Monday, 5 August 2013

The Buddha Taught That.

Chapter III: God's marvelous second episode: causes of suffering.
Chapter Three

(Samudaya): causes of suffering
The second truth is that the truth about the arising or origin of dukkha (Dukkhasamudaya-ariyasacca, the Holy Roman Empire destroyed Gauge). Determine the most common fame and sense of the truth Monday, found in many of the original texts as follows:
"The AI (tanhà) and run with only, and have taken to regenerate to find this place fun. AI consists of three things: (1) thirsty craving for sensory pleasure (sex AI-kàmatanhà) (3) charity thirst present and become (owner of charity-bhavatanhà) and (3) aspires to do not exist (kill, expecting self-destruction-vibhavatanhà) "[1].
The main desire, desire, desire, crave thuồng, appear in many forms-did all forms the suffering and death. But do not see it as the first cause, because according to the Buddha, all interdependence should not cause first. Even thirsty craving was viewed as the cause or origin of dukkha, also depends on one factor to arise, it was tho (vedanà) [2], and Shou arises depending on contact (phassa) so tandem a circle that the term for Buddhist studies called pratītyasamutpāda (Paticcasamuppàda) will be the following table [3].
As Ireland is not unique or first cause of the arising out of gauge. But that's the direct cause and lauded [4]. So right in the Pàli texts, the Roman Empire or the gauge is defined as the impure vulnerabilities (kilesà sàsavà dhammà: afflictions of pirated property) in addition to thirsty craving has always been seen as the main factors [5]. Here we need only remember that the focus of AI is the notion of falling due to ignorance.
Thirsty craving is not only desire, tied to the pleasure sense, property, power, but also the desire, tied the thoughts, ideas, opinions, theories, concepts and beliefs (dhammatanhà, Ireland) [6]. According to the analysis of the Buddha, all disputes in the world, from that cause in the family until the great war between the Nations, all have roots in this craving thirst [7]. In the opinion, all matters of economy, politics and society has its roots is greed selfless. The politician wanted to mediate the dispute that discuss war and peace in the fields of politics, economics is just touching the outer skin, never touch its true root of the problem. As the Buddha has taught false religious Ratthapàla: "the world of deprivation, thirst and a slave to desire (tanhàdàso)."
Everybody's got that all disasters in the world are caused by selfish desire. This is not hard to understand. But how do you desire, thirst craving can lead to rebirth, the back (ponobhavikà), the problem is not easy to comprehend. That is why we have to discuss the deep philosophical aspects of the truth Monday, in correlation with the aspect of philosophical truths. We need to have a few ideas about the theory of Karma and rebirth.
There are four (àhàrà) in the sense that the cause or "conditions" (charm) needed for love continues to live and survive: the real Communists bolster ties (kabalinikàràhàra): feed material; Real emotion (phassàhàra): the exposure of your senses, including consciousness, with the outer world; Real mode (vinnànàhara); and anniversary reality (manosancetanàhàra): the will or the will of the mind [8].
In four of the above conditions, then the last, fourth anniversary, is the will to live, to survive, regenerate, continue, [9]. It creates a source of life and continue, proceed to advance by the career of good, real good (kusalàkusalakamma) [10]. It is also the Italy or investment (cetàna) [11]. We saw previously that the will is the industry [12], as the Buddha has defined. Speaking to private anniversary recently, Buddha taught: "when people understand the investment anniversary reality, people will understand the three forms of thirsty craving" [13]. Like Ireland, Italy, Yugoslavia and industry all have the same meaning. Such is the desire, the will to live, to exist, to regenerate, to become, to growth, to accumulate. Such is the cause arises out of gauge. Her desire to be located in aggregates, one of the five aggregates made a sentient [14].
This is one of the key points and the most important of the Buddhist tenets. so we have to be cautious to note and remember well that the cause, seed of the rise to dukkha are dukkha rather than anywhere outside. This is the meaning of the sentence, usually seen in the original Pàli:
"Yamkincisamudayadhammam sabbam tam niroshadhammam.
Anything in the nature of birth, also in the nature of destruction "[15].
A person, an object, a system theory, when there was the nature of the being, manifesting, it has always been in its nature, the seed of the cessation and destruction. Like, as dukkha (skandha) had in it the nature of birth should also have always been in it the nature of the killing. This location will be the table back in the third truths, Kill (nirodha).
The noun Pàli kamma or karma is a Sanskrit word (phrase based kr means do) means action, do. But in the Buddhist theory of karma, it carries a special meaning: it just means the intentional act, not all action. It also does not mean that the consequences of the action as various users falsely. In Buddhist studies, Career never mean consequences, consequences of karma are called karma (kammaphala) or hetero Shu (vipàka).
