Sunday 21 April 2013

Impermanence, suffering, impure, egolessness.

Tmenorrhagia idea of Insanity, (Vipallasa Sutta), part of the Increased Spending Nikaya IV. 149, the Buddha has said about four children see mistakes, the basic myths about our experience. They are the Buddha called four see insanity, because things are seen against the foot of our generals. Four see insanity that is:
1. in the impermanence is usually; capture what impermanent and for which is often. 2. in agony that is lost; believe the things in his life, that Leanne self are real satisfied or suffering, will bring us happy. 3. in the impure see is pure; see what is not pure is beautiful and attractive.
4. in the anatta is falling; clutching hold of the things that Lee himself is anatta and no substance.

In common thought is impermanent This morning when you wake up, do you think you are already old to go one day and is also close to death a day reasonable? Although the reason we know that his body is ill go in each, but deep feelings in this body is still going strong forever and death will never come up with themselves, or at least it also projects. This attitude is an example to us yourself cuddle hold this body as it is, is the school. And also, we see the relationship of as fixed and when a loved one dies, does feel consternation and surprise. We want people who will be present forever next to him and gripped took hope.
And we can learn how to deal with the impermanence of life very soothing. But first of all, we need to see the error in his perception of what is thought to be generally, is sustainable, and mindfulness of Tanh transform in people and things.
In the miserable thought was lost Anything that brings us joy will also bring us the problems: an ideal spouse leaving, my beloved children, my new work against promoted and also means increased hours of work and stress for us. The pleasure of a rotation in the life for giving me this disappointment to the other frustrations, but I still keep to it, thinking that this time it will bring us a long lasting happiness. We also like a gamble, believed that the new game will bring us a great luck. It is like a drug name waiting for a cigarette.
With mindfulness we will clearly be the second insanity. We will find that the majority of what society has taught us, and what we pass on to their descendants on the question of happiness is not the real thing. True and sustainable happiness can only be retained by eliminating these causes should be suffering the emotional and irrational-the actions (karma) as they promote.
In impure thought was pure. We pursue and stick stuck to the attractiveness of the body and of the other guys. "The body beautiful" is one of those things that we all recognise. But if this body so appealing, then why we spend evaluating how much effort to change it? We find enough ways to make your body look better: hair dye, more or less weight, wear the clothes that highlight the parts of the body. "Keep was older forever" is also one of the great commercial business in this country. But if we keep living in harmony with the reality? All of us are elderly. We can do learn to live happily with wrinkled skin, silver hair, the soft muscle weakness are reasonable? Where old age need not be scary to the world, but one of us make it so.
Anatta In thought was falling. A common misconception is the most harmful and accept a one truth in body and mind. We think and feel, that the one has a "I", and it is a "me" as the most important on this space-my happiness is essential for my suffering, and need to be addressed before. We imagine the image of someone and then keep for making live the illusion. And the majority of these thoughts of the one about himself is totally wrong. Leanne self's we are not ugly, beautiful, talented, inferior, lazy, stupid, clever, etc or any good features or lower that we assigned to you.
And does the us think that, in the us have a "me" real and sustainable as body and mind as well as his life, we also believe that people and other animals around us also has an entity like that. We believe that all things right with the existing external according to their general. And also so that we believe that, whoever is the enemy of us, they are the people who are evil and vicious nature. We go win the pull down and defend what belongs to him. It does not see the character names are changed and no entity of any phenomenon that knew how much these troubles and miseries have being up. And then there is the sentiment as anger, anxiety, craving, lazy, etc. wrong address and master of his life. All is well because we were going to catch what is not true and for that is the truth.
Thanks to mindfulness, mindfulness, the four find the mistake and did insanity-impermanence, real heaven, impure and egolessness-but we are conscious of the suffering because they bring and abandon them. And that's really let go, renunciation. Mindfulness must take us to let go.
Mindfulness will bring him a courageous and able to go back to the habits and customs. Look around, we see people who like him, everyone wants to depart the suffering and yearn to be happy. And from there, wholeheartedly sincerely wants to help other guys up. The happiness brought from other guys help, love and mind from going to run up in the us. I find myself having a great contact with all the people, all volunteers, and we want to be pure and transform all sufferings of yourself-become a Buddha-to help other people. And in that way that mindfulness take us to the path of liberation. TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/4/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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