Monday, 30 June 2014

meaning of meditation: Meditation is a method of helping me focus, idea filtering decanting the mind on an object. Meditation leads to peace of mind and promote intellectual property awareness. So, meditation is not a quiet dream which is a method of training the mind for purity and is a very active loving energy open mystery is sleeping in it.

The mind is important, it is the center of life, of the universe and contain all groups like France. It is the proud stronghold of hiding every Vice, but also the fertile land of popping being enlightened seed sprouts. The mind creates happiness and who also creates suffering. Sitting meditation is targeted at our metabolism, control and develop the goodness of her mind.

Meaning in the practice of sitting meditation in two parts. The first is collected again a threat, junk removal-discharge and put the mind back to the State of calm, NET security. This is called Just thinking all is discontinued, contact, and differentiate. The second is to use the capacity gap of consciousness in order to track things and found that every turn of things, that is to look at things in light of three characteristics: impermanence, suffering and egolessness.

Gom is Just or Samatha. Track and find the right face of the phenomenon of things is called Vipassana. Just suspend any notion of junk, the shop is close to things as they really are its General. Only the Convent School who practice method, we let go of all the suffering and achieve true peaceful status.

One word or one Meditation is the principle taken to the awakening, is tracking, see know your reality and live in the present moment. Only the present moment is the true moment of life. Every external object such as color, sound, taste, tactile touch ... the sensory organs to the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are thoroughly documented. All the objects that are the subject of meditation and do popping hatched the awakening.

Thanks to the permanent form which we see is General of things should not crush accept, soak up a good relationship. The nature of man and the universe are composed of five aggregates fake case, they did not have the truth of falling exists and invariant. As to the mind, the more we will see human intelligence, the universe is just the human contact coast and is subject to being vandalized or destroyed. Whereby we see are a combination of the five aggregates, i.e. the phenomenon imply mind as sharp images, sensations, impaired cognition and mentality changes which are not real. Thus we are security glitches and depart any obstacles, hopes idea; Prime witness truth mystery, let go of negativity and evil bad psychology.

b. how to meditate:
When the practice of meditation we must select the heading to the Italian Centre. the breath is often chosen as the main headings. We should follow the breath and the out of breath.
Can we base on the shelf exams following breath thing to practice meditation spells a while new start:
Breathe in the tranquility of mind
Breathe out the mouth smiling
In present
A fantastic moment.
Breathing in, breathing out quiet stillness, silently reciting mantras smiling and really smiling. Then breathe in, breathe out, and the current anniversary celebration fantastic, and really feel disengaged. Follow the breath like that gradually we can control the mind. Meditation must have the new guide master the progress. Feel free to study and practice under A

Anniversary of breath with experienced teachers and the DAC.

The following summary please few basic ways of helping people when beginning meditation practice.

1/there are many people meditate together, the practice easier bumper parts. This is very easy to recognize for those students have undergone intensive contemplation with many of you at the same monastery. Meditation in the collective force of a very large and very special promotion on the centering effort of each one. If the whole family or a relative increase in conjunction with meditation on the hours of the day, practice efficiencies will be achieved very quickly.

2/a quiet, wooded mountains and nature as an enormous coast to the sitting meditation. It's hard sitting meditation be if nearby, a television set or radio, opening with the music provokes. Please arrange for and respect the quiet time in meditation is located.

3/hour sitting meditation will be decided jointly between the same people sit in meditation. Timer is convenient for everybody, and when it decided a certain time, so always keep correct time continuously. Meditate long or lick the sole discretion of us. If I want to sit 15 minutes, then take a 15-minute hold true and always starts, ends at a certain hour. Beginner, should sit about 15 minutes at a time, and then rise 15 minutes after about five weeks, or two months internship. If sat is 45 minutes or 1 hour, two times a day is best.

4/should be conveniently located for tools that sit in comfortable, pleasant. Shop a pillow sitting soft, medium height range. Location of instruments depending on the sitting of each person, how to be comfortable when sitting. The sick aching joints do not sit under the floor, can sit on a Chair or a blow by the appropriate wood.

5/The sat subject choices and try to mine. The Buddha was sitting in an old urban planner in 49 days and was a prime leader. We should sit in the old urban planner, i.e. sit like a flower shower seat left foot and old urban planner put on right foot, thigh and foot are put on thigh left leg. Back straight, eyes front or closed, lips smiling big smiles youth. The SAT is the most firm, because the weight of the body is put on three points which is located, and two top gốì. Picture the top standing on three legs, firm, unshakable. If not, then it is unlawful to sit sit old sale. The left foot placed on the right foot, or foot to put on his left foot. In both the old and the old urban planner, two-handed relaxation, the fingers overlap, two thumbs touch each other. Do not sit or unlawful sale of old, it may be the most comfortable way to sit for him. If sitting on the floor, we could not sit on a Chair, his back kept straight, not based on the seats. The back and the table is set into a 90-degree angle. The head and hands like the old unlawful sale or sitting old.
6/eating in moderation, pure and sleeping enough energy to some extent, also helped us a lot during the sitting meditation. Should not eat too no, should not eat the indigestible foods such as meat animals. Very good indeed alcohol, tobacco, silver articles; diminishing lust, hatred and fighting over losing the new meditation effective, fast.
7/should play three jewels refuge Center and its maintenance in General if the Buddhists in the home. Act need to be learned and practice seriously. Precepts are not bound that is the key to open the tie of all roots in education, anger, bigotry and false knowledge. Consistent meditation practice always taken about making early, taking an irrigated laced to the freshness of mind and mindfulness. Mindfulness has just begun, the medium is the medium, and is the result of a meditation.
8/ If not the monk in the Zen should register to attend a meditation retreat to learn meditation techniques consistent with the teacher, the students are learning the basics of the tu experience. Master and you meditate with the depth of the peace, Byzantines, disengaged is the biggest, or most awarded me the transfer principle, flexible and practical techniques of meditation a.
9/To the monasteries, Zen meditation centers to be in school for several weeks, several months or as little as 10 days per year is necessary for the development of the talents of its consistent meditation. In the home to the renunciation, everyday practice in remote cups and freed, where does the energy landscape and pure, and have great spiritual power in the maintenance of consistent meditation practice. So that enlightened wisdom, compassion, my progress is easy.
10/make believe where his abilities and where France conducted a resolute way, sustainability, being disappointed and foreign demand dominates. About the teacher, the teacher, i.e. the ability to control the mind, feeling, thought, perception of us. Go to the status and achievements of early consistent meditation is mastered three industry body, mouth, Italy in the present moment. Body, mouth, Italy did not let go of the lung, no artifacts the bad thing is the actual results, the mystery of the café 's meditation skills.

