Rite Of Death
Of A Simple Buddhist
Of A Simple Buddhist
Practice rituals of prayer, and meditation on a Buddha, a Buddhist pure land, before, during, and after the death of a person is important. It may be of any ritual Buddha, like the Buddha of Boundless Light, Avalokiteshvara, Vajrasattva, One Hundred Deities Minh Hien and indignation, Sarvavid Vairochana, or Vajrabhairava. In certain limits of this book I could not provide details of the traditional death rites. Instead, I will provide some very simple rituals but the key may be performed by a lama or a helper to the dead and dying. The death rituals described in Appendix A and B, among the most common ritual in Tibet, based primarily on prayer and meditation on the Buddha of Boundless Light. Own texts that I use here are drawn from the works of the great Nyingma lama lineage. If you undertake to make any formalities, try to read the Tibetan words in bold if you can. If you like the translation can choose instead, but the mantra and prayer you have to read the name of the Tibetan or Sanskrit in bold. A number of commentaries are arranged so pronounced Tibet published here in pronunciation to spell a word is simplified so that the reader can chant the prayer. The distinction between some Tibetan sounds other than those who do not speak English. Outstanding problem is that it requires people who can speak English to a distinction between types of focus on slightly pronounced "h" and not turn a little of certain consonants. So I want to draw attention especially to the following sound: PH and TH: Tibetans turned slightly negative T and P were in the PH and TH and detached, as in the word Phowa and Thamel. The sound is not pronounced like English f and th as in fat and that. Instead it close to p and t word of English, separation alone. The contribution of pop music can be heard in the P bit in the "Put" contrary to the sound of English a bit of the letter P is not on paper, and contrary to the letter t in t butter does not turn on the air in the pen. CH: The notes pronounced distinction between type and does not turn on a little bit of Tibet of English audio CH is important. In this appendix turned slightly negative CH Tibet was followed by a comma, as in the word ch'o. Here is a slightly more pop sound for the letter. Turned slightly negative CH 'may have in English the word cheese as opposed to the softer sound ch in chess. Sound CH 'or CH never pronounced like the hard ch sound in English words chord. ZH is pronounced somewhat like consonants in the name Zsa Zsa (between English sh, and z). TS and slightly negative on the it, TSH, is rarely in the early English word, but can be heard in the words and its heats. DZ similar to TS, but with negative z. NG and NY do not always distinguish among the English. However, their sound can be heard separately in Long Island (pronounced no hard g sound) and in the canyon.
APPENDIX A Meditation On The Four Causes Get Born Again In Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss
The meditation and prayer is provided in Appendix A are from the teachings, or the classic school of Buddhism (based on the fundamental sutra, the teachings of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni). If your mind be inspired by these practices, you should be willing to learn and train in them. They are trained to pray and meditate on the four reasons to get reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The training will pave the way for you to get rebirth in Pure Land. We will also equip you to perform the ritual death to another person. According to the source of Buddhism, countless lifetimes ago, the Buddha of Boundless Light became a devotee bodhisattvic. His name is Dharmakaya. Before a Buddha named Lokeshvara, he began his journey in the spiritual life of his bodhisattva vow. His vow to lead all who listen, remember, and pray his name with devotion and faith to the pure land of his future when he became a Buddha: All beings that hearing the name I will to net degree of Ta. If you have faith, believe in prayer, wisdom, and compassion of the Buddha, you will gain the capacity efficiency of prayer. Because the capacity of the chapel of interdependent living Buddha, if you pray to his name, joyful rebirth in his pure land - inside and outside you - will definitely happen. Teacher Shinran founded the Jodo Shinsu twelve century, or the Pure Land School of Japanese Real, said: "Now the moment, when we started concepts Nembutsu [mantra of the Buddha of Boundless Light ] with a solid belief that our rebirth in the Pure Land is only achieved by virtue of the inconceivable activities of Prayer German Theravada Amida [Amitabha], we may share in the benefits utility of prayer that includes all and not forget anyone. " If your mind is fully confident and focused on the Buddha of Boundless Light, He is the embodiment of compassion and wisdom, and the capacity of the bridge pink prayer in his name, your whole life will become peaceful, calm and vigilant. You will become a source of the same nature for all around you. These negative perceptions and disturbing emotions will not have room in your grip. So you do not have other means to achieve liberation. A mind so naturally represents the essence of all six products perfect: generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, and wisdom. If you have faith in Buddha, you must apply it as a means of improving your death and rebirth through meditation as Phowa. You must be prepared long before you die and before the death rites for a dying person. If you have no previous meditation experience, you can not receive or offer much help through prayer or meditation. If you have no connection with meditation the Buddha of Boundless Light and Bliss Pureland of him, then how you can be reborn in the Pure Land or any leads to the dying person does that? A dying person were trained in meditation before it can meditate and pray alone and may not be needed thanks to the support of others. Or if a dying person who has experience and good training help has come together to pray and meditate, then living in the Pure Land is a certainty. Therefore, it is important to have prior training in four cause, because the success depends on your spiritual experience. You can exercise in the four causes, such as meditation and prayer every day for months and years. You can maintain the name and mantra prayers rose a hundred thousand or a million times. If you have trained for four reasons, you will be reborn in the Pure Land, even if you commit evil deeds, but with the kind but two serious misdeeds. An action is abandoned Dharma. If you abandon the Dharma, would not have devotion to the Buddha of Boundless Light, because the root cause of rebirth in the Pure Land is a trust in the Dharma. Monday adverse