Sunday 15 September 2013


COLLECTIVE 10 Venerable Master lectured N

         Eighteen BOOK
Pham Minh French eighteenth .......................................... 9
Products promoted to fairies skin nineteenth ............ 111
         BOOK NINE TEN
Shelf products have also praised the twentieth Ma ..... 124
Cross Hanh products ............................... 186 twenty-first


Chinese translation: What subjects Sa   Nan Da Rub
Vietnamese translation: Spleen Pretentious Like Ming The
Venerable Master Hsuan Hua explained
Eighteen BOOK
OUR LEGAL NOTES eighteenth
What is Dharma? Ming ie transparency, ie Buddhism law. Want transparent truth of Buddhism. Ming first meet clever, with all sorts of legal measures. A transparent way, but not much transparency measures, it can not be called intelligent. All measures must be transparent, then new invention called. Dharma teachings eighty-four thousand, are very afraid to communicate, to exact transparency of glass research is what method? That also is in deep economic organs, such as the sea of ​​wisdom. So-called Pham Minh France. This product is the product of economic eighteenthFlower Adornment.
Sense of economic Flower Adornment, A product compared to a more refined product, a food product than a dark jacket over a product than a product more wins, it is wonderful beyond description. We study Flower Adornment Sutra, transparency must be the true form of the moral law. To understand that most of the legal vacuum.
Then Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Effort white French Hue Hue that Buddhists! Bodhisattva initially necessarily give rise to the position, achievement of merit so.
At that time, there Bodhisattvas Hue Diligent, industrious his diligent practice, there is no time without effort, thus: "On Friday night the diligent effort.'' He diligently to cultivate the wisdom, this is themselves diligently; eradicate greed, hatred and delusion, are keeping their mind. Bodhisattvas Bodhisattvas told the French Hue saying'' Buddhist! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, initially necessarily give rise to wisdom, Bodhisattva practice, that interest or achievements of merit as mentioned before.''
Enough of solemnity. Level up all surplus position. Enter the main Bodhisattva. Renounce the worldly. Dac is the law of the Buddha. Past present and future Buddhas life photography. The decision was arrived at supreme Bodhi glass.
His extensive full solemnity. Up to admit all professional wisdom. Enter the result true Bodhisattva. Compounded renounced the world, not worldly greed, attachment nor worldly interests. '' That is the real name lobe identity assets,'' the happy years for sex are not involved,'' Lust sound taste touch,'' in the sense objects are away from it. Back of the method of obtaining the Buddha, which is also the practice of thirty-seven assistant. What is the product of thirty seven assistant?
1). The four foundations of mindfulness: impure body shop, restaurant life is suffering, impermanence interest, self consistent approach.
2). The four primary needs: No student shall make student-friendly, has increased student makes good he thought, not born evil is not born, they were born evil cause minus end.
3). Like that sufficiency Four: Education, anniversary, attacks, wisdom.
4). In house: Private,, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom.
5). In force: In base of power generated.
6). Seven Spoiler: Select a legal, diligence, joy, except, discharge, concentration and thought.
7). Eight path: Right view, right thought, right speech, right livelihood, right action, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. This class is seven thirty-seven of the assistant.
There are four methods of Emperor Thanh Van religious goods, ie: size, set, kill, director. Twelve of the coast of Pratyekabuddha tu, ie, ignorance, consciousness, mentality, green, contact, feeling, craving, clinging, property, birth, aging and death. French record of the Bodhisattva practice, ie, Giving, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom. This news is compounded. Past, future, present, three generations all buddhas are used for photographic clarity wisdom ordained Bodhisattva Mind initial release, the decision will save greenhouse attained supreme Buddha Supreme.
The Bodhisattva in the Buddhist practice like? Causing joy Tathagata are born. Enter the residences of the Bodhisattva. All the virtues are chastity. All the great vows were made full. Obtain large organ of the Bodhisattva. Depending beings should be taught, often because they say the law. Always happy Paramita not quit. Department notion beings are made of. Following the same Jewels makes no rupture. Based heal damaged vehicles all come to nothing.
Diligent Bodhisattva Bodhisattva asked the French Hue Hue ten issues: the Great Bodhisattva Mind initial release, in the teaching of the Buddha, how to practice?
1). How do I make ten Buddhas are born great joy?
2). How do I enter the position of head Bodhisattva?
3). How all religious subjects are of pure happiness?
4). How to make the vow is full?
5). How are organs merit attained vast achievements Bodhisattva?
6). Depending upon how to teach sentient beings deserve to because they say legal? Therefore:'' For the teacher candidates, according to medical drugs.''
7). How happy always Paramita practice?
8). How to make all beings base concept is the exit?
9). How Jewels seeds followed not break continuity?
10). How to make healthy living beings to attain the base and practice facilities are good with the seat without damage.
Buddhists! The Bodhisattva what it means to use, which makes this method will be fulfilled? Have mercy, because I said that. University we are all in this meeting wanted to hear.
Effort Hui Bodhisattva known to call a Buddhist! Bodhisattva Mind initial release, what media to use the practice to practice? Or make all sorts of measures to attain the fullness instant success? Perhaps he (Hui Bodhisattva French) compassionate, because I (Hui Bodhisattva Effort) expresses how the practice? Not the way I wanted to hear, but all of them in the conferenceFlower Adornment, Are happy to listen to his Dhamma talk, there are but do not want to hear, wash ears are listening.
Again, like the Bodhisattvas often practiced diligently, then eliminate all darkness of ignorance. Ma plaintive surrender, tame the infidel. Permanently wipe all defilement dirty mind. Each apartment will heal all achievements. Permanently get rid of all the evil of the victims. Purity of all realms of mind. Achievement of all levels Bodhisattva, the Paramita, general maintenance, eighty, six pine, three intelligent, four very basis captain, pure merit.
And next, like the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva found in Mind, and he always diligent practice. Or eliminate all darkness of ignorance, wisdom, clarity is attained. Or the ghost karma for all disasters and injustice in sheep hatred directed. Or conquer all evil pagan argument. Or permanent affliction wash dirty mind. Or all house fresh achievements. Or permanently escape the three evil and accidents. Or treat all religious purity of wisdom, which makes the money. Or achievements of the ten Bodhisattva levels, ie: Tier joy, grade separation structures, luminescence levels, favored Diem Position, Position straightening, pre-order now, the prospect ranks and grades estate, charity wise step, step still legal. Or ten achievements Paramita practice, which is also the other side. That is: generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom, means prayer, power, position. Maintenance or achievement of (momentum la ni), ie the sum of all measures, over countless means. Or eighty achievements, ie the chief financial life. Or six magical achievement. Or three intelligent achievements, ie: God label alliances, intelligent network, make intelligent contraband. Or four fearless achievement, intellectual property based wealth captain, said Lt. basis countless victims. These are four very basis of Bodhisattva captain but not four very basis of Buddhism captain. Bodhisattva or achievements of the first seven this chastity.
Dignified Buddhas all realms, and the general good. Body, speech, mind out, complete achievements. Ingenious idea of ​​the very basis of all Captain Tathagata Buddha, the Dharma estate community. Necessarily the realm of values. So to all beings mature, depending on their preferred birth center that buddhafields achievements. Depending on the apartment options, such measures should say, everything the vast immeasurable Buddha.
Bodhisattva or solemn Buddhas all realms. Back or stately thirty-two generals and eighty beauty. Come and make yourself, words, mind, three are now pure. Achievement all directing Bodhi. Power Back or skill that ten of all Buddhas.
Back or four very cleverly said Captain basis of all Buddhas, namely:
1. Captain omniscience very basis.
2. Gonorrhea shattered Captain basis.
3. Speaking very fond of Captain basis.
4. Talking to take direction very basis captain suffering.
Back or skill that any legal eighteen communities of all Buddhas, namely:
1. Body no errors.
2. Mouth no errors.
3. Mindfulness is not an error.
4. There is another thought.
5. Concentration.
6. Knowing discharge.
7. Education does not kill.
8. Diligent not kill.
9. Mindfulness does not kill.
10. Hue did not kill.
11. Liberation does not kill.
12. Freeing knowledge not kill.
13. All the wisdom of the industry itself.
14. All the wisdom of the export industry.
15. All the wisdom of the industry.
16. Wisdom to know the past life very afraid.
17. Wisdom of future life know very afraid.
18. Wisdom to know the present very afraid.
Omniscience necessarily strain and location, everything religious realm of wisdom. Bodhisattva vows wanting to maturity of all sentient beings, so depending upon the joy of sentient beings, that Buddha-his achievements. Depending on the nature of the basis of all beings, by the time the agreement of all sentient beings, to say remarkable way. That is what the law should be used? Then tell it to the law. Use everything infinite vastness Buddha, to teach sentient beings, sentient beings to achieve.
And countless other legal merit. The happiness, the director and the realm are all fullness. Early equally merit of the Tathagata.
Countless bodhisattvas practice all legal merit, religious subjects all happy, all leading practitioners, from all realms. These issues are fully fulfilled, will soon equal the merit of the Buddha, there is no difference.
Place of Enlightenment Tathagata application, hundreds of thousands of eons, well Bodhisattva practice, the collective judicial organ, are all the households, reveal the show said. The pagan ghosts can not destroy the obstacles. Photography over there and take legal district. Where expresses all legal world, the Heavenly King, Dragon King, United deleted, Beware Ms. Wang, A La Tu Vuong Emergency Wang Na La, La Ca Castle United, which most La Old Kingdom, the king, on Uranus, the Tathagata Dharma King, are all the households.
Where the Buddhas of the ten supreme Buddha, spent hundreds of thousands of eons of time, to cultivate the Bodhisattva virtues, benefits all beings, all legal practice organ merit, players can fully households without sabotage. Or open market expresses all Buddhist, pagan all ma God, not a spending problem, is destructive.
Ma is many things, most dangerous drug is ma mind. Make it or you do not practice. You want to practice, then it disturbs, makes your life delusions. It or tell you like this:'' Do not practice! Practice is a miserable job. You have to eat a little more, a little more wear, to sleep a little more, well nourished body for. That's right, do not be so foolish''! Mind your ma often sabotage their religion religious center.
What is pagan? That is the legal practice outside the mind, not all methods are not transparent self-care leave, find legal center run outside. Foreign direct eagle three thousand subjects, ninety-six secondary pagan (in contemporary India have six great master, physician advocates have argued inhumane results. Every student who is fifteen, a ninety. Apart also clerk, plus a ninety-six, ninety-six, so have pagan stuff).
Bodhisattva practice Dharma, Dharma photography maintenance, protection of dharma, meditation pagan no obstacles to hamper spending. Bodhisattvas do the same things it did not take. As in all the world expresses the true Dhamma, there will be eight and ten heavenly dragon king to protect. Ten kings ie, Uranus, Uranus four: Tri Nations Uranus Oriental, southernStockpilingThien Vuong, Quang Section western Uranus, Uranus boreal multicultural. Eight Dragon King Dragon King: Dragon King Nan Da, Da Long Bat Nan Wang, Ca La Long Long Wang, Wang Tu Long Cat, Long Ton Duc Vuong Rub, A Prince Long Ba Na Wang, Ma Long Wang Na Tu, Advantages Bat La Long Wang. United deleted: ie Czech Disabilities United Devils. Beware Ms. Wang: That is psychotropic United. Asura king: That is, he was very radical. Lou La Ca United: That is metal kings XI. Emergency na la King: That is music god king. Human kingdom ie emperor, lord of the time. Brahma United: That is great Brahma king in heaven. Tathagata Dharma King: That is Buddha. Ten kings are to play guardian Bodhisattva Mind.
All the world are offering reverence. Empowerment are, usually the deceased buddhas. All Bodhisattvas have also love glass. Being very good base, white moon Chief Justice. Opening performance of deep visceral way Tathagata. Photography dharma to lead dignified self. All first class Bodhisattva practice, vows are said place.
Mind Bodhisattva development, all beings should be reverently worldly offerings. Ten three generations all the Buddhas, the concept of empowerment to households. All households Bodhisattvas are compassionate respect. Bodhisattva Mind found elect are all sorts of good strength base, growth purity law, that there is also ignorance. There is great wisdom he will uphold declaration expresses the profound legal organ of the Buddha said. Photography dharma to lead dignified thirty and eighty two good generals of their beauty. All subjects Bodhisattva practice well things are prayer expresses class.
Then Bodhisattva Effort to Hue said the above definition, then said racking that:
At that time, Bodhisattva Effort Hue, want the shelves to place said the moral of the above, made public in the legal Flower Adornmentdeeply aware of this sense. Bodhisattvas are compassionate mind completely, so the Saints Bodhisattva is his profit interests, their sense of sight, his level of people.
Undergraduate cleverly expresses Title
French practice of the Bodhisattva
In large deep boundless happiness
Very peaceful place full professor.
Undergraduate magic name cleverly expresses the meaning of the law. Bodhisattva attained everything legal merit, or the boundless deep subjects large almond, pure full of wisdom. Therefore, wisdom'' that he did not inform themselves.'' That is also born with knowledge, or knowledge needed to improve instruction, natural transparency.
If there is a play Bodhisattva
Achievement levels blessings of wisdom
In the world beyond the student leaves
Throughout the legal right Bodhi class.
If there Bodhisattva, initially Development Center, merit and achievement inconceivable wisdom, has seen import status from samsara. Forums merit beyond all of the people of the world, all obtained legal supreme Buddha Bodhi.
How are there in Buddhism
Diligent practice growing solidly win
Makes the Tathagata are happy
Will soon enter the office where the Buddha.
Bodhisattva mind that initial release, he is in Buddhism like? Mind you, more and more permanent. Diligent practice all virtues acquired psychic subjects that wins. Or make the ten Buddhas rejoice, to praise, to the household. Office where Buddha and Bodhisattvas Initial Development Center, will soon enter into Buddhahood.
