Friday 23 March 2012


Enlightenment - The world we live in is always uncertainty, imperfect and that the economic fragility Amitabha called before that. Man's life is filled with pollution and accidents: rainy season, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, climate change called past life.
The meaning rebirth
People will always be the dominant feature of the passions, always insecure, urgent, from about business, build their social status to children of gratitude couple are hot like a furnace, known as degenerations afflictions. Human perception is full of mistakes on the value of life, valued money more than gratitude, more material sense, get a fraud masquerading as a reason for living is widely accepted, as it is wise wise, intelligent, know how to live ..., called the lawsuit at a cultural or degenerations. Human life is always threatened by tribulation, incurable disease, habitat become a source of risk in life, not life, called networking. People are also complex social unrest, harm human selfishness that ancient people recast as an attitude not to trust anyone, "Tune in rivers, sea exploration easy detection / Which one break that size measurements hearts ", which called being degenerations. Evil exists in every corner of the Buddhist life should call this world is evil world of five defilements. In the Dhammapada, the Buddha of the Buddhists need to have a clear view of the nature of life. He taught: "Look at life like foam / Looking at life as unreal / look so life / death is not seen" (PC, 170). This is a method of reflecting on the nature of life to overcome this unclean world degenerations, visual pollution in the world economic Amitabha also works to "Death does not come across" as such. The realization led to the truth that always works free from the illusion. Normally we fear because we do not see clearly, when it clearly is not afraid anymore, like when in a dark room, but I feel scared when the lights turn on, then we are not afraid anymore, the reason simply because we see things so clearly fears evaporated. Also, when reflecting on the world if you see clearly the true nature of it would be freed from fear, insecurity. No more fear of death is called "Death does not come across". I do not fear death by: Firstly, to know death is inevitable no rule be avoided, this is a law, fear is useless so afraid that can not live with them. Second, the desire to cling to life no longer escape the strong ties of greedy, grasping; mind did not take the ring out of life and death. The focus of the problem is fully aware, also known as insight. When they are not visible range, when the mind is no longer affected by the vicissitudes of life, the mind to attain peace, peace of mind, the world peace. How to use insight to overcome life and death can call it a rebirth in the Pure Land by the law of "pure sentiments" in economic thinking that. free formula in the Theravada Buddhist Canon, commonly referred as follows: Knowing lead to boring, boring lead to dispassion, dispassion lead to cessation, cessation leads to Nirvana (Central Business). Pure Land practice also method to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land initially similar: First, to have her look at me as unclean realm degenerations and boring them, then turn the mind towards the world of fresh cool Pure Land of the batch, followed by the fervent vow rely on voluntary force of the Buddha Amitabha to get rid of me her rebirth in the Pure Land. The essence of the problem is enlightened about the nature of life, the enlightenment was doing to increase trust is the wish of the yogi and the corresponding power of Buddhist prayer, this is a great and difficult work hard, therefore, can not say Pure Land practitioners rely entirely on the ruling. The difference in the path of Buddhism is not a fundamental difference of the route that is the difference in trend consciousness, also known as base differences in the nature of being. Realm in West Where? In a work of Buddhist rituals there are two verses about the Pure Land where, as follows: 1 - "Mac direct Western access / universal cross the West / Di Da lobe directed / Anonymous e heron unborn." Roughly translated: Do security realms West is close, we journey to the distant West to ten thousand miles. Buddha Amitabha to lead new trade that freedom from death and birth. 2 - "Mac director West Telecommunications / West Section of money / Water saving rules of customs / Moon natural touch any glass." Roughly translated: Do security realms West distant realms in front of the West. As the sea water, as the moon is not out of sky diving. first one, say the Pure Land route distance, number represents ten thousand miles, to the Buddha Amitabha to lead to achieve not place of birth and no death. Thus, a key element in the West thanks to the Buddha Amitabha to lead. This verse emphasizes ruling. Having explained that the book, go West to undergo a 10 thousand mile is represented by 10 basis afflictions, ten thousand are said to subtle expressions of sorrow on the 10th. The meaning is, without going through 10, the Buddhist fundamental negativity is not directed, to pass 10 thousand miles afflictions touch with the Buddha, or Buddha to lead the new has come across the 10 basic afflictions Both are true sense. The second definition makes people more interested, because too much negativity to overcome them requires more elaborate and time, storytelling was not misled, by the Buddha to be led away and live in new school is pure and not misleading quickly, easily and surely. Last Monday, speaking on Pure route not far away, even very close, right before your eyes. Because Western realms are realms of his mind as realms of interest here only for a pure heart of every being. Hundred rivers of ocean, river and narrow, many places can all use photography as the vast sea, as well as moon rise and moon set, moon rise or set even has not escaped the skies. Immense sea or sky is vast realms of his mind is peaceful nature of things kind of beings. Buddha also at the center, being well in mind, there are physical differences but no general difference in the nature. So the West is pure mind of each person. In Buddhism in mind or say is pure sentiments about arguments, but makes the Buddha manifests in the mind or the mind is purified to pure landscape, need to have long elaborately practice. Path that has two essential elements: conforming to improve the knowledge of truth and for grace. This is not only true on the right path but also in everyday life, if one activity that is inconsistent with the laws of movement will fail and if they operate without human environment as well as support also help it fail. These two verses say is true because the two elements "good" and "muscles" above. Pure mind, the new scene to be true pure truth, pure or not pure by mind. But without a favorable environment to practice the difficult purification of sustainable care, people are always taking into account social factors ruling should play a huge role in forming the personality issues and life orientation. On the outside path of personal effort, if the Buddha and the community they compel the Holy accomplishment for sure. In summary, the Pure Land rebirth of mind and there is need to lead; when most interest shall be directed induction of the Buddha, as the ancients used to say: "Ai no real importance to her birth I / Mindfulness inconsistent unborn Pure", the two elements is in fact just one time. Everyone has the ability to manifest the Buddha in our minds when we remember the Buddha, the Buddha mind towards all its activities. And the meaning of rebirth is going through life pollution, pure live life happily, from the evil world transformed into celestial realms by purifying the mind. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).24/3/2012.

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