Tuesday 3 June 2014

Buddha accept comments on the opinion of the world.

The attitude of the Buddha before the abstract question, metaphysics is entirely decisively: he will not answer questions about the purpose of liberation, not of France, not on the basis of morals, does not provide cover glass , to dispassion, to cessation

Many people, including myself ever put up those questions, questions about the origin of living beings and the environment, such as the question has been mentioned a lot through the book: "It is who, from where we came, we came here to do, and I will return to where? ", or" why this space so endless? "...
But when reference Tripitaka Vietnam by Thich Minh Chau translated from Pali into Vietnamese and true practitioner knowledge taught me realize that anyone who has smoothly's theorem, the Twelve Interdependent I will no longer arise and run crazy questions.
"Because, the monks, saints seeing as clever disciples' feet with reasonable intelligence chief and interdependent origination of this law, so make sure he does not run in the past (with questions): "We are present in the past? were not present not the past?, I am nothing in the past? face how I have in the past? Or is what I could afford, and this is what we in the past?"
Or do not run in the future (with questions): "We face the future? Were not present in the future? And I will do in the future? There I like in the future? Or before we What is, and in the future will be what? "
Or he will present the doubts arise about themselves in the present as follows: "I now present? Currently not available Ta? Is what I? We now present how?".
Events like this do not happen. Why? Therefore that disciple saints, the Monks, has left that as the chief intellectual feet, this theorem interdependent origination with this approach. "
If we follow the thinking questions to try to figure out to get a satisfactory answer is not only to find answers that ultimately just makes your mind more sorrow and confusion. And here is the Buddha's teachings on this issue:
"- This Potthapada, the monks themselves off the wall here, you continue to go from idea to idea to other ideas summit. And this position, the peak stands the idea might be thinking: "mind is still thinking, is bad for us, a good mind is not a new thought to me. If we keep thinking this thought when we pass away, the other rough idea arose. So let's not have thought. " And do not be thinking this. Do not have the thought, the idea that ceases to take raw ideas and the other does not arise. He cessation of feeling. So this is Potthapada intellectual attainment gradually eradicate the rooftop idea. " 
In fact, if we can put this issue to Enlightened asks the dependent origination, one answer is not as though the answer was not able to make him understand! Why? For such a person closes his eyes (are ignorance) which is a bright eye for character portrayed ordnance is whether it can close your eyes and imagine it's seen as reasonable? Therefore, the attitude of the Buddha before the abstract question, metaphysics is entirely decisively: he will not answer questions about the purpose of liberation, not of France, not on the basis of dignity, not take the cover glass, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to win position, to enlightenment, to nirvana, just answer what he brought to the cover glass, citizenship, place and win Nirvana. Back verses Buddha preached to the pagan wanderer Potthapada (father Sá Ms Lau), the practicality of Dharma convinced you're thinking wanderer, is stuck in the observance of this is:
"- Buddha, you can understand whether" the idea of ​​human self "or" other ideas, other self "?
- Potthapada Hey, you know it's hard to be "thought of human self" or "other ideas, other self", because you have to file a lawsuit, there is another trust, other idealists, there is another genius, have other virtues.
- Buddha, if it's hard for me to know "the idea of ​​human self" or "other ideas, other self" because I have to sue the other, trust others, have different ideals, have disasters other investment, there are other virtues, the venerable sir, the world is not permanent? Only this notion is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The world is permanent, only this view is true, besides the ignorant".
- Buddha, is the world's impermanence, only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The world is impermanent, this view is only true, besides the ignorant".
- Buddha, is this world is finite, only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The world is finite, only this view is true, besides the ignorant".
- Buddha, is the boundless world, only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The world is infinite, only this view is true, besides the ignorant".
- Buddha, may have life and body are one, only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The body and life is one, only this view is correct, in addition to the confusion."
- Buddha, there must be another life, another body? Only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "Born networks, another body. Only this view is correct, in addition to the confusion. "
- Buddha, the Tathagata does exist after death? Only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The Tathagata exists after death. Only this view is correct, in addition to the confusion. "
- Buddha, the Tathagata does not exist after death? Only this view is true, besides not confused?
- Potthapada Hey, I do not answer: "The Tathagata does not exist after death. Only this view is correct, in addition to the confusion. " (...)
- Buddha, the Exalted why not answer?
- This Potthapada, this question does not belong to the target liberation, not of France, not on the basis of morals, does not provide cover glass, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to win position, to enlightenment, to nirvana. So I did not answer.
- Buddha, Bhagavan replied so what?
- This Potthapada, I replied: "This is suffering". I replied: "This is the file format". "I replied:" This is a hard kill ". I replied: "This is the way to kill pain".
- Buddha, Bhagavan replied why?
- This Potthapada, questions about the purpose of liberation, belonging to France, under the basic dignity, taken to cover glass, to dispassion, to cessation, to win position, to enlightenment, to nirvana. So I replied.
- Buddha, such as the right. Bach celestial body, such as the right. Venerable sir, this time he has to do is to make him see. "
Here, I would like to introduce one of the well-known texts in which the Buddha gave an example vividly illustrates the opinion of many people accepted the offer and he kept taking refuge under his worldview . Of course, we should note that religious people should not be criticized, rejected, canceled by any one philosophical perspective.

