Tuesday 3 June 2014

Final teaching of the Buddha.

"Behold disciples, for the four holy truths, if there is any place not exhaustive, it should be little question, Tathagata will show him to you." Exalted recommend prompted three times as such, they were silenced four , does anyone have any questions.

I myself heard: Dharma Wheel once moved first, the Venerable Exalted Kieu-ceiling-like and time after the sermon, the Venerable his Tu-la-Baghdad. Those who can you help, he made the all. On the last night before Nirvana no balance, Sa-la jungle, but life under the trees, it's quiet space, quiet, Buddha reminds the core of the Dhamma as follows.    
1 - Hey disciples, died after the Tathagata, the must respectfully, reverently precepts as the poor are rich, it is BLIND sight. Be aware that international law is supreme masters. Although there is much in the world to live more years, also not outside the Tathagata teachings of the purpose of the rule was alone.   
The precepts are not business, trade, housing, plowed fields and gardens, agricultural investment, hiring maids, secular style. No tree cutting trees, digging, cave machinery, herbal preparation, good hexagram bad guess, guess watch star networks, geographical research, exploration manic failure, or some guess as scheduled.   
The abstinence should live my life, diet, lifestyle maintain high bar, liberation. No political participation, consular mission communications, information. Not practicing spells, potion processing, interaction Elites, the arrogant relatives. Need to keep true center, mindful living and mindful in every moment, seek direct result of liberation. Do not cover up the mistakes, this enchanting presentation to attract the masses. Few want to live, enough to know the four offerings. Living just enough to practice their religion, not stored property and money.  
Tathagata said a summary of the precepts. That is the fundamental precept, is the root of liberation. Thanks solemn precepts, meditation and wisdom arises, can kill the pain. So you take the precepts fully. The pure morality will grow healthy way. The world is not lacking merit may arise.   
2. Disciples Hey, you have to conquer the five senses to their wanderings not follow the sense pleasures. The religious right as cattle herdsman rod, not to buffalo stampede of people clad rice. Once let loose of the five senses, not only do you not tame sensual second year, which also can not stop the cycle of bohemian unrestrained, like a horse without reins evidence, it will work down the pit. Victims suffering of robbers have only one life, while victims sensuous beings make life more miserable. Its woes extremely dangerous. These have to be careful.   
So, people need to tame the mind senses rather than obey it; keep watch over them as robbers, not to them raging, manipulating.
The disciples, in the human sense, is the most important. The caution must tame his mind. The mind is very scary, even more dangerous predators, poisonous snakes, even more hazardous fire victims. As well as having held the cup honey engrossed on hand and forget bunkers on the road, will stumble. Just like a drunken elephant without clincher; apes as having been spoiled trees that jump pass, want to tame them, it's hard. So these are diligent tame your mind, to preserve all things charity. When the center is a place they do not overpower anything fails.     
Three. Hey disciples, the life of offerings, should the concept as medication. Delicious ham, impeccably progress. Eating just let off hunger. As bees nectar in flowers, just get the taste, flavor not hurt. Renouncers too: Life of donations to good health practice, not so much his jaw, the loss of the faith of believers candidates. Be as wise man knows the amount of traction and endurance of the buffalo, buffalo should not take too much, so exhausted.   
4. The disciples this, the day is fresh effort to practice law, not to waste time passes. Earlier today, last night did not leave the bed. During the night chanting, religious. Do not sleep as something that passes for life in vain. Keep in mind that the fire is burning impermanent world, themselves diligently to their level, overcoming laziness, sleep. The enemy is always lurking negativity kill the taste, even more dangerous enemy, how the situation can even sleep without guard! Negativity sleep in the center as well as poisonous snakes in the house, to clinch its virtue that entices the fold. Snakes out our new and secure sleeping. Snakes are not the sleep that absorbed the fact that people do not know shame.   
