Friday 21 December 2012


Chief Bowl only a part of the teachings of the Buddha. just trying is to imposed eight steps into the life will bring us happiness.
Through Zhuan Falun Buddha's preaching at the deer for his Earthly years Overseas As listeners. In that bowl of the Chief Justice is the first topic that the Buddha opens. From the observation of his life through the stately living in two stages: useful enjoyment, passionate craving, the list advantage, the power, in the Palace and six years of ascetic seclusion without seeing what results.
The Buddha realized that: he is a Director in search of austerities are, don't let yourself stray into perspective, excessive or inadequate, the assumption of the life, then there is no satisfactory results, to reach fruition oneness wants to find. From there, He himself practiced, gender, mentality, based on personal experience and the discovery of the middle path (Majjhimà Patipadà).
Pali Majjhimà meaning, between, in the middle. Patipadà is practiced, the way. Free translation is the path in between, called The Leader.
The main significance of the middle path is the awakening of the Buddha, through the comparison of the two once in a lifetime experience of his imagination and draw a conclusion, to suggest that people are searching for Direction: immerse yourself in positive lead to harm, is a point should be avoided. Self abuse in the form of strict asceticism, which leads to misery, and harmful is a point should never be done.
The Buddha took his life as a focal point to practice, through the beginning of life to develop in many different aspects to help the children who are going to find there the whole look, from which there are pillars in the leader or find an appropriate way of life for yourself and for those around us.
The Buddha said that life is never perfectly flat, with anyone. Each person has a passion, advice, problems, obstacles and the different pain. Because human nature exists in society are desirous to materialism. Life gives people everything it wants, not what the people want and whether you want to or not, people still have to embrace what it take to yourself, by the attitude selected stress or openness to embrace.
When the truth of life makes people suffer, they will search for their loved ones, who you do it comforting. This is also the aim to form the best moments in time. But it will become a way of nurturing, steadfast will, by energy firm, to help people feel can continue to step forward.
The Buddha has the vision and understanding, so the middle path that Led him to seek out the kill line, to bring people to the happily purity in life.
Middle path forward is also known as the Chief Justice and the pali Ariyo atthamgiko maggo writing. Ariyo means: noble, noble in this entry. Atthamgiko is eight. Maggo, way. The eight Districts made up of eight important elements to work as follows:
Pali, written as Sammàditthi: knowing the right bitterness.
The thinking, pali, written as Sammàsankappo: righteous thoughts.
The pali, written as Sammàkammanto: righteous actions don't work false claims.
The pali language, written as Sammàvàcà: righteous words.
The statement, written in pali language as dignified Life àjìvo Sama:, not greed, that nonprofit employees removed.
The essential progress, pali, written as Samàvàyamo: attempt to obtain truthful.
The pali, written as Sammàsati: contemplating the main leg.
The pali, written as Sammàsamàdhi: steadfast focus Center on the main foot path not for anything l moved to regress, distracted.
Major, in thinking about wisdom | The official language policy in the face of law | The essential, the major monuments, which belong to.
The section about the meaning of the eight of the above factors. Below are details of each factor.
Eight elements of the eight Principals leadership is a process of arranging the order given, as this factor must precede the other elements. These elements can be described in a neutral way, as was a large river is formed from the small stream and a small stream which has the name and its own operations. Thanks to the convergent of the streams that new major rivers exist.
Of practical work, eight factors are divided into three groups:
Group sex Germany, pali, written as silakkhandha, was created by speech, the Chief and the Chief Justice.
The Group mind, pali, written as samadhikkhandha, was formed by Chief Justice believes, mindfulness and the Chief Justice.
The intellectual group, pali, written as paññakkhandha, was made up of the Chief's Office and the Chief Justice.
The general direction of the bowl through the three Leaders, Group Chief, hue, is aiming to get out of the misery, with the eradication of ignorance. Intellectual property is therefore a means of cultivation, much of the help for the open mind, to see and judge the transparent all phenomenal and an insight into the veracity of the figures.
This is a comprehensive understanding and a wake functionality to make people break out: love, selfishness, the sense of worship for personal gain fame ... the scum of ignorance, in everyday life.
