Thursday 5 June 2014

Questions and answers that province.
Questions and Answers Red Planet
Join Pure meditation, a person suffering ninety
Not pure meditation, practitioners want to fully
Just follow the verse is not allowed to practice meditation mode squeezed sure broaching that respect, praise Pure Jewish way too reasonable?
He multiplication replied not compliment Vinh Minh City University Master Pure outrageous rhetoric. The calculation is very large, a very convenient way, allowing large star called? Boi rhetoric are all drawn into short enough, except that the upper bothered Buddha, the Bodhisattva middle, lower is frustrating Sravakayanika, Pratyekabuddha last row is guilty or stupid reverse ranks, gathering evil. If you repent fix practicing Pure Land, without wiping quickly, not wait 24 months the boy testified nianfo not distracted, Buddha of the Western Paradise procession, but the premise is: none of the hard costs , as detailed tired, who added 30 bright idea to variables reborn, who I have not any idea of ​​rebirth "Namo Amitabha Buddha" enough is enough 30 thousand verses, after the religious balance more, while the forest nianfo ten general questions, as well Amida procession of floral bliss associated incarnations, more practice to become a Buddha. Ask if there are any easy rhetoric that quickly became a Buddha so affordable.
If someone does not have the intellectual as well as Vinh Minh Zen masters do not worry more practice and recommend Pure Pure Land practitioners like himself.
Question: Venerable, Venerable has to understand the nature of Buddhist meditation is also sufficient, to cultivate more detailed Pure done.
ANSWER: You   want to practice more wise as Vinh Minh City Pure Zen master Thich time as if the vomiting and hot under the Pure Land, water buffalo pulling power and not bother going back and skimming more practice Pure Land. If information must be allowed to become a Buddha in meditation time the Bodhisattva, before meditation was behind the many lives that have to have to manually add new Pure Bodhisattva
Kinh Tam Black said: Bodhisattva Manjushri his old narrator, known by its new chief Buddhist concept results. Exalted made ​​the sign on top that says "thanks Buddhist concept that people are reborn Bliss, do not have to say where good meditation. Kinh Hoa Nghiem   said Samantabhadra Bodhisattva vows taken ten major natural disasters that teaches self Pure Copper for delivery rim Buddhist procession is more precious than before.
Kinh Lang said: Exalted prediction for new Bodhisattva Nagarjuna Bliss rebirth. Five water through the celestial bodhisattva Bamboo cultivation meditation, astral through Bliss launches prospectus that Amida: I Am samsaric beings reborn in the Pure Land prayer, discovered this image please procession there was more room also have more religious procession Buddhist Pure Land that does not just take the effort involved to heaven scene where Buddha too? Try asking is how much you meditate soul to the realm of Bliss.
Question: Since long, nearly dying conceit, spontaneously, whether dead Buddhist procession?
ANSWER : But he as the wharf, long wait discouraged ride, ferry across the river or not, how do unto Buddhist procession? But this time the righteous, that prayer again, allowing the boys follow, Buddhist concepts Buddhist short-bumper procession blue: as well as the long wharf, went out to play or keep it. You have pride, because my religious doubts as to trust not in time to miss the boat. Drinking too! unfortunately!
QUESTION: What does the recollection too late, double waterfall next day she was not current-birth?
ANSWER: when you are near death, there is a new charity-based. Song to the vow, made-for instant father, or father-pilot told me that yourself. Poor time I told the boys in the three-year mourning. Di-nembutsu chanting his momentum. The prayer so, feel free to press the Buddhist concept half a day or a few hours, the procession of the Buddha also make people more religious-moral right to recover from.
QUESTION: Who ate him no, that I practice a form for parents?
ANSWER : Why not? because flesh and blood parents split up but falls as life, drifted into practice such time, but children do not bear e tu tu soul-death extra time in the West, long days are also effective. You can deathbed the Buddha procession Deng .
QUESTION: The many lives flesh far, I plan to do very-nearly ten death sentences Buddhist concept, Dang Vang-born star that so easy?
