Friday 20 September 2013

V. FACULTY OF liberation.
[ Origination at Savatthi ].
This, bhikkhus, this is the third release. Three what? Liberating emptiness, formless liberation, countless volunteer rescue. This, bhikkhus, this is the third release.
And there are 68 free: liberating emptiness, formless liberation, countless volunteer liberation, liberation of internal schism, secession may release foreign parts, liberating both the breakaway (internal external part), four breakaway release the inner part, have freed four foreign parts secession, have freed the four breakaway both (the exterior), four freed by the secession upon the part , four freed by the secession upon the exchange, according to four freed upon the secession of the two (the exterior), four pure liberation by the schism of the four freed by the secession net foreign section, four freed by the secession net both (the exterior), 'There is outstanding, (he) saw the excellent' liberation, 'There is the idea in the formless, (the author) that the identity external part of the 'liberation,' Net Trends good 'liberation, attainment is not infinite liberation, attainment of freedom is infinite, the attainment of wealth owned land is liberated, the non-ideal non attainment idea is liberated country, the attainment of the cessation of life's great deliverance, liberation period, indefinitely liberation, liberation depends term, free regardless of duration, can liberate transformation, liberation can not be converted, freed of the earth, above the earth liberation, liberation or even illegal, illicit or not liberated, was liberated generation physical consequences, no consequences release material, freed no physical consequences and no consequences beyond physical desire liberation, countless prayer deliverance, deliverance desire peace, freed bound, unbound freedom, liberation is essentially the same, liberation different nature, liberated by the idea, liberated by the location, the peaceful liberation, liberation by meditating, the out of mind does not grasp.
Explain Deliverance.
What is emptiness liberation? Here, the monks went to the woods, or go to the tree, or go to a quiet place that reflective thought: "This is not for self or for self-dependent species." 'He not persist into things "is not liberating nature. It's free emptiness.
What is formless liberation? Here, the monks went to the woods, or go to the tree, or go to a quiet place that reflective thought: "This is not for self or for self-dependent species." 'He not create the Minister 'is formless liberation. It is formless liberation.
Countless volunteer rescue what? Here, the monks went to the woods, or go to the tree, or go to a quiet place that reflective thought: "This is not for self or for self-dependent species." 'He did not wish to 'prayer is very liberating. This prayer is very liberating.
Salvation internal secession of what? As four meditation. This is the liberation of the secession.
Salvation secession What is the exchange? As four attainment (meditation) are immaterial. This is the free exchange of secession.
Salvation secession both (the exterior) is what? As the four Noble. This is liberation both the breakaway (the exterior).
Four freed with the secession of what? Jhana out of the way obscured, subtle meditation and escape out of four, eight out of joy meditation and charity out of happiness and unhappiness. Here are four free with the internal schism.
Four liberation secession What is the exchange? The evidence was not infinite escape think about the color, think about the disgruntled, think about the difference; attainment of infinite escape not think about the infinite, the attained numerous land owners out think about the infinite form, the non-ideal non attainment idea out of the country think about very own country. Here are four free exchange with the secession.
Four freed both the separatists (the exterior) is what? Entry Act out the wrong perception about yourself, skepticism, clinging to the ritual wrong latent, latent cynicism, negativity out of this and tend to follow ( out of) aggregates, escape all the external appearances. Lai Dao Nhat escape the constraints of craving and the binding nature of grievances primitive craving latent, latent discontent crude nature, escape from the disturbing trend in the it and (away from) the aggregate, out of all the current foreign minister. Directed Real Lai escape the constraints of craving and attachment of discontent subtle nature, escape from the disturbing trend in this and (from) the aggregate, out of all the the current foreign minister.
 Directed A-la-out love color, love the formless, conceit, restlessness, ignorance, conceit latent, latent fraternity, latent ignorance, out of the negativity that tends to follow it and (away from) the aggregate, out of all the current foreign minister. These are the four breakaway release both (the exterior).
Four freed upon the secession of the part is what? Games from joy and the most specialized center aims to achieve Jhana, ... (as above) ... aims to achieve subtle meditation, ... (as above) ... aims to achieve three meditation, joy and interest from the most specialized center aims achievements charity. Here are four easy liberation by the schism internal parts.
Four freed upon the secession of what is the exchange? Games from joy and the most specialized center aims to achieve attainment is not infinite, ... (as above) ... aimed at the achievement attained infinite knowledge, ... (as above) ... aimed at attaining numerous achievements owns the land, and the interest from joy of heart specialists aimed at achieving the ideal non attainment of non-originating idea. Here are four easy liberation by the schism in foreign parts.
Four freed upon the secession of the two (the exterior) is what? Judges of impermanence, suffering in terms of consistency, self introspection to attain aim Entry, ... (as above) ... aims to attain the First Lai, ... (as above) ... aims to attain Real Lai, consistent in terms of impermanence, suffering in terms of consistency, consistency in terms of selflessness aimed attain A-la-drought. Here are four easy liberation by the schism both (the exterior).
Four pure liberation by the schism of what? The success or karma of Jhana, ... (as above) ... Second of meditation, ... (as above) ... third of meditation, karma achievement or of charity. This is a pure four freed by the internal schism.
Four pure liberation liberation by the schism What is the exchange? The achievement or attainment of karma is not infinite, ... (as above) ... attainment of infinite knowledge, ... (as above) ... attainment of numerous land owners, professional achievement or attainment result of non-ideal non originating idea. This is a pure four freed by emancipation of the foreign secession.
Four pure liberation liberation by the schism both (the exterior) is what? Entry result of Entry Act, most of the largest Lai Lai Lai's Performance Director Real Estate Lai, It's A-la-la-Directed A-. This is due to four pure liberation liberation both the breakaway (the exterior).
 'There are excellent, (he) saw the excellent' liberation is (mean) How? Here is the general intention of the blue in the inner part of yourself and think about the achievements blue. He made appearances he cleverly held, the Minister has cleverly saved saved, says the Minister has cleverly identified. After making the minister had cleverly held, the Minister has cleverly saved saved, says the Minister has cleverly been identified, he is focusing on its foreign minister in the blue and achievements of think about the blue. He made appearances he cleverly held, the Minister has cleverly saved saved, says the Minister has cleverly identified. After making the minister held it clever, cleverly saved is saved Minister said that the Minister has cleverly been identified, he trained, practiced, making the fullness. He started the same way: "Lust is part of both the internal and external parts" is the best think about.
Here is the general intention of the yellow ... (nt) ... red appearance ... (nt) ... white appearance on the part of myself and think about the achievements white. He made appearances he cleverly held, ... (nt) ... After making the minister had cleverly held, ... (nt) ... he is focusing on its minister of foreign white and achievements of the white think about. He made appearances he cleverly held, ... (ditto) ... After making the minister held it clever, ... (nt) ... he practice, practice, make it abundantly appearances. He started the same way: "Lust is part of both the internal and external parts" is the best think about. 'There are excellent, (he) saw the excellent' liberation is (mean) like that.
'There is the idea in the formless, (the author) that the foreign identity of the' liberation is (mean) How? Here is the intention of the minister is not blue in the inner part of yourself and not think about the achievements blue. He specialized attention to the foreign minister of the blue and think about the achievements blue. He made appearances he cleverly held, ... (nt) ... After making the minister held it clever, ... (nt) ... he practice, practice, make it abundantly appearances. He started the same way: "in the Immaterial part, this identity of the foreign part" is the best think about.
