Wednesday 4 June 2014

Part I - Zhuan Falun (continued)


The second Noble Truth
Buddha's First Noble Truth of suffering which He taught enlightenment. Please wallet as the Buddha taught about every species of tigers are ferocious cannibals, he feared beings do not know how to shape his new tiger caught in the shelter home for beings see that the shape of the power and sound Its chassis. Italy says: He taught a lot about suffering to sentient beings were aware of and appalled and not really too bad as we briefly every day.
The second Noble Truth is the ending of suffering, or strictly speaking is against the methods or kill tigers, so please try to think in your mind for centuries to understand what he taught. He taught that the Second Noble Truth is the Noble tries to seek Him A constant 20 States and 100 thousand lifetimes Increase met under the Bodhi tree after 6 years of austerity.
This title is The Noble Truths
Episode Noble Truths of Suffering arises that causes suffering. The implication is that it causes us to be born in the misfortune of suffering have suffered enough all respects.
A brief summary of all the Buddha's teachings, Zhuan Falun: idam warehouse bhikkhave dukkhasamudayo ariyasaccam pana ya yam tanhà ponobbhavika etc. .. That is: This, monks, this is really suffering human being is craving. Craving is human beings being made ​​to be born into a new realm, then it must be mixed with the desire of the subject (of the outside) is:
- The birth of the realm of sexual lust
- The worlds favorite color at birth
- born in preference formless realm
According to Buddhist teachings shows us clearly that there are 3 stages:
1) The cause of suffering is by place of birth in Craving
2) Award shows clearly the preferred Craving is considered born on 3-sphere, Lust and Immaterial World (often referred to as the Three Realms).
3) resolution Craving meticulous about.

I (composer) 3 to ask what is collected:
1) The cause of suffering birth
2) The act of Craving
3) Craving

Cause of suffering
Talking about the suffering of the Cardinals' past or concurrent with the Buddha explained vaguely. But can recap: The he says: Blessed guilty by a divine place and punishment given. So who wants to punish him and not give happiness executor must follow the spiritual practices of the Supreme him. It boils belong to teach biblical meaning of trust upholding divine help.
The reason that the Buddha was the apostasy of the time they follow him because she enlightened Buddha Dharma is born of suffering and he's clearly address the origination of suffering, cessation of suffering and character. No one is sacred and blessed act guilty for being self-righteous beings that make you suffer. Today is the era of atomic so many items that traditionally have not discovered that the scientists discovered, but the Buddha's teaching is still the only method that any service provider whereas the still under study.
Human birth and suffering that the Buddha taught that the new law can not be nominated and outside the supreme Buddha nobody understood well. So when his Four Noble Truths theory called Zhuan Falun, I would say that when the legal him to finish it, Himself all things change means clear flip him the true face of things, but Mara tried to cover up from countless lifetimes to that day. So he called the turning prayer wheels France (Zhuan Falun).
Notes to the origination of suffering is Craving is no one theory making the improvements were only present in ancient times everyone has to recognize and act according to obey. And also thanks to him that Buddhism spread very fast and very extensive.
4 Noble Truths is France so precious and true mystery is proving that Buddhism is not a heresy, not least teachers god or polytheism which is a true enlightenment is through knowing clearly suffering, sentient human suffering and the cessation of suffering and Nirvana is not even hard place.
The cause of suffering, but there are many Buddha taught not to after suffering, or the suffering insufficient reason to ch? Prove markedly, as saying that suffering by which a divine punishment. Conversely He taught that the brain size also arise where we are due. Here I would like to bring a small example for you to prove.
English A cause for going out with his wife abandoned the family.
basis for England B lost jobs are not attentive.
Anh C imprisoned for theft.
In this he was 3 different size but also because of Craving general rules that out. If these people do not harass the accident where as above.

The life of suffering because of injuries, but both want. So Enlightenment faith teaches born suffering because of craving.

The action of Craving
Craving implies only the love, the desire that is the foundation of the secular mind, except the saint Nhon. Since Ai is the commercial sexual love unfortunately, so the annotations to the question that everyone has bad Craving all reasonable? Buddha preached want the injured succumbed beings, that Buddha also Craving reasonable?
When you are asked like this, to remember a passage in Zhuan Falun Sutta, the Buddha taught: Craving 3 status shows it disturbing answer to that question.
Three of the state's Craving:
- Ponobbhavika : That is, create a new realm for life for his hybrid
- Nandiragasagata : Confusion with craving
- Tatrathabhinandini : Have fun in the subject of craving
Three articles on the state of craving 3. The Buddha preached compassion born of being taught removed 3 of the said state Craving quiet place to go to fully release. So just the act of him is not known which called Craving liberation.
France no different His boat has a fully equipped gym in the middle of damnation. Human beings are being circulated in the tank size range. When he saw the boat as people are listening, be sure to meet France. When he knew that the boat has enough facilities and dedicated to anyone who wants to overcome misfortune from the tank and drove it every where on the shore of liberation.
According to the example above, the wish for beings from samsara not be called patriotic education.

