"Tathagata free from all bondage,
oil or heavenly realm.
The children, too, O Bhikkhus,
has been beyond any guy over. "
- Mahavagga
oil or heavenly realm.
The children, too, O Bhikkhus,
has been beyond any guy over. "
- Mahavagga

The road has the benefit
Kobo success of the Buddha has lasted forty years. From the Enlightenment, was
thirty-five years of age, when even the Great Nirvana, eighty, the Buddha did
not stop serving humanity in both ways - example and teachings. Throughout the school year,
sometimes alone, much time with his disciples, he went from place to place to
spread Dharma in folk and led many people out of unbridled
According to the climate in India, Vassana season, heavy rain should stay
at one Buddha. That was the custom of Indian priests at that time.
In ancient times, as now,
in India there are three distinct seasons Vassana (rainy season), Hemanta
(winter) and Gimhana (hot season). Vassana, or the rainy season begins in May and lasts
until May Asalha Assayuga means that from about mid-July to November,'s
During Vassana (Ha), as
pouring rain so the water level usually rises rivers, roads flooded, traffic
interruptions, and people have to live in your home or around the village to do
what little things have saved from the previous season. During that time, the
ascetics that this is hardly going to preach, difficult to move without insult
to the life of many animal species, found living in a dry place, less of, or
damage to plant crops. Therefore, the monks, including the disciples of the
Buddha, often suspend all activities to move to withdraw to deserted
Traditionally, the Buddha
and his disciples were also invited on retreat at the monastery or the secluded
garden. Sometimes he also retreated into the jungle. In the meantime, where the
Buddha is the people of the region flock to hear French and tried to take the
time to make his fortune.
Twenty First
First down - at Benares
After Yun Zhuan Falun to
five disciples during the full moon Asalha month, the first Buddha House in Deer
Park, Isipatana, near Benares (Benares). Then here do not have homes or monasteries.
In this House,
he touched Yasa.
Second House, Tuesday and
Wednesday - at Rajagaha.
Rajagaha (Rajgir City) is
the capital of the Kingdom of Magadha (Magadha), the reign of King Bimbisara
(Bimbisara). Because the king's request before the Enlightenment Bodhisattva, the
Buddha returned to Rajagaha visited, and on this occasion King Bimbisara offered
to the Buddha and his Disciples Bamboo Forest, Veluvana (Bamboo Forest).
This place
deserted, it's the ideal place to reside because of religious goods not too far
nor too close to urban areas. Buddha House for three consecutive years at this
Lower Thursday - at
This summer Buddha seated
in a net loss in Mahavana (Great Forest) near Vesali (on discharge).
Here, the news
of King Suddhodana (Suddhodana) seriously sick, he went was back to our room,
listening to his father preached. The king immediately attained Arahant, death Tho
Tuong Dinh (University of) for seven days and always passed.
Also in this House Buddha
founded the Church allows Bhikkhuni, according to the petition of Mrs. Maha
Pajapati Gotami.
After the cremation
ceremony celebrating the king is finished, Ms. Maha Pajapati Gotami to almost
Buddha, who was temporarily seated in Nigrodharama, to seek permission for every
woman to join the Church. But the Buddha refused and returned to a net loss in
the Vesali. She Pajapati Gotami want even to renunciation, together with the lady of
the court Sakya (Sakya) and Koliya line, walk from Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu) to
Vesali, and thanks to the support of Germany Ananda, be allowed ordained and
established the Church Bhikkhuni.
Lower Friday - Mankula
Hill, in Kosambi, near Allahabad.
Just as before he used
"Miracle Hill" - Yamaka Patihariya [1] (making fire and water gush from the
pores) to tame the pride of dear ones at home, where he used to the second
allows him to procure for others lead.
House Saturday - in heaven
Tavatimsa (Director Loi).
A few days after birth to
Prince Siddhattha (Siddhartha Ta), the Empress Maha Maya (Maya) promoted galaxy
and rebirth in heaven Tusita (exit Da). Saturday in Lower Buddha Abhidhamma (Abhidharma) for
deities in heaven Dao Li, and former gods Queen Maya, the First International Da
Dao Loi listen to French.
Every day the Buddha
returned to earth, abstract German French to Sariputta (Sariputta) expounded the
teachings of his disciples. Abhidhamma Pitaka was circulated to all French now
in full detail by Venerable Sariputta (Sariputta) transmissions. Books written that after
listening to the sermons, the gods before the mother of Prince Siddhattha
(Siddhartha Ta) Tu Da Huon attained.
