The Male-nice & Modupe, pretentious parents is an archaic customs (The Emirates).
I. WHY MUST PARENT SUPPORT FONDNESSin Chi, Buddha taught: "the Male-pretentious, little more than that the beings are curious spectacles with his mother. And many more are the beings do not taste the glass with her mother. The Female is less pretentious, these beings are curious spectacles with his father. And many more are the beings do not taste the glass with his father ".
The curious spectacles with his parents in today's society becomes more rare because looks like little children who are reminded of their duty as well as the dutiful mirror was no longer to his grievances. But who the righteous Buddha cannot forget the first lesson the Buddha has to teach us. It's the right glass tastes with their parents. In the Buddhist scriptures Such Theories, the Buddha has delivered clear why we have to homage the parents: "The family, the Male-pretentious, in homage, the children in the father's mother, the family accepted him on par with Brahma. The family, the Male-pretentious, in homage, the children in the father's mother, the family accepted him as the Ethics Counsel at that time. The family, the Male-pretentious, in homage, the children in the father's mother, the family then accepted the donation. Brahma, the Female-pretentious, is synonymous with the parents. The Ethics Counsel this time the Female-pretentious, is synonymous with the parents. This is Ðáng, the National donation-pretentious, is synonymous with the parents. Because why? Great help this, the Male parent, is pretentious-for children, raising them, raised them, introduce them to life ".
My Life Catholic Poetry La, Buddha also taught there in the case, children have to serve up the parents: "enacted by the fosters, I will foster parents again; I will do my duty for the parents; I will treasure the family and tradition; I protect legacy assets; I would do her funeral when her mother died ".
II. the MIRROR O FONDNESS people who know hospitality that has always sought to foster parents. the Buddha often believed to scatter those who have hospitality packages. In Samyutta, upasaka, She-la-Màtaposaka subjects were taught to look up to Him, sometimes for TW foster parents for French right: "Dear Sun Jia Gotama, I find often in food. Sought after delicacy in French often, I raised my mother. Dear Sun Jia Gotama, I do so; I have done the right thing responsible for it? The Sun replies: She-la, he does so as a courtesy. She-la, who find sustenance in French often; After finding sustenance in French generally, foster parents divorced then he gets lots of Germany ".
While She-la-Mon Màtaposaka has found sustenance in French often to foster parents, a National father-well thought out & Modupe way pretentious parents in a person's ability to export. Contrary to the understanding of the human, the renunciation is glass, cut, abandoned her mother divorced but remain his Sudhakar, find any method of adapting to serve up the mother of his father. According to the story, the predecessor of 540, Sàma, a teacher of Male-parent support service was pretentious by surges of the food real qifu gangui was to parents.
Story has it that a wealthy trader in Dormitories-protection, have a son, so is love. One day, he is the son to the Temple of the States member to hear the sermon, after listening to the sermon, he is aware of the evil results caused by education and the Gospel by the austerities life brings, How he uses his Religious life for Germany. Germany As Lai told him that he did not seek permission for the unregistered sex TV parents. So he is out for a week, fasting, are finally the parents consent, he came back to life and begging. The Sun said a Male-pretentious renunciation ceremony for him.
After 5 years, as eagerly want to hit up the wings of meditation, the Female-this pretentious to a village on the border, living deep in the forest administration maintained meditation, but despite his essential need practice in the 12 years that the mind cannot be static. Also during this time, the parents of Female-this pretentious become destitute as those rents or sales for this home found in homes without children to force them to repay, should have won most of the wealth and fled; the servant of servants is also theft of jewelry and fled away. The last two people on the scene the same home sold woe wanders awfully extreme, must go begging, ragged shirt and carried the vase chipped in hand.
At the time, a Presbyterian from States Members to the residence of his son, said the tragic circumstances of their parents should have the pretentious billion-thoughts returned to do a server to serve up elderly parents. On that day, at breakfast, one masters level platform close to the Earth, have seen the potential of the Gnostic, so when billion-ton and pretentious World until finish masters taught: "a child goes renunciation can still help his parents" should be Male-o Danny decision pretentious parents that maintains life austerities rather than as an owner. The next morning, Female-and-pretentious Property to go get porridge before then to pacify his parents and giving them water and porridge HUP sat down on the road, again leaving qifu mumo carried won the parents use, then go to qifu gangui himself. From that day on, Female-parent care pretentious in this way; bring a parent map his real qifu mumo, has both the alms every half a month, and take real-life multiple times to qifu gangui. What about the real figures for the rainy season also offers for parents to use, bring clothes tearing of the parents about the hermetic closure that dye back to even. But very few days he comes real qifu mumo is belongings, much as there was nothing at all, so the y in y as well in addition to depict both the Macintosh and not enough real things to eat so the pale gold rocketed. In Germany The Sun knows he has thrice approved the exclamation: "good instead! Good instead! He is on the path of the old days We went through, the old days when qifu mumo, we also serve Our parents support ".
