Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Inside Story Of The Company Manufacture of imitation.

CHAO punch (Stinky TOFU)

CHAOCHUA "Chao" (Stinky Tofu) as an example (welcome to the traditional fermentation method, it must take months). To make fast, tofu dip manufacturers (tofu) in strong acid, then soak the tofu in shrimp shells rotten to the worms that crawl around tofu a day (for a perturbed). Then welcome to be removed for sale. imitation meat flavors from lamb or fish due. Manufacturers know very well what they are doing is wrong but still do. They believe that with strong aroma and tend to prefer vegetarian will bring more customers. Dry running an incident in Luc Giap, Taiwan and other evidence of the Communications Act I discover. Sister's son works for a company that produced imitation meat and after a day spent in the work. When asked why, the boy revealed that he can not stand on the way of imitation meat because of the way here too cruel. The imitation meat is shaped like animal meat (such as ham imitation, fake, fish, shrimp and other fake meat) used in the cafeteria in the country today have components animals in it, especially the vegetarian ham (ham vegetarian). Lots of pork and canned beef imports from the United States, Japan or Thailand, he was transported to Taiwan and unloading down, the labels on the cans are shredded and replaced with a brand "Revolver vegetarian ham "(Vegetarian Ham). Doing so, prices will skyrocket up to $ 100 for each weight Tau Dai Kim (about 300 grams). There are also many cases where the manufacturer is going to fry pork with beef or pork juice to smell stronger in order to sell their products. DUCK launch HUN 70% The imitation meat there These contain animal products Vegetarians Make About Bankruptcy!! You vegetarians beware! Up to 15 samples in 31 samples of imitation meat is the non-governmental group test cell containing animal genetic (DNA); eat these products make people accidentally break the fasting. Officials stressed that the government should avoid buying nguoian vegetarian imitation meat in bulk unbranded or branded unclear. If enough evidence, the company produced imitation meat wicked will be fined up to 200 thousand dollars and their license will be suspended. The imitation meat products are actually premium vegetarian false containing genetic animal cells. And the worst thing is 4 of the tested products containing pork or chicken. MEAT imitation test results of non-governmental groups are more horrendous. In 21 samples of imitation meat, 70% are non-standard. This news caused panic fear for vegetarians. Aside the animal component of imitation meat, only the shape and color of this product enough to alienate vegans. As the number of vegetarians in the country increase, people should be more careful when choosing vegetarian food. Administration Food and Drug Medicine recommends against buying imitation meat sold in bulk or unbranded or branded unclear. If the manufacturers involved in making fake imitation meat, they can be fined up to 200 thousand dollars along with the suspended license. vegetarian beef malice behind imitation meat there 21 to 15 kinds of imitation meat containing pork, chicken, and fish and Interest Protection Association Life recently sent 21 samples of imitation meat taken from the laboratory to the marketplace. An Agency Fund Tr shit Medication Food and amazed to discover that 15 of the 21 kinds of imitation meat, which contain animal ingredients. Substandard rate of up to 70%. The amazement, the government has actively testing more samples from the supermarket and discovered that some of the specimens are mixed with animal products. Administration Food and Medication was required to keep the samples for further investigation and require consumers to buy only vegetarian food is packed with clear full label with the product components Full publicly listed. MEAT duck the press conference, Kien Tran Danh, deputy director of the delegates and candidates Kaohsiung county Knowledge Ming Guo pointed out that imitation meat flavors they suspect that the manufacturer has added flavor to the animals. These unscrupulous manufacturers completely forget the rights of more than two million vegetarians in Taiwan. A few days ago, 15 of the 21 kinds of imitation meat have been tested (these foods taste so good in the stores they are m and Wu Hung introduced for vegetarians) all traces of animal ingredients after laboratory testing. These products are vegetarian meatballs (meatballs), vegetarian fishballs (imitation fish balls), vegetarian fish cakes (imitation fish cake), fish vegetarian dumplings (dumplings imitation fish) and vegetarian tempuras dialysis Agency officials Food and Drug Administration in Taiwan Men have checked many supermarkets and markets on the south and east of the city. They took 48 samples more vegetarian, some sold in bulk and in some packaging. They see how most of the components labeled with clear and detailed production companies have quality control standards. However, but vegetarian food in bulk then the other. 4 out of 15 samples containing pork and chicken. Kien Ming Guo says that even the vegetarian food packaging is not necessarily completely safe. Even the packages indicate the internal components or details of manufacturers, some of this packaging is not the official packaging. Through this testing food samples, indicating serious problems Food wicked imitation.







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