Craving is three things:
- Kamatanha : Craving the realms of education
- Bhavatanha : Craving the realms of excellence.
- Vibhavatanha : Craving for formless realm
Craving for sexual realm that is also preferred realm of sexual desire is born into the realm of senses is also excellent, sights, sounds, smell, taste, and ingenious promotion, fame and fortune.
Craving color in the world who also want to say to the world being myself here, but not amorous senses, no genius, fame and fortune.
Craving for formless realm mean this class is not identity but also feeling, perception, consciousness. Still, what realms but not amorous or sexual identity. But even the formless desire to have it, here it is very subtle negativity. If the University is not never reach enlightenment for the cause for liberation from samsara.
It boils when he desires or favorite something is still suffering, also reincarnation.

The fate of the Truths
The Buddha taught to destroy the means become less and less Craving gradually down until the last level there is not one at all, which means dry. Craving abandoning Sanskrit called Pahana. Ie, removal, also sometimes called Pahanakicca means to eliminate the department.

If talking about the need to know the Noble Truth is suffering. But if it comes to the apron that work should be how to get rid of the pain.

The important issue is: practice methods to get rid of somehow? - PLEASE see the next Noble Path, which is a method to eliminate suffering.

Dukkhasamudayo ariyasaccam pahatabbam: This title is the need to eradicate apron.



Empire Kill is hard to extinguish. As it is taught in all economic spokesman Zhuan Falun.

Idam warehouse pana bhikkhave dukkhanirodho ariyasaccamyo tassatanhayayeva tanhaya asesaviraganidho Caro patinissaggo mutti analayo
The monks! It is true that the cessation of suffering is necessarily kill off sex, not get rid of nostalgia, affection not freed.

Based spokesman said it is possible that the apparent eradication of Craving more similar language as not to get rid of nostalgia etc. .. In order to prove the obvious to extinguish really mean what extinguished done no recurrence reborn.

Nirodha means killing, suggesting ceased, that is not entirely ceased to have a reason or an opportunity arises to be made, such as those by Craving for no more fire. This is clearly only Nirvana, therefore, suppose you need to understand more via Nirvana.
According to Buddhist teachings, which dwells in the invisible part of the body to determine external things, he called the invisible part of the center. This center is the expectation and memory objects or opaque because negativity reigns, but also because he makes perforated small plates we have the misfortune to suffer reincarnation sea. While we do not worry damnation extinguish afflictions such as oil in the lamp lit on the contrary we add more and more oil. I mean, do not worry we practice to kill time defilement contrary we create more karma also go so far as more than liberation.
Buddha's discourse on method of extinguishing the lamp, which is also the approach lights are smashed bottle, the flame of the lamp's Craving, and that the vase is not any other lights Three Realms, extinguished only when the cease fire break lights mean there someday have the means to fire it again. Should have done was to quell extermination not take it any longer residual mercy.
When people admit administrative follow the Buddha's teachings is sure he can extinguish the lamp and smashed her harm. When the tank lights the fire he saw that nirvana.
Property or intentionally call Nirvana is just a place totally clean. According to the Buddha's Nirvana is a real place is completely clean of heart.
Please scholars such as the molecular nature of the material leaving the rough stages subtle until no further distribution of it is out of atoms. Not only is this material very subtle but no matter how it was constructed.
Buddha can advance such as a scientist does not need lab machines that do not need to be expensive money to distribute the substance of explosives, but over all he was assigned as the center of the object. Buddha found that our mind is composed of as many as Craving, craving, three poisons, etc. .. after his assignment to the partial nature, he had removed all the negativity to a degree not even a little bit negativity in the mind and not something made ​​up mind anymore, because he no longer filthy mind. Because there were so filthy mind reincarnation. Tam also called samsara Sanskrit Sankhatadhatu chemical structure also means that makes reincarnation. Asankhatadhatu quality is not the alternative structure for reincarnation, is a substance that is too decomposed, was beyond the scope of of human understanding, the language used was not anything to say that is the quality. Asankhatadhatu mean other things are not constructed for reincarnation.

Asankhatadhatu is essentially a person can not express in words the forms, etc. .. It's the actions of the characters found in the intellectual needs should therefore only the new saint Nhon aware because he was so proud His intellectual place.
The last dream I saw that scene alone, the addition can not be seen, as well as the French had obtained the holy see for yourself and not for someone else to do and know what I saw.
So please more examples like the heavy, after all sick as sick of them knew in his pleasant how sick people outside like we did not know anything about the happiness of all sick of him. Patients like we did for the horrible afflictions such as we. When we are all sick to take medication that is Dharma, when he is taking time is practice. When elected to the item, then we know that we elect to rank as the disease when found in their medication slowly come down with him until quite strong. When strong, the sick and that I strongly. Just as the absence of disturbance, the center of the book is an amusing himself knows how happy and in their mind.
In the Udana paragraph Pataligami-vagga taught that:
Nirvana is not the earth, water, wind, fire, etc. .. not to this world, nor other realms, not bloggers or moon surface. This, Bhikkhus, that character's (Nirvana) is the true figures.
Speaking of Nirvana suppose should say something special to the two different is:

- Talking about the characteristics of Nirvana
- Nirvana's status
Nirvana's characteristics are:

Madanimmadano: No more passionately (the object). Pipasavinayo: No longer crave (everything) Alayasamugghato: No attachment (Three Worlds) Vattupacheto: Cutting out what's reincarnation. Tanhakkhayo: Dry all Craving . Virago: No longer craving Nirodho: kill or quell (really everything) Nibbanam: or extinguish called Nirvana.