In the story the duty being, existence would make fun or as a bodhisattva who was a dutiful son. Story number precursor 222, bodhisattva reincarnation as a monkey, he is out of his mother's nursing home hospitality even sacrifice themselves to protect the lives of his mother, he did not hesitate.
Vintage motorcycles, when Brahamadatta ruled in Ba-la-complaint, bodhisattva birth do monkey named Nandiya (Hoan Hy), stay in the Snowy. monkey child of the bodhisattva named Cùllanandiya (Xiao Huan Hy). Both blind and mother monkey care was eight hundred thousand monkeys surrounded. They put my mom lying in the bushes, and go into the Woods picking the sweet fruit thanks to carry on for my mom. But the monkeys bring about no fruits should be hungry mother monkey beating, only genuine leather. Bo-slapped thoughts: "if one male care monkeys, the mother will die. We will leave the herd of monkeys to care for our mother. " And then he handed to child care forums monkeys did to her the leaving care private forums. Monkey child disagree as well like to take care of his mother. The two brothers went down Snow paint, select a local border at Eagle tree as shelter, and foster mother monkeys.
Now a young She-la-keeper lived in the three-dollar complaint, after studying all the profession with a Master Chief have much reputation in Takkasilà, him to ask permission to go to the Master Chief. The Master Chief have a guess, know who this disciple cruel, cruel sailings said simply: "my dear, the cruel, cruel will meet accidents great distress. The clerk should be harsh, shalt not do evil in order to later to regret ".
The Chief advised such teaching, and then to the disciples leave. The youth then head master ceremonies, wealthy girl and then back to the Ba-la-complaint and families and job hunting in a village in the border area. One minute, he's not what hunting in the forest, when it saw a tree standing Eagle at the end of a forest. At the time, the brothers of monkeys are for the mother, and put his mother sat on the trunk. When you see the hunters arrived, the two brothers successively hiding among the branches, watching him would do. Ruthless people, as to the stumps saw the mother monkey in blindness, weakening inland thought: "why we leave the hands? This monkey shot done we will go ". And then carry him holding the bow up to shoot. See so, Bo-slaps says:
-This child Cùllanandiya, who wants to kill our mother. He will replace his life for his mother. After he died, the children will care of the mother.
Say, Bo-slaps from between the tree comes out, and says:In this manner, the other-have shot his mother. My mother is blind, elderly, I will change my life. He is mother shalt not kill, kill it.
After the promise with his guys, Bo-spot sat down ready to slap died. Hunter's crush from still shoot monkeys. Cùllanandiya see that, thinking "this evil People like to shoot our mother anymore. If the mother is living one more day, is a day I thought adding to lifespan, we will save the lives our parents ". It from between the tree's come out and said:
-This other person, mother, we shalt not kill is going to die to save her mother was living. Let's shoot the two brothers we leave our mother is alive.
After the promise of hunters, monkey child sat down in the arrow range. The cruel hunting kill always monkey child and think: "I left children at home anymore. One must shoot always monkey meat to bring about for them ". When the killing of three mother monkey, he carried all three correctly monkeys on a burden and go home. Meanwhile Thunder rise hit evil guys whole family down.
The story on the shows are an important thing: anyone who tastes his mother support is about luck and cruel hunters because the injury made the world so evil company has successively emerge right in there lives.
III. the THINGS CHILDREN CAN MAKE for PARENTS Have 5 things children can make for parents.
1. An stay parent in Chief Justice Francethe Buddha always seek an stay her parents in Districts of France. As a leader, he has the sermon to the sub-sampling. On his return to the Imperial visit, The German side to honor the first theory, the King has seen Record results, and reach the second result (Sakkadagami, da Private function, For hybrids) to hear the next French lesson. The third upon hearing the French article called Dhammapala Jàtaka (Maintenance of France, Being a student of 447), the King-elect result Anagami (A hybrid, the real function of na). With this post, Pajapati Gotami form Mobile has seen results Sotapana (Preliminary result). Later on, King Suddhodana and Buddha were available for listening. After 7 days the King and France enjoy a prime result A la Han, had died in their stills. The lower House Saturday, the Buddha took up bow and heaven Tusita (the executioner) theory of Chu Tian and Queen Maya. In addition to his parents and progeny, any objects when the Buddha also Writes in the French gender rules by Public discourse, or allow the renunciation.
