Friday, 7 March 2014

General Insurance Business Integration - volume 17 - 3 products.
3. Real food rots
General Insurance Business Integration - volume 17 - 3 products
General Insurance Business Integration - volume 17 - 3 products
Buddha told him Phu Lau Na: "Bodhisattva four achievement measures such rot can relocate Supreme Bodhi. What are the four?
Another method is bodhisattvas hear not hear of such quick thinking that they said is wrong, such as this retrogression Supreme Bodhi.
Listen not been heard
against such Bodhisattva heart
failure was unexpected sense
says illegal elephant
heard legal if not
usually find that sense
therefore increased wisdom
born here Dhamma
Listening unheard law
must seek the meaning of
There retrogression Bodhi
growth Wisdom
Play unheard law
can not bear hatred contempt
example being the heart of Siem song
Bodhi Sanh left
unheard legal Listening
to learn that he
had never heard before oil
must meditate heliocentric
As for the legal person
shall be heard Dharma
Commonly encountered Buddhas
Bodhi No rotten interior
has been seen Buddha then
asked, they may sometimes
hear people Thanh Van
are delighted
this very rare people
can ask such
We are also very interested
to hear of her Huong
Thanh Van compliment rare
angels rejoiced
Buddhas Merit badges
This is the result Multicultural
If there is little time to ask
the Buddha replied regards
the boundless mass
are major benefits
Bodhisattva heard
this multicultural inquiry
Boundless they are
at unsurpassed French label.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Because goodness knows he must charm Bodhisattva heard the news yet received legal boys, mindfulness meditation is nothing wrong can quickly tell countless beings benefit.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Past ancient immortal infinite eons Conference, now have legal effect is the One Design The Quang Minh Duc Vuong Tathagata, Application Offering, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, celestial body, the World League, Cheers Sgt, ​​Chief Diaoyu, Thien
Nhon Teacher, Buddha, World-life memories eighty years old, the first chance we Thanh Van disciples not to take life a pirated legal liberating the masses such as the Ganges sands number count is, we Bodhisattvas winter so much. After the Buddha's passing, Dharma's office six thousand years, because it was about to enter Nirvana Buddha have hundreds of memories Bodhisattva flourish his powers to co-guardian hundred memories all over Jambudvipa, Jambudvipa are in each a Bodhisattva.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! After the prayer Buddhist Circuit Design Quang Minh Vuong passed away disciples times times lazy, no longer maintain business litigation such deep magic. Doing business gendered dhamma does turn skin pain are consumed, because we can not say that chanting place. France's large eight hundred four things organs. Each legal organ hundred sixty eight thousand memories na tu tha maximum is due. Each word has six thousand dollars has three advantages fired. Each priority has fired seven hundred six thousand memories shelves. Now about to kill ultimate legal in all these methods only organ left over from the skin is a priority na momentum, then a French monks named Master Na is typical in this Jambudvipa be rash to the force protection measures. Master Na's French is crazy good broad multicultural serious health sermon text from a clear sense, generally speaking preferred method never heard. At sermon-majority audience defame contrary. Master the French mainland Norway is crazy to think that this place has not heard the audience to hear such news here is, do not like to hear the recipient, if they pleased to hear that they did not understand, depending upon destroying that contrary to the Buddha not say , ambassador not teach, why, because they never heard Master Chief Master says business as such, the goods Presbyterian Bhikkhu is also said to not be spell rotation where Master Chief Abbot hear, this word Bhikkhus only a residual tu na momentum already a priority, why do not in their own free time deserted place.
Dharma Master Na is crazy to think like that then, alone in the dark paint.
came one from Jambudvipa preliminary lives far eight thousand six major cities, as long as twelve weeks, by week seven large stately beauty, equivalent roads crowded peaceful people happy rich. Then followed the memories created eighty-four small, due to the large seven weeks, or three or four wide six years by week two, a large one whit by the week.