c. breath control:
Breath control by counting the breath. Counting the breath is the primary practice method but fundamental. Breathing in count 1, exhale 1 count; breathing in breathing out, 2 2 count counts to 10 then back. My mind would just focus on counting the breath. When counting the breath mature, I just watched the breath where the abdomen. Watch Ming meditation teachings recorded movements of resistance, bulging belly. The first step should try to understand the exact nature of psychological phenomena are happening inside the body, such as the sensation of light, healthy, happy, smiling. New internships, we can track the breath out, on each of three slightly instead of tracking the count of ten slightly. Breathe in and breathe out silently counting one; breathe in and breathe out silently count the two; breathe in and breathe out silently count three. For internships the three Byzantines for breath I can keep track of who is in the present moment. Head Office in the present moment is mindfulness and wisdom lamp is lit. There is wisdom, we will see the true face of Li's life and fate b., pratītyasamutpāda. Thanks to them that we are not bound, we're going to get all passionate mistakes and problems.

Before beginning the practice of breath, breath control, we should forgive the following shelf article three times:
Hold high mountain mining
Breathing light stick out into the
Heart charm under the breath
Forgive counts three slightly.
d. The disease when sitting in meditation:
The common diseases of the new meditation is married and thought disorder disease. Kissing disease postpartum depression is when sitting meditation, the mind I dream dream membrane, no province nor mesmerizing. Diseases disorders thought when sitting meditation, the notion of good, chaotic evil mantras going through my mind non-stop. As for the tu, the real idea of good is not good, but also have to let go of the notion of good faith. That way, we understand clearly that you want to deliver, we have to put a stop to the illegal donation as well as the friendly, i.e. through to Leanne chon TAM equality, depart to differentiate.
e. Control disappointed by the remarks, in the sense:
When the mind dream, the sense that we dream. This medicine is to recite: the province. Wake up to termination of marriage status and fall. While I thought disorder sense that mind is disorder thought. This medicine is the silent stillness. In the way, quiet quiet way, it is subject to our explicit attention.
One day the Buddha used the heavenly label, You see a great disciples are asleep and snoring while meditating. Multiply that Buddha was only the tame way ill Kiss bass:
* Open your eyes
* Look up into the sky
* Get up my onions
* Deep breaths, long and slow
* Hold their breath to wake awareness
* Go wash your face
* Episode varies relaxation.
* Meditate on a person suffering, death.
* Send Metta to aid a person in death.
* Send energy from bi to person or anger and resentment are more enemies.
* Make ideas to person in blindness and both legs amputated, people suffering know when.
* Exhausted too sleepy, too, go lay down for sleep.
* When the buds and then, continue to meditate and breath control.
On the method of healing disorders thought, let the sense you are thinking about a certain thing, and silently reciting that. For example, I am thinking about a heart condition, be silently reciting the heart disease, heart disease. When this hope ended, return to counting every three breaths. The great wall is the contentious removal. Good idea was no different, means that thought hope had birth, then all will be destroyed. All you need is the sense that the natural and the anniversary of the whirring will vanish. Fyodor, after the practice, and my mind would be easy and we will step through the consistent projection deeper to develop wisdom and compassionate mind.

Like to meditate we must keep the precepts. Do not hold the world cannot force any. As we have three life refuge and vow to hold five world they must resolve to preserve the fiction, don't let go of the lung and rot switch. Want to the precept. Want to mind Lily prior. People i tu there are many precepts and dread, but facilities in about not being, not stealing, not deviant sex, no great hopes on Prime Office and no drinking in the matter which we need to take over its maintenance.
f. meditation benefits:
Sitting meditation is to make the mind becomes lucid, ANDing, off sick and let go of all anxiety. Meditation is the best way of making sense of rich, powerful with Chengde patience, good listener, open minded and help us succeed in all realms of life.

If the passionate lust, sitting meditation will reduce sexual lust. If the or angry, sitting meditation will help us except the anger. If the people lack confidence, meditation will help him confident. If the full of negativity, depression, meditation helps me be at peace and awakening.

Further, people who meditate long on and properly maintained administrative methods will enlightenment like Buddha, no longer being the bòng brain gauge, no longer in the living dead sea Coachman and mesmerizing mistakes anymore. Sitting meditation is seeing it. is the veracity of it, of people and of universal gravitation are equality, purity and harmony. We are present in all of France, in what could be real and the French melting pot of students are reincarnations of it.

Thanks to meditate that I converted to be the root of all suffering, achieve true peace status now and tomorrow. Meditate we develop are intelligent and compassionate energies to solve the suffering, hatred of the people around us.

The benefits of meditation to the level of maturity, we will achieve it., real state of birth between the life being destroyed.
French intensive meditation magic
Creating boundless merit
Open initiation wisdom eyesight
Live in an course.
The mind creates Bourn
Nirvana is not out of mind
Extreme right Leanne self
Net a meditation.
Kat the net water
Mind the world comment comments
France lost where we stay
Now and here.
2. France Meditation Buddhist Ceremony
Oh my Buddha makes the body, mouth, makes clear. Further, my Buddha brought to mind and enlightened wisdom. That's when I reached Buddha, Jesus came to power 24-Department of emptiness ceremony the President, i.e. when the Buddha, Jesus, we must let go of the ego separate, Italian able to enter client owned self of Buddha and the great wall of France an absolute way. Oh my Buddha in Mindfulness.
Leanne self of all beings, and French owned lettered Buddhist capital gap, equal. So while Italy must bring Buddhas, our minds earnestly, not before and not treated that Jesus. Oh my Buddha that "one tree Hill" I have my Buddha, seated meditation that "one tree Hill" I have sitting meditation is the first Prime Minister. That means that something has damaged both General and General lied, not able to manifest wisdom and true names of fullness. Still know your chess, is the means, is the need for the starting order according to the Dharma.

