Wednesday, 14 December 2011


PDF. In Email wisdom is a very important concept because it is the end of all the practice, but this concept is often abused and misunderstood. The purpose of this article is trying to raise a few other characteristics between Buddhist wisdom and intelligence generally, and then will present a definition of wisdom found in the books mentioned on the way complexity of this concept in terms of terminology and then the interpretation varies depending on various sects and schools of thought. In the concluding section will suggest a small example of how to apply theory to everyday life. intelligence in terms of terminology
Font "wisdom" or "insight" is Sanskrit called Jnana (Xa- na), known as Nana Pali, Tibetan was Ye shes. Jnana in Sanskrit word meaning "knowledge", the letter Ye shes in Tibetan means "knowledge core". The word translated language Western Jnana is Sagesse (French) or Wisdom (in English). The specific mission in the book The Dictionary of Buddhism are wisdom suggested that the word translated "Science". Translated literally looks like more than the word science is originally Latin scientia, scientia word by word scire that out, and scire word meaning "knowledge." Generally speaking, the word science (which is often translated as science) means a " coherent system of knowledge related to the events, objects or events generally take a certain number of rules that people can be verified by the experimental method . " According to the definition of the word Science was close to the meaning of the word than the word wisdom Sagesse and Wisdom.
wisdom or knowledge is called wisdom. Consistent position is that, wisdom is understanding. In terms of general intelligence means understanding and thorough transparency , and if based on defining how the intelligence is not too different how much intelligence. However, the point of Buddhist wisdom is completely different from ordinary intelligence, that difference will be presented in detail in the section below. In the opinion of the wisdom of Buddhism have many levels from low to high, and in a certain rank can call it the highest of understanding are also known as Wisdom Prajna (Sanskrit Prajna is , is Panna in Pali, Tibetan is Shes Rab). For the word Prajna is not translated in the West anymore, but keep the original Sanskrit Prajna. A few characteristics of intelligence , as we have seen in the above presentation, the words or terms are only provided wish to help in understanding the exchange between human beings. Understanding or perception and expression of an individual person before the phenomena of the environment is called "intelligence", and all people have the intelligence like that. But because intelligence arising from the experience feeling of a pentagon with and dependence on external conditions of education so that intelligence varied between individual human beings. For Buddhists, the difference was even more deeply rooted because intelligence is not only derived from sense experience of the pentagon and the expression of knowledge as is commonly understood, but also inherit the deeply what it means business in the past. Company's direct impact on the operation of knowledge where each individual and make a difference and variety of intelligence between individuals together. Come here and ask permission to come back to terms. Intellectual called Jnana in Sanskrit, the ancient Greek borrowing of Sanskrit spelling JNA to create word Jnana gno, gno words turned into "gnose" in French and "gnosis" in English. The letters gno, or gnosis gnose all means "understanding". In summary the knowledge or general intelligence is the perception and expression characteristics of a person before the phenomena occurring around us and hallucinations and feelings arising in the mind. The reason so-called special intelligence that is not the same place "intelligence" of animals. Let's take an example, in last fall when I was digging in the garden there is an old French pass and say when I see those worms (earthworms) underground into deep soil layers of the season upcoming winter will be very cold. Science does not or can not prove such facts (?), But if it is a fact that even insects have something that smart. human intelligence is somewhat different than . Instead of using their intelligence to integrate with nature (such as in the case of the earthworm), people use it to back to work to create an "I" for each individual to separate himself himself from the environment. The result is that each individual can create their own world and I put her in a central location. Creator also revolves around his ego, although the location of the child was taken to the clouds and the same idea. In addition to the creation of a separate world in the mind to create everything you emotional disorders, from fear, hatred to love and attachment, then people also use their intelligence to ruin Natural and manufactured weapons with great destructive power. Only people new mass killing of fellow human beings, the genocidal war never ended in human history. People are also very