Jambudvipa that time in a great city named Bliss, in the assumption that there is a chief named Channa, he has a son named Ma Ma Da Ha enough. There is an angel to speak with Chief Price from Ma Ma Da Ha qualify that:
You need to be diligent legal
right thought and Bridge
Company United Lord Tathagata
Buddha Signed you do.
Angel said shelf done immediately hidden away. Price from head to tell the father that I want to export part of the Buddha in the prayer Quang Minh Nhut Vuong Set virtues.
bourgeoisie in shelves Channa said:
My house many of the treasures
of gold Silver countless number of
Jambudvipa can not
have enough that the
treasure I seek
So enjoy the pleasures of
his royal Why are
they starving contempt.
Ha Ma Ma had said enough shelves father replied:
My preferred method for
bridge and right thought
not like the rich life
of the Buddha will make life
rich inheritance Needless
Minimize I want to find
the legal production resources
must go renunciation
of how difficult Buddhas
Buddhist teachings also difficult
I met this dharma
Why leave law.
Price from head bowed head and wrinkled his father, and said shelf that comes out that:
Oil has a memory father
and mother have hundreds of memories
But I did not stop
my heart, I decided monastic
life span I lost my
parents, kinship, of
not only remove the Dharma
will be ordained for guidance.
Talking Head finished shelf price from monastic practice, the Mage is typical Na want to hear legal requirements. French business association had never heard spoken.
Bhikkhu Ma Ha enough listening experience that has never been heard before is talking Mage Na is crazy that this business had never heard from before, who read, who chant, one life over, from Where he was listening?
Mage Na La, Dien said: I do all the time with good roots and also by the force of the Buddha The Great Buddha was so profound natural experience in mind.
Hear Mage say so, but have changed Bhikkhu Instant delivery please meditate wisdom, power use the media to ask clarifying wisdom Mage Na is crazy. French Master's answer is complete in the sense that has that protection Bhikkhu Buddhist period Nhut Quang Minh Duc Vuong Equipment Company has a Buddhist Bhikshu asked of him as he had asked and Buddhist words such answers as well. Bhikkhus delighted that has heard the little magician ask, answer Mage finish is well protected ancient Buddhist youth Cong Duc Vuong had asked such a Bhikkhu Buddha and such answers. After hearing that has delighted Bhikkhus then asked transparency Mage, Mage finished answering the age-old also said that Lord Buddha The Kingdom also has a Bhikkhu Buddha asked the same and such answers. Listen Mage where most transparent delighted that his erstwhile Buddhist hear how much such questioning.
Dharma Master Na is crazy talk only to the Association, the news was difficult, those who have legal damages awarded certificates also difficult information.
Bhikkhu that has asked so second Tuesday. Master Na La France telegraph blew ask, is that hard to believe. Now the parable is reluctant to tell him. The people who have that position is understood by example.
- Behold Bhikkhu! In Buddhist place Nhut Quang Minh Duc Vuong Equipment Company, we are being heard more local nature strain. Assuming that all beings in realms celestial observatory, or species identity is not identity, utopian species, such species have not utopian idea, are making all people have the energy body wisdom Each living beings around her finger tray can start multitude of different regards. This Bhikkhus! So on to infinity balance turns ten world, all living beings or a better life or a life different question arises words. Have a capable fingers tray during all these words arose the question everyone in advance. Such a person turn the balance all beings wealth or a life or lives under a false question arises of other words.
- Behold Bhikkhu! What do you mean, words that many reasonable questions on?
-White Mage! Many, for example, not the example that can be.
- Behold Bhikkhu! Now I made ​​it clear to him, do not have foreign guests. As we all no surplus that arises regards birth or wrong in a life or in a life, we listen to Buddhist practice questions and answers in a still more. Thus two of the three subjects to inhibit hundred thousand subjects. This Bhikkhus! I will tell all how much comb numerical order boundless endless list no longer inconceivable than this number, we will lead the proceedings. This Bhikkhus! The answers that are in a practice, we are aware of. It is The Lord Buddha said Quang Minh Vuong direct questions, technical questions, the press, the sentence duty, the diamond, the weight, the real estate possibilities, difficult questions thoroughly.
