Wednesday 4 June 2014

A. Three Refuges.
I. Open Thread

Living in a multi-faceted life, who wants to pick a path, mapped out a meaningful life and peace, really is not an easy task. We are travelers standing before falling in the intersection, but did not know the path that eventually would lead to where? Pick a way to come to life, wise wisdom with great regret from tomorrow. But we have to pick, not small, not to incite anybody listen, because this is the way we go no one's self we are. Choose carefully and will go, is the attitude of the wise; blindly go more, go anywhere or mercy to them, the fools, carries a lifetime as a game. The place to look carefully, to consider thoroughly before I take to walk on a public road. Results refuge is to put yourself on a path to the end. Until the beginning of the road is our lifetime. This job should have known, intimately aware, new Refuge Center. Refuge vow is to guide our life. If you do not know anything, then the Refuge lost all its meaning.
II. Definitions
Three Refuges say enough is refuge. Jewels are Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Buddha is only Shakyamuni Buddha, by his former religious enlightenment of Buddha. Dharma teachings by the Buddha is said the only way to practice teaching. Increased security is follow the precepts and practice of the Buddha Dharma.
Why is Buddha known as?
From an ordinary man like us actually practice the Buddha's mercy on the little things this time. So often in business say Buddha was born is difficult to meet, as Udumbara a new millennium bear once. By having little difficult to say the treasure. Moreover, he has escaped themselves from rebirth and enlightenment of Buddha, the enlightened place and bring him back to teach everyone from birth and death, is the greatest treasure on earth should be called.
What is called the Dharma?
Dharma because of how rare the Buddha, who listen very difficult to comprehend the incomprehensible. But once you learn, practice application can convert ordinary becomes holy, what other measures such precious by. Buddha Dharma is Truth, no matter how experienced he is still time splendor of truth as precious pearl. Those who are lost in the darkness mistakes, suddenly met the torch, how excited you regret, having been directed learners also like Dharma. The external tank was sunk both, to see a salvaged boat, happy, glad you liked how the director school met the true teachings like. So say "life is hard to find hundreds of thousands want to see."
What is called Sangha?
Boost is only for a group of Buddhist monks learn, live together with the spirit of Hoa Lu. Living Harmony is the spirit of kindness contained at this time. Because people live in the world than losing Joneses vied with each other, were never reconciled. Force is:
Body in harmony with,
Oral argument air,
The fun sociable,
Keeping precepts sociable,
Understanding the prize draw,
Air share the same interests.
This Friday is the spirit of the Sangha. If you have a round square shirt live without the spirit is not called Harmony rose. In the group of four or more people, who also live in harmony with the spirit harmoniously is a very difficult job to do. Thus, the monks living in the spirit of Harmony, is a precious time on multiplication. Moreover, on the practice, and he had to go with negativity and gain somewhat of pure peace, and guide people to peace and tranquil. So therefore called Sangha.
What is Refuge?
Regulation is returned, he is taking refuge. Back refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are called the Triple Gem Refuge. For a long time we have ever run under sensual, painful karma, this awakening interest in returning certain refuge to the Three Jewels. Get Jewels makes ends, to not create more suffering now, and in so doing bring peace in our life. This is the recollection of awareness, vows return to us. This awareness is the foundation of the palace of wisdom, it was the first step on the path to enlightenment homeland. Put this solid foundation, the new intellectual castle is long. It is the critical spirit of Refuge.
III. Outside the Three Refuges
Dharma Rising is subject to our Refuge. Nguyen said the path to the Buddha Buddha Refuge. Deciding to practice His teachings also recorded in the classic French Refuge. Upon under the guidance of our practice is increasing refuge in the Sangha. From this step, we take the life of the Three Jewels as the model, according to which directed forward, from doubt as since when fumbling. We navigator, Jewels is the lighthouse. So just follow the lighthouse itself that drove the boat for our network to the destination. But dharma, Buddhists decided to no longer believe in hesitation, caution must also increase to avoid mistaken. Increase the clergy group Harmony live the spirit, not personalities. If you use the Refuge ceremony for Buddhists, he represents major corporations. Refuge in the Sangha as refuge with the monks live the spirit of Harmony, not the particular term monk passed three provisions of the world for themselves. If the world's media representative shall have to be religious or not religious, human life has taken refuge in the legal world and rising. When the refuge was a refuge that is increasing all the monks, if you do live in harmony with the spirit. Buddhists all have the right to increase their learning, not so tight where his teacher. Being so new and true refuge outside.
