Tuesday 3 June 2014

So how to get a happy family life really?

The family is the basic social groups most in relations between people. The concept of the word " happy "people vary according to age and life circumstances. In today's society, particularly traditional Asian culture in general and Vietnam in particular, the concept of a happy family often comes to the following factors:

First, the material fully furnished. Second, successful career, social status in hoi.Thu three, everyone in the family love, harmony, mutual honor. And the most important thing to me is much more human lineage, clan.
So profound influence of Confucianism, these criteria have become valuable to assess family happiness of the majority of Asian people. For Buddhists, money very moment of birth, the Buddha also taught many times so specific, practical issues related to the "happiness" of the individual human being, "happiness" in social relationships Congress, especially the family happy.

In addition, the Buddha often encouraged interested disciples house training focused on enhancing family ethics. He is always the best and only way to teach empathy and keeping good relationships in the family rather than focus on other issues such as money, material, fame, status .... Because he himself understands better than anyone the importance of building family relations ethics. Families with nice, new social peace, the country will prosper, prosperity.

There are parents out of ink injured child, spoiled child but things are not created for children self awareness, self know how to take care of themselves, knowing themselves to overcome difficulties in life. Conversely parents do this for you all, from the large to the small, even the children go to school instead, making the children self-reliant efforts not to. Love you like that is right or wrong?

Again, there are parents know only impose "directives and orders" for the share without knowing and understanding, methods to guide the direction of their future. Parents impose entirely based on the traditional backward feudal paternalism of his, but did not know listened aspirations, feelings of the heart.

Moreover, because some parents busy all day with work, or business partners, etc ... but not interested in the psychological development of children. They only thought is how to make more money, to build beautiful homes, chasing fame and forget with family responsibilities. Or the parents who are passionate about public relations, unions, eager to contribute in charity work, etc. ... but forget the importance of their responsibilities in family, in a small society her.

Meanwhile, their children have received little attention, share, care, proper guidance from their parents, gradually emerging psychological introverted, taciturn or psychological extroverted, self-indulgent find joy outside the family made many fall into the extremely tragic circumstances.

Today, most parents who are educated, we should think to really mature, not as marginal personal opinion that no good consequences for children, and themselves bring more crime now. Also parents should also respect the opinion of the decision, if that decision is not correct, then use that argument gentle admonition. During the growing social and at the same time many social problems arise Assembly requires the individual to be self-conscious self-responsibility to ourselves as high, parents should spend more time educating interested and concerned their children.

In the context of current social, moral deterioration of children to their parents is a serious problem. In addition to the filial son, intense Dhamma, knowing good advice and direction for parents refuge, healing Buddhist concept, most people only known remaining money, own family (if the marriage), fame status that we forget our duty towards parents or whether they only serve to provide mothers know money, comfortable life without knowing what their parents are thinking, what is needed, they always run the call of fame which not remember the question "voracious upbringing". There are even naughty children did not even take care of hollowing out, beaten, even killed just because some parents just gold, land a few meters or several hundred silver ...

Then there is the notion that making a lot of money to care for their parents in old age, but they do not know what will follow their parents on the other side of death's door. U money? Descendant of it? Or high power in it? No! All will remain in this world, even the shape they give it their father's mother, too, because it is the property of the world, of course, is to give back to the world, no one may carry even a speck of dust.

So we have to do?

The only path that is geared for parents returning to the Dharma, refuge , because if you know the Dharma return ie return to the foot of each pure mind, but the heart foot bar This net is immutable, it is really our assets upon death would bring, if not yet returned to the Dharma is not found true mind, that mind is not found foot center will be three foot demon "greed, hatred and delusion" entice and lead to suffering in the realm of samsara. Conversely, if found true mind, conquered the demon the other three life will be peaceful, bright. This is the method that the practice should be thankful.

Pleasing parents not only obedient, but also take care of our beloved to know to contain and prevent the thoughts, actions, words are not good parents. Is silver lakh cash wish, the high doors can buy three large demon "greed, hatred and delusion" out of our parents did not?

Or do we only provide the service to know the cause so desires, selfish, four cropping, hatred, evil is growing steadily in the center of our parents. Filial need to think this?

Taking care of parents, preserving family tradition, but can not go against the good, not harm others. And not to misuse the powers of chief rank which forced others to follow "command instructs" his mistake.

Burial of deceased parents when a job needs to be done. But how?

 Currently many children watch the funeral for his parents passing away not unlike a disguised form of business, for profit or have children who are not year round interested parents, but when parents die, the organization lavish sacrifices, our trumpet, horn west, built tombs to flaunt nice to let people know that you understand her.

So let's take care of our parents take care when they lived on earth, not to lose a parent until you feel regret that they did not want to take care of longer keep up.

The funeral cremation service should be organized according to family circumstances. If the Buddhist Dharma should be organized according to Buddhist rituals, savings, gently but no less solemn, avoid the backward procedure leads to wasting money on borrowing.

In short, happy family is an important factor to build a better society. So the "Buddha family" is very necessary job. To do so each member of the family take their best research and practice Buddha's teachings, have good moral lifestyle as educators for the other members, including parents set an example to our children and vice again.

Also parents should also open to ideas, to learn useful things from children. Encourage mutual assistance in the construction of family relations ethics in the spirit of "listen to understand, looking back to business" in Buddhism. Actively build a healthy family, making her mark on the society around them. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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