The state of Nirvana is: No longer practice structure.
Nirvana also has other names follow the Buddha's teachings:

Nibbanam paraman sunnam, Nirvana truly empty, that is no longer an affliction of impurities.

Nibbanamparaman sukham , where Nirvana was an absolute pleasure.
According to Buddhist teaching, human beings, who are carrying a very heavy duty is suffering, so should be taught in Bhara Sutta: Aggregates really heavy, is the constant being carried away in endless reincarnation thick distant boundless. When notice is suffering Aggregates and Aggregates know the method to get that down, then you are really happy, not miserable heavy, it is Nirvana.
According to the Buddha's verse tells us that: When incarnated as a human or animal is that we carry a heavy infinite suffering, when this body is constantly busy holidays as we stick side.
Currently, people often find silence to rest as every year on vacation somewhere, the key to the soul settles down, or we may find themselves bear this suffering, want to advance to the less days. But how safe but also not to break or be temporarily down Aggregates. There is not much human life a chance to advance to her duties at the day. Do you think we only considered temporary to temporary to stay in a few days, but how much more happily or would we let this one down Aggregates are happy as long.

My example here to show you the happiness of Nirvana like. Sure you got the obvious suffering of the body and the bore to the heavy body down.
At this point remind you that Nirvana is not a municipality has full perky happy, or comfortable enough for you to play. Whereas Nirvana's place extinguish what you see of people and your are.

Noble Truth of the Cessation own a Buddhist. What I want to say: Only new faith supreme Buddha found anti Noble Truth.
Sure you want to ask: What other religions Religion does not have a method to end suffering or what?
A: The total expenditure of the universe Religion in general is required to end suffering, but there are different methods. Buddhism is the only method that fully than all the ancient to the present and the future in addition to the supreme Buddha is as Buddha does anyone find out and understand fully the ending of suffering as he is The Four Noble Truths
To demonstrate how to end suffering of Buddhism and other religions I would like for you to compare easily perceived.
Other Religion
Human Suffering birth
Craving born of suffering, ie desires of sense, Luc sex. The desires to have the best birth relatives (Lust). The lust born again but do not want to have body color (formless).
Suffering to sentient beings as punishment by the place of supreme divine being because people do evil.
Method liberation Suffering
Buddha: cessation of craving, the negativity is no longer suffering.
You're taught to be spiritual supremacy pardon or punishment; or declared peace and happiness.
The state of true liberation
1) Do not have anything in mind preferences oil very subtle.
2) Renounce the bigotry.
3) No attachment in the realm.
4) Exit the fun of the Three Realms.
5) Do not need anyone to rescue her, but liberating themselves.
1) To relieve suffering is divine.
2) Try to believe she was his supreme spiritual.
3) Please birth into heaven
4) In order to enjoy happiness of heaven
5) It should have come to the divine soul to be with Him forever.

Truth of the Cessation of Suffering incumbent.
Noble Truth of the Cessation of the department, called SACCHIKARANA Sanskrit, meaning to make clear, concise; Italy says it ourselves for liberating arrived, extinguished themselves all desires in our hearts and knows himself that he had freed.

DUKKHANIRODHO ARIYASACAM SACCHIKATABBAM. Noble Truths called the Cessation of Suffering people need to take this to quibble, distinctly identified with wisdom.


About the path to end suffering - to direct the

Noble Truth is out there means to end suffering. This is often used in Buddhist language, but if you use common language for easy listening, easy to understand language have replaced are:

2) KAMAGGA: Eightfold Path
3) ARIYAMAGGA: Qingdao
Before you elucidate your school please pass sentence says:


Hey monk! This is a hard act to quell really, is directed eight limbs. The eight that is what? The eight was: Right, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration.
According to the Buddha's teachings on, we noticed that the Fourth Noble Truth strictly follow where the path to liberation has eight full detail.
The fourth Noble Truths Buddha Fold under eight elements. I (composer) withdrew his other texts clearly Eightfold Path Award presented to you on here much, because in all Zhuan Falun count only eight detailed enough alone.
Sammaditthi (Right)
This is the language in texts Maggavibhanga Buddha taught that:
Kattama ca bhikkhave samma bhikkhave ditthi bhikkhave dukkhena male yam storage.
The monks! What is right view? Right view: 1) know the size, 2) know the origination of suffering, 3) know extinguish suffering. And 4) The practice of shifting to know where extinguish suffering. This, monks: the so-called knowledge Right.

Sammasankappa (Right Thought)
This, Bhikkhus, is Right Thought How? Right Thought is: 1) get the thinking cap (renunciation). 2) the columns do not think adversity. 3) thinking no harm. This, monks, as this practice is called Right Thought (thinking right feet).

Sammavaca (Speech)
Katama ca bhikkhave bhikkhavesammavaca yakho bhikkhave veramani pharusaya vacaya verrmani. Samphappalapa veramani vuccati bhikkhave samavaca ayam.
The monks! What is Speech? Speech: 1) volition shun lying. 2) volition say shun the piercing. 3) volition shun the word ignoble. 4) volition shun the word useless. The monks! The say so-called right speech (speech right feet).