IV. Three Refuges Auto Center
Dhamma should always have two sides, the Three Jewels are objects outside, the Three Jewels are essentially self-interested. Bake three security outside, we develop Jewels of self-interest. In the fullness in addition to mutual meticulous practice, is a major goal of Buddhism.
What is self-interest Jewels?
Tanh available is The Buddha in us. Merciful compassion help sentient beings is Dharma. Mind harmony with people Sangha. Thanks to The Buddha outside, we awaken our sense of identity, sense returned to his nature refuge is refuge in the Buddha. Thanks Dharma outside, smoky our compassion for living beings, come take refuge with his compassion Refuge France. Because monks outside reminds us a spirit of harmony concord, harmony returns to his workshop where Net Increase Refuge.
Increase Dharma outside help support Coast is our dharma arises increase of self-interest. For example, the teacher made the pupil compel expand its knowledge. There hardworking teacher, that pupil shall not lazy learning, the teacher also becomes useless. Also, there are external Jewels, Buddhists try not to wake its own Jewels, Jewels and meaningless outside. Jewels good condition outside is essential to Buddhists, but there is enlightenment is the ability of self-interest Jewels. Just know there's Jewels external observance of the left. A message on the surface of the mind itself Jewels regardless Jewels outside, give the reasons is approved. Buddhists use the right feet of new members to avoid obstacles on the spiritual path.
The Y V. Rite
The focus is mainly in the refuge ceremony, at the Jewels Buddhists kneel before, three times a vow: "... please Disciple lifelong refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha." Questions in this vow comes Buddhist heart, not instigated by any compulsion. Three times this vow is to sow the seed deep in stealth mode, do not forget that ever. This is a voluntary self-discipline. Ritual forms only help more impressive important moments vows to stop him. When we pray according Jewels aware it benefits our lives. If the path has always been do not conceal ignorance Jewels remember, we are free disadvantaged. Buddhism does not obliges us what heavy oath to not apostasy. Treasures of the application if it is accepted benefits, applications received are not alone, forced to do anything. Except what a happy, new mandatory sentences for serious vow not dare leave. People understand this place see the true value of Buddhism.
All of seduction to religious coercion, Buddhist totally opposed. Each self-aware about Buddhism and give rise to direct, new true Buddhist spirit. Understand then follow the action in the spirit of enlightenment. Using art or, for example, one miracle at directing, it's superstition. Take for instance all rights to direct people, it is tempting ignorant, not consistent with the spirit of enlightenment. We have an obligation to explain to other people understand that the mind has taken refuge, missionaries right feet. Rite solemnly in the refuge ceremony, just coast to support our vow be fulfilled fullness. This ritual does not mean that Buddha will bless our life is peaceful.
VI. Affirmed stance
After the refuge, we confirmed a clear stance:  "Buddhist Refuge, refuge not God, Gods, Demons, Materials" . We got thoroughly determined to follow the Buddha's enlightened, no reason to follow God, Gods, Demons, Physics. Because God, Gods, Demons, materials remain unenlightened, there was reincarnation as us. But there are also some Buddhists take refuge in the Buddha, which still runs spirits. These people are so involved benefit, because like mystery, so did the wrong path of Dharma. Even for their superstitions, their spirits back more respected Buddhist. This evil phenomenon is indifferent to customer criticism of Buddhism.
"Refuge France, no refuge pagan cults" . Buddha Dharma is Truth, help being a practical way, as his physician for the patient. Understanding this fact is perhaps feet, no reason we run pagan cults. We consider themselves truth-loving, wish to escape the pain practically nothing pagan cults appeal to us. Only three interstitial wish to hear where that new actions such ridiculous changes. Despite allowing foreign misconduct want what is sacred, we did not start according to their greed. Or there are the spiritual mystery illness also saved from, as Buddhists would rather die right feet and not beg. This Body ghin keep those clever, finally dissolved damage, lives lost in evil way out of the difficult lives.
