Sunday 25 August 2013

            process there are many ways of spiritual segment, how often have sufficient evidence to carry and easy to remember is divided into four stages from Tin-Award-Practices-Certificates , saying that adequate volumes AGENCY REMEDY, practice and enlightenment.
- volumes are beginning to have confidence arising create operational capability called Tin force, plays a metabolic switch that mind practitioners from industry practitioners to Chief Ta, from Advent to the purification, from selfishness to Altruism.
- explained the meaning clarified faith, should reflect the truth of righteousness by faith, called to avoid confusion in the communication of pagan superstitions Professor Ma.

- practice is ongoing, Chief Credit grasp firmly to achieve specific results, do not give up without a target.

- achieve enlightenment is made ​​useful results, it is Fold evidence of the value of the practice to practice.
Realization same period last played the decisive role of the actual value from the island the whole process. Just a mistake at this stage is a waste sophisticated enough practice in all three phases before: One more step to escalate. When up to the penultimate ladder safely just one last step is completed, if the step falls short of the ground is considered not to climb any steps. This typical example shows Realization final decisions in the practice of religion. Where the last step ladder deficit fell to the ground, a fall injury is taking more damage, in particular the way the authors touch on Ta Ma considered no idea, thought disorder that is passed away or Enter Research life. This disastrous obstacle Buddhism called Maya, Ma na have expressions give way, give the Devils.
1 -      Willow realization means.
This is known coupling consists of two single hour, every single hour a part in another sense the whole place full of sound and pairing. The charity should learn to understand the meaning and effect of the partial pairing means that the mutual relationship between two single composite sound. Just change a single language pair English content to another new language pair old content .

- CERTIFICATION: Just the name itself means By the buzzing sound coupling as evidence, both verbs mean Identify recognized as the language pair Certification. The proof is a content event, a phenomenon manifested people realize. Shop deeper, this content consists of two parts: the object of them is that the events or phenomena manifest and objectively weigh the role holder is observed all perceived agency. Just missing the last two since they are not considered proof.

deemed Why not have that certainty is not or can not? Somewhat delicate question and answer specific interpretation is as follows:

If there is no card number, proof does not exist in reality, the event did not happen, despite the scrutiny and everywhere What is not collected. This is the case not to be No , no to be so certified subject matter is not confirmed, Buddhism called Vacuum Testimonials and Testimonials reason not .

evidence base case, with proof of now, events have happened but did not have energy certificates, there is no observed cognitive correctly and fully, or without much meaning or wrong but flawed performance. This is a case that considered Have Not , that is not known or understood wrong, not true, Buddhism called general price means a messed confirm that there is no confirmation . This is Prudence No , not a vacuum. The skilled practitioner to clearly distinguish not mistaken Vacuum Prudence is not to avoid the pagan utopian optimism: Once we made ​​the mistake, the receiver is assumed Testimonials Certificates can not be reached Enlightenment.
- MYTH: In the process of martyrdom, Certificate is the final stage. This phase includes all types behavior but lead to misunderstanding, so many are talking about the title as King enlightened salons, DC enlightenment, enlightened Profile, preferential treatment .... The name is generally used Enlightenment, enlightenment, awakening ...

In Words and Enlightenment here literally Understand that, should break, the Buddha nature inherent in this underlying consciousness is lit up . This is known in the language menu paired or used in Buddhism as the Realization, Enlightenment .... Kanji has many other means hours of audio, written variously Reunion (meet), preferential treatment (treat), Satori accident (crash), Manslaughter (unintentional murder) ..
The transformation between them and only one-way from the Enlightenment to Enlightenment certificate, not the other way around from the Enlightenment to the Securities. There are three levels of transformation as follows:
-          Certificate obtained transformed into Ngo Profile ä: Energy certification form and get hold of them, starting with the empirical approach to practice religion.
-          Realization: There are full results empirical religious practice, also known as the Enlightenment .
-          Import Certificate completely transformed into full remuneration : Power control and the use of them constitute a contract, there is no distinction of subject and be more . This is the case of Act fulfilling results . Also called Import Certificates Import King , said the import certificate their focus causes the metabolism, says the King entered the emphasis on the transformation result.
2 - Case Study: Realization of Causation.

In the preaching to spread the Buddhist teachings explain thoroughly transparent verbal texts sometimes still not reached a eradicate results furlough. Sophisticated explanation should be supplemented by the present case. Here is the process of realization of Causation The turn of Administrative Order Certificate:

- STARTING CENTER CREDIT: Credit Before the onset of the heart center stage Nghi. Practitioners also wondering grasping the doubt, yet determined way to determine the actual daily life. Li then taught Causation "This Person", the meditator kanji good, and AUC with evil, folk have the same interpretations:
In the meeting, the gentle sound
evil at the crumbled ashes!

In contrast, folklore circulating progenitor proverb should resentment Please, do not report crimes. Such postings know what is the truth? Is it reasonable Causation does not reflect the fact that only the One True Compassion is a word of advise, do not be a physical interpretation of cause and effect or karma that Samsara is a counsel to do good or avoid evil?

