Sunday 18 August 2013

As such, the Buddha still life and also reported. "History of the Buddhas and the great man in the world, containing not know how much you want. As Jesus' disciples were eventually betrayed to die crucified on the cross. Confucius must fast hunger in the land Tran, Thien Tuong Van was killed, U.S. President and May Con Linh Go Gloves (India) killed, Sun Yat-sen in London in distress. Shakyamuni Buddha before and after the meeting and many ears 6 years accident while practicing austerities in Mount Snow Mountain on Mara must surrender the original Bodhi tree. Sometimes Buddhist alms offering no hunger, cold, women were falsely accused, fabricated bad thing , was a disciple Dat-De-Ba-Da Rolling Stone wounded in the leg, headache, when Shakyamuni clan murdered. When going into Nirvana, eating poisonous food that pain afflictions l? Buddha did so, the disciple of the Buddha attained A-la-life and not escape notice as religious author-goal-Kien Lien, good magic top of Buddha, Padmasambhava and Sac nuns who were was beaten to death.
Depending on the Eastern and Western religions that have different interpretations of different causes victims suffering saints. Events with victims saints manifest great personality, great career of saints. Christianity says that Jesus died to redeem mankind. Buddhism is another argument on two points: One is because of the legal market itself as a life lesson for them, making them believe that their life can become a Buddha. Buddhism is the practice by which a director. People are suffering, pleasure, happiness, the Buddha painting Christmas as well as the suffering, happy, happy as it shows itself but that he did not have such a hard obstacle, fun, happy graphics. As for guidance beings are suffering, happy, happy art practice that Buddha Dharma manifested as humans in general.
People who have relatives there the human body needs the right diet and k? If two of which (k needs and diet? Gave birth to conflicting so-called "tribulation." So Mencius said, "God given responsibility for adults, for which they will make their grief , tired muscles. "hardship if not still kick, but still does not meet the tribulation, the Buddha did not need to practice anymore, and did not see the great personality of the saint. because So, after a Buddhist, but has enough magic 6, three intelligent enough evidence, Buddha was begging, clothing, food, shelter, how to travel like a totally normal. As disciples asked Buddha replied, "We do not get the difficult birth? healthy body there is not?". Rarely seen Buddhist use magic to solve their own problems or being in everyday life days. Buddhist wisdom only to the common problems in the time to solve the problems of the time.
If at the end of the Bodhisattva body, Buddha or A-la-drought since the witness, and he was no longer bound by the living dead, by the three realms of suffering more, so that he must pay consequences of unwholesome karma created as a mortal. While still at this, the Buddha prescribed person must be ordained to finish all responsibility and pay for any debt. If sin is not indebted parents, spouses do not agree to be ordained. Today too, people who want to export must be done in all responsibility, payment of all debts, all family relationships. So, before the Buddha, as a Bodhisattva reincarnation, still suffer the consequences of the past now. Shortly after the Buddha, but his body is always in order, not funny and disturbing dominant format but when his body once the balance vo not enter Nirvana, also operate in the space is still affected the external physical world. The view of his mortal life also, has died, aged, but due to the Buddha mind can be freed up sore, tired, but not so sad that life frustrating. So Buddha rough, ordinary life is 2 reported very different story, the sages, of Bodhisattvas, A-la-drought for his prayer that this Christmas the birth, which is not the subject of the karma. He is not the center of the driven by external phenomena such as old age, sickness, death, etc. ... END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.19/8/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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