Here is the intention of the minister is not yellow ... (nt) ... red appearance ... (nt) ... white appearance on the part of myself and not think about the achievements white. He specialized attention to the foreign minister of the white and the achievement think about white. He made appearances cleverly held, ... (nt) ... After making the minister held it clever, ... (nt) ... he practice, practice, make it abundantly appearances. He started the same way: "in the Immaterial part, this identity in foreign parts." 'There is the idea in the formless, (the author) that the foreign identity of the' liberation is (mean) like that.
 'Net Trends good' liberation is (mean) How? Here, monks spread with a loving heart and the refuge, so the second, so the third, the fourth such. So he spread the loving heart, immense, powerful, infinite, non-adversarial, non-toxic yard at the top, at the bottom, in horizontal, everywhere, all over the world a way and fully abides. Thanks to the development status of compassionate care, we can not resist being equal. Here, monks a way to spread compassion ... (as above) ... Thanks to the development status of compassion, not being against equal. Here, a monk with a mind spreading joy ... (as above) ... Thanks to the development status of sympathetic joy, without being anti-equal. Here, monks spread with equanimity and an abiding ... (as above) ... Thanks to the development status of equanimity, without being anti-equal. 'Net Trends good' liberation is (mean) like that.
The evidence was not infinite is what liberation? Here, due entirely to overcome the idea of ​​identity, due to the disappearance of the idea of ​​grievances, due to the attention to the idea of ​​a completely different, non-monk attained infinite ' There is no time limit 'then residing. The evidence was not infinite this is liberating.
The attainment of freedom is infinite nothing? Here, after a not entirely overcome an infinite fullness, Bhikkhus attained infinite knowledge 'Consciousness is unlimited' then residing. The attainment of knowledge is infinite this release.
The attainment of wealth owned what land is liberated? Here, after a complete pass of an infinite fullness, Bhikkhus attained infinite knowledge 'is not anything' then residing. The attainment of wealth owned this land is liberated.
The non-ideal non attainment idea what the land is liberated? Here, after a very full ownership over the land in its entirety, Bhikkhus attained non-ideal non abiding thought the land. The non-ideal non attainment think this country is liberated.
The attainment of the cessation of life is liberating idea what? Here, after completely overcome non-ideal non originating idea fully, Bhikkhus attained the cessation of thought and life dwell. The attainment of cessation of life is liberating this idea.
Salvation What is the time limit? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is liberation period.
Liberation is what indefinitely? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is the release for an indefinite period.
Freeing depends what time is? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is dependent release time.
Liberation does not depend what time is? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is not dependent release time.
Liberation can transform what? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is liberation can convert.
Liberation can not convert what? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is liberation can not be converted.
Freeing the world be? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is liberation of the world.
Freeing the world beyond what is? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is liberating beyond earth.
Freed also pirated or what? Four meditation and four formless attainments, it is also illegal or freed.
Liberation is not illegal or something? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is not illegal or freed.
Freed also physical consequences be? Freeing associated with (subject) matter; here is liberating implications are material.
Freeing no matter what are the implications? Freeing associated with (items) are immaterial, this is no longer liberating physical consequences.
Freeing no implications beyond the material and no matter what are the implications? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is no longer liberating implications beyond the material and no material consequences.
What is liberation aspirations? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is liberation aspirations.
Countless volunteer rescue what? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is very liberating prayer.
An aspiration pure liberation is what? The success or karma of Jhana, ... (as above) ... The achievement or attainment karma of non-ideal non originating idea, this is the calm desire liberation.
Liberation is bound what? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is liberating bound.
Liberation is not bound what? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is not bound freed.  
Salvation is essentially the same what? Four Noble, four of the monk fruit, and Nirvana, this is liberating nature alike.
Salvation is nothing essentially different? Four meditation and four formless attainments, this is liberating different nature.
What is so liberating idea? There may be freed by one thought they (will) have 10 great liberated, liberated by the idea of ​​10 is (will) have 1 idea liberated by the impact of platforms and customizable manner.
There may be : How can there be? 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence rid often think about' is liberated by the idea. 'Tri bars by the terms of liberation from suffering think about communication' was liberated by the idea. 'Tri due to self introspection thought the idea of liberation from ego' is liberated by the idea. 'Position the bar so boring in terms of freedom from thinking about fun ideas' is freed by the idea. 'Tri ly due to the consistency in terms of liberation from craving craving think about' is freed by the idea. 'Tri due to the cessation of examining the idea of liberation from human thought arises' is liberated by the idea. 'Tri bars by the terms of liberation from thought up the idea of holding' is liberated by the idea. 'Tri bars by the terms liberated from formless think about the Minister' was liberated by the idea. 'Tri due to numerous voluntary introspection rid wishes think about' is freed by the idea. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of freedom from bigotry think about' is freed by the idea.
There may be freed by one thought they (will) have 10 great liberated, liberated by the idea of ​​10 is (will) have 1 idea liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean sense) like that.
'Position the bar so very often in terms of liberation from identity often think about' is freed by the idea. ... (As above) ... 'Tri due to the consistent nature in terms of color not think about freedom from bigotry' was liberated by the idea. There can be a liberating concept because they (will) have thought ten liberated, liberated by ten thought they (will) have a great liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean sense) like that.
'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... in man freed from death often think about 'is freed by the idea. ... (As above) ... 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of freedom from death at age think about bigotry' was liberated by the idea. There can be a liberating concept because they (will) have thought ten liberated, liberated by ten thought they (will) have a great liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean sense) like that. This is so great deliverance.
What is the 'liberated? There may be freed by the mind (will) have ten liberated mind, there are ten liberated mind (will) have a mind liberated by the impact of platforms and customizable manner.  
There may be : How can there be? 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence as they really are able to escape the common mistake of-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri bars by the terms of affliction as they really are able to get rid of the confusion about the touch-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri due to self introspection as they really can get rid of the ego-mind mistake' is freed by location. 'Tri due to the boring bar right in terms of entities freed from confusion about the fun-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri ly due to the consistency in terms of the physical craving true liberation from confusion about craving-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri due to the cessation of introspection as they really are able to get rid of the confusion arises about human-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri bars due to give proper consideration to the entity mistakenly freed from the grip of-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri bars by the terms of the true formless entity mistakenly freed from the very position of the Minister' is freed by location. 'Tri bars by the terms of voluntary compliance with numerous entities freed from confusion about wish-mind' is freed by location. 'Tri terms due to the consistent nature as they really can not get rid of no mind to confuse bigotry' is freed by location.
There may be freed by the mind (will) have ten liberated mind, there are ten liberated mind (will) have a mind liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean sense) like that.
'Position the bar so very often in terms of colors as they really are able to escape the common mistake of-mind' is freed by location. ... (As above) ... 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of colors as they really are able to get rid of no mind to confuse bigotry' is freed by location. There may be freed by the mind (will) have ten liberated mind, there are ten liberated mind (will) have a mind liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean sense) like that.
