Wednesday 26 December 2012


17 - Five Aggregates is a phenomenon manifested as increased .

should see the flower spots in vain panic, that is all false minister not true. Be aware, the five aggregates same. A Nan! the flowers before your wheel gasoline not that comes from nowhere, nor from that eye. Yes, Ananda! If from nowhere, they must return to naught. If there is out there that is not nothing.
Nothing if there is no other flower minister before your birth and death. Like body Ananda is more tolerated an Ananda anymore. If Dom flowers from the eyes but they must return to the eye. If the nature of the flowers from your eyes, it should see. If it is, then when flowering spots before the middle of nowhere, when you return it to see the eyes. Again, the when see Dom flowers, the eye should not blur. Why when see nowhere in silence, just called eyes in the morning. Therefore, know that the aggregate is not true, they were not predestined nature, not the nature of nature.

Aggregates which are nature's mysterious Chon mind, Tathagata Buddha nature or Tibet, but by the wandering thoughts of dealing with a scene that aggregates into fifth enemy and make veils wisdom and purity of the interest therefore in this passage the Buddha wanted to collect aggregates so that they can see through, no longer masked by the false minister to return to live with selectable center, with the area their own items that have peace, joy, liberation, elegant comfort.

Aggregate is only for the human body, or more broadly to all worldly objects in this universe.

When telling the four departments and the university is a division order to analyze it in the aggregates covering four scientific and modern Furniture. In other words all the interdependence phenomenon in this world not out of four faculties, seven of which is caused by the aggregates interdependence that. When talking about human identity is the loss of body identity, and talk about the universe organic matter are mountains and rivers, clouds, water, trees, flowers, sun, moon, birds, fish silence ... For the who, feeling, perception ie own mental consciousness. Consciousness, including:

- Awareness: the eye.

- Turkey: the ear.

- Rate: know your nose.

- Damage formula: know your tongue.

- My knowledge: the knowledge of the body.

- Awareness: know of attention.

- Mask.

- A re-skin formula. (Please turn readers on page 96 for more details on the mask and a skin).

Consciousness is self-reliance, self-determination. For example, when we saw the car, the mind and differentiate to know that this car is good or bad. If seeing that the car is good, greed starts to take over. Also the view of the eye that bad car, not value should want to leave. Such a nature that it is part of the initiative to distinguish good and evil in the mind so seeing this new called visual consciousness consciousness. Turkey, too, because of discrimination, so I just want to hear the satisfaction of the skin also question things against his heart, and they do not want to hear. So want to hear it or not due to auditory discrimination of new ears so called auditory consciousness consciousness. Nose smell to distinguish fragrance, aromatic flavor, like odor also punched, hatred away. The tongue is like a taste of the delicious smell sour, bitter leaves. The body would touch with a sense of calm, soft and hate pain when it comes to tough. The more, the distinction of the above formula to get a like or dislike, it is called a sense of consciousness.

Six of the above, both the Hinayana and Mahayana and accepted, but based on the ideas of the Mahayana, the human mind is also reflected through Saturday mask is the eighth consciousness and consciousness is A skin.

- Mask of the nature of the human ego is very subtle which is also known as natural reflex. For example, when someone put his finger in the eye to protect the natural reaction for the body is the eyes closed. Another example is if someone hits me, my natural response is to hand to help. That is to protect us, for the ego.

- A skin that is stealth mode. Museum of the cover around the world ten extremely endless, as it impacts on people such as nowhere in the cup, the jars, the jars. But nowhere in the cup, the beam is very small compared to the universe, but the nature of nowhere is no different. So that man and the universe despite appearances, different sizes, but the nature is no different from ancient faith have a saying: "In the body of the small universe" means that the body is a miniature cosmic elected for so if the outside weather changes themselves have not changed, the new body is born sick. Weather has four seasons: a hot summer body you want to use things cold, frozen body to consume hot ... so the universe the world transform the body also changes. In summary, the aggregate for all objects in the world including the four elements of the human body identity.

In Duy epistemology, mental has 51 items and is divided into six categories:

- Turn out (contact, volition, feeling, perception, April).

- Special Status (Education, Winner, thoughts, concentration, wisdom).

Compassion (Tin, Tam, You, Wuxi, Wuxi hatred, boxers, Effort, contempt, Real distraction, radiation, harmful).

