Monday, 5 August 2013

The Buddha Taught That.

Chapter v: God's marvelous Monday-Dao: the way to end suffering.
Chapter Five
Noble truths Wednesday was the Street that leads to the cessation of suffering. This road was known as Central (Majjhimà Patipadà) as it is to avoid two extreme: extreme find happiness by pursuing pleasure senses, a "lowly, mediocre, not benefits, of the way down the list", and extremism find happiness by self pressed correctly under various forms of asceticism, this "painful, unworthy, not benefits." Because personally tried two extreme and find them useless, Buddha had come up with their own experiences with China and that it "gives voters, taken to NET security, wisdom, enlightenment, Nirvana." This is often called the Middle bowl of legitimacy (ariya attangika magga): the Holy path of eight sectors, because it consists of eight sections:
The Chief Justice (sammàditthi): see right.
Chief thinking (sammàsankappa): think right.
Speech (sammàvàca): right.
The Chief Justice (samm kammata): do the right thing.
Chief Justice Network (sammààjiva): the right to live.
Chief Elf Tien (sammààyàma): proper diligence.
Mindfulness (sammà satti): remember right.
The Chief Justice (sammà samàdhi): the correct focus.
Most Buddhist doctrines taught during 45 years are mentioned the way that one way or the other. He explains it in several different forms, taking the name from different listeners, depending on the level of development and the ability of their society. But the essence of thousands of lectures on France scattered in the Buddhist texts are in the bowls of legitimacy.
Do not think we should turn to practice eight or eight types of industry's path in the order mentioned above, which should try to practice at the same time all eight, depending on the ability of each person. Because all eight sectors of mutual relations, each sector are helping cultivate the other branches.
Eight factors that aim to help developing and perfecting the three crucial aspects of the practice and precepts of Buddhism is About (sìla), Dinh (samàdhi) and Wisdom (pannà) [1]. By that we will better understand the main Bowl Scouts if subheadings and explain under three headings.
World built on the basics of Buddhism is from (universal love) and bi (Mercy) for all living things. Unfortunately many scholars have forget this great ideal of Buddhism, which professional notes on the philosophical, metaphysical adventure when they say or write about Buddhism ... Buddha proclaimed the doctrine of Jesus, "for the benefit for many people, for peace for many, because traders thought the Earth" (bahujanahitàya bahujanasukhàya lokànukampàya).
According to Buddhism, the whole work must have two virtues need to develop parallel: bi (karunà) and (pannà). Here, bi include compassion, love, kindness, tolerance and all the virtues of a noble soul, it is the emotional aspects of heart; also position means way of the virtues or intellectual minds. If only the emotions that forgotten knowledge section, it is easy to become a stupid good; But if only the knowledge aspects that forgotten feelings, easily become a place containing the heart wither no little business sense for humanity. By the wish to the whole, one must develop equally in both respects. Ðấy is the purpose of the Buddhist way of life in which wisdom and compassion is closely related to each other as we will see.
The basics on the 3 ball and from elements of the bowl of legitimacy: the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice Network (numbers 3, 4, 5 in the table above).
The Chief Justice terms mean:
-Do not lie.
-No defamatory, slanderous, or saying the words can cause hatred, discord, the breakup between the individuals or group of people.
-Don't talk tough, rude, evil, thóa, demeaning people.
-Don't say the word snitch, vain, stupid.
To avoid the mistakes of language forms and harmful, of course one must say the truth, must use the friendly words, drilled, softness, and sociable, have meaning and benefits. People shouldn't say indiscriminately, which is to say at the right time and right place. If not to say what benefit, should better keep his "noble silence".
The Chief Justice to rise to ethical behaviour, and peace. The industry is whether killing lives, abandoned the theft, removing the trade transactions, leaving ties and help others live a life of respectable peace as the leader.
Chief Justice network means one should give birth to chew in a career with h i for others, such as traders, gas drinking quality queer, poison, killing animals, cheating etc. and should live by the venerable career, innocent, not harmful to people, animals. Here we can clearly see the Buddhist extreme resistance of any kind of any war, when establishing the principle that the gas trade is a means of living wicked misdeed.
Three factors (Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice) of the main Bowl Scouts established. Need to get the foot that forms the core of the Buddhist precepts in order to bring happiness, peace and for personal and social life. Can not have any spiritual development if there is no moral basis.
Next is the spiritual discipline consists of 3 different elements of legitimacy is the Chief essential progress, mindfulness and the Chief Justice (No. 6, 7, 8).