'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... death in accordance with the entity he freed from the common mistake of-mind 'is freed by location. ... (As above) ... 'Tri bars by the terms of the old emptiness in death as they really can get rid of no mind to confuse bigotry' is freed by location. There may be freed by the mind (will) have ten liberated mind, there are ten liberated mind (will) have a mind liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean sense) like that. This is freed by location.
Salvation is what the quiet? There may be a peaceful liberation of the (will) have a ten peaceful liberation, the liberation ten calm it (will) have a quiet liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method.
There may be : How can there be? "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, so consistent in terms of impermanence, freedom from anxiety, frustration, temper the often 'is the peaceful liberation. "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, so consistent in terms of suffering, liberation from anxiety, frustration, temper the optimism 'is the peaceful liberation. "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, by introspection about self, freed from the restless, frustrated, impatient of self 'that is the peaceful liberation' Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, due consideration of boring bars, freed from the restless, frustrated, impatient for fun 'is ... "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, consistent in terms of separation due to greed, freed from the restless, frustrated, impatient of craving 'is ... "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, due to cessation of introspection, freed from the restless, frustrated, impatient human being run 'is ... "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, so consistent in terms of renunciation, freedom from anxiety, frustration, temper on hold 'is ... "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, as customary terms formless, freedom from anxiety, frustration, temper of the minister 'is that the peaceful liberation' Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm , by consistent review of numerous voluntary, free from anxiety, frustration, temper the wish 'is that the peaceful liberation' Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, not so consistent in terms of nature, the escape the restless, frustrated, impatient of bigotry 'is the peaceful liberation.
There may be a peaceful liberation of the (will) have a ten peaceful liberation, the liberation ten calm it (will) have a quiet liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean) like that.
"Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, so consistent in terms of identity impermanence, freedom from anxiety, frustration, temper the often 'is the peaceful liberation. ... (As above) ... "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, so consistent in terms of emptiness, identity, liberation from anxiety, frustration, temper about bigotry 'is the peaceful liberation. There may be a peaceful liberation of the (will) have a ten peaceful liberation, the liberation ten calm it (will) have a quiet liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean) like that.
"Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, so consistent in terms of impermanence in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... in aging and death, freedom from anxiety, frustration, temper the often 'is the peaceful liberation. ... (As above) ... "Entertainment is the ultimate state of calm, do not shop at the old nature in death, freed from the restless, frustrated, impatient of bigotry 'is the peaceful liberation.
There may be a peaceful liberation of the (will) have 10 free with a quiet, have freed the 10 quiet then (will) have a quiet liberated by the impact of platform and depending on the method (mean) like that. This is the peaceful liberation.  
What is liberation by meditating? 'The escapism is simmering meditation,' burning desire in sex 'meditation,' while simmering, freed 'because meditation is liberation, "while burning, is freed' is the escape by meditation, 'burning' is the law, 'burning' is the negativity, 'know what is burning and the burning' is freed by meditation. 'The courts are not malicious burning' meditation, 'malicious burning pitch' meditation 'while simmering, freed' liberation by meditating, 'while burning, is freed' is freed by meditation. 'Burning' is the law, 'burning' is the negativity, 'know what was burning and burning it is' liberation by meditating. 'The light is think about burning' meditation, 'burned the sleepy lethargic' is meditation ... (nt) ... 'The non-dispersive been simmering' meditation, 'heedless burning' is meditation ... (nt) ... 'The law is determined simmering' meditation, 'burned skepticism' is meditation ... (nt) ... 'Entertainment is burning' meditation, 'burned ignorance' is meditation ... (nt) ... 'The joy was simmering' meditation, 'the burn was not interested' is meditation ... (nt) ... 'Jhana been simmering' meditation, 'the legal burn veils' is meditation ... (nt) ... 'A-la-Directed been simmering' meditation, 'burn the whole negativity' meditation, 'while simmering, freed' because meditation is liberation, "while burning, is freed 'liberation by meditating. 'Burning' is the law, 'burning' is the negativity, 'know what was burning and burning it is' liberation by meditating. This is freed by meditation.
Emancipation of the mind is not grasping what? There may be a liberation of the mind does not accept it (would) have ten free of clinging mind, there are ten liberation of mind is not grasping it (will) have a mind free of grasping by the impact depending on the platform and method.
There may be : How can there be? 'Tri bars by the terms of the impermanence of liberation from attachment often' liberation of mind is not grasping. 'Tri bars by the terms of affliction freed from clinging to optimism' is the liberation of the mind does not grasp. 'Tri bars by the terms of self liberation from the ego clinging' liberation of mind is not grasping 'Tri due boring introspection about liberation from clinging to pleasure' is ... 'Tri ly due to the consistency in terms of liberation from craving to craving clinging' is ... 'Tri introspection due to cessation of liberation from attachment arises human' is ... 'Tri bars by the terms of giving freed from the grip attachment' is ... 'Tri bars by the terms of formless liberation from clinging to the Minister' is ... 'Tri bars by the very terms of liberation from attachment vow of aspirations' liberation of mind is not grasping 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of liberation from clinging to bigotry' liberation of mind attachment.
There may be a liberation of the mind does not accept it (would) have ten free of clinging mind, there are ten liberation of mind is not grasping it (will) have a mind free of grasping by the impact depending on the platform and the method (mean) like that.  
'Position the bar so very often in terms of color freed from grasping the regular' liberation of mind is not grasping. ... (As above) ... 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of color freed from clinging to bigotry' liberation of mind is not grasping. There may be a liberation of the mind does not accept it (would) have ten free of clinging mind, there are ten liberation of mind is not grasping it (will) have a mind free of grasping by the impact depending on the platform and the method (mean) like that.
'Tri bars by the terms of emptiness in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... freed from death at the age of obstinate clinging 'liberation of mind is not grasping. There may be a ... they (will) have ten ... ten ... they (will) have 1 liberation of mind by not grasping the impact of platforms and depending on the method (mean) like that.
Position due to the consistency in terms of impermanence freed from many attachments? Position due to the consistency in terms of liberation from suffering many attachments? Position due to the introspection of self ...? Position due to the consistency in terms of ... boring? Position due to the consistent separation in terms of craving ...? Position due to the cessation of introspection about ...? Location due to the abandoned restaurant review ...? Tri bars by the terms of formless ...? Position in terms of wealth due to the consistent prayer ...? Due to the consistent position not comment on how much nature freed from attachment?
Position due to the consistency in terms of impermanence freed from three attachment. Position due to the consistency in terms of liberation from suffering an attachment. Position due to the consistency in terms of self liberation from three attachments. Position due to the consistency in terms of freedom from a boring attachment. Position due to the consistent separation in terms of liberation from craving an attachment. Position due to the cessation of introspection about liberation from four attachments. Position due to the consistency in terms of giving freed from four attachments. Position due to the consistency in terms of liberation from third formless attachment. Position due to the very consistent in terms of liberation from a voluntary grasping. Position due to the consistency in terms of emptiness liberation from three attachments.
Position due to the consistency in terms of impermanence freed from three attachment to? From the attachment of the (evil) is, from the attachment to the ritual of self from attachment theory, due to the consistent position in terms of impermanence freed from these three attachments.
Tri bars by the terms of a liberation from suffering any attachments? From the attachment of (contingent) education; located by the bar in terms of a liberation from suffering is attachment.