- Basic defilements (greed, anger, ignorance, Man, to think, evil).
- Depending negativity (, Welding, Phu, Brain, off, Xan, mad, Siem, two, type, heartless, Radio quarter, given election, more than downs, No Credit, Good deals, Zoom, Interior concept, tons disorders, Real Politics).

- Real (Exchange, Free, Heart, April).

Overall in 51 dishes only 11 mental part of the good remaining 40 belong to evil, so when faced with human life have a tendency to run in such a deluded attachment is. For feeling, perception belongs in the universe variable is available on the seed or the kernel that is in a might Tathāgata rock available seed feeling, perception. When people are born, feeling, perception impact on a person's mental states. Aggregates and consciousness as well, we already have the seed in the can Tathagata Museum (A re-skin) in vain endless infinity to form the United Center.

Therefore from aggregates interdependence ie human beings beings (really long) and species accidentally beings (the five) such as grass, trees, flowers, rivers, mountains, moon and stars ... Man because the senses new born green ceiling in to capture the continent which arises the distinction Trade hate, good and bad ... After six world of based (Brand, Er gender, the Exchange, Damage gender, My Italian and gender) affinity with six men of the ceiling (Lust, bar sex, sexual orientation, The French Promoting gender and gender) arising out six World of formula (ear-consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness and awareness gender) to form eighteen.

In the paragraph on why the Buddha said the five aggregates is the true nature of magic as of Tathagata Tibet? The Buddha taught that all the generals (aggregates) in this world are illusory, so that distinction and discrimination, but kill. But the illusory nature of the minister that's true nature as so mind Buddha and of beings no difference, equally. When grace, the very nature of the foot as it arises, effects that make up the universe to have natural world wallboard that is invariant depending on conditions. Because of this miraculous transformation so called miraculous true nature as that is the Tathagata Tibet.

Buddha now provide such aggregate such as flowers spots before the middle of nowhere. If a pure labeled base, when you look at in vain, do not see anything, means just that all is clear. But if he just stared, unblinking eye for eye fatigue, that people now look back see Dom flowers appear the middle of nowhere. Then real flowers Dom not have nothing that comes and also not from that eye. Why? Because if it comes from nowhere, and nowhere to be, but if flowers Dom out into the nothingness where there is nowhere else?
If it comes from the eyes, it must be in the eyes. If Dom flowers from the eyes but then when you return, it must see the eyes, but no flowers before your eyes! Furthermore, flower spots appear middle of nowhere blur nowhere because nowhere is not as pure as before so if flowers Dom to be in the eyes it will blur the eyes, but if flowers Dom has become in the eyes means flowers Dom no longer the middle of nowhere, nowhere now becoming clear that is the look now is the view of the purity of the label. So if you feel nothing during means flower Dom not obscure the flowers before your eyes how it is.

Therefore, the knowledge of all forms of things are due to misconceptions that turn out. They are false, not true, not predestined, nor natural. Minister's false eye is generated by looking tired, but our false minister is due to karma born. So the aggregate Minister lie which they accepted in the true sense should believe that obscures the mind nature as mysterious leg. Enthusiasts, serving as Minister of sense should run as pleasure and pain, sorrow, passion beneficial partnership; longer, said minister sense is not so well as in the mirror ball should easily return to the natural purity of nature it has peaceful Nirvana, nothing obscured. 2) Thu Tho aggregates:

A Nan! For as limbs peace, body hair, not affected by pleasure and pain, calm as selfless. Suddenly, the other put his hands rubbing each other, emotional beings: hot, cold, smooth, whiz ... of feeling like that.

A Nan! Those feelings falsehoods, not from nowhere. Not from his hand. If nothing to the feeling from your hands, why not emotional beings in the body? Perhaps nowhere know best place to emotions?

If from the hand, then hands together, said with emotion; until left hand, emotions have run into the bone marrow arm. Should have known the way of emotion, then there must be interested, or know, know know to travel and must have an object in the trunk do not need to wait for new hands to rub together called emotions. So that of feeling that falsehoods are not predestined nature nor nature nature.

Of feeling is the sense of the happy, the sad every time bases exposed bare record. When people give money, people feel happy, but if this money were stolen taken away, now the fun was gone that floating feeling sad. But that money is not greed, no desire, not feeling anything that is neutral life. For Buddhism, the only way to achieve a calm mind is nirvana neutral life. When people outside without sexy bare record, inside is not motivated by greed, anger and ignorance is no longer instant sensation with pure nirvana.

