The talk today I aim at your Phuoc Thai Buddhists than Buddhists in your place. So please listen to you carefully. Here I do not preach a sublime theme, but your questions are very practical, very low, you answer as you know the place, so I direct you to practice.
- You learn to lead Temple, a Buddhist practitioner does not?
- What kind of practice is or data? - appeared. - The worshiping, Lay Buddhism, fasting, chanting, if someone is offended yelling temper. Such is not? - had not yet gentle. - Well, not sage is not religious. So do not go gentle temple chanting which is known as a practitioner. Who identified themselves as Buddhist practitioners that are not showing why?. How to cultivate a new practice known as Buddhists. And how to be gentle, you know? - Da unknown. - This is my guide for you to become a very real gentle and easy. In the spirit of Buddhism, practice is practice in three career: My career, verbal, and that industry. As is known, when the body has to heal with time data, the mouth is when it is time to say good words evil, that may well be time to think bad thoughts. When you know the good work practice to do, the data should be avoided. Say good words, bad words, then leave. Good thing they think evil is stopped. The body does not know from evil, speak no evil mouth, careful not to think evil, it is gentle. Tu mainly vegetarians not many, so that Buddhists themselves scrambling to fasting, for fasting is to practice more, but not that bad business practice that leaves three. People have time for ridicule fishing knife that is not gentle vegetarians. away without leaving si karma that keeps the same melon Bo bo do? Join hatred and delusion is the karma of body and mind, the mouth not leave out, but every racing fast, then it is to practice, practice so inconsistent with the policy of Buddhism. Tu is not itself evil, speak no evil mouth, careful not to think evil. In the family, religious people do not know if it caused any controversy and name calling each other afflictions. Causing controversy even anger is unrelenting beating, beating anger is not satisfied no gratitude, but gratitude has expired, the divorce broke, ruined families. If people know that practice is just starting think evil, evil immediately known tame dare not say heavy, heavy, what is not controversial, they do not argue with battered, not beaten, what is divorce, family welfare. As such If people know that practice is never feel bad for anyone, not frustrating mental distress, always cheerful peace. If that does not feel bad it did not say close your mouth, do evil to make people suffer. Without suffering the people who are loved, who loved no harm, if there is uncertainty about the help. When the body is already known that the mouth is always good, three business which in itself is good, then happily, the family of the peace agreement, in addition to not disturb the social order will be peace. So that religious people, not only themselves benefit, but also family and social benefits. It is the practice in accordance with Buddhist teachings. If you only knew vegetarianism was rosaries hand, when someone is offended they did not lose anyone curses; who like that kind, is not cultivators. Therefore, it is arrogance: "There are oral male model, in the belly contains a dagger." There are oral nembutsu shady forest, but the mind is too aggressive. So much for vegetarians, for Buddha many practitioners who are not moving body, speech and mind to make good the galaxy laughing. So while saying tu, Buddhists have to remember to close your mouth good idea. Buddha's teaching, practice an hour, is the welfare of an hour, from day one is the welfare of a day, from one year is the welfare of a year. But recently there are some vegetarian Buddhist thought, to temple, do so blessed fruit to ham racing. For example, the average family of four days a month fasting, because fasting is blessed heard many be commended, the wife should increase by six days, then ten days ... husband and children should eat as unpopular stir unrest in the family story. Then complain that you want to repair to proceed, but it broke it was evil to prevent religious progress, said he thought such a practice does not? From the idea to start thinking evil, as evil husband verbally mouth. So not a true Buddhist. The true Buddhist temples do not put heavy going often, chanting good, many vegetarian, but to know from three professional body and mind for good. That is three business moved into the three evil karma, going vegetarian Buddhist temple concept to remember every action, every word, every thought must always be good. So there is no practice time. Hoe weeds such body, then get past that solid beating hoes, now that snakes avoid the dam, which is itself evil into good career move. Contact with old friends as they say their aggressive then said seriously angry words for the hated, but now my memory is not cultivators cause controversy so loudly silent patience. It is evil to good professional exporter. When sitting alone just started thinking about this person is bad shame not stop to think again. It was moved that evil into good business. Similarly, where a pair of socks new Buddhist temple chanting, bowing tu, tu somewhere that now also, the last true religious meaning of Buddhism. If you understand and cultivate that, then do not worry about tomorrow another Buddha. In trading with the sentence: "Three Industrial Cogeneration pure constant current Western" Three in every industry where cleaning the same with the Buddha on Buddha. If not evil, but try to give three business nembutsu many questions A-Di-Da Buddhist procession of Bliss, is not pick on, because three of the industry is that every evil is caused controversy beat Dewachen skeptical turn into realms I She suffering or what? So, from the column was transferred into three three bad karma karma is the first step, reciting the Buddha is the next step. The first step is the foundation that is not done before, to take the second step, like taking the stairs without building the foundation, the house decided to dump failed. And the same goes with many Buddhist temples longtime vegetarian , Buddha, if children are