action is a violation of any offense in any Infernal: killed his parents, killing a saint (Skt., arhat), causing division in the spiritual community, and attacked a Buddha with the intention of insurance evil. The main focus of the four causes is to pray and meditate on the Buddha of Boundless Light and Bliss Pureland of God. Buddha is the embodiment of all the enlightened and the expression of universal truth. Pureland of Great Bliss is the appearance of the light of wisdom and intellectual energy of the Buddha as the pure land. Even if you are not devotees Buddha of Boundless Light, even as a Buddhist, the practice of four causes will generate great merit. Line your mind and all manifestations in speech and action will be peaceful and happy, will definitely be happy rebirth. Visualize the entire space before you now as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss has described in Chapter 7: brilliance and ultimate beauty, prosperity and generosity, made light of wisdom and intellectual energy. At the center, visualize stately presence of the Buddha of Boundless Light omniscient. Like a great mountain of light. Lighting up of boundless wisdom from his body, shine and infinite universe with its pure peace and joy. He was thinking and looking at you and every living being with omniscient wisdom, infinite power, and the unconditional compassion, like a mother for her only child. You would be able to pray and meditate the above four reasons, or others can do for you, for you to be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. You can do for others, whether they're dead or alive. Or you and others can together make for yourself or others. However, the following protocols are worded as if you are doing for yourself and for the benefit of all mother-beings. With faith, devotion, openness, and great joy, exercise centered on the Buddha and meditate on the four causes. This ritual has four aspects: food preparation, practice on four main causes of rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, mantra and prayer red list, and the practice ended. PRACTICAL PREPARATION Refuge From your heart, feeling the ultimate refuge in the Buddha of Boundless Light; where Dharma teachings, the path of discipline and spiritual achievement, and the Sangha, the spiritual community of Bodhisattvas, a as drought, and devotees. Repeat three times: Sang-gye-tang ch'o ch'og tshog-kyi-men-la to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha venerable Chang-tu ch'ub dag par- -ni-su-ch'i Kyab rabbit refuge until reaching enlightenment. Dag-kee jin-SOG gyee-pe-nam-sod kyee By virtue of charity and other things, [1] Dro ch'ir phen-la-to-gye drub-par-shog May I achieve Buddhahood for the benefit of all beings. goodness-develop love, compassion, sympathetic joy, and serenity direction to all living beings as directions to your mother. Let's assume that you are praying and meditating for the benefit of all mother-beings are reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Repeat three times: Sem-chen involved ch'ed de-wa-tang de- We gyu-tang den-par-chig kyur may all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness. Duk-tang ngal ngal kyi dug-gyu-tang-tral-war kyur chig may all escape cause pain and suffering. Dug ngal med-pe-de-wa-tam-pa mi tang-dral-war kyur chig may all never separate supreme happiness, be free from suffering. Nye-ring-dang ch'ag nyee We tang-tang-tral nyom tshed-med-pa la-ne-par kyur chig may all remain in the infinite peace, free from attachment and hatred relatives who the enemy.
TO YOUR Pureland
To receive any rebirth in pure land, you must prepare yourself seriously. This includes purify negative karma and perfect act of merit to the method of the four causes, the following summary is based on the manuscript of his third Dodrupchen Rinpoche, he has relied on Amitabhavyuha Sutra, tissue describe the importance of the four (or at least three) former life reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss of the Buddha of Boundless Light. First Cause: Me think of the Pure Land is the first reason to think about thought and memory structures exotic beauty, peaceful atmosphere, and feel the joy of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss repeatedly. Pureland of Great Bliss is a space of peace and joy sublime touch, bright and beautiful faded now a haven of prosperity and human, there does not know suffering. There is no concept or expression of emotional distress, such as greed, hatred, and delusion. All energy generated by the light of wisdom and the wisdom of peace and joy extreme optimism. It is a paradise of immense mountains and plains of light, river lakes of light, trees; left of the light, roads and castles of light. In order that a multitude of sacred shine more brightly in appearance, dress, and different activities. The bay and move past him nowhere in peace and bliss absolute. He visited the expression of different pure and receive blessings and teachings. Whatever you desire appear. The sound of music and teachings of the Dharma filled the entire space. All who are present here in a state of peace and joy extreme optimism. At the center, beneath a giant tree of Enlightenment, the Buddha of Boundless Light. My fresh and dignified his bright pink and decorated with the ultimate sign of rank. Him in the middle of an ocean of enlightened as eight bodhisattvas, Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta included. The whole space filled with brilliant light emanating from his body. Unconditional love, the omniscient wisdom, and energy around his serve all frantically. You have to apply four-healing capabilities - images, words, feelings, and beliefs area extreme - more than once to make sure a strong idea of your pure land: 1. Visualize detailed Bliss Pureland as noted in chapter 7. 2. Think more pure land and nature products by word and prayer. 3. Enjoy the feeling of presence and blessing of your pure heart. 