Usually I my Buddha is a memorial to grace Germany deep thickness of Buddha, Buddha's happy to live by prayer, pray give bad deeds are evil. Oh my Buddha's compassionate volunteers who practice and altruism of Mahayana Buddhism, which aims to transform the suffering in themselves and do benefits for many people.
By Buddhist prayer meditation traditions in which the resident mass in Jinshan's good health, fun to attend, one's mind becomes fresh, firm and disengaged.
My Dharma WINS magic
Three career constant to within
Foot care may shine light up
Transcend suffering samsara.
a. the way Jesus Buddha:
After hours of sitting meditation, praying one should play the will practice the Holy Buddha. If less then my long as 51 Oh, much, Oh from 300 to 500 pupils every day. Mass in Jinshan, everybody who plays the mighty and effort, my Buddha after each time the. More and more Buddhist Holy See mind at peace, challenged pests except, radical Evangelical growth.

In a great many of them, we should divide each person in charge of a Buddha's title or title of a bodhisattva. Each title, we can chorus from 5 to 10 times. If the internship, my Buddha alone, we can also use this method to record the number of my Buddha for easy to remember in each elaborately.
Mass in Jinshan French application still Hong List Repent, my Enemies, my Grace Buddha as my Salary, my Continental Sovereigns and the title of Buddha in the five hundred three thousand Buddha, Buddha, A Buddhist Van Hanh during retreats, monastery complexes. Buddhist prayer ritual Song regularly every day at the monastery is applied under The Trademark Office Facilities. It is the feast of four titles in the Buddha and the bodhisattvas title six of the following:
The Buddha Sakyamuni
Germany Bhaisajyaguru Yuri
The Buddha Amitabha
The Buddha Maitreya
In Germany The Great Master Bodhisattva Office Decor Foe Benefit
Germany Bodhisattva Samantabhadra
Germany Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Dhāranī
The Great Bodhisattva Vow Tibetan Prefecture In German
Germany Bodhisattva Great Fondness Maudgalyayana
The host Tutor through the ages.
When the initiator of the Festival, beginning with the sentence: "For the mind tantrum Nam ceremony".

Each Buddha, a bodhisattva is achieved to equal, pure Pearl himself. However, a note of every being, He has a voluntary life differently in the useful love, so when prostrate and maintain your worship, I offered up a trophy ceremony, wealthy girl or more Buddha, bodhisattva to the catalyst and the deep feeling.

Buddhist prayer methodologies in Kim son, is every week ten develop volunteering attendant almost ten Buddha and Bodhisattva. Each of the previous three jewels for mass and ceremony and petition visits. The visit was the title of the Buddha or bodhisattvas would then have him pray do that most of the attendant. Allow most of the Buddha and the bodhisattvas, there are seven things that are attendant in mind, pray and agents:
1. see themselves as lucky as the imitation of a living Buddha.
2. self weigh me, standing, lying, sitting, behave in an amusing, awareness and mindfulness.
3. sleep mode absolute punctuality, effort effort practice, participating in activities with them seriously and not late ripe.
4. prove yourself as a supposedly worthy of the name Buddha or Bodhisattva which are most.
5. Sometimes statues of the Buddha or bodhisattvas to show respect in their rooms to remember and have pretty impressive while the attendant of the Buddha or bodhisattvas that.
6. every day, the chorus of the title of Buddha or Bodhisattva he most popular to be prostrate after each time the Zazen, elaborately.
7. fake A Buddha set of living as happy Buddha and surely as the Buddha.
Oh my Buddha Meditation traditions, helped for the mass in Jinshan practice very progressive and more at peace. Every Buddhist renunciation or at home has not had the opportunity to practice disciplines, my Buddha, should play the will conduct regular maintenance every day to have fun domain and happiness in life.

b. merit my Buddha:
Master Visual User experience 12 merit enemies win in the Holy Buddha as follows:
1. Lord Buddha, achieved marvelous micro audio, speech to bring joy and noble benefit for many people.
2. Oh my Buddha, reach the mind to static, hung and elated as the sea tide, have the ability to listen to others and neutralizes any trouble, sorrow in your life.
3. Oh, Buddha, mindfulness helps equivocate, intellectual Renaissance; have insight and judgement of the frivolity, mistakes.
4. Lord Buddha, which makes the olfactory bulb become bars in common, nose sniffing the aroma of fried forums; the release was the Privy Council cleaner, air pollution and impure.
5. Oh, Buddha, be fully blessed treasures in eating. Any type of food and drinks would take into the mouth also became the drug or, so far as the healing of disease.
6. Oh, my Buddha, a body emits energy, freshness, fire tam I cover, so when in contact with the exterior, not dominated, infection advance and indulged.
7. Oh my Buddha, health development, peaceful sleep, longevity; where, on the night is Heavenly Nhon households maintained and peaceful.
8. Oh my Buddha, initiation, compassionate mind well-being concepts as more vast, eliminating the psychological craving, anger, bigotry, bothers me wrong.
9. Lord Buddha, the Center encouraged strong beliefs, on the practice for liberation and enlightenment.
10. Lord Buddha, your privacy and all the physical demands became so prolific, wealthy and knew to take largesse, donation, alms.
11. Oh my Buddha, Fuk general decency strictly beautiful, fresh colors, an intercalation about Germany purity.
12. Lord Buddha, the release to take advantage of the resentment, unhappiness roots and career matter report more lifetime.
Chief of 12 merit my Buddha
(The staminal merit ceremony tantrum As Lai)
"For domestic, audio micro magic
The second speaker, North Korean Navy hearing audio
Tam Jia, constant publicity rights with
The four pundits, Khai smell sheep flock
Five fake, really enjoy the taste
Lu Jia, a body exposed any infected
Fake furniture, able to sue Jiang Ning
Fake Bowl, Memorial anniversary of peace
The nine counterfeit credit card Student Tools Hy
The author, a prolific security
The venture's gas theory, most respectable n
The second speaker, take advantage of the resentment award. "
(Master Students aware experience)
c. benefits my Buddha
Oh my Buddha has the effect of making the body, the mind meets and becomes mildly unwell. When Lord Buddha, Essentials is a must for heart and earnestly. Oh my Buddha, should pay attention is his first, two arms and two legs is ideally Nestled close to the ground to pay into the glass. Center for neo-breath in, with up and down movements according to the initiator of the sound mark Buddha or bodhisattva. Items while my Buddha is the title of one or more Buddha, bodhisattva. For new people in the door, the Director episode tu and not to mind, then the dynamic body, my Buddha is France for treatment and expected approval, very heart mantras work. People have strong faith and deep where three jewels that play the most Holy Buddhist mind and effort every day, will experience many things ghost show, magic.
Mass in French usage Kim son Monastery meditation Jesus Buddha as a basic practice principles and essential in daily life of renunciation. After each time the sitting meditation, reciting the Sutra we can let out on 30 minutes, my Buddha Buddha as well as taking part in my meditation, my goodness they were exposed at the Buddha with profound joy, Byzantines and incorporated the mind in the present moment. One can experience the peace of meditation disciplines easily through my Buddhist practice there is just peace, disengaged immediately, without waiting time.
Of fact, after the Holy Buddha approximately 30 Oh, I found the warmth of body onset, harmonic circulation blood gases, softly breathing, voice, chorus of the Ethereal effect Buddha, mouth tongue freshness and we feel incredibly uncomfortable. Spiritually, with the mystery of the Lord Buddha was huge cover. The health and hard to except such as anger, Karma bothers reading the island, for even the terminally ill breeze physician, by the Buddhist holy traditions to helpfulness, repent sins, cure karma is very effective. The overhaul of the renunciation and Dharma in the home often have other charm, traditions, my Buddha power-assisted greatly in the balanced mind, heir to the Buddha, gives great pleasure for themselves, their families and unions.
Compounded, the purpose of meditation is to mind an OK, exert wisdom eyesight, eradicate hope recite the Buddha's Holy traditions is a very favored aid effectively the sitting meditation, the mind. Beginner in meditation, keeping the mind for the Byzantines, ANDing title has not yet been completed, then the additional Buddhist prayer for the peace of mind and excellent, very mystery.