Eighth House - at Bhesakala
forest, near Sumsumara rock, in the county
Ninth House - at
Kosambi. In this House have her
create your own Magandiya a deep feud with the Buddha and seek every opportunity
to stigmatize his reputation. Magandiya is a beautiful young woman born into a
family of Brahmin caste. Ken re her parents, wanted to marry her only for
One day, looking at the
world, Buddha realized the two men she met enough good, fully developed
mentally. Out
of compassion he wanted her two international levels should come to where the
Buddha, he was sacrificed at Spirit Fire. Brahmin enchanted before taking nice shape of the
Buddha and thought that this is indeed worthy of frozen ready-law he devoted
long longs. He
then invited the Buddha in his linger a little wait will rush back and asked her
daughter. Then
Buddha footprint intentionally stomped on the ground and go to another place
nearby. When
the brahmin who led his wife and daughters dressed in beautiful where they only
see the footprints. Wives of good science minister, said that the footprint is not the
ordinary people that is of very clean, had destroyed all desire. He mocked Brahmin wives and
see the Buddha not far away, lead me to him, married to his proposal.
The Buddha
describes how he conquered desire as follows:
"Craving was found,
discontent and ambition [2] We are not interested in
the pleasures of love. body is filled with pollution this?
never touching it, oil just hit by foot . "
Listen to this, two Brahmin
grandparents enlightenment-returner, third stage of Sainthood. But she Magandhiya not
understand, thought that such a scolding, humiliating her, should be taken as
angry. Pride
was touched, she thought: "If people do not need to tell the truth, that is, and
so is entirely appropriate. Why did he even claimed that this body is filled
with pollution? Very good! He will find, as born into the Brahmin caste, by clans, by their social
status, wealth, and our charming young son, we will have a worthy husband and I
will know about it what to do with Samana Gotama (Gautama).
She later became the King's
post-secondary Udena. Based on power at the time, she bribes and inciting clapperclaw Buddha
and chased out of town. When the Buddha into the city, these people
immediately shouted to him:
"He is a thief, silly name,
is a frantic, as the camel, a cow, a donkey, is in hell beings, animals.
He can not
hope to be up leisure scene. Punishment and misery is all what he can expect.
Venerable Ananda could not
endure the curse so crude, to almost the Buddha and said:
"Sir, they are reviled and
insulted us badly. Ask him to relocate. "
- Ananda, now we should
- Sir, to another
- If it is also where he
cursed and insulted so then we're going to go?
- Sir, to go to another
place again.
- Ananda, do not say that.
difficulties in trouble, the place he had to settle right. The settlement is only when
we have the right to go elsewhere. But this Ananda, who was cursing
- Sir, everyone is cursing
us. Those
enslaved Dalits and everyone.
Buddha opportunity
Venerable Ananda teaches patience executive as follows:
"1. As war elephants in battle,
inspired leaders from four waves of the nose bullet fired to a deluge, it seems
that we have to endure the curse cursed from anywhere. Yes indeed, the majority
live without morality.
Two. Many elephants and horses
were led to the king gathered. His elephants and horses from the crowd, the king
chose to ride any maturity. Human crowd, most noble person of moral maturity,
and enduring the curse.
3. Rather precious!
The tame
donkeys, horses like garbage origin of Sindh and the cutting board with ivory
luxury objects. People mature, dignified moral than all. "[4]
And the Buddha taught
Ananda Germany:
"Do not worry, these people
are just cursed for seven days. By the eighth day they will silence. A difficult conversation
happened to Buddha can not be longer than seven days. "[5]
Tenth House - in the
forest Parileyyaka.
While seated Buddha in
Kosambi, an argument occurred between two groups of monk - a good group of
Business and a good group of law - because there's a violation to a minor is
related to how to use the room hygiene. Proponents also split into two factions.
Buddha stands
out settlement obligation itself is not finished. Both sides showed a
quarrelsome nature, and faith covertly continuing discord. Buddha
"In the current situation,
the crowd who tried to overwhelm the mind together, making the day's retreat
becomes unstable. Furthermore we are not here to increase attention to our teachings.
Shall we
leave the crowd to seclusion in the forest ".
That instant, not to a
monk said to leave him alone, to forests Parileyyaka, and enter the House under
a tree root Sala (long life) beautiful.
According to the story is
told area, this time with an elephant and a monkey as servant and worry all the
needs for the Buddha. [6]
Eleventh House - in
Ekanala, a village in Brahmanism.