The Buddha said: there is only yourself just get myself out of the anguish. Man must master took his fate. Since about the mistake ourselves to create a God, with the hope the rescue and bless themselves or escape the scene up, miserable that by themselves have made. In the end you have to slave to God God delusion that their fate by themselves create still never change.
The Sanskrit Prajñā is the wisdom, प्रज्ञा, Pali is pañña. Also known as the Intellectual Property Position or hue. As a show that is well understood. In Buddhist studies intellectual property rights is a very important concept, and there are many diverse interpretations depending on the sectarian.
The intellectual property is in the morning, dashing. The role of intelligence is that it is able to help, see or get a can and of phenomena and do all the things to do and need to do. There are also wisdom is a practice to make a bodhisattva became a Buddha.
Wisdom is completely different from conventional intelligence (Pali is vijnana). Conventional wisdom is that represents a normal operating process of knowledge.
Wisdom is not an ordinary operation of knowledge that is the result of a diligent exercise of the mind.
The Eightfold, as intelligence, i.e., see Understanding the true translation of the Pali Word Sammàditthi Word bitter. Sammā means correct, reasonable. Diṭṭhi's see, see, there's the verb radical is Micchāditthi Ta dis. √ feedback is the meaning of Sammàditthi.
So what is knowledge Harmful? Ties are misinterpreted by the fact that then made up the knowledge, the understanding is not grounded, makes people stray into human beings or Director, dispute, fight over lost, prejudice, negativity suffering. Such superstitions are the blind trust, speculation to imagine, is not groundless, made man, lose all reason, the energy trail, not its judgements, not intelligence and can do damage, crushing the family happiness that cannot be foreseen, in daily life, of all people. This was the oldest blend and is confused, in Buddhist activities.
Through the Department of formal comments on the strategic railway, then the cause of creating them is due from the: see no authentically, because ... | That does not define it, because ... | Notice do not determine truth, because ... | Notice do not determine truth, because ... ... For the should be balanced, pondered many times before deciding upon or do something. This in Buddhist studies showed the significance of the intelligence work by the time to reach a complete understanding almost bring fruition well for what I want to do.
According to the Pali term Micchāditthi as of Sammàditthi and Sammàditthi which means seeing the correct understanding of bitterness. So, here, what do to for the correct understanding of this saw bitter?
The Buddha has taken his life as a focal point to practice and develop in many different aspects to help the children who are going to find. Based on personal experience through the insights, understanding how to make a wall for comparison and the conclusion to the meaning of the middle path whom He figured out, based on two points with real, human life and society. They are: immerse yourself in positive lead to harm, is a point should be avoided. Self abuse in the form of strict asceticism, which leads to misery, and harmful is a point should never be done.
From this morning in which he has helped, how many people know about learning how to cultivate the value of intellectual property, while they are the ones who are studying or who do not yet know nothing about, will seek a practical and easy way.
Such as intellectual property rights are seen as the Chief Architect of the Bowl Works and when to use the Chief Justice to see four noble truths, the more it is understood as the Chief God, because, seeing the Suffering of suffering, is the destruction of removal, is, in my understanding of the wall am the veracity of each factor.
In summary the Chief Justice of the notice all the true facts and the four noble truths explain the new things as they really are. So have the new sentence in Eight Districts have four noble truths, and vice versa.
According to Buddhist studies has two types of knowledge:
Common understanding of human knowledge is accumulated in memory, based on some facts to gain deep and not also known as knowing subject, Sanskrit writing, अनुबोध, anubodha, masculine, meaning, mind, mind, understanding, written from the verb अनुबुध् anubudh [anu-budh_1] in the form of a group of primitives.
The insights are really called, penetration, pali is pativedha. This understanding is the results of the research study (pali, Pariyatti) and practice (pali, patipatti) a need to seriously, to see the animals in the nature of it without having to remember the name or the texture of it.
This penetration can only, when the mind has to clean up any pollution and has fully developed thanks to meditation. This is also the reason why the Chief Justice is expected to be coming out of our group of Eight Districts.
Opinion Chief Justice is a way of life that people who are learning, should practice and development every day, in an attempt to abandon the fallacy, to reap the benefits for the success in many areas of life.