Position due to the consistency in terms of self liberation from clinging to three? From the attachment of the (evil) is, from the attachment to the ritual of self from attachment theory, due to the consistent position in terms of self liberation from the three attachments.
Position due to the boring bar in terms of a liberation from clinging to? From the attachment of (contingent) education; located by the bar in terms of freedom from a boring grasping this.
Position due to the consistent separation in terms of a liberation from craving clinging to? From the attachment of (contingent) education; site due to the consistent separation in terms of liberation from craving a grasping this.
Position due to the cessation of examining the four freed from clinging to? From the attachment of (contingent) education, from the grasp of the (evil) is, from the attachment to the ritual of self from attachment theory, due to the consistent position in terms of liberation from extinction The four attachments.
Position due to the consistency in terms of giving freed from clinging to four? From the attachment of (contingent) education, from the grasp of the (evil) is, from the attachment to the ritual of self from attachment theory, due to the consistent position in terms of giving freed from The four attachments.
Position due to the consistency in terms of liberation from third formless clinging to? From the attachment of (contingent) education, from the attachment to the ritual of self from attachment theory, due to the consistent position in terms of liberation from third formless grasp this.
Position due to the very consistent in terms of liberation from a chapel clinging to? From the attachment of (contingent) education; consistent position by the very terms of a voluntary release from this attachment.
Position due to the consistency in terms of emptiness liberation from clinging to three? From the attachment of the (evil) is, from clinging to the ritual of self from attachment theory, due to the consistent position in terms of emptiness liberation from the three attachments.
Position due to the consistency in terms of impermanence, due to the position of self introspection, located by the bar in terms formless, located by the bar in terms of emptiness, this four freed from third place attachment is the attachment of (wrong) view, the attachment to the world and rituals, the doctrine of self clinging. Tri bars by the terms of affliction, due to the location of boring introspection, located by the bar in terms of craving isolation, due to the consistent position at the very chapel, four this place free from attachment is an attachment the (contingent) education. Position due to the cessation of introspection, the introspection of mind by giving two freed from this place four attachment is the attachment of (contingent) education, the attachment of the (wrong) view, the attachment to gender and ritual, the doctrine of self clinging. This is the liberation of the mind does not grasp.
The teaching of Deliverance is the first procedure.
Moreover, this is the third door leads to the entrance liberation from the world. Due to the nature of introspection are limited to the identification and due to the nature of the mind in formless substance, due to the fluctuations of the mind in the act and by the nature of the mind into the clone will, due to the nature of examining all the different methods and due to the nature of the mind into emptiness in nature, this is the third door leads to the entrance liberation from the world.
For the mind are impermanent, the presence of the like? For the intention is suffering, the presence of the like? For the self is the mind, the presence of the like? For the mind are impermanent, such as the presence of cessation. For the intention is suffering, the presence of such a horror. For the self is the mind, the issue is not present as.
For the mind are impermanent, abundant mind about anything? For the intention is suffering, abundant mind about something? For the self is the mind, the mind is abundant for what? For the mind are impermanent, are plentiful in mind resolute. For the intention is suffering, abundant in pure mind. For the self is the mind, the mind is abundant knowledge.
While the intention of impermanence, the abundance of what determined success right? While the effects of suffering, the abundant success of pure nothing right? While the selfless work, the abundance of knowledge to achieve what right? While the intention of impermanence, the abundance of successful signal determination rights. While the intention of suffering, the abundant success of pure power. While the selfless work, the abundance of successful intellectual understanding right.
For the abundance of volitional determination is impermanent, what is the key right? In practice, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? Who practice?
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, which is the key right? In practice, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? Who practice?
For an abundance of knowledge is the selfless work, which is the key right? In practice, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? Who practice?
For the abundance of volitional determination is impermanent, credits the mainstream right. In practice, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. The right to practice, he practices, not the practice of human rights practice wrong.
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, the power is dominant. In practice, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. The right to practice, he practices, not the practice of human rights practice wrong.  
For an abundance of knowledge is self volition, knowledge is the key right. In practice, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. The right to practice, he practices, not the practice of human rights practice wrong.
For the abundance of volitional determination is impermanent, what is the key right? In practice, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation? At the time of insight, which is the key right? In a thorough understanding of, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? The insight in what sense?
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, which is the key right? In practice, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation? At the time of insight, which is the key right? In a thorough understanding of, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? The insight in what sense?
For an abundance of knowledge is the selfless work, which is the key right? In practice, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation? At the time of insight, which is the key right? In a thorough understanding of, how much power is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? The insight in what sense?
For the abundance of volitional determination is impermanent, credits the mainstream right. In practice, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. At the time of insight, right knowledge is key. In a thorough understanding, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. A thorough understanding of the cognitive meaning. Thus, even while insight, (the author) practice, even during practice, (the author) insight.  
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, the power is dominant. In practice, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. At the time of insight, wisdom is the key right. In a thorough understanding, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. A thorough understanding of the cognitive meaning. Thus, even while insight, (the author) practice, even during practice, (the author) insight.
For an abundance of knowledge is self volition, knowledge is the key right. In practice, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. At the time of insight, right knowledge is key. In a thorough understanding, there are four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. A thorough understanding of the cognitive meaning. Thus, even while insight, (the author) practice, even during practice, (the author) insight.
For the mind are impermanent, what is striking right? Due to the state's prominent rights, is freed by faith? For the intention is suffering, what is striking right? Due to the state's prominent rights, is itself evidence? For the intention is selfless, a prominent rights? Due to the state's prominent rights, is achieved by the reviews?
For the mind are impermanent, is striking the right signal, due to the status of credit outstanding rights, is freed by faith. For the intention is suffering, the right is outstanding; due to the state's prominent rights, is itself evidence. For the intention is selfless, intellectual property rights are outstanding, due to the state's outstanding intellectual power, is achieved by the comments.
'While it is faith, is freed' is freed by faith. 'Due to hit the state, is the evidence' is evidence itself. 'Because the state has seen, has achieved' is achieved by the comments. 'While it is faith, is freed' is freed by faith. 'First touch with the touch of meditation, then the evidence cessation Nirvana' is itself evidence. '' The act is suffering, the cessation touch 'is what is known, to be understood, is the evidence, to be touched by the wisdom' is achieved by the comments.
This is freed by faith, there is evidence itself, and is achieved by the ants, all of whom may have been liberated by faith, both certification body, has achieved so biased by the impact depending on the platform and method.
There may be : How can there be? For the impermanence are working with the right credit outstanding, due to the state's outstanding loan is right to be liberated by faith are working on the right is suffering with outstanding credit, due to the floating state the right turn signal is freed by faith are working for the right to self with credit is striking, because the status of the loan outstanding rights to be free by faith. Thus, the three were freed by faith due to the impact of the credit rights.
For you are suffering with the intention of striking power, due to the state's outstanding power is itself evidence, are working to have the right mind self is prominent, due to the state's outstanding rights is itself evidence, are working for the rights of impermanence is prominent, due to the state's outstanding power is itself evidence. Thus, there are three certification bodies due to the impact of the rights.
For the non-self are the intellectual property right is striking, because the state is right to highlight the wisdom gained by comments; attention to are the intellectual property right is often very striking, so striking state of intellectual property rights is achieved by the comments; intention is for the mental anguish is a prominent authority, because the state is right to highlight the insight gained by the comments. Thus, these three are achieved thanks is due to the impact of intellectual property rights.
