Thursday 5 June 2014

ABOUT THE LAW magnetism.
ABOUT THE LAW magnetic
Killing: two people, killing animals, killing or incited people to kill themselves. Seeing kill that fun (in the abdomen wish for the dead or dying material costs) or cast a category, or use the tip that two parameters, described the killing meat wine.
DU DAO : Far from stealing, steal, take horizontal or defraud, commits borrowed not pay this account.
Adultery : a young women dress drop, auto workers, teachers mercy sex, married people do, or who incite adultery, incest hiding drugs smuggled in Hue probably left bay (not his wife) called the adultery.
EXPECTATIONS OF TERMS: Bandits butt Jewels, ways praise left, right thing to say harass, harass Chuen must say, talking nonsense, tell lies, says no damages, fines look divine name to deceive the enchanted life.
Italian Language:  Special words from sex, love story obscenity, grease tray, the Hue Hue lyrics moon, urged matching routines adultery (called erotic poetry) they sing Unjust
Inflicts : Inciting sides, Siem impeachment for father and son, mother and daughter, husband, wife, brother, children, relatives, friends discord, anger makes the two sides together, poke, gossip, infidelities, before 're right, behind said harassment
EVIL GATE : cleaning, reviled, shame, belittle cartoonist (Pride) said poison, swearing, saying damage virtue, evil speaking, threats to kill harmful words.
PARTICIPANTS: Greed of people want to take the time (selfishness)
AIRPORTS: anger, violent temper, envy, intrigue, toxicity
SI : narcolepsy any information, appoint the right, do not dare. Counters that overlook the roof, non-crazy market does not justify harassment, heard or illusory known as Lord Buddha also believed to have put new lap top for swelling. Call clams, snails, shrimp, crabs, blood is not vegetarian but eat. Call mites medicine peeling bark (natural time) without taking salinity. Even teens who pressed BOE religious parents for bringing me disloyalty, which left her husband pagodaless do not mention candidates became more frequent.
By law the Pure, the first wine school old boys meat, do not eat poison in salad onions, Chives, Garlic, procession, coriander (cilantro parsley ship out the same) but vegetarian but mental harm gas. Action for fatigue sweating. Chives and mania procession is positive organisms wreath. Eat a little garlic and cilantro make up throat, draining mentally tired Nguon planet.
Buddha wanted to take advantage of being so easy to teach hand-in-process, young age, or who are not well-vegetarian two days time, once six to ten days, in a month that set up the boys. Live fish oil is not for killing poultry in houses too. Material costs in the period from killing off the killing. And dog meat cattle, refused to bow, because it has two big things with my life, if not eat Buddha procession. If made available in the market to buy more expensive, because the desire for punishment turn that money considered more important than the soul. Buddha did not witness the procession, vain practice. Although many operators carry hard.
Election law prohibits such killing, because the detailed species from birth and not crawling, flying machines of the same strains Buddha. Buddha also attained the Buddha for, not to kill it, eat it, but his father, strong bullying the weak. Out of compassion such mercy, so he forced the boy. If two letters threatening bench, as the field left to play, pretty mouth flesh just a few years, no deathbed Buddhist procession seems to know how vain
In urban areas nominated killing the fish want to eat meat from a grocery store to kill anything in the house. In contrast, in the rural countryside killing hard to move, because most poultry or fish, shrimp, to help take the money, but easy release of animals (including by obtaining clay for acne do not stick zone, dropped into the pond lake, or save the victim is submerged). If the killing, the resentment gathered in the waiting occasions revenge.
Illness and especially to vegetarians, vegetarian eating should not look that well, do not eat salty need to recite Amitabha too, if some part next time do not remember when her strict work for nothing, told the House sat up , facing the sunset, recite a few dozen words " Namo Amitabha Buddha "for adults, and then recite silently. If you see such processions through Amida wrong, if not to the extent of loss certainly strong, the food can not come every continent or cross back like old son. Go to the disease, also vegetarian so.
Cabinet allows lawmakers vow to keep that practice. If anyone can practice preventive disease eat well know the part time help to the end of the procession would Amida. Especially the house, while her strict, patients Buddha, internal to the concept, forbidden to cry, cry if the ethereal consciousness difficult because even the ones attached, hard rebirth.
Having spent time the previous words before death, do not get to witness it, making it hard busy could rebirth. This is the advantage of not being overlooked anyone. Such magnetic degrees, spoon the death rebirth enough people want, not as hard as meditation, or unit training.
The pure convent school boy 24 months, 30 lakh anniversary Amida enough questions, the more good idea to add 30 thousand variables rebirth, the Buddha at the top HO, high performance building large lotus position, holding according to the cure data heal. Each month, remember the date and time of penance, prayer. Chant after Sunday morning free time lock or cross concept, the dying Buddha to pick the date and time. If someone makes a lot of giving blessings, not sick time, sit palms facing West that day Buddhist concept of soul. Who has advised many of the bliss ago, when Buddhist procession hear soulful music or smell strange. If Phuoc large, halo lighting show, so make sure the money away that label practicing.
As long as the rebirth of West school record enough information (6 kabbalah) as Buddha, enlightened, Buddha's permission to the grandparents and parents of bliss, to report gifts Buddhas, enlightened.
If someone unfortunately also their parents and grandparents, faculty practice time that Pure O, I pray anniversary parts, repair parts for make up, if their parents and grandparents weakness to death for elderly parents and grandparents Buddhist procession, label money have flexible display sign. Parents and grandparents seated before a lotus that we wait, the time to worry sequential chanting requiem for a fee, so to extort the money printing business or give to the merits to poverty and was reborn Former touch
If parents have chronic risks earlier, we want the signal to quickly pick up day penitential prayers recited Buddha's mother for 30 thousand sentences for thousands of sentences and how much prayer animal release online, for doing much, much alms Council , to do all that for some parents name their souls detailed, ultra-ups of bliss.
Buddhist conception until only the new dream. If the wealthy want to praying for their parents, also have a new concept that more or less moving, rent Y has only recite the reincarnated souls just do not enjoy super blessed to be promoted. Nguyen Thi economic releasing, almsgiving, depending on the wealth that notion.
In the words of dedication Frequency Electric Circuit Quang Vuong King said a fellow poor alms, alms rich match a thousand dollars. Depending on your strength do, do not fear at super pilot, must borrow to owe, to pay not die well, commit about tourism director. Buddhist procession not, if there is much more money to charity.
If parents and grandparents age was too high or too ill elderly patients, relatives and mental capacity of the poor are weak, but bowed his lecture Pure and method of assistance following:
All children in the home, especially should take turns himself inside his or her high advances Buddha, half an hour each session. Each day any such alternate, do not stop chanting openings. He or she can follow the better idea in mind not only recommend people listen carefully photography, as well as the concept is also not leave Buddhist bonus.
Those who support free energy concept hardly anything, but it's good to be sown later freed. If you have the money to buy a recorder amthu Lectures on the Pure ago. 48 vow of Amida or Amitabha lectures economic sense in the book Dac Ngo Lao Nhon, and Buddhist chanting for clarity, to play every day for grandparents constantly hear it can be reborn, so silly now his grandparents kept strictly Buddhist concept. The above method can be applied for weak patients near death. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=( THE EIGHTFOLD PATH ).NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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