Monday, 19 December 2011

Monday, 19 December 2011

Vegetarian, DO NOT eat meat
Cu Si Shan The teacher "eat salt" originated from the word "network" that out. After this "network feed" it was said in that familiar salty riet for easy listening. Actually, that is, eating salty foods network, this subnet that is eating its children as meat, fish, seafood .... In this article, I suggest not to eat meat direct property, direct property should understand not to eat there, do not eat salty. I advise not to eat meat direct property for several reasons. First, make yourself easy to eat salt and salty foods sick even more dangerous to health. I know where it is determined the condition of this child is not sick. Monday, the Buddhism, kill or eat his salt will bring more disease and short life, and being with his unjust murder becomes part of their bondholders. Tuesday, according to Buddhism is the animals, fish, shellfish ... have lives and they also fear death as I live. If they do not fear death and do not know pain, no seconds between trying to escape or die when you kill them. But it's another form, but it is also life in another form. Wednesday, according to Buddhism, the animals (fish, shellfish, animals ...) I kill or eat, where it can be said as a father, mother, wife, husband, brother, children ... from their previous life . Thursday, Buddhists do not eat salty to support growth of compassion. Eat salty and susceptible to bad influences on health. Statistically, the incidence of very salty foods than vegans. Today, many people use chemical communication in animals to stimulate weight gain, as well as increased production. We eat animals is like that to us also eat toxic chemicals. But the psychology of animals being killed or in factory farming environment is not good, do animals release toxins as well as carrying many strange diseases. As we have seen recently many strange diseases transmitted from animals to humans such as swine flu, bird flu ... When we eat the animals that we are also prone to disease or toxic in the body of the animal. Now what any creature whether fish, shellfish, birds ... also contain many chemicals and toxins. Fish are exposed to lead, poisoning the water, birds, the environment is affected by industrial emissions, as well as toxins in the air, the sea is polluted by oil and other toxins in the water ... The information Recently we have seen so many dead fish floating on the water, dead birds in the sky fall down a lot ... In Buddhism, killing or eating his salt will bring more disease and short life expectancy and creating injustice in those with bondholders I eat animals. Buddha was a great degree of wisdom that knows everything in the universe, and He saw the law of causality is the law of the universe should he say to yourself that you live up to the law of Cause and Effect. As Newton discovered the law of attraction the earth, the Buddha discovered the Law of Cause and Effect of the universe, rather than invent him. Causation is complex, so I'm not presented in detail in this article. Causation only speak of salty foods only. As in the Buddhist scriptures teach: The dead reborn as goats, goats dead reborn as humans. So, I eat more subnets that it is the only food his life or it makes you ill, his killing salty foods will lead to retribution war, kill, eat up each other (by the Buddha ). That's where Causation. Today there are many cancers, as well as other serious illnesses. Where did that? Due to kill, but to eat meat. Do you have animals that eat them, I make bondholders unfairly in them, making them his own condition and that. Or when his body was weak or dying, they have a chance to make his revenge extreme pain. But before he died painfully easy to pitch well, you should easily fall into bad places rebirth. Or they will pay their resentment in later life, do yourself to deep moral suffering with many different forms. For example, such as human vengeance, to harm an enemy, to make yourself miserable lot in life ... So, I should not eat meat in order to avoid retribution killing, as well as bondholders unfairly generations many lifetimes together. Also, do not eat meat to respect the lives of all creatures. Indeed, any animal to live just as well as people fear death. Do not think inanimate animals have no feelings, that is wrong. When we began our animal knows of seconds between trying to escape, as we also know in tears when they're going to kill them or knew seemed sad when they were arrested or killed. When we beat the animals, we also know roar, where different people. Ask us also of the human conscience again witnessing the beating scene, as well as killing the animal. By that, does not mean that we eat is not unrelated to the murder. It was salty and the fact that killing animals is quite closely related. When we hold a piece of chicken leg, fried fish or meat pie ... Have we ever wondered where these things do and do not in any way? The answer is captured and killed. We have never seen the place for the slaughter of the animals we eat? Sure not many people know. I've seen, seen very very cruel. Ask you dare to eat meat again? It because satisfying the appetite, which makes the animal suffer so. Where is