Opinion Chief Justice is a self-discipline in the fuselage, so the words and thoughts, self development and self purification. Opinion Chief Justice unrelated to the faith, pray, worship or rituals.
Opinion Chief Justice is a path that leads to complete freedom, happiness and peace thanks to the completeness of ethical, spiritual and intellectual who through the inner awakening of each person.
Opinion Chief Justice as well as the real Foundation to help people who are learning, eventually, discover the Buddha within yourself.
While the Chief Justice of the notice all of the true facts, the Chief Justice's mind is the use of the truth through the true thoughts of the truth to come into practice step by step, like, thanks to that Line and that Line that Buddha the kill Line.

This is also the experience of life by, see, know to use the truth of the human being through true line of thinking that the Buddha was created by him, and then from there Buddhism life in addition to the rescue.
The Chief Justice, writing in pali is the Samma samkappa. Samma means correct, reasonable. Samkappa: Vitakka means video games, search, set up.
The Chief Justice's mind is righteous thoughts is important to help people end up craving attention, anger and delusion.
The Chief Justice also thinking is a form of speech, because thinking is the kind of language that exists in the mind, such as silkworms cocoon yourself in the prison itself, always saying he heard. If the Chief Justice's mind then search (Vitakka) and maintained (Vichara) will illuminate for the language and for action and increased benefits for the Chief Justice.
The Chief Justice's mind is composed of three main elements:
Nekkhamma: renunciation, abandoning, exclude,
Avyapada: Metta, goodwill, and generosity, the antithesis of hatred, evil, he hates.
Avihimsa: non-violent, or mild, gentle, bi, antithesis with violent, cruel.
The Chief Justice's mind is thinking, foot works, thought the common sense to bring practical benefits in the social life.
The German names of evil and vile thoughts as these qualities are always implicitly contained within. The date also, golf, si, then on that day, the agent also can wake unpredictable yet.
Hence the disclaimer is also one of the ways to greed and craving symptoms of it.
The Chief Justice's mind is thinking, foot works in that it excludes explicitly, rather than sudden and abnormal mental state the mind State.
The Chief Justice's mind is thinking, foot works in that the open generosity and compassion to achieve an unconditional happiness in the disclaimer.
Opinion Chief Justice Chief Justice along with thinking to help people learn the Buddha often considering ethical thought, could find their names, color mission failure, Bi, Hy, discharge, said considering the sins to repent, speculation and ignorance cause suffering is the origin of the crime and find the right approach to austerities, most of the rescue for himself and the people around us.

If everyone understands this rule, then perhaps no longer the usage of rich people and poor people's jealousy. The result will be a sharing of love benefit humanity through equality.
In summary the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice are the two key factors in the Hue of the Chief Justice. Because, we can set upright onto what had been reversed and to reveal what is hidden in the dark.
Group sex, pali silakkhandha is formed by the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice. About Sanskrit śīla calls context, written in pali is the root verb is Sīla is √ sil, means: serving, practices, rules, discipline. In Buddhist studies is not the law or the rules ... compelled people to follow closely as in: schools, agencies, departments and unions, social organizations, big size ...
Presented here is the direction of the Buddha advised teaches Buddhist students who, after he Kills, with the duty to do (cãritta) and Don'ts (vãritta) to close the discipline lifestyle through intellectual development, to bring benefits for himself and for the people.
The Buddha does not force and promised to study Buddhism, will award the good and punish the guilty. It should need to understand is this: each person should suffer because of the mistakes of his own life and to enjoy the benefits due to the action of its primary base.
Buddha's world is the principle of practicing people through many different aspects such as: ethics and ethical behavior.
The ethical aspects of the practice, the body, purity to eradicate tham, golf, si, at, inner peace to yourself. Any society would like to grow and survive long term, they must have perfect human consciousness personal ethics to make pillars.
Ethical manners style of living in the practice words, Bi, Hy, discharge, to man a warm affection, love, sympathy, solidarity and help each other in all situations of society, to the benefit of, an amusing, true happiness for ourselves and for the people.
The different exercise conditions beneficial for life are going to find, that, householder, are relying upon, to enlightenment. So had many different and depending on basic human being less that the Buddha set up.