"Increasing Refuge, refuge not you evil evil group" . We chose an angle to the wise men, making their lives closer to virtue. You evil evil group known for directing people need to stay away. Because "almost black ink near the bright lights" or "near his foul fishy smell after map spread, near its fragrant aromatic character spread". So we have the courage to correct his path was chosen, despite being looked down upon insult, so that we also go. Because we're not the blind man, which had nearly left the good bad ones. Affirming stance is clearly willed determination. If people practice without this intention, wind prone wobbly.
VII. Inferable
Refuge is building the foundations of enlightenment, is the first rung on the ladder tree liberation, is the first step on the path of the unborn homeland. Want sturdy building, need to have solid foundations. Need beyond sheer scale tree freed, the first step must be to firmly step. Like wellbeing of the unborn home, the first step on the road to go to the right. The Three Major foundations, the building construction enlightenment is okay. There is no first step, one can hardly take tree climbing ladder rescue. The first step on the road back home was wrong, hundreds of thousands more steps to go more wrong. So, refuge extremely important. Each person must want to Buddhism from that door Refuge on, not like the loss of basic Buddhist learning. Because it plays an important role as such, should be cautious Buddhists in the Refuge vow. Do not be so fortunate as to Refuge, for off sick, for Buddha's blessings through affliction ..., are superstitious reasons, contrary to the spirit of voluntary self Buddhism.
B. Five Precepts
I. Open Thread
Man is the subject of Buddhism, how many laws, how much practice, because the human Buddha are shown up. Bring peace and happiness to people, is a major goal of Buddhism. Song of the Buddhist concept, not a fortune, so much love ... is human happiness. Happiness is knowing who live moderation, respect everyone's happy, loving each other honestly know. A civilized nation is a nation that respects each other's lives, to respect the fundamental freedoms of the people. Thus, the five precepts are the basic foundation to bring happiness to people, building true meaning of human life of civilized humanity. The Five Precepts are the basic Buddhist ethics, the beginning step on the path to enlightenment liberation. This lack of basic morality, although we have to say where the sublime morality is hollow talk. The practice practical to build basic first, then move on to a new super high level. It is important precepts.
II. Definitions
The five precepts are five things forbidden by the Buddha told the Buddhists must follow. Refuge after he had identified himself as the Buddha's disciples, to qualify as a need to preserve Buddhists in the world. Buddha for mercy beings that created Prohibitions this year, reinforcing that they are peaceful life happy. Preserving this year because of their gender, not because the Buddha. Presented in the form:
1. Killing No:  that is not killing human life. We self-quarter of his life, the murdered ridiculous lives of others. On humanitarian probably not fair to them allows us to do that. If we have left to do justice, lack of humanity, where is also worthy disciple of the Buddha. The killing of the three lives: a direct kill, people kill incited sure, rejoice in the killing. Buddhists do not single handedly kill human life, not sure urge mouth incited others to kill, they kill each other to see just a surface mercy should not enjoy. That is no killing precept. But that extension, we value our lives, these animals also values ​​his own life, to feel full justice to the animals, if necessary, we reduce to kill their network.
2. Heist No:  Wealth of our assets, do not want anyone to infringe upon the wealth of the property, we would not be shocked grab or steal. Because robbed or steal an act of kindness left direction, the government of violating the law, must be punished. Robbery is so cruel greed, just think its favor, forget the suffering of the people, justice and mercy lost both direct and certain Buddhists do not.
3. Sexual misconduct:  A Buddhist couple spouses as other people of the world. When you double the absolute right not violate the chastity of others. If the violation is guilty of adultery. Because this is the act of suffering for his family and the family, creating the risk of product failure thawing. Do a bit of his private feelings, causing many people suffering involved, the results have no compassion. To ensure peace of his family and the family's happiness, Buddhists do not commit adultery certain.