The Chief essential progress is strong to prevent the bad things not yet born; to give up the bad things were born; to do good things arise not born; growth and the thing was born.
Mindfulness (a, true), is always clearly know, fully aware and pay attention to:
1. the activities of the body (kàya);
2. The feeling or emotion (tho, vedanà);
3. The activity of the mind (citta);
4. ideas, thoughts, opinions and things (France, dhamma).
The French practice a breath (ànàpànasati) is one of the popular exercise in relation to the body to grow spiritually. There are other ways to develop interest in relation to the body, as Café 's meditation.
About the feelings and emotions, one must clear sense from all of them as happy, miserable, or unhappy, don't suffer, how they appear and vanish in the us.
About the activity of the mind, one has to look at his mind-consciousness is involved or not, is whether or not there are delusional or not, dispersed or concentrated etc.With his method, we always have to pay attention all the movements of the mind, whether they are born and removal.
Finally, about your thoughts or ideas, conceptions and the French, we must know the nature of them, they kill, how development, overwhelmed and destroyed the stars etc.
Four forms of meditation or practice this number are detailed tables in Memory of Satipatthàna-sutra [2].
The third part of the discipline's spiritual Chief, brought to four the meditation (dhyàna). In a meditation retreat is taking part, (thought not heal like sensuality), Kiss the affective (sleeping chick asleep), trạo (anxiety, insecurity) and skeptical; but maintaining that sense only and, along with a few spiritual activity (range,). In the second meditation, all activity of the mind (range,) disappears, the static security and for the mind is developed, and only feelings are still retained. In the third meditation, only also disappears but the tribe still, along with the rough-in. In the fourth meditation, every sense (trunk) tribe, (Center) only advantages are gone, only the most pure heart and the discharge of pure land (discharge of pure concepts).
Thus the mind is trained, disciplined and developed thanks to the Chief essential progress, mindfulness and the Chief Justice.
We had the table through six elements of legitimacy (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) do object to determine the gender and other factors. two, Chief Justice and the Chief Justice, as should the intelligence.
Chief thinking related to the thought of abandoning, liberation, love fell, violence spread to everything. An interesting and important to note here is that the idea of free love, egolessness and nonviolence be convened towards wisdom. This clearly demonstrates that true wisdom which the noble virtues, that every thought about selfless desire, anger or violence is a consequence of the lack of intelligence in all areas of personal, social, political.
The Chief Justice of the notice all things as they really are, and the four noble truths explain new things as they really are. By then Chief Justice opinion ended up being seen, understand the four noble truths. This understanding is the highest wisdom, found the ultimate reality. According to Buddhism there are two types of knowledge: knowledge is our common knowledge, accumulated memory, the Assembly based on some facts. Buddhism is called "knowing the subject" (anubodha). It's not very deep. Deepening understanding so called penetration (pativedha), see the animals in the nature of it without the name and trademark. This penetration can have only when the mind had been cleared of all contaminated and has fully developed thanks to meditation.
From this brief description about the bowl of legitimacy, one can see that it's a lifestyle to be each subject, practice and development. It is self-discipline in body, speech and mind, self development and self purification. It is not associated to the faith, pray, worship or ceremony. In that sense, it does have somewhat of a "religion". It is a path that leads to the ultimate truth, evidence, lead to complete freedom, happiness and peace thanks to the perfection of moral, spiritual and intellectual.
In the Buddhist country, has a strong and beautiful and simple rituals, religious ceremonies on occasions. They had nothing done to The real Sugar. But they are worth at work satisfies several religious feelings and needs of those who are lowly, and help them gradually to The Sugar.
About the four noble truths we have four task execution:
1) truths is dukkha, the nature of life, suffering the pain of it, its funny, sad, not satisfied, the impermanence and going shopping. About this truth, my job is to understand it as an event, understood and adequately (parrinneyya)-[should know].
2) truths is the second source of agony that desire, thirst and along with it, all the other impure pollution enthusiasts. About this truth is not enough, our job here is to eliminate it, eradicate and uproot it take root (pahàtabba)-[Episode should paragraph].
3) third truths is the cessation of suffering, or Nirvana, absolute truth, the ultimate reality. In this work we are to do it (sacchikatabba)-[Kill should evidence].
4) truths is the fourth Australian to proven Nirvana. Just knowing about The Australian, despite how many full spherical nor useful. In this case, my job is to take the road and keep it (bhàvetabba) [4]-[Dao should tu]. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/8/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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