Residents also can stay her parents into the homes of the Chief Justice, there are barriers, prevent the sunshine, wind, wickedly is taking part, si ... can do harm to the parents by creating easy charm for parents to hear the teachings of the monks, helping parents long regular maintenance rules. With today's media network like Paltalk, recording the lectures that are popular on the global network etc overheard France should not be a problem. With a compact MP3, old people can listen to France was within 7, 8 hours of walking, at sick in bed, or waiting at the doctor clinic doctor.
2. do not dislike her parents society would also have the children real tastes just thinking of the physical benefits but forgot to thank the birth raised the. In society, the story the children of murdered parents to seize fortune or to insurance are not rare. At the time of the Buddha also have real children curious as his mother deliberately kill Angulimala to frantic ambition. Sir – hopea-in one half of the past have heard solicitation of his wife that his parents dislike. Or as the story of the children of ham little possessions that spurned his father but thanks to Buddha that they awaken and avoid being one of the five great adversity. These are the sons of a Ba-la-Mon in the guard-House wives who dislike and spurned his father.
In defense of a-Xa-la-Division has four sons and an eight hundred thousand gold coins. When the child comes of age, he married his wife for them and for a hundred thousand gold coins. Later, his wife died, the children met each other claiming he divided the possessions and promised to nurture him. Because of his injuries, he heard divides of wealth but then you and the bride spurned. He became a beggar, not children care. He heard that Sa-Limited disciplines-talks have gracefully from the tie, looked true openness, attitudes are Hy, that he the strange living with all its friendly should come to Sa-Limited disciplines-talks.
He capped, clutching a bowl, carrying away to World Religion. Sees where he sat aside real glasses and then presents his story with the evicted. In Germany The Religion taught him a lesson he recommended racks and learn in this shelf post. When he and his people arrived at the press conference, he read up before them. He taught:
They are the child when born rejoice, I yearn. So that they hear his wife instigated, chasing me as old dogs. They call me "Dear Father! ..." it's empty and the evil tuếch. Devil mask my son, they neglected me of old age, as older horses starved. Fatherhood a flood of stupid, to begging wandering. A rod is also better flood the real curious. Sticks and chasing are bulls, dogs. Sticks in the darkness, in support of the foot through muddy puddles.
Grandparents-la-subjects you post on the shelves and in the words taught to read up the shelf post between meetings of the Ba-la-Mon in the presence of his son.
The law at the time that "if any person enjoying parental expectations, but not foster parent, will be subject to the death penalty" should you be afraid of him. They panic, knelt down at the foot of Mr. van please help. The father's heart is weak, he then bail them. Four sons pallet and his tools home, shower massage, oil palm, the creamy dressing, marinated ... for his tools, and told his wife to take care of his father. To honor the Buddha, he is asking for cloth donation to the Buddha and to increase them.
3. help parents households maintained the grounds and Xue in eatingchildren need their parents ' help in Italian households maintained the grounds as environmentally protective, preventing cold, hot, Italian household units such as preserving Italy for being clean to not let craving favor bi kicked up. Most importantly, keep in mind the NET security. On the subject of gastronomy, with older people, food can become poison shortens the lifespan or causing illness, four great discord. Hạp food taste is not the proper food for older people or people who have the disease. The abnormal eating, or taking things too much, the other stuff is too less easy to born ill. .. In the Chi, Buddha taught in France increases the lifespan are as follows: appropriate work, know just right in the proper digestion of food, eating, traveling to and living It everyday.
4. help parents improve growth Centre for the mind in good growth method is not nothing like the alms and donation. The best way is to do the ceremony brother rose to the parents give food, cosy, four widgets to monks. pictures of revered monks will help parents improve growth and net credit a lot. If there is no local monks the donation to the pagoda in somewhere.
5. take care when parents are sicksick people often, spewing conservative quọ because life gauge by the body pain. Older people more difficult than should foster the disease is an extremely heavy work. But despite heavy disadvantages to not meeting the father and the mother temple was meant for.
To enhance the life gauge and overpower the Center courtyard of the sick, the children can remind parents about the things that my parents did most vindictive is to help parents to hear monks chanting. Also don't forget to remind parents when ill have to keep heart disease heart disease not because the body will hard to recover.
IV. CAUSES of DEATHpeople dead by four causes:
1-humans die because of longevity, though the industry supports lives still. 2-people die because of career support network in existence so far, although life expectancy remains. 3-people die because of longevity and career support network at once.4-people die due to career the past or current industry cut the lives (of the people), although the longevity and career support network remains.