Practice chastity vows are satisfied
And the vast organ wisdom
Methods used to say sentient beings
Which grill did not care where approved.
Bodhisattva Mind initial development, practice chastity vow, soon will be fulfilled. Back to attain the wisdom huge organ, used to say in order to teach sentient beings, without any escape of sentient attachment. So leave all the mind attached, so no refuge.
Bodhisattvas all Paramita
Defects are not reduced to practice smart
Department of sentient beings salvation anniversary
Always keep the same Buddha made no end.
Bodhisattvas practice all Paramita, firstly from a practice that started Paramita practice. If a method Paramita practice achievements, all disciplines will Paramita achievements. Why? As a practice, the practice of all, an achievement all the achievements. Bodhisattva Paramita practice law, only increased, but there was no defect reduction. Ordinary mind is the thought of living beings, they are rescued from suffering, to the other side. Therefore:'' If there is not a single living Buddha, Nepal is not complete players.'' Responsibility is the continuation of the Bodhisattva Buddhist lineages, French lineage, ancestry Increase Jewels made permanent in life , such that for Jewels rupture. It is also the duty of renunciation, which is also the duty of the home. In short, the ordinary Buddhists have this responsibility, serial Tam Bao Buddhist lineages.
Department of the permanent damage such
All work to get rid of
As the property ladder practice
Directed pure statement said that prayer.
Currently Kim Son Pagoda retreat beat up (January 1976), is ordinary retreat participants, ie the initial release Bodhisattva Mind. You people are sitting in Heaven, ie Paramita practice. If not theft, murder, adultery ie relative calm. No talking is pure mouth. No start delusion, ie the pure. Body and mind three career purity, ie Paramita practitioners. This is the basic method of initial Bodhisattva Development Center. Now tell the public at key disciplines, it is not meditation Paramita. Why do we export from the director? That is because the wisdom, end of life and death. Wisdom is from that obtained in meditation. There is wisdom and it will end birth and death. From how? People pay attention to hear! Sitting posture, with the right standards, otherwise there would be no achievement. When sitting, the body must be upright, not falling forward, unbending on, do not be on your left side, right side, as not able to enter the bedroom. If you sit straight, they themselves do not commit murder, theft, adultery three evil. Mouth not commit to lie, fabricate, two blades, cussing, four evil. The scope is not greed, hatred and delusion three evil. Three pure and now this, it would abandon ternary coast, it is giving, or keeping the tools of meditation, this is morality, or life rings true suffering back pain hey, this is patience; prior there after, no temporary transfer student, diligent not lazy, this is diligently; sitting rest assured no action, a concept that is not born of meditation; sophisticated kiln to fire at the net, then wisdom will naturally the money. Six Paramita this relationship together.
The notice must! Join Zen is not true, do not be negligent, not arbitrary. Plans must address real bike, do not think to find a way off. Feeling this good practice, then practice this method! In fact, there is a shortcut method, nor any practice not off road, are equal. Just that religious truth, which is way off, not religious truth is not a shortcut. Therefore:
'' Farming is part of the harvest.''
Practice can not probe vehicles, factories can not map for good luck. News about religious elaborately true, the part that is used, it will have a really, ten percent of the users will have ten parts indeed. This is an immutable law of nature neck. Any religious practice something, the more pain the better, as hard as possible, as well as energy costs. From past to present, from the realm of enlightenment are obtained in which the pain. I shall be the duty of such practice (sitting meditation), or not until the Enlightenment, do not film it. Should have thought so. Someone said:'' I thought one day one hundred and eight (108) turned the Great Compassion Mantra, the proceedings a Lotus Sutra, which is reasonable practice? '' It is not to be religious. Look past Buddhas Bodhisattvas, because of his dedication to practice that network, because the crushed core Buddhist clones, but unfortunately not. There must be a spirit of sacrifice that, as new genuine disciple of the Buddha, can obtain the true permanent.
Permanent workers to plant, to be able to solid results. There are solid results he will get rid of the three worlds, end of life and death. Want to get rid of sexual realm reasonable? So, first of all to the education, ie the: Finance, size, name, make, lobes, in education. Or the: Lust, sound, smell, taste, touch, sight years. Then it will be calm, not the pollution episodes. Escape the realm of pure education, pollution will Boring six paths. Escape the realms of education, the education, the colors are sharp exit plane, as if the minister did not accept, therefore:
'' Scan all legal, all officers leave.''
'' Seeing the province to escape from the world
Seeing the passion of damnation fall.''
'' Eyes that do not know the identity of
Headphones or not care about life.''
'' Inside the center there
Outside there was the
Far away there was no object.''
If to this is the realm beyond the realms of excellence will. Until there are no planes, there are no visible forms, but for the mind as well not exist. Then, immediately get rid of the three worlds.
Bodhisattva practice, as the merits are permanent, can not be destroyed. So fear not the permanent damage. That is also the basis of certain property will achieve, could not elaborate waste. Like all self-propelled Bodhisattva wins (which still happy), proving the merits, not more conceivable way. Bodhisattva practice religion pure (no sexual expression), to promote student volunteer because they say, makes the well beings of spiritual purity. In conclusion, ie the reduction of sexual desire. Looking riddled body, let go of attachments. Otherwise this approval, acceptance of the other, is not religion that is pure lead pollution. Path that is pure original face, which as such is not the realm of clear insight.
Vinh break up all ignorance
Hang them off drugs and pagan
All defilements are cleansed
Being close to the Tathagata wisdom.
People have all sorts of ignorance. Since there are all kinds of ignorance, so there are all sorts of afflictions. There are all sorts of troubles will cause all sorts of pain. This is a natural morality. Ignorance realm that is going to see, it clearly did not realize. Regardless of the situation or context upon adversity, were changing planes, or is agitated. Once the fluctuations generated negativity. There will be suffering agony. Pure lead is permanently destroyed dark ignorance. Destroyed all the defilements of ignorance generates wisdom. There wisdom will launch clarity. Luminosity is the surrender of the drug. Ma has four things, ie phonetic code, ma afflictions, God and death ma ma. Disasters could say yes ma, ma address, ID, demons, the ghost (the ghost), heart ma, ma disease. Etc. .. In short, are called demons. Ma surrender all right, then turned into guardian angels. For as DFWminis, ie before the code is, then the legal guardian.
Wisdom optical purity or surrender to all pagan. Do not want certain heathen pagan practitioners, which is found not to be the right path, so to realize the correct method is pagan. Like Venerable Sariputta and Moggallana, originally a disciple of heathen, after the grace of maturity, a new refuge in the Buddha, became the god of wisdom and the Junior Junior. So used to teach dharma heathen, making them self the right, left at the light. Must cleanse defilements dirty thoughts. Pure wisdom is not contaminated, the money, will close with the wisdom of the Buddha, which is also the luminous organs, meaning the officer position.
Vinh leave the evil road accident insurance
Pure scene of great value wins
Being very close to wonderful director Tathagata
All are pure merit.
Permanently leave asura, animals, hungry ghosts, hell, the four evil paths. In this four evil paths, there are many dangerous accidents. If you sink into the universal life hell hard is born again. If you fall into ghosts, they are always hungry burning fire. If the animal sink in, then cover up ignorance, stupidity often. If you sink into the asura, they preferred to fight. Practice that is dangerous to leave all victims, but to the method of treatment used. What method? That is for the school to three outflow wisdom, to treat chronic anger and ignorance in exclusive comfort. Destroy the malicious year he will be the prime wisdom. There is great wisdom acquired all wins psychic realm. Dak is very magical wonders of inconceivable, it will stay close to the Buddhas, monks have merit achievement.
Tathagata attained supreme position
Head where the boundless realms
Depending sentient beings that said legal
And as the large Buddha.
Bodhisattva attained ultimate wisdom of the Buddha wins, based on the infinite realms of Buddhas, enlightened minds, hundreds of lives to Buddha to teach people. Depending upon their mind because they speak to law students, giving them the feeling of birth parents, are happy-suffering, which makes all the big Buddha.
What is the magic that director
Opening performance Tathagata Dharma organ
Often life over the Dharma
Nobody is not nothing more.
How can all lead results obtained inconceivable? They always lecture sermon, off to the Buddha Dhamma organs, which acquired all of the outstanding director. If y projection of the Buddha often said that practice, it will attain all the wonderful director. So there was nothing more to be Buddhist.
How are you not afraid of lions
Department of purity as the full moon
How to practice the Buddha
Like the lotus not hydrophobic.
How religious are countless number of the four realms? Like lions amalgams, hundreds of animals are terrified to hear. Department of purity must, to the pure precepts, like the moon on the fifteenth, who turns just light. How to practice the virtues of the Buddhas? Like the lotus, though born in the mud, but not pure infection, not muddy, sticky nor water, not a dust contamination, are not universal concepts. Achieving this realm, there is evidence merits of the Buddhas.
Then Bodhisattva Bodhisattva told the French Hue Hue that Diligent: You instead! Buddhists! He wanted this so many benefits, more peace, more wisdom interest. Mercy worldly gods and men, which asks the pure virtues of the bodhisattva way.
Effort Hui Bodhisattva finished speaking with the legal shelf finished, the French Hui Bodhisattva Bodhisattva said to Hue that Diligent: You instead! You instead! Buddhists! Currently he asked merit Mind initial release, but not because I asked, but because they are born that question. He wants the legal world and all beings to attain the benefits, to attain permanent peace, the interests acquired wisdom. He is compassionate, merciful gods earth and mankind. Representatives asking them to practice religious purity of Bodhisattvas, causing them to return to the roots of life, restore the natural purity.
Buddhists! His office was legal, the diligent development, growth such rotten back. Having been freed, might ask what it is, with the Tathagata.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! His law office is in true form, the mind has diligently, and diligently body, mind and diligent, diligently and day, night and diligent. He obtained are not rotten, rotten no idea, well not rot. He has proven to be true liberation, has attained the realm of the very very end, very very afraid hell. He said the law, then the future will soon deal with the realm of the Buddha.
Listen! Listen! Ingenious meditate! Now I rely Buddha's compassionate power, because he said that at that part of the problem.
French Bodhisattva Hui said: Please listen to him! Pay attention hear! Please remember Him, to meditate. I now dread the force fields of the Buddhas of the ten directions, because he said that this law. Real too, can say little of the infinite only.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva mind has omniscience, they should leave the dark ignorance, diligent maintenance, do not have distractions.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, has necessarily Mind trri wisdom. It should be away from all the dark ignorance (ignorance). How foolish to leave the dark? Practitioners must practice meditation Paramita. There is wisdom and clarity, it will destroy ignorance. There must practice diligently practice Paramita, where most subtle must watch carefully, diligently precepts, do not have distractions. Restlessness that is not holding the instruments, ie destructive colon.
The monastic precepts's not ordained and lay people who do not keep the house rules, then the system can do? Loss inherent status. That natural refuge must respectfully Jewels, Jewels offerings, do not be defamatory Jewels, Jewels is not vandalism. In the colon to keep the engine, not to make others life afflictions. That is, action gestures, speech work, with the law must not be heedless.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva in ten legal office, called no distractions. What is ten? One is to keep the commandments. The two are separated from dense, pure Mind. Third straight preferred center, leaves the Siamese ladies. Four apartments are diligently practice good, no retrogression. In meditation is always left his mind was playing. Six is ​​home close loathe, ordained, all mortal. Seven is the practice of good karma, retribution would not want the world. Eight Second row left permanent successor, the Bodhisattva. Nine is like practicing good works, which did not end unless. Ten is always smart to observe their continuous effort.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, so this method often practiced ten. That is gradually this legal notice ten, always do not forget it. This means that ten law office where the call is not spontaneous.
What is ten measures:
1). Keeping these precepts: About the Buddha says is careful to preserve, maintain chastity, not silk trench violation, not arbitrary bohemian. Like keeping your eyes.
2). It leaves dense, pure Mind: If ignorance affliction, which is foolish. Thus, to permanently leave it will be foolish wisdom. Back to pure Mind, the supreme leadership of the Buddhas, sentient beings in the ocean of suffering.
3). Popular right mind straight, separated the Siamese ladies: Heart of the Bodhisattva is upright, thus:'' ashrams Center is straight.'' Heart of the winding beings, that people have money, power, he proved out of respect, saying flattering words contrary to conscience Siamese. There is another class who specializes say probably lie deceive, any of whom would not say true. Such behavior is most foolish behavior. But away from the Bodhisattva Siamese ladies all lies.
4). Diligent practice good base, no retrogression: Based diligently to cultivate the healthy new growth, otherwise it will wither. Play Mind of root growth that is healthy, like using more irrigation water, making fresh development. Play Mind not only diligent but retrogression. Although there is no retrogression death, wills must have such indomitable patience.
5). Always clever reflection of his mind found: Always meditate Mind you issued, diligent or retrogression? Must check if the effort alone, while if retrogression, must be amended. Reflect a phen, why I have to make now? Why distractions? Why ashrams to sabotage? These issues are contrary to the Mind has its beginning.
6). Not close to home favorite, renunciation, all ordinary: Bodhisattvas who are saints, so not like ordinary man close to their homes or ordained. What is ordinary? That is, ordinary people, who do not have wisdom, not to be wasteful of them. Ordinary people are suffering, not the purity of thought, it will be ordinary.
7). From the good karma retribution would not want the world: Bodhisattva want to do everything good now, but not for the heavenly retribution. This means that the rich do not want wealth, nor hope to enjoy the blessed gods.
8). Second row left permanent successor, the Bodhisattva: Bodhisattva of compassion, do well for the benefit sentient beings, so leave permanent legacy binary methods, specialist practitioners which still happy, get happy Bo only to concrete slap, which is the spirit of the Bodhisattva.
9). Favorites from good works, which do not terminate unless: Bodhisattva is often a good work for the benefit sentient beings, not their own thinking. This idea is not permanent rupture.