Sammakammanta (Right now)
Bhikkhave etc. Katama ca ...
The monks! What is right action? Right Action are: 1) the effect of killing the discards. 2) the intention of stealing shunned. 3) volition shun adultery. The monks! Action like this is called Right Action (doing the right feet).

Sammà ajivo (Livelihood)
Bhikkhave etc. Katama ca ...
The monks! What is Right Livelihood? Livelihood is the disciple monks ranks of the Buddhist saints row: 1) network feed right feet. 2) not immoral network feed. 3) carry livestock should have. The monks! Raising such networks is called Right Livelihood.
As for the laity network feed right feet is not taken by others to defraud, kill eater, know of any that should not be taken for use, even though he is the falling of unclaimed.

Sammavayama (Right Effort)
Bhikkhave etc. Katama ca ...
The monks! What is called Right Effort? Right effort is the Buddhist monks in:

- Planting for pleasure in the effort not to give up sin arises, not to give offense to the birth not arise in the mind, try our best to give a solid center mid.

- Planting for pleasure eradication effort bore in mind the legal right to kill and the centers for clean.
- Cultivating satiation diligently for unborn goodness arises in the mind and makes the mind strong hold of bad episode.
- Planting for pleasure diligently for the bad ones have in mind the constant evolution flourish forever add up and make a firm interest in dhamma.

Sammasati (Mindfulness)
Bhikkhave etc. Katama ca ...
The monks! What is called Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the Buddhist monks in thinking that every body in the body, burn the sorrow diligently, get to know her yourself, remember there are things to do and his actions in every moment Removal of lust and hate. Realizing that life expectancy in ... uy think that in mind ... the mind to think that way in law ...

Sammasamadhi (Right Concentration)
Bhikkhave etc. Katama ca ...
The monks! What is called Right Concentration? The director of the Buddhist monks in: 1) quiet mind things outside. 2) quiet sex. 3) the evil calm approach, enter Jhana triceps, Chad, Wedding, Us, An and Dinh.
So should kill Police Range and click Meditation II should make more and more interested in hearing more alienated clean. This is who makes the mind more and more clean make The more courageous than many pure zest, Us, An extra clean because the dread power of Concentration.
More than that, because not need zest, Lac calm the mind enough to know his memory and (centering) and enjoying the peace center by the dread power of equanimity place. And his memory is known that the saint's constant praise, who has equanimity whose memory is adjusted so interested and happily enjoying Tam called Zen.

When did kill the pain and touch, the joy and sadness in the past had been extinguished by the charity place. No longer fun nor to suffer only in the social memory.
The monks! The so-called mind right concentration.
On the literal translation here I'm Buddhist language you already understand then ask more from the game.


Interpretation Middle Way

Every Buddha's disciples did not understand, nobody Middle Way. Since the Middle Way is the path to liberation of the Buddhas. He wants to liberate the Middle way except there's no other way better. Since only a single path to Nibbana go alone.
Why is called the Middle Way?
It should be recalled that: Before Buddhism in China or India called Jambudvipa there are many different religions, many denominations that teach people self-mortification. Because people believe that life: new austerity makes the gods or divine grace touched committee, or when such new austerity kills sorrow in my heart.
According to the Buddha's teaching is called outrageous behavior. There are 2 basic thing is outrageous:
- Kamasukhallikanuyoga : That is the practice but also the practice and the team lost in the ceiling, green education called the practice used.
- Attakilamatthanuyoga : This act makes the body called overly harsh or also known as austerity.
Two such methods, while not a direct, Bodhisattva Siddhartha We have spent 6 years to act. But do not bring any results worthy of His will, He left out in the Middle.
After Enlightenment, First Sermon is Zhuan Falun, he taught that:

Tena antapabbaji Dvmebhikkhave nasevitabba : This, monks! The two sects outrageous that the monastic ranks should not follow trends, not under. France's two excesses what?
One is French for attachment under the sexual center. Despicable France, France's man of the world, the flesh and blood did France benefit costs.
Two French austerity is making haggard misery is not of a high French people, nor benefit costs.
The monks! The monks follow the Middle Way should not be prejudiced under 2 it's outrageous.
Eightfold Path can recap the Three Studies:

Tue: Right, Right Thought
About: Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood
Dinh: Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration

It is incumbent upon the Four Noble Truths
It is incumbent upon the Four Noble Truths are trying to strictly follow the Noble Eightfold Path. The executive must act in accordance with a time of eight direct costs must also be clean and in an equal time, one can not lacking in one of eight spent it. That is not no deficiency balance.
I would like for example, as in a ladder eight drugs, must be used in accordance with the terms outstanding distribution and amount of medication should also not be much more or less is. This as well as the right to practice their religion strictly follow the Noble Eightfold Path, there are eight possible shortcomings though not a part of a thing in the Eightfold Path.
This is the spokesperson says:

Dukkhannyrodhagamini patipada ariyasaccam bhavetabbam. Noble is the executive director is the sole means to eradicate religious affliction and suffering, one should act according.
There are a lot of people ask me (Composer): This period also results whether religion? Some enlightenment and nirvana no results?
A: The Buddha's method of action to attain nirvana is the Noble Eightfold Path. If Eightfold Path is also directed other results. But strictly follow the Eightfold Path is also directing the results obtained and Nirvana. If anyone who want to liberate themselves Nirvana strictly follow the Eightfold Path. Because it's the right way to go right into Nirvana.
The reason that the first sermon at Deer Suppose theory is called Zhuan Falun swivel wheels mean France. The law says that the moral teaching 3 and 12 of the Four Noble Truths. When people see clearly identify three distinct rotation and 12 can then he is the reincarnation of liberation.
Three rotation and 12's can do?

