Friday, 30 December 2011




T O hear something like this. A travel time of the Buddha in the Ba-period-after [02] , the father of mountain forests Amazingly, in the garden Loc [03] . Then the author Ton-A-na-law in momentum at sub-threads-crocodile, jungle Shui Chu [04] . Illustration A-na-Ton-momentum law in that quiet, static coordinates thinking, the mind thinking, "director of numerous educational attainment, but not from organic education. Directed from basics to attain, but is not boring. Religion attainment of renunciation, not from the popular gatherings, not from life gathered, not from the Assembly of gathering. Directed realized from the ardent, not from idleness. Religion attainment of mindfulness, not from evil thoughts. Directed realized from the mind, not from the mind disorder. Religion attainment of wisdom, not from ignorance. " At that time, the Buddha in mind that tha author Ton-A-na-law concept is what momentum, what is investment, what is operating. After that, the Blessed One entered a form like [05] . With the shape like this, in moments like athletes stretching the arms, too, the Buddha from Ba-period-crocodile, from forests in the mountains Shocked father, Loc wild garden, suddenly disappeared, immediately appearing before authors Ton-A-na-law momentum in sub-threads-crocodile. Now, of the Blessed, praised author Ton-A-na-momentum law that: "Good place! Protestant instead! A momentum-na-law, who is in a quiet place, sit still coordinates thinking, the mind was this thought: 'Religion from numerous educational attainment, but not from organic education. Directed from basics to attain, but is not boring. Religion attainment of renunciation, not from the popular gatherings, not from life gathered, not from the Assembly of gathering. Directed realized from the ardent, not from idleness. Religion attainment of mindfulness, not from evil thoughts. Directed realized from the mind, not from the mind disorder. Religion attainment of wisdom, not from ignorance. ' "Hey A-na-law-momentum, hear ye unto me, more territory meditation University's eighth grade [06] . After that territorial thinking: 'Religion not hope to attain from the site review [07] , preferred the review does not die, no sacrifice of the review, not from a waiting review, not from the popular pleasure spot review, not from the place of sacrifice review. ' "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you achieve grade eight of the University of meditation, you can definitely sexual ly, ly evil, immoral legal separation, to witness obtained charitable achievements remain. "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you contemplate the achievements of the eight steps of this University, to attain increased epicardial these four, live at peace right now, easy is not difficult, as well as the great king and god is beautiful box filled with all kinds of beautiful clothes, dressed in the morning to get dressed immediately; noon, afternoon, to even get dressed immediately, in arbitrary order, this A momentum-na-law, who, too, is y chalk algae, making the most of clothes, very sexual mind you, just live with the head of this administration. "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you think eight achievements University's concept of order, the attainment of four increases this epicardial again, live at peace in my life right now, easy is not difficult, as well as the king and kingdom of god can rule the kitchen making delicious food beautiful, this A momentum-na-law, who too often live by alms dish to dish unique, very sexual mind you, just live with the head of this administration. "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you become Achievement of level eight University of meditation, it also increases epicardial attain these four again, live at peace in my life right now this is not easy to difficult, as well as the king and royal spirit with beautiful homes, or have floor of the palace, this A-na-momentum-law, who is also the like, sitting under a tree, get the house of tranquility as the most mind very sexual person, living with this issue head only. "Behold A -na-law-momentum, if you achieve grade eight of the University of meditation, it also increases epicardial attain these four again, live at peace in my life right now, to be rather difficult, as well as the king god and king beds and beautiful, with blankets spread on cushions, cotton, covered with brocade, the silk, fire worms, a blanket to pillow cushions at both ends, your carpet chamois leather [08] ; this A momentum-na-law, who also, seat cover with grass, with leaves, is the most seats. Mind you very educational, with the head only of this life. "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you achieve grade eight of the University of meditation, it also increases epicardial attain these four again, to live peacefully in the This contemporary life, ease is not difficult, they also like, if you reside east, are surely at peace, without suffering fire disaster. If dwell West, Southern, Northern, sure to be at peace, without suffering fire disaster. "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you achieve grade eight of the University of meditation, it also attain four epicardial this increase again, live at peace in my life right now this is not easy to difficult, for the good law, who was residing, I did not mention, let alone again refers to the recession. The bad ones every day of growth, not recession. "Hey A-na-law-momentum, if you achieve grade eight of the University of meditation, it also increases epicardial attain these four again, live at peace now in the present this is not easy to difficult, then for two results, make sure you are a prime, or in this life attain the goal location, or if there is useful residual function obtained A-na. "Behold A momentum-na-law, who make these achievements reflect eight of the General's order, and also to attain four epicardial this increase again, live at peace in my life right now, to be rather difficult, and then settled last season in Chi-threads-crocodile, jungle Cards Home Loans. " Then the Blessed One preach to assume Ton-A-na-law momentum, encourage development thirst threshold, the happy achievement. After using countless means, preach, encourage development thirst threshold, achievements rejoice, the Blessed One entered the instant such that, at the moment, like athletes stretching the arms, too, the Buddha from Chi-threads-crocodile, jungle Shui letters, suddenly disappeared, not that, then appeared in