This is freed by faith, there is evidence itself, and is achieved by the ants, all of whom may have been liberated by faith, both certification body, has achieved so biased by the impact depending on the platform and the method (mean) like that.
This is freed by faith, there is evidence itself, and is achieved by ants, three people can be liberated by a person of faith, others have evidence itself, and others gain by prejudice.
There may be : How can there be? For the impermanence are working with the right credit outstanding, due to the state's outstanding loan is right to be liberated by faith is the intention to have the suffering is outstanding right, stand by status right out of the body is evidence, for the selfless work you are with the right knowledge is outstanding, so outstanding mental state is right to be freed by the comments.
And here is freed by faith, there is evidence itself, and is achieved by the comments. Can these three people, who were liberated by faith, others have evidence itself, and the other is achieved by a (mean) like that.
For the impermanence are working with the right credit outstanding, due to the status of credit outstanding right (he) was Director of Entry; therefore be said that: " The option of credit . "is right next four connected to it, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of the credit rights, the practice of four right. What are the main achievements of Entry Act due to the impact of the credit rights, he is all of the operator depending on credit.
For the impermanence are working with the right credit outstanding, due to the state's outstanding loan is the right fruit Entry Testimony therefore be said that: " Freed by faith . "Four rights are followed things, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of the credit rights is the right to practice the four, is good practice. The Fruit of the evidence that the Entry due to the impact of the credit rights, all he is freed by the faith.
For the impermanence are working with the right credit outstanding, due to the status of credit outstanding right (he) was a Japanese director, ... (as above) ... Lai is the best evidence; ... (as above) ... Directed successful Real Lai; ... (as above) ... Never-the results are certified; ... (as above) ... Directed successful A-la-drought; ... (as above) ... A-la-han is the evidence, so to say that: " Freed by faith . "Four things right is to connect, ... (as above) ..., is the dissociation. The effect of the evidence that the A-la-drought due to the impact of the credit rights, all he is freed by the faith.
For you are suffering with the intention of striking power, due to the state's outstanding right (he) was Director of Entry; therefore be said that: " The evidence is relative . "is right next four connected to it, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of the power, have the right to practice the four. What are the main achievements of Entry Act due to the impact of the right, he's all the evidence you yourself.
For you are suffering with the intention of striking power, due to the status of the highlights was the right fruit Entry certification; ... (as above) ... The most successful director Lai; ... (as above) ... Lai is the best evidence; ... (as above) ... Directed successful Real Lai; ... (as above) ... Never-the results are certified; ... (as above) ... Directed successful A-la-drought; ... (as above) ... A-la-han is the evidence, so to say that: " The evidence is relative . "Four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of the right, the four right is practiced, is good practice. The effect of the evidence that the A-la-products due to the impact of drought on the right, he's all the evidence you yourself.
For the self are working with the right knowledge is outstanding, so outstanding mental state right (he) Entry Directed successful; therefore be said that " The practice of custom . "is right next four connected to it, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of intellectual property rights, the right to practice the four. What are the main achievements of Entry Act due to the impact of intellectual property rights, all he is the practice of the option.
For the self are working with the right knowledge is outstanding, so outstanding mental state authority is the witness Entry fruit; therefore be said that " The gain is due . "Four serial rights is the then, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of intellectual property rights is the right to practice the four, is good practice. The Fruit of the evidence that the Entry due to the impact of intellectual property rights, he is all of the gain is due.
For the self are working with the right knowledge is outstanding, so outstanding mental state right (he) The most successful director Lai; ... (nt) ... Lai is the best evidence; ... (nt) ... Directed successful Real Lai; ... (nt) ... Never-the results are certified; ... (nt) ... Directed successful A-la-drought; ... (nt) ... A-la-han is the evidence, so to say that: " The custom of practice . "Four things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. Due to the impact of intellectual property rights is the right to practice the four, is good practice. The effect of the evidence that the A-la-drought due to the impact of intellectual property rights, he is all of the gain is due.
The practice of the public have, is to practice, practice, or will, have attained certification, certification is attained, or will attain certification, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve, was successful, is successful , or will gain, has insight, is insight, or to penetrate, was the witness, the witness is, or will the evidence, touched, is touching or will touch, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve dominance, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve perfection, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve the self-confidence of escape, all he is freed by faith in the ability of credit by rights, is itself evidence of the capacity due to the right, that is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
The public has the practice of ... (nt) ... will gain confidence in golf is not toxic ... idea to think about the light ... not scattered about ... method of determining ... on location ... the joy ... about Jhana ... subtle meditation on ... meditation on the three ... Philanthropy ... of attainment is not infinite ... the attainment of infinite ... attainment of wealth owned land ... non-attainment of the ideal non originating idea ... impermanence of introspection ... introspection about the suffering ... introspection of the self ... terms of the boring bar ... ly consistent in terms of craving ... consistent in terms of extinction ... consistent in terms of giving ... consistent in terms of the end ... consistent in terms of passing variables ... consistent in terms of changes ... formlessness of introspection ... introspection about the numerous volunteer ... emptiness of introspection ... insight on the legal wisdom by winning ... in the know and see as they really can ... introspection about the hazards ... Consulate of distinction in terms of ... consistent in terms of secession ... Entry of Directed ... Most of Dao Lai ... Director of Real Lai ... the director A-la-han ... establish the concept of four ... For the four chief ... on the four cornerstones of magical ... Rights of year ... about seven of Enlightenment ... the eight factors of the Noble ...
The practice of the public have, is to practice, practice, or will, have attained certification, certification is attained, or will attain certification, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve, was successful, is successful , or will gain, has insight, is insight, or to penetrate, was the witness, the witness is, or will the evidence, touched, is touching or will touch, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve dominance, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve perfection, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve the self-confidence of the eight freed, all the he is freed by faith in the ability of credit by rights, is itself evidence of the capacity due to the right, that is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
It was the position that has been achieved, is achieved, or will achieve the four analyzed ... (as above) ... all he is freed by faith in the ability of credit by rights, is itself evidence of the capacity due to the right, that is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
The position does have the insight, insight is, or will insight ... (nt) ... about three intelligent, all he is freed by faith in the ability of credit by rights, is itself evidence of the capacity due to the right, that is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
The public has been learning the position, studying, or will learn, was the witness, the witness is, or will the evidence, touched, is touching or will touch, has achieved, is achieving , or will reach advantage, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve perfection, has achieved, is achieved, or will achieve the self-confidence of the three learning all he is freed by faith in the ability of credit by rights, is itself evidence of the capacity due to the right, that is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
The position of knowing the size Comprehensive, ... (nt) ... abandon the origination (width), ... (nt) ... witness the cessation (of suffering), ... (nt) ... Directed practice in, all he is freed by faith in the power of the signal through the right, is itself evidence of the capacity due to the right, as is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
A thorough understanding of how much truth is to manifest? Practitioners insight of how much truth to manifest? The insight is truth with four expressions, one insight of the four manifestations of truth: the truth of suffering insight with a thorough understanding of the comprehensive know, the truth of the insight born (width) with a thorough understanding of abandoning, insight truth of cessation (of suffering) with a thorough understanding of the evidence, the truth of insight director with a thorough understanding of the practice. The insight is truth to these four expressions, while insight with four fours expression of this, (the author) is freed by faith in the power of the signal through the right, is certified by the body to forces of the right, as is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
A thorough understanding of how much truth is to manifest? Practitioners insight of how much truth to manifest? The insight is truth to the nine manifestations, one insight of the nine manifestations of truth: the truth of suffering insight with a thorough understanding of the comprehensive know, the truth of the insight born (width) with a thorough understanding of abandoning, insight truth of cessation (of suffering) with a thorough understanding of the evidence, the truth of insight director with a thorough understanding of the practice. And have a thorough understanding of the position by winning all the way, so that the holistic insight for all of that by giving a thorough understanding of all evil, have a thorough understanding by practicing Directed set for four, and have a thorough understanding witness due to cessation. A thorough understanding of the truth of this expression with nine, while insight with nine fours manifestation of this, (the author) is freed by faith in the power of the signal through the right, is certified by the body to forces of the right, as is achieved by the power of knowledge thanks to the right.