- Behold Bhikkhu! In a professional photographer all the law, which is subject ineffective. This course is the root of all all legal questions are all on this subject. All multi la tu na momentum priority subjects are in question, or to distinguish a word many words. This Bhikkhus! Thus, in seven or eight thousand dollars left ni, in that there are two thousand nine units difference. In which one subject had eighty sharp memory formation where different species. The picture was excellent, we know the name of it. In every color known each hundred, two hundred, three hundred names ring name to know in the thousand names are Jambudvipa, and the Buddhas of the ten directions throughout the country, he had the charm in the name itself is all we know.
Summary again, how many of the Buddhist mentality in the way there are various discrepancies inquiry we both know, that is very compassionate Cong Duc Quang Minh Buddhist Kingdom of Belgium to do so.
Bhikkhu Now that has France said that Master Na is typical: "May the Chief Officers converged communications back to the hamlet of Zhuan Falun Gong Buddhist Quang Minh Duc Vuong, I will defend to the territorial status teachings.
Dharma Master Na La, Dien said, Well Do not have time to do. much of this life Bhikkhu lazy, no one wants to address the meeting containing fresh approach.
Bhikkhu that has little since I decided where fresh approach desire dare not lazy, expect a return on convergence France communication sermon, I will follow Guardian is talking to the listening experience unheard.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Bhikkhu that day that has been most popular offerings reverently. goodness Times called him the most morality Letter ultimate great merit.
Bhikkhu Now that has to touch the voltage of praise Mage Na beings are crazy to get into the Dhamma, and also announced that the Dharma is stored everywhere. That has led many offerings reverently Guardian Mage Na is crazy to hear the law. Then Na is typical Mage guardian that has been in the hamlets and converged communications director at large of the Buddha Bodhi Duc Quang Minh Nhut Equipment Company United has practiced in eons that note published everywhere. Bhikkhu that has often transparent in a hundred years according to France Master Na La, Dien said Dharma is often asked novelty repeat never said. Thanks Bhikkhu supported Ma, Na is typical Mage countless beings that dwell in Dhamma, infinite beings dwell Buddha Bodhi.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Mage Na is crazy smart smart preserve dharma teachings that past childhood Maitreya Bodhisattva is now so. But that has Bhikshu Dharma Master dozen bodyguards little support questions, due to the capacity that merit public network immediately after birth country at the World Buddhist Supreme We tenth in the House. In front of the Buddha's Upper We, economic Then he asked Circuit Nghi Thiet Beings. Buddha praises him in good stead heal rather then because he said that economic Circuit Design Beings Nghi Then, when he caused immeasurable economic theory being a play Bodhi went into the district of convergence. Then he re-encountered Buddhists Son Nhut is talking economic Photography Equipment Export Method chief cause of countless beings are gathered Supreme Bodhi. Then he met the King invited Foshan economic asked Chu Method countless beings make decisions where the Supreme Bodhi. Then he met the Buddha asks the audio products business Circuit Design Photography France beings make decisions immeasurable Supreme Bodhi. In turn, that has met Bhikkhu Buddha asks the economic measures make immeasurable number of beings dwell Supreme Bodhi, if we have used a better life or a life to art says that the title of the Buddhas and beings are resting Supreme Bodhi nor can all be.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! So know that the Bodhisattva listening economic measures have not heard that meditation means it is the merit of such great benefits.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Bhikkhu New York Ma Ha Na which were under French Master listening experience is typical, depending upon methods that have not heard that this animal is that overseas Vietnamese Bodhisattva Auctions.