wise, think of everything really intrigues and sophisticated techniques to impose their views or to defraud mutual interests in the name of the "collective" or because of personal ambition. In a smaller and smaller areas are also known to use human intelligence to invent methods of execution "humanitarian" one. In everyday life people are also due to the intelligence to find ways to humiliate and treat each other badly. Intelligence indeed help people on a certain aspect to create a world full of anxiety and terror fears. Summary of creative intelligence through ego or self is derived directly or indirectly to network everything suffering, people are not aware of this but also whether intelligence is a belief more proud. Intelligence in the sense just described is not intelligence in Buddhist perspective. 'intelligence as presented above directly inherited what the industry offers, but not necessarily only those enterprises bad as has been shown above, but also what makes good business people to love each other, creating feelings in his heart of compassion, manifest on the body with the words to love and benevolent gesture to comfort and support is falling into the same kind of suffering and misery. There are things the seed industry is expanding petals of compassion and insight into what direction we are greater than almost brought a sense for life and sowing the seeds for future Hybrid. Intelligence that will bring us increasingly closer to wisdom. So what is wisdom? Buddhist Wisdom Is that a deal or not in the ancient times, the phenomena and natural events, such as spell rotation of the sun, darkness, lightning , death, natural disasters ... rise in the first handful of people and kindled a little history of fear and from fear that has arisen the notion that a little religion. When the society was formed before the difficulties of life, people gradually become aware of the necessity of a moral system to help avoid the less trouble in the collective life. If religion represents a kind of emotional power directed at a salvation from the outside, the ethic is based on a principle of reason and the field experience of collective life. Buddhism is not a religion of fear arising from natural and not a moral system aims to create a just social order as presented above, so that the meaning of Wisdom was not involved or connected with the case just two days. Buddhist wisdom is a possibility, a virtue of the mind, represents an understanding , but is a specialized knowledge, are orientation significantly, thanks to the training and practice that . It can be said that intelligence can also be a form of intelligence, but that form can only be achieved by learning the teachings of religion, supported by a pure lifestyle and specialized technical training needs, such as meditation. In other words, the intelligence usually contain a strength and a potential outbreak, radiating out across broad direction, adapting to the environment, like trees and weeds, while Wisdom is fragrant flowers and fruit. The definition of wisdom in Buddhism we have seen the difference between intelligence and wisdom on the general aspects and now try a more detailed analysis of the meaning of Tri I see wisdom in Buddhism. For Theravada Buddhism, wisdom is defined as a knowledge base and is largely transparent and properly called "the ants" (in Pali: Samma-ditthi), ie "the line "First in the Eightfold Path. First political understanding represents a coherent, profound meaning of the Four Noble Truths, then thanks to meditation may transcend political boundaries of thinking that is the operation of the knowledge to understand start direct non-dualistic reality. For Buddhists, the Mahayana concept of "wisdom" is developed more complex and is defined as a basic cognitive abilities associated with the continuation of ongoing of the mind, the essence of it is empty, bright and radiant, to help "see" or shop can get the true and ultimate of all phenomena . Wisdom in the above definitions also known as wisdom made ​​all (tout-accomplissant) or omnipotent wisdom (omniscience) or Wisdom of the Buddha (Sanskrit: Buddhajnana.) wisdom (Jnana) said generally quite different from conventional intelligence (vijnana). Intelligence usually represent the operation "normal" of knowledge that is attached to the structure of four years of secondary mental structure called the five aggregates t Create an individual human being. Wisdom does not break out of four of mental structure, but not a "normal operation" of knowledge that is the result of a "train diligence" of the mind. So we try to pick up some simple graphics to compare the intelligence and wisdom. For example, we go into a wild forest, birds singing in the woods with wine but also lobster leopard, snakes. I outlined to try to find the twig an outlet, and a time when we suddenly saw a trail. We follow the trails that go on, after a short from the forest, out in front of the square fields, fruit gardens, straight levees, landscape sunshine, the white clouds floating lightly under clear skies. No escape wild forest full of vitality, but