3. France meditation practice
One of the methods to foster greater mindfulness meditation practice runs. Meditation is mindfulness practice while walking. In the United States, Canada and the United States, European countries, every day there are tens of millions of people by the method of consistent meditation practice walking.

Take time in quiet, we can go it alone or with several people at once. The meaning here is not just the quiet place of words, which are quiet in mind. I.e. go without thinking anything, just follow the breath out, on and stay home to mind in the present moment. Go without expecting it to, it offers to the right where the body and mind, in the present moment. Many of us have more anxiety, fear, sorrow and suffering is because the Center is usually about what Coachman the past or the future. We lost happiness, bereavement, loss of the sense of life, because we do not know, do not know the contact with beauty and with what we are in the present moment. Meditation will help us establish the calmness, security and stabilization of breathing pacemaker of the heart. Use the sense of contact with the breath in order to support the diligent work of heart, liver, spleen, Lung cavity,, kidneys and all the parts in my body is very scientific and necessary thing. Today's firepower has many people in the world believe and practice according to the Buddhist practice of meditation, because Executive meditation easy to practice for all levels and age. Easy exercises that resulted in freshness, peace for body and mind are so vast, so today's practice of meditation has become a popular disciplines for all those Buddhists and non-Buddhists across all areas in the Western and Oriental societies.
Before walking meditation practice can begin to forgive the tests read shelf:
Step by step the foot go, sea breeze
Step by step go, arouse joy
Step by step away, step by breathing
Each step goes, we go with it.
Should set the sense to each step to mind one could easily in the current moment. My left leg started the previous step, the right foot followed by and silently reciting: left, right, left, right. We can also control step away by breathing out: left, right, breathing in; left, right, breathe out. So we control every step and every three breathing steadily on the meditation practice.

During meditation should go slow, unhurried and remain silent if we go with more people. However, when going on the road and for youth are more active energy, we can go faster than the normal speed, but still remember is always out of breath control, on each foot steps away.

When I feel a mild bodied, well, disengaged, arouse joy and freshness in the soul we touched more or less with the meditation practice. Walking meditation is not going to go away is to return to the breath, with smiles, with the peace of me in moments where we are going, the present moment. At present moment we are present with true to life. If the contemplation, the buds in the current moment of meditation is success, then we can also contemplation, the buds in the current moment of all objects and other activities in my life.

Kim son monastery has many winding trails on thirty acres of land. Plants in this verdant, quiet and beautiful pure land should be very handy for the meditation practice runs. Friends, students and guests of shifang came to the monastery, almost everyone loves to attend practice meditation practice. On the path of meditation practice, sometimes we can stop sitting at rest to lead meditation exercises next to the rocks, on the banks of the stream or Lakeshore torn delighting human NET security. Thanks to the roads and skies meditation nature, purity in this Monastery that the master Director and they have helped many people overcome suffering, accidents; Healing the broken lives in her own double, bringing many happy joyful for families and corporations.

We can start practicing meditation techniques immediately in his life on the holidays or the morning last week. We can go it alone or with relatives. We approach the unhurried uncrowded, on the banks of streams, coastal areas or on the hilly landscaped freshness, fresh air.

In the transmission of Buddhist history records unless All Reached Most recently born is smiling and walked seven steps. Footsteps of the Crown Prince to be lotus blooms there. That is the meaning of meditation practice. Go without worry, don't like being chased by these attempts, and expected demand. Go to the well-being in mind. It's the beauty, fun and loving heart to it. That's the footsteps of meditation of the Buddha in the past, at present and in the future. When the Abbey of Kim son, you remember taking the class Dharma, meditation practice to have more awareness, mindfulness and happy.
Morning wake up
Step by step go
Silent footsteps
The aroma was filled.
Who all the way
We're on it
The current moment
Dashing Center
Step by step go
Sea Breeze
Step by step go
Arouse joy
Step by step go
Step-by-step pulse
Step by step go
We're about to me.
Morning wake up
New date not true flowers
Silent footsteps
The home of peace.
Life like water clouds
Drifts above the
Sorry read the LU
Swinging late mind.
Step by step go
The sunny garden-party down
Step by step go
Reseed the season up
Step by step go
Wanted to curse,
Step by step go
I used to go home
Morning wake up
Look at the leaves fall fall
Hoát course the dream
Chơn thành district as a thousand years,
Although sunny rain
On the road I go
Step-by-step pulse
Loved the look on.
Step by step go
Smiley flowers to mother earth
Step by step go
Building tomorrow
Step by step go
Minute mystery
Step by step go
I go wandering.