Bhikkhu Her childhood Ma Ma Ha eligible households have tried doing yet heard the Dhamma depending upon each listen accepted meaning of words such interesting, so that having heard countless Buddhist immeasurable economic profound. Because of that ancient place of virtue should present before me, Buddha Shakyamuni, also asks the economic Circuit Design Photography France France two subjects. As economic theory that we can be immeasurable beings of great benefit. "
Blessed utyen want to say that's where the shelves that:
"Bodhisattva hear not hear
or think of economic Must
Not so quick to say that
I have not heard from truuoc
Listen unheard legal
Mindfulness perception of
wisdom therefore increase
as the sea receives the stream
upstream increasing multiculturalism
Wisdom also increases so
hear the Buddha
beings Width benefits
as marine Meeting multicultural
wisdom not to take the
shot Good to know the
difference in spanking
So should have heard
France had ever heard
The law never heard
countless retribution upstream.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Two feet Bodhisattva diligently damage, Bodhisattva This achievement is no retrogression Supreme Bodhi. Bodhisattva in the birth place of the heart for multicultural very desirable, in which the delivery goofing lonely hearts are preferred, for the most painstaking attention Supreme Bodhi, then demand for an end to the practice courts Khue from consistent, because stop craving that consistent practice impure, because end that practice multiplication foolish consistency coast.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! What is Bodhisattva diligently, diligently practicing Bodhisattva how?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Bodhisattva or in a life or a life under either go or sit normally found diligently. It is not known damage diligently feet.
Having Bodhisattva or in a life or lives under a pure precepts ascetic practice difficult, the first full momentum, depending on the basis of birth heart charm that left deep prayer minister left the legal damage , called here not choose to be diligent.
-O Buddha! What is Bodhisattva diligently choose to be commended Buddhas, secular intellectuals such hatred?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Where lawful business not never heard no deep magic union filed some form of the most general sense, Bodhisattva guy did not know that was hard against development effort took heart not listened to receive forth reciting the hypothesis. This is called a Bodhisattva diligently feet damage. So profound listening experience communicating such negative sense guy, so be diligent Buddhas praise worldly wise man is not to blame.
discovered Bodhisattva So solemn, saying: Property beings that the world can not I apprehend it would thoroughly in all, the place where the earth beings can sink in that I did not lose so to sink, where worldly beings was appalled that I should not be in business fear. So why did I play solemn union with the world, because the world leaves left that I discovered legal solemnity not go in the way that I play solemn, because not walk in the way that I play solemnity not because depending on how dignified way that I play, so moving that I found so dignified way.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! This is called a Bodhisattva diligently feet damage. Bodhisattva The latter achievement is not retrogression that Supreme Bodhi. "
said Bhagavan wants her back that said shelf means that:
"Bodhisattva intensive legal requirements
usually painstaking development effort
that sense Pondering
on where No sound
Bodhisattva said not
to say frivolous Knowing
Knowing the law is not
only good for say
ten thousand thousand memories If in
countless lives Some
nights are going to sit on
Dedicated ascetic
without intensive economic news
diligent Do not
thorough deep sense
called lazy There
are so Diligent
compliment is for the Buddhist
world is not exhaustive
thorough Bodhisattva the
world is afraid of losing was
not afraid of losing Bodhisattva
bromide seek
French citizenship choose
not legal fearless in
Nor have lost back
down Since legal office minister
should feel afraid of being lost
all legal Qin Huai
This is called walking Thread
Dedicated development effort
into the sea Mau multiculturalism.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Three Bodhisattva clever jargon warm, cleverly knowing twelve entry, said collecting bowl cleverly presented, cleverly knowing twelve goodness grace, so know the law so cleverly accomplished only site unintentionally, because the only place where inadvertent all such legal concepts such distinction, because no such concept should distinguish beings sermon is breaking all accept that unless the body is.
Bodhisattva achievements this third option is not retrogression Supreme Bodhi. "
Germany Exalted wants her statement to mean that the shelf that says:
"Bodhisattva jargon warm
Twelve have not entered
the world Know collecting bowl
communicates twelve charming
example depending warm in
this body frivolous Know
Where the internal exotic
nature knows it not
Know the law so
I know told People
should therefore Bodhisattva
of Wisdom as tall.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Four Great Bodhisattva is presented as basis fetters are cleverly presented as theoretical basis to study flawless range. What is the bodhisattva precepts?
