Tuesday 25 December 2012



The Buddha said:

- Great King! He never died, how do I know I will turn away?

- Buddha! The body damage impermanence of the present has never died, but I see ahead, each concept moves forever not stop as fire disabled the ashes, gradually dissipate. The new tanks do not stop, so I know the body will be killed off.

The Buddha said:

- Behold the Great King! Rightly so.

Great king! He was now old and weak, young face over time like?

- Buddha! When old kid, fresh skin margins, to adulthood, the fullness of blood, this old age, as well as body that skinny old, dry, sense is no longer clear, white hair wrinkled, living there how long. How can strong compared to when they were young.
Buddha said:

- This great king! Where his body to the joint?

Persian King - anonymous said:

- Buddha! It silently changes, I really do not know, cold hot forever to this day. Why? At twenty years of age, young age, but colors were older than ten years old. When thirty are older at twenty. I was sixty-two years old, compared to fifty years old, apparently at the age of fifty more robust.

- Buddha! I saw it silently moves, though what this aging changes in the last ten years. If you think carefully, not only it changed in about a century, two centuries in fact it changes every year, it not only changes in each year, but it changes each month. Not only did it change each month, but in fact it changes every day. Deep thinking, observing carefully, see it change in every moment, in every each concept, did not stop to think. So I know this body eventually be subject to change and decay.
Buddha says:

- This great king! He saw the transformation changes constantly, so that the body perishes. So when it perishes, what he said in the body can not perish?
Persian King - anonymous said:

- What you do not know.

Buddha prepare for Persian king-anonymous mass and clearly through four great body identity is a phenomenon, a physical form so we must be governed by the law of impermanence of nature. Excellent body changing, evolving according to the millennium, month moved, changed every hour, every minute, every moment.

Buddha Only The "Emptiness See" NOT Born Kill

The Buddha said:

- Now I will show you the nature of no birth and death.

The Buddha said:

- This great king! He found the water of the Ganges at what age?

King of Persia, anonymous said:

- When he was three years old, mother to worship States-momentum-natural, have to go through this river. Seen the Ganges when he.
Buddha says:

- This great king! As he said, when he was twenty years old and getting old when ten years of age, until sixty days after month, reciting the eternal concept. So when he saw the water of the Ganges at the age of three than the one that the Ganges water at thirteen like?

The king said:

- The show was no different than when I was three years old, so far I have 62, that's still no different.

The Buddha said:

- Nay he self-haired compassionate face wrinkled, his face is definitely more wrinkles at a young age. So seeing his Ganges today and seeing a child old child?

Persian King - anonymous said:

- Buddha! Not so.

The Buddha said:

- His face is wrinkled, but that nature has not wrinkled. The wrinkle is changing, and what not to wrinkle it did not change.
The change must pass away, that does not change the other had no birth and death, how it suffered his mortal? He also quoted the old pagan dresses--pears that: "This body after death is completely lost."

The king heard it, believed that this body after death the body, the king of the same mass excited cheerfully as ever.

According to the custom of the Indians at the time of the Buddha, the Indians have to go to the Ganges river to fetch water pouring from the top down throughout the European body to wash all contaminated, then you help them eliminate numerous proving that intellectual insight. So anonymous king of Persia should also follow this tradition when he was three years old she walked to the Ganges river before bowing god States-her-natural and then use the holy water of the Ganges which washed UE before, you remember.

Today we live in the western nations, followers of the Protestant denominations, Catholic holy water (cold water from the faucet) to baptism. They do things in a big bath tub, then get believers to estimate the whole body, caused by the ancestral sins will be wiped clean. This is they imitate his story to Saint John baptized Jesus in the river Jordan two thousand years ago. Buddhists do not actually need to go to the Ganges, or to take the Middle East to take a dip in the Jordan River baptism. Since there is never cleaned. If sin can use soap or water that we shower daily how much crime as well as where the water passes over. Thus the world will turn into heavenly bliss, but why do people still dispute kill each other? Sin is from the mind to turn into karma. But the mind is the thought that water used to wash the outside, how to erase the evil thoughts in the mind!

Although the client identity change of elements, decay, deterioration over time, as well as space:

"Spring hundred flowers bloom

Spring hundred flowers fall

Things change look ahead

Old manifest sorrow hair ".

But in the impermanent birth and death, there is the eternal unborn constant. It's the emptiness that. It's the emptiness that is also a phenomenon, but a phenomenon of expression depending coast of the legs. So poor old eyes but the nature of that body does not age. Hair but color dew point, back COM, cheek but nature that is clear as day, no increase not decrease. In the visible world of birth and death, as many colors, there is general change then will perish lost. Only you can block usually life undying as well as:

Do not think that brutal spring flowers have fallen off

Front yard, spring it tomorrow branches or longer.

Spring arrives, apricot blossom, spring, fall tomorrow as well as coast to the body being, grace tan, body damage. Spring, spring, bloom tomorrow, tomorrow disabled, but where apricot trees front yard loss. As well as excellent body born to kill, but you can sure lose ever. Ananda The Buddha pointed to the "crazy".

Ananda from his seat up, join hands and knees white Buddha:

- Buddha! If the hearing is not being killed, why do we forget the true nature, working crazy? May Bhagavan fell in mercy wash ceiling structure for us.
Immediately then, the Buddha let the golden arm, fingers pointing down, told Ananda that:

- Now you see my arm like this is down or backwards?

Ananda said:

- They are born in the world that is the opposite, particularly I do not know what is down or backwards.

Buddha told Ananda:

- If the world is upside down, so how they are down?

Ananda said:

- When the Tathagata put upward arm is called a sweep.