4. Convinced that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss of the Buddha of Boundless Light in front of you, and believe in their ability to lead you to pray Buddha reborn in his pure land. At death, the mind will be free from gender limit imposed by the physical body and your cultural environment. Therefore, while alive, if you cultivate the habit and feel pure in your mind, then you realize at death appears natural true pure land, and will find yourself in that . So your rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is natural. Not everyone will see the Buddha of Boundless Light, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and his are the same. Recognizing our success depends on his spirit. Some will find pure as it really is; while others will see as a pure expression - though in fact both of the above, that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is one. If you have been enlightened, you will see Germany Buddha Buddha of Boundless Light, as the primordial wisdom of always-present. You will see pure as the pure land of his always-optimistic joy, energy and light of the primordial wisdom of the Pure Land itself. All sights and experiences are naturally present as non-dual nature feeling. All appearance as the true nature and pure qualities, just as they are. Doctrine of Pure Land Buddhism known as "pure joy of the body" (Report Body) of Buddhahood. Get reborn in Pure Land does not mean being reborn in another world better. It is realized fully enlightened Buddha nature, the pure universal inseparability of it. In contrast, if the ordinary devotees, you will see the Buddha and his Pure Land as a world of peace and well- enlightened being full of unconditional love, wisdom omniscient, and infinite capacity - but if you receive this world as any other world, as if a different realm. You will also get peace and happiness beyond description - but you will still experience this with a dualistic mind, using the senses and emotions. Everything is subject to change. Called doctrine of pure states is "pure expression of the body (reincarnation). It is extraordinary people like you and me - in fact, all mothers-being - can be reborn here. And once there, you will never fall back on that progressive spiritual growth, so one day we will realize the pure land of Buddha nature manifests itself. For life reborn in expression This is pure, we must train for four (or three) reasons. Cause Monday: Accumulation of Germany you have to merit recognition as the seeds of rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Positive or industry accumulated merit the confidence of the whole action of the mind and body active is vital for any resulting peace and happiness, especially for the rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss . Can make offerings, for gifts, serve others, chanting prayers, bad deeds purify, protect life, compassion, caring, gentle, peace, devotion, mindfulness and meditation to. Causes Tuesday: Development Perspectives Enlightenment perspective to develop bodhichitta or enlightened, you have decided to lead the prayer or mothers-all beings, without exception, to the Pureland Bliss without any selfish and do not put that vow into practice through meditation and the benefits of action. However, quoting from the sutra, he Dodrupchen pointed out that the development is not Mind important to get a rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. However, the development of enlightened opinion will surely help you to be reborn in the Pure Land, and also will help you become more effective once it is born. Dodrupchen He added that a promise or commitment is more powerful than a desire. He writes: "To accomplish any desire to do, it is important to develop an intention or a strong commitment, such as thinking, 'In every life a row, I will train in the essence of compassion and emptiness, the Buddhist path. ' You know, thinking "I will wake up in the morning 'have an impact on more time to wake up thinking' May the morning I wake up. '" Cause Wednesday: Return and Khao Khat Cause Wednesday is dedicate all merit as the cause of rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and establish voluntary desire for the same purpose. Even if they have merit, you should invest our own goal by our dedication and desire to make prayer more than once. The dedication and desire is not only a means to invest as the seeds of rebirth in the Pure Land, they are also powerful means of making merit in themselves. If a Buddhist meditation in front of you , listen and pray to bless your desire, the result of your prayer will be more powerful and more efficient. To complete the voluntary desire, the key is based on an energy source. Therefore, based on a deity as the Buddha of Boundless Light, the Buddha of compassion, or Padmasambhava is very important. The source of this power level is that you absolutely have devotion and connection through meditation and prayer. You should see the resource as the embodiment of all who Precious. Pray to Him for the accomplishment of all your wishes. Teaching about four Life causes rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the Buddha Sakyamuni said this, Ananda, there are people [1] thought thorough Buddha [Boundless Light and His pure] several times. [2] They create a lot of merit immeasurable. [3] They developed an enlightened mind. [4] and their merits and create desire get reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. When they die, first grade full enlightenment, the Buddha of Boundless Light - who an enemy and victory - would appear to include many relatives of the ascetic, consider them. Buddha of Boundless Light are found, they will die in the morning with great interest. Thus they will be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Or; as in the sutra teachings, you can also educate yourself in the "three causes" (first, second, and Wednesday, no development Bodhi center), still life reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Think about the qualities of pure several times, creating much merit as possible, and then establish the merit and desire, saying, "May I be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss." The Four Protocols Causes of thinking or visualizing the presence of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, a world of peace and great joy, as described in chapter 7. The pure heart is the Buddha of Boundless Light, he looked and thought about you and all beings with wisdom, compassion, and capacity. Pure Land is full of countless enlightened in many appearances, postures, and different activities. With full devotion, please respect: Di-ne nub kyi Chog-rol-teng-ki-cha precious place in the land of the west, Sang-gye zhing explore male-tag-de-wa-chen It Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is complete purity of the Buddha Mon-lam tshog spray-yong-gyal-We-Chog trub achievement by the desire of His glory, and that Buddha Supreme Se-covered sam-mi Khyab chag-la-lo-tshal And his disciples. All extraordinary superhuman. I pay homage to him then with a plate of devotion and melodious tone, chant or sing the following lines, and single minded meditation on the meaning of them several times: Chom-den-de od-Pag-med tshal ch'ag-la-lo The feast of Christ Blessing, Germany Boundless Light! Think about the qualities of the Season Yang-yang zhing tren-no-de-wa-chen explore memory I thought the Pureland of Great Lac repeatedly Nying tren-no-ne od-dren-pa-med Pag thought I remembered the Buddha, Boundless Light from the bottom of my heart Tse-gyal chig tren-no-se-tshoo Gya-khor I remember monument