This furlough period ended onset Trust Center. The transformation of consciousness as follows: Tin Can someone also available in a hybrid latent consciousness as a factor that makes the Purity Heart Truth in humans. Trust units as seeds planted in the earth, remains the same after a while they germinate into seedlings grow. Nghi center stage is not the time to germinate the seeds. Germination is the onset of the Faith . The nourishing seeds to germinate sooner or later due to the merit of the author in daily life, like a gardener watering worry about fertilizing, weeding began to deeply colored trees bud, flowers fruit. Faith is a factor that makes the news source Vigorous human life, Buddhism calls this force component is Born Tin force.

- OF HEARING: After the Credit attention should answer the question as to lead to conviction message? The reason is to use reflection to consider how the answer is subjective, literally the theory used to explain beliefs. The explanation should be much better educated, hence the name called scholars. Explaining the objective is going to force guiding Tin Tin District, is one of the Noble Eightfold Path, avoiding the touch of pagan superstition Ma Church.

essence of humanity is Truthfulness, causal nature of Cloning man-root, so of cause and effect in order to achieve the ultimate medium to medium Truth Compassion. The remark that the Causation of good advice not only reflects the One True Truth, so only half right and half wrong. Moreover, the performance of the recommendation is to do good, do not do it, then good is not. While the performance of Truthfulness As shown in the Causation of affects everybody, whether the operational things consciously or unconsciously, in all coastal scenes upon scenes despite adversity.
- OF MAINTENANCE: Realization aims to meet two essential conditions explained and practiced, is literally Theory and Practice, Buddhist called The List Management solution. The explanation is much better educated so called scholars who practice competently so called experienced practitioner. The question arises: Education and experience, scholars and practitioners over the party does poorly? The Buddha List Management solution means that both sides need each other so as to complement each other filled, the integration contract together to form a single Power Act. If the bias of any party will make its decline on the Path to Realization. Pragmatism advocated by Ten One does not understand the practice , accepted this argument about natural practice, considered too minor part explains. By contrast, accepted the argument of natural explanations to justify that no thorough understanding and wrong do not benefit even harmful, so do not do more than that. Both arguments are not accepted natural fit mainly Middle Path Capacity Management The Members of the Buddhist teachings. The File List is reasonable guideline during practice.
- realization: This is the ultimate goal, the ultimate martyrdom performance decisions overall value and ultimately the legal practice religion. In the words speak often paired Certificate before Ng PRELIMINARY later, no one reverse certificate Enlightenment . County shall not be any discrimination before the next sequence. Arguments disasters accept the following sequence before interpretation that there is a new Certificate Enlightenment , the Enlightenment and no new certificate, like ă n No, there ISSUE n the new No , No and no new ISSUE n. As another means of communicating the Securities and Ngo Nhat relatively photographer compatible , can not compare with ISSUE n and it does not have the same photographer compatible.

terms of empirical judgment should be transparent when used words to describe the spiritual transformation which is formless as follows:

Two half brothers living with his mother in a wealthy family, and was educated as a child, growing up with his exposure as much impact each person has a moods and different intentions. The he looked at his current thought my family was blessed by the ancestors sowed the good from past lives, as well as in the present life and the parents themselves do good and avoid evil. 's sow fresh from past lives should be awarded a merit in the present life and goodness in life continue to sow now will lead to blessings in the next life fruit . Life is a lot like the real case, sudden trouble for many reasons propagation everyone gather all the inevitable mistakes. So there's evil in the world is sown before the operation so retribution is in life now, I have to pay now feel for both eliminated in the present life to the next life is no longer afflicted. News in the Causation of operation from time to time in the past and from the present to the future in equally fair, I feel like that the mind has to be more interested in an introduction to today.

The reason I also realized as he Causation but consistently deeper: the Causation of magic to operate , not only one-way from time to time in the past and from the present to the future in the two-way , in addition to reverse the mean time from the future to now and from now to the past. Moreover, the magic of the Causation of operation are from this realm to other realms in both directions , such as the world's people are attaining healthy sow will grow up happy realms that Devas scene God, who sow evil life will fall down too dark animal realm, the hungry ghost ...
County of Causation than he, who single-mindedly I vow to do good or avoid evil: do good to cultivate growth Phuc's house sowed fresh from the plant's previous life was good in the past in this life, avoid evil and repent of sin sowed Human Data from previous lives and in the world today. If repentance is not enough power to eliminate the direction I need in my life past and present life, the vows after the next life is repentance patience until I need not eradicated.

School where he was Certifications attained Enlightenment Profile of cause and effect, the case that you enter preferential Certificate of Cause and Effect. When it is not only a general case for a particular common name Realization, Enlightenment, awakening ... do not pay attention to much less extent, in part or full, just take the heart operation Seeing no way from there to see, from ignorance to wisdom, from ignorance to brighten ...

Realizing that the operation of the mind from the island, cellular metabolism is always at no time stand still, which operating in both directions up and down, back and forth. Only exception is the case when the Bodhisattva Path practice reached fruition with the name retrogression Real Estate rot Bodhisattva is meant not go back again, nearing fullness direct result of the Tathagata Buddha.

Persons smart religious practice on The religion of Babylon always wondered and answers himself had Realization to what extent? There are no masters or deeds can answer this question for reasons easily from one witness who understand.
Having strongly religious verses speak of Realization:
By whom my aunts new!
not go to Le Sun Star of course
no new black aunts mind

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