Also there is a different sense of space, realm, elements. Sanskrit and pali called dhātu.
Third, Sanskrit triloka is language, including sex (Sanskrit: kāmadhātu), Lust (Sanskrit: rūpadhātu) and lust (Sanskrit: arūpadhātu).
The lifestyle has brought peace and happiness for the people. It proves that humans have the ability to achieve the high moral values, through the will and self-effort of yourself by: avoid doing evil, practice these things, keep a clean mind.
Is a robust and stable lifestyle rational because it is reasonable and practical way to modify from a child who has a bad name in Germany is Germany, the object's name from ignorance becomes an object, from a child who has a negative pessimistic thoughts became the aggressive optimism.
Sex is not the batoka themselves in a line, which is the voluntary steps early, go find the teachings of the Buddha, answers to the misconceptions, from this line to the other lane standing in life every day.
Practice is the practice of the teachings of the Buddha's light to look at the human and social development of the intellect, compassion by building an evangelical himself, for the people.
Ask grace, rather than the loc search directed enlightenment moksha, which is not the purpose of the practice.
Through the concept of the word. Now the Group's formative stages through the factors to be aware of itself: pali language, Primary writing is Sammàvàcà, Chief, pali, written as Sammàkammanto, Chief of the network, Sama àjìvo.
Strictly speaking is far behind in the fictional speech lies in a Word does not make the break-up, happy, don't make people suspect each other, in a speech to benefit themselves and for the people, a figure the listener tells Festival, a benefit that makes the listener's mind to be an NET, a honest directness, equality, amiable, clear, simple, special, a trendy and words at the right time, and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, words, Bi, Hy, discharge. The speech was the speech to help more, increase and for the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice's thinking people are going to find.
Speech, Sanskrit vāc Samyag article, Pali: Sammàvàca. Samma means correct, reasonable. Sanskrit Vāc language, derived from the verb वाच् vac, the feminine form, that is, voice, speech, audio, language, speech, speech of Holiness.
The formation of the group over the factors known to itself: pali language, Primary writing is Sammàvàcà, Chief, pali, written as Sammàkammanto, Chief of the network, Sama àjìvo.
Strictly speaking is far behind in the fictional speech lies in a Word does not make the break-up, happy, don't make people suspect each other, in a speech to benefit themselves and for the people, a figure the listener tells Festival, a benefit that makes the listener's mind to be an NET, a honest directness, equality, amiable, clear, simple, special, a trendy and words at the right time, and reasonable, giving the listener the feeling of love, words, Bi, Hy, discharge. The speech was the speech to help more, increase and for the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice's thinking people are going to find.
Speech, Sanskrit vāc Samyag article, Pali: Sammàvàca. Samma means correct, reasonable. Sanskrit Vāc language, derived from the verb वाच् vac, the feminine form, that is, voice, speech, audio, language, speech, speech of Holiness.
In the Great bowl of Nirvana, the Buddha before entering, there the disciple asked, after He entered Nirvana, who later met many pagan books with Buddhist scriptures do not make distinctions. So know the words to? He said: on the thesis was Not one as long as the word's true where truth, according to which that amendment.
Speech is the verbal base Chief, does not create any business by word of mouth, but on the contrary, the words to create the charity industry. Speech is the expression of the mind and thought, if not careful, lack of thinking, the words are easy to make others miserable, which sometimes themselves also feel the remorse eat, because of his careless words that caused the disaster.

The nature of speech depending on the content of consciousness. If the mind has plenty of instigation, pressing ... then voice will carry heavy shades. If mind purity, the words will be heard, in harmony. Talking is an art and as a way of seclusion over the observers selected lyrics and listen.
Way of comparison, thinking, understanding and judgment, and the language and the analysis, demonstrate, or describe but also known as the conclusion. So the language is understood as learn of and Commentary be construed as Exclusively. From this point the eight elements of the bowl of the Chief Justice, despite the split them up into different groups, but they are still closely related to each other.
The results showed that: As Primary practice, it creates conditions to help give the opinion of the Chief Justice nails are popping bloom and grow more. The Chief Justice is the chief source of nourishment. Thanks to the development of the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice's mind that speech was clear expression. So when Word of mouth caused suffering, they must know is not clear and not thinking right.
