Saturday 20 April 2013

A fast, nine sentences.

Cyoke out can help us get a perspective to live more peaceful, encouraging everyone to try to maintain unity and peace in the community. But anyway we can also see right is here merely a very general way. In fact, very well when there are cases which are not the sexual humiliation, endured the rotten or retreat is the best solution. And to some extent in a solution, "sexual humiliation" is also somewhat negatively because it contributes to the existence of bad elements in the community.
The truth is that each one has the bad elements, because the right of every man of us also exist for certain bad elements. The sexual humiliation can be a good solution in some cases, but in the face of the adverse factors, it becomes negative, since it impedes the rise of finishing each person as well as of the whole community.
When a member has the wrong behavior, harm to other members of the community, the sexual humiliation for him would be a wrong decision, bad for people and for ourselves. In contrast, the appropriate response is necessary will help him to identify and correct the behavior is not good, and that not only help prevent harmful for people but also beneficial to themselves, because it helped him become a better person.

Thus, if out patient sexual humiliation humiliation is under, then it is necessary to understand that it is the sexual humiliation, enduring in appropriate circumstances. Otherwise, such understanding is also too narrow compared with the real meaning of the concept of the ring. So what is the humiliation of the ring? To understand the full meaning of this concept, the thing of course is that we have to turn to find out what the explanation in the commentary of the Buddhism, because this is a Buddhist term is borrowed from theK toānti (floor-heading) in Sanskrit.
In the Buddhist scriptures, the almond rings humiliation was one of six France tu called ba-la-suite, i.e. the French tu can help us reach salvation. Investment-intensive Solutions Suite, vol. 4, explaining patiently humiliation including 3 meaning. One is the complaint, i.e. the ring damage resentment got to bear the damage caused by others for themselves. Two life rings, gauge is literally an naturally accept any pain, suffering brain. The French police and the three rings, i.e. can observe, recognize the true nature of all things natural to accept. In addition, the old lion Du reasoning-51 geospatial description everyday humiliation rings include three properties: one is not angry, two is not the the grudge, and three are in no bad ideas.
Combine the explained and described in 2 above mentioned comment texts, we can understand that rings the humiliation not just the sexual humiliation, enduring, which imply a greater awareness, insight and comprehensive on the subject, the incident, from which lead to the acceptance with a spirit of peace, not the originator of anger and evil bad thoughts, and therefore also not create hatred, resentment of hate.
While a lot of my other comment explains a more comprehensive and profound about the almond rings, which is considered one of the important monastery in France. However, to the extent we want to discuss, you can temporarily accept a definition as above is relatively complete. The problem here is that even a relatively restricted definition like that also might have been complicated and confusing for some people. So, perhaps we should better say a bit more about the details of this definition.
First of all, all three properties are described in the treatise Du-old local lawyers-not angry, not to the grudge and had no idea the evil bad-must be considered as the staple, indispensable for almond rings. When missing one of these factors, although we have to accept that sexual humiliation was over how much of the work, then that's also totally unable to see that the practice was happy to ring in 2000. Thus, the practice of everyday humiliation ring also means to nurture, development of all three elements of this right in itself.
On Monday, about 3 meaning is explained in the penetrating Solution Suite, should be viewed as the process of self development, advancements in the practice ring everyday humiliation. And the like, in high degree will include lower level than before, but when practice a low level is not necessarily one must understand and practice all the requirements of a higher level. However, the fact that the two first levels are more the closer, and most of us are able to practice even if the attempt, while the third level is again a perfect ended up drained of both the previous level, and requires a long cultivation processes before you can really understand and remain at a level This last level.
To see clearly over this review, in the following pages we will in turn learn through all 3 meaning of the almond rings humiliation that has just been said above: patient humiliation for damages caused by other causes, patient suffering humiliation in these circumstances, and the spectacle of nature thoroughly all the rings to the humiliation to all. TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.20/4/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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