Monday, 5 August 2013

The Buddha Taught That.

Chapter IV: God's marvelous Monday-Kill: the cessation of suffering
Chapter Four

The cessation of suffering
The third noble truth is that there is a way out for the suffering, get out a continuation of dukkha. This is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering, called Nirvana (Pàli Nibbàna, or commonly, Sanskrit Nirvàna.)
Want to exterminate dukkha one must kill its main root of dukkha is thirsty craving tanhà, as mentioned above. By the Nirvana known as AI killer (tanhakkhaya) the end damn desire.
Now you will ask: "But what is Nirvana?" To answer the question quite natural and simple, many books have been written, but only made the issue more confusing than it is. The only logical answer to the question is, one cannot use words to answer fully and satisfactorily, because human language is too poor to express the essence of Nirvana, absolute truth or ultimate reality. Human languages are set out and use to describe these things and the idea of a sensory experience and consciousness. But a transcendental experience as the experience of the absolute reality, it does not belong to the range of senses, sense. So there is no words to convey the experience, as well as in the words of the fish there is no noun to describe the nature of the soil. When the turtles back in the water for the fish hear it just walking on land, fish and he asked: "of course I'd like to say I swim on it?" The turtles tried to explain that it is not able to swim on the hard ground, that goes on; but the fish still insists on a cartridge that can not happen like that, you have to be fluid as outdoor pond water wave, there, and we must be able to swim in freestyle.
Nouns are the only symbols to convey these things and thought that I know, but the she can't carry the essence of true both to the usual things. The language is considered cheating and misleading in the matter of understanding truth. By doing the old Mausoleum (Lankàvatàra-sutra) taught, stupid vendetta noun such as elephant bogged down [1].
However we can not not need language. But if nirvana is expressed and explained by the assertion, we easily take just take an idea with the words, an idea can completely reverse. So nirvana is often described in negative terms, [2], maybe it's a little more dangerous. So nirvana is often referred to by the verb negation as tanhakkaya love kills, the destruction of desire; asamkhata wuwei, which combine, unrestricted; viràga ill take part, do not take part; nirodha removal, cessation; nibbàna President, the extinguished, turn off the infuse.
We take a look at a few definitions and descriptions of Nirvana as found in the original Pàli:
"Ðấy is the end it. of desire; dispose of it, turn from it, get rid of it, the twinge away from it. "[3]
"The im unsure of all things is limited, the end of all evil, the, Salvation, termination, Nirvana."[4]
"Ask the Bhikkhu stilts, what is the absolute wuwei (asamkhata)? The Bhikkhu on stilts, there is the tham (ràgakkhayo), kill (dosakkhayo), kill si (mohakkhayo). The Bhikkhu stilts, this call is the absolute range. "[5]
"This Ràdha, the scatter of desire is Nirvana." [6]
"This the Bhikkhu on stilts, in all of France, whether compounded or wuwei, France liberation Cup took part (viràga,) is the highest. He is freed from his starboard side, eradicate take part [7], eradicated the good player, cut the continuation, extinguish thirst craving, liberation, end, Nirvana. "[8]
When a du singer layman (Pariv-ràjaka) ask what is Nirvana, ECHO and symbolism (Sàriputta), a disciple of the Buddha also have responded like the above definition of the Buddha of wuwei: "the join, kill, kill" si "[9]
"The abandonment, destruction desire thirsty craving for the five aggregates is the cessation of dukkha."[10]
"Kill (bhavanirodha) is Nirvana."[11]
Later, speaking to Nirvana, the Buddha said:
"Ask the Bhikkhu on stilts, was there not born, not becoming, not restricted, not be combined. If there's not, not, not restricted, were not incorporated, then there will be no outlet for the already born, become, restricted, are combined. Because there is not born, does not become, not restricted, not be combined, so that outlet for the already born, become, restricted, be combined. "[12]
"Here there is room for four great soil, water, fire, wind; the concepts of long, broad, rough, reality, bad, good, and colors were completely destroyed, with no future life, not have to go or stand, no dead or alive, can't find the subject senses. "[13]
Because nirvana is expressed by the negative wording like that, so many people have a misconception that it's negative, and describes the destruction of the ego. Nirvana is not the certain destruction of the ego, because without the ego would to destruction. If there is destruction voila is the destruction of the illusion that the notion of ego.
Says nirvana is negative or positive are not correct. The concepts of positive and negative are relatively, in the scope for abuse. By the words she cannot apply for nirvana is absolute truth beyond duality, relatively.
A negative verb does not necessarily indicate a negative status. The noun Pàli or Sanskrit to designate health is àrogya, a negative word, means "not sick". But health is not referring to a negative situation. The noun "immortal" (SK. Amrta, Amata Pàli) a synonym of Nirvana, is negative, but it does not indicate a negative status. The decline of negative stories is not negative. One of the synonym of Nirvana that everybody knows, is freed (Pali: Mutti, Skr: Mukti). No one says the rescue is negative. But even the rescue also has a negative aspect. The rescue is always freed what hindrances, wicked, negative. But the rescue is not negative. By Nirvana, moksha (Mutti or Vimutti), absolute freedom, is freed from all bad episode, freed from craving, anger and foolish, freed from any noun treated, from the relative, out of time and space.
