Sunday 18 August 2013

Key Principles for action is done on time. Key content includes items donated chant, worship, meditation, reciting the name of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, chanting, vows to dedicate so ...
Offering a floral arrangement, wax lamps, fruit etc. ... before Buddha. If conditions allow, each day instead of once. If not, then also make sure not to wither flowers, fruit rot on the Buddhist altar, keep Buddhist altars always dignified, pure, respectable.
Course content should also recite the same day and conducted at the end of regulation time. It is best to pick at the body and mind, mind refreshing. Normally locked proceedings conducted in the early morning, after waking up, before breakfast or in the evening after dinner, rest a while before going to sleep. Both sessions together in about 1 to 2 hours, not to exceed 4 hours. If not, the procedure is too long lock time, will affect the life and work of ordinary families. If there are special circumstances, courses may conduct proceedings in the morning or in the afternoon also.
Key action should be carried out daily, as well as day, not a day off. The effects of daily proceedings lock to keep body and mind balance, cultivate the mind, diligently diligently.
As the morning wash your face daily, breakfast, sweep the house, so go defecation and urination. The purpose of the practice is not form, but the form can help make the body and mind calm, spacious event, happy. In addition to his own practice, reflection, daily action is key to ensure that we are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, gods blessings again. The key action items can be more or less, depending on conditions and the purpose of each one, but items like pouring water, incense, prayers are not lacking. In a key personal conduct proceedings, without ringing gong, do not need to modulate insinuating voice. If you do not disturb others, you can use small gong. Early Morning after placing offerings and worship the Lord three proceedings: "I compassion" from three to seven times, once to read the article "Business Center" three of "paramita Mahabat most elegant", then recite Amitabha Buddha or Bodhisattva Quan A? 48 times or 108 times, and 10 volunteer action of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva vows and 4 great read. Finally read three words refuge in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and read shelf dedication as follows:
  • May the three obstacles and eliminate negativity
  • May be there so wise
  • May eliminate all obstacles ears
  • Eternal Bodhisattva practice
Done, O Lord, and the three key litigation ended.
Course Content proceedings afternoon or evening, after dinner should include:
  • Offerings, worship
  • Chanting "Amitabha" or "Last repentance" 1 times
Can also chant "I compassion" 7 times, "Heart of" one time, "Notice reborn" 3 times, reciting the name of Amitabha 48 times or 108 times. Then read 4 large prayer, reading shelves beings wake of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Refuge and shelves in three directions. "May this merit bring dedicate all beings, liberating the suffering of the three worlds, are found Mind", then bowed three-dimensional bow and chant the course ends.
Depending on how fast the ceremony, someone said, there are people who do not know the chorus, depending on conditions can be used or not used bell gong, prayer times, readers may note up and down to ensure the stipulated time.
If time permits, each session can last from 45 minutes to recite key 1 time. Before lock after lock action litigation morning and evening meditation can from 25 minutes to 30 minutes. It is best to learn how to meditate safety of a teacher, with experience of orthodox Buddhism. If not, they must know to sit up straight, serious, close mail center half, thought unspoken name of Buddha and Bodhisattvas, the most devoted attention, not tense nor lax. If not used, they can meditate in mode of worship of Bodhisattvas. Worship or meditation are what the mind does not pray in private. That is how to meditate and worship the safest, most appropriate. If not prone to distortions caused obstacles to the body and mind as that illusory spectacle, weird, psychedelic.
The sincere not require any conditions, but that is the purpose. The practice itself is the goal.
If the key to prolonged litigation and the time they can meditate, morning after offerings, prayers finished read "Shurangama Mantra" and ten short mantra. And in the evening, after offering worship, can read more "universal subjects Products" once more the procedure "Uncle compassion" 21 times or 48 times.
If idle at home, can organize "Buddhist cult ceremony" method as follows: First of all make offerings, read every word in the Thi Vai a few. When playing a word, the concept of the two words "Bai business." For example, doing business worship a few fabric flowers, the French term "Namo Dhamma lotus of" "the roof of fireworks Namo Buddha Bodhisattva". If the Diamond Sutra, the cult of "Homage to the Wisdom of the Diamond secret" "Namo Wisdom upper conclave of Bodhisattvas." If the cult of Amitabha, the concept of "Namo Amitabha Buddha economic theory," "South tissue customs over the Bodhisattvas". If cult "universal subjects Products" there are two concepts. The first is the notion as to the Lotus Sutra. The second is the concept of "Namo Guan A? Subjects Bodhisattva Universal Product" "Male model of compassion for helping rescue Guan A? Bodhisattva". If all of "Stratum" or of "Medicine" cult style so well.
When the worship experience, usually paper or flavor of fried yellow, above, and used glass to read the text word for word and shoulders. Bai end of a paragraph, you can use markers, next to continue to worship. A cult was done to put the scriptures, is not open, nor canons stored somewhere else.
Bai completed a full set of business, may continue to the cult of the cult or vow tens, hundreds, thousands of other business. Or is life just a business cult, cult as many times as possible.
The purpose of conducting the proceedings or the cult of course could be for the benefit or life after life is present, it may be to reach a certain merit, a certain hope. During the course of the proceedings shall be single-mindedly devoted , not to be distracted by a personal desire any other. Best attitude is to just be happy beings from suffering. I do not wish to own anything. That is the attitude of the bodhisattva practice, not because of his practice, which is the greatest virtue.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/8/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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