The will can be relatively good or evil. So can good or evil is relative. Karma (kusala) resulted in good results, real (akusala) arise evil results. Thirst, the will, although the industry in good or evil are consequently a capacity: the capacity to continue, the trend of good or evil. But evil is relative, are staying in samsara (samsàra). A A-la-Chinese despite the action also does not contain mighty reserves, for having freed deviant comments or misconceptions about the fall, away from thirsty craving to be, want to keep, from all other vulnerable afflictions (kilesà sàsavà dhammà, negativity, illicit possession of France). For a time, no longer regenerate.
Not to be confused with karma theory of the so-called "ethical" or "payoff" the idea of moral fairness or the payoff arising due to the perception that a Supreme entity, a God sitting judge, the Board rules and delineation. The noun "justice" indoor map and dangerous, in the name of it much harm had come to humanity than the benefit. The theory of karma is the law of cause and effect, action and reaction. It presents a natural law, not associated to the notion of fair payoff. Every action due to arise the results or consequences of it. If a career of good fresh fruit arise and an evil karma generated result data, then it is not fairness or payoff because of a power sitting judge then ban command, which it just due to the nature of karma, the law of karma. This is not hard to understand. But the confusing thing is, according to the theory of karma, the result of an intentional behavior can continue to manifest both in a later life. So we have to understand Buddhism, death means nothing.
On this I've found that people just are a combination of the strength or physical energy and spirituality. What we call death is only the cessation of operation of the whole physical body. But the power, the other powers have the same ending with operation of the body or not? Buddhism says "no," the will, the desire, the desire of Ireland want to exist, would like to continue to be, is a formidable power to maneuver the entire life, the survival, to the whole world. This is a tremendous strength for most powerful capabilities in the universe. According to Buddhism, this power does not stop with the cessation of operation of the body that we call was dead, it continues to manifest under a different form, start the existence that one called rebirth reincarnation.
Now another question arises in mind: "If there is an invariant constant field entities as falls or soul (àtman) then something can be recreated, reborn after death?" Before discussing the life after death, we consider this life is nothing, and it is continuing. What we call life, as has been said many times, is just the combination of the five aggregates, a combination of physical capacity. These aggregates always turn switch, no longer the same in two successive moments. They are born and then kill in each survey. "Every time the aggregates, the decline and extermination, ask the Bhikkhu on stilts, is every time he was born, and died," [16]. Like, even now, in this life, we too are born and die in every moment, but we continue. If we can understand that in this life she could continue without an invariant constant school self as ego or soul, then why not understand that after the body ceases to operate, the other energy can still continue without an ego or soul?
When the physical body is no longer operational, then powers do not die with it, which continues to receive a different shape, which we call was a different life. In a child, every physical ability, knowledge and spirituality are all weak, but it has the potential to become a complete adult. The physical abilities and spirituality has become what we call soul, available in our ability to get a new form, growth and gathering strength until full.
Because there is a constant field should be invariant nothing comes from at one time to the next. By that, obviously there is something immutable or constant field may go or reincarnation from this life to another life after this. Ðấy is a string of unbroken continuation, but transform each moment. What is not actually her string in addition to the shifted. It's like a fire burning night: is not the same as a flame, the other not. A child growing up into an old man of sixty: of course the old man isn't one week record with six years ago, but not the other. Also, the person dies and rebirth in another place is not the same as a person, nor other (na ca so na ca anno). Ðấy is the continuation of the same chain. The difference between the death, life is only a close na heart (very short intervals for an anniversary run up): mind in the end in this life to dispose the mind first in the hereafter, but States are just a continuation of the same continuity. Even in this life, too, an idea started to dispose in mind next. So according to the Buddha, the hereafter is not something mysterious, and Buddhists don't ever wonder about this issue.
How long did thirst craving becomes mortal, then reincarnation continued. It can only stop when the power control it is thirsty craving gets off thanks to the teaser clearly see the reality, the truth, Nirvana.END-=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/8/2013..NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ). 

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