ANSWER: He did not practice early life that previous life has merit prisoners devout Buddhist, this maze forget miss province-realization, if not religious life before death so often today, it lets people know where unfortunately met Pure-level marker on his deathbed, the Buddha Buddhist concept wholeheartedly procession. Unwilling person-based, oil markers also do not believe that Buddha, where there is special food-poisoning contrition, penitence ghost of old sins, leaving all the expectations, thought "decide a route through the Old Lac, not dreaming other lane "please do not even stir-romantic setting, such a sentence Buddhist concept by thousands of sentences: ten sentences in question wanted, what would Di-Da Buddha not moving through the procession. Doing Cross Army said: "pure pure heart-even-determined, somewhat well qualified tenth anniversary of up to 80 residues past life memories". If the results of such heart, thanks to the previous life Di-Da Buddha procession through no wrong.
QUESTION: What if my child eat-contrition-even reciting the well-being of current unto the West, more new Buddhist practice. So early as the time spent, to enjoy the smell of life for libel, waiting near unto death will not eat school-boys, reciting the Pure-less days that follow the Buddha, as some current-born evil, I practice what Early-time do the damage.
ANSWER: Buddha you in mind, the current evil goodness-born is not known at this youth-level calculations that practice, this almost has the only point of death, so the Buddha in mind, doing evil that is so long that no-mind , this continental-new foreign Buddhist procession in mind. Do not do evil potential-center, scoring-hand, the effects-cunning, lost gods position the stars? Deities who prefer true. Data is current-born man you need to practice before the awards that the only bad point deathbed. Want to have a new person.
There are ten kinds of people dies within ten questions nianfo not enough: One is at Forest-general met not know that Pure-level marker. Two are reported according to his innocence precluded Buddhist concept. Three sub-exported or to be muted. Four is not known what real love. In the drowned, burned dead. Six are being tha tiger, crocodile captured, bitten sputum movement. Eight are honest, infection unconscious goodness the wind. Nine are killed. Ten is falling trees, car crash, broken leg. Ten death-apple province that easy enough concept that ten questions for intelligence-white, please do not psychosis, or Buddhist concept that the ideal couple, bury the memory of the post-drift-prone python chaos-wastes. There where repentant heart, keep the bar-sufficient contemplation? Or feel free adoption of whether it, look under the complete birth, the husband tells his wife cry, cry for children under the wax, waste-disorder-center location, in the heart of context-troubled, hard-pure fluid milk bar that concept enough ten questions for Buddhist procession.
Do not wait until the new old Buddhist concept
Major open only child has died
Not recommend its coal Buddhist concept of free
Turbulent spirit, the fitters also follow !
Headache is the enemy-pounding times of war, people are dying bombs in an unexpected way. Where there who make their living tomorrow. Who knows in advance that some ten operators, do not believe he considered loading some stubborn as Minister said that wrong. Excess or old not yet sick, pick-up day penance atoms have time to go to the house. Uncle blacksmith had just smashing the Buddhist concept: just doing his day job to feed my family just practice, practice circumstances are possible. Do not have time to make each word is or what little children to enjoy practice and will charge a smell or, death-god to do the job well than to let go, children are not spared.
If trick-cunning count for much, f is the risk, reincarnated lifetime'm not making the team or maang hairy horns. Even cooler for legal e said that no one heard, not so easy to get people recommend Pure-level way off: Notwithstanding the advice can not be certain. Losing a hard life who wants to be the new convent is suffering. Also because of premature aging.
QUESTION: The soles are slip bundles many sins committed, the brain is not an end-disturbing, yet merit a busy practice. And as the West Pole-touch on three first-quarter deva deva-road than angry God-Emperor-bumper marketing, new Buddhist concept that probably does're about Bliss.
