Tuesday 30 April 2013


According to the history of Buddhism, the Buddha attained enlightenment, Sarnath to teach his five brothers Kondanna attained arahant, then he continued the family 50 youth Yasa Horn also obtained. Under the guidance, love and caring of the Buddha, the heart of this immediately becomes purified and Sainthood certified easily. Indeed, from the Buddha's body and mind were touched radiated power miraculously make people respect that should follow his religious and Development Center, and Yasa bourgeois family is the first home reception the wonderful power of the Buddha touched, they immediately found to live life with the Buddha.
Then, with great wisdom, the Buddha taught the Arhat disciples everyone should take a direction to spread dharma. It can be affirmed that only the elect new Sainthood ability to Buddha Dharma and change the world. We were born a Buddhist too far, so the results obtained Holy extremely difficult, but if we do not approach the Buddha expounded the Dhamma does not exist. So we devote, get acquired, new share for each other to advance on the path of virtue. Design thinking has yet to Buddhist teachings, but the main thing is that three men, meditation and wisdom. Although we honor any sect, which left the practice, concentration and wisdom, we turn the Buddha Dhamma become immoral.
Some people want to learn, want to cultivate and propagate the Dhamma, and from the clergy have transformed into virtue, then this person speak or remain silent dharma. The fact that the school did not have much, but specialized religious virtue is easier to persuade people and maintain long-term dharma. Declared Venerable Zen Buu paint this without learning many conditions, but he kept a strict religious world.
About the most important in our religious life. As the world transforms into a virtue, would have been very touched people miraculously, make peace. Indeed, ancient, Bhikkhu Buddha Ma Wins obedience to the Rajgir in silence, in awareness. Shariputra, the cult leader Brahmins of that time saw Ma Thang, leisurely strokes his Shariputra drew away under the monastery. Ma Wins and Sariputta went in silence, but the mind and heart of Ma Wins Shariputra had to communicate with each other in silence. Go to the monastery, the Buddha saw Sariputta, that simply said "Come here, bhikkhus." One such simple words, but exudes power of dharma makes instant Sariputta attained Arhat. Therefore, our dharma elusive, hard and difficult communication practices to others. Only the practitioner in the same frequency with the Dharma people say they can hear, receive only.
Today, we cultivate the Buddhist teachings not only empty words, but that religious teachings which we witness in the pure body and mind, which arise from wisdom called Zen. Meditation means the mind quiet wisdom, the mind is pure virtue. And from Zen, people discovered the Wonderful Dharma Flower, meaning that the practitioner is morality, purity of body and mind as the lotus (Lotus) and uninfected ceiling in which body and mind pure gem French is Dieu.
Can confirm that all of Buddhist practices are aimed at making the body and mind for the purification and arising intellectual no legal way to do more. We recite the Wonderful Dharma Flower usually think it is the practice of enlightenment for us, but forget that French Dieu Lotus derived from purification of bhikkhus new jewel in the intellectual side. So step on the spiritual path, how the body is not pure as the lotus ceiling infection, nothing in this life we appeal, we are governed. And to cultivate the body and mind pure as lotus, can not leave the 37 assistant. We recite the Lotus 37 that do not practice the assistant can not turn itself into a lotus unclean, unable to move into such mental pearls of wisdom.
Practice assistant product 37, we reached a peak of Eightfold Path and the Noble Eightfold Path is the expression of pure body and mind, in other words, body and mind are pure Eightfold Path. Than we have the right action and right livelihood. So, if there is no true career and life will be a life true underestimated, then this person can not be the church.
Body purification before only for the five Aggregates Aggregates evaluation by our society or not pure, our assessment is good or not. And we are good at in the clouds, but here is not good, not good as well. Before, I also thought that the steps wrong path, despite their public opinion, but in fact, public opinion is important. First, we must be pure in our society, the new life in peace. If people were not considered good, as evil, how quiet it. Reviewer us well, they protect us from the peaceful life of the new material towards the spiritual life is pure and wise.
Therefore, the body will be pure and wise words of wisdom found then we always contract management and contract muscles. Deed of contract and the hard go together, because these two things are contradictory. Indeed, the contract is consistent with a foundation level of sentient beings, capable beings, but that does not necessarily follow that we are capable beings, how appropriate is the truth.
Therefore, we only when we contract the clergy of the wisdom and knowledge of birth, called Mahayana Paramita Sutra, meaning that we cultivate generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation and intelligence, but must bear Prajna, or wisdom, we see the truth and this truth is truth popularity, all the things we want to see it all connected. When Buddha in Bodhgaya, his evidence before the Prajna Paramita, from which he observed the birth of their radical completely different, so if you say this person does not hear the other person by heart. So Buddha found his way evidence is too sublime truth that qualified people are being obscured karma, can not see, can not hear. Then think about the Buddha means Saturday ( Flower Adornment Sutra says that the mean cross this idea), meaning there is lack of intelligence but wisdom can not do.