10). Always smart to observe their continuous effort: Bodhisattva always reflective optical feedback, criticism may well fire yourself divorce his wife? Having recognized the reasonable practice? There Bodhisattva of reasonable? Having grown fresh affordable apartment? The problem, every day must reflect a time. Every day to observe the three-body mouth his career has made reasonable sin? If not, the youth of the future convent also not successful.
Practitioners to practice Bodhisattva, good for people, but not for good people to teach themselves. I have often told you that I should be for the benefit of others, though there are also good scolding. Unable to benefit others, whether people worship you did not mean anything. Therefore: the clergy, who are certain to benefit new with the original purpose of the Buddha Dharma talk. Therefore, always observe the power of his Bodhisattva with reasonable continuity?
Buddhists! If the ten Bodhisattva of this method, the call is not based distractions.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! All Bodhisattvas all, if ten honest practice this method, the realm where no office distractions, no so called office distractions.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva head no distractions, obtained the first ten purity. What is ten? One is to do just as it says. Two concepts are accomplishing wisdom. Third place the deep universe, not sloth Trao not move. Four is preferred to Buddhism, there is no stopping the treatment. In the law is heard, as of observation, complete coincidence born of wisdom. Six are in deep meditation, the Buddha's spiritual powers. Seven is equal mind, there is no low. Eight of them where born, upper-middle-lower, not mind obstacles, such as the location, benefits all. Nine is if they are born, until a playback Mind, the legacy of respect, as a monk. Ten for ordination as a monk, a pear soap, all Bodhisattvas, the shaman friendly and intellectuals, often care to respect life, legacy donations.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! University of Bodhisattvas Bodhisattvas, where such practice office distractions then, are ten methods to attain purity. What is ten?
1). Follow words: Bodhisattva what any religious practice, are also of medical practice, not go against religion, which is also absolutely no distractions, not go against the teachings.
2). Position Niem achievement: A concept development Mind initial achievements necessarily will place strain.
3). Head where the deep, deep in there Trao not elected: Purity is not usually in the infection. Therefore:'' Na at the regular price, not the time without.'' If often in the sloth is also not, nor Trao election. Also not participating attachment, delusion nor start. Obviously wise, in the heart like water, clear as a mirror. This means the deep realms. French world ie me, you is legal world, make a case that this is in the deep. When you get to this level, then what in the world are natural methods learned.
4). Prefers to Buddhism, there is no stopping the treatment: bodhisattva joy for all of Buddhism, the diligent effort, learning to learn, not permanent laxity, not stopping.
5). According to the law was heard, as of observation, complete coincidence born of wisdom: Bodhisattva heard regardless where legal, are used to observe the reason for analysis. Reason is like a mirror, is something that any projection will appear clear. Therefore:'' Material to the ball, things went quiet ball.'' There can be fulfilled wonderful wisdom born inconceivable.
6). In deep meditation, the Buddha acquired psychic powers: Static is the culmination of wisdom and clarity to communicate. That also is in deep meditation. At that time, the blood vessels of the author stops (witness the First realm of meditation). Or stop breathing (witness the realm of meditation II). Or the concept stopping power (witness the third realm of meditation) or stop the mind (witness the realm To Charity). This is a deep meditation on the phenomenon. Staying in this realm, just as dead, but not dead. Certification is the realm of charity is still mortal, but the Saints have not attained. This point people to pay attention, can not be misunderstood. Be diligent, continue into the deep. Foreign direct the air into the wall. The witness into the sky Five Real Complete. Now new preliminary arahatship, or Bodhisattva Cross office. By this realm will be obtained miracles of Buddha.
7). Mind is not equal low: Purity of mind of the Bodhisattva, very fair, not all discrimination is all low.
8). Where these beings, upper-middle-lower, obstacles such interest. As the location, benefits all: Bodhisattva with upper beings, whether good location apartment, or townhouse is the location, or the location down padded base, third base are equal, there is no center barrier. Like the site, or the birth of all things, equitable benefits.
9). If we see life, for a while to play Mind, the excess of such respected monks: If that was discovered Mind beings, should respect them, they admit to. Like the monks respected legacy. Venerable was ordained at noble, dark reverence.
10). Place of ordained monks and A soap pears, all Bodhisattvas, the improvement of knowledge, where shamans, often care to respect life, excess donations: For the ordained monk, teacher and regulations, all Bodhisattvas All intellectual improvement, all mages, have often come close to their place, the excess respect, offerings. Do not be lazy, not ego. To inform teacher gifts, teacher gifts the parents as gifts.
Buddhists! It is the purity of the ten Bodhisattva law office is not heedless.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Bodhisattva Mind initial release, based realm where no distraction, ten measures obtained pure.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva head no distractions, the mind has great diligence, start right mattress. Student wins sensual, not only religious holiday. Place all of the law, not shelters. Place profound legal, diligent practice. Enter myriad subjects avoided, will add immense interest. Buddhism boundless, or depending upon known, that the Tathagata are all happy.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of common goods such distractions. Play the diligent attention, pointing forward, not backward. Often starting mindfulness, not born evil thoughts. Often genital optimism wins, ie the direction Bodhi, fullness sensation results. Usually not only religious holiday. For all of Buddhism, no attachments mind. For all Prajna dharma diligent practice without the incentives. Please enter avoided numerous subjects, not to argue with people, cultivate patience. Or increase Mind large. Buddhism boundless, or depending upon the Bodhisattva of Buddhist ethics to study, comprehend all reasoning clearly. Or make all Buddhas are born happy but to praise.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva, the ten measures, and make all the buddhas are happy. What is ten? One such effort is rotten back. The two are not sparing my life. Three is where the avaricious have no desire to. Four is that all such measures are not damaged. In a clever or observed, all in the legal world. Six is ​​that the press law, interest not attachment dependence. Saturday is usually of the big. Eight achievement is pure, luminous ring position. Nine fresh approach is its consistency, no increase or decrease heart. Ten subjects are shifting uncreated, from pure happiness.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Great Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of goods, the ten measures, or moved to the Buddhas of the ten directions that joyful praise. What are ten legal? That is:
1). Diligent not rot back: Bodhisattva practice the day after is always diligent, not permanently regress.
2). Not sparing my life: Since this is legal selfless spirit of Bodhisattva.
3). Where there is no hope for avaricious: Bodhisattva of four secondary offerings (food and drink, clothing, blankets, medicine), all physical belongings not seek care, depending on the conditions offered, not starting by discrimination.
4). Knowing all measures, are as naught: Bodhisattva legal transparency are all predestined by the student, because of conditions that destroy, all is not as frivolous, it may not now, so no attachment the I, no legal attachment. Therefore:'' I and are not legal.''
5). Ingenious or observe, throughout the legal world: smart or Bodhisattva observe all legal, all the way across the goal.
6). Know the legal publications, such dependence attachments mind: Bodhisattva mind that using secure methods. However, the law that set, sealed This is true. However, legal interest publications such dependence, not approved before the publication.
7). Often great vows: of great bodhisattvas often found great happiness, great volunteer compassion, thus:'' Dai Tri Bodhisattva Manjushri, the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Dai Hanh, Stratigraphic Great Bodhisattva Vow, the Great Compassion Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.'' Four Bodhisattvas, the representatives of the four great vows. Therefore, practitioners must play great volunteer, volunteer crew that is legal. Want to give up on this side of life and death, and sorrow over the line reaches the other shore nirvana. Great way to sit in the boat, go across the sea of ​​life and death, peace reaches new Buddhist scene. No religious vows, as well as flowering trees without fruit, no avail.
8). Achievement pure, luminous ring position: Must be accomplished purification, religious practice patience. That is ring ring thirsty hungry, cold resistant heat tolerant, wind shall be rain. In summary, all must endure. Therefore:'' Please ring the police.'' Rings, there is wisdom, wisdom, there is clarity.
9). Shop our fresh approach, not increase or decrease heart: It's good to observe his law practice, where the mind does not increase not decrease. For good way, or bad way, mind are not attached, nor increase or decrease.
10). Bake the myriad subjects, from pure happiness: Relying on the very subject, to practice all pure happiness.
What is the uncreated subjects? That is the realm do not do that, do not do that. In short, any subject any self-propelled, not attachment behavior that subject. There is free from attachment, this means that no religious doctrine religious, religious but not religious. Did not artifacts, are not a little reluctant exist, are completely natural.
Ie religious practice. Do not have this thought:'' Why should I practice?'' Whatever you did not do! That is the practice. Do not think of what the practice is no basis for. Nor need enlightenment, nor a registered work, ie practice. This is the practice that very bridge. Because numerous bridges that practice, because that practice uncreated, because taking that very practice. Not to say:'' I practice as a Buddhist.'' If you have thoughts like that is going to work.
Ie uncreated said, I have to practice, I did not demand anything. Therefore: 
'' By the will of all concerned for his wife.''
Until there is room for anything else, then no worries at all. Why the worry? So there is the expectation? So do not know enough. If there is sufficient demand for? For example, to cultivate the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of time yet it feels like the Bodhisattva. Forums of the Bodhisattva, the more numerous the subjects called.
Responsibilities of the Buddhist teachings we are sentient beings, sentient beings benefit, protection of living beings. Our responsibility is lecture lecture. Our responsibility is to hear legal listening experience. We do not transparency Buddhist doctrine, the right to be heard of, or did not care transparency transparent, all the listening experience, it is heard that nothing is working. Listen to nature experience, no participation requirements. I also heard of transparent, transparent I never heard of, it was harmless, ie, not reluctant, naturally, to practice all subjects pure happiness.
Buddhists! That's ten Bodhisattva legal office, or making Tathagata are all happy.
Buddha's disciple! It is ten Bodhisattva's legal office. Buddhas of the ten directions makes the heart happy life, but to praise: You instead! You instead! Compassion son! He was a Buddhist!
Buddhists! Then there are ten measures, or made ​​happy all the Buddhas. What is ten? That is: An office no distractions. Rings Resting infertility. An office pronouns. An office compassion. An office full of Paramita. An office of happiness. An office of prayer. An office skillful means. An office mighty power. An office wise, all measures consistent, there are office space, as nowhere.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Bodhisattva Mind initial release, the ten purity law, which can cause birth ten Buddhas joy? What are ten legal? That is:
1). An office no distractions: That is an approach based on ring infertility.
2). What method called infertility ring? That is no way that a little life, a little not see the ending. Ring in the mind.
3). An office pronouns: From or ban wellbeing of all sentient beings, thus:'' ungainly pronouns.''
4). An office compassion: Or save all sentient beings suffer, thus:'' Stunt compassion.''
5). An office full Paramita: From that moment, or the cross, are not lacking sufficient.
6). An office of happiness: Bodhisattva practice which still are well accomplished.
7). An office of prayer: preserve Bodhisattva Vows have found her.
8). An office skillful means: That the practice of skillful means.
9). An office mighty power: That is very diligent.
10). An office of wisdom: An office in all wisdom, observing all legal, the law does not attach where, as nowhere, no place there.
Buddhists! If the ten Bodhisattva head this way, it makes all the buddhas are happy.
Buddha's disciple! If all Bodhisattvas, an approach based on ten, then made ten Buddhas are born great joy, to praise, to empowerment, His Holiness became death.
Buddhists! There are ten measures, making the Bodhisattva into the status soon. What is ten? A blessing is cleverly located two well fullness. Secondly direction or the stately Paramita. Three wise wisdom is communicated, not depending on other people's words. Fourthly, you admit the fresh, always left out. Five planets are often attacked, no laxity. Friday was a fine resting place of the Tathagata powers. Seven healthy religious grounds, not boring fatigue life care. Eight is located at heart benefits, methods used to own solemn Mahayana. Nine is the place where disciplines, such center office space. Ten healthy means the base is a substance with three Buddhas.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Then there are ten measures, can make early into ten Bodhisattva status. What are ten legal? That is:
1). Ingenious blessed fullness two unfortunate position: That is wise, but religious blessings, blessings and fullness, fullness and location. Blessed are wise enough ie Buddha therefore called'' Dual survive.''
2). Or the stately director Paramita: That is also true of practice, the continental body, cultivate the practice of the other side.
3). Wisdom wise communicated, not according to the words of others: Or, Prajna religious teachings, they will attain the clarity of wisdom, communicated very afraid. There is no wisdom, then depending upon the words of others that Unjust fluctuate. Therefore:'' Eight wind blowing lay.''
4). Thua the healing you, are not left out: Must admit knowledge of good, close spiritual friend, improved knowledge-based offerings. No high sewage pride, not envy obstacles. Enough bad habits and things, all sorts of bad diseases capillaries, were to sweep it clean. Excavating the roots are not born again permanently. Always leave do not give good knowledge, knowledge is good teacher, can teach how to turn from greed, hatred and delusion, forensic medicine practice how.
5). Often the effort is not lazy: Study Buddhism is often diligent, not lazy, just towards the front, not rotten backwards.
6). Ingenious or resting place of the Tathagata powers: Or listen to good teaching knowledge, is not lazy new effort, new resting place of its divine Buddhas.
7). From the fresh root not mind boring fatigue life: Tu base of all good, thorough and faithful, not boring fatigue birth center, birth center not lazy.
8). Interests at heart position, using the extra measures that dignified self: Use the legal successor to profound Prajna solemn yourself. That is, for the dignified solemnity of Buddha himself to himself.
9). Where local practice, not center office space: Each of the ten local practice, where the legal office did not mind.
10). Based wholesome means a substance with the Buddhas of the three: Align the ten wholesome means of three Buddhas life all the same substance.
Buddhists! This makes the Ten Bodhisattva soon enter into the position.
Buddha's disciple! Ten or method mentioned above makes all the early Bodhisattva into tenth position, until the Enlightenment fruition and Magic.