Gender discrimination in Dhàtuvibhanga (Central longitude 140) can we have a concept of Nirvana, the absolute truth. The French post of utmost importance was the Buddhist theory Pukkusàti (mentioned above) who he met in the potters on a quiet night, and noticed that there location and austerities. Framework of what we need to know the following.
A man is composed by six men:, marine, fire, style, and form. When analyzing the six men they see nothing is "my" or "me" or "my ego". They understand the sense of appear and vanish like, feeling happy, miserable, unhappy, not a gauge appears and disappears. Due to the know who he, they cease to be bound. Then they discover within themselves a State safety net plain called rough-in (upekhà) that they can use to reach the spiritual realm any subliminal, and they know the discharge status of net-net it can last a very long time. But they think: "If I use plain discharge this translational headed nowhere and developed a boundless mind corresponds not boundless, voila is an owner of the consciousness (samkhatam) [14]. If we use this net net discharge into the realms of boundless knowledge ... into realms invisible property (nothing at all) ... or on the phi phi (not no perception) and developed a Center respectively, voila is also just an artifact of consciousness. " Then they are not what the artifact by the conscious mind, it does not want to become (bhava, property) or destruction (vibhava, Africa) [15]. Because the mind does not create a partnership, does not want Christians or non-Christians, so they do not dwell in the world, do not cling so do not worry, do not worry so completely appeased, [the fire in them] absolutely blown off (paccattam yeva parinibbàyati). And they said: "the ending, clean life were lived, what to do has been done, no longer have anything else to do."[16]
Now, every time the life feeling a sense of fun, not funny or not, knows the feeling of impermanence 's, said it is not bound to be themselves, know it doesn't have to be the life sense with desire. Although any feeling whatsoever, does life feel taste without being bound to it (visamyutto). The thing that all the feeling will NET security when the dissolution of the body, as well as the lamp turns off when the oil and Wicks was burned off.
"By this result, the Bhikkhu, a man on stilts was so get wisdom enemy WINS, because the position of the gauge removal wisdom enemies win.
"The rescue of the your he basics on the truth, nobody move. The Bhikkhu stilts, what Africa (mosadhamma) is your space isn't; the real (amosadhamma), Nirvana, is truth (sacca). Therefore, ask the Bhikkhu, a man on stilts was such that there was absolute truth. Because of the Holy Roman Empire the Supreme (paramam ariyasaccam) is Nirvana, and nirvana is real. "
Elsewhere the Buddha use the noun truth instead of Nirvana: "We will teach the truth and your path to the truth" [17]. Here for a truth that is Nirvana.
Now, what is the absolute truth? According to Buddhism, the absolute truth is: in the world of absolute nothing, all things are interrelated, conditional, and impermanence. There is an absolute essence does not change, the immortal called the ego, soul or atman within us or outside the us. This is the absolute truth. The truth is never negative, although there is also the common word is truth. The insight of truth that sees all things as they really are (yathàbhùtam), without illusions or foolish (ignorance, avijjà) [18], is the killing off desire, is the make the AI (tanhakkhaya), all suffering, is Nirvana. An interesting and rewarding if I remember the view of An overpaid as Nirvana was no different with death [19]. Also a great alibi, looking mortal is subjective way, is Nirvana. This view of Royal excess was probably developed from the concept that we met in the capital a Pàli of primitive or Theravada (Theravàda), which I have just mentioned in a nutshell.
It's not true if think nirvana is the natural result of the suppressed desire. Nirvana is not the result of something. If nirvana is the result, then the Nirvana into the product of a human; the owner of, have the condition. But nirvana is not or, which is beyond human and results. Truth is not a consequence or result. It was not produced as a mystical status, spirituality as meditation (dhyàna) or (samàdhi). There are TRUTHS that nirvana. The only public schools can do is see the truth, to understand the truth. There is a road led to the find out. But nirvana is not the result of path [20]. You can hike along a road, but the mountain is not the result, consequence of the road. You can see the light, but the light is not the result of the find.
People often ask: "what follows Nirvana?" This question is not firmware, because nirvana is the ultimate truth. Because it was dark, so can't have anything behind it. If there is something in the back of Nirvana, that-rather than Nirvana-the ultimate truth. A monk named Ràdha to question him with Buddha under a different form: "Nirvana is to take on what purpose?" The question, assuming he has a purpose or save wings for Nirvana. The Buddha replied: "this is not to question, Ràdha it. People live Holy lives close to Nirvana as absolute truth, purpose of life date, save the ultimate wings of life. "[21]
A few common words misleading as "Buddha's entering Nirvana or in bowl of Nirvana (Parinirvàna) After You die" did several fantasy thinking about Nirvana [22]. When heard the Buddha entered Nirvana or bowl of Nirvana I thought nirvana is another realm, a field, a situation in which there is an existing category, I try to imagine it over the meaning of the noun "existence" that we know. Common words "enter Nirvana" there is something equivalent in the original. There is nothing called "entered Nirvana after death". There's a word Parinibbuto refers to the death of a Buddhist or A-la-Han were Nirvana, but it does not mean "entering into Nirvana". Parinibutto just means "totally gone", "completely blow off", or "completely destroyed", as the Buddha or A-la-death no longer Han back after death.
