Wednesday 17 April 2013

One of the Buddha's name.

-In addition to the Buddha, mantras, meditation at the Citadel, chanting, practice of Satipatthana etc also other methods are simple, easy but effective, making walking is sitting still not forget Buddha's name? -Yes. -Ask for directions. -Power output in the bulb can give us light, in air conditioning can give us somewhat cold, in TV shows the picture and sound ...So the bulb, the refrigerator, TV ... just the widgets to your output uses such as light, sound, image, and cold ... my only one, but its uses are many. No power, no nothing.
Similarly, when he saw the figures, hear sounds, smell, eat, learn, touch the animals know soft hard, water heater etc. then that is the use of the Buddha's name. Leanne Buddha only one but its use is immensely. There is no Buddhist names, see, hear, smell, taste, know-contact etc. also there.
-Know that's my Buddha Tanh then how tu? -Which is the Buddha's name, in whatever situation he also remembered his sense of family identity or Buddhist. Know that the mind of Buddha is generally head then let go once everything else since they had just huyễn. This method can tu in anytime and circumstance, ease that never forget the names. -See, or such as the huyễn, and found the names of Buddha is real there, so there is not? -It is still on, not the middle. But he must know himself in any level. Let's go step by step. -If that is done step by step and then the next, then what to do? -To hear that see, hear, smell, taste, know-contact ... is of the Buddha's name, please enter the names of Buddha always by looking at all things like course and nature, there is little that stick in the mind. Leanne and Sensations while two but remains a. -Go to the extreme, the stars-I have yet to come anywhere should not answer this question. Please ask the monks and the other knowledge friendly. If nothing or, please don't forget me. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.18/4/2013.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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