tension represents intelligence, trying to find the trail is the practice, landscape with fields, gardens and sun flooded the clear sky represents wisdom. The different shades of wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism As shown above, called Theravada texts is political wisdom, which is the first path in the Eightfold Path, perhaps so quite clearly do not need to explain more ramble. For North tones, especially schools of realism (Vijnanavada) and followed the reasoning solemn Mahayana texts (Mahayanasutralankara), local Buddhist texts (Buddhabhumisastra )..., the wisdom consists of four different shades each other: 1 - Great lens position (adarsa-Jnana, Western books translated as wisdom is like a mirror ) may appoint as non-theoretical understanding of intelligence, ie no distinction of subject and another object, that is no longer a thought regarding the subjects did not know had a thought regarding the identified object. Wisdom was felt directly by both the relative and absolute nature of all phenomena correctly, so, not accompanied by any expression of any of the mind. Also explained is the relative nature of the phenomenon is dependent characteristics, changes and impermanence, the nature of its absolute emptiness. Wisdom is a fundamental base of knowledge or absolute, pure, pure and perfect, not tarnished or contaminated by any shadow of any desire or delusion. So that kind of intelligence as just described above is represented by a large mirror to reflect honestly and in light of all phenomena of our true nature, no more nothing less. scriptures also indicated that this type of intelligence can only be achieved through meditation, when one reached the eighth is A-to-skin formula , which is an equivalent form obtained after fully present be able to form The (samadhi) is the rank meditation Wednesday. 2 - Equality intellectual properties (samata-Jnana, Western books translated as wisdom equal ): the ability to feel and see properties consistent equality of all beings in the spirit of great compassion (Mahakaruna). Intellectual equality means not distinguish relative strangers, a gentle sentient beings with an aggressive, all arouse in us a compassion equal, the difference depending only on demand needs, abilities and circumstances of each being alone. Intellectual equality manifest when reached Saturday meditation levels, ie one can eliminate this form of discrimination between "self" and "others". In summary will show equality between ourselves and other sentient beings as well as between each other. The concept of equal intelligence has been linked to another concept is a local Cross (Dasabhumi), representing the ten period ten stages or "land" the practice of Bodhisattvas. The reason is called "ground" for each stage of practice is a cumulative basis all the qualities of the bodhisattva associated with that period. Each plot represents a level of intelligence and computer related products. The combination of intelligence and other qualities in each period will help promote the Bodhisattva sequentially from the first land to land tenth. In the first plot, the Bodhisattva no ego is no longer sticking to what I needed, and customs that are the essence of all phenomena, no longer uptight in ritual ceremonies, reveal the heart from ball regardless. All the qualities that bring boundless joy in the thought of bodhisattvas and also represents the wisdom of equality and nondiscrimination. Equal intellectual development starting from the first land plots continued until the tenth. Please also be noted that the concept of the Ten additional sites are very many books in question, if the details it will be very long, maybe just a general summary of the bodhisattva will attain wisdom completion supernatural good and entering the land of the tenth. If all the land beyond the tenth, the Bodhisattva of wisdom would be like a big mirror. 3 - Noble observation location (pratyaveksana-Jnana, Western books translated as wisdom to judge or speculate ) is Wisdom helps clearly delineate any particular characteristics for each phenomenon and the characteristics of any uniform for all phenomena, such as appearance is characteristic of individual differences or a phenomenon and not usually the common characteristics of all phenomena. Intellectual judgments may be two different shades: the first is consistent nuances get the ego-self, is a consistent tone Monday received selflessness of all phenomena. Please also be asked to show more consistency as the ego-self is the whole point of Theravada and Mahayana, while the selfless nature of all phenomena is of all things and all variables personal accident policy of Mahayana. intelligence judgments are often compared as a treasure of virtue gathered what was known as the momentum-la-ni (dharani), which means "collect all photography", like as a cloud rains watered down Buddhism. For example, when we look at the free mind, body and all the phenomena of the surrounding context, we only see very often occur together throughout, a phenomenon does not stop and do not change, all hook each other that are in motion, nothing stands still cling to us. Intellectual judgments appearing in rank or knowledge of meditation Saturday. For the concept of Intellectual Cross local judge found an instant interrupted intermittently starting the first to land Saturday, it is understandable in light of the knowledge and the sudden outbreak of "any god "on the road during practice. 