the conscience, justice lies somewhere? Where animals are also different people, they know good and bad, we also have parents, brothers like humans, only under another form. Animals also sad, when parents or the kind of killed it. Therefore, for these reasons, we should not eat meat. principalities Buddha was enlightenment, that birth and death of beings as pointed clearly on the palm. He saw birth and death being transformed, sometimes as the sky, people, asura, sometimes as an animal, hungry ghost, hell. In the process, birth and death, we do not know how many parents, siblings, spouses, children, relatives on from generation to generation. These beings, when birth and death also brings many different body, a person born as a man is born to the animal world ... Maybe the animals we eat are a parent, brother, husband and wife, children, relatives of his many lives many aeons ago. Without grace, then why have to start eating again. So, I eat meat I eat any other ball in the family, as well as relatives of his past. So try to ask if I continue to eat meat again, the moral located? In Business Lankavatara, the Buddha taught this very clearly: "This long-Hue, we observe sentient beings in samsara record direct, in life and death together, feed together, apply changes to the parents, brothers and sisters together ... They may also born in another way (animal, hungry ghost, celestial beings, etc.), good roads, bad roads, often relatives of each other. Because of conditions that we observed all the meat they eat all the meat being of their loved ones. " So, we absolutely vegetarian, completely not eat meat. is not the end all, we vegetarians do not eat meat, to support growth of compassion. Whether we are Buddhist or not Buddhist, should also support growth of compassion. According to Buddhism, from the original fun, Bi is the rescue of suffering. If we are fasting, do not eat meat ban means that we're happy, save for the animals suffering. Committee is that animals do not, do not do animal fear. Save the pain is not beating and killing of animals for our suffering. We're not as selfish individuals, not as satisfying for its issue or salty foods for many people, but catching the animals, killing them to serve us so unfair. We do not eat meat because pieces, hand or indirectly to another person killed the animals, causing them to suffer, screaming in pain. Having done so, our compassion more and expand new and we are compassionate to other beings whether relatives or documents everywhere. Compassion is the beauty of every human being and the status of a person always good. Because of this, we must be vegetarians, not to eat meat always compassionate nursing head growing larger. The following are the fear of Cause and Effect, the misconception about vegetarians, as well as economic own experience. Thereby, also help solve the mistakes and understand deviations about vegetarianism. Some people say not fast enough, are not true. What must have meat, fish, shellfish or the debtor ... this new explosive substance ... in vegetables, fruit, fruits, soy ... also substances such as meat, fish ... If you say not fast enough nature, then why many monks from small vegetarian alive and healthy life. I see that most monks were to live longer, there are many smaller monks vegetarian, vegetarian and still healthy. I have personal experience, before I eat meat, usually fatigue and shortness of breath, doctors still do not know why I had such symptoms. Doctors really do not know how the cause. Next time, I naturally vegetarian and I feel tired and shortness of breath again. I went back to the doctor and say, I eat vegetarian and no longer feel tired and shortness of breath again. The doctor was surprised and said good. Sometimes I still eat meat again, the symptoms of fatigue and shortness of breath again, then I shall not be vegetarian like symptoms. Now I was vegetarian then. Add a true story too. I heard it said organic direction, with other rich people, eating more and eating lobster salinity, sick time after then switch to kidney disease. Not a lot of money that vegetarians are healthier, that's the misconception. One might question, "export graphics parts, medical parts are imported," meaning that they bring their graphics as well by slander or bad mouth disease also comes from what you eat. Make friendship with direct knowledge of the customs he heard many of the disease, is actually one of the treatment of him is not salty. I do not eat meat, much as it is to medication or treatment. I eat more than salinity as many toxins in the body, by then it will generate a lot of sick, then take more medication or not treatment is needed. In fact I told the person on the property directing hearing, before he eat salty, next time ill before taking on, but drugs are also double-edged sword, it's this treatment, then the side effects of their drugs to other diseases, such as previous illnesses, but medication then transferred to kidney disease. There is a reason based on the question "Animal care workers" to justify his salty foods. That sounds very ridiculous question that many people also believe in. If you're into the woods or down the variables that met the tiger, tiger or