5. Product Unseen Forces
General Insurance Business Integration - volume 17 - 5 products
Then Lord Buddha used divine power, from every hair on my body each hole are emitted rays hundred thousand thousand memories, from hair loss to each emit strong flame such as Mount Meru, the hair from each hole are sa constant Buddhas appear sermon. Overall we have seen congress across the vast psychic power.
Currently finishing his powers, The Buddha told photographers the same network Hue Phu Lau Na said, "Do you see the Tathagata from hair loss occurs as the force that reasonable?".
- Blessed! 've Seen.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Tathagata his powers so often not only quit at any time. Making disciples that only the Tathagata said in the sermon here. Which usually Tathagata Buddha in damage every ten sa world. At no time left alone, and often preached at ten in the world.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! If people choose to say: Who is pretending to be persistent enough people round irrational merit position is unsurpassed field of merit, deeply unpredictable, immeasurable deeds, take a step all beings know, no What is unfortunate infer what center Chun Chun lower? It should be said here that the Buddha was.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! All beings are able to infer what the Tathagata by heart what do think that lowering Chun Chun.
The Buddha wanted to clarify that he said shelf means that:
"What the Buddha thought by
doing something down Chun
estate beings
are not able to know the
unseen infinite power
and infinite Workplace
As great merit
should be the most highly respected practitioners
infinite wisdom largest
Nobody knows all were
Assuming all the
wisdom divine forces
are as Shariputra
Section Joint Meeting And like
the Buddha did not know
Chun Chun and lower
oil for all who
are doing Pratyekabuddhas
For some Buddhist step
is intensive methods Case Other
bloggers Assuming infinite
unity to face after Sunday
morning with no light
coat of Buddha One hole
Assuming seven thousand inhibition
by Na tha world
wide horizontal surface by bloggers
infinite realms Lighting
The large surface bloggers that
number as much as the constant sa
Association makes a face after Sunday
Meru Rays in
the face after Sunday's big
premiere Often ten realms
Bringing Buddhism match light
charcoal black glance as
the face after Sunday morning Ang
example absorption through the leaves
river and mountain cliffs
may block afraid
of the Tathagata Rays
All Mount Meru
Mount Set Diamond Vi
Screening absorption through no obstacles
Luminosity psychic forces
are immeasurable merit Oai
Who does not play mind that
those who distrust Except
that the luminous beings
unseen force Buddha
Many development center supreme
vow I'll be
smiling Then Buddha
said repent knelt
reason why Bhagavan smiled
Please answer merciful
Buddha asked repent
now being seen Buddha
Showing great psychic power
center has been willing to do Buddha
three thousand people there to
uphold dharma Prayer
After Buddha's
This We recite
people's life after
hearing this economic measures
and time after time between
doing the right and legal Hear
him play hard spirituality
dharma Deep favorite difficult
or litigation Life after maintenance
is more difficult the economic
fate Thousand thousand memories
of how difficult Buddha
eyes later
Say this prayer more difficult. "
The Buddha told Ananda: "It has brought this business entrusted to him again. Why, because in Jambudvipa there depending on where Tibetan Bodhisattva so, that place Dhamma.
- Ananda! Because of the profound economic measures such as theory of action should also killed. Because such legal theory to practice dharma kill kill.
- Ananda! Now he should bring offerings to the Buddha offered the most followers.
What are his disciples bring offerings to the Buddha offered the most followers? He do not give a good flavor is the beautiful flower costume pearl chain liquid manure century music praising the Tathagata is the most followers offerings to Buddha.
If someone is listening to the profound economic measures such as reciting maintain life just as they called the most followers bring offerings offerings reverently respectful praise Buddha.
Why? Because Buddhas and offerings to respect where respect your approach without worldly offerings.
- Ananda! So far this Buddha ceremoniously brought economic measures graciously entrusted to him.
- Ananda! Buddha by the business school is such that this Supreme Bodhi supreme Zhuan Falun.
Past Buddhas, the Bodhisattva practice at the school doing so well that the Supreme Bodhi supreme Zhuan Falun.
Future Buddhas also learn the business so that the Supreme Bodhi Zhuan Falun supreme
Currently Buddhas in the ten world Bodhisattva childhood religious education as well as the economic measures that the current Supreme Bodhi supreme Zhuan Falun.
- Ananda! That is why the Tibetan Bodhisattva so-called economic Zhuan Falun, should serve to maintain.
- Ananda! Days ago in the mountainous country of Benares Loc Le Master in Vienna, Zhuan Falun Buddha for electronic goods problem. Now at the Truc Vien, Tibetan Buddhist Bodhisattva turn the wheel of dharma retrogression end facilities for all beings.
- Ananda! Past Buddhas are also in this nowhere in the territory said that the Tibetan Bodhisattva.
Future Buddhas are also in the territory of nowhere says this Tibetan Bodhisattva.
Now the Supreme Buddha Bodhi is nowhere in the territory of the Tibetan Bodhisattva said this.
So you know where this territory is large tower of the Buddha, the place of God offered him.
- Ananda! This territory has its own place merit injustice, which is to say the Buddhas past experience profound here.
- Ananda! How many beings lust anger in the Truc Vien foolish when this is not greed, hatred and delusion arises. As Lord of play at the Vihara also other places that do not have such merit. Why? Ananda! Now the skin structure of the forest, the animal does not play here, the lust, the singing of birds here such non-call period.
Ma Sa Binh Dai Vuong Kiet ancient times women can log into the same position in this garden for the fun, and the king himself time to feel his heart did not have the proper education and fun, they can also have female feels no greed fun.
Then the king glad always prayed silently: May the Buddha of that world in my country, I will be found, seen and glass news, information and offerings. I will bring this rose garden Buddhist architecture. Buddhism should be there, I will be listening approach. Why? Since only new offerings worth so annoyed at this garden, not so in the five desires.
- Ananda! King Bimbisara in this garden found such good wishes are due to past Buddhas in this garden Tibetan Bodhisattva said. So this should merit of such gardens along with every other place. This garden all you persecute God should feast.
- Ananda! This park has no poisonous insect flies burning snakes bite. If it's here, then no center stand. This is also the merit of Architecture Members injustice.
Oil a hundred years, the Buddha says merit of Architecture Merit List is not all. Vien Truc this present achievements of merit, there is no other place. "
Ananda clear that: "Blessed! I had no Vien Truc has such merit.
Venerable sir! Previously I did not want to assume the Buddha, now I repent sins weights ".
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