As you already know the Four Noble Truths are 4 things: Suffering, The, Kill, Path. The practitioner must understand what each called to take 3 to 4 base 3 rotating staff of 12 can do.
Last sentence of texts Zhuan Falun Buddha taught: When he found no clear rotation and 12 to 3 in the Four Noble Truths is not attained supreme supreme Buddha. After he obtained his 3 should be rotated 12 new noble result was obtained.
Three rotation was:
- Knowledge apparent size.
- Knowledge and understanding of thinking that size
- Tue see and know is completely liberated from suffering, Tap, Kill, Path has 3 so called moral as 12 possible.

After the theoretical end to the French know that the Buddha: The 5 Most have an old Huon results obtained from the skin. So new he says: Annasi bhokondanno vata means Kondanna (Kondanna) French Bible clearly saw it. So from that he Kondanna called A Song of Kondanna.
Please say more about attha (meaning) of the words to. 4 attha hard to get (meaning):

Pilanatto : That hurt Sankhatatto: It means meeting the causes Santapatto: It means making petulant Viparinamatto : Mean change.


4 attha apron (meaning):
Ayuhanattho : This means making Suffering arises Nidanattho : Mean people make awkward Sanyogattho : It means meeting all size Palipolattho : There are literally makes you feel so hard.


Empire Kill 4 attha (meaning):
Nissaranattho : It means taking you out of samsara. Appaliboddhattho : There is no longer busy since suffering. Alankalattho : Meaning can not cause structural assembly can not be constructed. Amattho: This means that any element.

4 attha Noble Truth (the meaning):

Niyyanattho : It means going out of the reincarnation. Hetavattho : That is the cessation of suffering Dassanattho : Mean apparent Nirvana Adhipayattho : This means that the employer (referring no longer under the authority of negativity)


After obtaining the results from the skin Huon, Kondanna not skeptical Buddha and Buddha Dharma should clear that caper Buddha, monastic disciples ask for moral enlightenment.
The Buddha taught: Ehi Bhikkhu , let him be holy monk who under the right director and dignity under the law of the Tathagata has taught virtually eradicates the defilements.
When finished speaking, the teaching of the hair loss Kondanna all, I have covered on the yellow robes. Then there was the new 4-home please.
His 16th lunar day of the second sermon attained fruition Stream Huon's Venerable Vappa. What about the other 4 alms.
Day 17 of the Buddha lunar Venerable Bhaddiya the Huon results obtained Stream.
On 19 lunar sermon of the Buddha Venerable Assaji Stream Huon results.
By day 30 lunar Buddha and Social Theory 5 reposition all Anattalakkhaṇa-Sutta (Discourse on business) (see full text you want to see proceedings of the Venerable sutra escort published). Here I would like overview of understandable.
The Buddha taught:

Rupam bhikkhave anattà , monks Hey! This body is not mine, so constant was the sickness. Can not stop that beautiful young body and we should very beautiful makeup such as gold pillars carved very sophisticated, very beautiful look. Although concern for how beautiful makeup, but it still changes as devastating illness, can not exist as words that I said. In addition, Feeling, Perception, Action, nor of ta.Nhung Food was also not subject to legal wrong under our protection and prohibition.
Then he issues monks that monks Hey! The teachers think?

The monks replied: Bach His body is impermanent identity.
- If the color itself is impermanent suffering or pleasure?
- His Bach, is suffering.
- If this physical body size, so the teacher thought that there must be one or not?
- Bach Him, not our physical body, which is not mine.

Buddha then asked Feeling, Perception, Action, Consciousness as above, and monks as well as the answer.

Exalted Aggregates in recent past as well as present and future as though we, or anyone's, beautiful or ugly, crude or subtle, if it is the best Aggregates or less constant at 3 PM is impermanence, suffering, non-self. The teacher should take that show clear visualization is impermanent, suffering and non-self. Because thanks to visualize how the Buddha's disciples word Sravakayanika depressed with Aggregates. Not liking Aggregates should be freed as Arhat results obtained knowledge, the course immediately see that myself, I have to take to eradicate negativity, the virtues of Buddhism works done.
After all Discourse on economic theory, the 5 position are obtained liberation means arahantahood.
On that day 30 6th lunar month, in the Three Realms 6 Nhon Saints: A German supreme Buddha and Arahat 5.