shark ... more powerful than yourself, it's eating my say is "Nhon penis" is not? It is just my strong-minded than other animals, its use or use mind power to try to kill other animals to eat. But have they ever lie to his first kill. Back again one more excuse to justify their salty foods are not relevant to the issue of killing animals. Some people say I eat meat but do not kill. The blame for the killing to eat, if he does not eat, I do not kill. If you do not kill and eat salt, it also indirectly killing her, the sins of which is more or less, if you do not buy food, how salty another person to kill the sale. Concluded that the food is and who his accomplice killed the culprit, guilty alike. In Business Lankavatara, the Buddha taught about people who eat meat and kill like this: "If no one ate meat, nobody will kill living beings for food ... Killing is for buyers, so buyers are the same as murder. So stop eating meat can be directed " Religion useful to try to think, since I was born until now, the abdomen contains many of the animals is correct? Therefore, he said "my stomach is buried animal cemetery bottomless." Therefore, his evil great career. Now listen to my own guidance advises, should be vegetarians go out to eat salt. Causal three generations past, present and future is not wrong. Create a good label, you are too good. Create a Human bad, my bad cold. If People kill and eat meat, then fruit now or what the future is not good. Religion should be private property laws of Cause and Effect. Law of Cause and Effect is really the Buddha was able to notice it. Maybe, now a Human creator good or bad, depending on the causes and conditions good or bad can come up with that person in this life or the next life, or many lifetimes later ... For example, if the person killed Too bad it's people who kill or are ill or have a short life in this life or the next life or the life of the property that direction again ... As such, the society has rich people, poor, good, bad , to, cowardly, disease, health and premature death, long live ... They all have both Cause and Effect, no natural that there are such discrepancies. In Buddhism, nothing is of chance, incredibly bad luck with both. For previous life (or many lifetimes ago) I like, the fruit is in his review of how, if you want to know later Fruits and future lives, how they view their current re-created Human. Sometimes I do not know or be able to see firsthand the Law of Cause and Effect is not no, but really the law of causality is there, but I do not have the ability to understand and realize that a law of Cause and Effect comprehensive. As director wanted organic papaya (fruit), they must sow the seed papaya (Human). Can not sow seed the papaya guava that is. People who have sown this life, but enjoy this life or can fruit the next. When People have, must meet the new conditions are the bears fruit. For example, such as papaya seed dispersers (Human), there must be grace is sufficient convergence conditions, environmental factors such as soil, water, light, people who care ... the causes and conditions that are complete new papaya (fruit). Causal too. Once there they must have all the other coast, the coast was full of fruit at that time, in the Buddhist use of the The Company shall then have to squeeze into the ground, hiding in caves, do not avoid flying into the sky the fruit is reported. Even before that I was bad People that make ordinary, but when his practice to the Saint results Too bad I still pay at an ordinary creation. The Buddhist have a saying: People fear Bodhisattva, being afraid of fruit. Bodhisattvas see the law of Cause and Effect, People should not create evil to prevent evil fruit. Human beings do not see the law should make Human Performance bad, when its fruit is bad to be afraid. Law of Cause and Effect, I do not understand ordinary causal laws in a comprehensive manner, but in life, more or less saw their portion. It is not always what you make it yourself Human cold there. If you know how to turn the bad fruit will be milder extent. If you do a lot of good, good, free delivery, penance, almsgiving, morality, Buddha, The Germans make good ... If the Human bad bad fruit will be lighter in extent, not too bad entirely lost everything. Buddha's take an example to his understanding. If a pinch of salt put in the water bowl, water bowl that will be very salty, if also with a pinch of salt, if put into the lake, the lake will help much salt. Also, if you know a lot of good deeds, repentance, liberating life, almsgiving, morality, Buddha, made ​​of German Industry and healthy ... so I'll switch my bad fruit that mild , but not completely lost. Besides, you should not make people bad, evil as well. For example: Do not kill and eat meat anymore. Religion property that do not live in this life of birth and death is very dangerous and painful. For example, salty foods, according to the concept of the world people eat meat that is not a bad thing. Misconceptions like that, has pulled many people make bad People, but these people do not know. As a result, those people have bad retribution later. I live this life without more or less know what Dharma mind also infected by misconceptions