When it comes of feeling Buddha made such that if a person takes two hands rubbing together, generate the feeling of hot, cold, smooth, whiz ... As the cold winter, we often remove the two hands together for a few minutes, the heating rubbing his hands. When our hot hands, feeling the warmth make the body somewhat pleasant. If the use of the mind to distinguish surely will say that thanks to the new rub hands together generates hot and cold feelings. But the Buddha insisted that immediate sense of feeling This is not from nowhere to nor from the hand that out. Why?

1) If you think the feeling of cold, hot, smooth, whiz from nowhere to nowhere full body covering certain markets have a hand seat. So if the flow of feeling is really nothing to his entire body felt. But this feeling just knowing at hand, then this argument is not valid.
2) If the feeling comes from hands that do not need two hands rubbing together to create the impression that each hand itself emits these feelings. But in fact if there is no rubbing of hands together, can not be hot, cold. Because of the hot and cold feeling is due to the rubbing itself should not have to breathe aggregates Minister false, not true. Like when hell love beings that a billion because this is a lie from psychological and kill appears. But when awakened, people get back to their feet in their permanent purity of heart disappeared, hell a spleen also vanish. 3) Prime Minister of aggregates:

Now tells us that:

-Ananda! For example, someone heard me sour, the flow of saliva in the mouth. Think about scene standing on steep foot feel Ron Ron, should know how such aggregates as well.

A Nan! If from me born, me say, no need to wait for the talk. If from the mouth to naturally have heard, where the need for headphones. If you own ears to hear, why not salivary flow ears flush mouth? Think of myself standing on the same slopes as well.

So that aggregates are thought falsehoods, not predestined nature nor nature nature.

Idea is to remember happy silhouette suffering of body and mind. Sometimes people think of the pleasures of good food. Also sometimes when we think of the scene suffering frustrating when others curse. Thus, after six senses contact with bare record territory misery fun and then born remembered.

Buddha give two examples above we see that the impact of the Minister for the mind is very important. The first example when the ears had just heard of me, the mind has imagined as mouth eating sour tamarind flow of saliva in the mouth. If you think that because of conditions that mean saliva is born of me that is what is said by me and not by the speaker. But here it is with me and of course me do say so predestined by birth is not correct. What about if it comes naturally if me that is inserted into the mouth, natural heard markets need to headset. Because if your ears hear, the ears should have salivary flow of oil to the mouth. When thinking about scene standing on the steep foot feel Ron Ron, started floating hair-raising fear they are about to fall into the abyss.
This is just as true imagine that because I'm not standing on the steep slopes. So thought aggregates are not predestined nor natural. People often name the things in this world to distinguish that call, but then rely on the names to imagine new things and from that generate craving ignorance as well as the famous general false, not true that generates crime to bear fruit eternal suffering. Main aggregates are dark clouds hide the magical light of a pure heart to people living away from their true nature.
Having a story of Nagasena Bhikkhus as follows:

King Milinda come to the temple available slot multi (Sankheyya), for great faith Nagasena now staying with eight dozen monks, he came in front of great faith and reverence few offers. Great Lord replied holidays. After the relatively reviews, the king sat respectfully shy side. Now, King started a question that:

- Dear Venerable Sir, occipital want to ask you few questions?

- Please the Great on feedback, you up for hearing.

The King started asking:

- Venerable Sir, What is your name?

- They call you up Nagasena. The tangible increase also call you up by name. But even if your parents increased also called poverty increased by name was or whether you increase your place for parents by Nagasena name (Nagasena) or any other name, such as Duy Tien (Viranasena), Prime La First (Surasena) or Duy both (Sihasena) ..., then there is only the empty name, set out to distinguish the one to the other only. In those names there is no "we" or "our" wrong and ego often mistaken.

The next day, the king again to invite monks Nagasena available for conversation, along with ministers A We both went to guardian edge Nagasena to time was to ask the director, came clear that:

- Venerable Sir, yesterday he told the king that he named as Nagasena; then he vetoed again that not Nagasena. So who is Nagasena? What is Nagasena?

- According to what he thinks is Nagasena?

- As I thought, the breath that air radio network, which is Nagasena. For by that breath of life is maintained in.

- If another breath without wealth, the person's breath to live?

- He must surely die.

- The breath of people blow the trumpet, the flute, or blacksmith bellows blowing, breath out and then back into it?