MEAN BUSINESS SERVICES Zhuan Falun (Dhammacakkappavattana-Sutta)

(Quoted in part PATHAMADESANA Mahavagga laws,
and also in the Samyutta Nikaya)
Sage transparent glass text:
Brahma requested SAHAMPATI Buddha preached the birth, the Buddha accepted the invitation, he dwells in the forest where Deer Suppose (Isipatana), where the former Buddhas Enlightenment Auditor usually a sign down near the BARANASI. Then there are groups here that Bhikkhu 5: His Kondanna he Vappa he BHADIYA, Mahanama and Assaji him, the Buddha first theoretical texts DHAMMACAKKAPPAVATTANASUTTA business called Zhuan Falun, explains the Four Noble Truths to France 5 international group of Bhikkhus. Group 5 Bhikkhu and all the gods, Brahma so happy.
After listening, he is Kondanna Sravaka first disciples realized the Four Noble Truths, the Noble attainment, holy import store, and there are 180 million gods, Brahma realized the Four Noble Truths, Holy attained religion, holy click Save. This article brings economic benefits to the world and world trade.
Sage word transparent glass, so expect the benefits, the chemical attack, long-term wellbeing of all living beings, we would recite this prayer that Zhuan Falun.

His transparent glass Venerable MAHAKASSAPA venerable elders, the Ananda Sutta hear from Zhuan Falun Buddha says:

A childhood that. Buddha sits in the woods, where the assumption Isipatana Deer, former Buddhas exclusive sense usually come down. Here, the Buddha Bhikkhu called Group 5: He Kondanna, Vappa Him, He BHADIYA, Mahanama and Assaji which he says:

This monks, there are two extreme measures of the two border is home person should not act according. Two measures that like?
One is often contingent beneficiary in sexual pleasures with craving and often is; part lowly ranking ordinary procedure of the saint is not Nhon, not to benefit any happiness.
The two are often forced to work so hard for their identification, with the third paragraph of hatred and prejudice, of the practice of pagan ascetic, non-Aryans Nhon, not bring any benefits happily.

The practice of the Middle Way (Majjhima PATIPADA):
This monks, is not fond of her 2 border, Tathagata was the practice under the Middle Way, the Four Noble Truths were enlightenment wisdom of the world, do chho wisdom arises label, Zen wisdom wisdom arises, to permanently silence defilements, wisdom truth Vietnamese smoothly Four Noble Truths, Enlightenment noble, holy, attained Nirvana.
This monks, how the practice known as the Middle Way that enlightenment Tathagata has the Four Noble Truths (by supramundane wisdom), making AI arises, would make everyone silent sorrow, for wisdom Vietnam truth smoothly Four Noble Truths, Enlightenment noble, holy attain Nirvana?
This monks, that practice is the Middle Way Noble Eightfold Noble where all eight factors are:
1) Right: right feet Intellectual realize the Four Noble Truths

2) Right Thought: Thinking right feet, there are 3 things: thinking out of the five sex scenes, not hate thinking and thinking do not suffer alone, suffering people.

3) Right speech: words right feet 4: Stay away lying, speak words piercing the division, the noiloi vulgar insults, reviled and say frivolous useless.
4) Right Action: issue 3 is now right feet: Stay away from the killing, theft, sexual immorality.
5) Right Livelihood: Farming Network is right feet away evil lifestyle network itself by 3 to 4 types of evil and speak evil import.
6) Right Effort: Effort is right feet have 4 things:

- Diligent not let evil arise France.
- Refined French eradicate evil arises.
- Effort to goodness arises.
- Effort to arise more and more goodness, development.
7) Right Mindfulness: Mindfulness right feet 4 are:
- Reciting the body: the body as an object for use mindfulness and awareness.
- Mindfulness life: life as an object for use mindfulness and awareness.
- Mindfulness Center: Using the mind as an object for mindfulness and awareness.
- Mindfulness Strategy: Using the law as an object of mindfulness and awareness.
(Only the last four foundations of mindfulness called Mindfulness).

8) Right Concentration: Concentration is right feet 5:
- First Samadhi Meditation Centre
- Meditation Mind Concentration II
- a third of stickers meditation
- Samadhi Center To Charity
- Fifth Concentration Meditation Center

(But only when the mind arises with spirituality and holy saints new center known as Concentration)
The monks! Through the practice of the Noble Eightfold Middle Way is noble enough, but eight chief Tathagata has enlightenment Four Noble Truths (equal wisdom that) makes AI arises, to make quiet any defilement, to intellectual smoothly Four Noble Truths truth, for enlightenment Qingdao achievements, attained Nirvana.

Four Holy Truths

Treasury to (dukkha ariyasacca)
This monks, is the Noble Truths of Suffering.
- Re-birth is suffering, aging is suffering, sickness is suffering, and death is suffering, the contrary is also suffering heart.
- separation from loved ones or lost sight of suffering is also satisfied.
Questions that: "Please know it would be! Wish to have us not being, do not be old, do not get sick, do not die ..." Thus, the question that can not be like that as well as suffering. Aggregates summary is subject to attachment by craving and wrong is suffering. The true nature of the size mentioned above is the fact that the saint had discovered called Noble Truths of Suffering.

This monks! Human birth is suffering Truths craving, is the leading reborn, with delight desire, often passionately status pleasures in life or objects. Human Suffering Saints Ð birth? They are:
- Charity (KAMATANHA): Join immersed in 6 scenes ceiling: color, sound, smell, taste, touch and legal.
- LOVING OWNER (BHAVATANHA): Join immersed in 6 scenes with ceiling usually is, or craving in meditation property color, formless meditation, organic or identity heaven, formless heaven.
- NON OWNERS LOVE (VIBHAVATANHA): 6 scenes infused with paragraph is bare, or craving for formless meditation, or formless heavens.
3 kinds of discriminative craving was suffering human being that Noble realized saint, also known as The Noble Truths.