Knowledge and understanding of the Buddha we are too far apart. I can not understand Buddhism, how he commanded us and we can not be transmitted, how to practice Buddhism. Think of such extremely difficult, the Buddha wanted to Nirvana. Then, new Buddhas advice of the Buddhas of the ten directions and requests of Brahma, who just returned to the real world and used her in my mind means to teach birth. Buddha means numerous, but in the spirit of Flower Adornment is "the use of money in, right in the capital". Tri Prajna see through the world of the French, for this position should open up the immense damage both states. But "in the right" although there is wisdom, but wisdom is without means and insufficient. Therefore, the practitioner must have previous position Prajna, wisdom and new media. It means the wisdom to see the truth, that we are in nirvana or is in hell, in her or the Pure One. Buddhist Nirvana, enjoy the fruits of Nirvana is often, communication, self, calm, completely peaceful. But the Buddhist Nirvana with Buddha, he also has four great body of Buddha Shakyamuni.
We also have two parts: developing flexible legs, but still exist this physical body, stated that this physical body is in human society. Each practice we have acquired particular, if the primitives, we have to preliminary results from the process, according to the bodhisattva is file to tenth place, until the Enlightenment. This means that everyone has a way to live peacefully and remain in it. We can say we live in the day Saha in the five Aggregates warm, but at night we Meditation, it is our own world. Nearly all the enthusiasm people have this practice. I live in everything she had, depending upon which we live, it just means, we are spiritual, who knows, who understands.
King Tran Thai Tong said the idea that:
Rooms have spare optical bay projector home
Mind the bar scene plus Category
Fish from the very goodness of the
Of evil monk intelligence liaison.
"From the" liberation of his mind, who knows, make sure only the king, or enlightenment is enjoying alone, because King Tran Thai Tong had been up all night with the National Post that he did not associate fatigue and depression. Today we practice, trying to set a sleepless night, but had to find something to say. A sleepless night is new life in meditation and mental fatigue is not entirely bright, so they understand each other. Tam Tran Thai Tong wants to practice in the mountains with the National Register professor, but Tran Thu Majesty said if the mountain is also moving up mountains court. Great Post new counsel that "thy pure mind sitting on the throne is also pure, so he and I were together and interact."
Normally purification want to be in deep mountains, but the Post says that the mind is pure jade ni ma is the place to have the energy deposited in the water, which makes others pure heart. Listen to the teachings of the Great Sign, pure heart of the king was equivalent to the Post, so since then, King has transformed into nirvana throne, meaning that all opposition, troubles in the auto court dissolved.
Purity of mind for the impact our sorrow meet, their purity as well. The impact of this practice has from the first meeting between Sariputra and Ma Win in the Sakyamuni Buddha and the practice has also been shown that in our country from the reign of King Tran Thai Tong met the international lawyers Register . That's something we need to think.
From a pure mind, wisdom arises, see where we're at and the means used to determine the position we are faced with the monks, or the heathen. If you are Nirvana, Bliss does not have anything to say, but we are in society Saha, meaning that in the fire have been addressed by means of wisdom, can not be said that Zen Buu Pho Quang Temple story.
So, when I traveled to Italy in the church conference, I identify myself in the Holy Roman Cardinals are facing, not dreaming that thought itself faced with Buddhists. And from knowing exactly where to use such means to explain Buddhist wisdom so that the listener understood and acceptable. I talk to these people that we in the twentieth century, the religion should get to know each other and share each other, not opposing each other, because each religion has its own definition or. Then, the Cardinal replied very happy that we Meditation. And met Cardinal Pham Minh Man in Ho Chi Minh City, said he also learned meditation. Design thinking has numerous Buddhist legal thing or can help people flourish life, they also have to learn and we find appropriate to use them to share.
The location means we know where we're at and at any time. If the theocratic era we rejected the worship issue, then to redeem the painting itself. The fact that the ancient monks and Patriarch of us preaching to the local areas where Mars her church, Mrs. Glass, the incense He visits them, not all doctors. But after the presence of the Patriarch, people found out that her grandmother Mars or Mercury could not answer their questions, while the monks are unlocking their mood. So monks or people play a decisive role, so experience Lotus Buddhism asserts that exist in humans, when people still believed the Buddhist dharma exist, often called the world chess office. If people do not believe anymore, the Buddhist Dharma will perish.
Use location means to be human in that period any such knowledge only and accept that, then I say, they will not listen. So sad to Buddhists, to see the Holy Increased purity, they are purified by, or have you wisdom, giving answers to help them feel secure.
But if there is a prospect or a no-brainer, but only flesh up, we solved somehow? We also chanting, Lord Buddha, praying they were assured. Indeed, I would do so, because its not the church, should not make them peacefully, but they thought I was praying to their momentary peace of mind, high or low results are not yet known.