This disciples, shame is the most beautiful jewelry in any jewelry. Capable shame overpower everything illegal and immoral man. So, live with disgrace mind, never forgetting that virtue. Loss of interest is shame to lose all merit. There are ashamed of all goodness. No shame there are other expenses the animals.   
5. Disciples Hey, if anyone is offended, bodily injury and Gentlemen, you should restrain your mind, do not let the flame of hatred burning. Again to keep the words eat, say, do not let the word evil to anyone retaliation. Anger rising corruption will make professional direction, fire all merit practice. The virtue of patience and ascetic morality can not match. Practice of the new ring worthy traders are powerful steps. Those who can not tolerate insults a joy, like drinking orange route, it may not be worthy of the position to be directed. The anger will devour all good measures, it is more dangerous fire data. These must be guarded, not to anger intrusion. In the category of merit robbers then anger is the most dangerous. The world sensual enjoyment of life, lack of methods to tame, if anger can be forgiven. The practice of removing part fun things in life that can not be excluded anger is really to blame, like clear sky thunder that emerges is not appropriate.   
6. Disciples this, ask yourself rubbing the top of her and remember that you have removed all of the cosmetics and jewelry of the world on his coat-sa septic robe color, living by begging real. When psychological conceit, arrogance surfaced immediately conquer it. Pride is human nature so bad that there should not be, let alone who is ordained for the enlightenment, living on alms or what!  
7. Disciples Hey, flattering sentiment in stark contrast to the enlightenment. So, the training center should go directly to the real substance. Be aware that flatters a lie that people should not be ordained. To make the radical right center, perpendicular to promote virtue. That is the way to direct. 
8. Disciples Hey, you should know that the person who desires much more also needs avaricious, so that increasing misery. The desire for not less want, no charge should not be that bad. Only with the benefit that it is enough for you to hone, practice, this unfortunate situation is when there is work to develop the virtues! People do not want to please your little people by flatteries, creep and false senses are not used, manipulated. Meditators less want, the mind is at peace, no more anxiety, depression, met the then strong enough to cope, not what not to do. Generally, almost all want to live well at Nirvana.   
9. Disciples Hey, if you want to liberate all suffering is so often know enough religious practices. France said enough is the basis of peace, happiness and abundance. Know enough people on the ground despite still find peace. People do not know enough to live in paradise yet to find contentment. Do not know enough yet rich but very poor. Knowing enough, despite the poor but very rich. People do not know enough as a slave in the first year and lower pleasures is worthy of mercy headstone life for he knows enough. 
10. Disciples Hey, want to gain citizenship director, unconditioned, peace, and the separation from the boisterous place, living alone in the comfort place, quiet. The quiet spot in the sky and God-like gods are respected. So, should the opportunity away from them, relaxed living alone and suffering sever the roots of intellectual thinking. The proper assembly of the congregation was disturbed, as many ancient trees that have gathered, the bird may be damaged branches. The world human bondage in pain like old elephant bogged down, they escape difficult. It is well-transcendence, the need to write about.   
11 - Hey disciples, diligent effort is not something difficult. Therefore they are to be diligent, diligent often as small droplets can penetrate the stone. The practice that you might as lazy as the palm trees on fire, trees have no time to stay hot, earnestly oil fire, so that the fire does not have to be. Be diligent effort not stop.   
12 - Hey disciples, carried out for the next good knowledge or not assisted by themselves promote mindful awareness. There is the enemy of mindfulness, negativity can not penetrate.
So the photographer must have lived in the concept. Loss of mindfulness is synonymous with loss of merit. There is mindful sustainable living environment, even sensual pleasures was okay, as soldiers in battle armor, then have no fear of anything.  
13 - Hey disciples, regent for the mind is to make your mind dwell on. The mind is insight meditation will be state birth and death, transformation of the world. These must be diligent meditation practice. Heart of the perturbed state, will spend wandering lost and who know how to keep the water protection dikes. Also, want to have water wisdom, the skill must meditate, not to leakage. 
