Circuit set this place
a prime mindfulness also impossible
jasmine also have three and four
is where the concept of residence means that
the mindfulness does not all come
So for any damage possible acquisition
unpleasantness The ends do not touch the
holy Catholic We know so
this offering Exalted Buddha
taught the four chief said Muni needs
Bhikkhu If specialized practice
puberty or escape routes
out of the sea will be born death
that nobody escaped not who tied
not no religious Buddhist Bodhi no
damage, but again no use pretending
So far I worship this Holy
Buddha as the first four-sufficiency
Road peaceful liberation months of
the base classes of tranquility
This practice is directed Nirvana
and sufficiency same as the practitioner
choose to observe any possible acquisition
, but yet do not break
realm can not see the wisdom
in such teachings of Bhagavan
Here we know the
Mind not a pure defilements
are far removed from the room or
terrace that is used here offerings
are also exploring wins artisans
So comparable across treatment
are offered Now I seem
to say that the world slept Award based
Export World is to liberate
the mesh is often laborious careful cultivation
That trend Highway Nirvana
Apartments and practitioners are all not
also not freed and escaped
Here we are not comfortable
So far as offerings Buddhist
masters teach force in order
to be the right way to Nirvana
This is all defilement end knots
are tied Gets the liberation
forces her pride Can not
Afflictions and Buddha are also not
here We do not think reflectively
So this is worship As Lai
Dai Tien said seven enlightenment took
part Bodhi preeminent legal win
the tie Or open beings
Toward Nirvana large straight road
No bondage and liberation
is tied Also no one open
place here we do not think or
How should this be offered Buddha
said Exalted Eightfold Path taught
Show all born population
This is the root of suffering affliction
Studying is noble end unless
he departed for both treatment methods
which is the direct and negativity
We do not think this place
is well worth So are offering
remote and far na tha
Truth or off the edge of the suffering he
presented only unpleasant episode stale air
Can not pride forces him
Negativity and Buddha are also not
We I do not think reflectively here
So this is as well as Lai
Dai Tien said seven enlightenment took
part Bodhi preeminent legal win
the tie Or open beings
Toward Nirvana large straight road
No bondage and liberation
Nor someone was bound to be open
Here we do not doubt
So this is offered Buddha
said Exalted Eightfold Path taught
Show all sentient clothing
This is the root of suffering affliction
except Studying noble end is
both legal He departed for treatment
which is the direct and afflictions
We are not comfortable here
So be worth worshiping is also
remote and far na tha
Truth or off the edge of the suffering he
presented only unpleasant episode stale air
away Exalted Lives Clean deducting
too far ma na tha and health
are all things he sees no
sun here we leave doubt
So we now offering
the Buddha said impure desires treatment
center for treatment from the courts Khue
monk na for her health value si
Tathagata display beings
These are harmless, do not pause
So do not constitute nor purified
We have no room where he
usually likes offering great teacher
of Buddhism Ten unwholesome karma said
Friday he called directorial Evil
Killing adultery thorough and
extensive damage along Vong language border evil
and greed language Y Khue yard
ultimatum wrong name ten
things that the Buddha said is immoral
is now director of the evil beings
and not beings did not harm
Both are also nine other business not
no antidote to evil
Because its nature which no president
but did not have the Buddha's teachings
because such damage can approach nature
where Buddha wisdom I did not think
So also the supreme position
if The judiciary's Tathagata
He was feet away Buddhists
He comported happy life are
often separated from the constant anguish
celestial wisdom won so
peaceful direct result pants birth
We feel comfortable here left
are level rise is being offered. "
They say the sky denatured shelves are praising the Buddha and standing quietly to one side.
The Buddha saw them sun stood still, and know their hearts the conviction should present Minister smiled.
Ma Hui Mang Thang said shelf prospectus Buddha asked:
"Now the Exalted Buddha mind wins
out life sake smiling
hexadecimal Hung super all
goods which serve the public or
Good understanding of legal age guru
Such findings did not laugh goodness
that the world does not lack heart Prize
May the smiles resolution said that
the public here have a heart
no thought disorder in mindfulness
cheerfully contemplate the mountain of merit
just want to be heard respectfully standing
place themselves at great master Buddha
If heard rejoiced
Good position to understand the legal decision
will be made Buddhism the population born
If someone places a net credit arises
Make the most of great into the world
know the orange route Measure wonderful
that this man was around ten
who lives life in the future
will be Buddhism often make the world
great teacher vocabulary magic
threshold stated wish them happy
place if the Holy Hung Hoop
Which birth information with respect glasses
Also credit Dharma wisdom born
not all ghosts are real
or if born Credit is determined
Ie Buddhists come from your mind
May the Exalted said taking legal
Thus mass is subtracted comfortable
if anyone of being
the center of all the earth sheltered
solidly Wisdom of Buddha will
be resting side Circuit set position
who peerless hundred solemn blessing
May the grid unless explained to comfort
measures only want to maintain life Exalted
Tathagata appearances laugh because they
desire to hear words skilful Buddha
Sounds very wonderful eight virtues
First order is to place good direction
or guidance after the birth population
dharma is so wonderful
Buddhist abides in him
Like nothing Exalted Buddha rupture
probably been long in the world. "
The Buddha said Ma Wins Bhikkhu shelves meet:
"Code laugh this month he asked
the Buddha for the benefit of the world
He is merit for themselves
Phuoc was not all are countless
new location or ask the right people at
large therefore benefit the beings
He and all the masses
Hail a Buddhist saying please listen
denatured We present here the sky
In the Buddhist-room are not
happy please All net credit
standing next Buddhist merit praise
God did in the past life
memories so short road tha Buddha
also Buddha asked him what this meant
all measures are not comfortable
Due to the kindness of old charm was
said to be racking Buddha praised
the calm center will also praise
you all aeon Tathagata
Three Advantages In life they will
become Buddhas na is typical mainland
Catholic impossible beings from
Leading into Nirvana where the
driving force was the Holy Great Buddha
Buddha is the title wonderful
performance I am now because he said he
was Co in life are as Buddha
Dharma performance Tathagata Buddha Gaya
are rather salvation estate investment recommendations
Na tha they passed away due complained
that the Tathagata before passing
coal store announced the relics
relics Bringing build towers that are
as widely taught in national flower of
now all Buddhist relics
are all saved each each widely
After each each Buddha's passing away
are all the worldly benefits
recommended by tha immortal beings
Offering her relics and
magic will be committed Highway Nirvana
's Three Buddhas praise
recite Buddha If anyone acknowledges that
competition is good roots magic wins
will be learning achievements brethren
Meet the results Courier wins
seems boundless spokes from them
all in one place by cooling
Popular Gospel message like center bar net
will be met Maitreya
Buddha We Thanh Van of that
came from Buddha Buddhas
Buddhism will be having chance to import them
relics were donated by him
to hear such words Buddha and
all great beings rare
merit can win wonderful compassionate
denatured We heavens faithful officer
and the masses around fun
rather have saved notes towards Bodhi
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