Sunday 29 April 2012


Death is a beginning. This is   door to escape the dark and fresh opportunities for us to   fun with fruit trees we have planted, in conformity by   causes and results of karma. While the wheels of industry   throughout all time, the thrust of it can make long distance   gradually and the mopping up directly after we die than it has lasted   in our lives.
Why? The more we   lived long before our mind is a program that works with   the structure of the physical body and our daily work. This   more difficult to change the way the structure is a key. The   but once give up his body at the time of death, the mind will work   action according to it. Then only a single job is to check the identification   our practices will be those that we have grown into the stream   flow of our consciousness.
We have experienced economic   most experience of how, when our hearts are filled with   much fun, whatever we see, hear or sense of bringing   to make us happy. When our mind is struck, all   things make us angry. These mutual stronger effect immediately   even after death, because then all will be displayed based on habit   with our direction and the appreciation that the way out of habit   tend to separate. Thus, if we have created the path of   anger, anger and delusion, we will deliver on wasted places   by poverty, ignorance and the phenomenon of hell. If we had   happy, peaceful and happy, then our world will be clear as   part of the peace and happiness. If we are happy with the quality of   Dewachen we will deliver on that or the Pure Land with Air   and at peace, and if we realize the nature of enlightenment of the mind   completely in form and then our mind will connect with the universe   absolute, the true nature; the peace and the ultimate joy and   the service of others will illuminate the front as easy as   the rays of the sun's natural light for us.
Some of us   can upset about what awaits us when we die. The   but this is not the time to be surprised or sad. This is   time to admit that we have a golden opportunity to   recognize that true for the big day for us and change your life   of us in the right direction for now and forever for free   us and others in the post tomorrow.
Even if we are old,   until the last breath of our it will not too late to change   Change the source of our life. We do not need to do some work   What is highly effective. We do not need to rest a bit and have fun with   feeling of peace and happy with what is born in us,   with what is widely, and we can match what the   spiritual tradition that we're expecting.
If we are young, it   best to move forward is to try for our future right now   hours. Because we are not allowed later. All landing places   of the world next door, when breathing out without breathing in again. Youth   can not guarantee for the same thing after the other.
Everyone who needs   prayer and meditation in this book is a tool for planting material   of spirit. The regulation is to highlight the direction of the energy of the received   good to know. Compassion is the opening of our heart to all   both love. Prayer represents good thoughts   wages and feelings. Interpretation is broad look at all   animals and people as a source and the existence of peace and happiness.   The ritual is a form of religion to create a culture of good   beauty in our lives. Visualize Tinh Buddhas and scenes   is to transform the image belongs to our thoughts and   come into the realization of a better blessing. The experiences of the   blessing of the blessings of the enlightened it is the recommendation for   we come to peace when peace rebirth. Embrace the needs   prayer, meditation and other things the friendly sacrifice by the   others, is a source of respiratory and merit.
Where I come home   Tibet is, there are many who spent time in several years   solitary lives and practice for themselves and for others   in caves. How to live with this form and devotion was so   is excellent. But there is not mandatory. If we   Now the true practice for 10 or 20 minutes every day; go anyway   more prayer before Buddha of Boundless Light or express a few   other meditation, then the practice of our will is the expression   for all spiritual quality mentioned above. Next, if   we recall what we have felt throughout the   when we practice, so on and so on throughout the day, that   is the momentum will help us complete good life for both perfect   we. Someday we will find that attitude of mind   be changed. We do not need a disguise the sense of   peace, joy and presence of the blessed steps again, we will be   what we become and death and rebirth will not flow smoothly   interruption of the spinning wheel of peace and happiness by the capacity of self-   our own minds.
In just a few minutes of meditation   feet of him that coordinates how to produce great achievements   so? Similar to the same reasons as he Shantideva says: "If   Mind you play, right from the time, even as you fall into   more deep or chaos, it will merit the capacity of increasing   no more at rest, are no longer filled by a wider ".   It is important that the practice of the efforts we have more than   long time after that. Likewise if we start by   our meditation with the mind, the spiritual power of the other will   revive the continuous development of the other will be stronger in each   time step when we practice meditation.
Myself but not   to someone else, has not said much about prayer or meditation   long, but something by nature and nurture me as a   the faith burning in existence until now the quality   solemnity of us and outside us. We can   call it quality of Buddha (Buddha nature). Most of my time living in   have fun in admiration of what is. Then I advanced to the point   divide this way or the other side of life. I own it   hopeful in the face with peace and joy and   when this will bring to guide me to be happier in a home   another home, where I will be reborn, where only peace and happiness.
I was anxious expectation that   you, my loved ones, will be pleased with the teachings   of the Buddha and the masters that I have with your analysis in   this book and that you will enjoy the benefits that I   was happy or more, preferably at an average. Indeed in   box of how to think of a light ray in the future to promote   many of us so well.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).29/4/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).MHDT.

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