In the interaction between people, speech is a method to how people behave or over looking right, think right. For example: How do I get advice from others, when they made a mistake, says wrong, or wrong? Any words to avoid losing to the listener? Only the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice.
The language of the written word and to help the people, knowledge, culture and communication, creating laws that prevent crime and build the Foundation for civilization in society. All the happiness in life are starting from human speech and never expect others to say easy to listen to, while himself not to do so.
Would like to see covered, i.e. want life to be at peace, happy, then take the file to know the proper way of speaking, with the noble words, helpful, full of deep meaning, record in the international section of the Buddha. To understand this, as such, acts as the main speech scheduled.
Word of mouth is an important influence to the happy life of every individual, but also to win both the safety of society. The Buddha gave Speech on Public Services.
These actions create suffering for people and animals, such as hot, hitting, name-calling, cursing the ties. While doing a meaningful primary leg action protection, construction and transport cover for life, such as not being, no stealing, no adultery, no alcohol, also known as the Chief Justice.
Wooden railway industry and the chief cause of the action of the body. In the bowl of the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice's mind was viewed as the Primary language and belong to the gun industry. So the word is understood as: artifacts are controlled by the mind.
The letter by the Chinese from the word Karma of Sanskrit language. कर्म Karma, कर्मन, karman, meaning, action, behaviour, manners, as, in Italy, the mouth and body. Karma is the root verb is √ kri, from the word KRIYA means: do, Act. Pali kamma, कम्म as
The concept of the word karma in Buddhism refers to the general rule of cause and effect. Because each company makes under a certain condition, they will form a Sanskrit language, called Phala, the root फल् √ verbs have फल phal means, be, broken, split, reflect, play out, bear the consequences, succeeds.
A career in charity or philanthropic action in three ways: by itself, in the Center, and by Word, over the line of thought. So when people intend to do something they've created, not necessarily that it had happened or not.
As people reborn in a lifetime, but human actions in life that still have the freedom. Career born of circumstances, but the reaction to this situation lies in the hands of man.
Thus, every act is carried out with the intention of an act capable of creativity. Because the will promote action, forming a force to make that move in the endless process of change in his life.
Of each of the individual actions of each individual and the results of the industry they created, they also own the hưỡng heir to the property. Of each person's individual experience of each person, so that no one can interfere to alter the results of the individual enterprise.
An action will not cause, if it is done without stem from taking, golf, si. It does not smoothly the law of cause and effect in this newspaper that people incur for yourself and society know how traumatic line luỵ, and blame God for the forgiveness of sins or assign or objective conditions outside.

By contrast, when someone has clearly absorbed the law of cause and effect in this newspaper by the self-observation, self-enjoy the experience in a lifetime, then not only can overcome suffering, improve themselves, but also provide many benefits for society.

In Buddhist studies, create good karma does not mean cessation of samsara. Want to get rid of this round, then had to give up both the good and the bad. In summary the Chief Cause of action, the main foot job, true righteousness, in line with the truth, there are benefits to people and animals.
People who practice according to the Chief Justice who is always cautious, keeping all of his actions, to avoid damaging the interests, occupation, status, honor, happiness, the network owned by others and never know the respect her professional conscience, always acting in favor of people, all things. If necessary, can sacrifice the interests or the names of his network to his suffering to others.
Want to practice the Chief Justice is reached high results, they must practice the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, an earnest, if liked, Buddhist mantras, meditation, chanting, keep notes, do the results, in order to keep the body, voice, as well as the employment furor.
The Chief Cause is immense, so interesting, so often cultivate learning, in a certain way, just right for the time, and he is no longer afraid of wrong or suspect what the Buddha taught to practice in life.
Since then, grain corn, we know, will be the left corn as Italians because, all these achievements are all derived from the diligent and hard in the practice.
Over the two parts, Speech, Chief Justice, now to the end of the Chief Justice. this important three-part formed the class of the Sanskrit language, called Sila in the eight Districts. As is known, is the code of ethics is to just let people see and determine the what not to do (varitta) and what should be done (caritta).
