To address this question, we need to answer the question why we become Buddhists? After becoming Buddhists, there are five precepts, qui tam, the Buddhist must live up to peace and happiness? The precept is difficult? How to keep the good that do not feel it is the mandatory thing too hard or not practical? To solve these problems, we must return to the point of practical need discussion to clarify the issue. That is the purpose of the Buddhist monastery and convent.
With the purpose of austerities, we must know why we want to practice. There are many different motives that lead people to Buddhism, every person has a background, a different Karma makes us look to Buddhism. What is a leader? Is the path or way of life to get a nice life, safe and happy. Enlightenment is found out the nature of the underlying capital life something unstable and do not provide absolute satisfaction. The dissatisfied exist in many forms ranging from coarse to. In the least developed countries, this obvious, overpopulation, food shortages, hunger, thirst, cold, hot, natural disasters, death, war in many different levels. It is the most visible existence of suffering.
In the developing countries, the competition is fierce, demanding change, to raise the level of awareness and relentless business causes stress, boredom, frustration, disappointment, suspicion and jealousy, even resentment of wrath; they are another form of agony (dukka) that people face on a daily basis. In the developed countries, the relative physical conditions perfectly, war disaster also happened somewhere not near them, are suffering no longer? At the moment people have to face the problem, the problem is inside, right on our body or soul in each person, in the relationship between the individuals in the family and society.
No one chooses to be his parents, hometown, country where she was born, this is the truth. No one chooses to be height, shape, lines on her face and body. Anybody want themselves more beautiful, healthier, smarter, more lovely and as already exists, we want them to exist forever, but anyone not experiencing old age, illness and death? This is a truth that nobody is out, whether that person living anywhere in the world.
Our feelings are always changing, which makes one must phấp phỏm fear not knowing what we are going to go where. The loss of what is thought to be "ours", we despair, suffering, and even despair. Sentiment also change faster than the weather. So the dissatisfied exist everywhere, in many forms and levels, however, realizes it or not, and when to get out of it, we accept it as a truth in life or seek to evade, covered for it by others to have been false sense of security?
To solve these problems, we need to know its causes, enlightened thing need to eliminate the causes of suffering. There are issues that we can change, or cause it to change. But there are also things we can not change, and the best thing is we have to change to better fit the circumstances of 1,300 years ago, Santideva, a monk in India have uttered: "How can one have enough matting the skin to cover the whole ground. But it is only with this Sandals can protect his legs from scratching " (life is full of anti-gai). this is the intellect know accept and reconcile the" in your life.
Other than these religions believe in God, the Buddha States that there is a first cause and unique for all phenomena. Each is an other, and itself is just the result of a chain of human progress-different charm. So also is the fruit and the fruit was the employees. Here is a passage quoted in the Nikaya, Sakka master of questions related to the issue that we are discussing today. The dialogue between the Buddha and Angel home takes place as follows:
After being allowed, the owner of Sakka asked the World to honor the first question:-World Religion, so what bondage (for any reason), the species of Natural, human, Asurà, NàGà, Qian Thát. This is how to classify them in the education world: humanity and heaven (Tian Chu) of a visionary scene free fun; species Asura (A Tu la) is a form of sentient beings have power over people but does not shine as Chu Tian because they often anger dominated Nâga animal species belong; large format (such as dragons, snakes, elephants, ...) and has a bit less power; species Ganthabba (thát Qian BA) also belong to the form of the demon gods (like Asura and Nâga) know the bay and enjoying the scent as food. And all the other species, the people desire: "Don't hate, don't fight, not hostile, not evil, we live together without hatred". That's why with a vengeance, with the tussle, with hostility and malicious with, they lived together in hatred?
And The Sun was answering the question as follows:-Do quiz (jealousy) and (dirty glue), the species of Natural, human, Asurà, Nàgà, Qian Thát she and all the other species, the people desire: "no hatred, no fight, no hostility, not evil, we live together without hatred". That's why with a vengeance, with the tussle, with hostility, with evil, they lived together in the hatred.
There is venerated in The form of answers to questions the home God Sakka. Rapture Heavenly wedding banquet, the home life Sakka credit World Festival of Religious teachings and said -so as to Bach, The Sun! So, when Bach Was The Natural answer to honor!, question, suspect of the killing, her hesitation dashed.
T.h. owners of Sakka, once the wedding banquet, tho the answer The next question, raising religious beliefs:-World Religion, jealousy, greed, so multiply what coast, by the run, something which they run, what causes them, what's there is jealousy, greed there? What's not there, then the disabled as jealousy, greed there?