14 - Hey disciples, there is no wisdom involved before, always self-awareness and self-scrutiny, whereby man is capable of liberating teachings of the Tathagata. Without the intellectual level is not worthy of renunciation. Wisdom is a solid boat crossed the sea of ​​birth and death, the bright lights in dark ignorance, the mental health of all medicinal sickness hammer and a sharp tongue is cut off tree afflictions. Therefore, the need to cultivate wisdom "literature, and death" for the benefit of growth. Persons with intellectual competition screening is still the physical eye the right view, that the nature of all things.   
15. Disciples Hey, Coliseum argument only makes mind disorder. The Coliseum ordained conclusion that life can not be achieved liberating wisdom. Therefore, you must quickly abandon permanent psychological Coliseum opinion, useless. Eliminating the Coliseum complex speech disorder can achieve passed away peacefully.    
16. Disciples Hey, remember often the merit to abandon all distractions, as they shun robbery holy wars. Demonstrate compassion, said Tathagata Dharma declared ultimate benefit. For its part, the diligent effort you take regularly, do not let life pass away in vain later repent, regret later. Tathagata as a physician, well known disease management, prescription of disease status for each person. Drink or not to drink is not the fault of health food. As well as the back and forth directions, indicating where the path should go and towards liberation. Knowing that does not bear good way off again is not the teacher's fault!    
17. - "Behold disciples, to the four holy truths, if there is any place not exhaustive, it should be little question, Tathagata will show him to you." Exalted recommend prompted three times as such, the four were silent, no one questions.     
At that time, Venerable A-recruiter-white Buddha that long-momentum
- Buddha, though the moon may become hot, the sun becomes cold, but the Four Noble Truths that the Tathagata has taught Bible can not be changed. Noble Truth is the reality of life suffering: birth is suffering, aging is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, to meet hatred that is suffering, but must be separated love is suffering, accepted in the group's be suffering. Kill all substrates are clean state causes suffering and pain, the happiness, Nibbana. Dao is the sole path to peace, the eight path, the middle path, no other way. Venerable sir, all four of them are no longer any questions about these four noble truths as well.  
18. At the time of their, own disciples to learn to face facts will no residual Buddha Nirvana, are prohibited, painfully. New disciples to hear the director are final teaching of chemistry, as in the night by the light, so that way. The disciples were uneducated clean end to the negativity, beyond birth and death, still not stop the pity: "Why no residual Exalted Nirvana too soon! At that time, the Buddha because injured four more that we should teach:     
- Hey disciples, Let no sorrows, sorrow. Although Tathagata live a life more in life, and also to the Nirvana days. But not farewell reunion; combined without disintegration is not possible.  
For Tathagata, legal knowledge and experience benefits their interests, Tathagata are announced. It did not provide any benefits, if Tathagata place to live long lives, but do not practice the Dhamma. The worth of beings, the Tathagata has before. These beings are not level, the Tathagata has also created an affinity for the merchandise they are. Henceforth, let the Tathagata's disciples to follow the traditional practice Dharma. That is the legal way to make a permanent body Tathagata, and forever in the eternal world. No residual Tathagata Nirvana or not, it does not matter. 
The disciples, and the realization that all things should be, the phenomenon in this world are changing, impermanent, in combination, they must have disintegrated, nothing to attachment, pitiful. Life is like that, the diligent efforts must be freed. Using light to destroy intellectual darkness and stupidity. Life is not a steadfast operation. Tathagata no residue left Nirvana as an evil disease. It is human nature in groups, sinful nature, tentatively called themselves, therefore, it must be governed mercilessly by aging, illness and death. Tier wisdom to get rid of it felt like the flat finish robbers. As such, not worthy to die happy, peaceful or what?   
The disciples, and to earnestly seek the path of liberation. The whole world of objects in motion until no movement of objects are also not permanent, and can not be real, it must be time for annihilation.
Well, these are just quiet, do not say another word! It's time to balance countless Tathagata Nirvana. It was the final teaching of the Tathagata .END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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