Learning all the legal bodhisattva precepts. Why, because all law school Bodhisattva should be all legal position, so that the legal position that is non-discriminating wisdom, because wisdom of non-discrimination that knows all. Knowing how all? Bodhisattva know all the internal, external all the interior and exterior of all.
she just called internal internal name? How many mortal life can take place before the body is called internal, from origination twelve multiplication, in that only secular pretending, that this eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, this body, this mind . This is called internal. Because this method is so ordinary before taking internally called, they told me that I would be so eye, ear, nose, tongue and body are the same such as ear, nose, tongue and the body as such. In her only start was due to karmic retribution which can be called the inner being, the difference was that before taking the ordinary eye is called the ear, nose and tongue are called internal body at all.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Cabinet called two. The damage was lying. The ordinary person involved before getting it but being controversial. Where he, the Tathagata ever know it's true damage should never participated before. How to know that the Tathagata knows it properly without taking damage before? Tathagata does not work in the way of shifting. Who did not do the slash? Who is that fetters. Eyes do not rely on, such as the slash left eye. Ear, nose, tongue body such as on the grill, leaving the ear, nose, tongue body such as the grill. Why, because where the law, not the internal Tathagata is not foreign, so in that way the Tathagata not do the slash.
Tathagata who choose to say, Monks said that the eye is not he nor the others. Why, because it is not possible prime responsibility should be exactly what the eyes, under one's eyes, ears smell exactly what the blade itself, belongs to whom. Why, because it is impossible to attain exact same.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Her eyes, so this test failure, ear, nose, body, and mind her tongue, so this test failure. Where is life taking place not legal. Why, if life entity that bears suffering, because suffering should not be born happy. So in this method is that life expectancy are suffering, if they do not leave unpleasant brain-suffering. This impairment test is called ear, nose and tongue eye impairment test body and mind, without entering the land, why, because if there is room, the place of import. So says Tathagata eye is not selfless selflessness facilities such nature it self, not the ear, nose, tongue body selflessness selfless character basis it like that. Nature had no identity, no nature is not working so no damage. French identity as such, or that or nothing of the Buddhas of the world, he always permanent nature. In place of delivery methods, the Tathagata knows is not born, it is worth mentioning the word Tathagata feet and said damage or Buddha or Buddha nature does not have permanent.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! What is called the unborn, how unborn place called? Phu Lau Na Hey! The approach is called equality unborn, unborn director called location. Bonded warehouse called the unborn, unborn director called location. It is said there are two kingdoms Tathagata: that the most issues and imperialism.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Tathagata said Drywall refers formless. What is called drywall, which is general unconditioned, formless unconditioned ie, the mind is formless unconditioned know.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! A wise one knows how ridiculous is formless? That's no way to know the unconditioned, knowing that passed away, knew about the place, known to benefit the most followers, knows that there is no brain temperature. The location is so unconditioned know, he did not mind being minister said.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! If people have the opportunity to work, if not work then no damage. Chess is not damaged, no damage is formless Minister, Minister no damage is not voluntary.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! No method has no effect no damage. Formless and countless volunteer who also has no impact damage.
Minister indestructible This is known as the Supreme Buddha's Bodhi. What is the Supreme Bodhi of the Buddhas, Buddha head that is so sudden.
Exalted-Bach! What is the legal basis sudden Buddhas?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! All Buddhas legal basis sudden.
Exalted-Bach! That is why the law is that all Supreme Bodhi of the Buddhas reasonable?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Exactly, all the way Supreme Bodhi of the Buddhas are only pretending secular language to say it. The confusing diligent hard not knowing. Why, because people did not diligently practice the law of equality. If inequality is incompatible with the Buddhas.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Those who practice such equality is?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! All worldly inequality issue. In the Buddha's Bodhi has no class and no class. I was directed that the Supreme Bodhi. Due to her grace mercy in Buddhist scriptures say that all the measures in the district have entered all of this is the subject of the entry called Bodhi. So, this Phu Lau Na, all such measures are Bodhi. "
Then Hue Phu Lau Na Network transparency that: "Hi Property Exalted! Supreme Bodhi of the Buddhas and the uncertainty as well, also in deed nor in deed, and in English language nor in English language. Why, venerable sir, now I follow Buddha heard this business, where I was deciding legal clarity. I was in the law are decided such clarity, I was in an all knowing, all knowing in a ".