- Yes.

- So these people live or die?

A fish lift was stunned bewildered not know what to say. Seconds far from clear that:

- Venerable Sir, intellectual of Venerable truth is transcendent. I'm not smart enough to understand. May Venerable revelation help for.

- This University agency, nothing more breath is just a work in many parts of the body only. As part of the tongue is to speak out about what I think, I feel, or the part of the mind is thinking of something emotional ... Every part of your body are part of it. That is what is known as "personally" every resident in aggregates, especially in the aggregate. Analysis of the administrative body generals saw is all empty, so that says: No Nagasena.

The name is given by parents at birth, even if legal title is set by your teacher for life at the refuge in the Dharma, but the name is the writing that is false minister, not so that people themselves sure it is, is your, CLA ego strength to make the foundation for life. Because they think that their own this fall, so living dead keep bringing the grasp on it, but in fact people do with the self. The false ego that people believe to be true, in fact it is just the variable's Mask to develop craving for ignorance.
Even the Buddhist soul is denied because it is not because of what people think it is the soul, it is only the food chain inside the Museum of variables is based on karma markets have fixed rigid . Therefore, the cultivation of virtue, they can turn the evil seed into the good seed and when to himself mind comments essence, all the good and evil seed disappeared, but rather by the seed neutral. This is evidence of the unborn is a legal entity, renunciation of samsara. 4) Thu Hanh aggregates:

Buddha taught that:

A Nan! For like billowing steep water flowing continuum. Line is not nothing but water, not water. It is not nature but not out of nowhere and water. A Nan! If the damage is not that life is ten nowhere endless, endless water, the sunken world already? If the water steep that the water is not water anymore. Because, one can also minister of water and different waters. If the slope is the nature of water, standing water, water should not. If out of nowhere and the water is not something out of nothing and abroad can not have the water.

So knowing that is volitional falsehoods, not predestined nature nor nature nature.

Of transformation change of mind. People always think about the past, present and future. Think about yourself, about people, about the rich, the poor, fame, career, identity aspects, mental, physical ... previous alternative idea after idea, and so on that arise related keep in mind the old man so virtuous new sentence: "Center of the code". Perception aggregates and aggregates causes the generation of ideas do cover feet mind, the Buddha nature of all living beings so, if practicing Hinayana kill the thoughts, feelings, the mind is pure and in the cross A was drought. What about practicing Mahayana honest place Bodhisattva.

Here the Buddha for volitional such a steep water, the water layer after layer of water before serial continuously without stopping. The flow of the human mind, too, the alternative idea after idea before, and so that the flow in the A back skin makes people always think, remember and run by the ceiling amount ie run by excellent financial fame makes the mind impure. For Buddhist practitioners, mental formations are the most important because if the break are volitional ie they broke the source of all thought arises, then the feet mind, new Buddhahood is shown.
The water is not the nothingness that means that the water is not natural. Why? Because if nothing out of the country, world universe will become the sea and will not be nothing more This argument is incorrect. When you see the water is called the water a state birth and death, the state of the country; still not flowing, it is called still water that is static, silent state of the country. So Buddha said that the Minister of Aggregates is false minister, it is not the nature of causal and not the nature of natural composition. Buddha want that volitional beings are Minister lie conditioned by the new surroundings.
So mind the general birth, birth and death are death, not by the nature of the foot as permanent immortal born and nor is the nature of self-interest, but they are not out of self-interest and the nature of truth as . But false mind is so not true birth and death, it is not true death, but the true nature of it which is the mind mysterious nature legs.

5) Thu aggregates:

A Nan! For example, people get the single frequency average age, covering both holes, filled with nothing, go away thousand miles, donated to another country. Nowhere, not from the other party, nor brought into the country side. So, the country donated, nowhere not be added. Bring water not so, nowhere alleviate. So that consciousness is a delusion, not predestined nor natural.

Is understanding the distinction. Whenever the senses contact with the continental ceiling is made up of six means six of the so-known distinction in the mind of sentient beings. If at the brand new base touching the ceiling color is called "quality" that is able to clear the mind. When the later start discrimination is called "billion of" ie of conscious discrimination. Therefore people because of the sharp distinction would be the notion that the initial (current) that is the nature of that wisdom disappears but is replaced by a sense to discern good from evil (share of) ... so in the mind full of trouble brain pain, unsatisfactory.