such as those above, and make such bad people. People in misconceptions on the true pathetic, deluded, and they went into the dark, as long as they try to get rid of sufferings of birth and death. We know the Dharma, not to create bad People, to not fall into evil directed Tam (hell, hungry ghosts, animals) to be more painful and difficult day out. I know this Dharma, known to kill, eat meat, then you are evil avoided. Religion should practice the French property subject to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is reborn after this life. Bliss is reborn direct ownership of birth and death are no longer suffering. According to Buddhism, this is the Dharma Ending, after this degenerate over, the Dharma have to wait very long killing the Buddha's birth. If you lose the opportunity to practice the Pure Land teachings of this life, his birth and death is very painful and dangerous. Although people in realms of matter at that time pagan, evil people, so many bad ones and illustrious society. At that time no see, how his Dharma escape birth and death, by then I fell into evil directed Tam is hell, hungry ghosts and animals is very easy and threats are also very long. Things do not lie on my life because I have over five precepts (including precepts do not lie) and I say the right things on the Dharma and in accordance with the word teacher. Religion useful to remember the legal practitioner Pure subjects (ie, France Mon Buddhist mindfulness), with Tin (ie, true faith, earnestly, sustainability), believe in Amitabha and Dewachen, earnest Prayer (Prayer is: Male Model Amitabha Buddha, the name was born in what ... a few ... how many years ... I pray Bliss rebirth after this I lost my life.) Hanh (that is the most direct claim to property professionals only recite "A Di Da Buddha "or" Namo Amitabha Buddha "many a day, six times throughout the day and keep a life change." "At death trying to keep the next ten interconnecting concepts, immediately on Three-black-level spectrum of merit A-Di-Da Buddha to be led on the West Dewachen. Permanently separated from the bad roads, no reincarnation of birth and death. "(Quoted in Business Paramita Buddhist Mindfulness .) Bliss rebirth is no direct ownership of birth and death more painful. Chúc everyone early on Dewachen rebirth of Buddha Amitabha in the West. Namo Amitabha Buddha Fruits like to know if the next life and future lives, how they view their current re-created Human. Sometimes I do not know or be able to see firsthand the Law of Cause and Effect is not no, but really the law of causality is there, but I do not have the ability to understand and realize that a law of Cause and Effect comprehensive. As director wanted organic papaya (fruit), they must sow the seed papaya (Human). Can not sow seed the papaya guava that is. People who have sown this life, but enjoy this life or can fruit the next. When People have, must meet the new conditions are the bears fruit. For example, such as papaya seed dispersers (Human), there must be grace is sufficient convergence conditions, environmental factors such as soil, water, light, people who care ... the causes and conditions that are complete new papaya (fruit). Causal too. Once there they must have all the other coast, the coast was full of fruit at that time, in the Buddhist use of the The Company shall then have to squeeze into the ground, hiding in caves, do not avoid flying into the sky the fruit is reported. Even before that I was bad People that make ordinary, but when his practice to the Saint results Too bad I still pay at an ordinary creation. The Buddhist have a saying: People fear Bodhisattva, being afraid of fruit. Bodhisattvas see the law of Cause and Effect, People should not create evil to prevent evil fruit. Human beings do not see the law should make Human Performance bad, when its fruit is bad to be afraid. Law of Cause and Effect, I do not understand ordinary causal laws in a comprehensive manner, but in life, more or less saw their portion. It is not always what you make it yourself Human cold there. If you know how to turn the bad fruit will be milder extent. If you do a lot of good, good, free delivery, penance, almsgiving, morality, Buddha, The Germans make good ... If the Human bad bad fruit will be lighter in extent, not too bad entirely lost everything. Buddha's take an example to his understanding. If a pinch of salt put in the water bowl, water bowl that will be very salty, if also with a pinch of salt, if put into the lake, the lake will help much salt. Also, if you know a lot of good deeds, repentance, liberating life, almsgiving, morality, Buddha, made of German Industry and healthy ... so I'll switch my bad fruit that mild , but not completely lost. Besides, you should not make people bad, evil as well. For example: Do not kill and eat meat anymore. Religion property that do not live in this life of birth and death is very dangerous and painful. For example, salty foods, according to the concept of the world people eat meat that is not a bad thing. Misconceptions like that, has pulled many people make bad People, but these people do not know. As a result, those people have bad retribution later. I live this life