Thanks to intensive Agricultural District for people to create and export business, in order to escape any form of suffering for ourselves and for the people. Birth, premature aging, depression, death, is a process of creating career and pay. The main industry is the equal of the borrower and charged out of his life. Good or bad karma that has kept about, then do not fear mistakes the astray. Because, the preserve is about the ability to neutralize bad ones into good ones.
In fact, life is a constant struggle to achieve the urgent need for preserving personal and family lives. People were forced to watch the live feed is an important issue, urging, urgency, so sometimes people don't bother much about the values of humanism, which more and more attention to money and power. As if human society takes away the values of fairness, compassion and honesty, the future life of man?
According to the Buddha's view, all the thought and actions of human beings were originated from. If people have a good mentality and know concerns to the development of human society, by practical action, then the results will be useful to humanity. It is also a clean lifestyle, living in a clean environment does not live on the suffering of others of like animals, live human primary foot, was raised through the teachings of the Buddha, by, From, Bi, Hy, discharge.
So, yes or no value in terms of the ethical platform, but this basic platform, still make up much of the tremendous difference stand in many areas of society. Man alive, no one would dare call themselves around the League. Want to be around, they must overhaul the workout over the process in earnest.
If not work, then the people will become evil and his life will be a victim of it. So, the Chief Justice is the proper behavior, creating karma, give up, give up your space well in training.Practicing the loving help, leading to public foot life. Since then, the network's Chief became effective remedy, within every human being, to therapy, the symptoms cause suffering, by not raising his life by the brutal profession, misdeed, no, not the social moral ...
The Chief Justice is elected by themselves the righteous profession i.e. Office Live primary legs properly, not superstition, not living in fantasy, illusion, ambiguity, abstraction. In addition the network Chief longer life means not running according to the desire and the wickedness of the diet.
The Sanskrit language, primary writing is Samyag-ājīva and Pali is Sammà àjiva. The word Samma means: right, right. The word, आजीव, ājīva [ājīv] forms of masculinity, has many meanings such as livelihoods, jobs, occupations, ways of living, way of life.
The Sanskrit language as defined by the Chief Justice is fair, true, Samma. There is life, आजीव, ājīva, life. As such, the network's Chief is living and how to nourish themselves, a primary base, in any job or occupation in accordance with rational ...
To study is the final link to complete the translations of three groups in the Holy Bowl.
To study Pali is Samādhi-sikkhā, meaning steadfast focus Center on the main foot path not for anything l moved to regress, distracted.
Samādhi समाधि, in the masculine, has many meanings as follows: Unity, complete, the focus of the mind, ponder, plan, execute, identify objects, spiritual communion. Concentration, control of the mind, the absorption of the spirit but not the purpose to complete liberation of the mind.
शिष्य, original, Sikkhā verb is śiṣya meaning: disciple, who, in principle, to the school.
Should not attempt to cut down the meaning of words: Dhyana, Samadhi, Bhāvanā.
Dhyana, Sanskrit ध्यान dynamic origin, languages, from dhyā √ √ or dhyai, literally: the thinking, focus. Pali called jhāna.
Samādhi समाधि, in the masculine, has many meanings as follows: Unity, complete, the focus of the mind, ponder, plan, execute, identify objects, spiritual communion. Concentration, control of the mind, the absorption of the spirit but not the purpose to complete liberation of the mind.
Bhāvanā, भवन, Sanskrit and Pali means: becoming or evolving, villas, houses, palaces, headquarters. In Buddhism, it is usually used to talk about Foster Care, or to develop the mind, for the familiar Heart or Mind cultivation.
Bhāvanā is derived from the words bhava, भव bhava [bhū _ 1] as masculine, means many meanings such as: the existence, condition, origin, wealth, birth, exceptional, world, life here, one of the six laws of art and fine arts, Sanskrit grammar called ṣaḍaṅgaśilpa includes the following content:
-Rūpabheda is the art concept of the shape.
Pramana-the art concept of the meaning of literacy.
-Bhava is the concept of artistic expression of feeling or emotion.
-Lāvaṇyayojana is the art concept of privilege.
-Sadṛṣya is the art concept of the meaning of comparison.