Now warm Buddhist such as taking a single bottle, shaped like birds, seal both holes, filled a void and taken away thousand miles that given to other countries. So this paragraph Buddha want to say? The President comments that in this example refers to your body's loss of beings. And nowhere is the mean of the mind, the self that is to increase their knowledge. And taken thousands of miles donated to other countries is the organ of moving from the old body to the new body, birth, birth and death are death. On the path of rebirth, of interest it is always an ego, is a noble subject than all the other things in this world this universe. The false ego or the subject does not really bring all the practices, experiences of past lives, rebirth into a new life.
For example, a doctor regenerate into a new body, he had available medical knowledge and experience so he has plenty of opportunity to become a doctor other than the normal. Another example is the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng very young when his team record is only twenty years old, illiterate means, classic never learned and the layman. But listening to the business in question Vajra Prajna wisdom of His glow that realize the truth while thousands of his disciples Royal Rings, meditation, chanting so many variables and do not know how many years but hey who enlightened. So the money the Hui Neng has over life practice came to realize or should soon realized through this life only need good grace He enlightenment. It should be added, on the path of rebirth, of interest it is always an ego, is a noble subject than all the other things in this world this universe.

Upon arrival water donated, open the bottle, the country of nowhere did not add up, also donated water too, nowhere was no lack of such excess. When she is not there, have your self should be created now to be subject to constant birth and death. But when static enlightenment, mind wandering thoughts disappear, the self no longer, the feet, the Buddha nature is present. People think they have something we should be in the mind always that we must be different from all the things to death and they also bo bo hold it to the back to move from one body to another body . But the mind, and the world of the ten directions, do not go anywhere. What is the virtual name only, not real that people cling to deluded comments observance should always floating in samsara. Hear the story of bhikkhus Nagasena as follows:

King Milinda now asked Monks Nagasena that:

Venerable Sir! Man after death, something born again?

Monks Nagasena immediately replied:

- Great king! That's List (life,
perception, volition, consciousness) and Matter (body ie earth, water, wind, fire, etc.).

- Is it the old and Sac-body of born again?

- Ladies are not old, nor Sac-old body born again. The list Sac-body of this life do the good and evil, because good and evil was that switch birth to a List Sac-other body to rabbits receiving blessings or to report the cause.

- That is not the Sac-old body born again. So this world is evil, life did not bear fruit? And if not born again, that is free from reincarnation?

- Not so! If you live in the world that just do good, after death, can not be born again. But usually they do good but also cause as much evil, the good, the evil serial alternating each other constantly, so we had to be born again life. How can escape samsara.

- Give examples of the relationship between matter-old body to Matter-new body:

- For as mango pickers theft of the others. Mango orchard owner caught bring the report to the Great King, the Requirements Pathways royal treatment. Before the the United defendants argued that: "I'm not picking his mango. Mango tree he planted in before the seedlings tiny. But the mango but I picked now located on a great tree sum counter. So I did not steal. " Before hospital arguments like that, great king that he was innocent and treated him win?

- No! King Milinda said. He is guilty. Station will process the mango growers to be successful. Because this before someone hoeing seedlings fertilizer cultivation, so today new big mango trees bear fruit.

- Great king! People born again just like that. With the list Sac-friendly, people living in the world that do the good and evil. Serial evil deeds constantly, changing form that engenders a New Sac-friendly. As well as by sophisticated dig seeded and cultivate seedlings Fertilizer should on new mango sum will twig with ripe fruit laden trees. The good and evil in this world that is sowing the seeds into the ground and fertilize disturbed seedlings. Life after life not okay.

King asked:

Venerable Sir! in what people do? Is it common in soul?

- Great king! The soul is often at it like?

- It is usually in me, eyes that see, ears to hear sounds, use the nose to smell, tongue to taste, easy to use smooth that rough touch, use and understanding through thought. It is also as Venerable and occipital currently in the palace but because four have windows, so through that window we can see the scenery outside.

- So that the Great King is wanted for the senses in man, with the windows of the palace? Through any window, you'll see a scene. Then through any senses, often in soul to see the surroundings look like, right? So often in soul that is sharp to the ear, nose, tongue, body and mind?

- Yes.

- The soul usually hear the sound, smell, touch more smooth rough, thinking by eyes, nose, tongue, body and mind?

- Yes.