without more or less know what Dharma mind also infected by misconceptions such as those above, and make such bad people. People in misconceptions on the true pathetic, deluded, and they went into the dark, as long as they try to get rid of sufferings of birth and death. We know the Dharma, not to create bad People, to not fall into evil directed Tam (hell, hungry ghosts, animals) to be more painful and difficult day out. I know this Dharma, known to kill, eat meat, then you are evil avoided. Religion should practice the French property subject to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is reborn after this life. Bliss is reborn direct ownership of birth and death are no longer suffering. According to Buddhism, this is the Dharma Ending, after this degenerate over, the Dharma have to wait very long killing the Buddha's birth. If you lose the opportunity to practice the Pure Land teachings of this life, his birth and death is very painful and dangerous. Although people in realms of matter at that time pagan, evil people, so many bad ones and illustrious society. At that time no see, how his Dharma escape birth and death, by then I fell into evil directed Tam is hell, hungry ghosts and animals is very easy and threats are also very long. Things do not lie on my life because I have over five precepts (including precepts do not lie) and I say the right things on the Dharma and in accordance with the word teacher. Religion useful to remember the legal practitioner Pure subjects (ie, France Mon Buddhist mindfulness), with Tin (ie, true faith, earnestly, sustainability), believe in Amitabha and Dewachen, earnest Prayer (Prayer is: Male Model Amitabha Buddha, the name was born in what ... a few ... how many years ... I pray Bliss rebirth after this I lost my life.) Hanh (that is the most direct claim to property professionals only recite "A Di Da Buddha "or" Namo Amitabha Buddha "many a day, six times throughout the day and keep a life change." "At death trying to keep the next ten interconnecting concepts, immediately on Three-black-level spectrum of merit A-Di-Da Buddha to be led on the West Dewachen. Permanently separated from the bad roads, no reincarnation of birth and death. "(Quoted in Business Paramita Buddhist Mindfulness .) Bliss rebirth is no direct ownership of birth and death more painful. Chúc everyone early on Dewachen rebirth of Buddha Amitabha in the West. Namo Amitabha Buddha Fruits like to know if the next life and future lives, how they view their current re-created Human. Sometimes I do not know or be able to see firsthand the Law of Cause and Effect is not no, but really the law of causality is there, but I do not have the ability to understand and realize that a law of Cause and Effect comprehensive. As director wanted organic papaya (fruit), they must sow the seed papaya (Human). Can not sow seed the papaya guava that is. People who have sown this life, but enjoy this life or can fruit the next. When People have, must meet the new conditions are the bears fruit. For example, such as papaya seed dispersers (Human), there must be grace is sufficient convergence conditions, environmental factors such as soil, water, light, people who care ... the causes and conditions that are complete new papaya (fruit). Causal too. Once there they must have all the other coast, the coast was full of fruit at that time, in the Buddhist use of the The Company shall then have to squeeze into the ground, hiding in caves, do not avoid flying into the sky the fruit is reported. Even before that I was bad People that make ordinary, but when his practice to the Saint results Too bad I still pay at an ordinary creation. The Buddhist have a saying: People fear Bodhisattva, being afraid of fruit. Bodhisattvas see the law of Cause and Effect, People should not create evil to prevent evil fruit. Human beings do not see the law should make Human Performance bad, when its fruit is bad to be afraid. Law of Cause and Effect, I do not understand ordinary causal laws in a comprehensive manner, but in life, more or less saw their portion. It is not always what you make it yourself Human cold there. If you know how to turn the bad fruit will be milder extent. If you do a lot of good, good, free delivery, penance, almsgiving, morality, Buddha, The Germans make good ... If the Human bad bad fruit will be lighter in extent, not too bad entirely lost everything. Buddha's take an example to his understanding. If a pinch of salt put in the water bowl, water bowl that will be very salty, if also with a pinch of salt, if put into the lake, the lake will help much salt. Also, if you know a lot of good deeds, repentance, liberating life, almsgiving, morality, Buddha, made of German Industry and healthy ... so I'll switch my bad fruit that mild , but not completely lost. Besides, you should not make people bad, evil as well. For example: Do not kill and eat meat anymore. Religion property that do not live in this life of birth and death is very dangerous and painful. For example, salty foods, according to the concept of the world people eat meat that is not a bad thing. Misconceptions like that, has pulled many people make bad People, but these people do not know. As