4. Not lie:  Say untrue to pursue their interests, or is harmful to people lie. Because motor evil greedy, events like this happen you say that other repair work left hand, a change to harass, cause people with graphics. People say that contrary to morality, humanity lost, not worthy of being a Buddhist. Buddhist ethics are exemplary for speaking up, that know how to say that prevailed, not conditioned cunning deception. Unless otherwise benefit the animals sake, not the heart to tell the truth to the victims or suffering, by kindness animal rescue rescuers say without false violations. No lie is keeping faith with those around them.
5. Not drink:  Buddhism advocates want enlightenment must be enlightened before the provincial calm morning, drinking in the hot guts, mind reeling, losing no lucid calm, left sensory-term goals treatment. Because heat hysteria, there are people drunk when they dare to sin, evil is not what they fear, lost all common sense. So who knows no moral right to stay away from alcohol. Drink the loss of such wisdom, the cause for physical illness, and children after disasters is dull. It was a disaster for the individual and society. Buddhists as enlightened now, for his sake the decision must not drink alcohol. Except for cases doctors told to mix your alcohol use to heal, Buddhists are taking alcohol until healing is terminated, the need to know before taking the monks.
III. Benefits The Body
The world knows preserve year formed the basis of ethics and wellbeing for themselves.  killing No , we do not get yourself killed, or imprisoned for murder, nor hatred blood debt together . So we do not live in fear of terror, caused by hatred.  heist No , you do not have relatives incarcerated in thieves, or go to places where public out of fear the suspect tracking. Go back and forth freely, to go in peace, not what happiness is?  There adultery , to work ourselves out of position sense loss, out of fear of anyone debating or bad, everyone I trusted, and reliable. Ourselves chastity, self-made people loved. An on yourself, family and peace.  lie No , it was not remorseful, verbal self-worth, causing the trust of people. The lie or society will be underestimated, proponents have suspected something, do something less who endorses.  Not drinking alcohol , Currency ourselves from the insane frenzy, causing the body from disease Fire weakness, contempt from people while drunk. On the contrary, I calm myself calm, healthy body, for your people are the glass, childbirth and cleverness. It is in their own best interest right now. If the future is not killing yourself to live long and robust; do not steal, property of affluence; do not commit adultery, physical beauty; not lying, speak loving wise people; do not drink, so wise.
IV. Benefits of Family
People are claiming in humanity lives is paramount. Knowing life is respected and civilized lifestyle, trample human life is cruel. Know the world is kept in the family's happiness, the life of a civilized society. Buddha looked straight into humans, to bring happiness to people a peaceful life, a happy family, a civilized society, in the world He created.
Life is the supreme value of human beings to respect people, respect for human life, the Buddha was not a Buddhist prohibition of killing. Human life is sustainable existence, nurtured by assets, out of respect for the property of the people, the Buddha was not a Buddhist prohibition of thieves. The lives of children who need families, the family of humanity nest, nest was shaken happiness is lost, out of respect for the family's happiness, Buddha was not a Buddhist banning adultery. The family lived in close contact and society need to trust each other, trust is not lacking sympathy dear, so bring trust back to people, lying Buddha prohibited. The order of the family and the society is peaceful, a pretext disrupt family and social disorder is common, out of respect for the family and order of society, Buddhism, Buddhists are not forbidden been drinking alcohol.
Only in only five precepts, if any family is fully preserve the family's happiness, the peace agreement below, net care trust. if everyone in society is an application thoroughly civilized society, harmony and loving sympathy. We ourselves sake, for the happiness of the family, for the peace of society, keeping efforts in the world. Preserving the world in respecting human, civilized lifestyle is, is this ethical foundation.
V. Conclusion
The extreme suffering of the people no more, when they think their lives are threatened, lost their money, the love they have been violated. Key here is the most extreme anguish of man. So happy for helping bring back to people. Buddha was not a Buddhist prohibition to do three things. Love forever no, if people do not trust each other and sympathy. This is also the suffering of the marginalized people. Because life without love, the human species is lost in the desert or a wild place, where there is caring dear sweet fleshy bitter split scratched. Want to bring the love for humanity, trust must first be understood together, so He is not banned Buddhist lie. How many major that we have seen profusely compassion of the Buddha. Sufferings and fun spirit of Buddhism was evident in this world. Since his injury injured people, Buddhists we must try to preserve and advised the custodians. That is the basis of the current directors do and tomorrow. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/6/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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