positive disciples victory with a focus on the Chin-kyee lob-shig Kyab-med-pe-tshog kyob Assemblage, the guardian of those who are not protected - please bless us. TIER SEVEN AWARDS LUY OF GERMANY Thuk-jee-po dag-gon nyid khyed-men-la Compassionate, The Household, to him Koo-pe-tshal ch'ag ch'od Trin-Gya-tshoo ch'od I respect bowed, the ocean offering cloud offerings. Dig-tung shag ge-la-kun Jey-yi-rang I repent all shortcomings and bad behavior. Con rejoice in all virtue. Ch'o-kor khor zhin Mya-ngen-mi-da-sol Please go Falun, so do not expect him head nirvana. DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVE Awakening Dag-kee kha nyam-dro-We don-du-led for the benefit of all sentient beings, boundless as damaged not limitless dzog-Yang-dag drub ch'ub chang-pe-che-ch'ir To reach the state omniscient, Sang-gye zhing afford yong-su-jong-wa-yi The full achievement of Pure Land Buddhism, Nam-thar mon-Gya-lam tsho dzog-kyur-chig With ocean longing and sense of action treatment - may I finished and aspiration REPATRIATION tshon ge-Dee-dag-SOG We yid-chen-kun By virtue capacity, including this, may all human beings and, ch'i zhing tag-ma-pe-de-wa-chen explore in the next realm, where the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, General Med-ngo-kod-pe tshar Rab-dzey-par with a beautiful setting with exotic extraordinary Theg-ch'og Kyey-ne-ga-wa-shog nyong ton Tho rebirth and enjoying the party's Supreme Thua [Mahayana]. MANTRA PRAYER AND RED LIST Mantra of the Buddha of Boundless Light, OM AMI-TABHA HRI [2] Om! Boundless Light. HRI! general meaning of the mantra is: "Body, speech, and mind of the Buddha of Boundless Light, bestow His blessings on us." The meaning of each word mantra in Sanskrit as follows: OM (a , o, m): body, speech, and mind of the Buddha and the three doors of the practitioner. (Or, O!) AMI (Infinite), pervasive infinite TABHA (light): The blessed, lighting, power HRIH: Race the mind of the Buddha of Boundless Light. By concept HRI, you reach or appeal to the heart-wisdom of the Buddha of compassion. Repeat this mantra hundreds, thousands, and millions of times. Prayer to Buddha-Red Name and Bodhisattvas for Emergency Buddha of Boundless Light, (Sanskrit; Amitabha, Tibet; Opagme) with red prayer-chanting his name in Tibetan or Sanskrit text. Repeat 21 times, hundreds, and thousands of times. Tibetan Chom-den-de-de-zhin sheg DRA-pa-pa-Chom-yang-dag-par dzog pe gye to gon-po-od-Pag med-pa-du-la-lo ch'ag-tshal ch'od Kyab-su-do ch'io. Sanskrit Namo bhagavate arhate samyak-sambuddhaya tathagataya-natha-va gacchami amitabhaya pujayami sharanam. translated to who bless, who "as the future", who invaluable, fulfillment, order of protection fully aware, the Buddha of Boundless Light, the homage, offerings, and life refuge invoke the bodhisattva of compassion (Sanskrit; Avalokiteshvara , Tibet; Chenrezig) with red prayer-chanting his name in Tibetan or Sanskrit. Repeat this prayer seven or twenty times. Tibetan Chang-ch'ub sem sem-pa-pa-je Nying ch'en-po-po dang den ch'en phag-pa-pa-re-zig wang chen -ch 'ug ch'ag-la-lo tshal ch'od Kyab-su-do-ch'io PART -mahasattva-mahakarunika Bodhisattva Namo Arya-avalokiteshvaraya pujayami sharanam-va gacchami. translates to great Bodhisattva [great hero] , who compassion, Avalokiteshvara precious, the homage, offerings, and life refuge invoke the Energies Bodhisattva (Sanskrit, Mahasthamaprapta; Tibet, Thubchenthob) in the prayer-chanting his name in Spanish red Tibetan or Sanskrit. Repeat this prayer seven or twenty times. Tibetan Chang-ch'ub sem sem-pa-pa-ch'en phag-pa-po-collection-ch'en thob ch'ag-la-lo tshal ch ' od-do-su-ch'io Kyab. PART -mahasatvaya Bodhisattva Namo Arya-va gacchami mahasthamapraptaya pujayami sharanam. translates to great Bodhisattva, higher precious capacity, the homage, offerings, and life refugeTO YOUR Pureland
Jam pal pa pa khyen woo more tar tang
As glorious recognition of Manjushri, Kun tu yang zang po te te te zhin As of Samantabhadra, Jey Te su kyi kun tag dag lob ch'ir to the forging of training by accompanying him, Ge wa di tu ngo Rab ched tag part I dedicate all merit [for all mother-beings] Too-sum gyal sheg-pe-wa-ched-kyee take all the words Buddhas of three times Ngo kang-la-wa-tu Chog ngag-pe-tee of praise highly the dedication [of merit to others] Dag-ge-ki We tsa-wa-di-kun kyang any action should be directed of human virtue, Zang-po-chir Rab-tu chod-war-gyi ngo I completely dedicate as priority actions [to others] Dag-ni ch'i-too-ched We kyur-pa-na In at the death, [3] Drib take-ched tag-pa-ni-sal-te ch'ir May the industry covering all of the children were referring eliminate Ngon-sum-ye nang-wa tha-thong-ne te Bridge may I see the Buddha of Boundless Light, face to face De-wa-chen Rab-kyi zhing-ter tu-dro And may I go to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss song ne-Ter-mon-lam ni di-tag- kyang was there, every desire [of the optimal action] Join-ched du-ma-loo delicious gyur-war-shog May I know all. Te-tag dag-ma-loo kee yong-su- kang By fully meet all [desire] is no exception Jig-ten chi-srid sem-phen-par-chen gyi long as there are space, may I serve all beings. Gyal-We kyil- khor zhing zang-ga-wa-ter in the assembly of communications excellence and joy of the Victorious Ped-mo tam shin-tu-pa-le-kyee dzey May I be born into a most exquisite sacred flower Nang- tha gyal-wa-ye-tu We taste-sum of the Buddha of Boundless Light, in person, Lung-ten pa yang dag-kee-ter-thob-shog May I be the prophet [enlightenment]. Ter -ni-kee lung-ten dag-thob-Rab ne Totally received prophecy Trul three carry-po-che-wa thrag-Gya-yee With hundreds of millions of expression of the Lo-yi-Tob-kyee Chog south-chu su-yang and the intellectual energy in ten of the Sem-chen phen-pa nam-la-po bring gyi May I offer countless benefits to living beings. Sang-gye ku-sum nyee ch'in-lab-pe-tang Thanks Buddha bless the three mi-gyur nyid Ch'o-den-pe-tang-lab ch'in Through the blessings of Dhamma, unchanging truth Ge-dun ch'ed doo-pe-mi-lab-kyee ch'in Through the blessing of the Sangha, inseparable assembly, Chi-wa tar-mon-lam ngo drup-pa-shog May the dedication and longing all This desire is accomplished as I had planned to. Instructors remember that the benefits of trust and repeat the title of the Buddha of Boundless Light, the Buddha Sakyamuni said this Shariputra, if good men, religious woman who heard the title of the Buddha of Boundless Light, keep in mind no disorder in one day, two day, three days, four days, five days, six days or seven days - when he dies, as they lead the mental disorders that do not. Buddha of Boundless Light, along with the holy disciples and bodhisattvas assembly will appear before them. This person is life reborn in the Pure Land of Bliss who blesses, the Tathagata, the Buddha of Boundless Light.