To Destroy (DKKHANIRODHA ariyasacca):
This monks! Truths Cessation of Suffering is Nirvana, the cessation of the origination place of suffering, cessation of suffering, the cessation of craving where no residual mercy in Qingdao, where the detachment Aggregates, Aggregates abandoned place where liberation of suffering, which no longer have anything to attachment, attachment again.
Cessation of Suffering Nibbana Noble was the fact that enlightened saint aka Kill Truths.

This monks! The practice led to the realization of Nibbana, where the Cessation of Suffering Truths, the Noble Eightfold are sufficient eighth district: Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right regulations.
Eightfold Path, the practice led to the realization of Nibbana, Noble's place Cessation of Suffering, is the fact that enlightened saint, known as the Noble Path.



1 - THIRD LEVEL INTELLECTUAL into the treasury to

a) INTELLECTUAL into the treasury to learn (SACCANANA)
This monks! AI (cakkhu) clearly arisen Truths of Suffering: Wisdom Zen wisdom (nana) is evident Truths of Suffering nature has arisen, so wise (Pannà) clearly suffering birth, Insight (Vijjà) found clearly penetrated completely arisen Truths of Suffering, intellectual light (Aloka) kill screen size implies ignorance Noble has Tathagata arises in any way that previously Truths of Suffering, if not the Buddha, the Tathagata never heard, never knew that:
"Practice all the way (nama, rupa) born in the Three Realms except to call attention craving Truths of Suffering"

This monks! AI ... has arisen, Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise ... has arisen, Insight ... has arisen, light has arisen wisdom ... Tathagata comes to legal size in every Saints Ð all? previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"Practice all the way (nama, rupa) Noble Truths of Suffering that is legal in Qingdao to know wisdom"

This monks! AI ... has arisen; Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen; Property wise ... has arisen, Insight ... has arisen, the light of wisdom ... were presented to all legal Tathagata in all Ð Suffering Saints? previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"Practice all the way (nama, rupa) that is a legal size Truths are aware of Qingdao and wisdom."


This monks! AI's apparent craving is born arisen Truths of Suffering, Intellectual Property Zen clearly see the true nature of three kinds of craving are the origination arisen Truths of Suffering: Wisdom lucid clear 108 is the kind of craving Noble was born Suffering arises, Insight's clear everyone scrutinizes Noble was born Suffering arises, light anti-intellectual ignorance renders origination cover has Truths of Suffering arises with every episode Tathagata in France Noble previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"The nature of the three types of craving that's being called the Noble Truths of Suffering, also known as The Noble Truth"

This monks! AI ... has arisen, Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise, have arisen, Insight ... has arisen, the light of wisdom ... were presented to Tathagata never heard, never knew that:
"The nature of the three types of craving are the origination Noble's size, the method needs to wisdom cessation of Qingdao"

This monks! AI ... has arisen, Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise, have arisen, Insight ... has arisen, the light of wisdom ... were presented to As a hybrid in every way that was previously set base before the Tathagata Buddha never heard, never knew that:
"The nature of the three types of craving are the origination Noble's size, is by law required to eradicate holy wisdom and guidance."


a) IN INTELLECTUAL learn to Destroy (SACCANANA):
This monks! Tue aware Cessation of Suffering is Nirvana Noble arisen, Zen wisdom evident intellectual nirvana state where an absolute pleasure arises: Intellect lucid clear Nirvana 2 types, 3 types of Nirvana arisen, Insight clearly knows everything Nirvana is where Noble had Cessation of Suffering arises, light anti-intellectual ignorance renders Nirvana cover is where the Cessation of Suffering Noble has the Tathagata arises in all Truths that were previously legal, if not the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"The character was called Nirvana Noble Cessation of Suffering, also known as anti-Truths"

This monks! AI ... has arisen, Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise ... has arisen, Insight ... has arisen, light has arisen wisdom ... to the ending of the Tathagata in all Scripture Ð? previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"The nature of the Cessation of Suffering Nibbana Noble was the French have realized by noble wisdom"

This monks! AI ... has arisen, Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise ... has arisen, Insight ... has arisen, light has arisen wisdom ... to the ending of the Tathagata in all Truths previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"The nature of the Cessation of Suffering Nirvana's Truths, is the way to enlightenment was enlightened by wisdom and noble."


a) INTELLECTUAL bar to learn the Tao (SACCANANA)
This monks! Tue aware Eightfold Path is the practice leading to the realization of Nibbana, where Noble had Cessation of Suffering arises; Meditation Intellectual Property apparent the true nature of all the eight chief holy religion is the practice leading to the realization of Nibbana where Noble had Cessation of Suffering arises: Wisdom wisdom evident in every detail Eightfold Path is the practice lead Nibbana temple where the Cessation of Suffering Noble arisen, Insight evident scrutinizes every detail of the Eightfold Path is the practice leading to the realization of Nirvana is where the Cessation of Suffering Noble arisen, light Light intellectual ignorance renders anti monitor Eightfold Path is the practice leads to the Cessation of Suffering Nibbana where Noble had come to the Tathagata arises in any way that Noble Path ago, before the Buddha, as Lai has never been heard, never knew that:
"The noble nature of district eight is enough practice leads to Nibbana, where the Cessation of Suffering Noble, also called the Noble Truth"

This monks! AI ... has arisen; Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise ... has arisen, Insight ... has arisen, the light of wisdom ... were the Tathagata arises in any way with the Holy Truth Truths that previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"The noble nature of district eight is enough practice leads to Nibbana, where the Cessation of Suffering Noble, also called the Noble Truth was, the law should be carried out, the measures should be carried out".