Kasibharadvaja Sutta
Sutta, [7] narrated as follows:
The other a seated Buddha
in Ekanala in Dakkhinagiri, a village in the parish Brahmanism Magadha.
Then five
hundred hands plowing the way for his work Kasibharadvaja Brahmin was about the
same. Buddha
robes carrying the bowl to where we are distributing food and supplies to step
aside. Kasibharadvaja Brahmin saw that said, "Venerable, I plow and sow.
After plowing
and sowing, I eat. He, too, this venerable, he must plow and sow, plow and sow after, he
will eat. "
- Hey Mr. Brahman, plow
and sow Tathagata so well. Has finished plowing and sowing, Tathagata
- But I can see where the
plow, the yoke, or plow, nor of beef or cattle whip Venerable Gotama (Gautama),
although Venerable said: "The Tathagata is also plowing and sowing. Has finished plowing and
sowing, Tathagata eat. "
Venerable claiming to be
farmers, but we can see where the Venerable plow lane. Venerable So please let us
know where he plows?
"Faith (saddha) are seeds,
discipline (tapo) is rain, wisdom (panna) is a plow and plow yoke, nuts modest
(Hiri) is rolled plow, the mind (mano) the rein, and conception (sati) and left
the ploughshare.
"Thus Come live with
restrained senses, speech and food control. Tathagata true behavior
used to cut off a dandelion. Achieving the Ultimate Performance Director
(Arahant) is opening the drop wire cattle.
"So, effort (Viriya) is
carrying heavy animals brought me to your unfettered state
"Online only a
straightforward, non-retrogression and went, no more sorrow.
"That, plow lane of the
Tathagata is done like that. Consequently, it is the state of the
"It is finished pulling
plow lane is no longer depressed sadness again."
After listening, by
Brahmins Kasibharadvaja than a cup of rice mixed with milk, offering to Buddha
and said: "So please Venerable Gotama (Gautama) cup of rice mixed with milk!
indeed is a farmer because he had planted a flowering fruit trees 'Immortal'.
However, the Buddha
refused cup of rice. He taught:
"The object actually
received by the preaching of the Tathagata is not fit to use. He is Brahman, which is
usual for the Supremely Enlightened One. Variable Tri chief who can not use it as the food.
When this
tradition is preserved, it is right livelihood.
"Only food and food items
completely clean because the saint is still fertile fields for those who want,
can plant the seeds well."
Twelfth House - in
A Brahmin in Veranja hear
Buddha resided at his home crowd along with them up close of Nimba tree should
Naleru to virtually raised him and many questions related to the Buddha's
virtues. After hearing the answer, Brahmin took rejoicing, for refuge in the
Three Jewels and invite the Buddha and Buddhist monks stayed at Lower Veranja
enter. The
Buddha accepted by silence.
Unfortunately, at that
moment in a famine Veranja. Thus the Buddha and the monks used to feed horses.
A person
driving a horse-hearted offer of horse feed and rest angles with the Buddha as
the food division was a totally cool.
During that time,
Sariputta, a day after the publication of meditation, Buddhist and reverence to
almost white: "White of the Buddha, the Buddha Dharma exists long and Dharma
does not exist now? "The Buddha replied that the Buddha Dhamma Vipassi, Sikhi
and Vessabhu not lasting longer Kakusandha teachings of the Buddha, Kassapa
Konagamana and long-term survival. [8]
Buddha taught that this
event was something the Buddha did not teach the doctrine thoroughly and not
promulgate rules to keep in the life of discipleship and discipline are the
Buddha did these things fully.
Whereupon he Sariputta
(Sariputta) reverence for the Buddha's basic issue (Patimokkha, gender duty) to
the future may hold in the life of monks discipline, and spiritual life to exist
Hanh Pham in the long run.
- Be patient, Sariputta
(Sariputta), be patient.
And the Buddha
"Only as long as the
Tathagata knows is the right time. Until a few cases marred arise in the Sangha of the
Tathagata not to issue the "Media Discipline" and set "About Basic Law"
(Patimokkha) for every disciple. As long as there are cases where goods marred
Increasing incidents of them, just as long as he issued the Tathagata new "Media
Discipline" and set "Basic rule" to get rid of the pollution
"Hey Sariputta
(Sariputta), until they reached the sublime Increase long-term
(rattannu-mahattam), fully developed (vepulla-mahattam), growth benefits
(labhagga-mahattam), learning and scholarly I (bahussuta-mahattam) marred the
case will arise in the Sangha. As long as he would issue Tathagata Media About
Discipline and Basic Law to prevent the pollution of it.