APPENDIX B Eight Rite esoteric Buddhism of the dead and dying
Most meditation and prayer made in this section are tantric ritual, it is esoteric. This means you need to be entered in our knowledge and training before they can practice. These people should not stick with exercise training "Tho Four Causes Birth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" was given in Appendix A. INTRODUCTION EIGHT Holiday editor I have here some prayer and meditation the most important. There are seven sections. First, make practical preparations life refuge where the Three Jewels, then develop a point of enlightenment for all sentient beings is dead or dying. Monday, visualize yourself is Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of compassion (also known as German Cherezig in Tibet), and meditate on Him. Seeing yourself as a Buddha will do rituals more effective implementation of this ritual in a normal state of mind. Tuesday, with the capacity to meditate, question or invite million dead mind (if they have death) to the body or the dummy and the original teachings. After death, the sense of the dead wander quickly as the wind, itself less able to anchor hold, because only the dead body consciousness. Therefore, you have to drag the dead in the sense of the dummy and keep it there through the power of your meditation and the power of the Buddhas. Then you can teach people dead and can deliver them. Wednesday, service offerings sur blessed as food for the dead. This is a manifestation of Tibet, "No one not even want food." Mind the dead can continue to try to get food. They can only enjoy the food for their dedication, and the smell of food is easy to enjoy and satisfy them. Without offering sur materials, you can skip this section. Or, if there are no favorable conditions for burning or burnt offerings of food, you can arrange some food to eat and drink offerings, and rituals to bring it out in the woods or anywhere clean will and appropriate. Thursday, for guidance. You can say great guide for the dead or dying with a heart of compassion, soft voice and inspiring, and the power of confidence. However, if for any reason you feel inadequate, they can ignore. Friday, praying and meditating on Phowa. With a devotion to prayer and meditation powerful transference of consciousness of the dead into the heart of the Buddha of Boundless Light. This meditation gives the dead are reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (or even reach enlightenment). This is the focus of ritual death. Saturday, if you perform as a meditation Phowa to educate yourself rather than help the dying, then you can meditate on the Buddha of Boundless Light and concepts His mantra in life. However, after this exercise can also ignored. Eighth, finally dedicate all your merit to all sentient beings and mothers-especially for the dead, as the cause was reborn in the pure land Buddha of Boundless Light, followed by a strong desire to pray for peace, happiness, and rebirth in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss of them. [Only registered users can see links. Click Click here to register ... ] effigy of Death. In ceremonies die, the consciousness of the dead were summoned to the dummy and where required in order to receive the teachings. Position of the image attracts the dead body, dead note name for their language; a mirror in the morning for the heart; clothes clean clothes umbrellas for shelter; white cushions for seats, and bamboo sticks for the dead bird. Note the following name (spaces are replaced with the name of the dead) will appear below the image space; May the mind of the deceased are placed here ______. NRI DZA HUM BAM HO TISTANTU! THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EIGHT Holidays If your main practice is Phowa, which is part of the eight major ceremonies, for yourself or for someone still alive, then you should start with the standard practice be. Then go straight to practice Phowa and ends with dedication and desire to pray. You can practice this in a few weeks, months, or incorporated with your daily practice. With what any meditation, especially Phowa, get some experience before meditation make for yourself or the dead or dying is very important. If the dying person has previously Phowa exercise is very beneficial. If made to a person who died, you have to do all seven. First practice prepared to do. Next focus on meditation and prayer Buddha compassion. Then end with the dedication and desire to pray. You can do this independently as your daily practice. I have translated the following ritual as it can be used to make for a death, except when the text says otherwise. But, in any way, because the subject and predicate in sentences Tibetans often flexible, you can use the pronoun we, we, she, him, etc.. when appropriate. PRACTICAL PREPARATION Refuge With a strong devotion, life refuge in the Buddha of Boundless Light, the Dharma; doctrine; path of discipline and spiritual achievement, and the Sangha ; community spirit of the Bodhisattvas and devotees. Repeat three times: Sang-gye-tang ch'o ch'og tshog-kyi-men-la to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha venerable Chang-ch 'ub dag par-tu-ni-su-ch'i Kyab rabbit refuge until enlightened Dag-kee jin-SOG gyee-pe-nam-sod kyee Thanks to the virtues of generosity and others [ ethics] Dro-la-phen-gye drub-ch'ir to par-shog May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all beings. Attitude Development enlightenment (Bodhi Mind) Generating compassion strong for all, think that you pray and meditate for the benefit of all mother-beings, so they can get reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Most strongly developed