a result, those people have bad retribution later. I live this life without more or less know what Dharma mind also infected by misconceptions such as those above, and make such bad people. People in misconceptions on the true pathetic, deluded, and they went into the dark, as long as they try to get rid of sufferings of birth and death. We know the Dharma, not to create bad People, to not fall into evil directed Tam (hell, hungry ghosts, animals) to be more painful and difficult day out. I know this Dharma, known to kill, eat meat, then you are evil avoided. Religion should practice the French property subject to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is reborn after this life. Bliss is reborn direct ownership of birth and death are no longer suffering. According to Buddhism, this is the Dharma Ending, after this degenerate over, the Dharma have to wait very long killing the Buddha's birth. If you lose the opportunity to practice the Pure Land teachings of this life, his birth and death is very painful and dangerous. Although people in realms of matter at that time pagan, evil people, so many bad ones and illustrious society. At that time no see, how his Dharma escape birth and death, by then I fell into evil directed Tam is hell, hungry ghosts and animals is very easy and threats are also very long. Things do not lie on my life because I have over five precepts (including precepts do not lie) and I say the right things on the Dharma and in accordance with the word teacher. Religion useful to remember the legal practitioner Pure subjects (ie, France Mon Buddhist mindfulness), with Tin (ie, true faith, earnestly, sustainability), believe in Amitabha and Dewachen, earnest Prayer (Prayer is: Male Model Amitabha Buddha, the name was born in what ... a few ... how many years ... I pray Bliss rebirth after this I lost my life.) Hanh (that is the most direct claim to property professionals only recite "A Di Da Buddha "or" Namo Amitabha Buddha "many a day, six times throughout the day and keep a life change." "At death trying to keep the next ten interconnecting concepts, immediately on Three-black-level spectrum of merit A-Di-Da Buddha to be led on the West Dewachen. Permanently separated from the bad roads, no reincarnation of birth and death. "(Quoted in Business Paramita Buddhist Mindfulness .) Bliss rebirth is no direct ownership of birth and death more painful. Chúc everyone early on Dewachen rebirth of Buddha Amitabha in the West. Namo Amitabha Buddha

economic Lecture lecture, write books about Buddhism for everyone to see, to their early enlightenment, remove the evil of good. Be like the immeasurable merit.
If conditions do not have these things, then visiting a number of books and hard to bring the loan each reading, and should advise them to read to them a lot of photo transmission to others Patrons listen to older people, especially people who are illiterate. Merit is so boundless, limitless. It's called the experimental method, like light through prey to hundreds of others are light.
The Buddha taught: "In the legal alms, only the most meritorious candidates are no match with any merit" .
Therefore, we beseech for the Buddhist monastic disciples hang as well as at home, we tried to contribute to the guys, the press service of books to spread the teachings of Buddhism circuitry to maintain benefits peace being useful for Male Model of the German Forestry Bodhisattva

Ten of the German total of eating

one. Missed offense, misdemeanor if it is immediately dissipated, if the serious crime it is converted into light. 2. Often angel supporters, away from all pestilence, armies, enemy robbery, prison, fire, the water flow, etc. ... 3. Thanks to the Dhamma that those with hatred in his past life should be free to avoid the misery of sin vengeance. 4. Devil deleted inviolable, hungry tigers, poisonous snakes are not harmful. 5. Peace of mind, there is no danger day, at night without nightmares, bright beauty bright, air power is plentiful, good, good. 6. Wholeheartedly serve the Dhamma, but does not seek, but a natural food, clothing complete, harmonious family life blessed free school. 7. Words and deeds, heaven, people are happy; to many people everywhere to love. 8. If ignorance is transformed into wisdom, illness transformed into a healthy, peaceful turned into dangerous, if a woman after death will be transformed into men. 9. It leaves the data line (hell, hungry ghosts, animals), was born in the realms of charity (who, heaven) General appearance radical right, intelligent, brilliant fortune than merit. 10. Sufficient capacity to heal the root cause being, taken to the field of beings blessed and will collect a lot of good planning. Born in that Buddha is everywhere, listening to law; three wisdom (office, private, religious) expansion of the six supernormal (third eye, natural ears, tha center, network sufficiency, sufficiency and counterfeit gods make informed ). Indian total, statue is much merit as the enemy win. So, when congratulated encounter, for security, repent, pray, be happy trying to press service. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).20/12/2011.

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