Bodhidharma Finished Worship Traditions.

Before Zen Buddhism flourished, there have been many Chinese Buddhist traditions tu traditions Worship, grow strong and popular from the time Mr. Huiyuan (334-416). For people who already understand the doctrine and the spiritual experience, then, is whether Net or Meditation means in practice to achieve rescue rescue wing. However, for many people, especially for the beginner, the basic platform tenets and practice purposes have yet to master, when faced with the many disciplines tu okay from the surveyor, puzzled, not knowing the Select method to take hold. In addition, the coincidence of the not yet am wall doctrine that sense tu disciplines appears to have conflict and contradiction with each other, the more cause for practitioners sometimes born of mind both his Buddha. This is easy to understand, by the doctrine that the Buddha declared dogma is to for treatment, depending on the disease for the drug, depending on the basic qualifications that have many different practice disciplines. There is no single drug treatment for all diseases, there are no disciplines would meet all basic. Therefore, there is no France did is save the wing, first, only the enlightened liberation is the first rescue wing.

Indeed, when Patriarch Bodhidharma to China xiển Ocean meditation disciplines have made people feel this disciplines have a conflict with the traditional disciplines, including traditions Worship. This mentality to understand, the nest has written "missing continental Interior sports", recorded the speech affirmed honest and critical of his meditation, including the chapter take the form conclusions Conference, settled the question of practices of gender disciplines such as Maintenance, green speed, Reciting Buddha. comparison with meditation traditions. For example, for Net speed disciplines, someone asked: "My talk, if anyone who releases the worship must be a guest being the Western pure land speed. If so, just a legal subject well enough to the Buddha, not a mind to search for liberation ". That is just, well, tu worship don't have to sit a mind as meditation disciplines.

Bodhidharma settled this question as follows: "Worship the traditions tu mindfulness. Willow is the Chief Justice. Not willow that is deviant. Mindfulness is sure to be contentious and the public alike. Also, how do flaps that reach the realms Buddha? Buddha means sensations, that is to control the mind, not the artifact of evil. Anniversary is remembered. Miss something? Remember keep precepts, not magnify Yi, is effort. That is the meaning of the two words worship. so, must know that the notion is in the mind, not reciting where mouth. Just like thanks to nơm that caught the fish, the fish is then removed nơm. Thanks for your understanding that Italy, which is Italy's forgotten lyrics. Did proclaim worship must know the method of worship. If the mind is not truth, not just oral, such notion, in the center of three toxic does not subtract, multiply down complete, bring the mind full of ignorance to the Buddhas on the outside, then only it does seem the only ".

"Two words of praise are ethically responsible oxidized very much. Mouth read called proceeding, in mind remember thinking called ballooning. So, the notion is derived from his mind. It's called the door to enlightenment fullness. Litigation from where the mouth is the General of the sound. Accept also asked controllers, ended all hope is imaginary. So, in the past schools of Saint worship traditions practiced were not such notion outside the mouth which is recited in the mind. The mind is the source of all good, the mind is the owner of the van. Nirvana often strayed engenders from chon Tam Tam, which tam about reincarnation as well from the heart that initiates. The mind is the door of the world's shores freed. Already know the gateway com think hard on, he knows his station did not take to? " (Lack of sports green interior, great Chief of the Tibetan, volume 48).

Testimony showed a consistent nature of the da Buddha's teachings, although practice with any French band, also aimed at the sole purpose is purity of mind: "self-stick meditate Italy/client the Buddha". Meditation is to meditate, that worship is to meditate. Want to mind purity they must eradicate poisonous Freemasons take, pitch, si. If that meditation does not convert, the negativity doesn't eradicate poisonous, tam did not reconcile, then "grinding stones such as mirrors, as the Buddha's meditation". Also, her mouth claiming that reciting Buddhist titles is not the Buddha's mind with Samyutta bit inhumane market filled with still fell, then as well as "your worship" only. So, tu tu is a must order the mind, transforming the mind being the center of worship, so do so Net Meditation.

Bodhidharma said that "for three mind taking part, pitch, si, then in one having constant HA sa of evil mantras, and each anniversary as such is considered a toxic triangle, then join, pitch, si has the constant HA sa of shit, for so called three a-rose-States (figures can't count). Can Leanne chon TAM have been three this exclusive covering, if not beyond three constants in this cruel mind sa HA, how to be free? " (our fathers).