compassion for the dead. No strong compassion, meditation as Phowa will not easily succeed. Repeat three times: Sem-chen involved de-wa-tang ch'ed We de-gyu-tang den-par-chig kyur May the all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness. Dug-tang ngal ngal kyi dug-gyu-tang-tral-war kyur chig May the suffering they cause pain and suffering. ngal Dug-med pe de-wa-tam-pa mi-tang-dral-war kyur chig Bridge wish they never separated from the ultimate happiness, be free from suffering. ch'ag Nye-ring-dang-tang nyee tral-We nyom tshed tang-la-ne-pa med-par-chig kyur May the peace they rest in the boundless, free from attachment and hatred of the enemy itself. visualization and meditation on OURSELVES AS THE BUDDHA compassion HRI! Rang-ked-chig nyid tren-Pei-ting-dzin kyee HRI! Through meditation mind immediately thought, makes the perfect child [as Buddha Avalokiteshvara], Tong-level pe-pe-le ma da-We-den from the state of emptiness appears a lotus and moon throne. Ped hree-tshen-kar yong-su-pa-le kyur found on a white lotus which was decorated with the word HRI, then converted Thug-jee-dag phag-ch'og nga chen-re-zig The Buddha of compassion. Avalokiteshvara precious Zhal chig ch'ag-zhi-ku-kar-la-tsher dog Than His brilliant white light, with a four-hand side poo chag-Tang-kar nyee Thug-thal-mo-jar hands first immediately clasped his chest Ch'ag-ye-og-ma rin-nam threng ch'en Shel- hand Monday to hold a series of precious crystal chag yon PED-kar-dab-yu-wa-dzin trug left hand Monday holding a white lotus dzum Zhal-chen-tang shang-kyi-tho-zhing yib hand he smiled, his eyes bright, his nose high and venerable Wu-chang-lo check-thon thing kyen- du-khyil hair of his dark blue roll up into a bun [at top]. Chi-tsug rig-dag nang-wa-ye-tha shug At the top he is the Buddha of Boundless Light, the King of the transmission line Rang-te-tar sal-nyid We Thug-ka-ru Tu chest visualize the Ped-kar ma-po-pe gye dab-trug-woo white image of a blooming lotus with six petals. At the center flower Yi-ke hree-dab tshen DRU-trug-tu-teng Contemplation HRI a letter on six wings and six word [OM MANI PADME HUNG HRI]. Te-tar sal-WE-ku-le od throo -pe The light projected from his body [touching his] part-ched Nang-nang-wa lha-yi-tong ku any general body [the universe] into the spiritual body, the unity of emptiness and appearance: gyal-po-pe Phag Thug-je ch'en-por-sal [body] who this Hall, the king of the venerable order. Ngag throo od-jung-le-DRA-la-tsog We [the filled by] the rays of light from the mantra, the sound of the elements and part-ched Trag-pa-tong ngag trag-kyi-DRA Every sound became the sound of the mantra, the unity of emptiness and the sound. Tren-tog Kye-gag ne-tha-tral-level sum the memory and thinking thoughts of human head in its natural state, free from birth, head, and kill, Ma-sam-tral JOD gong-pe horizontal-la-zhag The concept that transcends all, express, and hierarchical Te-tar sal-rig-ngag We DRU-trug-po meditation in this way, the self, Mantra esoteric Tra-zur ma- nyam trug-ke yi-ma-da I chant without losing clarity any part of it. Mantra Buddha's compassion Repeat this mantra hundreds, thousands or more times. OM MANI PADME HUNG ( HRI) HUNG (pronounced Hoong) is the Tibetan pronunciation of the Sanskrit word HUM. In some traditions, the text is truncated HRI. the general meaning of the mantra: Body, speech, and mind of the Buddha with great compassion (treasure) and wisdom (the lotus), bestow His blessings on on us. Or: O Buddha, steps over the pearls and lotus flowers, please notice us. Or: O Buddha of wisdom and compassion, please pay attention to us. The meaning of each word mantra: OM (A, O, M): body, speech, and mind of the Buddhas and the three doors of the child. (Or: O!) MANI (pearl): skillful means, compassion, desire to meet, PADME (lotus): wisdom, purity unstained. HUM / HUNG (consolidated): The case The most skillful means and wisdom, or invoke the blessing Buddha. HRI (the Temporary): Seeds of Avalokiteshvara Center (to reach or to appeal or merge with compassion of Avalokiteshvara. Many TV HRI will not be used.) offerings to the Buddha of compassion Mindfulness following mantra: Sanskrit Om-Arya Avalokiteshvara saparivara Vajra-mandala-pad-yam-argham pushpe dhupe aloke gandhe naivedye shabda praticcha svaha. translated Ton O Avalokiteshvara You, mandala and relatives of his, please collect any water damage, water washed the feet, flowers, incense, lamps, perfume, food, and music, like that. offering of praise to Buddha's compassion HRI! Chom-den Thug-je ni chen-po Hrih! The blessing and compassion who Kyon kyee ma-koo-ku-kar dog- Clean because he is not marred by any mistakes. Dzog-sang gye-kyee wu-la-gyen on his head adorned Buddha omniscient [Boundless Light]. Thug-jee-chen-kyee dro la zig His compassionate eyes are observing beings. Chen-re-zig-la chag tshal-tod Buddha's compassion, offering the canopy murmur to him. OM-MA-NI PAD ME HUNG HRI Testament Prayer Mong -yee Ge-wa di-du-dag nyur By virtue of this meditation Chen zig-wang-ri-ne kyur drub- May I receive said the Buddha of compassion. chig Dro-wa-ma-loo-pa kyang Keep left a mother-living being. De-yi khod sa-la-par-shog May the all might lead to His Buddhahood. MILLION QUESTIONS AND SENSE OF DEATH gave teachings on meditation and morphological properties of the dead, thoughts and prayers the following mantra: Om Sarva-dharma svabhava-shuddhah svabhava shuddho-ham- Om! All phenomena are pure in nature; I also pure in nature Tong-pa-tu nyid kyur all become empty. Tong-pe-le-level PED-da-ma tang tu teng kyi We den leader from empty field, the emergence of a throne of lotus-flower-and-face-Moon. NRI yong-su-pa le kyur it appears on a letter NRI. Tshe-de kyi