4 - The location of work (krtyanusthana-Jnana - Western books translated as wisdom is all done) : Wisdom is often directed at the desire to bring happiness to them of birth. Tr I made ​​all property found and moved into action to achieve all our desires and to understand what all should do and should do. Intellectual performance is all relative expression for Applications (Nirmanakaya) of a Buddha. This is a ready intelligence into action so character should be interrupted. Intellectual performance will be achieved when all the knowledge structures involved in sensory experience has been completely pure chemical, allowing the Bodhisattva became a Buddha. Wisdom in the Buddhist hierarchy as the application itself has presented also known as all-powerful intelligence or the supernatural , this intelligence can have two types: first is to form true custom receive exactly that (suvisuddhadharmadhatu-Jnana), which is not customary to get Emptiness of all all phenomena, physical as Monday is able to capture the reality as though it may manifest in any kind too (yathavad vyavasthanapari-Jnana). Particularly in the file review France horror of the file name (Dharmasamgraha) of Mahayana Buddhism, in addition to four grades Wisdom described above is a more nuanced intelligence called " wisdom of the space of all phenomena (dharma) have actively built and has been fine chemical reagent "(suvisuddhadharmadhatu-Jnana). This form can be classified as receiving consistent levels Thursday ie higher levels of intelligence and most called French intellectuals (Dharmadhatu-Jnana), which is a super level Vietnamese intelligence and supreme, corresponding to Dharma body (Dharmakaya) of a Buddha. For Mahayana Buddhism in general, to achieve ultimate wisdom (rank four or five) to become a Buddha would take "three eternity", that is 3x10 * 59 mahakalpa (each is a great mahakalpa life, kalpa is a life, each life represents a very long time, including four stages, into, damage, destroy the world). Presentation or a "zoom" on the books this implies is that the practice runs do not know how endless hours to become Buddha, the goal is set to practice entering the Mahayana path must be very patient, should never expect or think of will "become a Buddha." However, the "zoom" on a certain aspect can also make a practice of ordinary people lose confidence in their intelligence capabilities. Whatever they have to understand that ending the practice of the Bodhisattva ideal and the ideal of which is available showed a discreet wisdom of a Buddha. Meanwhile, for the Vajrayana is a practitioner can become a Buddha after a few religious life, or perhaps even a Buddha in this life. In intelligence can form the Vajrayana Vajrayana wisdom divided into five types and years may be necessary as it will exist where every being is as sensual as it is a manifestation of increased (Tathagatagarbha). But the year was unable to form and operate a manifest integrity for ordinary beings, but they can only detect the wrong way through the year and dulling of desire can form as follows: 1 ) and dull ignorance (as opposed to the wisdom of the Thus Come organs), 2) anger (the opposite of wisdom as great examples), 3) pride (as opposed to the wisdom of equality), 4) and greedy attachment (as opposed to intelligence judgments), 5) jealousy (the opposite of wisdom is all done.) philosophy of Vajrayana practice is to use any " skillful means "to make improvements year desire, as mentioned above to bring them back into the nature and their real, ie year of wisdom. This is one aspect of the basic characteristics and because the Vajrayana Vajrayana does not advocate eliminating or suppressing desire which seeks only to purify and transform them only. In intelligence can form also known as the Five hybrid position , corresponding to the five Buddhist system (Panca-kulabuddha). Five Buddha is a concept quite different interpretation depending on the Tan-tra texts of the sect of the Vajrayana school. But can rely on the schools of Du-old tan-tra for a general summary as follows: - As hybrid intelligence organs or French intellectuals (Dharmadhatu-Jnana) is the wisdom of Buddha Ti-batch-amnesty -na (Vairocana), that is the fullness of the French intelligence world. Great Buddha Ti-batch-amnesty-na (Mahavairocana) represents the highest possible form of the Buddhist Ti-na-block-centers are located in the center of Man-momentum-la (Vajradhatumandala), surrounded by four Buddha left. - as examples of great wisdom (Great lens position) is the wisdom of Buddha As A-animal hybrids (Aksobhya). A Buddha-Like-hybrid animals live in the east location. - Intellectual equality (the equality position) is the Wisdom of the Buddha's