-This Heavenly home, jealousy and greed because of your hate do charm, due to launch your favorite set of your favourite hate hate to do, do they run, your hate making them available, your hate where are greedy, riders puzzle there; your hate there is no greed, riders puzzle.
The white preferred World-so, what hate charm, by the run? What makes them run, what's making them available, something that is your hate? What's your favorite then no hate no?
-Your favorite server, Object of this hate due to take part in the bridge as charm, due to take part in the bridge to do the run, take the bridge causing them to start, causing them to bridge students present. Take your fancy then have hate there; take your fancy then no bridge, no hate.
-World Religion, but so what coast bridge tour, due to start training? What makes taking bridges was born began, what's left in the current bridge? What's there, then take the bridge there? What's not there, then take the bridge there?
This bridge, the master God-do think do charm, do think doing the run; thinking led to take existing bridge. Think there are request reference; think not then take the bridge No.
-World Religion, think what people do take what exercise to do, taking the coast? What makes think b. start-up, what makes current thinking? What is the thinking there? What does the thinking there?
-This Heavenly home, think taking the kind of hopeless idea hý comment do charm, get the kind of hopeless idea hý comment do episodes run. The kind of disappointed thought hý comment meant to think b. run, the kind of hopeless idea hý conclusion makes existing thinking. Due to the type of good ideas then comment hý thinking. Due to the good idea hý no then think there ". (DN 21)
This dialogue shows the home Bias is a very heavenly wisdom, always wanted to learn the problem ended up drained. Because as a leader of the Chu Tian (improved capability in each or in the universe), the heavenly host would like to solve the problem of a consciously and systematically, the correct method based on the correct understanding of the nature of the problem and the related contact relevant correlation. This is the direct method to solve the problem of a Buddhism: a interest and objective perspective to solve the incident. However, proper attention should be the Foundation of love regardless of and without bias. This is the difference between the locating, researching and experimenting in spirituality and religion with science and technology. The passage also shows the concept of angels and the Heavenly hosts (not God as the God or Islam, Hinduism) in Buddhism is very different than other religions.
The question of the Celestial Master Sakka reflects a very real problems in this world: why people want peace, peace, happiness but they make themselves and do the suffering people by causing dissent, unrest and war? The answer of the Buddha points out the cause is the negativity of the karma they started from the selfishness and accept. Let's go back to the human chain charm make this peaceless world ones, it is as follows: jealousy-selfishness that causes your favorite in-hate, this again is derived from taking part in the bridge, and the bridge coming back from thinking that the platform is good idea hý conclusion. Good idea hý conclusion is the wrong perception; When the data is incorrect, think based on these data it is deviant thinking (micchâ sakappa = vitakka) and the deviant thinking that leads to your Favorites-hate based on the discretion of subjective feelings of the individual, and it created envy and selfishness that leads to problems, conflicts and wars. When the request is satisfied, people born in (preferred), and from this tour in their selfish wants what has just achieved only belong to us, do not like to share; When the request is denied, the floating anger (hate) and jealousy for those who are what you want. And so, in ignorance, they are happy and expecting an OK but again manually create suffering and instability in society because they lack understanding of yourself and do not know what is going on is cause and effect, there is a God or Sa rose would then. The Buddha's answer takes us back to the fact that are taking place around us, about human nature and about the phenomenon of life in General in the correlation.
In everyday life, too, all things happen are the cause and create a coast guard for one or more of the other. Born in where and how well has the cause and its karma. Beautiful or ugly, healthy or frail, intelligent or trivial, successful or not successful ... all with the cause that Buddhism called Karma (kamma) and results (kamma-vipâka).
So, what is a career ? Literally, the main industry is the action. Action or expression through 3 gates are: body and mind. in terms of ethics, careers are further divided into three categories: good, real good and neutral, that is not good nor evil. In terms of philosophy, the main industry is the will (cetanâ) or dynamic (sa # cetanâ) after each action. In relation to human interaction results in time, karma is referred to as we, the past and the future. Industry were said to come under some other term such as death, usually, the career, the obstacle course ... This is a matter quite extensive, which this article does not go deeply into explaining all aspects of philosophy the word career. However, according to the analysis of the mentality in the passage above, we also get a look quite realistic about karma.