phung-po-tang afford Kye-ch'ed take-ched yong-su-pa dzog Then NRI becomes dead body. Themselves fully with all senses and feeling too kyi Son-ne-chi-ta-wa Kab kyur as when they are alive [and healthy] Repeat all three times, the sense of death sentences million into the body ( or dummy) the capacity of your meditation: HRI! Dag-nyid ch'en-poo Thug-je sal-Kur-We HRI! I imagine themselves in the body of the Buddha Great Compassion. Thug-ke-le od-zer HRI Rab-throo-pe from the word HRI in human breast, the rays are screened out. Tshe-de-Shey jig-ten men dun-poo-yul They bring a sense of the dead, whether they are in any system which world [4] Kang kyang kun-ne-na-te-la-tim Zug Enter themselves [or dummy] Bringing the mind into the body of the dead as the power of compassion Buddha: Na-mo! Ch'og tsa-sum-sum kun-doo-jee-lha Thug Homage! Due to the power of truth, compassion deity, steps embody the Three Jewels and the three original: Dug-rang-trol ngal re-chen-wang-ki zig Avalokiteshvara, Grade Deliverance from Suffering Natural Den-pe Tob kyee Tshe-de-nam-Shey-te May the mind of the dead Nyur nyid-tu-wa-chang tsham di-la-khùg be quickly brought into this effigy. € [5] Om-ma-ni pad HRI hung me. Tshe-de-kyi Shey-pa nam-par ang-gu-sha Dza. OM MANI PADME HUNG HRI. May the mind of the dead were brought here. After that, think the dead are sitting in front of you, calm and respect the following teachings: HRI! Di-nang le-thal Tshe-de-Nyon-chig khyod HRI! O death, you have to leave this life, listen to me. Rig-trug-Kye dug-kar-ba-ne ngal dzin six realms, any place you are born of great suffering [as living between Crocodile] Te-le-ch'ir don yid-Zug-ming ch'ag-Dze order to get rid them, in effigy, and your name is written on, is the physical attraction your mind and Go-sum ten-ten Dze di-la-par-zhug place to establish the three-door, sit steady. NRIs Dza bam hung ho tee-thran-tu. May the mind is brought into and stability within the body! Think of death sat firmly and calmly in a chair and follow the teachings. offerings to the dead SUR offerings to be missed if this is not practical mindfulness mantra as well, for sometimes the power of the Buddha Pure Chemicals, and empty all the ultimate in openness: Om Vajra-hum phat krodha-Hayagriva Om! Wrathful Hayagriva indestructible religious Hum Phat. svabhava Om Sarva-dharma-shuddhah svabhava shuddho-ham- OM! All phenomena are pure in nature; I also pure in nature. Tong-pa-tu nyid kyur all become empty. First, visualize sur material is pure, the object as you endless: Tong-pe-le-level, rin-po-ch'ee cystic nod-kyi-kyi-tu DOD-yon language Zug-zang-po-wa-DRA zhim Nyen-pa-pa-tri-nga-ro reg cha-wa-tong-sum jam-pa nam-Rab-jam-tang-nyam khey tha ch'en-po-pa-tu chig kyur. From that empty state, [appear] a [immense] Your comment is full of material desires matter worthy of discussion at the sights, sounds mellow, [food] taste and [cloth] soft touch, which is infinite as space open system of three grades in the world. After that, three strains of self-concept and mantra sacred, blessed to be sur material objects as mind, infinite purity: OM AH HUM. OM AH HUM. OM AH HO HUM. Om Sarva-a-Karo mukham dharmanam adyanutpannatvat om ah hum phat svaha OM! AH is the full text, because the real is primitive of all phenomena. SVAHA OM AH HUM PHAT. Please see the objects as the material sur satisfying, action: Dun-tu rin-po-yi-ch'e nod front of you as per your material Yang-shing Gya-page-den-pe ch'e vast, spacious and numerous. Nang-lha-tang tu SOG-kyi mi- filled dishes they cook the text natural and human realm: dag-zhib Za-cha-la-Sok ze foods to eat, chew, lick, and suck, and Cha-ch'ang o-zho la-SOG-Kom tea, wine, milk, milk tomatoes, etc.. to drink. Dzed-med yid-ter-tu-kyur zhin May the treasure as they become endless attention Repeat the following mantra three times, sur material blessings to them a means of satisfaction and a source of blessing: Sarva-Nama-mukhebhyah tathagatebhyoh vishva sarvatha afford udgate spharana gagana-discover svaha imam. Homage to all the "hybrid text as" the ten directions, appearing on all the time and space, space that pervades this world , like that! Then sur offerings for the dead material as follows: Kha-ze-ro-pe-den ch'og Gya dishes cooked with hundreds of excellent taste: Za-We-ze-tang tung We Kom- food to eat, and drink, We Go-yo-koo-tang-dzey ched to wear clothing and requisites - zed Mi-ter-tu chin-lab-ne By blessing them into storage Museum endless khyod Tshe-de-la-pa-yee language I dedicate them to you, our dead [you]. trug Wang-dang-po-pe Rab-shirt May the six sense they are appropriate for your office, So-soo long-chod-ter spray-tshog Rich different caches can enjoy. Language-chi-pa-ne zhin thob-kyur Bridge would you get them, because I'm dedicated for you. Thral-tu ga-dee-roo-tshim zhing now wish you satisfied with the taste of peace and happiness. Thar-nam-tag Thug sar-chod-shog Finally, may you reach be completely pure state [Buddhahood]. Served on food by burning embers, and poured drinks around the fire. Next, a brief sur offerings, says the following lines: Dod-yon men-khey Dzod zhin-tu- May the things of this, the [infinity as] treasure-sky, Long-chod ch 'ed-pa med-par-shog Rich endless. Tsod-pa med-ching Tshe-med-par may all [who is offered] no war and violence for Rang-wang chod tu-ni- pa-shog enjoy our freedom. Repeat last four lines of three, seven, or more. In the heart of prayer is offered sur compassion mantra of the Buddha. So let's sur mantra by repeating several times with devotion to the Buddha's compassion for the dead. Let repeated hundreds or thousands of times: OM MANI PADME HUNG (HRI) at the end sur offerings, procedural desire prayer: Kye-ma! Jig-vibration