Tuesday 3 June 2014

Why Buddhism is recommended banning the use of alcohol and stimulants?

The Buddha taught that the 3 venomous snake is greed, hatred and delusion. The more I reflect on that as true. 3 Many analysts snake and tried to find out "the" unique public. Everyone has different opinions. But I promise that the SI is the most dangerous snake.

It's dangerous, because due to ignorance, or stupidity, which is heavier than the foolish said to the newcomers, the new field. If we wake up, know right know what could be wrong that creates too much confusion and bad karma of body, speech and mind to it.
I think back to cause confusion. Shortsighted as I also realized that, because by now put us in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Karma that we create our revolving put in ignorance and kept forever escape the six paths of reincarnation.
I just read in the newspaper that the statistics of the market research organization Euromonitor International said beer consumption per capita in Vietnam nearly 30 liters / year, head of Southeast Asia, 4th European Asia, after Japan, South Korea and China. With a population of 90 million, the amount of beer consumed annually from 2011 to 2016 will increase 10% each year. I was startled!
Some other information that the survey results at two major hospitals in Vietnam are Vietnamese Germany and Cho Ray is more than 30% of the deaths were due to road traffic accidents and 60% of trauma patients admitted to hospital blood alcohol concentration exceeds the permissible limit. I thought, even more the number of cases of both physical injury and how much is mental. Startled once more!
 Photo illustration nature
Drinking alcohol makes us delusion, confusion . Because of alcohol we can not control himself. Not only accidents that included slashing attacks, kills robbery occurred. I have seen many men and alcohol in primary quarrelsome with relatives, friends and colleagues. And even more unfortunately, when you drink, there are decent men who are going to take kindly personality, even rape.
In the first 5 of the Buddhist world , but who also know the 5th world: do not use alcohol and stimulants. Buddha knew very well incalculable harm of these substances so we recommend not using. Buddhists Each of us, fortunately, very well aware of the suffering caused by the consumption of stimulants cause should not use the mind. Buddhists we want to transform the body, mind, body and want to have a healthy heart should commit themselves and know how to choose food, drinks. The risk of toxins we can not control yourself we remove. healthier living We want to bring joy to yourself and those around you. Because stimulants have only temporary effects: bring joy for a moment but bring incalculable harm long term.

You've seen or met people drunk, not on drugs? You have witnessed the accident should not close due to alcohol? You know there are people around you being abused by stimulants cause, even life and innocence lost.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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