Again, Buddhists! At the initial Bodhisattva local office, it should be left to observe. Depending upon all disciplines and all. Depending upon all profound wisdom. Depending upon the practice. Depending upon the results obtained. Depending upon the situation. Depending upon its use. Depending upon the current market. Depending upon the distinction. Depending upon possessed. Are clever observation. Knowing all measures, both self-interest without prior approval. Knowing this, then, into the left field Bodhisattva dwells.
Lai said. Buddha's disciple! All Bodhisattvas at The Venue initial office should be smart to observe all realms. Must either accept all the eighty-four thousand teachings. Must either accept all the profound wisdom of the Buddhas of the ten directions. Back to depending upon the practice of the Buddhas of the ten directions. Back to results depending upon the presence of the Buddhas of the ten directions. Back to depending upon the realm of the Buddhas of the ten directions. Depending upon the force back to obtaining the Buddhas of the ten directions. Depending upon the market back to the Buddhas of the ten directions. Back to differentiate depending upon the Buddhas of the ten directions. Back to possess depending upon the Buddhas of the ten directions. Quite cleverly observed, that all legal and all, no self-care leave. Because no self-care leave, so there is no attachment. Bodhisattva minister said the law is so he will be a prime gathering place, can remain in tenth position.
Buddhists! The Bodhisattva then meditate like this: Let's quickly enter the field. Why? Because if we stay in the local universe, it will achieve such vast merit. Full merit then, Buddhism gradually into place. Buddha Head in place then, would the vast boundless Buddha. Therefore it is often hard to practice, no stopping, no fatigue boring. Use the order of merit to dignified, bodhisattvas enter the place.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Those which are Bodhisattvas or meditate thus:'' We hurry into position control The Venue. Why? Because if we stay in the local universe, it would merit extensive achievements of the Buddhas. Sufficient merit then, it will gradually enter into Buddhahood place. Buddha Head area where he will make the vast boundless Buddha. Because of that reason, so we should be diligent to practice often. Do not rest, do not get tired. Use the merits of the Buddhas to their stately, it will enter the status of Bodhisattva.''
Buddhists! There are ten measures made the basis of pure Bodhisattva. What is ten? One is to let go of physical money, satisfying the people. Two are pure morality, no cancellation range. Three gentle patience is not the end. Four are diligent cultivation of virtues, such perpetual retrogression. In the effort to use mindfulness, distraction did not mind. Six is ​​very clear regardless of the law. Saturday's practice all the virtues that such attachment. Eight is not shaken heart like Princess mountain. Nine is wide sentient beings, like bridges. Ten is that all beings be at one with nature Tathagata.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Then there are ten measures, or made happy all the practice of Bodhisattvas are pure. What is ten measures:
1). Renounce possessions, we fulfilled the student: Bodhisattva bring all properties giving them birth, the eyes even internal resources or external resources medulla country brought their wives and children were giving out. Action Bodhisattva sacrificed all, the satisfaction of living beings, it would be like to be pure.
2). Morality pure, no cancellation range: Bodhisattva precepts then, is certain to preserve, not destroy permanently committed. Medical practice is a new world three purification industry.
3). Gentle patience, not have the same advantage: Bodhisattva practice patience, practice, and patience, the gentleness, not angry with people. From the gentle patience there ever was. Demand is demand puree, peace is peace. Therefore:
'' Demand or win diamond
Weak or win power.''
Use a gentle compassion for all sentient beings to feel increasingly strengthen, causing them to birth parents in sight. Tolerance is patience, patience is humiliating. Must endure patiently, like someone yelled at you, or hit you then have to endure, thus:'' Adversity to life upon.'' Even someone to defame you, or destroy your honor , must practice patience Paramita, to see if they are moral knowledge.
4). Diligent practice of the virtues, such perpetual retrogression: Bodhisattva of wisdom hardworking clergy, eradicate greed, hatred and delusion. Diligent practice well enough technical stuff, the diligent effort, not permanent retrogression.
5). Use the power of mindfulness, distraction not mind: Bodhisattva meditation practitioners (health awareness). There is no center of power and the crazy nor distraction. Meet the realm of clear analysis, there is the realm transfer, which transferred the realm, this means the ability of the power of mindfulness.
6). Distinguish know countless methods: Bodhisattva practice Prajna dharma. Use Prajna wisdom to discern, to know all the legal doctrine true form. Above that altitude practice, practice is obtained pure realm Paramita (the other side).
7). Tu unfortunate that not all attachments: Bodhisattva practice well all subjects, nor attachment behavior where all subjects. If the religious teachings care what we think? So there is no place attachment. There is no place attachment is freed.
8). Tam did not move, like mountain princess: Bodhisattva is motionless, often proving willow willow. Like Princess mountain Meru, such is the realm of the mind to move.
9). Wide sentient beings, like overseas salary: Bodhisattva practice purity law, ie to all the living beings, non-suffering is funny. Like the bridge, the benefit sentient beings from samsara shore side, go to the other shore nirvana.
10). Know all living beings, and a substance to the Tathagata: Bodhisattvas and Buddhas beings know is possible. Therefore:
'' Mind, Buddha, sentient beings, all three no different.''
Because they love the idea immediately or ignorance, in samsara rotation without stopping. Buddhist saint who is not enchanted, so get rid of the three worlds, students did not kill, her permanent legal existence. Therefore:
'' Buddha's enlightenment, love the people.''
Ten people who practice this approach to religious, religious people who succeed are the people who also became a Buddha.
Buddhists! It is ten measures, making the Bodhisattva of purification facilities.
Buddha's disciple! This makes ten or Bodhisattva base all religious purity are obtained.
Bodhisattva obtain happiness and purity, to obtain additional ten wins legal. What is ten? One is the other Buddhas are all deceased. Two healthy root growth is wins, surpassing other levels. Three is smart or territory, blessings of Buddha. Four is usually the refuge charity. In an office is diligent, always such distractions. Six is ​​known all legal, others are not equal. Seven is the mind always remain, unsurpassed compassion. Eight is very customary law, the wisdom born of magic. Nine is the practice or clever, skillful means. Ten vehicles are known to be best of the Tathagata.
Mind Bodhisattva development, which acquired natural virtues and purity, to obtain additional ten wins legal. What additional measures is ten wins?
1). The other Buddhas, are all deceased: Ten schools of Buddhism, the deceased were blessed Bodhisattva Mind found it.
2). Based wins healthy growth, surpassing the other level: Bodhisattva Mind initial release was obtained and purified, the base will grow healthy. Not only growth but also wins, to overcome all other Bodhisattvas status. Therefore:'' The Mind of the development, the instant enlightenment.''
3). Ingenious or territorial health blessings of Buddha Bodhisattva acquired increased legal victory, the left or territorial health blessings of the Buddhas. This means that the center did not move, did not mournful joy, for the life force to eighty gods blessings of the Buddhas.
We students of Buddhism, or meditation, or Buddha, or chanting or mantras? At first it felt like my hair was blowing the wind. Or are you feeling on what the cow, if there is such feeling, it's Buddhas hand to touch your head, making you get rid of the three worlds. In short, meticulous practice to the extreme will be the Bodhisattva Buddha blessing, given that energy obtained a wiser person.
4). Often the friendly refuge: Bodhisattva always friendly intellectual refuge, recourse to spot. Like children rely on parents, the protection of the safe.
5). An effort is always such based distractions: the bodhisattva precepts, absolutely no specific violation. He dwells in the effort, body diligent, diligent attention, no distractions laxity.
6). Knowing all measures, other equally: Bodhisattva know all legal, but not the same, but the essence of equality, there are two types.
7). Mind always remain supreme compassion: the Bodhisattva's mind, often remain in supreme compassion to relieve suffering of all beings. Therefore:'' Stunt compassion.'' Bodhisattva thoughts like this, unpleasant beings, like ourselves are unpleasant.
8). As was observed, the wisdom born of magic: Bodhisattva usually meditate often observe the true form of the moral law, or so the wisdom born of magic.
9). Or smart practice skillful means: everything Bodhisattva increased strength wins, or skill to practice, practice Dhamma skillful means.
10). Or know of the Tathagata health facilities: Bodhisattva or power means that all of the Buddhas.
Buddhists! It is ten additional measures of Bodhisattva wins.
Buddha's disciple! It is ten Bodhisattva way of winning increase. It's unfortunate it would be pure win outcome measures. That is: Tha forces win, win charitable, appraisal win, and win well, winning assistant, leg alignment, the winning touch, consistently won wisdom, practice lead, won ton increase, up ten wins legal stuff.
Buddhists! Ten Bodhisattva vow chastity. What is ten? A prayer is maturing beings, no fatigue boring. Both are willing to do all the good, to the world pure. Three voluntary excess is the Tathagata, usually born of respect. Four upholding the law is voluntary, not sparing my life. In the volunteer position for observation, into the realms of Buddhas water. Friday prayer is a substance with the Bodhisattva. Seven is voluntary on the Tathagata, all legal grasp. Eight consecutive student who shows confidence, obtain benefits. Nine is the head of all his powers voluntarily existences. Ten full well that Samantabhadra prayer, pure strains of position necessarily subject.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice, should play the pure ten great vows. Ten of the pure aspirations, the Bodhisattva should not play, but we must also be found. If ten great vows fulfilled this pure, ie achievement results Bodhisattva.
All beings, willing to play ten this pure, it feels right mind can vow. For this reason, the instructor should be doing, not listening experience, to chant. If only that no religious vows, is of little use. Do not think like this: This is the Bodhisattva vow of development, there is no relation with us. So we do not need teaching experience roughly, without listening experience, no chanting. Why? Conversely classic no relationship to us. This idea is even more wrong wrong! Because of the Bodhisattva vows, everyone should play, everyone should practice, so we have teaching experience, have heard of, to chant sutras, to study the scriptures, then follow the practice of medicine, new in order to attain the liberation. Therefore, we must play ten pure aspirations, then became prominent non-human Bodhisattvas of them. What are ten things pure aspirations? That is:
1). Prayer mature beings, no fatigue boring: Play voluntarily exit the beings, thus:'' We boundless vows of life.'' Makes them sound mature student basis, the achievement supreme Bodhi. This task is difficult though, but which targets nor Bodhisattva. Therefore:'' Accept labored under resentment,'' there is the painful feeling.
2). May the good deeds done fully, the pure world: the vow to do everything fresh, wholesome merit to use the dignified world, making all the world pure.
3). May the legacy of the Tathagata, usually born of respect: Play voluntarily admit the Buddhas. Always respect the Buddhas birth center.
4). Prayer upholding the law did not spare my life: the vow to uphold dharma all, ordinary people propagate the Dhamma, we should uphold. Because upholding the law, though the network did not sacrifice themselves unfortunately. Therefore:'' For his selfless approach,'' spirit is great like that!
5). Prayer for observation location, enter the realms Buddhas Phat pray for wisdom to contemplate the Buddhas of the ten realms. Observing that the country should go to the realms of Buddhism to help sentient beings? Then go to that realm.
6). May be at one with nature Bodhisattva: Play at a voluntary prayer, and a mind, and a body, the one character, with the ten Bodhisattva. That is also a legal contract itself.
7). Prayer to the Tathagata, aware of all legal: Play in the chapel of the Tathagata, the Tathagata robes, sat court Tathagata, the Tathagata grasp of the law, practice director of the Tathagata.
8). May those who see student came belief, benefit: Play is voluntary human beings see bodhisattvas, beliefs are born, play Mind. There is a beings without obtaining the benefits. What are the benefits? That means an end to defilements benefits Bodhi evidence.
9). May the force of the universe, of life, of the future: a vow to have supernatural power, often based world, teaching them life. End childhood to protect the future beings. Use divine power makes sense beings out of the ceiling, get rid of suffering, attain peace.
10). Vow full well Samantabhadra, pure strains of position necessarily subjects: ten great vows full realm of Samantabhadra prayer:
- A Buddha's feast.
- Two canopy is justified Tathagata.
- Three is wide religious offerings.
- Fourth karmic penance.
- In the merit rejoicing.
- Friday is the time to turn the wheel of dharma.
- Saturday is visiting Buddha's head.
- Eight Buddhist is often customized.
- September is upon every living being.
- October period is common dedication.
Pure almond practice to treat all afflictions, professional achievements necessarily given location.
Buddhists! It is ten Bodhisattva vow of chastity.
Buddha's disciple! Ten prayer said before:
- A voluntary because of mature beings.
- Two water because pure Buddha realm.
- Three Buddhas are voluntary offerings.
- Four upholding the law is voluntary.
- In the voluntary excess the Buddhas.
- Sixth healthy volunteer basis with the Bodhisattva.
- Saturday is the foremost volunteer photographer is legal.
- Eight is not there now pray three.
- September is full atomic operators.
- Ten is willing to Enlightenment.
These are the ten Bodhisattva vow of chastity law. We present the ten heard this prayer must play ten this prayer. Therefore:'' Let the stars are so effective.'' Pure bodhisattva austerities, vows chastity, purity achievement results. We must look to the direction of the Bodhisattva by Bodhisattva, so:'' Seeing is wise to make in their thinking,'' diligent study of the Bodhisattva spirit.
Buddhists! Ten Bodhisattva legal office, making great vows are fulfilled. What is ten? One is interested not boring fatigue. Two is enough great solemnity. Third anniversary of the volunteer force Bodhisattva wins. Fourthly, the Buddha realms heard vowing. In the heart of all existences long. Friday is the prayer of all beings achievements. Seven's head all life, not that hard. Eight all life is suffering, not boring life left. Nine is where it all joy, no interest attached. Ten is often laborious method supreme guardian.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! Mind Bodhisattva development, not in ten legal permanent, then make new vows are emitted fullness. What are ten legal? That is:
1). Mind not boring fatigue: Bodhisattva Mind diligent, for all such measures fatigue life boring, no sorrow born. Buddhism but as wide as the sea, but turn the practice gradually evolved, the nature of the original. Do not be a cold day hot ten days, can not see the difference other thought. The two ideas are the austerities foot stone column, if these ideas are permanent and can not be accomplished.
