The quiet inner reap a lot of benefits in life as well as in the enlightenment freed
The quiet inner reap a lot of benefits in life as well as in the journey of enlightenment moksha:-Live at peace in the present: for those who are in an appointed, they escape the audience senses, no exterior disturbed and they enjoy the security flavor Hy, or for the mind and the discharge status of meditation, called live at peace in the present. Those who gain depending on the time of not getting stuck in the past, the present, the future should they also lived in the present.
-In naked in the scene where the mind does not vary: people who achieve specific forecast options are likely to keep calmness doesn't fluctuate all the ups and downs of life. Though not quarantined objects senses they still favored foreign dominated.
-Can gain supernatural powers: according to the laws of the mind (citta niyama) then to the more solidly and more capacity. Most of the supernatural abilities of the mind are derived from competencies of meditation. Who has the intention to the point of immobility can gain supernatural powers, such as stealth, padded, go on water, etc.
-As the basis for intelligence: the most important function of the mind stillness is created empty space rang for wisdom shines. Like the new Lake scenic stillness is clearly shown, when an empty stable mind rang the natural intelligence of clear screening. In this area, the survey-specific time options and na for wisdom is better than an appointment.
-When the General forestry Centre for real disorder: Die how and in which situations is because of past karma. So not so concerned how to die in conditions such as Italy, whose best is when the dead center is not available. This is too easy for those quiet inner clarity.
Question: -Do not know that there has to be communication present stay true?
Because many people can afford to have a privileged set very high, but in real life they seemed like depression, passivity, fear of loud, just like quiet here to stay in a State should also is easy to pitch when experiencing adversity. They don't care what the outside entering and spreading his meditation methods, should be bigotry and fell on her starboard side. In general they do not stray current stay. Tell Please explain.
Reply: -That's a drawback of the plan to an only. the Buddha taught that that too much will produce a State of meditation, kissing most only because the two centers and discharge can make the mind run suppose pointing passive neglect, as we have seen. Furthermore, most people prefer to just expecting to achieve peace or want to avoid the hassle, so every opportunity that they associated stay in a State of loving intention. But when out of the State that they are difficult to adjust to noisy habitat complexity, making them easy to heat. They have picked on the State of mind bigotry and fell on her starboard side. If we practice meditation just because longing get the God Power extremely dangerous. As Devadatta was privileged to very high, and there is even more information spirit but ambition of power should have of Buddha, and harm đoạ to hell loads cockroaches.
When you enter the current Chief Justice is lost, even sacrosanct anymore. But so far contacts stay rather to refer to the Holy Bible in the Results or Kill Its Ideas. The Church is also the perfect ones in time. Because they don't fluctuate ahead of all circumstances, where and always thong dong himself in, peace and nature.
Question: -How to distinguish the Chief Justice and deviant intent?
Reply: -In terms of the law of the mind (citta niyama), hard to distinguish the Chief Justice with ties. Because, in the same order to the same, of course must have the same State of meditation is just the same.
In terms of the law of karma (kamma niyama), meditation Assoc. flaps are distinguished according to the motives and purposes. If the engine runs the meditation is taking part, and the purpose is to communicate the life or the power then it is deviant. Conversely, if the engine is taking part, loads, loads of si and the goal is enlightenment freed then it's Chief Justice.
Question: -For turning Human question: the Chief Justice and His plan to have different?
Reply: -The meditation factor only, both are the same. The only difference is that the Chief Justice generally refers to the goodness of people, and of the Holy Scripture called ranks, but both have different not just meditation.
It should be noted that one cannot take certain Scriptures that can only be given administrative only. Just meditate to enlightened one cannot be without meditation wisdom. When did the Holy enlightenment, one of the Chief Justice immediately became Holy to not need to practice to DAC.
Question: -There is a definite meditation instructors new to meditate the following wisdom, but there are no fixed lecture again Prime can still be privileged. According to master things more correctly?
Reply: -If properly understood, both true; if misunderstood, both are wrong. Because of misunderstandings "yields wisdom" is to have to be enough, so a few new meditation sect advocated are predetermined to meditate and then moved through meditation. To be honest, output is associated with intellectual property, inseparable from each other in the enlightenment. Like a mirror must have two conditions is the bright and quiet situation. Missing one of the two elements that one can not shed the are. Though the mirror standing still but not in the morning, or in the morning without standing still cannot throw anything was. Also, to the new intellectual property, must be simultaneously visible to take Leanne.
However, to be combined with the intelligent shop must be custom-defined period, na or mindfulness rather than an appointment. Like the fixed mirror one direction could not reflect the object move in a different direction. Also, Prime real estate to people can only see the static object rather than the object is visible. Moreover, like the mirror was placed in a sealed container, the mind to deeper isolation for foreign charm, being human in concept, how can soi truly owned great wall.
We should note an important point is that when the Buddha taught meditation wisdom to those who were privileged, not sensu moving meditation through meditation, because the two types of meditation can not switch. The Buddha just wanted to help them use the intellectual property for the afternoon screening possible obstacles in meditation. If they are not declared to be then caught stuck forever in her mind yourself achievements made.
Question: -The method of exercise such as yoga, qigong, hypnosis, notes etc is meditation?
Reply: -The methods of work are based on a certain level of meditation deals promoted. If the motivation and purpose of the right is better then these methods are bringing benefits to human life in many fields. However, if the engine is ambitious and aims to develop the capacity of the ego, not enlightenment freed cannot be viewed as the Chief Justice of the Buddhism.
Question: -Heard people would just meditate wisdom vipassana cannot elect an indicated; for so many people enlist to Prime an appointment in advance. So true?
Reply: -A person who has achieved close to Monaco and customised thoi in meditation vipassana wisdom, then if necessary the can on an only translated easily. Moreover, France is true meditation vipassana wisdom help us get rid of craving and deviant ideas. This side with the principle of "separation of gymnastics Cup real good" in an only, so the less the craving and deviant ideas not only will easily elect, but also not afraid of falling on your space.
Question: -Heard has a sort of meditation called Kim cang, that kind of plan?
Reply: -Dharani is said to solidly sacrosanct, to an only condition should not be specific Dharani is, unless it's the Saints.
However, depending on the time that may be specified Dharani because it has the ability to unconditionally, any where and at any time. With a degree, this is the President of the pure land (santi) called peace paramount (paramam sukham).
Question: -After the practice of meditation is one time and under the guidance of the teacher practitioners has been excellent meditation about Wednesday. Practitioners found it very peaceful and safe meditation only helped practitioners improve ourselves so much. Practitioners will work out spirit, but now teaching new practitioners are master listener realizes that he really has problems in the Department, DAC should have no progress in meditation wisdom. So practitioners should continue or should give meditation?
Reply: -An indicative in itself is not right or wrong. If the mind is less involved or hoping that going in a natural way, without trying, nor should accept it, no matter what. But if Prime property owned by the ambition to loving or supernatural powers, then it becomes a stumbling block for. Moreover, the police only based on these concepts to develop, while sensory wisdom to overcome any concept to online authentication before you go. It does not recognize this, so in a certain State, many have mistaken their concept is family identity. It is not self fool? So if we see there are problems just improve the ego and take time for Prime Office alone, then why not drop off as soon as possible.
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