Buddha Phu Lau Na complimented him, saying, "You instead, preferably instead, this Phu Lau Na, you can quickly enter all the legal interests of such buddhas, youth must know his past life offerings to the Buddhas had planted the fresh root, asks the most close. Phu Lau Na Hey!
past I remember in my youth in the vain of this earth, he was in that six-eight thousand Buddha heard this business, by virtue of virtues because this should place him in the the legal clarity around the decision.
Exalted-Bach! If I were in her place Buddha heard this business, why I do not use a development concept Supreme Bodhi?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! I remember childhood he had a past life Supreme Bodhi Development Center without leaving other centers should leave the rotten interior. Because of her merit, today said he was in the dark Mage is the most followers.
revered sir! While before I do anything so offensive guilty in a lifetime play the rotten heart failure Bodhi?
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Because evil only under medical knowledge, because nothing can save so widely Dhamma Bodhi mind blower failure.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! There are four interior legal rotten Supreme Bodhi mind that the excess Thanh Van. What are the four?
Another is evil because Bodhisattva close knowledge can be added in place of virtue renunciation of evil notion, saying nothing should give rise to such Bodhi, long-term birth and death through immeasurable suffering Back in five species were not victims very difficult, more difficult to meet Buddha Longjing credit being more difficult, but oil was encountered Buddhist monastic difficult, this life you do not see victims not to lose, where the Buddhas who have not been prophesies not good roots firmly, if not Nirvana species must be rotated year. He's evil hear speak on this knowledge and being rotten heart failure Bodhi peaceful solution such stations. This is the original way that so rotten interior Bodhi Bodhisattva of excess Thanh Van.
Secondly Bodhisattva not hear the true economic Bodhisattva, which is the Tibetan Bodhisattva, Bodhi Business Development Center, and trading Photography Portugal The Bodhisattva, doing exactly six Paramitayana, so as not to hear such unfortunate not learn Bodhisattva Bodhisattva. This person should not close Bodhisattva know what measures should be far from what law, what legal measures should not be life expectancy, what method is bodhisattvas law, what law is legal Thanh Van. Because not knowing the law should be clear that such close close close back measures should not close, thus leading to loss rotten Supreme Bodhi boring lazy major center Primordial abandoned. The latter have the rotten interior Bodhi Bodhisattva of excess Thanh Van.
Thirdly Bodhisattva accepted the corn before taking down the minutes laid out wrong is sunk in evil is difficult to study from. The listening experience is deep right things to the most general form means without the slightest contradiction such information is not communicated perpetrator broke the law, so that victims not being in place to meet the Buddha did not hear the law, because the law did not hear should not see the Buddhas teachings should not be having good knowledge, such as having good knowledge that victims should take place no place being in distress, victims should leave room for being good leave evil having knowledge of knowledge, because the spare with the knowledge of evil should forget duty concept, take responsibility for conception should give away Bodhisattva Bodhisattva mind that retrogression lose excess Mind of birth and death not only legal practice is Mahayana executive. There is this third option, the Bodhi Bodhisattva rot the interior ministry Thanh Van.
Fourth Bodhisattva heard the profound experience that teaches not mind other people, just like mind rot losses from an unfortunately not want your greed statement said, can not use many dharma photography, so this base evil insane notion that wisdom, wisdom lost with the concept of not doing such recitation Mahayana Mahayana bring together the legal community, who moved another incarnation, took center concept Bodhisattva Bodhisattva forget. Having this fourth approach, the interior rot Bodhi Bodhisattva of excess Thanh Van. "
Blessed want to declare clearly that he said to the shelves that:
"Inner evil knowledge
internally to slackening
Because pretext that
Bodhi Loss trivial
postpartum evil self is
to fall into the wrong boundary
breaking approach which cause offense
Born in the land where the accident
victim Birth place of origin and
end makeshift Then Thread
Forgetting responsibility before conception
takes Bodhi So
this person did not hear
French being this mind
that if growth Tam
Thi Thanh was Bodhi
Dharma wonderful generosity
Join and did not want to say
Because the pretext that
only losses Portugal Thread
Mahayana Bodhisattva for
four measures he must know
if he knows four measures
will be born Bodhi
So far from
this evil Four legal
practice legal Diligent not
be mounted improve knowledge
revered and profound
example should take four cropping
heart is hard to say who taught
Bodhi Since this birth.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Bodhisattva four achievement measures depending dedicate this mind did not take, depending on the direction in virtue nor lost. What are the four?