Currently initiates delusions: Buddhism has eighty-four thousand teachings, can always practice all? When this idea was born, the boring would life to Buddhism. The Buddhist Tripitaka to the deep, like the sea of ​​wisdom. There is a wisdom and all the information. Can not say that Buddhism as the sea life center retrogression, which is not the behavior of practitioners. Do not have thoughts like this:'' I studied Buddhism for many years, research on Buddhist day, everyday listening experience listening to the law, but did not obtain benefits.'' You've acquired in the main benefits that you have do not know.
- The first benefit is that you at Kim Son Pagoda Buddhist learning, can not go out to kill the fire reporters. In such offenders list your name, it is not reasonable benefits?
- The second benefit is that you at Kim Son Pagoda Buddhist studies, can not go out stealing, the offense did not list your name, it is not reasonable benefits?
- It is the third benefit you in Kim Son Pagoda in meditation meditation, can not go out of adultery, or rape, the crime did not list your name, this is not reasonable benefits?
- It is the fourth benefit you in Kim Son Pagoda Buddha Lord Buddha, can not go out lied to deceive people, criminals do not list your name, this is not reasonable benefits?
- It is the fifth benefit you in Kim Son Pagoda translated texts, or browse the classic, can not go out drinking or smoking stand, the offense did not list your name, is not this benefit reasonable?
Body and calm your career, your business also exports pure. If not involved, not courts, not ignorance, it is the pure business. Three pure now, is not this the benefit of the Buddhist school budget? However, if such learning Buddhism is easy to commit themselves killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, three evil; mouth easily commit lied, saying weaving, said second tongue, said insulted, four evil; attention it easy scope greed, hatred and delusion, the three evil. Three now if not pure, the light is not harmonious family, then society such heavy security, crimes committed ten penalties or court shall be caught up in the prison, endless unpleasantness. Then up again did not repent. Learning Buddhism and preserve the world in which accidents are there, it is not reasonable benefits?
2). Dignified long enough: The Dharma School, took the solemn dignified Buddhas for themselves, taking the solemn dignified Bodhisattva to self, get the Arhat dignified solemnity to themselves. We stately and dignified Saints, long gradually become identical no other, so to say full solemnity large.
3). Volunteer force concept of the Bodhisattva wins: Do not forget volunteer force concept of Bodhisattva wins emitted. Thus, the power of your prayer will also fullness. Vows of Bodhisattva development, is the prayer of all beings, a Buddhist prayer. Prayer for suffering sentient life, received the vows of cussing beings, willing to defamation life of sentient beings, which is the prayer of the bodhisattva force wins. Bodhisattvas are beings of the past have generated Bodhicitta. We are currently in development Bodhisattva Mind. Beings and future development are Mind the Bodhisattva. In summary, we found past life Mind of a bodhisattva, beings existing development Mind of a bodhisattva, sentient beings of the future development Mind of a bodhisattva, so everyone can make Bodhisattva . The Bodhisattva of the ordinary to do not have to do. Why? So the thought of a Bodhisattva benefit of others, of ordinary thought is his interest, therefore contrast with each other. Join the ordinary and Bodhisattvas are not involved, the ordinary courts, not courts, the Bodhisattva, the ordinary si, si Bodhisattva is not. Bodhisattva eliminate anger and ignorance, religious achievements the fullness of wisdom, so this is a volunteer force of Bodhisattva wins. May the power of the Bodhisattva is to replace unpleasant beings. We are grateful for sentient beings such unpleasantness reasonable? Who has the spirit of sacrifice like that, it can be said that'' tailed horned serve time,'' the more rare rare. Bodhisattva is the most stupid beings. Why say that? Because the Bodhisattva spirit for whom such as yourself where where are disadvantaged, not to account for convenience. This expression is not their selfish interests. Bodhisattva wants his discharge because of, but not because his calculations. For others, that we forget ourselves, who are qualified to do so, then that person is the Bodhisattva. The release did not practice Mind, it is permanent beings. Thus, we can see here is the difference between living beings and Bodhisattvas, ie the relationship between growth Mind. In summary, development Mind of a bodhisattva, development is now sentient mind.
4). Listen to the realms of the Buddhas are vowing: If you want all the fullness of prayer, to hear the water realm of the Buddhas of the ten directions, are vowing to complete. Why? So close to the Bodhisattva Buddhas, Buddhas learning of said law, growing wisdom, because the future of our religious life, as spiritual food.
5). Intensive long-term care, the future of life: dharma information should give rise to deep experienced long time, all existences nor rotten heart. Using insights and great volunteer center for Buddhist learning.
6). May all our achievements are born: They are born expecting anything, the Bodhisattva makes them satisfied. We are born to wealth, the wealth, the longer you will live a long life, it is the children of their children, all human beings is the basis, the Bodhisattva certain make them satisfied. This means the Bodhisattva of compassion.
7). Head all life, not that hard: Bodhisattva was born as making them satisfied, that all life in the universe, through long periods countless lives, he would not for that painful. Therefore, under hard'' bear resentment.'' Causing beings to attain the peace, despite jumping into the heat and Bodhisattvas also committed volunteer center, not rejected.
8). Tho all suffering, not boring life apart: Bodhisattva vows unpleasant alternative to living beings. Why? Because:
'' Life is suffering from misery
To enjoy the blessings of all blessings.''
New life to the end of suffering, if not unpleasant, the permanent existence. If there are blessings that just enjoy life, the blessings will consume. When the age of all blessings, life must be hard. So the thought of Bodhisattva and contradictory beings. Bodhisattva life miserable for sentient beings, like yourself unpleasant, so do not mind boring life left.
9). Where all the fun, take care not last: Mind Bodhisattva development, for all realms and all happily participate in such care before, bring all the happiness in the legal direction for all beings.
The'll see! Bodhisattva Development Center for help sentient beings are, forget yourself. But help others without any ugly mind map. The status! Who is born to help them forget themselves, that this is the bodhisattva of compassion. If you go there to be forgotten, not subject to help sentient beings, which means they are born selfish. I ask you, is the Bodhisattva reasonable? Or are we born? I myself will reflect that. In short, for all the work involved did before, for all the suffering never boring leaves called Bodhisattva.
10). Often diligent guardian, supreme Method: Bodhisattva responsibility is upholding DharmaIncrease Tam Bvirtual, usually diligent practice supreme guardian.
Buddhists! When the Bodhisattva vow so full, there was a ten organs obtained endless. What is ten? That is, all that Tibet infinite Buddhas. Tibetan infinite sum over not forget. Tibetan endless clarify the legal decision. Tibetan Rescue endless compassion. Tibetan endless Samadhi everything. Tibetan endless beings fulfilling the vast merit. Tibetan endless talking takes all measures profound wisdom. Tibetan spiritual powers endless press. Tibetan endless universe countless lifetimes. Tibetan endlessly into infinite world.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! When the ten Bodhisattva legal office, or full ten great vows of chastity were discovered, there was a ten second organ is infinite, ie take the same museum there. Therefore:'' Germany is extremely vast endless, endless ethics imply that organ - the vast wisdom, the law implies that organ.'' In short, the classic text that covers the organs of aggregates. What organ is ten endless?
1). Tibetan endless see all Buddhas throughout Seeing all Buddhas and Buddhas see finished, to see the other Buddhas, Buddha always show, that approach does not always hear the same end.
2). Tibetan infinite sum over not forget: Da la ni is the total maintenance service, which is also true language (spell). Total over all measures, maintenance immeasurable sense, this is the way of maintenance. Therefore:
'' Total body purification mouth the three career
Morality three students favored the Union.''
Not forgetting that all learning is dharma, or life over, or not reciting it permanently forget the countless Buddhas saying legal organ.
3). Tibetan endless clarify the legal decision: Decision to understand all the legal, how much any method, are all transparent.
4). Organ endless compassion rescue: all transparency measures, to have compassion rescue all beings be happy-suffering, causing termination of mortal beings.
5). Tibetan endless Samadhi everything: ie to eighty. Concentration is the first nine layers, ie meditation, no, great feeling to kill (destroy all life two aggregates idea). Samadhi is infinite variety, so says the organ endless.
6). Tibetan endless fulfilling beings, vast merit: Heart of fulfillment beings is difficult, because such participation be bored. Therefore:'' Buddhas and Bodhisattvas difficult contented beings.'' Bodhisattva merit wider use to satisfy sentient beings, causing them chronic heart mguyen contented life, full of hope for all .
7). Tibetan endless expresses all legal, profound wisdom: Legal Forum said the Buddhas of the ten directions say, can be said to show a sense of immeasurable meanings, and the meanings of countless a sense. There is profound wisdom, eloquence, the numerous new problems.
8). Tibetan endless press miracles: that the Spirit is life because of this practice which obtained, sometimes before practice that is life. Tu obtained ie psychic life of practice, the term gradually obtained the divine will. Report obtained the divine, which is the practice of past life has not forgotten, life karmic ripening to obtain spiritual powers. Two things this divine infinite. All of us should really care that practice (meditation), they will have acquired psychic to uncover the wisdom. Why we do not have psychic powers? So that idea too much, most specialists do not mind, so no magical practice.
9). Tibetan endless universe countless lifetimes: Bodhisattva of countless lifetimes, based on the teachings of the world for all sentient beings, beings of escape, do not feel too long, so this endless obtained organs.
10). Tibetan endlessly into infinite world: the bodhisattva vow development, offered to go to all the world seems to worship buddhas, teaching them life. Just wherever they occur, the Bodhisattvas are they going to get rid of the three worlds. Because they float in a sea of ​​suffering, to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas compassionate salvation, so the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of compassion boats return rely Saha world to save sentient life unpleasant accidents.
Buddhists! It is ten Bodhisattva organ endless.
Buddha's disciple! It is ten Bodhisattva organ endless. In a glass tank the twenty-second, the German Seventh Bodhisattva said ten organs are endless: Tin organs, sex organs, Zang, precious organ, organs office, for organ, organs wisdom, anniversary organs, organ maintenance, visceral action , not just with this endless ten organs.
This organ is ten Bodhisattva then, the full merit, pure wisdom. For depending upon sentient beings, should be taught that way as they say.
Bodhisattva Bodhisattva practice, acquired this endless and ten organs, the blessings and virtues are fully dignified obtain pure ultimate wisdom. For all beings, sentient beings should be based on teaching, but because they speak French. That is worthy of being used Buddha, the Buddha to appear immediately because they say the law, should use the Bodhisattva body, holds itself out to the Bodhisattva way as they say, good for a bodyHorn level, holds itself out A Horn because they speak to law; worthy monks themselves used, or the nuns, holds itself out monks or nuns because they speak to law; worth using body Upasaka (lay men) or her advantage di (female layperson) level, holds itself out Upasaka, or Upasika to because they say the law.
Buddhists! For sentient beings, bodhisattvas depending upon how the beings deserve to because they say legal? That is: Knowing their work done. Knowing their predestined. Knowing their thoughts center. Know their preference.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! For all living beings, Bodhisattvas depending how they teach students deserve to because they say legal? Bodhisattvas must know our students now create, what retribution to life? Then the body of sentient beings say that because of the law. Bodhisattva's money to know the consequences of living beings, all causal mature, or immature? Be aware of the thoughts and actions of others in mind how? To know the joy and preferred in the center of what we are born? Transparency and four this situation towards others say the new law is effective. That is also the grasp of the psychological beings, easily lead to the new faith. Thus,'' the first shop teacher,'' which is also because the law says. Depending on the options are legal opportunity to talk. Real too wise to choice, for those who favor legal basis Prajna say, for those who say the legal basis of conditions.
Bodhisattvas desire for many people, because they say the law is impure. The more hatred, because they say the law compassion. The more ignorant, because they are taught to observe diligently practicing. The three stand by one another, as they say practice wisdom wins achievements. He preferred the death, the suffering because they say three things. If the attachment of the country, the president said legal nowhere. The lazy mind, they say the effort. The ego is talking legal equality. The more flattering lies, because they said the Bodhisattva mind straight. The silence is wide popular because they say the law, making them accomplished. Bodhisattva depending on the worth of it, but because they say such measures.
Bodhisattva depending upon the time of their birth and said the following ten measures:
1). For many living beings desire, because they said it impure consistent approach. Impure body shop:
- One is thinking about death
- Two is consistent bloated.
- Third, think about the pile of blood.
- Four are thinking about stinking pus.
- In the thought of destruction.
- Friday was thinking about blood.
- Saturday is the thought of maggots, eating match.
- Eight skeletal remains are thinking about.
- September was thinking about melting damage.
This is the visualization nine impure. Or is generally consistent nine holes usually filthy flow map.
Back contemplating the body is impure:
- A seed is impure.
- Two seat is impure.
- Three is the impure self.
- Four is itself impure.
- In a greenhouse study impurities.
Or customary practice, you would not care so craving more. This is one of the five families contemplation. Five home care that is consistent:
- A bar is impure.
- Two is consistent compassion.
- Three is the causal consistency.
- Four is consistent boundary.
- In the immediate window shop.
Shop for curing impure desires. Shop more compassionate treatment of anger. Consistent treatment of conditions for stupidity. Shop the discriminatory treatment is more falls. Restaurant News for the window treatment more scattered.
2). For more hatred beings, because they said the law bars compassion. Seeing the pathetic beings stop hatred, compassion arises, there will be no hatred.
3). For many foolish beings, because they said the karmic law. Twelve causal consistency, practice the teachings of retribution. Ignorance will end all of life and death.
4). For greed, hatred and delusion beings equally, because they say the law won achievements location, ie how to cultivate wisdom teachings wins.
5). For participating preferred mortal beings, as they say, the sufferings of the three measures. Three format is:
- Difficulty.
- Sufferings.
- Acts of suffering.
Suffering is suffering suffering of the poor, sufferings of the rich is suffering, suffering is the suffering of the people.
6). For attachment to the land of their birth, because they said they citizenship law nowhere. Which is not the country, not attachments.