Now another question arises:
"What happened to the Buddhas or an A-la-Han after death or bowl of Nirvana?" Questions on the type of questions not answered (any novel, avyàkata) [23]. The Buddha once said on this has also taught that no word in human words can describe what happened to an A-la-Emperor after his death. When Vaccha replies, a pagan doctor du (parivràjaka), the Buddha said "born" or "not born" does not apply to the A-la-Chinese because of the excellent French Onion fantasy life consciousness associated with "born" and "not born", was completely destroyed, eradicated, no rebirth after death.[24]
A A-la-Han after his death was such a fire off more heat when not touching wood, or as the lights were off Wicks and oil [25]. Here need to understand clearly the transparency that, so-called for the lamp turned off is not the Nirvana that was to fire off is "human" five aggregates for Nirvana. Dew point should be stressed because many people, even the few erudite scholar, was misunderstood and misinterpret this metaphor when it comes to Nirvana. Nirvana was never compared to a flame or turn off a lamp turns off.
One more question is often posed: "If there is no ego, no atman, who made Nirvana?" Before talking about Nirvana let's ask the question: "If there is no intersection, then who's to think?" We have seen that the mind is thinking something, that does not have the thought in the back of thought. Also, the wisdom (panna) justified. There is no self would behind the evidence. While the goals of the origin of dukkha we find that whatever-people, animals or a collective-if in it there is the nature of the students also has always in it's essence, the seed of the termination, annihilation. That suffering, death, reincarnation is the essence of the born, should also have to have the nature of the destruction. Dukkha arises because of thirst, and it ended by Wisdom (Panna, uncivil). "Education" and "wisdom" both in the five aggregates, as seen before.[26]
As the seed of the Five aggregates as well as the seed of the cessation of skandha were in the five aggregates. This is the true meaning of the word of Buddha: "just in this body, we say that the presence in the world, the end of the world, and the path taken to the end of the world" [27]. This means that all four were to be found in the five aggregates, i.e. right in the US (in this list from "the world"-loka is used instead of the word dukkha, suffering). This also means that there is an external power arises out of causes and the cessation of suffering.
When expanded, are practicing as truths (will discuss next), wisdom is the secret of life, that is in fact all things as they really are. When the secret was discovered, when the foot l was discovered, then all these crazed illusions produced the line followed death, now become calm, cannot create more new business, because no illusions, no longer thirsty craving to maintain constant line of regeneration. This works well as a Center for natural disease, when patients discover the cause, see clearly the mysteries of diseases.
In almost all religions, the supreme happiness can only be achieved after death. But nirvana is made right in the realms of this life, do not need to wait until death to reach.
People have proven truth, Nirvana, the happiest people. They freed all the "inferiority", obsession, suffering, trouble, the issue makes people shedding. They get the perfect mental health. They don't regret the past, don't worry about the future, but the current ones of their lives [28]. By that they enjoy, enjoying all the pure way, not a shadow of the fallen. They are fun, joy, enjoy pure life, senses in harmony, peace and clarity, release all anxiety [29]. For freed from desire selfish, out of hatred, ignorance, pride, ego and all hindrances, so they clean, full of compassion, kindness, sympathy, understanding and tolerance. They serve others in a manner the most pure, because no longer thought of themselves. They do not seek profit, do not store anything, both spiritual, for escape from the illusion of ego and the desire to become.
Transcendental Nirvana every noun in duality, relatively. So it's beyond usual concepts we have about evil, right left, Africa. Even the noun "happiness" (peanut, sukha) used to describe Nirvana here also has an entirely different meaning. One day symbolism to develop security: "Gentle, Nirvana is happy! Nirvana is happy! " Then instant Udàyi ask: "But my fake Sage Sàriputta, can be happy when there is no feeling?" His answers and symbolism develop extremely deep golden, beyond the common understanding "really no sense he is happy."
Nirvana beyond reasoning and judgement (atakhàvacara). Though I tried to break into the metaphysical dispute-a pastime waste of knowledge about Nirvana or ultimate truth or reality, I will never understand the nirvana in this way. A children's kindergarten should not debate the relative laws, which should remain in the mind and introspection, then one day would probably understand the law. Nirvana's "let the false position ranks itself."(Paccattam veditabbo vinnùhi). If we follow the path a way be mindful maintenance releases, if one academic effort and purifying ourselves, if we reach the necessary level of spiritual development, one day we can evidence Nirvana us, no need to place large hard-the esoteric way of the noun.

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