Tuesday 3 June 2014

Buddha retreat.

Meditation diligently in the rainy season which is very important in the process of monastic practice. After months of travel so instructive day, stopping a practice space along with the congregation Sangha to cultivate spirituality, raised seed purity is harmoniously to do

One time, Exalted Icchanan-residence at the gala, at Icchanan-gala forest clusters. At that, the Blessed One told the monks:-I want to live in solitude in the three months divinity, not to anyone, except one who brought the food back. 

- Yes, sir, venerable sir. 

The monks replied that yes Exalted. Thus, no one visited the Exalted, except one who brought the food back. 

Exalted Then, three months after he was satisfied, from the seclusion room divinity stood up, called Monks: 

- Hey Monks, if the pagan monk to ask him: "With the public abides, the current owner, recluse Gotama dwells more in the rainy season?".

Asked Therefore, the monks, and his answer to the pagan wanderer was as follows: "With the concept of breathing and breathing out, the current owner, Exalted more dwell in the season rain ". 

Here, the monks, mindfulness I breathe, I breathe out mindfully. Or a long inhalation, I clearly said: "I breathe in long". Or breathing out long, I clearly said: "I am breathing out long." Or breathing in short, I clearly said: "I am very short of breath." Or breathing out short, I clearly said: "I am breathing out short" ... "Quan abandoned, I breathe", I clearly said so. "Quan abandoned, I breathe out", I clearly said so. 

This monks, who wanted to put it right feet, this is the Holy residence, this is the category, this is the Tathagata residence; he said right feet, to say the concept of breathing and breathing out as St. resident, is on permanent, Tathagata is permanent. 

The monks, the monks learned is useful level, attention no achievement, need for living in peace supreme suffering from the yoke; these persons practicing, making the concept prolific breathing and breathing out, would lead to cessation of the taints. And the monks, the monks is A-la-drought levels, cessation of defilements, the chronic practice, the work should have been done, laid down the burden, has achieved the ideal, has to take ownership unless fetters, right knowledge, liberation; these persons practicing, making the concept prolific breathing, breath out, right in the present, bringing to stay optimistic, mindful awareness. 

This monks, who wanted to put it right feet, this is the Holy residence, this is the category, this is the Tathagata residence; he said right feet, to say the concept of breathing and breathing out as St. resident, is on permanent, Tathagata is permanent. 


An apartment three months of the rainy season is traditionally practiced by monks from the regulatory Exalted his lifetime, was constantly maintained to this day. Meditation diligently in the rainy season which is very important in the process of monastic practice. After months of travel so instructive day, stopping at a place to practice with the Sangha congregation to cultivate spirituality, raised seed purity is harmoniously to do. 

Buddhist monks have long settled policy tons each, end dues body and mind, hone About-The-Holy Wisdom to attain the results. It is evident that the monks must adhere to the practice as a unit. But few doubt that the Saints Exalted and Arhat has settled well: "What was the practice, making the concept prolific breathing, breath out, right in the present, bringing to stay optimistic , mindful awareness ". 

Exalted, Enlightened, has dignity, put down that burden was still "live in solitude divinity in three months, not to anyone, except one who brought the food back." Let's failure on this test to show that the Buddha was teaching a specific body for posterity the duty to settle. Obviously, one can not monks in the name of anything or any reason adduced which settled the fate of omission. Because that category, as St. residence, the Tathagata is permanent. 

Application of mindfulness of breathing, righteous dwell awareness is the foundation of the category, and the Holy Tathagata permanent residence. Exalted specified, Himself: "With the concept of breathing and breathing out, the current owner, Exalted dwell much in the rainy season." Therefore, practitioners need to contemplate settling breath to establish mindfulness awareness to subdue afflictions. Of course mindfulness of breathing has been applied Exalted and affirmed as fundamental practice but we can use the other as penance, chanting, Buddha, etc ... keeping notes, the crucial question The main problem is to establish the concept of mindfulness. 

Exalted Time, after each Lent, the Monks are spiritual advancement, pretty much the achievements attained. We now perform duties not settled yet attained as ancestors of religious faith but by taking Sangha that the full virtue, fortune favored growth. An apartment is set up, and can dwell entry categories, and Holy Tathagata permanent residence.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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