her-period-crocodile, mountain forest Shocked father, in the garden Loc. At that Sun fans holding fake Ananda standing most of the Buddha, the Buddha of the instant, back protection Ananda said: "Hey A-nan, if any monks to Mount Forest Ngaic father, in the garden, the security filter has all gathered in the auditorium. Once gathered in the auditorium is complete, return to me good. " Chun-nan A false obedience to the Buddha, bowed his head under his feet, went to declare that: "The Buddha taught: if Pi- How to Mount Forest Ngaic pretentious father, Loc garden island, let's all gather in the auditorium. " After the monks gathered in the auditorium, Chun-nan A false back to the Buddha, bow my head feet and stood aside, transparency that "my lord, the monks to Mount Forest Ngaic father, Loc wild garden, all gathered in the auditorium. Blessed hope that for now the time has come. " At that time, the Buddha to the auditorium and seats before they go monks and said: "This letter monks, I say unto you think about eight University's concept of order. The smart people listen and reflect, remember. Then the monks obeyed listen. Buddha said: "These are eight grades of the University of reflection: 1. Director of Education and not very useful that education attainment. 2. Directed from basics and not disgusting, but boring is not realized. 3. Director of renunciation, not from popular gathering place, not from the living room gathered, not from the live meeting that gathered the evidence obtained. 4. Director of ardent and not lazy, but to attain. 5. Director of mindfulness, not from evil thoughts which attained. 6. Director from where the mind and not from disturbances that that attainment. 7. Director of wisdom, not from ignorance but realized. 8. Religion does not die from a review site, not sacrifice preferred the review, no sacrifice of the argument, rather than sacrifice a review, not a review from the popular hope, not from the hope of a review, but to attain. "What is direction from the very education that attain, not from organic sex? Monks achieve very educational, self-education that achieve wealth, not shown to others knew very educational; basics achieve, achieve renunciation, gain essential needs, gain awareness and gain the attention, gain wisdom, not hope to achieve a review, self-sacrifice that gain is not a review, not wanting to let others know her very sexual. So-called direct from education and not very useful educational attainment that. 'What is the direction from the basics and not disgusting, but not boring to attain? Monks the basics, to cover his shirt, eat enough support themselves. It is directed from the basics and not boring disgusting but not realized. "What is the direction of renunciation, not from popular gatherings, living room gatherings, gatherings Box Assembly which attain? Bhikkhu observes renunciation, practice renunciation is both unfortunate body and mind are renunciation. It is directed from renunciation, not from the popular gatherings, live in that gathering, gatherings Box Assembly that attainment. "What is the direction from the diligent and not slothful, but to attain? Monks often act diligently, the evil of evil, from the bad ones, usually free of Medicine, specializing in the most permanent, because the roots up without good hard work. It's called leading from the effort, not from idleness, but to attain. "What is the direction from mindfulness rather than from evil thoughts which attain? Monks themselves as major domo, the restaurant interior life, interior, internal law as legal. It's called leading from mindfulness rather than from evil thoughts that attainment. "What is direct from the mind, not from the idea that disturbances attain? Ly monks training, legal separation evil deeds, for students to attain charitable achievements and remain. That call is directed from the mind and not from disturbances that that attainment. "What is the direction from wisdom, not from ignorance but to attain? Monks cultivate wisdom, the French renaissance impairment, intellectual attainments as true saints achieve insight, a clear distinction to clean off a legitimate suffering. It's called leading from wisdom, not from ignorance that attainment. "What hope is not directed from a review, good review without hope, without hope of argument, rather than sacrifice a review, not from the popular hope review , not from the comments, but hope to attain? Monks often kill joy Comment mind, peaceful, reside in Nirvana Radio balance, the mind often stay optimistic, joyful, that resolution. It's called the director did not die from a review, good review without hope, without hope of argument, rather than sacrifice a review, not a review from Popular died, not from the comments, but hope to attain. "Behold monks, monks-A-na-law momentum was contemplating nature of grade eight achievement of this University, then settled in Chi-season problem-crocodile, jungle Shui characters. I bring these things to say, he lived alone at the far away, do not care rooms for installation, repair the planet needs. He lived alone in the wilderness far, no care rooms for installation, repair the planet needs, have reached a good end in the south end in death because he had shaved beard hair, wear a ca-sa, even believers, abandoned the family, living without family, monastic education director, only just attained to supreme virtue in this life, self-consciousness, self-discipline, self-attainment, achievement and dwelling, known as a real that 'the birth was over, has strong qualities, the need to have done, no more birth.' " Right then, fake Ton-A-na-law momentum attained A-la-han, right heart liberation, God deserves respect elders, and said all proceedings:

Supreme master earth
Away from the notion that children,
Chief enter the body and mind
Princess does not, suddenly arrived.
I know this in mind,
Lecture rise again.
Buddhas do not sacrifice a review;
Hy did leave comments.
Tathagata known methods,
Popular legal residence in the district.
Then eighty certificate immediately,
Falun Buddha has attained.
Con preferred not death,
Nor prayer of birth;
Depending on time, taste,
Mindfulness, political stability.
Pi-da-ly, clinical residents,
Network where the end;
At just below clusters architecture,
Enter balance Radio Nirvana.

Buddhist doctrine so. Illustration A-na-Ton-momentum law and the monks after listening to Buddhist doctrine, liturgy of joy.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).31/12/2011.

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