- Thus, the words of the Great King before after not match with each other. Again, while the Great King, and you sit up in the palace, if you break all the windows on four sides, our eyes wide farther out?

- Yes.

- So, breaking down a door where the body was such eyes, the soul is often seen far more wide?

- Yes.

- And if you break a few more other door where our body is the ear, nose. Tongue, body, mind, soul often at large whereby hear more, smell more, taste increased, touch and think broadly?

- Yes.

- Thus the words of the Great King before after not fitting together.

Na Korea went explains that:

- The eye and the colors come together cause mental agitation. Mental excitement, instant being unpleasant happy. With ears and sound, or the nose and smell, tongue and taste, body, smooth and rough, mind and thought and memory. Mental excitement, instant being unpleasant happy. Do unpleasant happy instant delivery concept. By the notion of transformation for other achievements that make up a fake boss impermanence is the Self. Where the so-called soul often in have nothing to do here.

Based on the current story, a man living that is, they are now fully form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness. People because of ignorance obscures, taking the author do choose should think they must have a permanent self which they called invariant soul to take their life and at death the soul will be converted to other in the next life. What is the real test to see who has what unchanging eternal soul? Man is a combination of the five aggregates that is form, feeling, perception, volition, consciousness means that man is predestined by the harmony of form, do not in themselves can not be so, aggregates without the essence, subject, it is the self that is not. The know regardless of the continent when bare senses an affinity with the continent is changing ideas in the minds of people while the soul is fixed did not change. People just sprang crystallization has already been made a soul.
When growing up and until the moment of death, the soul is still the same, no increase not decrease, fixed. But in fact a more knowledge about life, consciousness widen the head fixed. A doctor, an engineer, a scientist, certainly their understanding of other now so far as they do not succeed. In addition, this is also the five aggregates artifacts of good and evil, good and evil represented by the mask. Because the mask constant evaluation from salary should always accept it, is your born craving delusion. Because of discriminatory treatment that we have and of course see what we and what is our right, is beautiful, is over. This is the basics of the afflictions of suffering by the ego that out. New so-called Nga Si, Self Knowledge, pride and self Ai. Ultimately all the evil seed be stored in a skin formula to move on to the next life. But this process like?

People than live in ignorance defilements should create to connect later to pain. "Lotus birth" means the birth and life that is started after the pregnancy until birth. Connectivity process after starting relatives living relatives are dead. Then from the dying body to the intermediate (new body dead reincarnated). And finally from the intermediate to the body later. If the body is unbroken continuity so there must be something common to circulate and preserve (attachment). That usually circulate and preserve is the eighth form, is a polynomial or A-momentum-na-mode. Indeed, if there is no way this eighth to hold the "connected lives" when a person dies and then have to lose, no longer reborn.
Thus Buddhism deny the immutable constant in the soul, because the soul is not changed but people every second every minute changing over time and space. All the good and evil that human seed collection will be stored in a skin formula (A na momentum) and will move through the body when conditions meet. Remember that the body is due to a combination of loss of (address of aquatic great, great, great fire, great reviews, not University and the University) so that when someone dies, loss of soil dissolves back land, water return, return fire with fire ... A polynomial (A na momentum formula) will return with no university in this infinite space infinity. A momentum na exist in vain (not great) does not mean that it does not have. It is always there but the naked eye can not see the Buddha called it. As well as wind, has anyone seen the wind, but the wind always has a space in this planet. The air, too, where there is no air, but the air does not smell, forms identity of the five children who do not recognize them. Another example is gas. There is no gas smell, the color that is very toxic, so when the user initiates new gas odor plus punched for easy identification.
So when they meet, the karmic seed in A na momentum formula of dependent origination that work to create the new man that is reborn. One person died, but lost pronouns from the melt, cold hands and feet, the heart stops beating, but the Museum (A na momentum) or (A re-skin) still remains in the body of the dead. According to Buddhism, about 8 hours after the heart stops beating, the new Museum to escape the body. All the heat in (United University) follow up of the body in addition to the dead was really cold at the time. When newly fertilized human karma makes Invisibility into the mother's oocytes before loss of form. But at the time of death, all losses of dissolved before then new Museum exit after.

So who die without being back? If beings are indebted craving sex, who was born back to life. And those who escape from the cycle of craving sex then that person will not be reborn again. In other words, karma is also life and death, all the karmic escape birth and death certificates enter Nirvana.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/12/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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