7). For lazy beings mind, as they say, the law of effort. Making use of their practice.
8). For high drain conceit beings are legal because they say equality. Therefore:
'' France is equality
There is low.''
There should be no thought and behavior conceit.
9). For beings flattering lies, because they say the law of Bodhisattva Centre, is righteous, no bent fins.
10). For quiet happy beings, then as they say all legal width, making them eighty achievements. Bodhisattvas as beings should say such measures.
As said at the legal documents associated with each other, ie not contradictory. Observing the law before then, regardless of user location. Evaluation of harassment, such illegal publications. Founded the order, subject boundless happiness. Causing beings end unless all comfort. Smart that the house, into the teachings of the Tathagata. They are in fact true, that legal equality. End of charity law, unless all accepted. Standing Buddhas concept, not temporary care leave. Knowing the nature sounds fair. Place the pins language, no attachments mind. Ingenious say, not contradictory. Are made to be enlightened, all Buddhas and discretion over the relative position of equality.
Bodhisattva as legal beings said, the following texts prior to the bar together, not contradictory. Path of saying no wrong. Observing the law before then, use wisdom to discern. Either true or not true to the evaluation, not inconsistent with the general approach is important. Step by step is the infinite set of legal subjects, makes an end of all beings except little by little skeptical. Smart that the basis of the birth certificate. Use practice skillful means to teach, making the sea into the teachings of the Tathagata, physical evidence can be in fact true. Knowing all measures are equal, should not distinguish high and low. An end to all measures except charity, eliminating all attachments. Always remember all buddhas concept in mind not forgotten moment Buddhas. Fully articulate all sounds, it is also the nature of equality. For all words, no attachments mind. Smart enough to say such things, but not contrary to the meaning of texts. Totally made for all sentient beings, are enlightened beings depending upon the conditions of all the Buddhas, which manifested itself throughout the wisdom of equality.
Bodhisattvas as beings that expresses such measures. That practice itself, meaning growth of benefits. Not letting go of the continent. Full dignified director Paramita.
Mind Bodhisattva development, said the law as remarkable beings, ie beings craving for more, then teach them religious customs impure. For more hatred beings, the consistent teaching them compassion. For more ignorant beings, they are taught causal consistency. Using all sorts of disciplines skillful means, to students because they say the law, for example, to use everything as they say legal students. Beings made of transparent legal ethics, forensic medicine practice. Therefore, Bodhisattvas as they say Dhamma fertility. Bodhisattva is her level of people, not only because they are born that way himself also said practice, new means of growth, obtained the wisdom and benefits. Bodhisattvas are not exporting the meditation, which teaches its practitioners not to practice. Bodhisattva abandon such practice which still happy. Did not teach people since then, but they themselves will not since then. Teach people give to me, but I shall not give to people. Bodhisattva practice charity itself, teach others also practice generosity, to his own practice Prajna, Prajna also teaches practitioners. Thus the full blessing wisdom, wisdom solemn blessing that the Buddha Dual Memberships. Bodhisattva is also the practical, physical force to act Paramita practice, which is also the practice to other banks.
Then Bodhisattva because sentient beings are made in full and in addition will not let go of that attachment, that is pure generosity Paramita.
At that time, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Development Center, for making fully sentient beings. Vow of beings that I was full, the Bodhisattva vow of benefits beings. We are born selfish interests his thoughts, the Bodhisattva is the idea of ​​impartiality. Property different between bodhisattvas and sentient beings are in place. Bodhisattva transparency psychological beings, thus:
'' To make the Buddha mind
Before using the fitness equipment.''
For such beings, no food and then bring them to a bowl of rice. They wear life there, then bring them to wear. Beings appreciate your kindness, but felt good life for you, do good to your friends, become benefactors. You heard of Kim Son PagodaFlower AdornmentThey will affect your life, will also hear Kim Son Pagoda Flower Adornment Sutra. Listen to hear back, it will feel Buddhism is life saving measures, the lights of the night, which is the right path development Mind, refuge, became a Buddhist.
This is also part of our prayer life fulfilling. Bodhisattvas can then let go of the inner medulla eyes, outside the country abandon his wife and children. In addition to the exhaust are a little attachment nor there. Therefore:
Discharge was obtained'' new
No discharge was not elected.''
So should not discharge the discharge, such practice will practice generosity pure Paramita (the other side).
Full religious world without attachment. Permanently leave conceit. It is pure precepts Paramita.
Religious Bodhisattva or full without all the attachments. Therefore:'' Tri without maintenance, but not the world.'' Acts base unscathed, but very real unconditioned behavior. Must permanently leave thoughts and behavior sewer high conceit, not lazy, not distractions. Yes precepts, with majestic, can achieve pure religious teachings morality fullness to the other shore.
Life Or all evil. Where the living beings are equal attention, no fluctuations. For example, the address or preserve all. That is pure patience Paramita.
Patience Paramita, ie also teaches you not to ring ring. Leather-like retreat, meant to endure all the pain and suffering, must also endure ê back, leg pain also have rings, absolutely not surrender. Radical struggle in the end victory will belong to you, life is like that all the evil. For all beings, equal attention to. Any positive or negative is, are not scenes that move the world. Like the site, or keep all things. As such, it will cultivate a pure practice patience fullness to the other shore.
Across the good things arise, often practice such laxity. Making good works, not always retrogression. Powerful forces, nothing could subdue. Where the merits, not taking such leave, but all full or half position. It's pure effort or Paramita.
Across arise all karma. Often favored religious blessing without laxity. Do all good karma only effort, no rot back. Diligent force, the cost can not tame surrender. For all the merit, do not take her, would not let go, but all subjects or full of wisdom. Such a pure religious teachings diligently fullness to the other shore.
Where in the realm of education, there participate before. The second class are all the achievements. Often students meditation center, did not head out. Which can destroy all negativity. Born eighty countless subjects. Achievement of the infinite divine power. Paradox upon order, enter the samadhi. Place an eighty subjects, subjects entered eighty immeasurable. Knows all eighty realm, with all eighty-eight ma bowl title. Gratitude not contradictory. It can quickly enter the location where it all. It is pure meditation Paramita.

Bodhisattva in the realm of education (real name lobe talented, bar or sharp flavor exposure), not greed before birth. If greed before birth, there would be disturbing. Join excellence is pursued beauty, excellent cling realm where ceiling. Join bar: Pursuing hours or, where planes attached ceiling bars. Join flavor: Pursuing aroma, flavor clinging realm where ceiling. Join position: Pursuing taste, stick with the realm where the ceiling. Join contact: Pursuing nice touch, sticky eye where the ceiling plane of contact. Bodhisattvas practice the first nine classes, meditation that is four, four is not specified, the anti-life ideas. If you do not take pleasure in sex, they can practice achievements. Bodhisattva practice often thinking (meditation), right thought, right there, can not be wrong thinking. Inside there is the samadhi, nor of the. That is often the investment in maintenance, should be able to destroy all negativity. We can not enter the meditation, because there is sorrow, so having brain barrier ignorance door wisdom. There is no ignorance, no negativity, then wisdom will be opened, the money will wisdom. Our nature, like water in a bathtub, afflictions like dusty residue. If the water is dusty, muddy the water, he was born defiled. There will be unhappiness is from pure nature, wisdom is money. If the cleaner is negativity, it will generate a multitude of eighty subjects, to be accomplished in the infinite divine. That divine power, natural pagan ghosts can not be destroyed. Or depend on the order in which to enter, or not rely on the order in which enter into samadhi. Staying in an eighty subjects, can enter into Samadhi countless subjects. Therefore:
'' Enter an eighty subjects,
That all enter into Samadhi
Enter all eighty,
There is an eighty leaves.''
This realm of indescribable magic. Bodhisattva completely know all eighty realm, and all regulations, that started with eight threads (a kind of meditation is translated College Press), and reflect such wisdom to the contrary, can quickly enter all location. The practice will achieve peaceful meditation practice na fullness to the other shore.
In place Buddhas, hear legal life over. Charity close knowledge of such excess fatigue. Usually prefer to hear the law, not boring enough. Depending upon territorial law was heard, as of that thinking. Enter eighty feet, do not leave the interpretation of righteousness. Skillfully observing the law, obtain a seal. Knowing Tathagata, directing numerous uses. Thua common wisdom keeper, keeper of wisdom into position necessarily race. Permanently rest. It is pure Prajna Paramita.
At ten in the ashrams of three generations all Buddhas, hear all the Buddhas of the law says, the law will care practice, providing real practical issue, not forgetting life over. Or usually close, donations, charitable legacy of knowledge, not boring permanently tired. Often preferred listening approach the Buddhas say that there is no sorrow and contentment. Depending on the option of the Buddha was heard to say, moral territory, Princess of meditation, acquired the true wisdom. Thanks to the wisdom of life, supported by the lily, lily of Union members. This is entered eighty feet. Could leave all such interpretations righteousness. Or cleverly observing all legal, prime minister is set true. All the methods used to set the true form. Or grasp the true form of the formless direction, omnipresent Minister, it will penetrate the very direction of the Buddhas. Countless uses more direct artifact that is not very natural effect, which is also in agreement with nature true nature. Common wisdom TT subjects (one of a legal professional photographers all), subjects entered the omniscience of wisdom. At the time, what is done, not life itself later. It can be said is that the very real acts unconditioned, eternal rest. As such, it will cultivate a pure practice Prajna fullness to the other shore.
Bodhisattva is now made up of all the world. Church of boring beings without fatigue. Depending on which center their preferred embodiment. All the monks were not infected before. Or the ordinary, or the Saints, or the life and death, or the Nirvana, observe all skill jobs. Marketing is all solemnity without taking before. Across the world, free of beings. That means pure Paramita.
Bodhisattva is all done now of all the world, teaching nine legal world all beings, no boring thoughts tired. Depending on their preferred birth center, but because they embody the Dhamma. Bodhisattvas practice all virtues subjects, leave all legal defilements, without any attachment. Or manifested itself to teaching ordinary beings, human or divine manifested to teach people. Take the ordinary and make the Saints do, to affect beings development Mind. Sometimes marketing is vital to teach them life, sometimes manifested Nirvana to teach people. Bodhisattva clever job of observing all sentient beings, or the job market stately ashrams all realms of Buddhas. But that did not participate or solemn before. Back or on the exit around the world to all sentient beings, causing them to be happy-suffering. Such achievements pure perfection means to practice the other shore.
Bodhisattva achievements of all beings, all dignified world. Offerings to all Buddhas. Information not reach all the legal obstacles. Practice of these virtues throughout France. Body always futuristic universe of childhood life. Position that all in mind. Enlightened approach flow completely destroy. Marketing is all realms. They are all the wisdom of the Tathagata. That is pure prayer Paramita.
Bodhisattvas can achieve all sentient beings obtain liberation. Back dignified all the world is pure perfection. They donated all the Buddhas of the ten directions. Back communicate all organs such legal obstacles. Come practice of professional conduct throughout France. Back permanent countless lifetimes to teaching youth to futuristic beings. Bodhisattva of Wisdom large, know the mind of all thinking beings? Back flow enlightened mortal subjects and subjects completed nirvana.
Mon flow ie: Ignorance of the coast, the charming things, and matter of grace, grace continental mentality entered, enter mainland coast exposure, emotional life conditions, life loving grace, the loving grace, grace the property, fortunate life , birth conditions aging and death. This is a legal principle vital twelve causes and conditions.
Subjects completed the kill: kill the ignorance of killing, act of killing is killing, killing the mentality of kill, kill mentality is the passing record, contact record is the passing away, life is touched kill kill, kill is loving life kill, kill is the kill desire, the killing is mortal, mortal man is killing death.
So, a practitioner must eliminate ignorance. If there is ignorance there is life and death, will get rid of the three worlds. Bodhisattva is all Buddhas realms. Come witness the wisdom of the Buddha. Such a pure religious teachings pray fullness to the other shore.
Bodhisattva full strength deep center, because there is no contamination. Full-depth health information, because it can not only serve. Full power of compassion, because fatigue life boring. Full power of the word, because the equal basis. Maintain adequate aggregate, for use over all that means. Eloquence full strength, because all beings make joyful fulfillment. Paramita full power, because the dignified successor. Full power of prayer, such as permanent rupture. Fully divine power, because birth immeasurable. Full strength blessings, because that signal territory. It is pure power of Paramita.
Bodhisattva practice, complete purification, no polluted mind. Purity of mind is wise, they have defiled mind stupidity, ignorance is ignorance that out. Every effort is full hearts, people thought there was no contamination. Deeply believe in full force, to any who have defamed Buddhism, Buddhist or destruction, nor were they alone serve. Back full strength compassion, teaching them life, not life boring tired mind. Back full strength from the center, on the basis of the base beings, the law of equality. Maintain in full force general, all measures total, over countless means, or the means used to say all the legal doctrine. Back eloquence full strength, or make them all happy that the students are fulfilling. In full force ten Paramita, or all solemn Mahayana Buddhism. Back full power of prayer, not permanently break the vow he had found out. In full force divine, infinite divine birth. Blessings in full force, making all sentient beings understand that message means the territory of Buddhism. Such a pure religious teachings fullness to shore power.
Bodhisattva practitioner knows lust. Knowing practitioner anger. Knowing practitioner foolish. Knowing the level practitioners. Knowing practitioner level study. In concept, that's unfortunate beings immeasurable. Know of immeasurable sentient beings. Know all of the truth. Know all of the Tathagata force. Throughout the legal enlightened disciples. It is pure mind Paramita.