pure bodhisattva precepts, memories achievements anniversary anniversary favors, diligent attention diligent lazy and did not quit, multicultural achievements being favored.
Bodhisattva's four methods depending dedication Bodhi Center not lost, depending on the direction in virtue nor lost. "
Blessed want to declare clearly that he said shelf means that:
"Bodhisattva precepts enough
to remember the profound Space
Center usually diligent hard
multicultural solemn wisdom
Bodhisattva usually close
on four measures as he
wanted to start the Custom
Achievements can
therefore often lead to
gender-hard crystals tons of
memories No end to the legal concept
usually hard for multicultural
gender Tri birth
anniversary Inhibition of great purity
pure Dhamma Diligent
born contemporary multicultural wisdom
So the Bodhisattva
must learn four methods on
four measures of school and
will transfer impermanence rotation.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Bodhisattvas are four methods can benefit Bodhi: Morality is legal interests Bodhi, patience is Bodhi legal interests, legal interests diligently as Bodhi, multiculturalism is Bodhi legal interests. "
The Buddha wanted to clarify that statement that said shelves that:
"Bodhisattva precepts net
benefit for Bodhi
patience and diligence
so multicultural and
pure morality The
integers are the
benefits Gender
is not difficult Bodhi
Bodhisattvas cultivate patience
generals Body Wisdom success
should practice patience
generals Bridge Buddhist wisdom
, effort can also
benefit many Bodhi
who always strive forward diligently
by the Ministry so that he hardly
campaigned benefits also
heard him close approach
away from the illegal
Bodhi Being there difficult
four measures is the seed
from which birth Bodhi
Bodhisattva So
It's nearly four measures.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Bodhisattva is the legal achievements of four outstanding full body, full possessions, full of charm, networks generally can not bring forth evil origin of victims, common Buddhas, Buddhas compliment. What are the four:
A Bodhisattva is not the brain from such courts all beings. What is Bodhisattva from the brain did not pitch all beings? Phu Lau Na Hey! Bodhisattva from beings arose for me to love the idea of saving them. Beings find themselves suffering mental agony they think I must diligently cultivate diligently the beings from the suffering of birth and death that gives them happiness. Bodhisattva's Development Center diligent and industrious tu, tu six Paramitayana: generosity, morality, patience, diligence, meditation and wisdom.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Bodhisattva Prajna Paramita goodness that round six Paramitayana enough. What is the Bodhisattva of Wisdom secret, so why Bodhisattva of Wisdom secret that painstaking development effort?
meditating Bodhisattva: What France is falling, what is the legal basis falling. At such failure, such that legal Bodhisattva is falling, is falling not see the legal basis. At the law does not fall down the legal basis not legal. So leave falls apart, falls head Bodhisattva should not know themselves, because no body should not beings. Why, because of the way down and fall case basis is still not living beings. Bodhisattva head down and fell apart because of this, not knowing beings. Since not being warm should know no color. Because warm colors should not form four warm feeling well thought out are not. So warm not know the seminarians should know not, that is a feng shui fire nowhere and they are in no way. Mass did not have the author wrong nobody artifacts. If not, the author's approach is not. As the Minister knows the seminarians seminarians should not enter the bodhisattva not know, because the minister should not enter the no entry. The author does not enter the wrong nobody artifacts, if not the author's approach is not.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! Quan not all such measures. The Army did not see all of the legal obligations may be the legal place of birth is golf.