birth as-Make-hybrid (Ratnasambhava). As Buddhist Bao-lai-born live in the south position. - Intellectual judgments (observations place) is of Buddhist Wisdom A-di-track As-lai (Amithaba). A Buddha-di-track position as future live in the west. - Intellectual done all (The location of work) is the Wisdom of the Buddha The-Real-not-future achievement as (Amoghasiddi). Real-The Buddha did not achieve as-lai-location live in the north. When a Bodhisattva attained Enlightenment and the French made ​​a fullness of the body as well as gain increased intelligence (Dharmadhatu-Jnana) , which is true wisdom to recognize it is. Four types of intelligence may rest are able to form intelligence support for increased intelligence as to identify the different expressions of reality. As wisdom related to increased awareness of ultimate reality and absolute wisdom remaining four relate to the recognition is carried through to the relative form. Above is a summary of the concept of wisdom in the view of Vajrayana. But wisdom is shown by another concept called Prajna (Prajna). So What Is a Bat? elegant concept of Bat Bat Nha (Prajna is Sanskrit, Pali, is Panna) means that the ultimate understanding , a sense direct realization brings liberation. In that sense, then Prajna is no different with the ultimate level of wisdom, the difference depending on areas of terminology and a more descriptive approach. For the study must necessarily organic (Sarvastivada) of Theravada and most Mahayana schools of thought on the type of the Prajna wisdom judge , one's ability to identify mental qualities of the object observed. Yet all the schools of thought are recognized as Prajna can learn even by inference, but necessarily Prajna is a major capabilities achieved through meditation enables servant-she-amnesty-na ( Pali: vipassana). For the Theravada Buddhism in general, Prajna is a high level understanding of the opinions of the Eightfold Path, which direct the entire restaurant saw the Four Noble Truths and the nature of selflessness " I "to bring liberation to form an A-la-drought.

Diamond Chu
Small bell

Small bell (Prajna-emptiness) + Diamond words (means of skillful ball-E) A more specific, the combination of emptiness and Prajna is represented in the Vajrayana by two "tools" always use them when the feast, which is the diamond of letters (Vajra) also known as Diamond panicle and a small bell. Chu diamond symbolizes Vajra means diamond stone, a rock solid and bright, the symbol of masculinity; a bell symbolizing the lotus, symbol of femininity. For the practice of the ultimate old Du Tan-tra , the combination of the two possible forms that the combination is like sex (in Tibetan: yab-yum) between a divine masculine and feminine can sex partners of his own gods, the female partner is Prajna. This is a picture or an icon representing a very strong, but also because of the influence of many impulses inherent in mind that this misunderstanding in the ultimate image Du-old Tan-tra as a normally associate sex.
old old

Thang-ka paintings two panels represent a combination of masculinity (from bi-Means) and feminine (Prajna-emptiness) instrumental practice (help with the visualization and meditation) should also be told add to this one by means of skillful Vajrayana is the Sanskrit alphabet consists of vowels (Sanskrit: ali) and consonants (Sanskrit: K), representing vowel Prajna (Bat elegant), consonant represents Upaya (skillful means). The vowels and consonants are the source to generate audio and create sound effects in man-tra question mantras. Such as the case of letters evam , vowel e is Prajna, the consonant v a is Upaya, m the account of the identity is inseparable from the Prajna and Upaya. Please also explained that the word evam in Sanskrit means such or such that it is often found in books over the question as Evam maya srutam mean ... So I had ever heard ... prajna and Du-old physiologist We try to find out more details about the practice of Tibetan Buddhism through the concept of physiology related to the vascular channels and see how air power. In general, yogic physiology of an individual organs were represented by the operation of the air force in a rotating vessel canal system. Prajna is symbolized or represented by the left channel circuit (lalana), the skillful means to be represented by the right channel circuit (rasana). When two female air force (left channel) and male (right channel) enter the central channel circuit (avaduthi) will dissolve together and create a form called a general well-being (Mahasukkha), This form may incorporate the non-dualistic wisdom . In other words, the combination that is inseparable from the Bat elegant and skilful means can bring well-being of the general form of Emptiness not completely eliminate the opposition between subject and object. The concept of the energy drops tan-tra The texts of the Vajrayana was described as increased (Tathagatagarbha) or Chan as, or Buddha-nature as a self-component present in every being. In each individual man is the essence of Buddha nature represented by the energy drops (bindu) penetrates the whole body. Two drops of energy most of all is a drop of red symbolizes femininity (ie, or Prajna Prajna), a drop of white symbolizes masculinity (ie Upaya or the skillful means). The position of the red drop is below the navel, the location of the first drops are tipped white. Two drops are also known as the Bodhi-mind drop-colors-red, and drops the Bodhi-mind-color-white. Their role is to create a burn called tumo (internal temperature). Tu training or practice is how stoked the fire of wisdom, the fire will help to drop the Bodhi-mind-colors-red move in opposite channels to the upper center, and fire intelligence will also make drops the Bodhi-mind-colors-white liquid and move downward as well as the center channel. As you move down through the horizontal drop of white four-wheel rotating metal called cakra, chakra, or center, it is possible to see the "grave" or the conversion of gas and power distribution in the body. When the white drops move across four chakras cakra can create four types of perceived well-being from low to high called the four great joy. Ultimate joy of the highest grade possible is a great format, it's a joy in itself and perfect well-being of non-duality of emptiness, that's joy appears Bodhicitta be presented in form of fruit or a virtual body of a Buddha. Balance and sustainability of wisdom will arise simultaneously feel happy about being Nature does not create virtual body and followed by the manifestation of the mental . Prajna becomes Dharma body (Dharmakaya), two relatives remaining two body colors (rupakaya): The first is identity itself sambhogakaya also known as Acceptance of the body (Buddha in the Pure Land) and Monday is the best body body response known as Application incarnation or reincarnation (Buddha realms that her application in order to save sentient beings). The skillful means (Upaya) Tibetan Buddhism explains very transparent and clear about the concept " skillful means ". All permits and training facilities used in the practice of Dharma are referred to as the skillful means . The ends of the Ph level skillful is wisdom. Method and cure must be coupled tightly to each other and can not be separated. Intelligence can be considered synonymous with emptiness, the Buddha-nature or legs as, identical means the same message message (including teachings, scriptures, sects, schools of thought, ritual, chanting, meditation , compassion, generosity, precepts, etc. and etc. ..). Among other means, then compassion is more important than compassion and wisdom are two possible forms are inseparable (as shown above). The skillful means is also known as the method appropriate , or is the appropriate method to save . In view of the Buddhist Mahayana Buddhas all use the appropriate method to help eliminate all living beings suffering in order to achieve enlightenment. Why is the media calling her a " skillful "or" adaptation "? Because they are able to effectively bring enlightenment ie knowledge or Prajna super Vietnam. Vehicles include the techniques, the true advice or dexterity, the simple words of songs or philosophy, the teachings straight or deep, or the strict rules such as flowers, the ceremony for or simple public ..., including fasting, charity and the relief ... all should aim for a single purpose and ultimately help all sentient beings see the absolute nature of reality. Why many skillful means to world to focus on a single object? It is just because the media have to adapt and conform with the nature and capabilities of our diverse students. Scriptures say that up to 84 000 vehicles to help us find enlightenment. That is not really a way of saying exaggerated, because they can each student will need a means to adapt their own because no two beings are exactly alike, the reason there was a difference bring the industry beings are different, depending on the different predestined. In the second chapter of the Business French flowers , the Buddha preached to him Van-try-benefits that are difficult to help ordinary beings understand France is Religion (Dharma) is, therefore leading them to sequential stages can provide a release for them. Because of the diversity of living beings should also require the Liberation means so much to adapt, heck, all the means that only the phase characteristics. When the purpose has been achieved, the vehicle will not longer needed, the goal is always unique, which is enlightenment. Chapter 3 of the Business French flower picture also raises a host family to know the extension instance children quickly left the burning house by promising to give them three beautiful car, the promise that is a skillful means . Business Diamonds then highlight the most consistent receiving no opposition between our resources and our life as a skillful means. Business Center is introducing the concept of emptiness and that appearances are not different from emptiness and emptiness also the appearance. Business Center is also identified additional concepts Phi-II-raw and Emptiness-not really that's just the skillful means of a subliminal level it called