Bodhisattvas know the sexual desires of beings, worthy use impure Mindfulness to teach them, making them pure mind. For beings of hatred, it makes them born of compassion, for people do not get angry, then religious practice patience, success will be a function curve fitting. For the ignorant beings, they should practice predestined to teach them. Because they do not know the mistakes, so we had to improve knowledge through instruction, can do new fixes, forensic medicine practice. For the class of beings (the three poisons of greed, hatred complete ignorance), they used to practice skillful means to teach them. Gets them involved will be hell, hungry ghosts can pitch, si will fall to animals. Knowing our student monks to learn the method? Based character like? Must have new wisdom says the legal option, to teach sentient beings, the Bodhisattva, a concept that can be infinite beings do? Practice what? Again that is in the minds of thinking beings? Come to know the nature of law is all true. Come learn ten power of Buddha. Across all legal enlightenment of the legal world. Such a pure religious teachings wisdom fullness to the other shore.
Ten Paramita practice this religious fulfillment, then you will see enter The Venue. Achievement (above) giving Paramita, then the entries and happy place. Achievement precepts Paramita, the local structure of the entries Ly. Achievement patience Paramita, the local Clearing the entries. Achievement diligently Paramita, the evidence favored Diem address entered. Achievement meditation Paramita, then place the entries Nan won. Achievement Prajna Paramita, then the entries and present local currency. Achievement Paramita means, is evidence of local hospitalization. Achievement Paramita force, then the entries and local Hue. Achievement place Paramita, the French still address the entries.
Buddhists! When the Bodhisattva pure Paramita so. When the fullness of Paramita. When not let go of Paramita, the ministry office in the stately Bodhisattva, depending on the concept of all living beings, are legal because they say, that for pure growth that is now the exit.
French Hui Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Effort for Hue, a voice calling his disciples! Great Bodhisattva Way of the Bodhisattva, the pure religious achievements ten Paramita this way, when the fullness of ten Paramita This approach, while not letting go ten Paramita this approach, the Bodhisattva head in excess great solemnity, depending on the concept of all living beings, because they said were legal. Causing them to increase industrial born pure, Mind fullness that gets rid of the three realms of suffering.
Who fall into evil ways, then make them play center. Who are in trouble, then make them industrious effort. They cause many greedy, they just do not take legal presentation. They cause many anger, the executive made them equal. We attached the wrong student, then as they say interdependent approach. Sexual beings realms, then leave legal education teaches them hatred of evil is not good. We realms excellent student, because they said they said amnesty law rested na bowl. Formless realm beings, because they said they said the magic wisdom. Runners admit it teaches them to be quiet. The Mahayana popular, as they say, the ten stately large force.
Anyone who? If you do not practice, they will fall into the three evil paths. Ordinary beings sink into the three evil paths, they make them play Mind, can escape. What are the three evil paths? That is, animals, hungry ghosts, hell. Beings of all accidents, it makes them diligent practitioners Paramita, use of practice, will have wisdom, could spend ear affliction. For many greedy beings, the present method is not only greedy. Do not take talent, it is incorruptible. Do not take it as pure excellence. No greed that is noble. Nor greedy, nor take sleeping. Bodhisattva used to discipline themselves, to their didactic. For more golf beings, making them the customary practice of compassion, equality law enforcement, we, the same can. For sentient attachment wrong, everything is as they say practice predestined arise. For the realm of sexual beings, then teach them the mind away from sexual immorality, hatred, evil is not all good. For color realm beings, because they say the practice is only consistent, making them leave crazy. For the formless realm beings, because they say the practice of magic wisdom. For every extra sensitive Thanh Van, Pratyekabuddha then teach them to be quiet subjects. For Mahayana Bodhisattva, because they say the law ten large stately power of Buddha.
As ancient Bodhisattva Development Center, saw countless beings, fall into the evil way, he made a lion amalgams, say something like this: We will use all sorts of disciplines, depending on the room to get them. Bodhisattva so full of wisdom, or the free all sentient beings.
Like ancient Bodhisattva Mind at play, that boundless beings, fall into the three evil paths, the lion did say amalgams says:'' Currently we have discovered Mind, should Using all sorts of disciplines, depending upon the conditions of beings, beings that get rid of the three wicked.'' Bodhisattva so full of wisdom, all sentient beings unpleasantness wide, making the rescue.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva so full of wisdom, making permanent seed Jewels not break.
Buddha's disciple! Full Bodhisattva of wisdom, or making seeds Jewels Increase permanent continuously without break.
Why? Bodhisattvas teach beings discovered the Mind, Buddha seeds caused no end. Often because they are born out uphold legal organ, so that the seeds do not end legal. Smart did not keep the teachings contrary, the seeds should make up no end.
How to make Jewels seeds do not break? University of Bodhisattvas Bodhisattvas, often teach all beings discovered Mind. Therefore, so that the seeds Buddha never end. Bodhisattva usually because of all intelligent beings off to uphold moral law all organs. So, to be made legal for all seeds not stop. Bodhisattva cleverly teach all beings not contrary to dharma, so the seeds should make up no end.
Again, all the praise and prayer, so that the seed or Buddha did not stop. Distinguish expresses causal law, so that the seeds or terminate such measures. Often diligent practice law harmoniously glass, so seeds or make up no end.
Again, praise or Bodhisattva Vows praise all Buddhas emitted. So, whether or not caused Buddha seeds off. Bodhisattva or moral distinction expresses an affinity measures. Thus, the seeds should be made legal or not an end. Bodhisattva usually practiced law harmoniously glass, ie: World peace fellow, is the sociable, sociable cylindrical body, peace multitude avoid import, browse the sociable, sociable military advantage. Thus, the seeds should make up no end.
Again, in the fields sowing seeds Buddha beings, so that the seed or Buddha did not stop. Upholding the law did not spare my life, so that the seeds or terminate such measures. All of the public not tired, so seeds or make up no end.
Again, from the Buddha's birth farm beings. At the birth of our land sown seeds Buddha (Bodhi Development Center), so, for it makes the seed or Buddha did not stop. Bodhisattva used to divine wisdom and upholding the law, even sacrifice my life was not sorry. So whether or not the French make the seed end. In the Sangha must abbot, they have provided new tools, new order, otherwise it will be more chaos. Bodhisattva of mass system not tired. So the seeds should make up no end.
Again, in the past, future, present, saying of the Buddha, the Buddha of the system, all come to lead worship, not away from center. So make seeds or Dharma Sangha, not permanent rupture.
Again, in the past, future, present, three generations, all the Buddhas of the said law, the precepts of the Buddhas crafted, all come to worship Bodhisattva lead and never let go of the mind, not leave. So therefore makes seeds or Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, not continuous permanent rupture.
Bodhisattva Dragon Jewels such descriptions. All the office no errors. Depending on the job, are professional dedication omniscience. So there are now three flawless. Because there is no defect, do good work, and happy practicing, teaching them life, say legal discretion, not to have a false notion. Are respectively the means wisdom. Are all necessarily in the direction of location, can not be quantified over.
Mind Bodhisattva found such descriptions Dragon Jewels, Buddha seeds made up not break continuity. Department of the basis of Bodhisattvas no mistake. Depending on the job, are all subjects necessarily in the direction of wisdom. So close your mouth so the three are now pure, no defect, therefore, do good work, and the unfortunate practice, teaching all sentient beings, that said legal discretion. So in the mind nor a mistake. Department of the basis of the Bodhisattva with Buddhism. Therefore corresponds to the subject media wisdom. Are all necessarily in the direction of the race location and location necessarily, not pass waste.
Bodhisattva practice such healing methods, concepts full ten second anniversary solemnity. What is ten? They are: Body dignified, according to subdue beings deserve, but because they manifest. Word dignified end to all amenities, are made happy. Mind dignified, in a concept, enter the samadhi. Buddhafields dignified, because they are all pure, leave the negativity. Luminosity solemnity, because the infinite optical zoom, slide all beings. We solemn opportunity, because the photographers around us, are made happy. Solemn divine, because depending on which sentient beings manifested themselves at. Director of religious solemnity, or photography for all smart wisdom. Nirvana solemn place, because in a place of religion, over the ten non-redundant fault. Smart said stately, because depending on where in time, depending on their radical, but because they speak French.
Bodhisattvas practice all this good law, the notion of concept, all ten full practice dignified. What are ten things dignified? They are:
1). Body dignified: Bodhisattva body dignified used, depending on the fate of all beings, is worth what the body is used, then it manifested itself to be subdued.
2). Solemn words: words spoken by the bodhisattva and dignified. Or stop unless skeptical of all sentient beings. Using four measures photography (giving, loving, good practice, colleagues) to make all beings are born joy.
3). Mind dignified: in a concept Bodhisattva, enter all eighty.
4). Luminosity dignified: Since releasing Bodhisattva of wisdom immeasurable clarity, projection throughout all living beings, causing them to obtain clarity.
5). Buddhafields dignified: Since making Bodhisattva or Buddha all realms of pure water, or you might leave all suffering beings.
6). We solemn meeting: Bodhisattva all the conference participants, made the solemn ceremonies, all beings in photography over the conference, which makes them happy.
7). Solemn divine: divine bodhisattva to use magic to teach sentient beings, according to the mind of beings that manifested itself in.
8). Director of religious solemnity: Bodhisattva full primary education dignified, or get all the wise people smart.
9). Nirvana solemn address: Bodhisattva adequate birth not kill this solemnity. In a career achievement that could lead everywhere directing career achievements. Therefore:
'' A place to where the places are.''
So throughout the ten directions, such as directing such a place now.
10). Smart says solemnity: Bodhisattva full legal skillful means to say solemn, depending on the option where, depending capable beings because they say that law.
Bodhisattvas such achievements dignified, in the concept of mindfulness, the words themselves are not vain now over. Are all in the direction of professional omniscience.
Bodhisattva achievements this solemn ten things, in the concept of mindfulness, body, words, mind, there are now three rows over. Bodhisattvas take this solemn ten things, dedicate the necessary technical wisdom.
If there are such beings that Bodhisattva, you should know the bed was not over. For all A recruiter will achieve three to eight Bodhi Temple. If you heard the name, or offerings, or in general, or think that memory, or ordained, legal or heard, or good rejoice based, remote or birth center reverent admiration, praise praise to title , A recruiter will obtain the maximum is tam tam Bodhi Temple.
If sentient beings can see that Bodhisattva, you should know that being vain is not over, certain acquired considerable merit obtained. All will achieve Supreme supreme Buddha. Or listen to the title of this bodhisattva, or offerings, or in general, or think that memory, or export from, or listen to the sermon teaching experience, good or rejoicing base has grown, or in the distance the birth center reverently admire, praise praise to the title of this bodhisattva, were obtained Supreme supreme Buddha.
Buddhists! For example, with a drug called bias. We see life, the poison were eliminated. This Bodhisattva achievements so well. We saw the birth of the toxic impurity will be eradicated, healthy growth measures.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! For example, a drug or named prejudices. All beings that are medicinal plants that are toxic disease are all completely eliminated. Bodhisattva practice solemn ten things that this achievement measures. At the same reasons that, if there are beings that Bodhisattva, then take comfort in ignorance chronic toxic illnesses, will eliminate. The amended law will heal growth, maturation liberation.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva head in this way, diligent practice. Using luminous wisdom eradicate the dark ignorance. Using military force to break ma compassion. Use the power of wisdom and merit tame the infidel. Use the vajra eradicate all defilements dirty mind. Use the diligent practice of the healing property. Use power units buddhafields benign, all the evil away from the accident. Use non-attachment strength pure realm of wisdom. Use power means wisdom, born of all local Bodhisattva, the Paramita, and eighty six messages, three intelligent, four very basis captain, are made pure.
French Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Hue Hue Effort to call a disciple of the Buddha known! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, friendly office in this way, painstaking effort that practice. Use wisdom to destroy luminous dark ignorance. Use the compassionate effort to destroy the demonic ten, ie the five aggregates ma, ma afflictions, now ma, ma heart, ma died, ma virtue (attached themselves to attain the fresh root), eighty ma (attached himself obtained meditation), improved drug knowledge (not stingy approach the subject taught), Bodhi drug treatments (for methods that start bodhi wisdom attachment). In short, all the evil obstacles Buddhism, cover path, network invasive wisdom, are called maras. Bodhisattva of wisdom exertion, exertion of merit to subdue all pagans. Heathen have eleven: The commentator, gave birth to smart design. About world affairs, the birth record design. Questioningly pagan, born heir of all things in heaven. Commentator Vi Da, na ca design forums, born four heavenly nature. An commentator tea, international student design duties. Time pagan canopy, animals from the birth plan. The commentator, who designed the birth, the birth of heaven and earth. Upon the heathen, design excellence of mind, all of the poles. Export commentator power, the design is nowhere things. Memberships master at work, depending on design size now. Inhuman commentator, natural birth plan. (Eleven heathen inFlower Adornmentnumber of stars are clearly explained). But the Bodhisattva Vajra permanent use, other than to kill and clean all ceiling slab structure in the brain in mind. Use a diligent effort to cultivate all good base. Use the power and heal all units of pure Buddha realm, to rid ourselves of all the evil and all accidents. Using such power attached to the realm of pure wisdom. Use the power of wisdom skillful means, to generate all of the Bodhisattva address, ie The Venue. Born out of Paramita: That is the practice of gathering to the other shore. Born out of Samadhi: That is the chief financial life. Born six magical, magical things this Friday, from the birth of meditation. Born into three alliances, brand identity God: Knowing yourself and others close three mortal life. Memberships Network Intelligence: Knowing the ancient charm of yourself and others close. Gonorrhea make smart: Prime Transparent all suffering, and all the great afflictions. Born into four very basis captain that makes them entirely pure.
Bodhisattva healthy exertion all achievement measures fullness Buddhas all realms, boundless good minister, said body and mind are full solemnity. Use the power of wisdom in order to observe, that all its myriad Tathagata Dharma Captain estate community facilities, are all equal. Use the power of wisdom vast realm necessarily know the location. Using ancient vow strength, depending on the teaching, the Buddha realms, to teach, get the infinite beings.