ANSWER: Thanks to Di-Da Buddha procession, not because of its power-meditation involved over-optimistic in the always popular Arctic. For example: Ant-wandering life lurking not far away, and fear of toad licking halfway, if worn on a shirt who travel by plane, in a few hours to the land like no other. But Pure-level, Buddha-momentum to lead the same.
If people practice meditation every ambitious-or single-practice in early pregnancy mundane practice not know what life completely, which is not freed from birth, old age, disease and death have become a Buddha where, this life tu tu his next life again , or enjoy the riches forget blessed convent. About Pole-touch rotation from right-back, worry not as enlightened Buddha. As termites in the tree near the root, if the cow eye to chisel from chisel long time to know until tip time. This is an example of how to participate or practice-single-meditation that long suffering immensely, e fails again. Bookworm but not out of bamboo tops die. But Pure-off of losses so easy for her bookworm, bamboo tube based education will be out soon. Pure So-called diaphragm of the third-world, go right very quickly, worry no further Pham-Dang Vang-born Pole-touch.
QUESTION: In nine lotus products, low frustration from seventh to ninth, for newcomers to practice less blessed. Ninth Circuit is a lotus, many religious garments wicked new-born as Dang Vang blessed area: Compassion Truong Hoa, Huynh-Kha wrong, I'm afraid that the guys that, even evil practice lap data, spending from the deep Did ointment?
ANSWER: Dang Vang-Lo not being, worry about it, but also spending data, because there are five grounds: a maintenance-Buddha is kept, two are willing to pay has not the greed, spiritual teaching experience three birds on trees valuable enough to eat-relent in mind that milk lap, four are near the Bodhisattva who you do not heal nagging resentment GAT-specific, religious life forever in the hearts become Buddha, near the ink black, near the bright lights , everyone around her from me practicing well. Be optimistic about life Pole-run is also a Buddhist, not discouraged anymore .
QUESTION: The saying "In the earth, there are those who vow to crush the Pure-level, time-loss in pond Pure Land-lost weapons have grown a flowering lotus a flower. At death, the soul Buddhist monk procession sit on the Federal-flight communications for Union-United's incarnation sitting lotus. If at life from the bottom-to, quick to cotton dust lotus, lotus wheel thrive, they have to name people from the outside. Di-Da Buddha to some application-omen, leads the next day. And who discouraged discouragement, calf-delay from the time the shower was withering away. Sen to stop the practice would fall. After training, the lotus flower sprouted on the other hand, if the dust apostasy to die sen also dead. No words reliable or affordable?
ANSWER: It's easy to understand. As a large glass, and anything else that premiered on the same ball. Realm of the Buddha-Di-Da communicate very spiritual, worldly person-level Pure, Pure Land-the lotus grows more, depending on the practitioner's sen-capacity hard or concrete-called late that wilted fresh lotus seed Portugal -proposal, which also Di-Da Buddha advocated that, is to make natural, neither would Buddha Shakyamuni put something illusory comfort-afraid-or that? "The Buddha on lotus cultivation, the Buddha carved into a lotus" goodness-that is the natural result.
QUESTION: Why Di-Da Buddhist concept born of water for current-Pole-touch. Lack of spending the Buddha but to recite Di-Da forever?
ANSWER: One is how much public-ten virtues of the Buddha, the Buddha A-di-momentum will be enough, should recite the Buddha A-di-concept and enough momentum Buddhas of the ten directions. In addition, each month the Buddha A-di-Buddhas were asked in which direction you have to repent play-bow prayer, the Buddhas of the ten did not demonstrate any position where deficiencies.
Secondly, not for the most difficult decisions a place vulnerable to disturbance-waste center.
Third: The world as Pure Land Buddhist other-optimistic, despite the time that the Buddha-Yao entitled to a place, but the gentiles in the country are suffering. Four Buddha is a 48-di-momentum vow, decided to lead them-birth-anniversary of his oil sinned against five food-contrition-known controversy, he is also the best. Should anyone in this realm, have the mostly Buddhist concept Di-concept more momentum.