Paramita (Upayakausalaparamita) only. For the concept of Tam body , the body is French Fruits by Prajna wisdom brought the two close relatives remaining two colors (rupakaya) and both are a symbol of compassion. Vajrayana make it The more skillful, powerful medium to medium effective mantras include man-sentence investigation, the way the press, the divine methods of meditation, the ritual, the chart Sheh-momentum-la ... The practice of Vajrayana positive based on the effective means is considered likely to help achieve liberation within a few regenerated life, or can also be done in the present life. While Mahayana Buddhism Vajrayana in general than to the policy to practice by so many lifetimes. The powerful and effective way of Vajrayana the reason is due to the direct link between tight and skillful means and Prajna or wisdom to recognize emptiness. Skillful means for Vajrayana is active compassion (Karuna), skillful means and compassion are two possible types of relative and has elements of masculinity. Prajna and Emptiness can not be two absolute form, has elements of femininity. The close connection between the method can not separate the skillful and Prajna is a prerequisite to bring enlightenment. Epilogue The above highlight two aspects of economic policy can bring a bit more complicated that for practitioners seeking to understand the concept of intelligence: the first aspect is the term and the second aspect is the point of both the rich and complex study of the Buddhist sects interpret the intent to bring What is wisdom and liberation. The purpose of the article is trying very brief overview of what has been highlighted in books to help the reader with an idea and do not take too much time to research, so that the posts is unavoidable character embrace pity. A short, intelligence is "fortune" availability of each individual man, the fortune that is diverse and distinct as influenced by the industry in past and associated with sensory perception of the current sense in the context of each individual. While intelligence is a possibility can only arise due to the practice. Intellectual ability of different nuanced and on many different levels. Highest level of intelligence beyond all expression and bound duality is customary to receive directly the true nature and deepest of all phenomena and not contaminated by the operation of location problems more intelligent. Highest Level of Intelligence is the ability to bring awareness and enlightenment called Prajna wisdom. After all contribute to alleviate the weight of theory, would suggest a fun story raises a case the theory into practice as well. Indeed, the practice is not just economic policy research, type open, hit the bells and chanting constantly, but enough to take what was drawn in the books to integrate into his mind and applied to each investment everyday thinking and acting of his own . The story changes as follows: Suddenly we feel hungry and craving a hot bowl of pho and very fragrant (the body's demands and excitement of the instinct to generate appetite). Instead of sitting down reading or meditating for a while to wait for dinner, we decided to shop near home to eat pho (volition), I change clothes and shoes to the store pho (born volitional action ). Coming to the noodle shop, we bike into a pile of dog faeces. Medium to medium embarrassing upset ("I" flashed discovered a powerful way to control and dominate the action and thinking of it), have not uttered a smart (emotional disorder you found in language), I looked around to see if anyone noticed or not, and glanced down to find places that have dry sand to day shoe for less smearing (using artificial intelligence). At this point one wonders at I have the bike on the dog pile. The root cause stems from the consequences of past industrial lead us back to the regeneration of all the demands of instinct and types (hunger). The reason is closer to the impulse of the mind to contact instincts generate thirst (craving a hot bowl of pho and delicious: attachment). This hunger for (reasons) urge that the store noodles (cooked career). Not up to the noodle shop, the appetite has led eye re-look at the meat hanging in a glass of noodle shops, next to a block of meat studded with both crispy and grease bucket, between two pieces of meat hanging add a bunch of green onions. Because glass glued so we do not see the coin unclean feet (predestined waiting) and we bike on it (a result of business). Those are very natural reaction of a normal and can happen with anyone. For practitioners, the stars, nothing other than, or not? A practice is also suffering from the demands of nature and the consequences of business, they know hunger (instinct) and can also craving (attachment). But the difference is that practitioners are aware and see the demands of instinct and appetite, they said the initiative and focus on each of their acts. Texts called it performing a Spiritual awakening (Mindfulness, Pleine Conscience). If people make a practice of Spiritual awakening is when they know they are going, when they know they are step by