Bodhisattvas use of all energy healing methods, to achieve all the Buddhas realms. Achievement infinite fullness of good generals, ie General of the thirty-two, eighty beauty. Achievement fulfilling the three professional bodies pure mouth, both full and dignified. Use the power of wisdom in self-observation (observation location), know ten power of the Buddhas, four very basis captain, eighteen plus legal estate, all measures which are equal. In the Diamond Sutra said:
'' As legal equality
There is low.''
Using a large force of wisdom, that the realm of omniscience necessarily race and location. Use the power emitted vows in the past, depending on the option because they are taught that life should manifest the Buddha realms, to teach, wide liberation of boundless beings, making them -suffering be funny.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva, diligently practicing this method, the unfortunate turn Bodhisattva achievements, to be equal to the Buddhas. In the boundless world, acting as shamans, upholding the law, all the Buddhas of the deceased.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, diligent legal practice as mentioned before, one step that achievement Bodhisattva conduct, to achieve equality like Buddhas. Maybe in the boundless world of shamans do, all upholding dharma, the concept of blessing and protection of the Buddhas.
Bodhisattva legal guardian life over large organ. Obtained eloquence very afraid. Penetration practice. In the infinite mass of the world, depending on different types, all sorts itself out, full appearances, at not winning nothing. Using very afraid eloquence, says clever way deep. Sounds fullness, so cleverly distributed, leading the listener into the subjects are endless wisdom.
Bodhisattva or guardian and legal life over vast boundless organs, so very afraid legal measures obtained from measures very afraid, very afraid that means, very afraid heresies measures. Can enter all disciplines, in the boundless world, depending upon the different species of living beings, all kinds manifest themselves, but because they speak French. In short, the experience of sentient beings, then to the market that they embody. But appearances are full of dread manifested faith, ethics minister wins, not unparalleled. Use wisdom eloquence very afraid, takes skillful means to say profound Dhamma supreme, not the fullness of the sound barrier. Any kind of beings, to hear the sound, it will automatically detect the Bodhi mind. So cleverly distributed, or made magical beings hear that sound, all subjects enter into infinite wisdom.
Bodhisattvas know the mental afflictions of living beings, but because they speak French. Because words are spoken adequate purity. A word oratorio, or make all students happy heart. Body radical right, because of the dread power, nobody in Congress than they are.
Bodhisattva because of endless wisdom, so that we are born in the mind think? Body can do? There is something disturbing? There is nothing that idea? Then under the conditions that the law because they say. Sounds Bodhisattva said very broad approach and purity, can cause beings are heard far and near, but the joy of birth center. Why is the word pure? Some people say not pure? So keep the pure, pure or not. If you want to say they must hold the pure precepts, not distractions. Bodhisattva used to sound legal oratorio say, all beings, the species is understood, will benefit. Body of Bodhisattva very dignified radical right. Because of its majesty, the mass should be in the conference, no one is better. Therefore, the life reverently known as Bodhisattvas.
So smart that Bodhisattva sentient beings, so throughout the body. So say ingenious methods, should sound very afraid. Because of the self in mind, says clever way to big, not obstacles sabotage. For countless captain, should not cowardice mind. So where in the law itself, should not be one more. So Prajna Paramita themselves in, should the law minister said, not the contrary. Because eloquence itself in, should you like constantly preach not stop. For Da La Ni liberated, so depending on the show said, opening all sorts of subjects for example. Because self-compassion at, so hard to teach them life, the mind does not stop the treatment. Since pronouns in order, clarity net release should please the masses.
So smart that Bodhisattva heart of all beings, so close to all the marketing methods as they say. For legal Bodhisattva said cleverly, so no sound barrier, so pure. Since obtaining the Bodhisattva himself in mind, the skillful means talking to all major legal, all satanic vandalism is not a cost, not a cost obstacles. For countless Bodhisattvas acquired four facilities Lieutenant (Lt basis of infinite blessings, intellectual property based wealth lieutenant, captain decided irrational basis, meeting countless victims basis captain), so do not mind cowardice nor fear. Because Bodhisattvas obtained for free at the law, so nobody is better. Because the Bodhisattva of wisdom acquired in order, so there is more than one winner. Because the Bodhisattva of Prajna Paramita obtained in order, the law minister should say, does not contradict each other. Speaking vertical cross talk, say and ethically. As Bodhisattva in order to attain the eloquence, so depending on interest or fancy, but because they say the law, not continuous over. Because the skin is the Bodhisattva of nuns in the order, or decision to reveal the truth to assign the general law. Because the Bodhisattva of eloquence is in order, to anywhere at any time can say Dhamma, opening everything such subjects, said to explain the legal sense is prime. Because Bodhisattva compassion in order, or teach them diligently to life in the mind there is no laxity and rest. Because the Bodhisattva himself in the mind of great, intelligent optical mesh should emit wisdom beings to slide around, making life joy. Bodhisattva for ten self in this life to make them healthy planting base, growth purity law.
Bodhisattva seated on a high throne so wide, said to take big steps. Except as Lai and the location of the Bodhisattva vows victory, the other beings who are overcome, no one saw empowerment is, no one is more brilliant. Does anyone want problems, making lost, could not have been.
Bodhisattva seated on a high throne so large, it takes large law minister said. His French say, except Buddhas and Bodhisattvas vow wins, wins the position, other beings, nobody is winning more. Nor was there any higher beings he was, nobody reporters are more luminous radiance. If the student wants to have their problems, making Bodhisattva said there are more ways, making Bodhisattva lost. This is what can never, never happen.
Buddhists! Bodhisattva is free from such force it. If there is any possibility of world wide theory ashrams filled beings. Each dread every moral beings appearances, all as all the three thousand worlds. Bodhisattva in place that embodies both the public lighting on this cover. Take solace compassionate beings cowardice. Use deep wisdom observing their desires. Use fearless eloquence because they say the law, or make all students happy heart. Why?
French Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of Hue Hue Effort to call a disciple of the Buddha known! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, obtained in ten self then, if there is any possibility of multiple world theory, all beings in the large colon, every sentient beings full thirty-two generals and eighty body beauty dignified, stately appearances of virtue as all three thousand worlds. Bodhisattva in it, if the body is luminous shines mass of three thousand worlds. Bodhisattva of compassionate care for to comfort cowardice beings, causing them not to fear life. Bodhisattva used profound Prajna wisdom, in order to observe the desires of sentient beings in mind. Bodhisattva for fearless eloquence, so as they say legal students. Causing all beings, life joy, life to Buddhism, the practice of medicine. Why dread Bodhisattva virtues such large forces?
Buddhists! Because of the countless achievements Bodhisattva moral wisdom. For distinguished achievements countless ingenious. Because mindfulness achievements effort wide. For infinite wisdom achievements tricky. For achievement of legal decisions grasp the true form ni mandala. So boundless economic achievements bodhichitta. For outstanding achievement eloquence infallible. For accomplishing all Buddhist profound signal value. For all achievements into their colon health wisdom of Buddhas of the three lifetime opportunity. Because Buddhas achievement three generations know the substance a pure heart. For all his achievements three Tathagata wisdom, all the Bodhisattva vow location, or the shaman, reveal the organ uphold dharma and uphold the Buddhas.
French Hui Bodhisattva known to call a disciple of Buddha! University of Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, mainly because of the Mind, so immeasurable achievements moral wisdom. For distinguished achievements countless ingenious. Because health achievements of right mindfulness vast knowledge. For infinite wisdom achievements tricky. Because achievements ethical decisions grasp the true form of law, the evidence of over eighty. Because numerous achievements marginal Mind. For outstanding achievement eighty eloquence infallible. Because achievements are all Buddhas attain the blessings, which is used to empowerment nectar, or use your hands to touch the Buddha, or Buddha to zoom in with clarity, making students understand the profound message center. Because health achievements over into the wisdom of our ashrams of the three Buddhas life, life should be legal for the Buddhas say. Because Buddhas achievement three generations know the one substance, which is also the same method itself, is equal, for purification. Because achievements wisdom of the Buddhas three generations, the great prayer of great achievements of all Bodhisattvas, or the shaman, open label uphold Dharma of all Buddhas organs, and also upholding the law label organs Buddhas.
Then, like magic Hui Bodhisattva France on the meaning, the force fields of the Buddha went to say that the shelf.
Then, a bodhisattva of compassion Hue France, feared that the mass of the conference Flower Adornment, Heard of the doctrine of not understanding very much, so to the more elaborate techniques. Shifting the power went compassionate, blessings of the Buddhas of the ten directions. Used to clear shelves above morality, let's hope people listen carefully, do not sleep, this is a chance encounter one thousand years, do not miss the opportunity. If you do not pay attention to a certain regret it!
Bodhi mind is practicing the blessed
Often such distractions grown consistently favored
Mindfulness mind always not forget
Ten schools of Buddhism are happy.
Mind Bodhisattva development, cultivate Bodhi well. Practice can have the full blessing wisdom. Blessed are the compassionate enough new faith, new age wisdom is sufficient clarity, so Bodhi shelter, gather all the blessings. Realize Bodhisattva practice, distractions such moments, serious precepts, financial compensation planted solidly favored force. Bodhisattva Mindfulness, ie Buddha, dhamma, thought up, never forget the moment Jewels merit. For medium hue tu, tu just blessed, close to the Three Jewels, the offerings to the Three Jewels, so the ten Buddhas rejoice.
Permanent aspiration to laborious self
Where life does not slash rots not terrible
Using a very unfortunate way to avoid the deep
Ten schools of Buddhism are happy.
Bodhisattva mind and cultivate a permanent aspiration. Diligent practice, probably trying to free himself. In this world, no refuge, nor life back temporary cowardice. Using a very well-debated subject, into organs of the Buddha. If such practice, the Buddhas of the ten directions will be given great joy.
Buddha consistently joyful and diligent
Religious merit legal assistant position
Enter the address of pure happiness
Voluntary fulfillment of the Tathagata said.
Buddhas rejoice that course, be used as the Bodhisattva mind solidly to diligent practice Bodhi. Tu tu blessed wisdom, this is a legal assistant. Tu directed thirty-seven articles, four Empire, twelve of conditions, from the operators. Enter the address purity, will complete all the Buddhas Vows said.
So which is the true Dhamma practice
That is legal and student pilot population
Depending on their interest and love Tanh
Agreeable comfort of your filing status.
From all sorts of disciplines will thus acquired all outstanding legal. That course and obtained the Dhamma, to give alms to all sentient beings, making them also obtained Dhamma. It is the spirit of the Bodhisattva. Do not assume Chau profit religious education you have, the disciple of Buddha, one of the sixteen Arhats.
He was the good old days of knowledge, there are five hundred disciples. However, he was four cropping methods, such measures shall say to his disciples, so reincarnated Venerable Chau advantage you have is very foolish. If anyone says without obtaining the legal measures, the future is certainly the most foolish people, why? Because no religious wisdom! So attention must be preferred depending upon the nature of beings and property, the agreement entirely comfortable with living beings, because they declare to uphold the true Dhamma talk show.
Bodhisattva talk because they took legal
No discharge of his conduct of the
Directed accomplished Paramita
Often in the realm of birth cohort.
Bodhisattvas are proud Dhamma, then as they say Dhamma fertility. Bodhisattva continued diligent efforts, did not abandon the practice which still practice his virtues. But the other side to be legal, he initiates successfully, but often in the realm of the three worlds, all beings relief unpleasant, making them well-suffering be funny. Therefore:
"Boundless suffering Sea, the coast earlier.''
We are beings that run contrary to religion, the wrong way to go wrong, as far as going home. If the return is certain to return to their homes is, it is the Buddha realm.
On nights such laborious cultivation laxity
Jewels makes no similar break
All legal practice chastity
Are in the direction of the Tathagata realms.
Bodhisattva six day period, diligent practice of law, there is no laxity, no fatigue. Dharma makes seeds not break up permanently. Legal practice all pure, all come back towards the realm of pure water solemn Buddhas.
Bodhisattva practice of good conduct
Across the population as student achievement
Kill them breaking up negativity
Goods in the demonic enlightenment.
Bodhisattva conduct all professional achievement, because achievement throughout all living beings, causing them to break the darkness of ignorance, attachment destroy afflictions, to surrender demonic, pagan tame, then the Infinite Upper supreme Buddha.
Thus the Buddhist practice location
In deep visceral Tathagata Dharma
Making the magic shaman performance measures
For example, are imbued with nectar.
Such Bodhisattva practice, new achievements fullness of wisdom Buddhas of the ten directions, the label deep visceral Dharma of the Buddhas. Or in ten world of shamans do, take all Dhamma talk. For as nectar for empowerment beings, causing them to be absorbed.
Compassionate throughout all
Mind that all beings be happy
As far as they like develop
Boundless of Buddhism.
Force Bodhisattva vow of compassion, mercy all sentient beings, so do not be afraid of hardships, but throughout the ten directions all the world to teach people. All the mind and behavior of living beings, Bodhisattvas are clear. Bodhisattva depending upon their preferred birth center, but because they uphold declaration expresses boundless Buddha's Dhamma talk.
Progress slow stop an elephant Princess
Fear seems mighty lion
Real mountain location such as sea
As heavy rain than hot.
Bodhisattva action or proceeding to either stop, or peace pedestrian, or walking slowly, like the big elephant god. Now they come forward earlier. At backward, then backward. Why? Because every moment to slide safely elephants. Bodhisattva practice which still happy, no difficulty arises. Like the mighty lion. The lion is the king of beasts, so do not be afraid. Bodhisattvas such as real estate, like Mount Meru. Wisdom vast as the sea, like heavy rain, eliminating hot afflictions of all sentient beings, causing them to be cool.
Then Bodhisattva French verse Hui said then. Tathagata joyful liturgy of the mass.
At that time, France Hui Bodhisattva finished saying this verse, Shakyamuni Buddha Bodhisattva hear French spoken and Hue, the joy of birth. Meeting them in the conferenceFlower Adornmentare also great joy, news of worship.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/9/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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