"Thus have I heard:
Resident Exalted One time in Savatthi, at Jetavana, he Anathapindika garden. At that time a large number of other false pagan. The recluse, She-la-keeper, the pagan wanderer are in Savatthi for alms. They have different views, have patience different, have different interests, he just depend on different viewpoints. Some recluses, Ba-la-goal, theory as follows: "The world is permanent, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "The world is impermanent, only this is true, is in addition falsehoods". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "The world is marginal, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, is of the opinion as follows: "The world is infinite, only this is true, is in addition falsehoods". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "Birth is a life and body, only this is true, is in addition falsehoods". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "the life and body is different, this is only the truth, in addition to the falsehoods." Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some subjects Balaam, Balaam subjects following treatise, the following opinion: "The Tathagata does not exist after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some subjects Balaam, Balaam subjects following treatise, the following opinion: "The Tathagata exist and not exist after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations" . Some subjects Balaam, Balaam subjects following treatise, the following opinion: "The Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations ". They live competition, speech competition, struggle, hurt each other with weapons mouth: "So this is legal. Thus is legal. Thus not legal. Thus not legal."
Then many monks robes in the morning, go into the bowls Savatthi for alms, to beg in Savatthi done after meals, when walking through his return, going to the Blessed One, after having bowed to it sit down one side. Sitting down on one side, the monks that venerable sir:
- Here, venerable sir, a large number of other false pagan, the recluse, Ba-la-keeper, the pagan wanderer are in Savatthi for alms. They have different views, have patience different, have different interests, he just depend on different viewpoints. Some recluses, Ba-la-goal, theory as follows: "The world is permanent, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "The world is impermanent, only this is true, is in addition falsehoods". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "The world is marginal, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, is of the opinion as follows: "The world is infinite, only this is true, is in addition falsehoods". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "Birth is a life and body, only this is true, is in addition falsehoods". Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "the life and body is different, this is only the truth, in addition to the falsehoods." Some recluses, Ba-la-goal theory as follows, the following opinion: "The Tathagata exists after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some subjects Balaam, Balaam subjects following treatise, the following opinion: "The Tathagata does not exist after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations". Some subjects Balaam, Balaam subjects following treatise, the following opinion: "The Tathagata exist and not exist after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations" . Some subjects Balaam, Balaam subjects following treatise, the following opinion: "The Tathagata does not exist and not exist after death, only this is true, that is damaged beyond expectations ". They live competition, speech competition, struggle, hurt each other with weapons mouth: "So this is legal. Thus is legal. Thus not legal. Thus not legal."
- Hey Monks, the pagan wanderer who are blind, no eyes, no known purpose, the purpose must not know, do not know the law, know not illegal. Do they not know the purpose, not because they do not know the purpose, so do not know the law, do not know unlawful, they live competition, speech competition, struggle, hurt each other with weapons mouth: "So This is legal. thus is legal. thus not legal. thus not legal. "
Hey Monks, this oldtimer at Savatthi, there lived a king. This monks, he told a king: "Hey man, how many ordinary people are born blind in Savatthi take place all grouped"
- "Yes, sir, great king."
 This, monks, the king's response was yes, how many ordinary people who were born blind in Savatthi, he retains all, then go to the king's, after the king replied with: " Sire, how many ordinary people who were born blind in Savatthi were gathered. "
- This khanh, take out an elephant for the blind.
- "Yes, sir, great king."
This, monks, the king's response was yes, give an elephant to the blind man: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant." For some people blind, he put his head and said: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant." For some people blind, he put the elephant ears and say: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant." For some people blind, he put the elephant tusks and said: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant." For some people blind, he put the elephant trunk and said: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant." For some people blind, he put the elephants themselves and say: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant." For some people blind, he put a foot ... For some people blind, he brought her back ... For some people blind, he put a tail ... For some people blind, he put the tail feathers and said: "Hey blind people, this is the elephant."
This, monks, and after he brought the elephant to the blind, he went to the king, after the told the king: "Sire, an elephant is the blind see, let this great king What do think of the great king! "
Then the monks, he went to the blind king was, after talking to them, "Behold the blind man, he saw the elephant yet?"
- "Sire, we have seen the elephant."
- Hey blind people, let's say the elephant is like? "
The monks, who were the first to touch the elephant, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, like a chair!"
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant ears, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, as the rice basket ready."
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant tusks, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, as the plow."
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant trunk, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, like a plow".
The monks, who are touching the body of the elephant, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, like a warehouse."
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant legs, they said as follows: "Sire, an elephant is like this, like a column."
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant's back, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, as the trees."
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant's tail, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, like a baseball."
This, monks, those who are touching the elephant's tail hair group, they said the following: "Sire, an elephant is like this, as the broom"
- "The elephant say so he is not an elephant. Elephant is not so. Elephant is not. Elephant is like this."
Until they fight each other by hand. Then the monks, the king was happy.
Also, the monks, the monk who is blind heathen, no eyes, no known purpose, the purpose must not know, do not know the law, know not illegal. Do they not know the purpose, not because they do not know the purpose, so do not know the law, do not know unlawful, they live competition, speech competition, struggle, hurt each other with weapons mouth: "So This is legal. thus is legal. thus not legal. thus not legal. "
Then the Blessed One, after understanding the meaning of this, right in that moment, speak to their inspiration:
"There are some recluses,
Along with Ba-la-subjects,
They attachment, wresting,
In this thesis,
They argue disputes,

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