miffed they do not verbally abused profusely, making children sad not to love. Then only excuse is only kind to outsiders, for children in the house to its new hard data to fear. Buddhists say this is not true. Tu is not gentle, kind to everyone, from home to society. Assuming that children have to fly, do wrong, they should calmly quietly counseled children. Do not curse scolded because of anger at the thought of control words, will say Rubbish, Rubbish, but said it lost credibility with the children. Buddhist scriptures for example, a head fake has all four wives. The first one is loyal to him, yet he did not think about all day. His second wife was a little note. His third wife was immediately reminded mouth. Wednesday is his wife where she ended up in there, not leaving a narrowly. One day his seriously ill dying, asked all four of his wife: - I was dying, one in four women die in my prayer? Wednesday wife spoke first: - Normal him where I shall be present there, now he was dead I would take him to the door. She spoke Tuesday to: - Normally, I was immediately reminded noting mouth, now he was dead I would take him to the gate. 's wife said Monday: - Normal I also reminded him, now he was dead I would take him to the grave. She first said - but he does not normally think about, but now he was dead, I wish he died. You see his head fake so unfair and defamatory, loved his loyalty to his thinking is not neglected, the small business is always followed is left ... His head fake silver Buddha injustice multiple instance for each of us. The wife Wednesday Buddha for example money, we are at home, or go all the money in your pocket can not be without it. But when we die, it is located in a cabinet or chest in place under the house, so to say brought to the door. The wife Tuesday for example by improving the housing industry, it is located within the ring fence should be taken to the port said. The wife Monday for example list of letters when put to the dead coffin grave eulogy after the merits before the lower burial tomb, said to lead to grave. The wife first instance for sound professional or amateur in the picture with his ball, his where they have left it there no other, should die by new volunteers. The impact of body and mind loop to loop back and forth several times referred to as karma. The daily teaching is called teacher training or professional education. The same as it is called a work colleague. There is a business person. The industry did not leave each other. Suppose his teacher travel, carry some cash, he suddenly crash, how much money he was carrying was gone. But the industry still does not take teaching, home school students still come. Thus, money and the product is outside its so easy to lose can not keep forever. In addition to his career is not what should never lose. Yet in everyday life do people think that money, how to have the, if there's money there and then they want fame status. The three things to think about the most money, fame and wealth to. When dead, they leave their money first, they die it is not by his stay. In this world no one is (a) does not die, or die sooner or later die, they die, no one will take the of the money, only good amateur career under only. So, if a wise Buddhist wisdom, despite making more money that evil should certainly not do, because they die not save the right to curse them all, I alone bear suffering retribution. Think and speak evil which brings benefits for themselves, then do not say. That's not wrong with using money to create bad karma. Today does not cause a sin, not the blame, the other dies tomorrow also gently disengaged. Ca dao have a saying: Because smart about past lives from day to welcome children whether horizontal deflection past life by today's smart children should cultivate new luxury, if not currently under cultivation are descendants of the suffering. To see our practice is to provide a happy life now, even more happily tomorrow better. So, remember that professional practice is generally to avoid bad karma to do good business, rather than to the amount of physical memory. But in life, we must make money to live, but to make fair honesty, his happiness, not suffering, is in his happiness, peace and tomorrow. So, religious demand is not expected something sublime mystery, but in the real interests of their common benefit a specific, unambiguous pipe. Buddhism is to advocate religious freedom, but said resolution seem too far out! But if reality itself is the evil we do not release the bad karma of suffering itself. Because if it was murder robbery suffering beatings prison, now he is not evil karma is a healthy body free, free enterprise is evil itself. If the mouth is not to say ferocious cruelty, the solution escape the bad karma of the mouth, that no evil thought in mind, the deliverance is sad hate ugly people. Although not completely free but partially liberated; religious freedom at the least, they freed a lot more practice, there is less pain practitioners. Not only reduce suffering in this life but also in the next life more happily. So that religious people do not fear death. Because everyone must die, and know that you do not make good business often creates bad karma after death will be happy and not suffering. However, do not want to release that because suicide is soon to be healthy happy is not true to the spirit of Buddhist liberation. Frequently, life life and fear death, so death is heard very afraid. But who knows the right religious life present is always a happy, peaceful death to the disorder does not work, so do not want to die early, but also not afraid of death. So the Buddha taught us new tu, tu is the source of happiness, most disturbing of all suffering. As from today you nearby Buddhist monastery, twice a month on full moon and the thirty temples should go repent and listen to your teachers to know the direction that practice. Listen once but know it, but because the disease being forgetful, so have to go twice a month, prompted by the teacher, keep in mind that the new practice diligently. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).28/12/2011.
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