Products Litigation second.
For the mind are impermanent, the presence of the like? For the intention is suffering, the presence of the like? For the self is the mind, the presence of the like? (1)
For the mind are impermanent, the presence of such a cessation, are working for the suffering, the presence of such a horror, are working towards the self, the act is area as not. (2)
For the mind are impermanent, abundant mind about anything? For the intention is suffering, abundant mind about something? For the self is the mind, the mind is abundant for what? (1)
For the mind are impermanent, mind resolute abundant, are working for the suffering, abundant in pure mind, for the mind is the self, the mind is abundant knowledge. (2)
While the intention of impermanence, the abundance of determination to achieve what liberation? While the intention of suffering, the abundant success of translational release what? While the selfless work, you have ample understanding what successful liberation? (1)
While the intention of impermanence, the abundance of determination to achieve liberation formless. While suffering the effects, the net abundance of very successful deliverance prayer. While the selfless work, you have ample understanding of nature was not freed. (2)
For the determination is abundant volition impermanence, liberation is dominant? In practice, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? Who practice? (1)
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, liberation is the key? In practice, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? Who practice? (2)
For an abundance of knowledge is volitional self, liberation is dominant? In practice, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? Who practice? (3)
For the abundance of volitional determination is impermanent, formless liberation is dominant. In practice, there are two rescue work was continuing, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. The right to practice, he practices, not the practice of liberation in the wrong practice. (1)
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, deliverance prayer is very mainstream. In practice, there are two rescue work was continuing, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. The right to practice, he practices, not the practice of liberation in the wrong practice. (2)
For an abundance of knowledge is volitional self, emptiness liberation is dominant. In practice, there are two rescue work was continuing, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. The right to practice, he practices, not the practice of liberation in the wrong practice. (3)
For the determination is abundant volition impermanence, liberation is dominant? In practice, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation? At the time of insight, liberation is the key? In a thorough understanding of, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? The insight in what sense? (1)
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, liberation is the key? In practice, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation? At the time of insight, liberation is the key? In a thorough understanding of, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? The insight in what sense? (2)
For an abundance of knowledge is volitional self, liberation is dominant? In practice, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation? At the time of insight, liberation is the key? In a thorough understanding of, how much freedom is continuing her work, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best? The practice of meaning? The insight in what sense? (3)
For the abundance of volitional determination is impermanent, formless liberation is dominant. In practice, there are two things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. At the time of insight, formless freedom is key. In a thorough understanding, there are two rescue work was continuing, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. A thorough understanding of the cognitive meaning. Thus, even while insight, (the author) practice, even during practice, (the author) insight. (1)
For an abundance of pure intention is suffering, deliverance prayer is very mainstream. In practice, there are two rescue work was continuing, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. At the time of insight, deliverance prayer is very mainstream. In a thorough understanding, there are two rescue work was continuing, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. A thorough understanding of the cognitive meaning. Thus, even while insight, (the author) practice, even during practice, (the author) insight. (2)
For an abundance of knowledge is volitional self, emptiness liberation is dominant. In practice, there are two things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation. At the time of insight, emptiness liberation is dominant. In a thorough understanding, there are two things right is followed, is the coexistence, are reciprocally, is the only medical conditions, is the dissociation, is the best. The practice of the most meaningful. A thorough understanding of the cognitive meaning. Thus, even while insight, (the author) practice, even during practice, (the author) insight. (3)
For the mind are impermanent, is the highlight of liberation? Due to the state's prominent liberation is freed by faith? For the intention is suffering, liberation is outstanding? Due to the state's prominent liberation is itself evidence? For the intention is selfless, a prominent liberation? Due to the state's prominent liberation is achieved by the reviews? (1)
For the mind are impermanent, formless liberation is prominent, due to the state's outstanding formless liberating to be free by the faith of the mind are suffering, deliverance prayer is very well turn, due to the status of numerous prominent liberation prayer is itself evidence, are working towards the self, emptiness liberation is prominent, due to the state of emptiness prominent liberation is achieved by the comments. (2)
'While it is faith, (the author) liberation' is freed by faith. 'Because the state has touched, (the author) of evidence' is evidence itself. 'Because the state has seen, (the author) achieve' is achieved by the comments. 'While it is faith, (the author) liberation' is freed by faith. '(Practitioners) in contact with the touch of meditation before, then the evidence cessation Nirvana' is itself evidence. "'The issue is suffering, the cessation touch' is what is known, to be understood, is the evidence, to be touched by wisdom" is achieved by the comments. ... (As above) ...
The practice of the public have, is to practice, or to practice, ... (as above) ... all he is freed by faith through the power of formless liberating, is itself evidence thanks to numerous volunteer capacities of liberation, which is achieved due to capacity due to the emptiness liberation .
The public has the practice of ... (nt) ... not independent of the field ... (nt) ... think about the idea to light ... (nt) ... not scattered about ... (nt) ... The position of knowing the size Comprehensive, ... abandon the origination (size), ... witness the cessation (of suffering), ... Directed practice in, all he is freed by faith through the power of formless liberation, there is evidence itself thanks to numerous volunteer capacities of liberation, which is due to reach capacity by emptiness of liberation.
A thorough understanding of how much truth is to manifest? Practitioners insight of how much truth to manifest? The insight is truth with four expressions, one insight of the four expressions of truth.
(Practitioners) Truth of Suffering insight with a thorough understanding of the comprehensive know, the truth of the insight born (width) with a thorough understanding of abandoning, insight truth of cessation (of suffering) with a thorough understanding of the evidence, the truth of insight director with a thorough understanding of the practice. The insight is truth to these four expressions, while insight with four fours expression of this, (the author) was liberated by faith through the power of formless liberation, there is evidence by itself in numerous volunteer capacities of liberation, which is achieved due to capacity due to the emptiness liberation.
A thorough understanding of how much truth is to manifest? Practitioners insight of how much truth to manifest? The insight is truth to the nine manifestations. Practitioners insight of the nine manifestations of truth: the truth of suffering insight with a thorough understanding of the comprehensive know, ... (nt) ... And have a thorough understanding by winning location for all legal, ... (nt) ... and have a thorough understanding witness due to cessation.