-Varṇikabhaṅga is the concept of art in the world.
Through the general meaning suggesting that Meditation is not the same as. Meditation is a State of mind is not able to define, impossible to describe, which is due to every who suffers in feeling: cold and Hot Food on his own. It was the experience of enlightenment about the real depth of closed in. So, meditation is not a method of putting people away from ignorance to enlightenment, but it helps people discover his true self is living in every moment of existence.
Meditation is an important concept in the Buddhist practice (Patipatti = Buddhist knowledge in practice and that was knowledge of Pariyatti = Dharma on the theory). From Bhāvanā is often present along with another word to form a compound expression is as follows:
-Citta bhāvanā: development of the consciousness.
Mettā bhāvanā-: development of Metta.
Kāya-bhāvanā: development of the body.
Paññā-bhāvanā: development of intellectual property.
-Samadhi-bhāvanā: development of purity.
-Vipassana-bhāvanā: development of rational insight.

All other forms of Meditation practice is the Guide to the people, to achieve a concentration, deposition, as a lake where one can just seen to the bottom of it, when the water in the tank, there was agitation. Peaceful mood, this deposition can be achieved via several ways exercise different fashioned.
To study the Bowl works made up of: the Chief effort (samyag-vyāyāma. Sanskrit), mindfulness (Sanskrit language. Samyagsmṛti), Chief Justice (Sanskrit; samyaksamādhi).
As already literate in Pali Word meaning the Samma: right, right. Sanskrit grammar Samyag, सम्यग्. iic (abbreviations of the printed word compositi initio, means in the starting configuration) of the letter, सम्यक्, samyak [neutral form. samyac] belongs to the interjection has many meanings as follows: together, in common, at the same time, appropriate, properly fitting, proper, correct, true.
vyāyāma, व्यायाम, [vyāyam] in the South, have more meaning as follows: conflict, competition, fight, work, working, and maintenance. -ifc (abbreviation of the word in fine compositi, means in the last section structure) means the making of ..., attempts to or to.
The definition of the two words, and Primary Samyag vyāyāma effort means diligence properly with the French public, and have been the Buddha identified very clearly is that the Quartet Principals Need. because, four Chief Needs a noun just for the practiced manner of the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice's mind, Speech, The Chief Justice, The Chief Justice.
Effort is attempting to function, aroused and strengthened for the daily practice of each individual, in order to prevent or avoid crimes, which grows better in France, to bring a serene life happily and unscathed.
Effort without the intellect does not achieve the desired goals. But the effort has the intellect, then would be the appropriate method to achieve success in the work you want to do.
The tireless efforts of the proper practice, then that is exactly the power effort to free himself from the temptations, in prison shackles of evil.
Effort is the basic platform for action for the sake of prayer | Give up the daunting, discontented, lazy people | The bad, sinful, not off the intellectual opening status|.
Effort is the work of high spirituality, through France, because Elements of the Act bring happiness for ourselves and for the people.
What works in life, also need the attention and spurring new diligence, brought to success. The Buddhist monk to new assignments. For example, when people are hot anger often say hard of hearing, or do actions that are not good, because they are not in control of yourself.

Hence the need to exercise control over yourself, to avoid impairing not exists, because of the lack of thought in moments: can bring themselves down to the end of suffering, which said not to eat up.

All the beginning, it was all difficult but don't roll the sleeves into the practice, which wants a nice, good people in the family and society, who hope the Bodhi seeds are just illusions.
Effort is made the land is full of suffering, became land contain free forgiveness, tolerance, embracing everything.
Prayer is a good story but not to. Effort is the commitment to form a chain of rescue, can transform itself for the people as well as themselves.
The farmers grow rice, said choosing the good seed, known to take care of it with love, know to use the appropriate fertilizer for it, then his season results will give them a complete joy as Italy.
Pain and at peace, everything is due to the choice of the individual. Want, then try to do mind the pain. Want peace, then try to believe the attack on his practice in every moment.
Mindfulness, Sanskrit writing is Samyagsmṛti. As literate Samyag, सम्यग्. iic (abbreviations of the printed word compositi initio, means in the starting configuration) of the letter, सम्यक्, samyak [neutral form. samyac] belongs to the interjection has many meanings as follows: together, in common, at the same time, appropriate, properly fitting, proper, correct, true.