"Hey Sariputta
(Sariputta), now the Church disciples nothing unrest, no vicious tendencies, no
pollution, clean and dignified virtue. The last of the five hundred disciples also entry,
no longer have to fall again, progress was steady and enlightenment.
(Lower entry in Veranja
season is heading for "Introduction" in the book Parajika
In making this House
travel Buddha went to the propagation direction Soreyya, Samkassa, Kannakujja,
Payaga, and across the river, come back some time at Benares, and from then on
Vesali seated at Tower Hill in Mahavana (Great Forest).
Lower Thursday Thirteen -
at Caliya rock.
Fourteen House Thursday -
at Jetavana, Jeta, Savatthi.
Venerable Rahula (Rahula)
ordained this year when he was twenty years old.
Lower the fifteenth - in
Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu).
Tragic death of King
Suppabuddha (Good Sense) occurs in this House. King Buddha resentment
because he left, leaving the king is the daughter Princess Yasodhara
It should be noted that
the Buddha entered only one year lower native-born of Him.
Lower the sixteenth - in
the Avali.
In this House for ghosts
Alavaka recorded Buddha (deleted), are notoriously eat human
Alavaka a fierce demon,
get angry when to see the Buddha in their home. Alavaka Devils went to
before Him and told Him to leave. Buddha said, "OK, good," and went out. Enters the expression
Alavaka. Buddha became invisible. The second time, then a third time, it said so.
obedience. But the fourth time, he refused and told Alavaka want to do then do
- Well, this Mr. Samana, I
asked him a question, if he did not answer, I will scatter his mind or his heart
cutting, or plucking take foot he threw the other side the
- Impossible in this world
who do not see the Tathagata, the oil is devas, monks, brahmins or the Sun and
the crowd, no one can disperse Tathagata mind, or heart cutting Tathagata , or
grasp the Tathagata foot to the other side trying to throw the Ganges.
However, Dao
Huu want to ask anything just ask.
Alavaka immediately raises
the following questions:
"The most precious
possessions of the people?
What, if practiced properly, will bring happiness?
no sweeter flavor than all?
Life is how most noble calling? "
What, if practiced properly, will bring happiness?
no sweeter flavor than all?
Life is how most noble calling? "
"Faith is the most
precious possessions of man.
Dharma if practiced properly, will bring happiness.
true virtue is the fruit taste sweeter.
Living with wisdom is considered highest. "
Dharma if practiced properly, will bring happiness.
true virtue is the fruit taste sweeter.
Living with wisdom is considered highest. "
"How do I pass the naval
How do I pass the same ocean?
How do I overcome sorrow?
Self-purification in any way? "
How do I pass the same ocean?
How do I overcome sorrow?
Self-purification in any way? "
"Overcome by faith naval
Because of his persistence, a positive cross match.
Processing melancholy dwells with diligence.
Self-purification by wisdom. "
Because of his persistence, a positive cross match.
Processing melancholy dwells with diligence.
Self-purification by wisdom. "
Alavaka inquired
"Achieving intelligence in
any way?
How do I find career advice?
Members achieve fame in any way?
What makes your friendship becomes clings?
From this world to another world,
How to avoid grief late? [10]
How do I find career advice?
Members achieve fame in any way?
What makes your friendship becomes clings?
From this world to another world,
How to avoid grief late? [10]
"The patience, discerning
believer, successful wisdom by listening to the Dhamma of the Supremely
Enlightened One, is likely to lead to salvation.
The work to adapt
constantly, diligently, will find a career.
Sincere thanks to happy,
successful reputation.
German tolerance makes
generous friendship becomes clings.
Laymen honest, there are
four virtues: honesty, morality, courage, and extensive charity, grief will not
depressed after his death.
Okay, Dao Huu go ask the
monk and other brahmin see what they are precious, nobler sincerity,
self-control, generosity and patience it? "
Alavaka have understood
the Buddha's teachings should be transparent:
"It's the secret to
understanding the pursuit of happiness in the future, so I had to go and ask the
monk and other brahmin do? Today Buddha to Alavi forest photosynthesis because
of my wellbeing. I understand that the charity will bring abundant good fruit.
From village
to village, from this city to town, I will wander there to praise the virtues of
variable Tri supreme and perfect nature of the Sublime Dharma.