Clearly in mind of being recited reciting change does not stop, that is the whole notion of real friendly-like, so the Net speed disciplines the title Buddha in place each time in mind. The Buddha taught: "Headless Buddha As Lai took France about making oneself, in the minds of all beings. So, you're at the center of worship, the mind is a good general 32, 80 the beauty. His mind vexed, the mind is the Buddha. Chu Buddha was the Chief Justice's Center from tri, variable engenders. So be a crush that worship. If anyone know the worship, they must know who is the jewel in the Lotus of mankind. Germany Avalokiteśvara bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta bodhisattva, Germany are you enemies of people "(Buddha-one theory emerging Buddha Amitayus, the great Chief Justice tang.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONATERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/7/2014.
Discussion Breaking GeneralConclusion:  
For someone asked: If you want to request must overhaul how to quickly turn off the most?  
Ans. : Only one French Centre of photography of the French is mute for.
Ask : Why is a French fashion photographer was off the French?
Ans. : Because the mind is the roots of France, the French were all from the mind of birth. If the shed is the mind, the great wall of France are sufficient. As well as tree, twig lush fruits are from the stump. When to plant trees at the base of the new tree care are being boiled. Cabin trees also keep cabin at the base of the whole trunk are all dead. If the force used to express that little heart tu that succeed easier; never mind that the fee tu shed in vain. Should know all evil comes from the mind, absent from the mind that search is getting the garden beds.
Ask : Why a centre called rescue wings?
Ans. : Mad Great Portuguese Slapped when entering great location hue, learned of the four great capitals empty egolessness. See yourself using different sides began: a heart infection, two is Kat. Two-sided mind this natural capital in full. But thanks to the charm, but the two generals still do favors for each other. Kat likes doing Entertainment Center your favorite career usually infection heals, evil. If there is contamination of the Holy life, escapist gauges, testifying that it's still fun. If fallen into contaminated creating thesis is bound, called chums; float roll in the three realms, which is like suffering thing. Why is that? Because the center left with serious infection can be experienced As chon TAM Should Add The ... said: in the trunk there are beings Dharani Buddhist bright Pearl round like the Sun, largely the opposite. Because clouds obscure warm as the lights were bright, inverted pots do not show it.
Back in the Nirvana has said, all beings are Buddha's name, as were obscure ignorance should not be freed, Tanh Tanh i.e. that Buddha! Only voluntary and make other guys enlightenment. During the clarify enlightenment is liberation. 
Should know all the sampled "visually" as root. Thanks to new sensations can reveal the original point of Germany, Germany result Nirvana here also that achievement. A mind like that called "Willow".
Ask : As above stated, the Buddha's name as chon TAM, all merit are taking refuge where buds do root, not the mind ignorance mean principals?
Ans. : The mind ignorance but there are 84,000 sexual affliction and HA sa evil are three poisonous venom, the three principals are taking that pitch si ...This exclusive three mind itself enough all the ability to do evil; as well as the original tree to only one, but know how twig. At the Base of three toxic, in each one of the roots of immeasurable evil engenders boundless industry can't male example. Three such poisoning from in a possible client applications appear for six units, also known as the six men the aggressors, i.e. six formula one! Do this in the form of six took part in the wrecked ceiling landscape, form the evil karma karma left with Nhon world, so called six the aggressors.
All beings were three and six who portray the aggressors as the Mexican rebel mind, immerse the birth death, reincarnation of the six were subjected to this kind of suffering. As well as the vast River, originates from small streams flowing slots will not stop, the times came out the waves rolled the three peach, translucent dark like miles. If there are people who take advantage of the source streams fill both ends. The Angolan liberation if can pass three poison three translational convergence world, turned six men the aggressors made six Three-la-suite, natural left end to all career gauge.
Ask : Six corners three realms r ng vast great, if only a mind how escape from the sea suffering hugely?
Ans. : The three realms career journalist only from the mind of birth, if it is no, but in the three realms, but soon lost the three realms. Three realms i.e the three poisons it. Taking part is the enjoy is the identity, si is the Infinitely good, should call the three realms. This creates toxic materials from three heavy, Shou Dong example, subdivided into six corners so called six species.
Ask : Later called heavy light divided into six corners?
Ans. : Clearly not primary human beings who, forgotten, yet friendly orientation of the three realms, being about three corners slightly.
Ask : Stars known as the three corners slightly?
Ans. : For me the wrong order ten good, hoping to bridge the pleasure yet from the tham, birth of the Sun. Mesmerizing hold in world, hope began to hate love, not out of realm to courts being about the person. Mesmerizing accept under owner Irene bridges wooden railway news, vi, not out of realm of si, should bring forth about studying A-tu-la. Three types of the like called the light.
Ask : So called three-way heavy?
Ans. : Means from three toxic, just create evil karma being fallen into three-way heavy. If the industry took part in the heavy fallen into the hungry daemons, demons, fallen into severe career path to hell, to the heavy industry fallen stock of si being. This heavy three-way with three light lines, plus six road. Should know all who are suffering from the business of birth. If possible, all absent from the evil mind photography then the agony of the three realms of six natural sugars destroy, absent from the gauge is to be freed.
Ask : Like the Buddha said: we're in for three lifetimes immeasurable tu agonizingly immeasurable new today as the Buddha; here He just say a mindful, tame the three poisons are referred to as the rescue is in what?
Ans. : The word Buddha says it's set. Three thumbs immeasurable i.e. three poison it. In the mind of three toxic has countless evil mantras, in every evil mantras are a bitch for saying the three loads of shit. Leanne chon TAM have been three standalone obscured, if not Super mind there are three evil immeasurable or what's called the rescue! Now, if you can move the mind of this toxic trio three freed, so called overcame three of immeasurable life.
Being born after the foolish one padded, don't know how to speak the secret As Lai and he claimed that the Buddha cannot be trusted. Like that's making people delude converted rot tu Bodhi which stars!
Ask : Mad great Bo-Slapped by keeping three net convergence world, six Three-la-suite newly Buddha. Now he says people don't mind number-only tu tu about how happy the Buddha?
Ans. : Three World Net convergence i.e. overpower the mind of three toxic then. Tame the three poisons into French immeasurable good convergence. The word convergence collected; France's immeasurable goodness flock where the mind should be called three translational convergence world. Also said that six Three-la-suite means pure land six units; because six radical purity not infected six ceiling that is past the negativity to Ben Bo Threads, so called six Three-la-suite.
