Seven water bowl relieve suffering.
Her family households with two children, a son and a daughter. Everyone handsome handsome, beautiful and modest. But then disaster struck their family frost, when the girl because of frustrations with the same love that guy suicidal poet, while her son during a hunt in the jungle, careless that become trapped disabled man. The mother extremely painful and hopeless. She lived in obsession and resentment. Every day she begged vegetarian Buddhist concept of peace and not be bothered. Then one day, she called all the people in debt to her family and said: - From ancient times to now, we eat at home over there under, who will save us trouble, lending silver and rice, after each harvest, the family and you are still unable to pay off. Now you have to call to to clear all debts ever. Although more or less debt. From now on, between my family and family farmers are not any longer have any debt. - The poor farmer was overjoyed, shook hands glad there are those who have bowed to thank her heart that wept, vowing to slaves in return for this gift. But she refused a heart "Beggar people in our family now has enough so we do not need anymore, do ye eat and worry about living life like I want." This job of her, the idea that, consequently, in the heart be happy but she's still heavy with sadness. occasion to visit a temple, she would meet with the Venerable and transparency that would give her a drug to eradicate suffering and grief. The monk smiled gentle woman look classy, aristocratic face flowing but sad to say, she will find the seven families have never known suffering, for each family a bowl of water. With seven special water bowl, I will cook a rescue medication sorrow in her heart. Soon after, she hit the road to visit family first she knew so long, she thought that would of course This family is happy and she can get a bowl of water. It is tortuous, after hearing her presentation, the owner looked at her with tears in his eyes, that she had the wrong house and found the wrong person. This time, the landlord began to tell the story of the family, they lived the days of suffering, misfortune was, that their children tired and sad how so ... After listening, she said the words encouraged, and comforted her on before she loved to visit other families. All day, she can not get a bowl of any country. Water is where to go and can get, easy to find but she can not get back. Family also own grief, no one like anyone and all these things made her primary heart, as a natural reflex, of a woman who has experienced the tragic loss of life She will say morale, or just listen to them form the subject mind to comprehend what they went through with all the inherent love. During the months afterward, she went for patience, but did not find any family as her true happiness is found. Where do also contain more suffering and feeling unhappy. She always bother to think how to console, to help people escape from suffering, relieve pain, and she had forgotten her own sufferings. Now more than ever, she will feel very relaxed and gentle. When we give away is when we get back more than that, with the sadness will go when we open our hearts, welcome words to share, friendly words from those around them. We should not give up when we also something to give away. Nothing is completely deadlocked, things only really become deadlocked when we quit trying so hard anymore. Trust is the power of turning the impossible into a possibility, and they can forget the words we say but what we do for them will never fading light. Through this story, we realize one thing, everyone has sorrow, suffering in particular. What we see is only a fraction of the whole person of someone, but we do not see the face are many. That they can laugh, but not necessarily happy that they are happy as we think. And we wonder why the monk said the woman, for seven bowl of water that is not six or eight? Is there a deeper implications reasonable? The number seven reminds us a lot of things: - Seven feet of Prince All-at-most when he was born, with seven gold lotus pearl heel lift. - The concept Eastern philosophy, the number seven represents the perfection of the universe, which is set on seven principles of space and time: Space shall be four, East, West, South, North, there are times past, present and future, and the round numbers in perspective: the center, above, below, right, left, front and back. - The number seven with seven musical notes, Do, Re, Mi , Phase, Son La, Si. - A week has seven days only and each day so will a precious metal applications.
- Sunday: Day of the sun god - corresponding to the Gold
- Monday: Day of the moon god, the god who guards the sleep for all - corresponding to Silver.
- Tuesday: Day of the war god (Mars) - with Iron
- Wednesday: Day of the god of commerce - with elements of Mercury, a form of cellular metals - Mercury.
- Thursday: Day of the lord god (god of the gods) - with Zinc, symbolizing strength champions. The metals never rust. It is also known as thunder gods - Jupiter.
- Friday: Day of the goddess of love - with the same, flexible, reflect light, sparkling and sexy - Venus.
- Saturday: Day of the gods caused much suffering to humanity - Saturn - effects of lead metal
- The number seven of Tumo Yoga method, the number seven is the final order of the system fine all-powerful force captures the universe in a human body.
- The first center is located in the bottom of the spine (where this is considered a fire shelter of the snake).
- Center located at the end of Monday abdomen.
- Tuesday center located in the navel.
- Wednesday center lies in the heart.
- Thursday Center is located where the laryngeal.
- Friday Center is located between the eyebrows.
- Saturday Center is located in the head.
- Even when the consciousness of being dead, also undergoes rotation once every seven days and seven times had to wait forty-nine days as the new incarnation another world. will not have any drugs that can " heal "the sorrows of each human body. way that Buddhist monk only other woman deeply unhappy and delicate. Wisdom, tolerance, love of a woman who had a wife, mother of the children, helped her realize a lot of things around this life. What ever she had once known and understood. Seven water bowl, her forever but never found her number seven for much valuable experience, it's like guardian angel led her to themselves with the seemingly impossible. Pain that she is suffering from very small compared to others, it's a reasonable thing happiness? Sometimes in life, there are moments where everything against you, that you feel that you can not stand it anymore, but try not to give up and give up, because sooner or later everything will go away. the smile you bring happiness to those around them, and of course it also bring happiness to yourself anymore. It is always the sweetest to the rear of loneliness can not even describe in words. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGHLISH BY BACH LIEN HOA.( TAM THANH ).MHDT.4/6/2012.NAM MO SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3TIMES ).
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