called Bodhisattva This pronoun, the word itself does not know, is not from beings, from warm seminarians not enter. Bodhisattva can practice the virtue of so-called all legal action not words. This is where the modern practice of Bodhisattvas. This Bodhisattva head left down left down a birth center for heart wants Supreme Bodhi, born from great heart for all beings. If there are beings known as general damages so solemn forth a great Bodhisattva. I saved them from so-called, I made ​​called compassion. Bodhisattva pronouns such achievements are possible where beings can do to save space in the house can make cure. So great bodhisattvas to practice before taking nothing from such beings nor place aversion. This is called a Bodhisattva from there being no anger.
- Phu Lau Na Behold! If Bodhisattva virtues of mercy where mercy where mercy where the legal interests can not all measures being immortal is often referred to as the Bodhisattva practice pronouns.
Bodhisattva communicate the same way, the ghost, ghost people and codes used are not destructive.
Bodhisattva initial achievements this method can end the bondage of all the virtues, because this is Paramitayana Equality. "
Blessed is he wanted to clarify that to say shelves that:
"Bodhisattva often rhetorical
Which restaurant not so
warm Knowing gender separation
in here without falling
falling falling two basis method
also decided there
was no legal Because
from the heart but from the
only example of legal medicine
Nor was there y
This is called the Buddhist
Medical Legal entities not only
supreme patience or
forbearance minister of legal damage
does not kill the law
Or communicate that reasonable
people have a large place
where measures that Inner
Beauty Often relatives
are also heresies measures
to meet the Buddhas Standing
Knowing that benefit the legal
So this Bodhisattva
was educated upper unconditioned.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Second Bodhisattva diligently offerings reverently Buddhas temples, beautiful fragrant flower you in the right direction pearl strings loose stools carefully the kind of music offerings for offerings. Bodhisattva achievements this second approach may be full of all virtues. "
Blessed want to clarify this means that the shelf that says:
"Bodhisattva flower incense use
and distribution wonderful loving
Offering Buddhist temples
to pray upper wisdom
merit this fate Because
sambhogakaya radical right often
enough jewels of many
achievements are relatives of
internal decisions
usually remain where Legal
Place of birth place for rabbits
Merit increasing more
The glasses are kings
Dragon Spirit God loved
all living beings
are also common reverence
offerings If the Buddha
or nirvana Currently
, born as offerings
that are not usually victims.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Three is usually Bodhisattva should practice Dharma offerings. Why is it called the Dharma? What is called dharma offerings?
These are the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary needs, such as the Four-sufficiency, charity five factors, five forces, the Interior sense, the Noble Eightfold Path, The Bar, Ming liberation, three winners drainage courses, unborn Taking place position, this is called dharma.
Staying in the law that was just as true depending upon such action being contrary pray diligently complete sexual practice, here called the Dharma offerings.
Again Dharma is doing so. Offering legal signal reflection depends upon the mind does not distinguish contrary.
Bodhisattva achievements this third option can be fully accomplished all merit. "
Blessed want to clarify this means that said shelves that:
"Often legal diligence offerings
Resting just as
profound Hear no legal
agreement is not contrary Center
Hence the radical right itself
optimistic theory eloquence
Buddha Dharma compliment
Since this increasing more.
- Phu Lau Na is Back! Four Great Bodhisattva is diligent disciples offerings Holy Tathagata. Use floral jewel chain liquid manure attire is formal dining furniture needed medical supplies or build monks, established garden or forest, or moving meditation space, or shopping bathing ponds, streams or wells, or the maid , so bring everything they offered Bible.
Bodhisattva achievements this fourth approach can be full of all virtues. "
Blessed want to clarify this means that the shelf that says:
"Peerless offerings
and offered them holy
grace Because this merit
, born to be rich
body color often radical right
is also heresies measures
sufficient merit
more higher wisdom
justice center offering
no falling down basis
kurtosis grace this place
has been offered, born
Buddhas praise
usually close four methods
of birth often honor the

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