How actions are called, and how the Act is evil, this is related to the concept of good-evil which is formed and exists alongside the formation and existence of human society. The concept of good-evil, which change from time to time there are also points of differences according to social, religious or community. In Buddhism, practice 5 about banning is avoid doing evil, The Shan, Irene worked behind the German claims, such as alms, precept, meditation ... The following dialogue between the Buddha and a group of Brahmin in India in more than 2,500 years ago was recorded in the middle of My talking about karma in the most common sense of the industry. Questions related to a problem that the Chief Brahmin scholars are concerned about the discrepancies in the beings in the world. And the answer of the Buddha is the explanation using the concept of karma-the fruit, which is a belief so prevalent in India, but the Buddha's analysis showed a new reason, other than the common beliefs of the masses.
False-religion what people do by Gotama, charm, here, some love after the body resulting from the General network, right into the realms of fury, wickedly, fallen, hell? So, this false religion by Gotama what charm, what here, some species of love after the body resulting from the General network was born in the nice place, heaven, this life?
-The owner's illegal practices, illegal practices, the leader, the owner, that is so, there are several types, after a public network relative to it into the realms of fury, wickedly, fallen, hell. The correct action by French workers, properly directed, is the owner, but so have some love after the body resulting from the General network was born in good faith, heaven, this life.
-We can not fully understand what false Religious Gotama theory in a nutshell if not explained. Heal in place, if the fake Religious Gotama theory for us so that we can fully understand what false Religious Gotama theory in a nutshell!-So the owner, be heard and your work, We will preach.-Dear Yes, false Religion.
The Sun says the following:-The owner, there are three types of illegal profit, stems, there are four types of illegal administrative password, non-primary, there are three types of non-African French, Italian leader? here, the owner, who kill, cruel, bloody broken arms, assassination, residency and specialty care center of compassion for the other sex. People get of not giving any Member anything of others or in the villages or in the mountain forests, not for him, he stole his material. He lived happy sexual ties for the tribe, with the woman whose parents sheltered, have him cover, has sheltered her, have her children, had her husband been simple penalty protection, until the woman was jewelry by wreath. As such, the owner, are the three types of illegal profit, stems (10 3 4, hull through the industry evil days and 3 days my onions)
The owner, there are three types of French major true, true stems, there are four types of export operation right, properly directed? The owner, what are the three types of bulb in the right, true Holy leader? Here, the owner having who kill, kill the staff, put away, put engine, know very good you have, from, live mercy to happiness all sentient beings and species of love; abandoning of isn't for, stay away from taking the air for, any member of that of others, or in villages, or in the mountain forests, not for him, he didn't stole; give life to your space for misery, not with the woman has sheltered mother, whose father cover ... As such, the owner, is three bulb correctly, properly directed.
And the owner, what are the four types of password issue right, properly directed? Here, the owner, who give up hope, keep away from expectations, to the Assembly, or to place them, or to the kinship between, or to the middle of the complex, or between people, when quoted witnesses and asked: "Is the other, feel free to say what He said," if known, he said: "I know"; If you don't know who he says: "I don't know"; or if not found, he said: "I do not see"; If he says: "I see." As such, her words do not become deliberate linguistic expectations, either because the selfless reasons, or because the cause of humanity, or because a few of interest. Quit saying the two tongues, stay away from saying the two tongues, listen to what in this spot, to hear what the don't go telling these people to split in the other; as such, he lived in harmony the incoming glass of cockroaches, the growth is harmony, harmony, fancy indulging in harmony, like harmony, said the words brought to harmony. Give up evil words, stay away from evil words, words like peace, beautiful, cute, sympathetic to the mind, elegant, pleasing to many, please more people, he said the words that way. Give verbal frivolous, frivolous speech away, right time, he said the words, say these words mean, say the words of the French Administration, say the words of the law, says the words are worth keeping. Because say positive words, trendy, there are coherent, system, beneficial. As such, the owner, there are four types of export administration right, correct.
And the owner, what are the three types of Italy take the right direction, the main French right? Here, the owner, has no craving, no material greed of others, don't think: "Oh, look forward to that every Member of his becoming other people!" Again there are people who have no heart, no start up harmful, hurtful, but think: "hoping that this love does not live the hatred, no resentment, no turbulence, be at peace, disturbing in themselves!" He has political views, have no idea of insanity, think: "Yes, there are results of alms, there, that donation, the evil of good behavior that results in this allergy, Shu, later life there, with her mother, whose father, there kinds of Biochemistry, in their lifetime, have the Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon main cooling leg actionthe main leg, achievements, after self certification, self-tri back claims for this life and the hereafter ". As such, the owner, has three types of Italy take the right, correct. As such, the correct action by French workers, properly directed, is the owner, here, an independent species of love after the body resulting from the General network was born in Nice places, humanity or natural.