A thorough understanding of the truth of this expression with nine, while insight with nine fours manifestation of this, (the author) was liberated by faith through the power of formless liberation, there is evidence by itself in numerous volunteer capacities of liberation, which is achieved due to capacity due to the emptiness liberation.
While the mind is impermanent, (the author) said that in accordance with any legal entity? The show is correct (mean) How? Due to the continuation of that, the act is seen as impermanent as (mean) How? Skeptical be rid Where? (1)
While the intention of suffering, (the author) said that in accordance with any legal entity? The show is correct (mean) How? Due to the continuation of that, the issue was clear that suffering is (mean) How? Skeptical be rid Where? (2)
While the selfless work, (the author) said that in accordance with any legal entity? The show is correct (mean) How? Due to the continuation of this, the obvious is that the self is (mean) How? Skeptical be rid Where? (3)
While the mind is impermanent, (the author) know, seeing as they really be about phenomena so called that right. Thus, due to the continuation of that, the act is seen as impermanent. Get rid of skepticism here. (1)
While the intention of suffering, (the author) said that in accordance with the operating entity of, so called that right. Thus, due to the continuation of that, the issue is seen clearly suffering. Get rid of skepticism here. (2)
While the selfless work, (the author) said that in accordance with the entity of the Minister and the operation, so the show is called properly. Thus, due to the continuation of this, all measures were seen as selfless. Get rid of skepticism here. (3)
Tri accordance entity, see the right, crossed the skeptics, the approach is different and meaningful texts difference? Or have the same meaning and is just writing another? Tri accordance entity, see the right, crossed the skeptics, this law is the same and the only significant other is writing.
For the mind are impermanent, what is terrifying presence? For the intention is suffering, what is the terrifying presence? For the self is the mind, what is the terrifying presence?
For the mind are impermanent, the horror Minister's presence? For the intention is suffering, the present operation is terrified? For the intention is selfless, the Minister and the present operation is terrifying.  
Knowledge related to the presence of terror, the position relating to harm, and the boredom, these measures are significant cultural differences and different order? Or have the same meaning and is just writing another? Knowledge related to the presence of terror, the position relating to harm, and the boredom, the method is the same and the only significant other is writing.
Judges of selflessness and emptiness in terms of consistency, this approach is the significant difference and different texts? Or have the same meaning and is just writing another? Judges of selflessness and emptiness in terms of consistency, the same approach is meaningful and just as other texts.
For the mind are impermanent, so what distinction is being made on the site? For the intention is suffering, so what distinction is being made on the site? For the intention is selfless, so what distinction is being made on the site?
For the mind are impermanent, so the general distinction that was born on the place, for the intention is suffering, due to the operation of distinction is being made on location, are working to the self, by the distinguished appearance and the location that is being operated on. (1)
The desire liberation, so the distinction introspection, and discharge status for compounded, the approach is different and mean different texts? Or have the same meaning and is just writing another? The desire liberation, so the distinction introspection, and discharge status for compounded, the method is the same and the only significant other is writing. (2)
For the mind are impermanent, mind out of nowhere? Center into place? For the suffering are working, out of mind anywhere? Center into place? For the self is the mind, the mind out of nowhere? Center into place?
For the mind are impermanent, out of the general interest, to the formless mind, you're working for the suffering, the mind out of the operation, carried into the center does not operate, for the intention is selfless, out of the general interest and the operation into formless mind, not on the operation, the cessation is Nirvana realm. (3)
Knowledge relating to the release and exchange of secession, and the national movement, the approach is different and mean different texts? Or have the same meaning and is just writing another? Knowledge relating to the release and exchange of secession, and the national movement, the approach is to have the same meaning and is the only other texts. (4)
While the mind is impermanent, (the author) with the release of liberation, while suffering the effects, with the liberation liberation while volitional self, liberated by the liberation? While the mind is impermanent, (the author) liberated by formless liberation while volition suffering, deliverance prayer deliverance by countless while volitional self, emptiness liberation by liberating. (5)
Knowledge related to the exit and the two breakaway (the exterior), and the Act is concerned, the law is significantly different and distinct texts? Or have the same meaning and is just writing another? Knowledge related to the exit and the two breakaway, and location-related Act, the law is the same and the only significant other is writing. (6)
Three types of liberation at the moment is with how many different manifestations, three freed at the same moment as to how much expression? Three types of liberation at the moment with four different manifestations, three types of liberation in the same moment as the seven expression.
Three types of liberation at the moment with four different manifestation? With mainstream legal sense, in the sense affirmed the significance determination, with significant derivatives.
Three types of liberation to mainstream legal meaning in the moment is how different? For the mind are impermanent formless liberation is the leading legal, volition voluntary suffering numerous legal liberation is dominant, self volition not release the legal nature mainstream. Three types of liberation to mainstream legal meaning in the moment as it's different. (1)
Three kinds of freedom to assert meaning in the moment is how different? While the mind is impermanent, thanks to the power of formless liberation, (the author) said center while suffering the effects, thanks to the numerous volunteer capacities of liberation, (the author) asserted interest; while the selfless work, thanks to the power of emptiness liberation (the author) states of mind. Three types of liberation with confirmed significant moments in the world's different. (2)
Three kinds of freedom in the sense asserted in the moment is how different? While the mind is impermanent, thanks to the power of formless liberation, (the author) determination results, while suffering the effects, thanks to the numerous volunteer capacities of liberation, (the author) determination results, while the selfless work, thanks to the power of emptiness liberation (the author) determination results. Three kinds of freedom in the sense asserted in the moment that he is different. (3)
Three types of liberation with significant derivatives in the moment is how different? While the mind is impermanent, thanks to the power of formless liberation, (the author) lead to the extinction of nirvana, while suffering the effects, due to the power of prayer very liberating, to derivatives cessation Nirvana, while the selfless work, due to the power of nature is not freed, leading to the extinction of nirvana. Three types of liberation with significant derivatives in the moment that he is different. (4)  
Three types of liberation at the moment with four different manifestations.
Three types of liberation at the same moment as the seventh manifestation? The meaning associated with special meaning, the meaning of success, with insight sense, to mean the evidence, which means to touch, to grasp the meaning.
Three types of liberation associated with meaning, with special significance, with significant success, with insight sense, to mean the evidence, which means to touch, to perceive meaning in the same police -na is how?
'While the intention of impermanence, (the author) freed from the Minister' is formless freedom, 'freedom from certain things, no longer wishes to her' prayer is very liberating, 'it did not wish it's not with 'the emptiness liberation,' to what is not, is for the Minister's formless' is formless liberation. Three types of liberation associated with meaning, with special significance, with significant success, with insight sense, to mean the evidence, which means to touch, to perceive meaning in the same police -na is likewise. (1)
'While the intention of suffering, (the author) wishes freed from' prayer is very liberating, 'that's not what he wishes it to be not' the emptiness liberation, 'to what is not, is the current Prime Minister's myriad 'is formless liberation,' formless with the minister does not expect things' prayer is very liberating. Three types of liberation associated with meaning, with special significance, with significant success, with insight sense, to mean the evidence, to the touch, to perceive meaning in the same close- Likewise na. (2)
'While the selfless work, (the author) free from bigotry' is not emptiness liberation, 'to what is not, is for the Minister's formless' is formless liberation,' formless with the Minister does not expect things "are very liberating prayer, 'that's not what he wishes it to be not' is not liberating nature. Three types of liberation associated with meaning, with special significance, with significant success, with insight sense, to mean the evidence, which means to touch, to perceive meaning in the same police -na is likewise. (3)
Three types of liberation at the same moment as the seven manifestations.