Such as a burning oil lamp lit, are turned off by the 4 causes: 1-The lights off because of heart lights, though oil remains. 2-The lights off due to run out of oil, though still lights up heart.3-The lights off because off the heart and oil at the same time.
4-The lights off due to wind blowing, although tim and oil lamps still. Under Mi Undertake First then the death is distinguished is dead time and dies during the flight. Dead time, such as mango, mango the right correct the levels of nine Golden trees. When mango is non has shed, left Green also has the new hườm hườm, my loss was loss of Africa is dying. People lived until old age, disease, mild disease or diseases that die, then known as dead time. What about the people who do the cruise industry, the impact of the industry, by the response the left of career-which died and yet the longevity-are called Africa.
Some examples of death Africa forecast: Death due to starvation, due to thirst, due to snake bites, by poison, by fire, by water, by gender, etc.
Here was dead by industry data, heavy. This type of death in Africa were the great wall. However, hundreds of thousands dying Africa time-may be attributed to a Word, that is. Due to causality, report of the industry that make up Africa death. In addition, there are many cases of human existence by this from that death, such a person does not know preserving the body for abnormal weather occurs in around. Hot like too cold, too windy, too; or in other words, modern style, hydraulic, fire ... outside height too, the impact on the four great human being that's born sick and dying.
V. THE SCARY DEAD OR NOT? Beings who are also afraid of dying but the desire from the elderly, from the dead is the events could not have been as Buddha taught:
-The Male-pretentious, Yes, this event could not have been an Sa-keeper or she-la, by Ma or Brahma, or by anyone in his life. What is the year?
-Must be old, are sick, must die, must, must be destroyed. With Saints disciple has learned, been to; and the elderly; When the elder to her taste, have thought: "one must not just be alone and elderly. But for the love has come, has come; Yes, there being, all species of love must be old and older arrived. And if it gets old and when we arrived, the old melancholy, bi, lamented, beating his chest, walked to the unconscious, the non-preferred him eating; us becomes ugly; the work there. the enemy will hoan Hy; your friends will take care of sadness ". Are getting old, when old age comes, not anxiety, not bi, not to mourn, not beating the chest, do not go to the unconscious.
Learn to think like that, this is called Saint disciple has learned, was spitting up is the arrow poison laced with melancholy, that means that guys wife didn't learn was hit, DIY brain themselves. In addition to methods of extraction of the arrow away melancholy, the Buddha also taught more about the last place that people have to go to:
All beings are only available to death equally at all, because of the birth of all beings, the only death is the last place. All beings are subject to the same approval of results results of sins, just as his industry's already created, and then go through a life in the afterlife. Beings would do the database industry, subject to suffering in hell, the beings would work, be happy life in heaven, for so the lifetime needs to hustle work blessed German, that close constant intellectual level, to do their intended as in introduction. Because of the joy it is where Princess thanks of all beings in the future.
Preparation for elderly parents whose death the buds, gently, children can remind parents about the causes of, and put to death impermanence, or in General at the academies of the charity that my parents did may well escape the four realms.
When the longevity has rounded enough, we have to prepare to leave, just like a car was old, must be removed in order to change to the new car, such as removing the shirt is wearing a different shirt to wear on. The car has a more splendid, the shirt has more beautiful or not depending on your preparation. In The School, the Buddha spoke of the abandoned his life as follows:
Life is limited or limitless, Monks from leaving, did not last long. The most specialized inner stay meditation.Like removing armor are bearing wear.
Children can prepare for the death of his parents in a more specific way to death will be the bridge put the parents about the scene about happily. The bridge may be the joy of a wedding banquet Festival ceremony surges y, a son rise or the pure image, such as the Buddha. For many families that means children often take their parents to travel to this place, it is time he regarded as charged fondness for parents. This concept should be the table again. Although parents have been watching the great wall of China, Eiffel Summit climb of France, has visited Italy's leaning tower are the ones that find know what help does not for the moment. In return they can make it difficult for the search about place NET President. A child understand the direction if the means and when parents and health should take his parents to the Buddhist area of dynamic scenes, this Center will return in place of dead, drive away evil, the evil realm that throughout my life my parents might have experienced. A child should understand parents ' nursing Director Maureen by the Buddha way out because it's useful things that the Buddha wanted to spread to people, like beings of region, not to fall into an origin. If the children know to serve up the parents and based on the Buddha's teachings only then surely we are happily parents life and when Lin chung, as the full wage, parents will get to where the idle.
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