The owner, if a French major true, true progress, dream: "Oh, hoping that after the body resulting from the General network, I was born into the Phu gia Ba-la-subjects ... United General Phu gia House-empire-capital" event did happen, the bouncing after the body resulting from the General network, was born into the Phu gia, United family Suicide-the-seat. Why is that? Because of its power, is its right, correct.
The owner, if a French major true, true progress, dream: "Oh, hoping that after the destructive charcoal General network, I was born into the Phu gia Ba-la-Mon ... great Phu gia gia! This event occurs, the time after the body resulting from the General network, was born into the Phu gia gia home. Why is that? Because of the time its the right, correct. The owner, if a French major true its true, desires: "Oh dear, after hoping that undermines the General network, I was born with Dear God during the Quarter, with lettered celestial realms of heaven and thirty-three, with Chu Tian Da ma, with Chu Where God-capacity-da, with Chu Thien Hoa Lac, with Chu Thien Tha turns himself in, with Chu Thien Quang Pham Thien Chu, with heavenly, heavenly, lettered with Optical objects with Minimal client optical immeasurable natural, with Chu Chu Thien Quang Tinh, heavenly music with heavenly, heavenly lettered with Minimum NET thinh, with Chu Tian Infinity net weight NET with Variable bias, lettered, with Chu Thien Quang result, with Chu Tian Loads bothers heaven, with Chu Tian Tian Tian Chu, with heat Loads of good so far, with lettered Shanshan comments, with Chu Thien Hue rescued telescope, with Chu Thien boundless God of fiction with the genius of boundless Knowledge bias lettered, with Chu Tian Loads of possession, with Chu Tian Fei thought Phi Phi idea of heaven! " This event occurs, the time after the body resulting from the General network was born with Dear heavenly Phi Phi phi lettered bonus idea of genius. Why is that? Because of its then its correct, correct.
The owner, if a French major true its true, desires: "Oh, hoping that, with the passage from the contraband or evidence, with one win, and food poisoning, saw gain and an excellence in online access does the mind liberation, liberating wisdom infinity pirated!" This event happened, then, with the paragraph except the contraband or evidence, with, food poisoning, saw gain and stay right in the Centre of current releases, wisdom freed loads smuggled. Why is that? Because he runs the French right, correct.
As such, the host country said nhe in Ba-la-Mon in Sa-la of the White World Religion:"It's marvelous micro, Sun Jia Gotama! It's that magic instead of false Religion, Gotama! As people go back to what it was and tried to fall down, exposing what was covered, just the way for guys to get lost direction, bringing light into the darkness to those who have eyes to see. Likewise, the French are The Sun used various media to present. And now we ask for refuge to honor counterfeits Gotama, refuge, refuge of them Male-Philosophy, pretentious fake mogn Gotama express us as his disciple, from now onwards till the General network lifetime, we scale the threshold! " (Saleyyasutta M41)
As such, the tu is moving or modifying attitudes and behaviour in everyday life. This modification starts from the main signal (right belief) and political (human understanding-the fruit of good and evil evil to heal, the center of this page's name). So everyone is happy to be a convent right in this lifetime, and also create a coast guard for a good rebirth.
The tu is often getting đắu from a perception or experience would cause people to change the way of life and a recognition of people and life. Nàycó event may come from a shock in the relationship, also it comes from a tremendous loss makes people feel these aggressor shortfalls in life makes them miserable, it can also be a person thinking about the nature of impermanence of temporary imitation life through the meet the exposure and enjoy the experience. But see and see also temporarily assume impermanence is not enough to overcome them, we need to understand ourselves through the relationships and events in life, and from there find out computer egolessness in ten thousand to only players accept and accumulation. So, to the final stage, tu is let go, starting from let go deviant comments accept, let go of the villains happy to render themselves and people suffering, let go of the prejudice and the unhealthy habit has been provided, so let go of all disciplines has been practicing in a stage on the way. Must know that France Buddha as the dosage of medicines for them, when sick, do not have to take it anymore.
The French miracle drug, France (such as medicinal herbs) is listed as 37, made up of 7, but again there are 7 France called the Bodhi. When the Dharma is viewed as a path to true peace and happiness there, then it was called the Holy Bowl. And when France was described as what need coaching, learning to be peaceful liberation, we must again practice "about-To-Wisdom". The Buddhist chaplains are learning and practicing the Dharma.
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