This monks! AI ... has arisen; Zen wisdom ... wisdom arisen, so wise ... has arisen, Insight ... has arisen, the light of wisdom ... were the Tathagata arises in any way with the Holy Truth Truths that previously, before the Buddha, the Tathagata had ever heard, never knew that:
"The noble nature of district eight is enough practice leads to Nibbana, where the Cessation of Suffering Noble, also called the Noble Truth was, the law should be carried out, it has to be carried out then."

MYTH FOUR bar to contain them is not enough STATEMENT OF CLASS supreme Buddha:
This monks! When intellectual obvious, knowing the true nature of the law in a way entirely pure light in three ranks moral wisdom (intellectual learning, practice wisdom, the wisdom) in the Four Noble Truths into twelve categories location Property not presented to the Tathagata. This monks! When the Tathagata was not stated that: "The Tathagata has attained supreme supreme Buddha" In every Samana, Brahmins, human, deva, Mara and Brahma altogether.

Realized from liquidation to invite STATEMENT OF CLASS supreme Buddha:
This monks! When Zen Intellectual Property evident knew the true nature of the law in a way entirely pure light in three ranks in the Four Noble Truths moral wisdom into twelve categories wisdom was presented to the Tathagata. This monks! When does the new Tathagata boldly declared that: "The Tathagata has attained supreme supreme Buddha in Samana restaurant, Brahmins, humanity, gods, Mara and Brahma altogether."

Group of five happy Bhikkhu, Venerable HIS KODANNA attained CASH INCOME STATEMENT Qingdao first teachings of the Buddha.
The Buddha preached this sutta finished Zhuan Falun, group 5 Bhikkhu extremely happy with his teachings. While talks have been preached all the French label (Noble realizations), enter save attain noble wisdom, no longer interested dust is often remembered by negativity, no box Listed by paragraph comments, doubts have arisen Venerable Kodanna Him. He knows make clear that "the legal status arises in the Three Realms, the French had all the killing is usually"

PLENARY Devas, Praising Brahma ACTION :
When the Buddha preached economic Zhuan Falun has done, on earth devas praised unanimously praised that:
"The Blessed One theory Zhuan Falun ultimate in garden near Loc Suppose Isapatana Baranasi, unprecedented Samana, Brahmans, or devas, Mara, Brahma, or anyone in this world could entice Jump Such Falun "
Also in the realm of the four chief gods is Uranus hear eulogies in praise of the gods of the earth also praised unanimously lauded as above.
At the same time the gods in heaven realms three decades to hear eulogies in praise of gods realms Four Great Heavenly King also praised unanimously lauded as above.
Likewise, in the realm of the gods Da Ma Thien Hoa Lac Thien, alienation At unanimously praised God and extolled as above.
Lust Brahma heavens, heard eulogies in praise of gods alienation At unanimously praised God and extolled that:
"The Blessed One theory Zhuan Falun at Deer assumed supreme Isipatana near Samana Baranasi unprecedented, or Brahmans, or devas, Mara, Brahma, or anyone in this world could entice Jump Falun Gong is so. "
Even then, at that moment, instant praise praise to the heavens Lens Lust is the highest Brahma "Lust Rescue Wing Heaven" (Akanittha). Ten thousand rocked this world, trembled, even wonky halo of virtue Chief Ð? Ng Enlightenment infinite spreading throughout the world than all dread force gods, Brahma altogether.

When he attained Venerable Kodanna noble, holy Added up, the Buddha uttered inspiration from the whole world to know that:
"Hey you, indeed Kondanna have realized the Four Noble Truths it! Hey you, indeed Kondanna have realized the Four Noble Truths, then!"
He therefore called Venerable Kondanna Annasikondanna (A-Tran-As-style houses, he realized Venerable Kondanna).

Then he Annasikondanna Venerable arisen wisdom realizing the Four Noble Truths n, was known with certainty exactly as the Four Noble Truths, has smoothly grasp the Four Noble Truths, should have completely eradicated all the disbelieving where the Buddha, Dharma, etc. .. so sharp intellect attained truth in the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha Dharma firmly, besides the Buddha was no place else to trust anymore ( because they have self-realization and the Four Noble Truths).
His Venerable Annasikondanna bowed respectfully and white Buddha that:
"Dear Blessed noble, I respectfully ask His compassion for the Bhikkhu ordination rely on Him."

Exalted compassion just put his index finger and saying,

"Ehi Bhikkhu! Svakkhato dhammo carat bramacariyam sammà dukkhassa antakiriyaya" (this child, come to the Tathagata, the Bhikkhu becomes as I pray. noble teachings of liberation Reincarnation suffering that Tathagata preached, completed good at the beginning, finishing in the middle, finishing at the end, so I just try to follow the noble virtues to attain the noble achievements Araham, end the suffering of rebirth).

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