step, a step long as they know that a long step, a step short when it knew one step short, they do not have the hunger and the meat re-agitated in a glass of noodle shops are not enough to attract them to feed their appetite for more, they will not be glued to the glass of the shop noodle and so chances are they will not be stepped on dog pile. Despite stepped on the pile to more practitioners nor uttered indecent words (active emotion and language), and more How they found more compassion for living beings have a road laid out defecates (compassion). The dog is like me, they both have nine holes (two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, mouth, bladder and anus hole), nine holes that often eliminate these wastes. Thanks to the means and intelligence to know to build a house, and we also have much better luck and go to eat pho, while dogs have to run back and forth on the street and could be thieves caught dog meat and sold. Although the bike to coin UE practitioners or five people are not embarrassed because they understand that's induce industry in the past like, compatible with the predestined like that, who practiced without question and remain is the peace of mind (in which case "I" would not arise strong and will not cause effects dominate and control the thoughts, words and actions of his own.) Seeing the piles of dog faeces practice launched compassion towards all living beings are trapped in the type and capacity of everything suffering (compassion reveal) Seeing a grain of sand practitioners see a vast desert dreaming, broad mind block out the sun eight, ten Buddha (expansion and development of intelligence), the mind becomes no bounds (Prajna). Through this mind that is beyond space, practitioners do not see the pile did not see a grain of sand does (that's just the consequences arising from innumerable causes and the grace that is, the artifacts that bring the how volatile and subject to numerous conditions will not occupy any position in their minds), and they did not own the location where the end (no "I") in the vast space and silence are opening up before them, all they see are an illusion and not real (Prajna wisdom of three-and-password-multi). But they still see a truly transparent way the structure of the ground before them, but their mind is not at all express the structure was a pile of mess and piles of sand at the foot dry. The real nature has not made ​​it just that of all phenomena is the meaning of the phrase "no-matter market - not instant identity" in the glass. Eating pho is complete, we returned home, I stepped into the first lane find a dog. But that is not true that dogs are dogs defecate near the noodle shop or not, but anger flared up earlier still return. So we try to find out whether the operation that made ​​her anger flared. Now when we kicked the pile, "I" generated strong pulling anger and shame (business generated), the anger and shame to leave marks on a continuous serial stream of voters form at the right moment we stepped on heap (inscribed by the industry). After we had finished eating pho forget past events have made ​​me angry, but anger's marks imprinted on the knowledge remains intact and will arise again when its performance meets predestined to adapt. I see a dog in the first lane (predestined to adapt and fit out), marks the associated business based on that predestined to arise in anger (arising career to become the fruit.) Anger flare up (your emotional disorders) involve hate all dogs run back and forth on the street, especially in front of the dog ugly, dirty, pork leg and scabs all over her (lack of compassion) . I decided to punish hate dogs (volition), immediately picked up a stone and threw it (volition generated action). No doubt the dog did not run away, but turned around barking, children see adults back. I have to just five people shy dog scabies ("I" to continue to detect drivers that we )..., just like all other business professional to draw it turns into an "adventure up "and" wandering "endless. That her world is like, nothing confusing at all. For practitioners, the bonds of hook that had been cut off soon after stepping into the pile, because they were not angry but also reveals the compassion. For example, the case highlighted above crave a bowl pho, but if the hunger for more powerful such as being provoked by greed, lust, passion ... motivated by wealth, fame, hateful, sexual ..., then the consequences will be far more serious. Industry will save the marks deeper knowledge on the continuation of an individual, charismatic individual that all this life to life (accompanied by the regeneration and wheel motion.) story has since found that only intelligence could help us effectively and practically to sever the bonds of karma hook. Mere recitation, to the temple to worship Buddha blessing or meditation that the mind is not thinking free man because this benefit is the lack of skillful means alone.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ). OM MANI PADME HUM.( 3 TIMES ).15/12/2011.

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