Ask : As my saying: three net capacitor is: Will end all the evil karma; vows overhaul all the goodness of the will; all beings. Now just say tame the mind of three toxic audio doesn't not fit there?
Ans. : Buddha said what is really true, bothered The Bo-Slapped in the nucleus by the past is for three exclusive three-discovered becomes the will keep all-net world.
As for taking the vows end to evil, tu the thing. For the Court Chapel of all beings, so often the tu hue. For French administrative NET three maintenance thanks to si's Plan does Lily could poison into three Super Buddha. The destruction of evil called the. Since keeping or three shall improve the net tu are enough, calling it overhaul. Because evil is ended or tu Thien, the Van Hanh achievement, I people are beneficial, helping around the pants being, should be called out. That's what I know about almond to tu ran off of self consciousness. 
If pure mind self did all the Buddhas are pure. Should my dirty mind whatsoever ye shall say: being dirty, even clean, pure beings. Want to be the Buddha to pure land mind, as the net's mind the Buddhist pure land, three translational convergence limit achievements.
Ask : As my talk: six Three-la-suite also called six degrees. Now say six radical purity called Three-la-suite, so that content should look like?
Ans. : Want to overhaul six degrees are translational six units, before offering the six guys who the aggressors. Every discharge are aggressors, eye do not immerse under then known as alms. Stop the aggressors in the ears, do not immerse into the ether, then known as the precept. Are the aggressors in the nose, not wrecked by smell then called Patient humiliation. Be aggressors mouth, not by physical, not wrecked by his voice, do not let go of the lung under the Junk spoken disorder then known as Essential progress. The row is the aggressors themselves, such as sexual contact, empty immerse roast something called dynamic meditation. Subduing in Italian aggressors are, e.g. with impermanence, tu Tri hue, known as Tri and hue. The mean transport. Six degrees such as a water taxi, which can include being over the River on the other side should be called six degrees.
Ask : My German speaking Like Ca as Bo-Slapped once drank three to six fights promoted the new milk Buddha (three matches over three and a half liter six thang:). Advance thanks to milk and then teach the fruit, that is only a mind that is free, right?
Ans. : That's right! That's right! Right before the new Buddha then drinking milk.But there are two things to be aware of milk. Buddha's not drinking milk Thing buffalo milk, cow's milk, goat's milk of the Earth where, which is "pure France emulsion" it! Three auctions i.e. three translational convergence world, six promoted six degrees. As the Buddha is thanks to French milk drink pure like new evidence are findings. But to know this is saying behind closed doors. If construed as drinking milk the Hybrid nature of the world is so wrong! Legs As the French capital's self invisible body counts of indestructible, permanently absent from all worldly suffering ones, one must again thanks to material things impure world to avoid starving! In the talk: this beef Thing in the high plateau, such as in the low countries, did not eat the rice bran, not the same type of cow herds, color yellow hairs to enter Bosnia purplish. The word cow here to refer to the Buddha Bhikkhu Lot Na, because compassion is vast mercy all beings, so from legal entities in the purity of French dairy produce appearing three net convergence and six degrees of magic like that to foster for all who demand emancipation. That means pure milk cows and the like do not Like Lai drink is to be the leader, that no one was drinking well is Infinite relief Upper Bodhi at all.
Ask : In my talk: Buddha Temple off beings, cast drawing, image burn incense lamp, scattered on six-night China time around the Tower travel management, vegetarian feasts Bai; make all merit him being the leader. If only a Center for photography of the everyday, like how many horror stories fall says all the damaged flower beds now?
Ans. : Buddha said what are the means of immeasurable because all beings so dark, lowly basic example shows a deep sense oxidized, should lend new worldly possession vi to that example. If no lo tu unfortunately in, just run out but hope to be blessed, it's ridiculous.
Said Chua as saying where purity. If the end except three toxic, usually six empty mind, based here, the silence, in addition to purity, which is supposed to take off the temple. 
Also casting the iconic painting is saying all beings expectation led outcomes; the almond buds to tu is an adaptation of an autobiographical portrait of generals such as hybrid, where the clerk spoke owned micro-material! For the globe must rescue as fireplace, fire-place, used to make French content and hue as cited by divers, three translational convergence about six degrees is mold. Ung chon TAM casting as the Buddha's name for the CSS layouts precepts. 
Also refers to burn incense, too; the Primary flavor France wuwei, exhale to cleanse the evil karma UE ignorance, all were destroyed. The French public had these Flavors:
A perfume is About, that's a good saying or a stop to the evil or the good order.  
The two are Fixed, meaning that deep news notes Mahayana, the mind does not go rotten.  
Three is the one common observation, Lily scent back inside the mind itself.  
The four were freed notes, is the end to all bondage of ignorance.  
In the tri-liberating incense ants, is usually slot reviews, smoothly without obstacles.  
The third year is the ultimate flavor flavour, the world did not match.  
Buddha in the world telling the disciples used fire place burning incense stuff this invaluable insight to donation of ten the lettered Buddha. today's beings don't understand the meaning of true chon TAM as the Bred, just use the external fire that lit the incense material world to look forward to bridge the blessed message as the result. 
Also offers a sense of flowers, too, is bringing French Finances merit saying that teaching benefits beings, instill all over Leanne chon TAM As alms, dignified. Monday the United Buddhist above merit often praised, save wings hang and never withered remnants. If someone sprayed flowers like will be immeasurable quote Phuoc. If say Buddha beings trim flower, herb lesions to be United to the nonsensical. Why is that? Because people keep about purity, the total sum la Xang in God nor offend. When the wrong offense also repent more is taught to try to break the gender net, van Phuoc bridge to injury report; want to gain back the harm, that is like so?  
Then again, talk is always burning bright lights is talking about Primary Visual centers expressed through such as bright lights. So who wants to pray to get out as TV station, the mind is the heart, the almond oil, place the lily grows during the making of fire. Often lighted lamp chon TAM Chief sensory, screened out all the dark stupid ignorance, or used typically in turn giving mutual a i.e. a lamp bait out hundred of thousands of tops; just like forever infinity, so called Endless Post. 
There is the name Buddha--sign, meaning Course--sign is.
Foolish beings clearly not short of vehicles such as Hybrids, follow the flower beds, immerse the Huu vi; and he used the lamp, oil fired up flower beds soi home blank, and then to do the right thing by doing something fun, right now?  
Why is that? Since white Halo leaders launch a Buddha in the middle of two chon TAM you can join eighteen thousand realms Oriental, y wait thanks to oil lamps the world climbing squinting like that to get the benefits! Review: Hitting the right reason why not! 