Shakyamuni Buddha taught many very difficult cultivation permit, unless permission Pure-knowing in advance the very next life, beings, bless thin, now-stumbling, heavy-heavy, thin Buddhism that all meridians that economic Di-Da wolves hundred year mark. Because so little is easy to believe, so each time you Di-Da teaching experience, he has invited Buddha As the ten-Lai smart enough to proof-confident.
QUESTION: Water Pole-lost distant memory mundane ten wish-world, he seems far-flung, perhaps go to any human being?
ANSWER: flesh away so I can not come, do not be hard What soul! As the heart of the Buddha, Buddhist procession is not determined soul. For example: dreams go to other countries want thousands of miles away, heard someone call the instant wake up! There have dreamed quickly go near the province, the province slowly stars go away?
QUESTION: The saying "who eat vegetarian for 30 concepts to variables rebirth, the Buddha Di-Da-dimensional constant monitoring on the head, ear protection from accidents, to eat that convent, waiting for death that day of bliss . The Pure-India who desire to see about that, but not more than 30 lakh difficult concept expenditures. Di-Da has a slide-chief so he tightened, more than ten world all know how current-birth at the same time how to pick up?
ANSWER: The very hungry little sun moon is also open around the world over the galaxy, let alone the Buddhist aura. But miracles Di-Da Buddha he turned 36,000,000 119,500. Moreover, many practitioners of Buddhism also known as Buddha-mail messages are expensive-continent. Lo himself not religious, do not worry about spending Buddhist procession up.
QUESTION: Now, want current-born Pole-Us the West should do well spent? Development Center do? Redrawing couple guys in the world for children, has not stopped lewd street, witnesses Buddha, Buddhist procession not?
ANSWER: Buddhist procession and all. Want to current-Di-Da birth anniversary itself. Residential-doctoral stay at home spouses birth without sin long-term to keep the world from sin serious time. If the couple advised descendants current practice followed well-being of Pole-located under the same roof. I would also recommend others to cultivate moral children-in-fall-touch stars?
The heart center has found three ways: one is boring mundane, two graves Pole-touch, three are found Bodhi mind.
Mundane as thorns, because the dress that miserable life, so that four-letter name-profit-picking life, there are many people suffering, people suffer less. Dress the concerns of poor, the rich keep money worry, fear of robbery, but not everyone is born out of four, aging, sickness and death.
1.-Birth is suffering in the womb, not worth thong-drop, where dirty, remember eating blood. To take nearly three hundred days, nearly 20 years of suffering, pressed close to the moment of birth dented his death the most nativity mother killed in a moment, arise and according to which the total blood, the beam-de sub-facilities not know tigers shame. Oil and prosperity, so consecrated, want not grow up miserable, particularly glass also suffering, suffering hatred and anger. Enjoyment there is one, is taking more than eight nine-bothering, as the time is right and hate children. Less fun full day, having left the average property-always-always. Located night closer inspection, the card memory can-do children money for relief-well strip some fifty years old.
2. - Aging suffering : Landscape old barns, foot fatigue knee chun, blurred vision, deaf ear pain chewing tooth loss, mental loss, loss of appetite, could not sleep, always sick. Back in her sky was aching discomfort, wealth is very difficult to buy longer-health as spring time. Date shallow water fish fleeting as time-time.
3 . - Sick of suffering : Anyone experiencing ill patients know how time. Hospitalized or who visited hospitalized from repeating the obvious.
4 . - Die Hard : Go to snatch his death, hid in his eyes, twitching limbs scary, not knowing where to go dead? Unless the person-level Pure celebrate its been off this foul flesh.
- An ultra-optimistic, saying: Pole-peanut heaven compiled from multiple-back rotation. The desire to see man-part-time pole-Lac.
- Distribution center Bodhi: Bodhi Center is pleased to benefit the people. When playing this mind map fitted as electric power-strong force. The normal work-ethics unmatched. Is the most compassionate mercy-moral beings in misery, and the cause wholeheartedly recommend people to like her.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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