Then the Buddha put his arms up and said to Ananda:

- The opposite of him is that, the only a mutual change so that people of the world assigned to the show a notion contrary, Down. A Nan! Himself and the Tathagata is like another body, but the body of the Tathagata is pure dharmakaya district perceptual processing, even himself called emptiness crazy. So you think mature look to see the opposite of himself and other Buddhas in place?

Then Ananda and all our Buddhist Association stared without blinking, I do not know where his mind is crazy?

Buddha started compassion, mercy Ananda and mass, should generate speech sounds like a sea tide, sure all of them:

- Hey good son! Tathagata would say excellent, idealistic mind and legal variables. His body and mind are the only things in mind magic feet. Why did he miss the precious mind magic feet that take interest in enlightenment?

Based on the question, said he Ananda is not enough to see the true nature should get pedicure hope that the mind crazy. Standing on Truth, all things which do not have names, but standing on a continuous base, social workers set for the material things one to confess quotations call people to live in accordance with nature's objective reality it. But quotations disastrous because birth and attachment problems. People for approval in the form so that the user in the right direction wrong there, hands put down or taken down is negative. Down for this but contrary to the other, up and down say no, taken from a standard that was right or wrong. Mr. Ananda also to coast center ceiling, the Buddha rebuked money is right.
When the layman Vimalakirti asked Bodhisattva Maitreya Best Birth processor in the Vimalakirti that: "Blessed His life up for another life will become a Buddha. Recent past life, present life changes constantly, future life yet to come. Such a life is a life? Buddhism does not have a hook so the time period is fake magic, not really. People set out to call that's all. The Chinese call now thin, noon. Americans call five hours, seven hours ... Also at the same time that the U.S. is cold winter, also in Australia is the hot summer. In Vietnam at night while in the United States is the day. So what time is it? People run after the external identity is run by birth and death, know how to return to the true form, the true nature of the new life with constant unchanging purity feet. But the true nature of the vacuum, how to see the which compares forward or reverse.

Now ask why the Buddha and Buddha himself Ananda same that the Buddha called dharmakaya pure chief tri variables, the longer ones Ananda is an crazy? If you look from the color, the body of the Buddha and Ananda's body is the body of elements, subject to birth, aging, illness and death alike, not wrong. But here the Buddha used the word "pure body" so close that the Buddha referred to in this paragraph are not the main body of the birth and death is a legal body, is selected purity available in all beings. The difference here is that the Buddha always live with foot care. That is his master yourself, do all things and their deliberate nature. Exalted see all things with the phenomenon of "knowledge without prejudice" means that that should not see the heart will not be attached. This mind is dharmakaya pure Right tri variable. Instead he Ananda and public life with heart conditions, run under foreign ceiling that you forgot about his character. He realization by "knowledge set" means that I know so mind full of thoughts, impure. Therefore the Buddha rebuked him for missing feet nature Ananda Ananda live with nature is crazy like that.

Duy-based epistemology, the mind consists of eight formula (eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body-consciousness, consciousness, grit-na a-back-skin formula) has the right to autonomy and self in , as well as the king should be called "consciousness". The king must have his ministers assistants, consciousness must also be lower entourage help generate new business. These, is not itself in the so-called "mental states" or "mental". Things like greed, anger, ignorance, conceit, Comfort, bad reviews ... belong to the mental. Physical belong physical forms, colors, but the colors are generated by general consciousness and mind. Therefore identity, legal consciousness and mental also mind-variable. So if you live with nature, there is foot care, whereas running under the ceiling, live in crazy pain.
Buddha taught that:

A Nan! Confusion out with nothing, in vain delusion that direction, the dark colors. Sac trash mixed with delusion, the expected human body. Scenery outside reflects the inner thoughts and for the work thinking gasoline wheel is the heart of nature. Once mistaken for the mind, definitely get wrong in the body. Did not know that the river from the hill itself to the world and nowhere are things in mind magic feet. It's no different from hundreds of thousands of clean sea, only a bubble, then it is the whole ocean. He is are people in the crowd, only a Tathagata arm that being the concept up and down, debate. Tathagata he called those who deserve mercy.

Mr. Ananda and mass as well as mind the grace to choose to live in the insanity that karma to flow in samsara. So also should love people just crave color illusions, false birth and death are outside but forgot to go back to live with honesty, purity, birth and death, always within a foot care, is a hybrid the item, as the eternal Buddha nature in all beings. Looks sharp differences as deep mountain forest, birds, fish, diving, white clouds and blue sky image which although beautiful, sexy or glamorous these days, all are due to the variable interest. Enthusiasts, colors, nowhere centric, it will be like to see a little foam, but that it is all of the ocean. Enlightened ones, to live with his feet immense heart extremely endless as well as the whole of the ocean no longer hesitate.

Options Center immense infinite infinity, but also people living with heart conditions, get the birth and death of the general sense as the main attention should they have lost the true nature ie choose your mind pure magic . That's why Buddha calls it the contrary, like the arms of the Tathagata are drooping release.

Beings for serving the world's four great body and false birth and death are outside that lose the present one not kill was born it to be a Buddha called this reversal. For example, when we look in the mirror and saw all these forms reflected from a mirror. Which is a pretty nice car; What is deep mountain forest; any moonlit clouds; natural form of thousands of Minister ... People see the beautiful form in the mirror but they forget that identity is due to the screening from the mirror. Also foot center is the root source of all things in the world that people forgot to run eight conditionality kill. So in love, they live in the world's appearances lie, and enlightened people always live in the purity of the true nature of the mind. Based on Coast Dharma Realm Run, "Immutable Options coast" means when all of conditions, you can block as interdependence of all things in this world. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY THICH CHAN TANH.MHDT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUNS=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/12/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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