Therefore, if rejection Buddhists themselves, disparage each other is a big mistake, because all the means of life, this means users who have other means. In fact we see on the route of self-forgiveness, with Zen master of medication and treatment, with the teaching of agriculture, have appealed to the island by storm. All that means that Buddhists use different though, but all aim to make peace.
There are vehicles used in theocratic period, but the period of civilization, not a place of acceptance, should be limited to use only. For example, star projector offering network problems to be peaceful, which is still believed by some. Design thinking in insight, we take another look. In human life, issues telepathy science today is still acceptable, though not proven. In other words, by nature flexible that it can be caught from other people when the direction of them. Suppose my strong magnetic field, which I think Buu Chanh Venerable, this monk made to feel impatient, I want to see the city. For practitioners, this practice is not difficult. So step on the spiritual path, from school and our belief toward an Arhat does, he will come with us. My own interest in the acquired this, every day I bow to the Buddha, chanting is centripetal, or taken from the field to the Buddha, then feel peace and healing magic, which of course is not superstitious. In the vast invisible world, there are things that we can not see with your eyes, but by pure faith, we receive.
On the way of practice, means that users know the location of their stand and the period they live. Saha are the important thing is that we have to accept she is the fire I'm burning. Sutra Lotus Sutra called the three worlds as fire scout's very safe. This is nothing new Italian or not? There is absolutely nothing new, as this idea has come from economic primitives. The Buddhist theory of three worlds fire in the Lotus Sutra , the example, but in fact the Buddha spoke about the fire for three Kassapa brothers when he came of them.
Indeed, from the Buddha monks leaving 60 of them Yasa line and told everyone to go and a way to teach with wisdom, Buddha found his predestined to 1,000 Buddhist monk god of fire. He decided to meet Frequency Speakers Floor Pros Kassapa was renowned pagan teachers at that time. He always considered himself to be Holy, because he is 500 map them so revered he is Holy. Buddha started his compassion to the point, so that he has wisdom, but tripped up mistakes that become chronic upper will destroy his life. So the Buddha went there alone with a bowl, please refuge in the monastery of his one night, this place specializes in church and culture cobra snake. He Frequency Speakers Floor Pros Kassapa thought he saw it was to the right Gautama. Buddha to save him, but he wanted to kill the Buddha. Two heart completely contradictory that only Buddha can resolve. But we must be careful, if you want to kill people, we must avoid, for its inability to levels at which they are associated deaths, such as that can not swim to save this river.
Advantages Floor Speakers Frequency Kassapa Buddha arranged for countless shrines in the church commandments. He was trained to kill snakes, but calmly meditating Buddha and His kindness go to make it to the snake god prostrate under his feet. It's all very legal language that the Buddha has shown not only touched the snake, but only after a night of meditation, he did not say anything, but the frequency was Speakers Floor Pros Kassapa pagan priests and 500 is filed and touched his death are his two brothers Kassapa and Aging Skin problems Kassapa and his 500 disciples of these two.
After teaching the students in mind since 1000, the new Buddha said that this world is the fire that is the teaching which He said village Frequency Speakers Floor Pros. And to experience the Lotus , Buddha said to the fire in the example.
Before the Buddha, three Kassapa brothers cult god of fire, because they believe that every living fire decisions on life and fire can destroy the lives of all species. But being a disciple of the Buddha, the Buddha three were initiated, has transformed the perception of fire outside the fire burned all species si three poisons of greed, hatred inside every human being. The new fire anger and ignorance is strength burned human body and mind. Taking refuge in the Buddha, enlightenment of this position, no longer terrified by the fire outside the cult-god delusion fire again. But by practicing Buddha dharma, and the fire had been annihilated anger and ignorance, so, they are free, free in this life, called Organic residue achieve nirvana, Arhat attained. Thus, the Buddha took the fact that the sermon life, the spirit of Mahayana Buddhism is often asserted that the world cup feeling.
From the train diligently cessation of greed, hatred and delusion according to Theravada out the fire, the flame image is of Lotus deployed into the three worlds as a home for old entries, including all snakes hiss, insect killing each other, that just propelled all beings in the three worlds of chaotic fire also caused by the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion that killing themselves fighting each other. So Buddha said nothing world peace, happiness, teach him new ways the fire escape three worlds with three cars are sravakas excess, surplus and Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattva. Up to three cars this is ground zero position represents Wisdom. Then, the practitioner comes to the three worlds of fire in fully automatic. In other words, one of which is not out, still in the third world, but not the three poisons of greed, hatred and delusion fire burning, on the contrary, capable practitioner touched the species, help people convert three fire independent of their own compassion, sense of place. Thus, the meaning of the fire from the economic Originally Lotus deployed deeper than other interpretations.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY=1/5/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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