Again the six Executive Directors forecast means that basis where Buddhist practice always six Scouts, tu the almond buds. Subduing the six root, forever without openings, called six times. Also around the Tower, the Tower letters issued it as referring to the mind it! That is often contentious week-Lily buds close to mind always such openings, called around the tower. The mad Saint has passed all thanks to practice this way which is Nirvana. The life now no clear reason ye never practice it, just accept that find out, bring the family obstacle course to go around the Tower the world day and night does seem a hard container gardens, droves, for chon TAM emptiness little benefit. 
Also says vegetarians are more and more attention, if not clearly justified this as hard work useless. The word vegetarian in Chinese is the Son, that the word Son back from the word Qi that turn, but the word Qi as well as refer the Word Comments. That is normal, it doesn't mind-body qi to disarray. The word here as meaning the word hold. That is keeping the world happy, true France austerities. In addition to preventing sex, in tame right three poison, diligence, the sense of pure land mind, knows that we are vegetarian.
Then again, the word eat here has five meanings:
1. A happy meal with French, means keeping the French public health wedding Festival, well done.
2. Two, it's fun to eat with meditation, that is in addition to silence throughout, beautiful fun mind-body.
3. The three are eaten by thinking, that is often thought lettered offended her mouth the same.
4. Four is fed by prayer, that is, walking is often sitting in prayer to heal.
5. The year is eaten by freed, who is often pure, no further contamination of the ceiling.
In this feed uses, called fasting. If anyone didn't get in this fasting means that the proud vegetarians are ridiculous work. Need for having to stop to let the stupid food. If a collision is called breaking son. If the broke son stars called to be blessed? Life has no charm this articulate man, who loved the unruly evil karma, took part in the exercise to let go of love, not know shame. Just eat three vegetables and proud of being a vegetarian, it's justified. 
Also by prostration, then in the management information to be able to, in addition to the subject of the right to information. Justice has to be there, had to hide. Knowing that like so-called new y according to France. Likewise, a mean tantrum, my means dress. Meaning that powered Lee chon TAM tantrum, offering ignorance; It is cult. If we can stop the evil hearts of good anniversary, except for the constants hold; While there is General, but that it was prostrate.  
Chess is chess, French Religious life who want to make the World pay homage to humble also teaches prostration. So in addition to modest now, bent bows; set the fucking outside to clear inside, Leanne General alike. Otherwise the French justified based, just accept the general appearance of the bridge, which is open three toxic, usually do the evil industry, in addition to working out the formidable General, oai, such facilities currently disguised from reincarnation, that success in Germany?
Ask : As my Hothouse says: increased their shampoo Bath blessed Germany immeasurable. It is clearly based on the new German successes; If it is a heart can like Samyutta
Ans. : Says increased their shampoo bath is a hidden language stuff, OK must not say follow the chess world! In Germany The Religion often because the disciples preaching economic Hothouse to life for maintenance allow shampoo bath, should borrow the Earth for example. Suite said the Germany of the donation of the following: 1 the water in, 2 is the pinch fire, 3 is the SOAP (detergent), 4 the brushes, chalk is 5, 6 are oil marinated, 7 is the brassiere. 7 Use this for example for French 7. All beings in French this 7 stately shampoo bath, you can deduct are toxic mind dirty ignorance. Seven French is:
1. Net Use the shampoo to wash me wrong, as well as the dusty wash shampoo.
2. Use the position number, the Hui in addition to mentoring as well as pinch in cooking fire.
3. Evil liars, as well as the SOAP wash dirty.
4. Chon TAM's end except hope thought, as well as brush or cleaning the foul mouth.
5. The Chief Justice also decided not to credit as chalk is used to massage the outer hull can prevent the psychic movement syndrome.
6. Hoa Nhu rings humiliation, as well as oil marinated is nhuậm it.
7. Know the disgrace repented the evil karma, as well as her brassiere to obscure or remove the possible inconveniences in the body.
Smart then stilts Bhikkhu class Spry are food poisoning, according to Joseph place says that merit austerities, achievements, are shown to the Holy fruit. Today the life beings unknown self-help, offering worldly water to wash the body four great that self to follow investment, like nothing ever happened right now! Besides, it's not like Leanne chon TAM Buddha-shaped thing; to learn more about the stigma of plaque affliction was not General. Com can bring water to wash hair body wash loads of it? On the enlightening example how Samyutta covered!
Ask : Jing Chi Buddhist mind-only speaking all are few beings on the Sukhavati, only this one is to be known as the Buddha, not a mind to demand free?
Ans. : Worship means to meditate on the Chief Justice. That's the primary meaning it., didn't it. is deviant. If a guest is the Chief notion of birth, anniversary of ties to be!
Buddha means sensory, sensory means close relatives do not evil to boot. Anniversary means in mind, meant to keep the luck, don't hope essential progress. Should such be called reciting. Should know where the concept of mind, amazed at the mouth, to borrow the language to Italian bridge, is to forget the lyrics. 
Said reciting Buddhist titles must also know the worship leaders.  
If the mind is not real, such honours memory of mouth, three exclusive urbanisation, accept his people both in the abdomen; use the mind ignorance and expected demand to see Buddha does seem a bird garden beds. 
Sees as litigation with mantras are also different. In the mouth called proceeding, at the center called ballooning. Should know the mantras from began, called sensory subjects everyday. While that litigation in the mouth is for General audio, accept the General legal requirements, then it's not. 
To know the Scriptures of old austerities are not talking outside, which must always take the mind master, because the mind is the original great wall of France, is the holder of all generations in Germany, TWAS often funny comes by to stop hoping. 
Three realms of samsara as well from that of gates, began his life, the mind is freed. Know the door's Center lo problem into!  
People now see know frivolity, just known to the general public, making hao wasted wealth, costing 10,000 business types. [Edit] the building, group material, draw a great Paris offers all force, his consuming passion people, don't know the food poisoning are not afraid of hard! When it saw the owner of the love hangover, also speaks to the General multitude inert inert as fascinate. Only little results so far, shalt not know the agony of the sea after this. Tu learn like flower beds of hard effort, the Chief Justice according to TA, hope comes to be blessed. If only stock photography Center soi back inside, the feeling of watching out for the show to end, except the three poisons, close six stores the aggressors do not give turbulence; immeasurable natural merit, how dignified stuff, countless traditions are divine, Holy witness achievements, take advantage of the close to one side, funny moments, thousand difficulties! 
Elective subjects lost chon TAM oxidized can't laid off. It is only one basic technical mind, clear out the slightly overrated.
[Shelf that:]
We maintain our own Center for mind bridge capital,
Don't mind bridge was proving to the mind.
In addition to mind words no Buddha's name,
Birth center was charged with being  

I don't mind bridge capital bridge Buddha
Clearly knows the three realms empty all the time.
If you want to request the Buddhas who demand only,