The word smṛti स्मृति, [smṛ-ti] in the feminine form, meaning, memory, memories, traditions, epic, all sacred texts and legal traditions.
Mindfulness in the eight Districts are contemplating major legs, or remember right to think right, is seen as a lamp to help awakening the mind, see, know, the, meaning of life, through the word of the Buddha taught, that do not live in enchanted, insanity, in a clear manner.
Good sense is important in life is to know the moral life, with four German adjective, Bi, Hy, Flush available in each.
Mindfulness in public main Conveyor direction is the content of the concept of KinhTứ and also the basic notion of the active radical, hard-line, Visual sensory memory information in seven genera.
To confusion and mindfulness of mind. Mindfulness, Buddhist teachings and the original definition was presented as: remembering things or, perhaps, the benefits for themselves, through focus on employment, without concern.
Countless as belonging to Zen Buddhism. Countless means no previous mortgage interest on these things.
Mindfulness also means that Italy, because, the Quartet was the cautious action gestures and words, where grandparents, parents, often reminding the children in the family, then, through things like: big cock and then to Italy, or in public places, often with the small plate is usually hanging in front of the meeting room : Please close the door gently. Thank you for your mindfulness.
The main cultivation methods, is aware that you are doing something ... in every moment of his life. For example, when you are eating, you know that you are eating, while drinking, know that you're taking ... This is how humans can help your life initiative, did not begin with the distinction of the notion of good evil, but by the observers of themselves.
Want to burn up the main celebration of the lamp, it must have fuel, such as breath, eyes forgiveness and love, from the wrath of mediocre, our Buddhist, chanting, read ... In summary, the fuel would be able to enlighten the understanding is clear and pure life are valuable fuel.
In life, every life is manifested in actions and words. Therefore, to know how to live today for the peace to be piecemeal, by action and words, do not leave lights burning awakening blurred shadows away or turned off to infuse.
A mind that can produce light very light and very strong, called the intellectual Light.
The Chief Justice to the Sanskrit language, written as Samyaksamādhi. As literate Samyag, सम्यग्. iic (abbreviations of the printed word compositi initio, means in the starting configuration) of the letter, सम्यक्, samyak [neutral form. samyac] belongs to the interjection has many meanings as follows: together, in common, at the same time, appropriate, properly fitting, proper, correct, true.
Samādhi समाधि, in the masculine, has many meanings as follows: Unity, complete, the focus of the mind, ponder, plan, execute, identify objects, spiritual communion. Concentration, control of the mind, the absorption of the spirit but not the purpose to complete liberation of the mind.
The plan is meant to focus thought on the subject, to see the obvious. In other words, focused thought on a legitimate issue, the right to the truth, there are benefits to the people.
The Chief Justice is a critical Center practices, made to be clean, for intellectual property rights is a high bar.
The Buddha says: "Samādhī samāhito sanjānāti pajānāti bhikkhave passati
The head teacher of meditation, because ye have mind meditation will clearly see, Miss, understand everything correctly according to the truth ".
The following Works, often concentrating thoughts to observers the following major issues:
A body impure i.e. contemplate no purity, to subtract join, si.
A Compassion that contemplate all beings are equal, one foot after another, to the exception of hatred and extend love to rescue of beings.
A charming character of visualizations all compounded things invisible, everything seems like the idea has to be assumed, that coast there, rather than having a genuinely, not usually needed for passage but foolish, France.
A breath literally visualizations by professional note counting breaths out into disarray, the treatment of the mind.
In life, every life is manifested in actions and words. Hence, the Buddha used the Bowl as directed by the Chief Justice and the Chief Justice could order get their French world as networks, speech, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice used karma to make mindfulness assistance for rescue life and enlightenment.
At the same time the practice Directed Toward Bowl capable of facilitation of the Holy fruits of Buddha, in the life of the Buddha School implementations. the results are the capacity already available inside each person, just need to work out and improve in earnest, it will become the means capable of protecting, cover yourself and those around you.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.21/12/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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