pe-ne-su khyam dro Nar-We- Oh! May the beings are wandering in fear Gyal-se Thug-je-chen-pa-shog kyee kyob Protected by the Son of the Buddha of compassion. Ye-Shey sem-nga-le Pey Kur-trul -pa Thanks expression capability in place of pristine as the Bodhisattvas - Sa-nam-slot Nying Nying chen-po-re-zig Kshitigarbha (stratigraphy), Akashagarbha (Void Tibet), Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) , Ch'ag-dor-pa nam-sel drib Thug-je-yee Vajrapani (Vajrapani), and Nivaranaviskambin - Tshe wang-poo-de ned go-nge-sel-ne May the defilement of the five senses Our deaths are eliminated. Phun-tshog DOD yon nga-la-long-chod-shog May the wealth they have been the object of considerable desire in [6] Thog-med-too-ne Nyen tam-pe-yi lha The personal deity that we have served from time without beginning: Dren-ch'od sem chang-nga-su-la-ch'i Kyab In bodhisattva, the ultimate position to lead, His life to us refuge Tshe Thug-jee-de chin-kyee lab-tu-sol With compassion of Him, bless their dead children. Di-ne-nub kyi ch'og-rol -na From here, where the west, med-Od-Pag pe zhing-afford-yod It's pure land of Buddha of Boundless Light. Su-te-yi zhid tshen-dzin-pa thought Anybody remember his name , Zhing-te-ru ch'og Kye-war-shog May wish they were born into the pure land of his superhuman. HOW TO DEATH Dharma With compassion, who can optionally help the user next to their dead in a soft voice inspired, confident and strong. they can be removed if found unsuitable for any reason. First, let's name the dead. Then say three times, "Now death has come to you." Next said, "Death is not only to with you. All who are born are the subject dies. From the rich and powerful, the poor beggars, all of which were bound death. No one escaped from death. So, do not feel sad, do not be attached to the body or the owner because no one will be able to, or help you. Buddha said: If the hour has come, even a king must die, property, friends and relatives will not follow him. People are going anywhere, at anywhere, Business as a shadow will go with them. If your mind is injured or attachment of property, you may fall into the unfortunate realms. Therefore, you have to remember and rejoice that he had met the Buddha's teachings. Even hearing the Buddha's name did your life meaningful. If you die with faith in the Buddha and feel happy, you will be free from being born into the lower realms and will be reborn into the realm of happiness. So, you have to follow the Buddha, as the guidance of your devotion. You have to rely on the Dharma teachings, and meditation as your way. You must invoke the Sangha, Bodhisattvas support you. "Best idea is to remember the Buddha of Boundless Light and Bliss Pureland of him, an ocean full of Bodhisattvas and devotees as the Bodhisattva of the heart Bi (Avalokiteshvara) Bodhisattva of Energy and Resources (Mahasthamaprapta - Mahasthamaprapta). "Buddha of Boundless Light, has promised that if you remember the title and thought to feel his presence and the qualities of His pure land You will be protected from the terrible state of bardo. The causes of rebirth in lower realms will be cleansed. And He will guide you get reborn in his Pure Land. "Now, to get reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, please join me in a special meditation on Phowa. In the space above you, with devotion , visualize - or, if you can not visualize, feel - the presence of the Buddha of Boundless Light and Bliss Pureland of God. "Then visualize or think your mind in the form of a letter HRI in the chest. [7] Now you no longer remember gross body, mind and only body. When I say PHAT, think and believe that your mind in the form of a letter from HRI shoot yourself to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Focusing your mind to fly to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss without looking back. " Or if he died in the past has trained in meditation, who can help guide them by saying: With piety, please visualize in the space above you is the Buddha of Boundless Light and Bliss Pureland of God. Then visualize yourself as Vajrayogini. In the center you, visualize the channel. The upper part of the open channel at the top opening. The lower part of it is completely sealed at the navel. In the chest, in the middle meridian, visualize a ball of green power light. In the sphere of energy, imagine your mind in the form of a letter HRI red (or a small red sphere). Then, on your head, visualize the Buddha of Boundless Light in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss magic. Next, combined with devotion to me strong and happy pray to the Buddha and the words bodhisattva. At the conclusion of the prayer, when I say PHAT, think and believe that you fire up the mind with the power of energy through the crown of your head opening and integration into the mind of the Buddha of Boundless Light and the Pureland of Great His touch. User can given Phowa ritual. In these instructions or refer to the teacher of high achievement, people should help other reference texts.
Tu no schedule, life is a temple, Buddhist parents is essential that you train your people, words are trade shelves, his wife and children are ... self-assessment. Decent ... In this forum riet learned master. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ). OM MANI PADME HUM.( 3 TIMES ).15/12/2011.
Tu no schedule, life is a temple, Buddhist parents is essential that you train your people, words are trade shelves, his wife and children are ... self-assessment. Decent ... In this forum riet learned master. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ). OM MANI PADME HUM.( 3 TIMES ).15/12/2011.
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