There is liberation, there is the door, with the door of liberation, is the opposite of freedom, are (legal) suit liberated by the separatist liberation, is the practice of freedom, the silence of liberation.
What is liberation? Liberating emptiness, formless liberation, countless volunteer rescue.
What is emptiness liberation? 'Tri bars by the terms of the impermanence of freedom from bigotry often' is not liberating nature. 'Tri bars by the terms of affliction rid of stubborn optimism' is not liberating nature. 'Tri bars by the terms of selfless freedom from bigotry of self' is not liberating nature. 'Tri due to the boring bar in terms of liberation from bigotry of fun' character is not freed. 'Tri ly due to the consistency in terms of liberation from craving to craving bigotry' is not liberating nature. 'Tri introspection due to cessation of liberation from bigotry arises about the' nature is not freed. 'Tri introspection due to give freedom from bigotry on hold' is not liberating nature. 'Tri bars by the terms of formless freedom from bigotry of the Minister' is not liberating nature. 'Tri bars by the very terms of freedom from bigotry vow of aspirations' identity is not freed. 'Tri bars by the terms of emptiness, free from all bigotry' is not liberating nature.
'Position the bar so very often in terms of freedom from bigotry identity of routine' nature is not freed. ... (Nt) ... 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of identity free from all bigotry' is not liberating nature. 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... freed from death at the age of bigotry often 'is not liberating nature. ... (Nt) ... 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of liberation from old mail all bigotry' is not liberating nature. It's free emptiness. (1)
What is formless liberation? 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence freed from regular appearances on' the formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the terms of liberation from suffering the minister of communications' is formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the terms of self liberation from the Minister of self' is ... 'Position the bar so boring in terms of liberation from the Minister for fun' is ... 'Tri ly due to the consistency in terms of liberation from craving the Minister of craving' is ... 'Tri introspection due to cessation of liberation from the Minister of Human arise' is ... 'Tri bars by the terms of giving freed from appearances on hold' is ... 'Tri bars by the terms of formless liberation from all appearances' is ... 'Tri bars by the very terms of voluntary release from the Minister of aspiration' is formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of liberation from the Minister of bigotry' is formless liberation.
'Position the bar so very often in terms of color freed from regular appearances on' the formless liberation. ... (Nt) ... 'Tri bars by the terms of the formless identity freed from all appearances' is formless liberation. 'Position the bar so very willing in terms of liberation from the general identity of aspirations' is formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of liberation from the general excellence of bigotry' is formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... in death he freed from regular appearances on 'the formless liberation. ... (Nt) ... 'Tri bars by the terms of the old electronic formless liberation from all appearances' is formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the very terms of the old chapel in death freed from the Minister of aspiration' is formless liberation. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of liberation from old electronic appearance of bigotry' is formless liberation. It is formless liberation. (2)
Countless volunteer rescue what? 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence rid of common aspirations' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the terms of affliction rid of optimistic vows' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the terms of self liberation from the ego wishes' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri ly due to the consistency in terms of liberation from craving to craving wishes' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri introspection due to cessation of liberation from human aspirations arise' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri introspection due to renounce aspirations for liberation from holding' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the terms of formless aspirations for liberation from the Minister' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri due to numerous voluntary introspection about liberation from all vows' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of aspirations for freedom from bigotry' prayer is very liberating.
'Position the bar so very often in terms of color freed from the common aspirations' prayer is very liberating. ... (Nt) ... 'Position the bar so very willing in terms of color freed from all vows' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of identity aspirations for freedom from bigotry' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the terms of impermanence in life ... in great ... in the act ... in the wake ... in the eye ... in death he freed from all vows' prayer is very liberating. 'Tri bars by the emptiness in terms of liberation from old death wish for bigotry' prayer is very liberating. This prayer is very liberating. (3) This is liberation. (1)
What is the door? What is wrong, is good, is the legal part of enlightenment was born in that case, it's the door. (2)
The door of liberation is what? Object of the law was the cessation of Nirvana, (object) that is the door of liberation, this is the door of liberation. Liberation and the door, the door of liberation, that is the door of liberation. (3)
(France) is the opposite of what liberation? Three apartments are evil (law) the opposite of freedom, three evil is the (legal) opposite of liberation, all things evil as well as the (legal) opposite of liberation, it was (law) the opposite of freedom. (4)
(France) in accordance with what is freedom? Three of virtue is the (legal) free match three virtues is the (legal) free match, all things are friendly and the (legal) suit liberation, it was a (legal ) suitable for release. (5)
The breakaway is due to release what? As great as the secession, secession is by thinking, the mind-secession, secession is due to location, is liberated by the secession, secession is due to the truth.
 'While thinking, (the author) secession' is due to the secession idea. 'While thinking, (the author) secession' is due to the secession of thinking. 'In the know, (the author) secession' is a breakaway from the mind. 'While using the site, (the author) secession' is secession by location. 'While detachment, (the author) secession' is due to release secession. 'The meaning of the entity, (the author) secession' is secession by truth.
Where do the secession idea where he is by thinking secession. Where do think secession, secession where there is so great. Where do the secession idea (and) by the separatist thinking, where there is a breakaway from the mind. Where secession from the mind, where there is so great schism (and) by the separatist thinking. Where do ideas secession, secession is by thinking, (and) that secession by the center, where there is a breakaway by location. Where secession by location, where there is so great schism, secession is by thinking, (and) that secession by the center. Where do ideas secession, secession by the thought that secession by the center, (and) there is a breakaway by location, where there is so liberating secession. Where secession by free men, would be by the secession idea that secession by the thought that secession by the center, (and) there is a breakaway by location. Where do ideas secession, secession by the thought that secession by the center, with the secession due to location, (and) with the secession due to liberation, where he is due to secession truth. Where secession by the truth, which is that due to the separatist idea that secession by the thought that secession by the center, so the location secession, secession is so liberating. This is due to free secession. (6)
The practice is what liberation? The training, the practice, the application makes abundantly meditation, the practice, the practice, the meditation made abundantly II, the training, the practice, the meditation made prolific three, the forging practice, practice, making the quarterfinals prolific meditation, discipline, practice, makes the attainment prolific not infinite; ... attainment of infinite; ... the attainment of wealth owned land, the training, the practice, making the fullness of the non-ideal non attainment of origin concept, the training, the practice, the Act makes abundantly Entry, the forging practice, practice, making the prolific Japanese director, the training, the practice, the Act makes abundantly Real Lai, the training, the practice, the prolific director made A-la- drought, which is the practice of liberation. (7)
Stillness of liberation is what? The achievements of Jhana or karma, the karma achievements of binary or meditation, ... third of meditation, ... 's charity ... of attainment is not infinite, ... attainment of infinite knowledge, ... attainment of numerous land owners, professional achievement or attainment result of non-ideal non originating idea, fruit of Entry Entry Act, most of the largest Lai Lai, It's Never-Never-Director, A-la-Director of A-la-han, this is the silence of liberation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENGLIGHTMENT=WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/9/2013.NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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