Lower seventeenth - at
Lower the Eighteenth - at
Caliya rock.
Lower the Nineteenth and
Twentieth - at Rajagaha.
Buddha and
Angulimala [11]
Buddha recorded for
violent murderer Angulimala in the lower twentieth. At this age he Ahimsaka
name (the innocent). His father was master of the king of Kosala country. He ate school in Taxila, a
renowned center of education in ancient times, and became prominent disciples
and closest of a very famous teacher. Unfortunately, so that his friends were popping
birth envy, gossip show that Siam and successfully poisoned the mind of the
teacher. He
believed, taken as angry, and not in thinking or scrutiny, bad advice by
Ahimsaka commanded him to bring a thousand human finger, little finger on right
hand, he offered to do Catholic ordination. Though unhappy, he
Ahimsaka forced obedience, Jalini go into the forest, in Kosala, and began the
series of heinous murders, to cut his finger. Initially he pierced the
string of their fingers, hanging on tree branches. But because the vultures
and crows to eat so he wore on his neck like a garland made of fingers, keep
from getting lost and was dedicated to the requisite number. Hence the name
"Angulimala", meaning "garland of fingers".
Books [12] stated that
when he was to spend nine hundred and ninety-nine fingers, Buddha appears.
Seeing the
Buddha, Angulimala so happy, thinking that this is a chance to complete his
He then walked straight to
the Buddha, hand drawn sword from its sheath.
Buddha mystically create
obstacles make Angulimala run in no time, trying his best oil rush began.
Very tired,
sweating, he stopped and called to: "Stop, his monk."
Buddha calmly
"Although the Tathagata
come, Tathagata has stopped walking. As children, Angulimala, stop step.
Think the killer: "The
monk is always telling the truth. The said that he had stopped walking, and we shall
not stop. So
that I do? "
Angulimala asked, adding:
"Hey Mr. Sa Mon. He goes, I myself have stopped. He said that he did not stop but then stopped.
Please, this
Mr. Samana, his words mean? "
Buddha replied softly:
"Yes, Angulimala, Tathagata had stopped walking, stopped always, forever.
As Lai has
refused, to let go, no assault or injury for a delivery of articles.
But do not
hold the bloody hand, still killing fellow human beings. So, Tathagata has stopped,
and you were still continuing. "
Here's to good karma
Angulimala came to the surface quickly. He thought that this monk sure no other than Buddha
Gotama (Gautama), optical Forest came out of compassion, like their economic
level. Think
so, he immediately threw away all weapons, then approached the Buddha, bowed to
him and go for refuge. The next Buddha to accept him into the Sangha by
Sublime uttered words: "Ehi Bhikkhu" "Come Bhikkhu!"
News ordained bhikkhu
Angulimala the Buddha are spread throughout the country. King Kosala own feeling
out gently as victims, as Angulimala was indeed a catastrophe for the people of
the parish.
But the mind of the
bhikkhu Angulimala did not calm because he always remember his past sins and
mourn the screams of the victims. Even those I meditate at a secluded place not
forget. One
day, while going for alms in the street, he was people used sticks to beat and
throw rocks at me, to go to the temple with head and neck wounds, bleeding beam
problem, my body was bruised spot, where the cut off, an opportunity to
reiterate that the Buddha as a result of the immoral behavior of his violent
Day, time to bowl,
Angulimala Bhikkhu see a woman about to give birth is in trouble, groaning on
the road. The
compassion, his dolorous tale brought back to the Buddha transparency.
He asks him
go back, read the following certification - these sentences are still handed
down so far under the title Angulimala Paritta:
"Hey Dao Huu, from the
date of birth in the Holy nation (ie from the day I left home), I never
intentionally destroy the life of an organism. Do these words true, the
dream of her charm and her child safe and sound. "
He memorized Angulimala
Sutta, then go to the place, sat the woman a curtain, reading it. Instant pain birth mother
was easy. To
date texts Paritta [13] is still effective.
Later, at the right time,
Venerable Arahat Angulimala attained. When referring to the way he touched the Buddha,
Venerable Angulimala said:
"There are animals born be
overcome by force,
By hook or whip hard.
But we here, tamed by a character
No need to sticks, swords are not used [14]
By hook or whip hard.
But we here, tamed by a character
No need to sticks, swords are not used [14]
In the remaining
twenty-five years, the Buddha lived mostly in Savatthi, at Jetavana (Vihara
Member States) by bourgeois Anathapindika (Anathapindika) tectonic and partly
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